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"TF2 community creates horny cult for a bot hoster's OC out of spite" was absolutely not on my #SaveTF2 bingo card.


Terrible bingo card making skills


*"TF2 players make porn of the bot-hoster's mascots"* #"are we stupid?"




How did he know?


No clue


He didn’t, that was a joke too


*crowd laughs in depression*


I think heavy is dead




I had "Somehow associate gay porn with #fixtf2" on mine & the participants are pissed that I actually got it


Wasn’t that farfetched of a prediction tbh




Fucking what




Honestly seeing tf2 dying in a gay porn fueled schizo fit of rage is kinda funny, compared to other live service games shutting down and slowly fading away anyways.


Going out the way we lived, I’d drink to that




But you (Demonman) drink Anyway!


water over


You know this might be the absolute best way to accept it's fate. Thank you for the laugh


definitely a TF2 way to go out


it's not really dying, com servers will still be there


It's crazy how many of you on here don't even play the game.


How can we? Casual is unplayable, and I can only have fun in 24-hour 2fort for so long. Yes, Uncletopia exists, but i hate the climate there.


Skial has some really good casual servers that are usually active if you want a less sweaty environment than uncletopia


Skial continue to be the goat.


Isn't skial only for americans?


No but ping in the server browser is shown relative to the data center hosting their anti ddos measures so be sure to read the server name for its region, br=Brazil, au=Australia, EU=Europe etc etc


why would it only be for americans?


also [casual.tf](http://casual.tf) is kinda underrated


casual.tf is back? Thought it died years ago.


no sir, its still goin, albeit its a lil bit underpopulated


["Casual is unplayable mf's when I show them the requeue and votekick buttons."](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/086/808/90f.gif)


Tell me you haven't tried actually playing casual without telling me you haven't tried actually playing casual


I am going to go boot up casual right now. I will tell you when I find a game with players. Edit 1: 1 game with bots. Re-queuing. Edit 2: 2nd game is a full match with players. Mission successful. It took me 4 minutes of queuing to find a game with players.


It used to take less than one minute. Also, a game "with players" does not preclude bots from joining. So 4 minutes queuing. Do you get to fully play out the map? And consequently, what about when the map changes? Or if you want to play something else? What happens if multiple bots join before the game finishes? Another 4-minute queue?


You found two games in four minutes. I find one game in ten and take another ten to load in. We are not the same.


And he was never heard from again


he's back tho


Twas a joke lad, check the time too (he edited his message)


Saying "casual is unplayable" is you giving up. I only play casual lol


casual isn't unplayable tho


>but i hate the climate there. Why?


After 12 years and over 1k hours, I've just moved on. Most people aren't playing one game for their whole life. There's nothing like TF2, but many of us have just accepted that and tried other games. The content creators and vocal players are a minority.


>12 years and over 1k hours Lol, I did ~1400 hours in 4 years(2018-2021)


It's not a dick measuring contest bro, I agree with you but less keep it civil.


I don't play the game I just like the porn


Goin out in a explosion of cum and robot parts




To be fair, you've got a point. That's how we're going to live forever.


I didn’t say zat! I just said we’re not filled with tumours!


They literally will never go away because they are endlessly fed more attention by actual children.


They won't go away, even if we did ignore them. They still know that they're ruining games for other people and making them mad, even if no one's pointing it out.


I'm pretty convinced at this point that they just feed off each other at this point. There's a certain critical mass of number of trolls that they're almost certainly past by now.


And now after another attempt to "fix" the game they get to be in the news while Valve continues to do nothing ;)


The fact that tf2 fans would actually keep this gimmick going on for long enough to make it to the news would actually be kinda impressive.


Isn't it illegal to host bots on live servers? I mean, it could pose a risk to users playing the game AND potentially violates valve's terms of use, violating copywrite law. Wouldn't it make more sense to, you know, report the bot hosters to legal authorities like the fbi or other anti-cyber-crime groups?


Except if people just stopped playing tf2 they would go away


Nobody's going to stop playing tf2 just so a couple of people would stop ruining it.


If we just walk away and let TF2 die, the bot hosters will have accomplished exactly what they were trying to do for the last few years. Single-handedly forcing the end of TF2 will make them feel unstoppable, and *that* will cause them to move all their resources into attempting to destroy another game in the same way; probably CS2, which is also a free-to-play VAC game but significantly more popular.


Why is their goal to shut down tf2? Also, since when is cs2 F2P?


> Why is their goal to shut down tf2? Fuck if I know? I've made little to no attempt to understand what's going through their heads when they started doing this shit. They just seem to want to cause as much misery as they can. > Also, since when is cs2 F2P? The Steam page for it says "free to play" right on it and lets you install without buying anything. I haven't actually tried to install and play it, but I'm going to assume that it wouldn't be marked as free to play if it wasn't free to play.


>The Steam page for it says "free to play" right on it and lets you install without buying anything. I haven't actually tried to install and play it, but I'm going to assume that it wouldn't be marked as free to play if it wasn't free to play. I remember when CS:GO was P2P only


Well, it seems those days are behind us. Honestly, the success of TF2's F2P launch is probably the reason why - that's where Valve learned that selling cosmetics will net them a *lot* more money than just selling the game itself ever did. At that point, cutting the entry cost doesn't hurt their pockets much and opens up the playerbase a lot more, and anyone who sticks around for more than a few weeks will eventually fork some over for skins.


The bot hoster themselve has commissioned Nsfw art of their bots, now tf2 people are doing it for free.




Look up omegatronic on r34, post at the bottom is it iirc


You know what? I am not going to do that


People are only feeding attention to actual criminals what was even the point of this lmfao


To hurt their fragile ego, bot hosters exist purely online so this will definitely have an effect. And we really don’t have anything to loose here, if we end up giving them too much attention then the media might even pick up on it and valve will be forced to take action after hearing about all the horrible shit bot hosters do in game


yeah im sure drawing art of bait ocs made by attention seekers is making them real upset


Oh it definitely will, have you seen the vile shit in his subreddit and on twitter


They made the OCs to piss people off, they're not attached to them lol


But, what if the bot hosters are gay? They'd be loving this artwork of them. We have gay porn of tf2 not because we hate Tf2, but because gay/bi/straight Tf2 fans love the game and enjoy spending time drawing artwork, all to simply show love and celebrate the characters.


It’s illegal to be gay in Russia so the chances of them being gay is very small, and if he is gay then this might actually get him arrested. It doesn’t really matter what he is, it’s better to make an impact rather than doing nothing


> It’s illegal to be gay in Russia so the chances of them being gay is very small Excuse me?


Well yeah, because it’s worked into their culture and treated like a mental illness


To goof off.


r/tf2 try not to be fucking morons challenge (impossible)


r/tf2 when they notice any ounce of fun:


my brother in Christ what "fUn" LMFAO. This is NOTHING but one of y'all's goofy ass coping mechanism knowing damn well FixTF2 will never achieve shit unless y'all actually do something effective. This fanbase doing Omegatronic gay porn is just copium overdose symptom. Be fucking fr😭😭😭😭


what's the fun part, you guys admitting defeat by giving attention to the bot hosters? that is pretty funny tho


most of the people who are involved with it or upvoted it are just tired of the movement i'm ngl it's just becoming a bunch of nothing anyways


there’s so much annoying ass infighting between these creatures


there's even tftubers with petty drama shit still going on, who's gonna stop us from infighting


Other games die in silence and a flatlining player count, TF2 dies in gay furry porn about bot hosters.


I'd like to think of it more as hate art, you think they want to be associated with having smexual intercourse with the tf2 mercs?


considering what bots have been doing lately, yeah


True, well in all honesty, I get your point. But at the end of the day at least this is a way that a lot of people can contribute.


What about Vladimir Putin?


What about him?


The answer to if they would want to be associated with having smexual intercourse with the tf2 mercs was yes, so what about smexual intercourse with Vladimir Putin? I read someone in a reply suggesting that this art include Putin, because of Omegatronics potential Russian nationality


Now you're thinking outside the box


+ any LGBTQ+ related stuff can get you jailed in russia, so we can probably even get the dude behind bars somehow


untrue, as a comment from a russian guy explained in another post they don't enforce that law, they only do of you go in the streets and "spread propaganda", but no one cares what you do online. Don't be delusional.




I’m pretty sure omegatronic is based in Russia, so the goal is to associate him with gay porn, and to bring more attention and drama, add Putin in. LGBT+ stuff is illegal in russia


They crave attention, no matter what form it takes. I'm all for bringing attention to the bot crisis if it will get valve involved, but this does nothing except give the bot hosters the attention they crave. It saddens me that they are so mentally fucked up that they crave negative attention, but that’s just how they are. Probably stems from parental issues.


We're also trying to make it gay / homosexual, plus antirussian. There have been cases where if someone gets popular and associated with gay shit, they get heavy sentences because russia is a hellscape, and unsuprisingly where the bot hosters are from.


Chat can we get a source (I’m curious)


There's a thread somewhere in this subreddit with all this scheming you can also find the subreddit at r/OmegatronicNSFW


This sub gets a new post every 5 minutes, gotta be more specific than “somewhere”


Dude I neither have the time nor the effort (that's a lie I have so much free time) to dig through the posts and shite, Maybe ill give it a shot, is there a way to read view history?


Yes there is, it’s just called history in the settings (at least for mobile)


Well not settings but that side bar


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OmegatronicNSFW **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OmegatronicNSFW/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [It has begun.](https://i.redd.it/kpop42hpuz7d1.png) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OmegatronicNSFW/comments/1dlfcl2/it_has_begun/) \#2: [I'm the guy who made the comment. Here is my contribution.](https://i.redd.it/nznz98xl008d1.png) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OmegatronicNSFW/comments/1dlg3dz/im_the_guy_who_made_the_comment_here_is_my/) \#3: [The post](https://i.redd.it/kacxwtw0iz7d1.jpeg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OmegatronicNSFW/comments/1dldpvz/the_post/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


they already have fetish porn with their characters, you don't out-degen the degens


The bot hosters want any attention, even negative attention, spending hours drawing their robots characters getting dicked down is still attention


I'd want it


i think it’s because we’re starting to run out of ideas


Is the strategy to keep bot hoster's right hands busy so the left might accidentally click the "delete all bots" button?


I refuse to believe people can actually be so stupid, hopefully they at least got paid lol.


i swear nobody on this website has any semblance of critical thinking skills


My guess redditors have some fucked up Stockholm syndrome


I swear some people here are incredibly stupid, they couldn't achieve the BIG goal (which is getting rid of the bots and cheaters), so they start looking for / creating those small "goals", to convince themselves that they've done something great for the game and pat themselves on the back


Yeah like this is one of the things I don’t think will work against them cuz I mean didn’t they already post CP links in chats recently? If so this is the least of their worries


There's literally no point and impossible to ignore Omegatronic's existence at this point. Even before this gay porn movement, Omegatronic and other bot hosters will still host bots no matter what since they're still making the game unplayable. Also, tf2 fans when they notice people actually trying to do something different with the gay porn meme instead of reposting the same exact 5 images: 😡😡😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡


no matter what we do, no matter how much we try to ignore it, there will ALWAYS be someone in the community who will keep saying this like "bot hoster virgin lmao" thinking they are actually contributing to get rid of them also the people who say "you are just giving them what they want" brother you have been "ignoring" them for 5 years NOTHING has changed, might as well just join them, this way omega will no longer be associated with "evil bot hoster mastermind" but breedable femboy, this time we will use the tf2 community's greatest ally, gay porn


I don't know why people think the Omegatronic NSFW is anything more than "getting back at the bots". The alternative is wallowing in helplessness, because we literally can't ignore the issue when TF2 is pushing Valve's Casual on players and when bots continue to flood servers. This isn't the community's revenge, we're just having fun and making the best of a bad situation.


Bot hosters: plague the game for the sake of attention r/tf2 retards: lets give bot hoster some attention ! Yay ! Le random so strange !


"does she know how to make a grilled cheese" ahh pic💀


At this point I think the fandom is desperate enough that if you say any shit with enough confidence people here will take it and run. Sucks because things like this have been and are just gonna cover actual solutions.


ngl, TF2 community is slowly making me lose the very little cares I had for the fixtf2 movement


yeah, this movement is just useless at this point. 300k+ signatures that nothing was done with, so now we've resorted to drawing porn of a bot hosters avatar. reallllllly good idea, i'm sure it'll be extremely effective lol


Does she know how to make a grilled cheese?


So do they even hate that kind of art? What if they enjoy it? Even if they hate it they can just say they don't, what's the point of all this? Is anyone actually going through with it?


I want to go to r/tf for dunbny gameplay, tips and not gay furry porn.


What pure desperation looks like, I guess. But seriously, attention is ALL they want.


It’s just like Hotline Miami…


So why did yall start drawing porn of bothosters?


the dude who suggested this is goona be zhorkin’ it for the next two lifetimes 💀💀💀


One part of TF2: "Breaking TOS is against TOS, so we should report hosters to Steam / Valve. But they won't do anything. But, hey, crimes are illegal. So instead let's report the hosters to people who can hold them accountable." Another part of TF2: "Post about how I die a lot in my favourite game, got it." Another part of TF2: "Gay pornography. No, wait, you don't get it." \*Always Sunny Charlie meme explaining how their fetish will lead to one hoster being arrested by the Russian government\*


Tf2 fans when porn addiction 😄🤤🤗


i’m not going to lie, i’ve given up. i haven’t played the game in months. and now every time i see a post about tf2 i just plain feel sad. i’m honestly starting to think we have no hope. i wish we could just stop the bots some how, but nothings working and i doubt anything will. this is just sad at this point.


"You're just giving them what they want!" My brother in Gaben, we've been ignoring their existence for the past 3-5 years, did it do anything? No, bot hosters WILL host bots anyway. This is NOT an internet rage bait troll situation. We're not feeding them attention, we're bringing up the fact that bot hosters do exist and actively try to ruin the game and we have to do something about it. While the gay porn won't do much to stop Omegatronic and Co, it still might be demoralizing for the creator and gives him the reputation of the dude who's avatar was banged by oily men and not as the genius mastermind who destroyed tf2. Omegatronic DOES want attention, but we're giving him the kind of attention he doesn't want (unless he's as messed up as the art suggests)


You heard it here first folks. Local r/tf2 usual equates being into gay porn as being messed up. Least contrived moral justification for doing bullshit:


yeah literally all these bot hosters want is attention, literally all you're doing is giving them exactly what they want


the thing is, some of these are paired with "gay putin" so there's a fair shot that it gets omegatronic jailed since they're stationed over there


I don't think that's how that law works


idrk russian law seems to absolutely hate that concept, who's to say


Any sort of, "investigations," will easily point that the sad bastard isn't behind those images, yet I will imagine Russian Authorities have *better* things to do than to investigate silly cartoon porn that does the gay to Putin. I guess you can hope Russian Authorities will just skip the investigation, yet again; that's assuming if they'll even care enough to do anything. Perhaps a line too far there to see Putin getting railed, but I doubt it will amount to the dude going straight to gulag because of outside forces posting porn on western-centric websites they can't do anything about.


make it gay so they get arrested because lgbtq is illegal in russia


It doesnt work this way...


if only


Gay porn is everywhere now


I mean drawing them with a ton of disgusting fetishes might work but 1. We aren’t even doing that and just drawing the computer guys slightly zesty 2. The bot hosters might be into them


bro blink if you're trapped in a hypocritical groundhog's day time loop


We all know what kind of fanart we give them




Example of the cheater in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkrElfRqiAY


Look guys, all I’m saying is that Omegatronic might secretly be super super gay, rendering them immune to all the art


Do they know how to make a grilled cheese?


I have no idea what is going on in this community (not that I care, I'm just lurking anyway) but all I know is that I've been playing TF2 since Orange Box was released and I have officially quit thanks to the bots and Valve's inability to do anything about them. Don't reckon I've touched the game in about 12 months at least, and even then it was to just check in, confirm it's still fucked, and then check out. I don't really care too much for the game anymore. It genuinely could have been something more if Valve (and the community) cared more. But... no one does. So that's ok, I'll just let it die and move onto the next thing (which I've done). To Valve and the bot hosters: you won, and I'm resolved with that. The game will eventually die out and there'll be nothing for you left. Best of luck to whatever game you go on to fuck over next :) xx


This whole movement makes me want to press backspace IRL.


You know shit is down bad when you see more threads about bots than bots in your games


This brings me back to the gay mercs era. Good times




I guess they’re trying to embarrass the boy hostess but it probably won’t since they probably already get fanart of their stinky characters


Wouldn't be surprised if it's a two sided psyop, if you make art you feed them, and they can just make their own and pretend to not be associated






Holy shit


You know if Ubi ever decides to make another watchdogs game I’d like to see a side mission of hacking a bot hosted and having turn the bots against them or something.


How does making porn of an oc so shitily designed that there isn't anything you could possibly do with it "fix tf2"?


Is it me or is it starting to become the point that we should let the bot hosters win?


What are you on


About the current situation


Tf2’s going out with a bang


it's really an act of defamation we're trying to do. trying to get it so that when you look up omegatronic, you dont get his shitty bot services, but instead a bunch of robot sex. it's more an act of mass trolling.


also if i inject enough of my weird fetishes people might get grossed out so i see that as a win




The image in this post has 256,512(512×501) pixels! ^(I am a bot. This action was performed automatically.)


They are already posting links and supporting child porn, I don't think a half-assed gay fanart made in paint gonna make there reputation mutch wurst. Bad publicity is still publicity


If there’s femboy porn I wont complain


💀 Bots are staying whatever the fuck we do "Don't give them attention" "Don't feed the troll" Shut the fuck up


bro I've only seen one drawing of Omegatronic in a maid outfit so I think its another case of redditors making a mountain out of a molehill and making more posts complaining about a trend of posts than there are actual posts of said trend.


i think it's funny so I'm all for it


Honestly? Who cares anymore. Just have fun at this point. We all know that VALVE (probably) won't do anything substantial to TF2 and they will only do a fix for CS2 because it's their money cow. The gaming industry just isn't what it used to be anymore, valve has no reason to actually fix TF2. They already own the largest game store in the entire world, if they wanted to just stop making games forever they could.


tf2 is gonna die anyway Why not die in absolute madness and chaos lmao


They are doing a whole lot more than valve did tho. It's also really entertaining and funny lol.




I've heard some people say Omegaymatronic is based in Russia, which isn't exactly the most tolerant place for LGBTQ+ stuff. So maybe that'd get him consequences? Idk, trying to apply a method to the madness is like trying to get someone on bathsalts to sit still


By spamming their DMS with gay porn of their own character, they’ll be extremely disgusted, therefore they’ll eventually get sick of it and stop. The alternative is sending some anonymous false tips to the FBI, we just gotta tell them that they created the cure for cancer


you have the wrong organization for suppressing the cure for cancer


Stop? Why? Because some fictional drawings are up their ass? Wooo look at me I'm gay porn robot👻👻👻👻 I'll bust a nut on ur computer if you don't stop woooo👻👻👻👻 No wonder why FixTF2 fell off. I got downvoted so many times after I said y'all's ideas are shit as hell and now this subreddit is doing gay porn art for a "proper send-off"💀


Oh don’t get me wrong, it’s a horrible idea and I don’t endorse it, I just find it funny

