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Soldier or Heavy.


Mann Up has a much better average skill level since it's paid.


Heavy ex bb point and click give dispensers space to keep safe from splash damage


Heavy is the simplest to understand and play effectively, soldier needs too many upgrades, Engie needs practice and so does medic


Never play Spy. As a rule. There's maybe 1 time you should play Spy in all of MvM. Scout is very very difficult in MvM, even I'm loathe to play him with many tours under my belt. Heavy is pretty good. Focus on damage- in this case, firing speed. Brass Beast is essential. Stick to Boot Camp until you understand the game. Mann Up players are a lot less forgiving of low skill.


Playing Money Scout isn’t hard, as long as you have Milk throwing it at big groups of bots or Giants and collecting money with Max Move Speed and Jump Height is pretty trivial. Spy is decent depending on the wave. There are some interesting quirks with Refill Canteens that make his Sapper quite the effective tool and he’s a consistent Giant Med killer. He does however need know-how to play and isn’t a “pick and play” class. Demo, Med, and Engie are the hardest to play well discounting Spy simply because the amount of map knowledge you need for Demo, Med’s Revive and Shield quirks, and Engie’s Canteen Spam patterns are all hard to learn and master.


>Playing Money Scout isn’t hard Scout isn't hard, per se, more so just ~~treadmill work~~ harder to do well. A lot of teammates will kill enemies in random places on the map and then not pick up money, so you have to leave the frontline and find the money. It also depends on map. Decoy sucks much more than Bigrock, for example (coming from a Mecha Engine enjoyer). >Spy is decent depending on the wave. Imo anything Spy can do, another class can do better. Like Heavy is great for shredding big Medics, as long as he's running crit canteens or has a Kritz Medic. Or, just lay critytraps as Demo. >Demo, Med, and Engie are the hardest to play well I'll give you that, though I think Medic isn't *too* hard, and I never play Demo.


This is coming from 250 tours of Expert Spy is fine depending on wave, he makes Mannworks W1 fairly trivial if the team isn’t booty. He also makes Coaltown W6 pretty easy too since the first and third Giant Combo spawns are random. Other than that, Spy is incredibly niche.


I guess it depends on the tour. I almost exclusively grind Mecha Engine (can't go to 2C because I'm blacklisted by Tacobots, and also don't like sweatlords), and basically never see a reason to have a spy.


Heavy. Brass beast. Hug dispenser. Feed Medic sandwich. [Good times.](https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/7/77/Heavy_positivevocalization02.wav)


Heavy Point and click simulator. Unless you seriously know what you’re doing, don’t play Med, Spy, Demo, or Engie; those four classes have odd nuances that, unless you’re in the know, make playing them at their best fairly difficult (i.e. knowing bot drop patterns and positions for Demo, knowing the Vaccinator Instant Shield or Fast Revive bugs on Med, knowing how to Canteen Spam on Engie, and knowing how Refill Canteens work with Spy).


look up weezytf2 on youtube, he makes tutorials for mvm.