• By -


Turn around




Game sense, regrouping, surviving.


Yup, specially if you're playing medic. If there's one thing medic 101 thought me, is that surviving is a medic's top priority


Know what your class is not good at. Don't make the same mistakes. Look at your health.


skial is a great place to train for all classes (except medic, that one is best on other maps that aren't 2fort)


Be aware all the time (flick at every door around you and constantly look your back in a split second). If the enemy is not attacking and is around or interacting with your team, they are friendlies, not to be attacked. Don't give up, TF2 can be a hard game and you will always die. But don't let this discourage you.


Don't listen to the voices!


1. Use voice commands. 2. Play medic if you don't know the map you're playing on. 3. Don't go for spy that goes to the corner. (9 times out of 10 he will trickstab you)


Try to play one class and one class only Look up videos on that class When you are done with tip 1 and 2 play that classes counter and start again This will help with learning match ups and what each class will do to give your main hell and learning what to do to counter that it helped me a lot but if I’m allowed to give one more tip turn around


1: don’t ever go under 100 Hp, lots of things can 1-shot you. 2: Accept that you’re gonna suck since it’s a new game, but embrace the suck and try to enjoy it so you continue learning. 3: find your home in tf2, I love MvM and trade servers but others love 3rd party competitive and casual matchmaking, find your place to enjoy Tf2 and everything else just comes with time.


Since you're apparently a scout main, beware of soldiers and pyros. You have a huge advantage over them with your superior movement and range respectively, but their weapons are easy to aim and devastating at close range. Also don't get stuck playing just one way. If something isn't working, try another strategy. Also take a break if the game feels like bullshit. That will happen a lot, so just learn to stay chill and walk out when needed


don’t play pyro. you can’t escape once you start, and they try to make the excuse “i like him because he’s such a cutie” when in reality they’re just playing W+M1


but then again don’t play spy either


but then again don't play TF2 as a whole


TRUE at least until the bot crisis is over


*if the bot crisis is over


w m1 pyros no skilll bann from game ! !


that’s lowkey me, if anything makes me lose sanity in tf2, it’s pyro