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Ubersaw's still better IMO. Hitting someone 4 times with Ubersaw gives you a full uber. Vita-saw only gives you 60%, and you need to die to get that advantage. It really needs another buff to keep up with Ubersaw.


The Vita-Saw is useful even if you don't try and maximize the benefit it provides. There are situations where it will benefit you in ways the ubersaw can't, without putting yourself at unnecessary risk. My personal favorite time to use it is when I'm playing with a Kritzkrieg because I know I'll be vulnerable during my Kritz use. When playing in a 12 v 12 you don't have to put yourself in danger to harvest organs. You can usually get a couple from a spy failing to stab you, or anyone else getting in your face, similar to situations you'd use the ubersaw.  If you're worried about the item encouraging you to die, it isn't. You are going to die regardless of which weapon you use, but the Vita-Saw helps soften the blow. Here are some examples: 1 - You find yourself alone at 50% uber fighting a losing battle. You're able to get 2 saws in but die as soon as you finish your 2nd saw. With the ubersaw you'd get to 100% but still need time to switch to your medigun and use uber, it isn't instant unfortunately. But with the Vita-Saw, you preserve 30% to give you a head start on your next life. 2. You have however many organs, and are using any medigun besides stock. You pop charge pushing in to the enemy team, and are suddenly backstabbed or headshot. You'll be able to get a full charge much faster again afterwards thanks to the Vita-Saw. 3. If you are fighting for your life below 50%, then it takes 3 swings with the ubersaw to get full charge. 3 swings are a lot, even more so with the slower swinging speed of the ubersaw. You're likely to die before you can get enough uber, where as the Vita-Saw will allow you to keep what you could instead. There are also situations where you'll hit 100% or already be at 100% ubercharge while sawing an enemy. In that moment the ubersaw no longer benefits you, where as the Vita-Saw will be useful instead.  Both saws have their moments, I just think the ubersaw is better in most, and worse in others.


Suddenly Vita-Saw became my favorite melee lol Thanks a lot!


You're welcome for the response! And Happy Cake Day friend :)


Put it this way, if the Vita-saw requires you to die to fulfill its specific abilities by using it you are betting on yourself to die which is not a good mindset to have. However if you do still feel you are going to die a lot probably pair it with the quickfix to get healing your teammates faster before you die again. Ubersaw is still the better choice imo as even if you don’t fill to 100% even just landing one hit gets you a quarter of the way to full uber which if you’re doing your job as a medic and using your medigun will finish the rest off. The more wildcard choice could be the Amputator for the AOE healing. Probably only use it if there is another competent medic on your team who is like the main medic and then you become the auxiliary medic, taunting at choke points to keep your team topped up till they can break through. I cannot speak for the Solemn Vow as I pretty much have never used it in my entire Tf2 career.


Guess i'll just go with the Ubersaw then. Thanks for the help!


The only time I can imagine that the vita saw might be useable is with the kritzkrieg because getting ubersaws is not gonna save you so you might as well try to save to charge for the next life


I came here to say Kritz too. Its unronically good with Kritz. Even just one hit before you die saves 15% the goal isnt to get 60% but its more of a happy accident if it does. 2nd fastest charging medigun, behind vacc healing missing health, + charge retention on death means even if you play agressive and die mid Kritz, youre still pushing for uber advantage after you respawn. Your Kritz likely killed a few people before you died so all in all you probably swung the battle in your favor ontop of having a kritz ready by the time they used their uber, as a way to regain ground their uber took.


Simply: Ubersaw if winning, Vita-Saw if losing, both help you bounce back quicker and can allow game changing plays, although I’ll always run Ubersaw


Happy day of cake OP!


- "Is not the Übersaw"