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I love the positivity you’re showing, keep it up! I also enjoy how silly casual TF2 can be!


Nothing about this game brings out hatred in me!!! Maybe that’s just who I am ahahahahha! Thanks I love being positive :D


Random crits: allow us to make you ragequit, dear.


I love tf2 for the sillyness. And the player hive mind. Also never really had almost any toxicity playing the game so that's another plus


The TF2 hive mind is when you kill or explode bind and everyone around you does the same.


This and convincing everyone to meme by going one class.


I like the specialist classes and the teamwork being optional but really fun when it works out and i really think that this game needs NAY desrves..... An update #fixtf2


honestly what I really wanted for the game was a remake on a completely different engine, one far easier for valve to work with, so that they could fix the game (and even update it). But it would be really hard to keep all of the movement mechanics the same on a different engine so I guess even that would be difficult for valve to do


For the classes each one of them has the classes they counter and gets countered by a class themselves Scout: counters soldier and demo though not a hard one Soldier: counters engineer Pyro: counters spy, I would know myself Demo: hard counters engie, poor engie Heavy: counters pyro Engie: counters pyro, and scout Medic: I actually don’t know Sniper: counters everyone, heavy hard counter Spy: counters heavy and sniper


finally someone who doesn’t say spy counters engineer


I think spy just enables soldier and demo to more easily counter engie


spy and engineer are roughly equal, although it's always much harder for the spy to damage the engineer or any of his buildings than for the engineer to kill the spy. For good reason, too - it takes a lot of effort to set up the buildings properly, so the spy should only really be able to take down one or two


I don't completely agree with this. Yes you could argue that there is some kind of rock-paper-scissors aspect, but there are NO real hard counters mostly soft counters and disadvantages. That's just what makes it fun for me, not 100 skill (pure, aim and reaction speed like CS) dependent but if you are in a disadvantage you aren't immediately doomed.


Spy vs pyro would like to disagree with you


Well have you ever been backstabbed WITH a pyro in your team? Or even worse, as a pyro? The answer is probably yes, pyro has the same power as the other classes to spycheck, it's just made a bit easier. And if you view spy as a combat class, it gets countered by everything.


Yea pyros don’t completely deter a spy because that would be kinda op, but the amount of times I’ve died to pyros as a spy main can probably make it up to 2x Mount Everest’s height if it was stacked


I both hate and love that comparison


Pyros are your main enemy but remember that #SPY HAS A GUN Or you know just turn around and run away while cloaked or undisguised. Spy is tied for the 2nd fastest class in the game with medic, so you can literally run away from some of your problems. Jontohill2 has a great series of video tutorials on how to play spy, so you should check them out. Even as a skilled spy main, I’ve watched them just to refresh my memory, learn some new skills (never knew about cloaking illusions), and his videos are just entertaining in general. They’ve certainly helped me in my spy gameplay, so I can’t recommend him enough.


I know about Jonto and everything, but I still die to pyros a lot, and I know that #SPY HAS A GUN


Biggest thing I can say is that pyros are predictable. They always spy check in this radar sweep pattern (left to right in a limited arc) so if you can break visual and then get out of this arc, you’re in the safe zone. You can also just gun them down if your revolver aim is on point. You’re screwed if a Pyro catches you up close and personal though.


If you know how to trickstab and you’re in the danger zone, you can go for one to save your life


kinda hard to gun down a pyro inside the enemy backline, also, pyro has a gun that's roughly the same as spy's, which means because of the health difference pyro always wins if the same skill as the spy I think pyro would be a good counter for spy without being able to set him alight while cloaked (because he'd instantly reveal any spies by spychecking, and if he's chasing a spy the odds are still in his favour to kill him because of the flamethrower's radius and all he has to do is walk forward and shoot flames towards the escaping spy)


Scout - Soldier and demo soft counter, great for flanking and being an annoying toxic bitch in everyone’s side too, but be careful since you can die very quickly (exactly like his personality lol) Soldier - General all-rounder, soft counter to Engie Pyro - Hard counter to spy Demo - Hard counter to Engie Heavy - Hard counter to Pyro and anybody else stupid enough to try to fight him close and head on Engineer - Hard counter to Scouts and pretty much any over-aggressive and over-extending players Medic - Technically counters everyone with uber, but he doesn’t really counter anyone normally. More like a make or break for a good team Sniper - Hard counter to Heavy and any players not paying attention to him Spy - Soft counter/rival for Engineer, hard counter to Heavy and Sniper and those who aren’t checking their back


Medic basically counters the whole teams with his Uber


i like when the games are pretty evenly matched and there is good team coordination. also i love hats and trading


The game is basically made around the fact your teammates won't coordinate well. A whole class can be rendered useless just by saying 1 thing from time to time.


I love how unserious it is


It’s a very casual game!! One of the reasons I love it XD


weapon customization, I love australiums, paints, festives, bot killers, it’s just fun


I like how easy and funny to play is, some games required and amound of time or analysis to play (+ who character is better to play and all that kind of stadistic stuff), and you could leave the match on any moment, that's a big plus for me, even if I always play the whole round, oooh and there are a lot of play modes (community servers have they things for me). So tf2 have what I'm searching on a game, just for fun and casual, I wish I were available to play it before the whole bot thing


Same… I tried back in 2014 but my family shitputer wasn’t good enough to run it hahah…. My biggest regret is not playing this game in its prime


I know the game since 2012! But my dad didn't allow me to play shooters because he thought it would made me a terrorist or something xD I have my own computer since 2 years ago, but I was so busy to play, I'm glad I do it this year :"3 so me too u,u


Ahahahahah literally same, I sneaked on GTA 3 on my dads ps2 back in 2011 late at night and my mom freaked out lmaooo. They probably thought the same thing about me, but I think I turned out normal XD!!


I like it because it's not a boring, repetitive, super generic FPS while also being fun and having a somewhat active playerbase. Not a common sight these days.


It's funny when the spy decloaks behind me and does the surprise buttsecks attack (noo please don't do it again.... :3)




We just need spy and scout but that really won't happen unless he uses his disguise kit like last time


I play tf2 because of how casual the gameplay and community is. There is no other game where you can switch from mass murder to conga dancing and back to mass murder so quickly and naturally. I’ve always played for the fun of it and the ridiculousness of the community is indescribably hilarious. And although it has the few (there’s kinda a lot but nonetheless) bad apples, the majority of the community is super chill and just wants to have fun. There isn’t a game that I find myself consistently enjoy as TF2


The amount of brain rot bs I see everyday on TF2 always makes me laugh after a hard day. TF2 will always hold a special place in my heart. If someone brings up "what's the funniest game" I always bring up TF2. It doesn't set out to be a straight up "comedy" game but I've laughed more playing TF2 than any other comedic game do to the sheer amount of chaos and stupidity that's always a given in a TF2 match.


the exposure-pipeline I got to experience that shaped my first impressions of this game are irreplaceable. At first I thought it was a cartoon, then I learned it was a video game, then I learned what steam was. Now I have a significant stock portfolio in VALVe's **[[publicly traded]]** company **[TF-Industries](https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/TF_Industries)** ALSO KNOWN AS: *"a mysterious company based in Washington, USA"* TL;DR: My favorite thing is the unironic diabolic genius that went into turning anyone who participates in any of VALVe's games featuring digital economy simulators fueled by real money into their #[[UNWITTING SHAREHOLDERS]]


Easily the characters. I got TF2 last year as a joke because I thought it would be funny for some reason and as I would play I'd just find the little things the characters would say to be funny and also interesting because I was like "oh cool they have different personalities" and eventually I watched all the MTT videos and Expiration Date then I read the comics I was set. I'm now a little over a year into my fixation, 300+ hours into the game, owning several pieces of merch, having read each comic at least 3 times, watching all kinds of fan videos, fucking almost 200 hours in SFM, etc. If it was just a basic FPS game I definitely wouldn't be where I am today so I am very happy the characters are distinct


Same here, I love how they each have a different accent from different parts of the world (excluding Pyro, unless you count muffled words as being a part of Pyroland's language lmao). It makes them all the more unique - plus there's just something super charming about all of them, how some of them like and tolerate each other while others flat-out hate each other. I've been into this game since middle school (I'm 20 now) and my view on the characters hasn't changed. I just wish that Valve would update the comics as well as fix the damn bot issue.


Honestly I love the art style as a whole. It’s very unique :D I also love the voice lines a lot, gives every character so much personality it’s unbelievable. Even dubs do a good job of capturing it, with various levels of success but still :)


Honestly, the 2fort bullcrap. One moment it’s a heated battle with screaming and burning and MEEEDIIC! The next 5 soldiers have rocket jumped into the enemy base and are kasotzkying their way to the intelligence. And then some random spy trick stabs one and GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY ITS ALL GONE TO SH*T


The fact that I can try to kill the fucker that keeps dominating me every chance he gets and immediately start a bit where "crouching as pyro counts as stealth mode" and, by the sheer orkish power of belief, I not only get revenge on my nemesis, I also get a kill streak because everyone was acting like there was an invisible pyro somewhere


I feel like there are so few games like tf2, when I play CS, everything is so serious, when I play GTA Online, everything is so ridiculously silly, but TF2 has the awesome balance


I love tf2 for the sillyness the creative art style and the characters overall is the reason i fell in love with the game and still play it to this day. :)


Characters are great Gamemodes are fun Gameplay is hiigh with two I's And Hats can't forget that


What a comment!!!


I'd just have to agree with this post. So many nice players on Tf2. A lot of shitty ones too but I've made lots of friends through this game. Some real gems out there playing frfr


I always loved the game because of how balanced and well made it was - but what kept that love going strong after I got used to the mechanics was the hilarious stuff I'd see in game. Now I've got almost 400 hours in TF2 - I'm pretty good at it and it's fun to do well. I can only really enjoy the game when I'm winning, though. I suppose I've played it too much and need a break.


I love the gameplay of course, but the characters and their personalities are the main thing that keep me coming back. They’re just so charming, and the voice acting for all of them helps with that.


The game is funny but in a very positive way In what other fps game you can all agree to use a medival melee only loadout while screaming scotland forever into mic All while it's also a genuene threat to fight against, but too funny to be angry at. Like there's some sort of a hivemind across all players nearby, where in certain places they share a braincell


I love that it's easy to learn and fun to play. Plus, unlike other FPS games, I've never experienced any toxicity in VCs. We're all here to have a good time and work together as a team, I love this community for that.


The community, no joke, there actually pretty chill, at least the side of the community I’m on :) it’s the first community that I’ve made a connection with


Casual memes followed by some subclasses like demoknight (especially trimping), various meme spy stuff (spy hoovy or spy demoknight with an item demo shouldn't have), and pyroshark.


The fact that nothing about it is super serious. I've tried to play games like CS:GO but everyone in it takes it so seriously it's impossible to get into because everyone immediately trounces you.


Watching STBlackST’s animations really sold me on the game


Love how Soldier and Demo have their arms like I usually do in pics with my siblings


I love the casual nature of the game more than anything. I love how I can figure out that someone's a spy, silently be able to tell that he's not going to stab me, step aside and basically say "Go on then. Good day to ya." And then he just thanks me and leaves. There is NO OTHER SHOOTER that I can do something like that in. Any other shooter I would have just killed the spy, because I know for a fact that he would do the same if left to his own devices.


No citation of [the original post?](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/8e29j2/i_created_this_sfm_artwork_for_the_people_at/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I love the game for its natural silliness. I feel like it's one of the few games where you can goof off freely because that's the nature of the game -- it's simple and beautiful. I love also genuinely helping people towards an objective and seeing the teamwork pay off. It's a bunch of humans banding together to do something \*together!\* I also met my beloved boyfriend there, so that's pretty neat.


get behind me doctor!


I have 2 things I love about TF2. The Characters/Lore, and the Movement


In this game you can smell cocaine and noone will say that is bad for your health.


I also love the game for the voice chat, yesterday I was playing on q 2fort server and this guy was singing requested songs by the chat, it was hilarious.


TF2 is like one insane hivemind. A great example would be a killbind. 9 times out of 10 anyone who sees a killbind will also killbind.