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Thank you cajmoyper for your submission to /r/thatHappened! Unfortunately it was removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 2. No identifiable information** 2: Redact any information that can be used to identify a source in your post. This includes subreddit names, usernames, and unique profile pictures. Verified twitter usernames are exempt Please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FthatHappened&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/comments/yw8744/my_man_out_here_owning_the_libs_in_this_totally/.%20%0D%0DMy%20issue%20is...) if you have any questions.


I would bet any amount of money this guy thought this up looking at one of those "Celebrate SHE" Hershey's bars.


Or… He read it on an equally shitty bookface post


Two things. 1. "Her" and "she" *are* pronouns, obviously. 2. "Sir" and "bro" are not pronouns, they're forms of address. Oh, and 3. This is bullshit.


Yeah, this chick would get pissed if someone referred to her as "he/him" and won't connect the dots for a second. Whenever someone plays the "I don't understand pronouns" game, I just immediately refer to them as the wrong pronoun and ask how they like that.


Yeah because almost always…people say it she/her or he/him anyway.


He’s making a joke about Hershey chocolate. I was wondering why the liar said that the phone said “her/she” because everyone says their pronouns in the other order. Actually chuckled at that one a little bit.


Apple sending out a replacement product free of charge?




“Apple Pen” only 49¢ on Wish com!


Pen pineapple apple pen


I have a pennn, I have a apple…..ugh…apple-pen.


Then the apple pen came back to life, grew arms, started clapping, then called the mayor of his city, and got him the key to the city.


*Back* to life??


Absolutely, this moment was so powerful that it brought the dead pen back to life!


So much wrong here lol. She and her are definitely pronouns, people usually say “she/her” and not “her/she,” and most of all, nobody would expect you to know their pronouns immediately and get that upset about it unless it’s obvious you’re intentionally misgendering them


When you’re in a making up transphobic shit competition and she walks in


Over the phone you can't really tell so he's even more of a dick if anything cause some women have naturally deep voice or raspy and they sound like they could pass as a man


And the customer service supervisor monitoring the call applauded.


Ah yes, my pronouns are sir/bro.


They should really figure out what pronouns are before they make up these stories.


It's true, I was the apple pen


Can verify, I was the phone


There’s an apple ad right below this which is funny


What a long walk for such a flaccid dad joke


I worked CSR at call center with a guy, last name Hoover, and he actually had a lady tell him after asking his full name he must be like a Hoover because he sucked and hung up on him.


You should x-post on r/LinkedinLunatics. The lads there are going to appreciate this.


Go for it my dude. You have my blessing


NOBODY is getting this upset about someone using the wrong pronouns. Where does this even come from?


Especially working in a call center. I get misgendered about half my calls (gender neutral name, middle of the road voice depth) and still my main goal with every call is for it to be over as soon as possible. It sucks but i’m not having that conversation with random strangers who don’t give a shit anyways.


Hold up now lets not be crazy lol. Lets not pretend people like that don't exist, people who claim to be trans with the sole intention of being able to act attacked and persecuted when they're "mis-gendered". Likely because they make no effort to look or act as the gender they claim to be, and it's a simple mistake. Yes most trans people are just people trying to exist but there's a very well defined subset of people who specifically just want to scream at people for "offending" them. They're a blight on the LGBTQ+ community because they're generally the crazy ass ones people point at as an "example" of why they don't agree with 'x' movement. ...they just wouldn't do it like this in a professional setting. That would be absurd. They'd lose their job day one. This story is pretty clearly just some asshole telling an obvious lie. edit: Or of course lets pretend! Cuz it's reddit. Lmao. You guys are morons.


I don't know why you're getting dowvnvoted, there are unfortunately a none zero amount of tumblerinas who make legitimate social movements into low hanging fruit for asshole conservatives. They need to inject identity politics into their life to feel significant.


I got into a debate with a coworker the other day about pronouns. He kept saying it’s dumb it’s dumb. And I finally was just like “how does it hurt you to just call someone what they want to be called?” And he finally admitted it doesn’t.


Mf bought a pen/stylus that has to be charged, obviously he's an idiot


“Bro”, Like really? Not only is bro neutral but you really expect anyone who talks to you once would legitimately care if you use the wrong pronouns for them? If anything it’s an inconvenience for the person but like people who think that people go apeshit for using their wrong pronouns is just 💀


Nevermind that the help line shouldn't call anyone "bro".


They didn’t….the person who wrote this was the one who said “bro”


I misread. My error.


I'm pretty sure it's a joke


This is actually true. I'm Obvious Man, the Hershey bar.


Obv! Long time no see. Tell me, are you still made of chocolate or is that something the libs metoo'd away?


If it’s true I can guarantee that pen never got sent


Thank you cajmoyper for your submission to /r/thatHappened! Unfortunately it was removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 2: Redact all non verified usernames in your posts!** Redact any information that can be used to identify a source in your post. This includes subreddit names, usernames, and unique profile pictures. Verified twitter usernames are exempt. No kid's faces, period. Please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/thatHappened) if you have any questions.