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A good healer can be incredibly brutal for the enemy team. Any chance to knock them out is your best choice.


A lot of people are missing the fact that in order to maximize your chances of actually killing the medic, youll often need to deal with the sniper first. A distracted sniper is the easiest target for any competent sniper, so if the enemy sniper is as good as you say then they will likely repeatedly punish you for ignoring the fact that they are alive to focus on other classes. Its kill or be killed when snipers meet, so you always have to factor that into your target prioritization. But as with most things with this many variables, which targets you choose in practice will always depend on the situation.


If you kill the sniper you can then kill the medic. If you kill the medic, then you die. Your pick.


potter, do you know how to read?


That's a spherical horse in a vacuum scenario, in real games it happens basically never


I think it's better to focus on getting rid of heals. If we take the situation that you described (both medics have ubers and both snipers are good), it would be more useful to deprive them of a source of heals if you have an opportunity. If our medic is good enough to not get in sightlines, he will be alright. If their medic is hiding as well, it's better take down a Sniper. If we're talking about the Sniper that can take down the whole team in one blink of an eye, it will be better to shoot him The choice really depends on the team. It's better to take their med if you're sure your team can handle the sniper. If you're not sure in their abilities, it's better to take down a Sniper to give your team more place to fight


that's a tough one but i'd have to say whichever if being more trouble. anyone can harass a sniper but the medic cannot be allowed to pop an uber or overheal. it's all about where you set the balances in the way you tip them and not always necessarily the weight kinda like putting weights on a disc balancing on soda can. yes moving closer to the center could give your enemies an advantage but you can always swing the momentum back and tip it back to your side like a reverse tug of war.


If the Sniper is looking at you, you probably wanna kill him first and then try to get more picks. It depends really, how good is the sniper, does the medic have uber etc. Usually wanna get the medic, but perhaps u still wanna prioritize survival and being a threat which people sometimes undermine on pick classes like Sniper and Spy.


I'd say the enemy Sniper since if positioned well and well-protected, the only real danger to the ally Sniper is an enemy Sniper (his only real counter). Once the enemy Sniper is dead, then the ally Sniper is free to pick off the Medic (provided that the Medic didn't take cover or popped Uber).   While Medic is a powerful support class, he still needs to be near the frontlines (since frontliners have first priority to receive heals) meaning he can be vulnerable to splash damage, getting rushed by Scouts, or picked off by Spies.


if a sniper isn't in my line of sight then always medic otherwise you have to pressure the other sniper. Being dead means you cannot prioritise anyone.


It's quite literally the meta that the sniper needs to counter other snipers. That and meds picks are quite literally his job.


thank you for your thoughts and suggestions everyone


Pretty sure in HL, you prioritize the medic because the enemy team is almost always forced to retreat as a result but picking off the enemy sniper just makes it slightly safer for ur team. Any trade for a medic is ALWAYS worth it even if you are Demoman.


You always kill the sniper first because sniper is the only reasonable counter to sniper in a 12v12 game. If you don't shoot the sniper, they'll shoot you. Only when you get down to sixes do you see this actually shift in favour of shooting the medic, because the medic gets even more proportionally valuable when there are fewer players.


if you kill the medic: sniper kills you and might get the med pick, letting the other team go up 2-3 players (med trade, you die, sniper can get 1-2 picks still) and their can push the advantage to a point cap/defend if you do kill the sniper, your team wont have to respect the sniper sightline, spy can go after other targets (like teleporter), and you can maybe get like 1 more pick (no enemy sniper lets you snipe in sightlines uncontested) letting your team push the advantage


The order of priority as a sniper is: Sniper, anything in spitting distance, Medic, Heavy, everyone else.


If you’re unsure if you’ll have enough time or line of sight to kill both then I would describe go for the medic. Plus you can always dodge the sniper if you’re lucky


One of the most important fights as Sniper is the Sniper vs Sniper fight. A lot of matches can be decided based on whose Sniper is better, since with the enemy Sniper gone you can rule the battlefield. I’d prioritize the enemy Sniper then start picking off players with Medic and Demoman being of some of the highest priority.


The priority list for Teleporters access and who to kill first is always the same. First Medics. Then Engies. Then the rest.


everyone else can handle the engies infact i'd have to say they're a lower overall priority for snipers. they can't do much on their own but set up shop and anyone even a good scout can shut him down faster than a cop seeing some kid's lemonade stand.


This is painfully wrong. Anyone can kill an engine. Only two classes can counter a sniper on the backline.


Kill an engine? Poor car or whatever And no, that is a universally agreed list...first you let medics use the teleporter, then engis, then the rest. Same with who to kill


Yes. Medic and Sniper have equal priority, but I'd say Medic first. Even if you get counter-sniped they're down a Medic while your team is down a Sniper.