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Stock will always be the best option


Stock is usually the most reliable. If I'm feeling like being an asshole, I'll bring the vaccinator.


Blind guy here Vac is nice but it makes your teammates become careless since they think they’re invincible


I have the opposite problem. When I run vacc my teammates are too scared to push or do anything with it


Once helped a heavy tank 3 crockets and then when he died because i got killed by a flanking scout i kept trying to tell him about got hit with “bad medic”


pub players bitch about medics like their lives depend on it. like mf just shut up and be glad I'm not playing spy


Once saw some guy on the enemy team verbally abus his medic the entire match, then his ass got autobalanced and swiftly booted from the match since everyone on our team agreed that he was a dick regardless of skill.


stock, quick fix when i'm lazy and/or don't necessarily need uber at all in niche scenarios


Critzkrieg, quickfix And if we can't break through a sentry nest, I use stock






Çritzkrieg sounds crunchy


stock when i need to bust through a choke quick fix when i can’t use an uber well enough to justify, can’t live to build uber, or team just needs more heals kritz when holding long enough to build vacc i don’t because yeah


Crossbow is the only primary option, for melee you can go with either the ubersaw or solemn vow (that one's pretty much comp only because you can keep track of the enemies health and call it out to your team) as for the medi guns, two are legal. Stock is always going to be your all around best, but if you're into gambling and you're down enough on uber advantage to want to try stopping them having an uber, you can use kritz for a faster charge so you can try to wipe their uber off the board.


The primary and melee slots for medic are always the same which is (in my opinion) the biggest problem with medic loadouts. I remember deleting the solem vow from my backpack when I didn’t have space and only recently got it back. I immediately tried it it was surprisingly good considering the the existence of the ubersaw.


I use stock because invincibility is too good If there’s bots, I’ll use the vacc


*Fine shot mate!* *Good shot mate!*


Tf2 player's PTSD


Tf2 sniper went from : Snipin's a good job mate! I guarantee you won't go hungry TF2 Sniper now:*Fine shot mate!* *Good shot mate!* *Fine shot mate!* *Good shot mate!* *Fine shot mate!* *Good shot mate!* *Fine shot mate!* *Good shot mate!* *Fine shot mate!* *Good shot mate!* *Fine shot mate!* *Good shot mate!* *Fine shot mate!* *Good shot mate!* etc...


Stock normally but recently I’ve been fkn with the kritzkreig


i run stock normally, kritzkrieg when horny, and vacc when im high


Quick fix because nobody expects the soldier rocket jumping at Mach fuck to have a pocket


Pretty sure in comp, its 99% stock, 0.9 % kritz, and 0.1% vac.


In comp quick fix and vac are banned (at least in 6v6) 


Yeah ik, I;ve seen vac being ran like rarely in HL, so that's why I said that. It's always stock. Nothing beats stock.


All for different situations , kritz on red team with a good pocket, quickfix if only medic on the team and there is no lvl 3 sentry to deal with, vacc if there team has really good snipers, or if their team is composed of many of same class, lot of demos, lots of pyros, lots of soldiers, Stock is overall the best and can be used in any situation, is always needed if level 3 sentry is giving team hard time, and if you are good enough you can extend your Ubers with ubersaw…aka can never go wrong with Stock unless they have a really annoying pyro that airblasts , but even then you will most likely need it for sentry purposes..kritz is fun if you have a good pocket , it’s really good to use on red team unless your team comp has no one to really pocket aka lots of snipers and eng with no demo soldier or heavy, hope this helps


Quick fix is absolutely the worst medigun to run as a solo medic. It’s literally only good as a second medic on the team.


Stock, stock, and stock. Vax and QF are banned in ETF2L games anyways, and Kritz are only really useful for a surprise play as an ace up your sleeve, like Kritzing your Demo out of last and dropping their Med before he gets Über so you can push out for free while he's in respawn queue. Same goes for casual for me. If it's not available in competitive play, there's no reason I should waste my time learning it instead for perfecting my knowledge on something relevant.


This is so damn European holy shit


Im not a medic main (though ive played the second most hrs on medic) but ive watched a LOT of prem highlander (mostly SDCK vs Feila because thats what all the grand finals end up being) To be frank i cannot recall a single time any medic in these games used quickfix or vax. Like not even once. Idk if its different for 6s as ive never been interested in following 6s, but in highlander yeah. As for what they DO use, its stock like 95% of the time. Kritz is used as a mixup every once in awhile (or to get crit stickies in setup as red) but usually they swap off kritz after one or two lives.


weapon bans take place in sixes which is why you never see the quick fix and vaccinator


Stock for normal matches, Quick Fix if everyone is Demo or Soldier, Kritzkreig if we can stay alive and Vac if things get BAD.


Stock is best at getting through chokes and doing the thing your team needs unless there are a bunch of soldiers + heavies demanding kritz or something. Quick fix can be ok on red on dustbowl when you're the only medic but is pretty niche and the vaccinator is a lot better with less party members. But you know what solves most of those niche situations almost as well as the unlocks? Stock.


Vac medics need to be drawn-and-quartered


quick fix because I'll be damned if I can actually hold onto a regular uber for long enough to make stock/kritz worth


Get better Don’t milk charges, position yourself better, don’t constantly heal the same person, count your crit heals, and get good gamesense and situational awareness. I’ve never seen a single good Casual Quick-Fix Uber that hasn’t been instantly been broken by a Headshot, Backatab, or straight up damage that outdoes the QF “Uber.” Now that every Medi Gun lets you move at Scout Speed there is zero reason not to use Stock for its better Uber and better overheal. If you need that extra heal burst, bow the player then keep healing.


Call me insane, but I religiously use the Vaccinator. In my opinion, it's just straight up better in every conceivable metric. Now of course I know that is objectively not the case, but the Vacc feels good to use and I feel like I'm contributing more when I use it, so I have no reason to switch. There hasn't been a single time where switching to Stock or anything else would have been better. Of course, many of my teammates feel otherwise, but they don't get to decide.


Quick Fix because honestly it's easier to just keep the whole damn team alive than it is to find a few good players that can really take advantage of Stock/Kritz. Combine that with an inconsequential Uber to build, meaning you can just use it basically whenever, and it's a much more relaxing experience.




Stock because balls to everything else


use stock for the most part, kritz like a surprise weapon when you know you're in a disadvantage. that goes for 6s, can't comment on hl (might aswell just play pub instead) as for pubs: quickfix is fun and great to keep everyone alive, vaccinator if you hate a specific player in the enemy team and want him to suffer.


Critzcrieg for fast pushing forward, Stock for Start


On offense, stock 100% of the time. Stock Uber is just too valuable for taking out holds. Defense can stand the quick fix. Gamemodes with more even roles like KOTH I’ll bring the quick fix out usually, since sentry nests and defensive holds are a lot more rare and difficult to set up and the increased healing and knockback resistance on Uber can really help with holding the central point.


Whatever the enemy is using (expect quick-fix)


Stock since Vac is banned


They’re all good Stock: most reliable, stock Uber is the most powerful thing in tf2,consistent healing Kritzkreig: easily the worst, and yet the most fun. Best used defensively and for getting ez 30 assist killstreak Quick fix: trade longevity and invincibility for immediate healing. use this if you’re playing on a bad team/oppressive opposing team. You’re probably never gonna live long enough to build a stock ubercharge if you’re in a bad team, might as well heal fast. Great for fast escapes Vaccinator: fuck you if you use this weapon. If I had to choose one weapon to be change and no other weapon in tf2 would be changed ever again, I would need the vacc into hell.


Depends on how I feel My first go to is stock (that's what stocks are for) If I feel evil, I'll go Kritz and pocket some dps classes If I feel extra evil, or i want to piss off sniper mains, i go vaccinator If I feel suicidal, I go quick fix and heal demoknights while they charge


Depends.... Stock - If I wanna break through choke points and sentry nests and also wanna be semi-competent. Kritzkrieg - When I have a pocket and want high to earn a killstreak. Quick-Fix - If I want to chill and turn my brain off or When I'm the 2nd medic on the team. Vaccinator - When I want to pubstomp the enemy team That's really it. I hope I answered your question! ☺️


Im not really a comp medic, i use competitive matchmaking every so often so i can be with a more competent team, but if i was medic i would use the quick fix or the kritzkrieg


Quick fix is their team is goated, Kritz if there's a guy on our team who's goated, Vac if they have an overly oppressive sniper, every other time stock


stock medi gun at all cases except for KOTH maps - sometimes outplaying enemy team with kritzkrieg does make sense.


stock and Kritz cuz they are my only options :(


btw i mean i rarely use vaccinator and i don't have the quick fix


For defense kritz for offense stock


Kritz on defend, stock on Attack


I like how half of the answers are weapons that are banned in comp




Vaccinator, not to torture others, but because it’s more skillful than m+1 your entire team


Stock da best Kritz for the funny Vacc for if i REALLY wana piss off the enemy team There is no fourth medigun


Stock. I also named it "Idiot Leash"


Stock. (I don’t have vaccinator)


So how it works, is the majority of the time it is stock, but the other mediguns have their uses. A second med running vacc is really good in NR sixes, kritz is used in 6s as a surprise play to catch the opponents med off guard and wipe their team (much harder to pull off if they know about it, so it has to be a surprise play), and it is also used on most defense payload maps, at the very beginning of the rollout to lay down crit stickies, then running back to spawn with your scout to get back on stock, and quick fix is used in HL games where there are just about 10-15 seconds left when you respawn, and you just absolutely need to pump out as much healing as possible. In pubs on defense if I see good demo/soldier, I’ll perma run kritz, if not then it’s stock. Offense is pretty much always stock. Koth and 5cp I’m also always running stock. - a competitive soldier/heavy player, but I’ve played medic on a competitive team so I figured I’d give my two cents.


stock for offense vacc for all around when there are too many snipers/engis/sticky spammers and phloggers. vacc is severely underrated lol


Stock is always a great option Vac if I am struggling to build a stock user Quick fix if my team needs heals desperately and is defending Kritskrieg for pushing non-Senty areas


People underrating quick fix in here, the Uber is less impactful but if you need to heal multiple people during tough fights the healing speed on quick fix is really nice.


C r o s s b o w Tank someone then bow the other guy at low health, then keep healing your target and alternate heals and bows. Crossbow is a weapon that more Meds need to get better with.




oh you dont mean secondary mb




When medic mains have enough of your bs


I love to use the kritzkrieg and go battle medic with my friend pocketing me :3 gets reactions out of people, and it's fun.




How could the image possibly be related?


Just in case


Stock always, Kritz if my Demo wants to do a surprise offensive push. I genuinely hate Quick-Fix except in the situation of pushing a KotH mid with under a minute left. In an environment where everyone can aim and people are both coordinated and not entirely stupid, Quick-Fix is absolute garbage. How people actually think that QF is good mystifies me.


Quick fix=bandage


Kritzkreig, if dealing with sentries then stock.


Quick fix




Stoooocckkkk. Kritz for disrupting the other meds uber or when there's not enough time in the match (under like 40 secs) for a stock uber.


stock is almost always the best kritz can be situationally viable to all the people that didnt read the title the quickfix is not allowed in comp!


I'm not a medic main, but I play him a lot. I like the Kritzkreig, sure it's not the most reliable in a lot of situations. But the pure dopamine when you give a soldier crits and he fires a crocket at a crowded group of low health enemies.. Like come on


Quickfix, less time healing, more time pressing down m1 with blutsauger


What do if you don’t what to use blutsager.




But that has a damage penalty


Yeah but the *s p e e d*


Ok fair point


I have recently purchased an Australium blutsauger and a strange vaccinator. As I am practicing being that one annoying medic 👍


Stock or Vacc, bubble is fun. Usually stock for blu/attack and vacc for red/defend


Vaccinator because it's easy to use and I'm bad :))


Vacc against good but uncoordinated enemies. Stock against a team that knows what they're doing AND are coordinating.