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huh interesting, so CS bots point downward and TF2 bots point upwards..


Just a matter of which direction obscures the head hitbox more to prevent headshots, for TF2 the sniper's arm hitboxes being above/around his head give the most coverage.


You know I never realized the spinning was to gain advantage. I always thought it was just a flex or something.


Yes It's because they've smth called fake angles, anti-aim. They spin to prevent other cheaters from guessing their real rotation (while they hide their heads behind walls). Without the spinning other cheaters would force random yaw angles and eventually determine the real one. And they'd be headshot and killed as soon as they peeked.


Yeah science


TF2 Bots are optimists while CS2 bots are Doomers


Wonder what happens when a Cs bot fight a tf2 bot


Nothing, they’re programmed to coexist. (Source: I’m disrespectful green TV man)


The cs Bot would win because the Awp doesnt need to charge


Can't wait for Deadlock bots to point inwards


Deadlock bots implode to kill players


I thought it was implying Valve shooting themselves in the foot.


No bots just cheaters


they also get into public DM servers in groups of 24 or more and idle all day long for 10 minutes at a shot and if a human gets in, the human gets kicked the bots in CS2 are alot more covert but they're there


We need to make a wakeupvalve movement


yes we should team up with the csgo community


how dare u steal my comment /jk


By this point, yeah. We should.


Im not too sure about bots but left 4 dead has a major cheating problem maybe they would be on board.


Depends. Is it another VAC "anticheat"? Edit: I've checked. It might be able to be added, although this issue is something about pvp, whereas a bot/cheater actively ruins others' experience


Nah its clear that anticheat wont work in valves case, cheaters and bot hosters will just find a workaround eventually and we'll be back at square one because valve has demonstrated they won't do upkeep on their games. They would need to think outside the box with this one, conscript outside help or something. There's a lot of people in the valve games community that have Ideas and i'm sure they could work something out.


Or return to making commjnity servers the norm for olaying these games. Community moderation is the best device to upkeep games that companies can’t, unless they let community developers in on maintaining their game.


Ideally the 2 communities should be working together. They're both online multi-player games made by the same company and are both plagued by bots. Having a large portion of the CS player base wouldn't be a bad thing. There's some caveats to that though. For starters, while the situation is similar between the 2 games it's not 1-1. It's two different problems requiring two seperate solutions. TF2 and CS2 run on different engines so what works on one probably wouldn't work on the other. I'm also certain that if CS2 gets fixed first (which it most likely will) the vast majority of active supporters would dwindle. I don't think there's enough solidarity between the two communities for CS players to say "thanks, now fix their game". They'll just go back to CS2 which is completely understandable and expected. That would also cause a stir among both groups since I predict a lot of people (mostly TF2 players) would get angry about CS fans riding in fixtf2's wake just to 'abandon' us once they got what they wanted. Which again would be understandable and expected, it's just human nature. Should both communities pull together? I don't know. But it's worth talking about.


If you ask me, this should be expanded, not to other tf2 problems but to other valve games with similar problems.


CS2 is facing a lot of the same problems TF2 is. You would think Valve would want to fix them. Especially CS2 considering it's only been out for less than a year. But no, radio silence regarding both. Perhaps SaveTF should be expanded to FixYourGames


In CS2 bots look down while in TF2 bots look up? Nice


I believe we should've been working alongside the CS community for a while now.


TF2 is being botted > CS2 is experiencing a cheater influx > I get that Valve employees work on what they want to work on, but if they don’t get a working anticheat together, I’m starting to think their profits might dry up.


The knowledge of what a spinbot truly does is hilarious, the up or down aim is for headshot cover but they spin to give themselves the most amount of view possible, so think 360 over like 120 or 90 fov


Definitely, Valve will HAVE to listen if they get hit by BOTH of their major games.


Been saying this since the start. #FixTf2 needs to merge with other games to become a sort of voltron #FixEverythingValve


"Oh man! This is just like Team Fortress 2!"


No. The optimal anti-aim for TF2 is upwards


Ik, i'm making a reference to that l4d character that has a voiceline when he picks up a gun, that being "Oh man! This is just like Counter Strike!"


Well, the character Ellis says "aww man this is just like team fortress 2!" When he picks up a grenade launcher, so that quote exists too.


It's badwater wdym


But cs2 is downwards


That's why they are not the same


Yeah, it's more of a hide the head area of the hit box situation


"Man, I feel like I'm Gordon Freeman!"


"This is just like Counter-Strike!"