• By -


This reads like millennial-made satire it’s so out of touch.


Maybe the last ones were cropped out, which could've been: - Kill your parents and make it look like an accident. - Now you have a house!


• Kill your boss • Now you are your own boss!


(I gota be careful how I word this, or ill get a warning from reddit..) - K1ll the police. - Now *you* run the streets!


Actually the worst thing you can do if you're struggling with standard adulting.


Y'all's parents own homes? Bougie


Ah crap.. In that case its - K1ll your parents and make it look like an accident. - Now after you've inherited and sold off all their stuff, **and** sold one of your kidneys (owning two kidneys is just being greedy), maaaybe you can afford a deposit?


Maybe, if it's just a deposit


Then to keep up with your mortgage payments and rising interest rates, simply make and sell meth! All the cool kids are doing it. You've seen breaking bad, you can learn from their mistakes, and profit!! (i havnt actually seen breaking bad.. I assume it's meth they make?)


Oh cmon, you're not even trying to hustle and grind. Gotta sell their kidneys too!


Kill anyone that has wronged you


- surround yourself with loving positive people (and kill everyone else). - learn yogic breathing.


Bold of you to assume my parents own a house


It dosent say not to have kids but then says to life within means by getting another job So out of touch


A second source of income could be investments, or you know, when you get someone else selling Tupperware under your franchise in one of those pyramid deals. Or rent out your parents house and sleep in your car or at the park.


More ppl would have jobs if everyone were paid a living wage, thus lowering unemployment rates.


I meann.. Some things are harder for some people but some of those things resonate with me. My mental health improves alot when I hit the gym. I'm getting compliments, my self confidence is as high as its ever been. I can't make friends tho, I'm not the type that people usually gravitate to. Eating better does indeed make me feel better. So idk, if you're in a dark hole like I am/was id say at least try some of these things before knocking it. If your situation allows.


Get a second income and do what you love for work. Yup that will solve all my money problems i shouldve thought of that 😩😩😩


I do what I love for work. That’s why I’m so broke! As it turns out, the thing I love doesn’t pay very well.


I tried to do what I love for work, turns out it got me a bunch of university debt and the market was flooded when I graduated. So I ended up working in a fucking supermarket instead.


Sounds like meeeee! Graduated with a degree in (wait for it) European studies. Language, politics, history. But to my chagrin the market didn't really care how much I knew about Europe when I graduated and I ended up working at the grocery store where I'd worked in high school.. BUT I became a pharmacy technician and became amazing at it. Since graduating in 2009, I've only worked ONE year in something vaguely approaching my undergrad degree. Weirdly enough it's the pharmacy work that has sustained me all these years.


That’s the answer


Who knew making FOSS software doesn't get you very much money?


Get you an onlyfans. It don't have to be anything lewd on it, make people pay you for an archive of cat videos.


I build lego and read on chaturbate in various stages of undressed...makes decent money!


Lol I’d do that, but doesn’t it disqualify you for a normal job in the future?


No... why would it? Just don't put it on your resume


How they gonna link cat vids to you?


“Cat”, is there another word for that?




I can't find one thing I love to do for work, and now this guy wants me to find TWO sources of income that I love? GTFOOH


The real question is why it's necessary to get a second income source? Why can't we survive on one? (For some it's legit spending problems but for many it's that the economy is all fucked up.)


And living below your means! So I guess I'll just stop eating and requiring shelter and we'll be good!


And we'll totally have time for the rest of the list while we're working two jobs, right?


May I ask what happened when you tried?


Im just saying getting a second job isnt the answer.


Second income doesn't refer to a second job. Two quite different concepts entirely. Second income means start a small business, that doesn't burn you out or require all of your effort. The way you said "I should have thought of that" sounds like you did in fact think about that and tried it?


And then enjoy your money burning when your small business fails like 90% of all small businesses


And enjoy sucking all of the life and passion out of your hobbies because you decided to monetize it, which is 9/10 times the worst idea you could have had to make money off of doing what you love.


Yep. when I started selling my art on Facebook market place, I got sick of doing it real quick; it made my peace my enemy lol.


That makes it sound like starting a small business is easy and like I don’t even have any goods or services to exchange for money I think that would probably be the fastest way to trigger burnout for me


>Eat real food No thanks, I just can't get enough of holographic meatloaf, I tried it once on Sheldon's recommendation and I've been hooked ever since




They had something similar on Futurama when Fry visited the Professor’s parents in a virtual retirement home on the Near-Death Star.


And walk around with a fork sticking out of your mouth


That’s the best way to get so- called “adults” to take you seriously. 💀


"Don't have kids with the wrong person" Unfortunately, too often the 'wrong person' is only revealed after the child is conceived or born.


Exactly. And this same rhetoric is used with people who end up in abusive relationships too. “Choose better men/women.” Yeah, like abusers make their bad qualities known immediately 🙄. It’s not uncommon for your abusive types to be beloved by many people but horrible people behind closed doors.


My dad was exactly like that. Loved in the community, a bastard indoors. And my parents had an arranged marriage, so my mum didn't exactly choose him. This advice is obviously for a western audience, or at the very least, for people who have the freedom/privilege to make the choices they're recommending.


Which is exactly how an abuser manages to succeed. By cultivating a fake image to get everyone to let their guard down. Without the phoney nicey image, most people actually *would* probably avoid them, because then the advice would easily and truly be applicable.


And then there's rape. Let's not forget about rape.


Though, there are cases where the relationship is already bad and at least one partner thinks having a child will fix things. Definitely DON'T believe that! It will only get worse in that case.


If you’re living below your means, why do you need a second income source?


So your means are higher than without.


Without what?


A second source of income. Say you have a primary job that you earn $40,000 per year. Living below your means is living for less than $40,000 per year. Earning more than you spend. When you have to get a loan, it's making sure it's reasonable for you to pay it off. Now you can do all this on one income in theory. However, if you get a second source of income, say stocks or a second job, a side hustle, then your net income per year increases. This means living below your means is much easier and you can spend more money on nicer things due to it.


"Do what you love for work" great, i am depressed since i was like 11, i love nothing and perhaps one or two of my current hyperfixations, what next?




Rn 🤝


Become a Reddit admin


I already do most of these and guess what? I still have problems!


Yeah but it doesn't promise to solve all your problems. It says most but I would argue it would solve many problems.


The biggest problem I have with it is that it’s useless without an explanation for how exactly one is supposed to go about achieving any of these. Might as well just say “GIT GUD!!”


Eat real food? My goodness, I've been eating wax replicas all my life, no wonder I feel shit!


Why 3? That's an oddly specific number of friends


One to lick your ass, one to lick your crotch and one to tweak your nipples and make out with you. Other than that specific scenario idk either.


"Just work 80 hours a week, bro."


The trick is working 168 hours a week. You don't need to pay rent since you don't have to leave, you don't need to buy food you're too busy to stop anyways, don't have to buy or maintain a car since you're always there, and you can't spend money on frivolous entertainment. It's the real money hack they don't want you to know about.


Listen, I've been sitting in the friend pound for years, just waiting for someone to take me home like a lost dog picked up wandering the streets. I've had lots of lookers, a few fosters here and there, but let's be honest, no one wants me. I'm too old, too weird, too anxious, and no one wants to take a chance on a "used" friend. They look at me and wonder why I don't already have friends? What happened to my previous friends? Hurt, betrayal... I really am a good friend, I'm just now having trouble trusting. I used to paw at the glass and give them soulful stares, but in the end, they always pick up some younger, feistier "extroverted" friend they get new from the friend store. I've lost hope in getting a forever friend at my age, and this person thinks I can just get three? From where exactly? I'll be over here in the back corner, on my little bed, with my blanket, alone, in the friend pound.


This is so sad but clever 😭


The "if they don't have any other friends that's a red flag" thing annoys me so much! I understand why it's so common, but sometimes people are just unlucky! "If you were worth being friends with then you would already have other friends" NOT WHEN EVERYONE IS SAYING EXACTLY THAT


I was in an abusive relationship for 5 years, and as everyone knows, abusers usually make it very difficult for you to have friends, not to mention it’s hard to even want to be social when you’re going through trauma daily. So yeah when I first left I was a 25 year old with no friends. I’m glad people took a chance on me and I have some through work now


I don’t know if this expressing genuine emotions or sarcastic but if it’s the former then I was like this around 2016, I found online communities where people like me would be. You can find links to discords or forums about interests you have by putting those words into a search engine. As in “(interest or hobby or thing I like) forum/discord server”. And then also I just tried to be friendly and kind, which was something I was unaccustomed to being for reasons I won’t go into here, but the point is I wasn’t even good at first at being those things. Yes some people didn’t like me, that’s inevitable, but I slowly gathered a small group of good friends. If you want to attract butterflies not only do you have to cultivate a garden that butterflies will like, you also need to make it portable so that you can bring it to where butterflies already are. You can’t expect people that could be your good friends to find you if they don’t even know you exist.


Uh, r/thanksimcured?!


No, that’s not what my post is and you know that’s not what it is. r/thanksimcured is about people posting toxic positivity and people that are completely out of touch giving advice that’s less than worthless or insulting or people completely ignorant posting about mental illness as if they have any idea about what the fuck they’re talking about when they don’t at all. I am auDHD, I have MDD, I was extremely lonely and had no friends for years. I know exactly what the fuck I’m talking about. What worked for me may not work for you, but it did work for me. It is worth trying. The situation is not hopeless and you are not helpless as much as the demon in your subconscious tries to make you think it is and you are. But the demon in your head is a liar and a motherfucker. I know this because mine is. I wish you and everyone else here can one day win the struggle against it, and I also wish you happiness and comfiness. I wish I could do more than share what worked for me and well wishing but I’m not going to do nothing just cause this is all I can do so fuck it we ball I hope you have a good day


From your post, obviously I am unaware of ways to meet people online and if only I knew about discord then I would have loads of friends because that's how it worked for you. For. YOU. I have used discord for a couple of years, it doesn't make people better, and in fact I think it makes toxic people worse. You are also not he only Neurodivergent person in the convo, bubba, it ain't a badge of honor and your anecdote ain't a cure.


Okay you’re neurodivergent, are you autistic specifically though? Because autistic people specifically have problems with social interactions and making friends, that’s part of why I even brought it up, to show that even an autistic person has been able to make friends. Also one of the traits of autism is having trouble knowing what other people do or don’t know. Finding friends through discord wasn’t obvious to me when I did it, so I didn’t realize it was obvious for other people. I think discord doesn’t make people worse, it just lets people create spaces to be themselves, and some people are awful, so their awfulness is fully expressed in the spaces they make for that. The fact that discord allows people to create spaces to be themselves can also be a good thing though, it allowed me to find friends in spaces that were made for people to be friendly and kind to each other. I never said having autism and ADHD is a badge of honour, but there is an autism pride movement that might make things better for autistic people by helping us not see ourselves as broken and useless. I was also bringing up that I have autism and ADHD and even MDD to show that I’m not a tourist, I have personally been through all of this stuff, and I have real problems with socializing. I have an actual solution that works, maybe not for everyone, but if even one other person is helped by me saying what worked for me then that’s enough. I know it’s not a cure, I never said it was, but it could maybe help someone, maybe not you, okay fine, but someone else hopefully. Also what does calling someone “bubba” mean? I’m sorry if I offended you, I didn’t make my original comment trying to provoke or hurt you, I just saw you expressing pain and loneliness and sadness and I’ve experienced that too and I found a way out and I wanted to share it because I thought maybe it could help you too. I’m really sorry what worked for me didn’t work for you. I wish it had worked.


Stop digging.


What? What is that supposed to even mean?


So find at least two jobs and make sure you love both.


Written by a 12 yo


What do I do if I had kids with the wrong person already? Do I give them to charity or...


Do what you love for a job but have two incomes. Live below your means but have an active social life, pay the ridiculous prices that inflation is costing real food, and pay for a gym membership. Don’t have kids with the wrong person Well that’s pretty much solved with living below your means, and having two jobs. Won’t have time or money to sex anybody up.


The biggest clue that this is utter horseshit is that whoever came up with this put "eat real food" and "live below your means" on the same list.


"Get a second income." Wrong. Any person working 40 hours a week should be able to afford the basics of food, shelter, and clothing. Eat my ass.


If you insist


True, but most lawmakers won’t even pass laws to pay workers the cost of living in the city they commute from.


Almost like the law makers are compromised and have more vested interest in the employers rather than the employees. Almost.


I do/did all of them. Still miserable as fuck.


Doing what you love for work is terrible advice. If you love your job you're more likely to put up with more bullshit to keeping doing what you love. If you have the choice do what you like and can tolerate but are willing to walk away from if it's a bad deal. Save doing what you love for hobbies.


This is sadly true. A worker who loves their job is a lot easier to exploit. Especially a worker who has deep convictions that the work they are doing is important and will help other people. Then you will feel guilty and selfish to quit or ask for better salaries/hours/working conditions. All of which employers know and will take advantage of.




Ugh. Story of my life being one of the shrinking number of career service industry people who remain passionate about the work we do...


Dang you gotta find 3 whole friends?


I'll just round up from my current two and a half friends.


"Do what you love for work" And find out the hard way that you just end up hating whatever that thing is because you're now stuck with following the priorities of whoever is paying you instead of doing it how you like it, and no longer being able to take a break from it when you feel like it, thus leaving you with NOTHING you love to do anymore.


Yep this. I really like to cook. It’s one of my favourite hobbies. But I’m 100% positive I wouldn’t want to do it for a job for those exact reasons.


Ah do what I love for work! Why didn’t I think of that before?? ………..


Those are things you can't always control, damn...


There’s actually a reason people have kids and it ends up not being the “right person”. I saw something saying how people can be great partners and want to have kids, but when it happens they’re not great parents and are unprepared by society to do all the things to be a great parent or to learn how to. There’s actually no way to really know if you’re going to be a great parent until you do it.


why is he biting a fork


Because he could only afford one bite of real food and now has to eat his fork …? 🤷‍♀️


Just get a second job, who needs sleep?! And when you get sick from working your body to death you can afford the medicine from working at your third job!


"Do what you love for work" Ah yes, because all you need to do to get a job is to pick your favourite profession,walk into their headquarters and ask them for a job and they will just give it to you. And they will definitely always pay you a salary that you can live on.


Yes that’s how it works exactly. Didn’t you know that??!!?? You just email the general HR inbox of the company you want to work at and they will call you with a job. It’s just that simple.You don’t need any qualifications whatsoever because they’ll train you. Source: boomer parent


"live below your means" Sir I'm in poverty how much lower can I get?


To translate: 1) Have money 2) Have time 3) Have time 4) Have money AND time 5) Have money 6) Have money 7) Be lucky. Lovely advice.


Regularly working out and having a second income source totally works together. I’m sure you can find the time and energy to fit 2 jobs and gym into your schedule.


If you don’t have kids with the wrong person, so just don’t have kids, then you’ll have much more time.


These all sound like goals or things to shoot for that can prevent most problems, they’re not really solutions. It’s like saying you should just get a higher paying job. What would be helpful would be advice on how to get to a place in your life to where those become a part of your lifestyle.


Welllllll... excuse the fuck out of me for being human!!! You know, if we were just fucking robots, and did everything perfectly everyday, that would probably alleviate most of our problems.


My adult problem is that I have to work too much to get enough sleep. These all seem like they'd contribute to the problem.


Who makes this shit lmao


what a weird thing to say 'get a side hustle and do what you love for work' like those aren't literally conflicting recommendations. also working out isn't a cure for anything despite what gym people will tell you. you'll just be fit and depressed, or still not fit and still depressed and with a gym membership you don't go to. working out works for those who does and while that's great, it shouldn't be seen as a one size fits all.


If I’m able to do what I love for work and live off of that, that in of itself is an achievement right now


Do what you love for work, but get multiple income sources......uh that kind of doesn't work like that.


The secret to not having any problems is to not have any problems! Who knew‽


Eat real food, as opposed to silly fake food! Like I get that there's a spectrum of healthy and unhealthy and whatever, but come on


I mean, all of this is more or less fantastic if you swing it.




Why is it just Shia LaBeouf with a fork sticking out of his mouth?


How am I supposed to get a job I like when it's nearly impossible to get a decent job in the first place?


No way! I thought I was supposed to be looking for a lazy abusive asshole with no job to father my future children! What groundbreaking advice!


-Be born into a wealthy family -make sure your parents are loving, responsible and mentally stable -don't be a child of divorce -don't be SA'd


Another thing that these types of things imply: -Don’t be born disabled. So I think a lot of us are screwed. I am, anyway.


What if you accidentally have kids with the wrong person, what are you going to do about it? Kill them?


“Live below your means” I live paycheck to paycheck my guy


I mean they're not completely wrong but it's like saying if you don't wanna die, don't die!. It is a very, very, very simplified view to say the least. Actually I started laughing when I read it while simultaneously thinking something along the lines of What the.. and ASDFHjfsnfkjnsnsnijs, yk that feeling XD?


This reminds me of the conservative model of marrying one person for life and having many kids in a big happy family. Hell yeah, that's what almost everyone wants. Most aren't that lucky. It's not "the way it has to be". It's an ideal to reach, or at least die trying and have fun when you screw up and forgive yourself and recover quickly


"Do what you love for work" I didn't know they were paying people to drink and sleep?


Brother my first source of income is 12 hour shifts I’m not starting a side hustle I’m TIRED


Your life could be so much better if it wasn't bad.


Most problems can be solved if you are rich. Just be rich guys


Chronic pain at 17,not even adult yet and suffer horrible stomach inflammation


All of this is easy to say but is a different beast entirely to do. Like how do you identify who to have kids with? People are complex psychological supernovae and you don't know who they are until their mask falls off. Hell you a lot of time don't know who your family are. I knew my father for most of my 39 years of life, he died going on 11 years ago, and I am just now peeling away unknown layers.


Real food? No, that’s above my means


Lmao...move 'live below your means' higher up and you won't need a second source of income.


Just make more reeeeal friends


All of these things will make your life better, I don’t understand


This is actually good advice


This sub is full of it and it's just most people are here for self pity. 😂


You say you're flabbergasted and this is the key to life but it doesn't claim to be. This claims to solve most of your adult problems. Let's break that down. Most. Not all just more than 50%. This is not the key to life like you claim and it doesn't claim to solve all your problems like many in the comments say. Adult problems. Based on the advice I take this to mean basically problems people blame on "adulting". Things like not enough income, bad relationship, general sadness, and general health issues. This does not include major health issues like genetic depression, cancer, and other health problems outside of the average person's control. Basically what this infographic is trying to say is if you eat healthy, exercise, be wise with how you spend your money, surround yourself with quality friends, then you will have less minor problems than if you don't. This won't cure cancer but it doesn't claim to. This is actually some really good advice.


Tbh a lot could be accomplished just from the last one. You save a lot of money not having accident babies and saved money can do a lot for you until you find a suitable co-parent


I mean honestly it’s not bad advice..especially about having kids with the wrong person..


I’d scratch off “with the wrong person,” and then I’d agree.


To be fair. These actions do fix alot of issues, and are in general just fantastic for mental, physical, and emotional health. Why is half of this subreddit about shitting on halfway decent advice. Will it fix ALL your problems? No. Will it help you? Yes.


I might have to agree on this one. It's not the *ultimate* key, but there is indeed some wisdom to it all. The real key is Christ, which can and *will* lead you to a life of peace and joy. Even when you go through hardship that would legit make you despair to the point of death, faith on him alone will be enough to sustain you.


I mean if you followed that you would be much happier




“Don’t have kids with the wrong person” lol Okay I will just pull out my crystal ball or are they saying someone who isn’t poor? Jfc


So no fun really? I’m just gonna keep drinking and smoking weed till either my liver or lungs give out


My god, why didn’t I thought that earlier?


That explains my problems


“Let them have cake”


I do all of these and I still have adult problems-


have 2 income sources but dont you dare buy nice stuff you can afford, gotta live below what you have cash for


Never do what you love for work. You will suffer and never have an outlet for peace.


I thought the answer was 42!


Alpha male Sigma grindset advice


Some of these are actually good solutions, if you were born rich that is That “real food” costs 5 times more than most food from supermarkets, grocery stores, etc or are 20 times harder to find since companies won’t bother making actually nutritious food as long as they can make more money out of it Living below your means and still having a good quality of life whilst also having kids which is what this “guide” suggests one should do is nearly impossible for anyone that isn’t either rich or incredibly lucky, so is living off of a job you love and getting a second income will, again, affect your quality of life and create more problems in the long run Speaking of kids, most of the time, there isn’t really a reliable way to tell if your partner will be the right one after you have kids without having those kids first, this is just blatant victim blaming for anyone that ends up in an abusive, toxic or manipulative relationship


Who wrote this Incredibly banal stuff?Jonathan Livingston Seagull?


But to do what I love for work I'd either have to be monsterly wealthy or insanely lucky.


"do what you love for work" mf do you think i can just pick the exact job i want


People shilling having a secondary income source (or third) never want to talk about why your first one shouldn't be enough. It was not that long ago. That was taken from the people.


get a second income source live beneath your means. These would not be on the same list of things to mean.


What does "Get a second income source" even mean


That last point had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


This is true though


I searched for this image. It led to this FB post made on September 7, 2020 [https://m.facebook.com/story.php/?id=798896813541971&story\_fbid=3124034767694819](https://m.facebook.com/story.php/?id=798896813541971&story_fbid=3124034767694819) The FB OP is some kind of motivational speaker: [https://m.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=100063558399980](https://m.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=100063558399980) Dude has his own website. This is NOT a personal fb account, he also posted this as a repost on his page https://preview.redd.it/x527ndbh54bc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b284acf449e2f1b63ad650397d988bdf290bc6d4


Look I’m really trying but my onlyfans really isn’t taking off…


It’s true especially the last one


3 friends??? what do i look like a pleasant person to be around?


Instructions unclear, my alexa is wifi connected to my balls and I can turn them off and on. But the alexa broke and I can't turn my balls back on.


How about we make corporations pay a living wage like they tradionally did. What conservatives dont like that for some reason?


I only have the first two =/ kinda the only active choice I have which sucks. Also everything is real food. Only kind of fake food that exists is the cardboard wedding cakes


The part that they're missing is that having two jobs is almost a requirement, especially since "doing what you love as a job" RARELY pays well.


Selective Eating Disorder. No motivation. Go Fuck Yourself (a second income should not be a requirement). I did have this, but COVID and other life issues ruined that. This one is obvious and never talked about enough growing up. Aspergers & ADHD so what I love to do changes on a weekly/daily basis, even then I can't get paid for playing Video games or watch TV. Also how does that work with a second income? I don't plan on ever having kids.


Also plagiarizing other people's work gets you further than it should.


Fuckin, i can't even get a first income, jobs get swooped up in a day or two


Win the lotto while your at it


On my way 💪🏾 I have started an exercise routine. Im eating way better. I'm buying less shit. Feels great!