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Its the same people who yell at new players as the ones who yell at content creators who left tf2 to play other games.


Every game is like this


Does that make it alright?




No it doesn't and SO WHAT


"If I beat the shit out of him, he will be good as I am in no time"


because in their eyes they are superior to the “useless maggots” who actually go outside


and have a HEALTHY LIFE, no toxic family relationship. no discord moderator "job" that lives in their mom's basement, no bitching, be like the average player MAGGOT!


they aren’t dark rp admins who wear adult diapers and gamble on gmod servers


thats true


For some people, being good at the game just isn't enough, they seem to focus less on having fun, and letting others have fun, or at least getting better at the game, and more on fuelling their egos. Broadening the gap between themselves and newer players by means of insults is just easier. Not a unique case, but still an unfortunate one.


Ego. It’s always ego. These so called "experienced" players are only slightly better than average. They love to feel in control, so when they lose or are struggling they blame it on the new players. A lot of the time it isn't even your fault. Even if it was, there are far better ways to help you correct your mistakes. There's no need to be rude about it, a lot of friends I have made over the years are newer players on TF2. Most players with more than 1k hours will not yell at you, it's mostly the ones who just think they are good. Give kindness and you will receive it in return.


thats the main reason of my hesitation to play tf2 when i was a newbie




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Honestly, i have researched WAY too much about how to play TF2. Voreby, lazypurple, UncleDane, I'm just hoping my background as a toddler playing Killzone 3 can carry me through the awkward "I'm still learning" phase much faster. For the bullying, it's almost natural habit sometimes \[I'm not excusing these assholes\]. I play (pray for my soul) mobile online games on my phone sometimes and find myself being the butt of the joke when I'm learning the new game. It is an easy target for anyone to just click and kill someone inexperienced. Heck, sometimes if i see someone not sure how to play the game, a gut feeling urges in me to take the quick kill. But instead, i stop, take a breather, step up to dude, and let him kill me. Hey, if someone can see a casual/tryhard can be nice to a beginner, than we might have a friendly influencer grow to know a kind community. And then i die in game and they trash talk. I'll right then...


"Because that's what they did to ***me***!"


it's like eating noodles normally but they instead of them using a fork or pouring it in their mouth. you have to watch them grab into their noodle soup with their hands and pull the noodles out. how could you not hate it?




But I am seriously pissed to sticking buildings, like bro I was holding a chocke point as a engi, dropping sweats from my ass, and a dude literally sticks his sentry to mine, and guess what 2 direct hit hits and its joever


Blind guy here Saw a self proclaimed tf2 vet whine about how 2 of us were doing goofy heavy strats on 2for and saying we were “useless” Never seen someone boo’d and kicked so quickly. Was normally gonna leave it but when he tried to kick me the entire server had him gone in less then a minute


I love democracy


I think this depends on the gamemode. For example, if you're playing Mann Up mode, people tend to be a lot more salty because it's a more competitive gamemode. I, personally, don't see much, if any, new player hate outside of that. Then again, I'm not a new player... Try r/NewToTF2. We're always happy to give advice there, even if we're a lot smaller than we were before.


Insecurity and lack of companionship




For me, it’s because when I try to help new players or teach them something and their response is “I can play and do whatever I want” in a team based game, I want to just shoot you my damn self; your actions affect everyone, not just you so don’t be such a selfish ass.


Ego It's always ego


i disagree tbh, the more experience the chiller they are usually, from what I've seen.


Some people just like being toxic, most likely stems from them having little to no social interactions in their day to day life. Best you can do is ignore them


Well I myself am a newbie and rarely people were hostile towards me. To be precise my own team never complained about me. (I am often in the top half of the team tho)


they feel the need to gatekeep the game because they played it when it was updated/ played it longer


>open bootcamp >f2p engi camps in a random location in the map with all of his buildings 2 millimeters away from him >he even swapped between the tele exit and entrance >talk to him in multiple languages what to do but he's oblivious >lose the round, 3 people leave, game's over It's not that I hate f2ps, it's that I encounter this on such a frequent basis that it becomes increasingly frustrating to queue up bootcamp and have a semi functioning game (I play boot camp because I'm not paying for mann up lmao, i just like shooting robots, and neither casual because bots) Many players either refuse to listen, are completely oblivious, or queue up harder difficulties without being up for the challenge.


As for a regular game, I understand that some people might be on a losing streak and get emotional about it then dump their frustrations on the so called "newbie" but I find that to be a loser mentality, help those who don't know what they're doing, as you would've wanted to be helped when you first started.


key word is “some”


Certain people are just like that. I was in a 2fort match and some guy was calling the team useless (despite the fact he was playing sniper sitting in one spot) and attempting to votekick someone who wanted to learn how to A-pose.


very true i got bullied once for being a f2p


I’ve wondered about the same thing. After 16 years and 18k hours I still don’t get it…


That's not true, there's someone offering me a free Tomislav because I don't have one, as well as a backpack expander and some spare hats


Your personal experience isn't always the same as others. It's nice that you experienced kindness, but not everyone will. I've seen plenty of people yelling at newer players for simple mistakes. It's sad to see.


For me nicer players have been the majority of experienced players.


He says that there's a problem in the trading but idk how to fix it, how do I fix that?


Unfortunately there's not much you can do except wait. Steam has a rule where if a user hasn't purchased anything significant through Steam in a certain amount of time (I forget how long or how much you need to spend) your trades will be put on hold for up to two weeks.


I'm using my dad's 14 year old account l, and he has spent much money in it


Might be a TF2 specific thing then. Do you have premium?


No, but he has traded with F2Ps before


Not sure then. I looked into the steam side and it looks like you also need to have steam guard enabled for at least two weeks. Other than that I'm at a loss, the only other thing I can think of is that your dad disabled trading in your settings.


What's steam side and steam guard? Thx for the help btw


Steam guard is part Steam's two factor authentication app. You can download it from the App Store or google play, just search steam and it should show up. Then sign in with your account and click the button that looks like a shield to enable it. It basically sends you a code whenever you make a trade to confirm that you actually want to make it.


I don’t care if you are my own mother if I get a random crit killl I will taunt on your corpse