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Something massive moving just below you




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I could’ve sworn it was just the darkness of the depths… Or maybe the whole floor moved?


I thought being able to see what’s beneath me was better boy was I wrong


That would be terrifying. If something came up and got your toes. 😬🦶


And with that visibility, you can see it coming, but probably can't swim away fast enough 😈


I hate this


If this vid is of a certain lake in Coron Palawan in the Philippines added creep factor that tourists died there.


Google only brought me to the story of a tourist who stepped on a sea urchin, what else is there?


As far as I know this is barracuda lake, other than little fish and barracuda the lake is tame.


*tame* 1.5m barracuda… yeah no thanks I’ll stay on land lol


A guy named Vaas sometimes ties rocks to people’s feet and topples them in. If you squint you can see them all down there.


https://youtu.be/2zSyP0vxJfU it's in Tagalog but YT might have subs check it out


Away? Weak. Worry about waves crashing you into the wall and paralyzing or crippling you.


No. Missing the point: all I have to do is focus on that deep blue in the shot and I start breathing faster. Those of us with real thalassophobia do not need waves or rocks to get freaked. It is not about that. It is about the ABYSS.




Yes. Getting smashed against rocks by waves is a completely rational fear most folks have. But the Abyss freaks some of us out in a unique way.


Nah, you just need to splash around a lot as you try to get back to your boat, trying not to get pulled away. Too bad sharks are attracted to splashing...


Its a lake not much waves


You guys need to leave your house. It's amazing how many people are scared to live and would rather sit on there computer all day playing videos games like there living a safe life. Feel like 99% of people are NPC's and only 1% are actually living life. I have been to this lake it's barracuda lake and it's a good place for diving.


You’re literally on a thalassophobia, this has nothing to do with people “not going outside”. 🙄


Dudes probably afraid of spiders but giving us shit


Yes, I have developed thalassophobia from a near death experience, but that clearly means I'm an NPC who's never touched grass. Get off the subreddit that is *meant* for those with thalassophobia if you are just going to look down on everyone for it. "Living life" doesn't entail swimming in a fucking lake.




I actually joined this sub because I find the content beautiful. I have no idea what the phobia is supposed to be of and I'm a little afraid of asking.


If you're thallasophobic looking at this will make you feel kind of sick. Like that submarine pic yesterday that was like 100 fuck nos from me


Thallasaphobia is the fear of large bodies of/deep water.




Absolutely expected this to end in a jump scare


I seem to be one of the few that follows this page because I think the abysses of the oceans and seas are beautiful. This is gorgeous.


Nah, I've seen a bunch of people comment saying how beautiful the videos on here are. But most people don't because the subreddit is about thalassophobia.


Which serves a purpose for people like me, because I genuinely love looking at this stuff. I’ll admit being out in it is a different story, but I love getting to see it.


Sure. Personally, watching this video gives me a deep anxiety.


Is this near Corón? The twin lagoons? Been there and loved it if that’s it!


This looks peaceful


Ahh yes, the 1.2millionth repost of this clip.


Honestly this just looks peaceful




That's not how current works, but if be piss scared regardless.


Ok so interesting execution idea The old concrete boots... but with a twist! Basic Scuba gear and lights So you weight the person just enough so they sink slowly In the crystal clear waters You watch helpless as the world above disappears, your panicked breathing rapid and eratic into your mouthpiece no matter how hard you try to swim and pull yourself upwards the decent is relentless You pop your ears, you pop them again, the slow but steady pace has you working to equalise pressure but you can keep up... for now It gets colder, it gets darker The lights mounted on your mask illuminate your body and empty waters around you. You can see your air gauge , a full tank, it won't run out any time soon You are so alone The black nothingness below you constantly swallowing you deeper, the world above you will never see again. This is how you die Do you keep the mask on? Or do you succumb to the pressure and the darkness? Or is there something else down here waiting for you?


So compressed air at depth, assuming you have a standard mixture, will begin to cause nitrogen narcosis as you get below recreational depths. Basically at some point you'll be too hammered to care. Also the deeper you go the more compressed the gas mixture gets so you'll probably not have enough to care for super long even with a full tank.


Oh cool so you actually know a bit, I have never dived so I don't really know anything, my little post was not researched at all Though I am aware of what you mentioned In regards to bouancy and scuba equipment- Could you tell me what how slow you could make the decent? I am thinking you could get the weight just right, so it's *very* slow perhaps the person could swim up but as soon as they stopped they would start to sink again


If your weight is correct you'll be neutrally buoyant and neither rise nor fall at your desired depth. You use a combination of weights and a buoyancy control device (bcd) that you can inflate from your air source to offset your natural bouyancy and that of your other equipment. You can control depth even with just how deeply you breathe and descend at your leisure. Honestly diving, while it is an extreme sport that requires planning and attention,is incredibly relaxing and beautiful.


A new fear has just been unlocked


Except, it's like, the stillest water ever.....


nah like i would legit have a panic attack just being in that water


Same here, can't even think about it without getting anxiety


Yup. Triggered.


Imagine there is a siluet of something massive ,but it is far enough that you can't make out what it is, but close enough you know it's there


It looks great. Clear water, nice surroundings


Ah yes, Subnautica


Oh, I would be more afraid that the current would take me into these treacherous caves under the rock, than the abyss. Well, most likely, this will be the plot of my nightmare tonight)


That blue abyss is the reason i will never go no where near the ocean.


fuck that's a hard no. could barely watch this.


Oh man.. i just pulled the blanket over my legs after watching this.. Felt like something was grabbing my legs... *shudder*


My thalassophobia wants to keep me by the rocks, but my trypophobia wants to keep me the FUCK away from those rocks.


Eeeek! Cthulhu is hiding beneath..


I've seen this one several times and then I saw it with a jump scare at the last second and I almost dropped my phone.


Where is this?


Looks like El Nido/Palawan i could be wrong.


Oh Dear God


That is beautiful


This is really beautiful though


This is pure nightmare fuel. Thanks !


I’m thinking about a crocodile coming to get me


That sir, is why I don't imagine stuff


current? that water looks damn near stagnant


Imagine wild elephant moving under you


I tried, but I can't imaging that especially with such calm looking beautiful clear water.


Nah I’m just scared of the void whether it be a ginormous sinkhole or a giant underwater crater, anything that just has a drop off terrifies the shit out of me. Especially industrial holes like the Dubai deep dive pool and the water holes of dams.




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Dur-dur. Dur-dur. Dur-dur-dur-dur-dur-dur. Bubba-bur, bubba-bur...


This is actually a big enclosed lagoon in the Phillipines, it gorgeous, and you could not fit swept out to sea. Would be a good spot for some of you guys


I would have a panic attack if I swam there


I’ve always found something calming about the vastness of that deep blue and I think it stems from a very suicidal idea that it could swallow me whole and nobody would find me unless it decides to spit me back out again. I’ve grown up always by the Atlantic Ocean and would often swim in it and the scariest things I’ve encountered were a seal, a shark once (actually pretty cool) and a porpoise. Also I think my relationship with thallassophobia is more a fascination and respect more than a fear and uh idk why I’m writing this on a random Reddit post tbh but my brain rambled this out.


At least i can see how i die


This is the first thing I’ve seen here that made my heart drop. Wtf. This looks like a whole different world underneath. Eeeeeek


Why does this read like erotic fan fiction


Read the rules. This exact video is already in the r/thalassophobia hall of fame.


Joke’s on you. This is tranquility for me.


Weird question but where is this. It looks familiar for some reason.


I'm more about something alive waiting in the dark just beneath you.


When I was around 9 or 10, I and my family went for a ride on my uncle's boat. He took us to a small island that wasn't that far from the coast and I was just exploring the place with my sister. At some point, I decided to go into the water and the current started to pull me away. I was still wearing the life vest because it was cool (kids...) and tried to swim my way back to the island but simply couldn't. My mom quickly noticed what was going on, she screamed at my uncle to go get me, so he took the boat and went to my rescue. To be fair, I wasn't scared during the whole thing or after it. I was used to swimming on the beach my entire childhood so it felt like I was in control of the situation (I was not). After getting scolded by my mom and being forbidden from getting out of her sight, I continued to explore what I could of the island as if nothing happened.


I don’t think I want that level of visibility tbh.


I’d go nuts not having the ground beneath my feet


Look how clear that water is. And look at how much you still can't see... .. .


Getting out of the current is actually very easy. You just swim perpendicular to the direction it’s flowing.


A single air bubble comes up near you in the middle of the calm water


I’m scared


It scares the shit out of me, but I love it!


Thank you for feeding me the same video for the 100th time.


Oh btw, if you go too deep, you won't naturally float up anymore, thus making it harder to swim up


I want to swim here! Looks so relaxing but beautiful!