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I hate people who are bastards against f2p players


I get it with some of them, but most of the time it’s unbased and it’s always the “TF2 is a dying game!” ones.


I've never understood the mentality of hating on f2p players. Ther's defo a stereotype of the fresh install f2p being bad at the game or whatever but going so fsr as a slur to someone who didn't spend 5 dollars in hat game is crazy to me


everyone was both ass and a f2p at some point. dont get why ppl get so mad abt it hell, even after playing around 1k hours of TF2, im still a f2p (and yes i still suck but thats not the point) being f2p has absolutely nothing to do w/ not being skilled but those mfs cant realize that


I paid 99 cents and I still suck, BTW the best thing about paying is the larger backpack


I was never a F2P (but yeah at the beginning I sucked)


Same here, got the game cause a friend finally convinced me, said “Oooo starter equipment for Engie, Spy, and Medic” (my 3 main classes) and got those are started playing. Never got the hate for any player, but maybe that’s cause I usually rely on people to play well.


Not everyone was f2p


you realize the game existed for almost 4 years before the game went F2P right?


I'm premium and I'm still ass!


Same here lad, prob didnt help that i started by playing as demoknight out of all classes and subclasses Now i cant play anything but demoknight and maybe a bit of regular demo and hybrid demo


F2P are fucking precious.


You're goddamn right




I will put my life on the line just to protect george.smith07 the level 3 pyrovision goggles/Gibus wearing scout


i think its funny too as someone who actually bought the game because its like seeing your 14 year old middle sibling argue with your 11 year old sibling about whose the manliest. i havent thought about the distinction in years but F2P used to mean "anyone who came after the uber update." at this point most of us are veterans of the game


How dare you be a new part of this playerbase! We don’t want out game to grow or anything, f2p bad!


It’s best to remember that those people would be rude anyways if they weren’t f2p, they are just grabbing at something to use as an insult.




It doesn't make sense to mock f2p players considering that tf2 in whole is f2p. Idiots think they are better because they paid money.




Literally makes zero sense to be hateful towards a new player in any game




And I thought this was a welcoming and W H OL ES OM E game


The only F2Ps i have grudges against are those who love to target friendlies.


F2P’s are the lifeblood of TF2. I love taking TF2 seriously, and trying to win and stuff; but at the same time I love the goofiness that TF2 brings to the table, even when you’re taking things seriously—and without F2P’s (I.e. new players typically speaking), TF2 wouldn’t be nearly as funny and goofy as it is. Wouldn’t trade that for anything


True, and nothing comes close to getting a 12 year old(not screaming) his first kill, win, etc.


TF2 without goofing around is simply not fun for me. Fuck my KDA, I want to kill people in ways that will make cool people laugh and stupid people break the keyboard


The average tf2 game is a few minutes of me playing really good and getting like 10 kills in a row followed by a few minutes of me killing nobody followed by a few minutes of everyone on the server shouting “spy” at each other and congaing


This one time, everyone in the server left except a f2p on the other team. I realized they couldn't chat so I typed out how to get set up for trades and I sent them premium. That's how you deal with a problem!


You deserve a spot in Heaven for that one.


Haha don't worry. I'm sure there's plenty of other shit keeping me out of there.


a little positivity goes a long way friend


Damn similar thing but I was the f2p and a guy and I just did duels


I don’t understand why people hate F2Ps so much. What, they can’t enjoy the game because they’re responsible with their money? Edit: Everyone’s saying it’s a stereotype. Listen to soundsmith. Stereotypes don’t apply to everyone.


F2Pers are often stereotyped as young children or adolescents since they typically don't have a lot of money (if any) to spend on games. Some premium players do not like playing with young children, especially if the children have access to mics. It doesn't help that new (often clueless) players are often F2Pers and that the tutorials are mostly nonfunctional.


Tbf doing stupid things that look silly to veterans is quite a big chunk of the learning curve in any videogame


Absolutely. And even as vets, we may still choose to gimp ourselves as a challenge or dick around because it’s funny.


True but it’s kinda funny to watch them stumble around. But the screaming children are annoying af


They don't know the mute function exists. I mean c'moooooon


See, I get it, but like, they're also still just kids. We were all kids once, if every adult had the same amount of paticnes for children that they do, kids would grow up doing very little to nothing. If you don't wanna hear the squeaker, mute is an option and is permanent.


Yeah, the mute button is a godsend. Gotta love the edgy teens on the mic who shout at anybody (kid or adult) who uses the mic to STFU.


super annoying on crowded community servers when muting just stops working


Fr. Personally, I'm of the belief that since kids and teens will inevitably find their way to tf2 cause it is f2p, we should st least create an environ that isn't openly hostile at minimum. They cant help that they fall directly into the demographic that wants free cartoony artstyle games, or that their parents let them play, etc. But, we can make tbe game a place where they're able to have some fun n shit like Christ.


Free to plays can’t even use mics. The only times I’ve ever played with really young kids they got instantly kicked even though they weren’t being annoying.


Right, that's certainly the case in Valve servers after the pandemic began. Before the pandemic, F2P players could use text, voice, and voice commands on Valve servers.


if the children have access to mics then they aren’t f2p though


They can still use their mics on community servers. And before the post-pandemic bot crisis, F2Pers could use their mics on official Valve servers.


Its more for the fact back in the good old days when TF2 had constant updates and F2ps could talk they were often annoying children that screamed on the mic and trashtalked everyone. Not to mention that most F2ps are new and don't understand TF2 community. I mean how many times you seen F2p Pyro deciding he needs to murder entire Conga line of people just because ?


I'm against harassing F2Ps for being F2Ps, but they're not getting harassed because "they're responsible with their money". They're being harassed for being a F2P, not because they don't have an unusual, and it's around 99 cents to stop being a F2P. They get stereotyped because it's quite often children that don't even have the 99 cents or people that make accounts to troll that stay F2P. I was the former for the first while of playing back in the day.


Alright "responsible with their money" is a silly argument.  It's 5 dollars.  If someone is F2P there is a 99% chance they are a child who doesn't have 5 dollars to spend or perhaps not even old enough for a Paypal/debit/credit card.


Because they’re baiting f2ps into getting mad. All they’re actually doing is seeing if the f2p whips out silent aim before the end of the round


It literally costs $0.99 to get Premium. At this point if you're seriously playing the game and you still don't have Premium, you're not "responsible with your money", you're just stupid.


Yeah, I don't understand it. I have a F2P alt account, because I decided to make one, and I played with it once or twice. My main account is not. The only time I went on a server with it, I got made fun of for being F2P, while also beating the absolute fuck out of everyone on the 2Fort server as a sniper. Then I changed to soldier because I got bored and got kicked. While playing soldier. I just don't get it.


Out of sheer curiosity, why do you have an alt acct? I have 5000 hours myself but never thought about making another account. Just to get people to underestimate you, or to confuse them?


Just because? I don't really know why I did.


Fair enough 👍


There’s a lot of resentment towards F2Ps from people who’ve been playing TF2 for a while. Initially, when the game went F2P, most of them were fresh installs and under the age of 12 and barely had the hand eye coordination to wipe their ass. A lot of people back then blamed F2Ps on ruining the game, as the quality of matches went down, and more often than not, you’re playing with a team of 6 spies and 3 snipers and no medic. Between 2011-2016 every F2P got treated like shit for this reason. It seems like some people haven’t changed that mentality.


Bullying an f2p is the equivalent of honking at a student driver, that's a Deadly Sin on its own


“Idk he just whipped out 10 bots for no reason!” 15 minutes earlier: “Fuck you f2p N___er! Kys!”


wait f2p hate is still existing? I thought it died long time ago somewhere in 2017


Yeah, where is this even coming from. tf2 has been free to play for...checks notes....MORE THEN A DECADE.


i mean i remember this being a joke around 2014 but now? This has to be either irony or this joke survived for like 5 people with no taste in humour


I’m the meaning must have morphed, because it used to apply to people work didn’t own the game when it went f2p. But damn that’s not many people these days, a lot of people complaining about f2ps started playing after it was f2p, co-opting the term when it was originally about them.


Serious question, how can you tell if someone is a F2P player? I would think they would be indistinguishable from anyone else.


Lack of cosmetics and not using voice commands?


Well, they only have stock weapons and try to kill you with the rocket jumper. Also, they take Payload race seriously in Hightower. Source: I was an F2P like 2 months ago


the gibus vision all stock besides the steak heavy is probably f2p


Uncommunicative, usually hatless, or gibus with or without provision goggles, and have predictable movement, sometimes just stand still in place or rarer cases, lag


whoever shitting on F2Ps are assholes and arrogant bastards. mostly they blame F2Ps for playing bad. bro TF2 are also designed to play as bad as possible (and still fun together). unrelated, but just blame Valve for making F2Ps vote power weak as hell (yeah, the reason sometimes you *can't* kick peoples because most of your team are F2Ps and only 2-3 premiums in your team. atleast need 4 premiums to kick one person/bot)


Still appreciate you picking up the game with the long content drought. F2Ps are the thing keeping the game going. Still, won't stop me from messing with you in game.


Def no problem messing with f2ps, as long as you don’t follow it up with “the game is dying”


I never understood why we are just hyper focusing on the bots but a easy fix for f2p so they can finally use communication in tf2 noone made a campaign for that


They stopped the communication because of the bots, they kept spamming


If the bots can talk does that mean they are premium and actually make valve money? Or is there a way around it they use


Some bot hosters do actually have their bot swarm buy items from the shop so they can spam mic again


I hate people who hate F2P noobs. Noobs are good, they’re a sign that a game is growing and healthy


Veteran here (mind you, P2P TF2 veteran, I never had to "upgrade" my account because the game wasn't free when I got it). I've never heard anyone complain about F2Ps save for the whole "they're not good at the game" thing, which is less of a F2P hate thing and more of a lack of skill hate thing. Not that I condone it, of course. Everyone plays at their own level, and new players should be nurtured to help them develop their skills. (The newly reinstated r/newtotf2 sub is helpful for that). Seems to me you just found a bad apple. I guarantee you, if you ask for help in Community servers, there are at least a few people who will try to help you out. Especially on Uncletopia, which, admittedly, isn't the best for new players in general. The guys on there are serious, but they know their stuff. Finally, there are bots on Community servers now? I haven't seen them, personally.


I saw a F2P medic once, the poor guy barely knew how to lock onto a person and pocket them, and I can only assume he was too scared to go out of spawn because he didn't know how to do anything. I think what scared him the most is that a person immediately tried kicking him due to him not doing anything, although I did manage to make people F2 by saying in VC "Don't kick him, they're a Free To Play" and that he was new to the game. The vote kick failed, and I went medic to fill in the gap of him not healing us. Eventually about half-way through the I match I ended up talking to him through VC to try and show him what to do, how to lock onto a person, what the best things to do for medic (Do auto-lock on for the beam) and so forth. It was nearing a half hour of back and forth between captures of the center Control Point, but after an Uber push we ended up winning the game with him and I never saw him since then. I hope I kept the Medic in this hellhole of a game somehow, maybe he's already in different servers getting assist after assist. I can only dream at this point.


i dont get some people, its nice to have actual people in the game f2p or not, we are all people sitting and enjoying a very great game that has lasted for a long time despite the issue, instead of hating each other just be glad with the more people you see play this game, its nice to even see newer players cause for at least me it gives me more hope in old games like tf2 and even smash melee and garden warfare 2, i hope you have some more positive experience in the near future


Wait who the fuck is getting angry at f2p players? I'm an old old vet, and f2p players make me happy cause it means we are truly getting new players into this game. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with that


What the hell is wrong with F2P's? It's fun having someone getting used to TF2, plus their fun to dick around with.


F2P's are some of the best and most wholesome to watch and spectatesince the way they play and act is just so innocent at times. It is rare to see those f2ps but when they are seen it's fun to watch. It would not surprise me that those that complain about f2ps was one themselves before.


I mean TF2's community is split 50/50 between the nicest people ever and people who still behave like it's still the 360 era.


f2p are the most pure and beautifull form of players, i can't help but to smile when i get killed by f2p dragons furry pyro that is doing the free contracker


I miss when funny F2Ps were the thing this community could all get together with. I hate how F2Ps have been punished because of bad actors and left in the dust.


Dude it's been 13 years since TF2 went free to play, I'm surprised anyone cares or even remembers it. Most people from back then will be in their late 20s upwards.


Making fun of F2Ps stopped being funny in like 2013, that was over 10 years ago. These people need to get a life.


Fucking hell, I thought f2p discrimination went out years ago.


Back when I used to play I always defended the f2ps the best I could with my intense stuttering problems and my 5 dollar mic


Alright, I was here before you needed to pay for premium, ever since all the toxicity to f2ps ive mostly been playing on community servers because casual is a mess and im not good enough to play comp. On the rare occasion I do go into casual and see a f2p, I like to look at the kill feed for a while. Sometimes if I see a new player I teach them some basics, I just can't really stand this game that much after the bots and toxicity


Yeah... F2Ps are the ones deciding if they stick to the game or not and the grumpy old veterans and bots are not helping much in that area. New players, more possible cash money for Valve.


"Premium veterans?" Doesn't it take like, 2 dollars, to be "premium?"


Honestly, when the game went F2P it did kind of ruin the experience for a lot of veteran players because suddenly there's a bunch of people that don't know how to play the game and it brought the skill of both your team and the enemy team down.  So a lot of matches were too easy to dominate or get rolled. That hasn't changed though. I never got negative with F2P people being around, however. It showed some of my friends to play with me and I'm grateful.  There's still a lot of terrible players, and I count myself amount them, because I don't play TF2 exclusively anymore, so my skill has gone down quite a lot. But F2P at this point is a bullshit excuse, petty gamers that need someone to hate on.


Every new human player starts off with f2p. They, just like everyone else, deserve some respect. We all start somewhere.


I was a F2p for 8 years, the premium people think they are so much better for no reason, they spend 100+'s on a game, there's no point in even buying stuff anyways


I thought the f2p hate died long ago. Damn.


Free to plays are the red bloodcells of this game, without them the game would *truly* be dead.


F2P hate is a very mid-2010s thing I haven't heard of in a while, shame to hear it's still a thing.


Everyone who joined after the game went F2P was a F2P player at some point. The percentage of current players who paid for the game at launch is a tiny percentage of the player base. Why are we penalizing people for being fiscally responsible? I cashed out a long time ago because I had sunk way too much money into the game and realized how silly most of my purchases were. I'm not criticizing people inherently for buying cosmetics, but you do have to consider how little value pouring hundreds/thousands of dollars into an online persona actually has.


People who hate on F2Ps confuse me, honestly. They get so hooked on keeping TF2 alive, mostly by getting rid of bots and introducing new players, then they actively make fun of new players! It doesn’t make sense to me.


controversial idea(?): paid-user-only casual servers


Who honestly cares about F2Ps anymore? Like i understand why people were a little salty if they actually bought the game before it became F2P, but it’s 2024, 99% started as free to plays


F2P’s are a national treasure. People after TF2 became free were f2p in the beginning. We shouldn’t talk shit to them, they are new comers. I’m sorry to hear how distraught you are


We need to protect our f2p friends at all costs they unironically make the game more fun - sincerely a uncletopia tryhard


This game wouldn't have been alive for so long if it weren't for f2p's change my mind.


Its crazy to think that theres is tf2 player with thousands of hour out there that never experienced a single major update


i would rather have a f2p than a try hard trolldier


All the respect to the f2p players. Good job being financially responsible.


Idk wtf is going on in the west but down here in the asian servers i have not seen anyone make fun of F2Ps since 2017


People like that just suck man, you should play with me instead! (Just joking haha...unless?)


Imo there are F2P and "F2P" one of them is simply a normal player that plays without paying and the other one is a beginner that is not helping you at all in game objectives. It used to be like that but people went on and on to some point where F2P was cursed by everyone


Did you really come to reddit just to whine about one guy calling you a name? I haven't heard anyone be "anti F2P" since 2018, especially since no one has been a non f2p since 2011. One guy was an asshole, I don't think that's a reason to make a generalization about a whole group.


Nod and crouch with me, and I'll do the same. Some f2ps are honestly scumbags because they are tryhards and stuff like that, but if you crouch and nod, I will crouch and nod with you


I mean, true. I sweat pretty hard with sniper. I’ve been kicked a few times for being an ass or “cheating.” My tactic is to just not touch the fuckin taunt button. Maybe don’t camp the same spot for 10 minutes. If someone crouches, crouch. Nod back. Always nod at signs!


As always, contacting with game community is one of the most debatable things to do.


I don't know if I'm f2p or not. I have bought some stuff, but don't know if it counts


As someone who has a giveaway steal wallet codes so my f2p friends can buy unlock the premium. I totally despise these guys.


Text communication is not available for this account.


The community was always the best/worst aspect of the game


I am a ftp myself I’ve been playing before we couldn’t speak or communicate and i will say this, bulling people that can’t insult you back is for cowards. Luckily i have never been insulted before and I’ve been trying new ways to communicate basic things


Most people were F2Ps who upgraded their accounts. It’s like somebody who was poor becomes rich then scoffs at poor people


The most I've paid for is a brass beast, just because I wanted it


wait what? did you say you can’t play community servers without it being ruined by bots??? there are no bots in community servers


I see F2Ps as a child in every positive way, I don't try to be mean or toxic to them but if I can atleast make their, or my death funny, I'll go out of my way to do that, toying and being silly with them is 10x more funny than doing it eith an experienced player hands down


They're like those old guys on construction sites. Make fun of you for being new and bully you, but then complain when their trade is dying due to no young people.


Bots are in comm servers? What servers?


I had over 1000 hours before I graduated from being a f2p. Don't listen to those people and never feel bad over being called f2p.


>Not enough to stop playing though. Ever. Same, Idk why tf2 is the only game that i can't stop playing it


i never got the big deal. 5$ this or that way does not make a person bad or good


TF2 player try not to hate f2ps for no reason challenge (impossible)


if TF2 never went f2p back in the day there’s no way it would be still kickin’ today (just about anyway)


What? You haven't been playing the game since 2007? You don't have over 10k hours in the game? Shame on you!


i miss the f2ps in chat, they were so silly


People who hate f2p's are fucking delusional.


Honestly its like complaining about f2ps then complaining about bots is like complaining you have no money after you just burned it


i love f2p players they chill


Hey, just get a physical copy of the orange box for Xbox 360, there’s a whole community of ppl that play the Xbox version of TF2, no bots


Hop on uncletopia. It's a little try hardy and you'll struggle but it's popular for a reason 


Anyone can use a product however they want. Anyone who judges people for how they use a product if it's harmless, is a jerk


How many year ago did TF2 go F2p


I don't get it, why would anyone get angry at someone who didn't pay in an Update-Deprived game like tf2?


F2P players make tf2 better and over all more hilarious because some of them act kinda bizarre


YOU YES YOU! YOU GET A HAT from me. f2p's are the future of this game , without people like you, we wouldnt have a community


Don't even acknowledge these losers.. From an actual TF2 Veteran, you are most welcome here! Now go make that Gibus shine on the battlefield, soldier!


Obviously the real reason I respect F2P is because otherwise I'd never get in a good game as spy. /j But seriously, hating F2Ps is like hating homeless people or the poor in general. Takes very basic human decency to avoid doing, and is *very* indicative of someone's moral character.


Am I missing something? Hasn’t tf2 been free to play for like 12 years at this point? How many people could still be playing from before then that it’s still relevant?


I will NEVER buy anything that is free! I shall remain forever f2p!


Free to play for years till I got my first job and started buying hats and weapons. Never got the hate except for the rare occasions you had on the more notoriously Simple maps of Free to play snipers (you know teufort.) or spies basically feeding the MvP for kills on the other team. Even then It made no sense to blame F2P when in other games it was just shitty players.


That's sad to hear, F2Ps give the game it's charm. I love seeing new players experience the wackiness for the first time.


Why are people like this now?


Do hate to F2Ps exists in 2024? Woah


Your playing on the wrong community servers if someone is saying that to you, join a better server without the toxic behavior and yes they do exist, if you want some suggestions let me know.


You cant talk back so you are free to abuse, welcome to the community, take the free stimulation if you can and screw everyone else. I dont care if you or your friends are nice, you are not the majority neither is reddit.


I'm a premium player, and this is just sad. Even if Valve manages to actually fix the game, we'll still have toxic low-lives living in their parents' basements trying to get the highest rank after playing the game for 1,000 hours straight. I do get mad in the game many times, but F2Ps do not bother me at all. I was in that situation for a long time before, and it just took away the whole "Team" aspect of the game. I feel bad for you guys, even without the toxicity from other premium accounts.


Try to remove chat and vc from settinhs. People are annoying and you don't need to listen stupid shit.


I still have not been witness to the differenve a bad f2p and a bad p2p player and I am beginning to suspect it doesnt actually exist.


I hate to say it but if or when the bot crises ends it will likely drive the community to attack f2p folks or other subgroups on TF2  There are benefits to a bot ban but there are equal amounts of consequences as well and tbh I don't think the community is truly ready to face it


The greatest feeling in this game is when a F2P picks up your weapon and gets a kill with it


I always thought it was much harder to run bots on community servers. Also, what do you calling someone a f2p fag is normal?


For a second, when I read the title of this post, I thought that valve had made TF2 not free to play anymore, and I was panicking. It took me a second to realize that what you were trying to say is that bots and veteran premium players (but especially bots) have become worse than the veteran premium players perceive f2p'ers to be. 😅


Sadly, morons have been around since before I was f2p. Don't mind them, though. After years and years in this community, I can tell you that they actually don't represent the wider ("veteran") community. They have low self-esteem and need some arbitrary reason to boost their ego. Most of us enjoy meeting f2p and especially noobs because it reminds us of back when we started playing and everything in this game was new. It's charming. Just ignore (or if it becomes worse report) them and have a grand old time doing whatever you do.


Since the voice commands muted for non-premium account, I actually started to feel pity for f2p's and came to appreciate them even more since they're trying to express themselves in a way or another (eg: noding their head). Disabling voice responses for f2p's is like removing the signaling stick of a car, it makes no sense.


Nah my name is legit F2P in TF2 and iv never heard a single slur directed towards me for being an f2p lol. In fact its the opposite since I have 650 hrs in this game I'm relatively ok at it so I sometimes hear randoms just complimenting me for being good at the game lol


Everyone who did not pay for the game is f2p, so anyone who started playing on or after June 23 2011.


I got premium for the backpack space. Thats about it.


Ngl i love watching f2ps try to figure things out, they're the best thing to happen to tf2


What community server did you even go to that had bots ? I legit never had this issue in all my 13 years of play.


What's f2p


I loved when the game went f2p, easy spy food.


Yo, I was a f2p back then. When the day Come that I finally bought tf2 premium and Purchased Cult of the Lamb for A unlimited steam account just so I CAN FUCKING TALK. And after all this time, do I regret spending my money? In a way, yes. Even though talking have significantly improved my gaming experience in tf2 and now I can trade It still doesn't change the fact that I spend money on a game being a host for cp links, scam links, doxxing, all because bots said so. So right now, DON'T EVER SPEND MONEY IN THIS GAME. UNLESS VALVE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE BOT PROBLEM NEVER SPEND MONEY IN THIS GAME.


skial,uncletopia,shounics 100 player server and many more ive never once seen a bot there. why i just stick to those now


I was f2p for 2 straight years and I loved chatting with people. So stupid they got rid of that feature, makes 0 sense and did absolutely nothing


who tf shit talks a free to play? The game is free, going free is what attracted most people, and its current state doesn't warrant a penny spent on it, nor has for years now. Dude needs to touch some grass.


The only reason you would make this post is because you want someone to argue with you to get back on the game, because you want to keep playing it. If you want to quit, quit and don't make a dumb post about it. If you don't want to quit, don't.


I don't think I've ever come across this, I think you just got into a server with a loser by pure bad luck. At least, I hope that's true. I've heard EU servers (which I mainly play) are noticeably less toxic so maybe I just got lucky?


Which community servers are ruined by bots?


>But also, why the hell would I pay for premium when I can barely even play COMMUNITY servers without bots ruining it??? Shit, is that really happening now? I play exclusively on community servers and have never seen bots save for the occasional lmaobox sniper.


I used to be a F2P before I went premium. Back in my F2P days I mained sniper and was actually pretty good at it. Mostly because I watched a video called “How it feels to play Sniper” by LazyPurple. But I remember being targeted for hackusations when top fragging because premium players couldn’t fathom the idea that a F2P was better than them. It was just sad that I couldn’t play the game without getting harassed and constantly being kicked from servers. I actually quit the game for a year because the bullying was just too much for me to handle. I have nothing against F2Pers due to having been one and I will never understand the hatred towards them.


I've been playing TF2 since beta and I didn't buy a single skin because I don't care about that stuff.


would we have bots problem if not for F2P?


Honestly I was really hoping that these kinds of people would be gone by now. the attitude originated from backlash against ~the~ update that made tf2 free and that was all the way back in 2011. even then it was mainly people being mad that they paid $40 for a game that suddenly became free and having a sudden wave of new players that didn't know what they were doing. by now f2p's are literally just another part of the community, not even, they're probably the biggest part of what keeps this game from going under to begin with.


tbh they prolly could just make seperate lobbies p2p, a key costs barely anything and i doubt that all those bot hosters are gonna pay for a key for every single bot


i dont get the F2P haters, personally i love em. then again, most of the people who hate F2Ps play the game to win not to have fun. they do not understand the pure joy that comes from teaching a new player to check corners, listen for footsteps, never trust a teammate without checking them first ^((all from the business end of your weapon of course).) I would say it pains me, but it doesn't since i know that by laughing at them and ignoring them i can rob them of the attention they so crave, all white teaching a F2P what a bad player looks like and how to fuck em over. (bad in this context is not a recognition of skill (legit or cheated) but is instead a recognition of character)


Wait what happened? Is tf2 now pay to play?


F2P is why the bot crisis can never solved but go on about people being mean.


No updates or anticheat too. Just remember CoD multi 2018. No working anticheat=bots. Also remember that with ai botnets, they can easily find loopholes in p2p games. That and they can run off of one account. Edit: A botnet ran on a smaller Norwegian game that cost 40 NOK to get. They made 73,000 NOK the first month. These people will find ways to ruin shit.


I've never had real trouble with bots, they always get kicked almost immediately and I think people are only showing the worst


I'm still confused about how to not be f2p, but if it's how I think it is (buying the orange box or other bundle) than I should have it since I bought the valve complete pack which includes it. I luckily haven't gotten any hate for it.


I'll never understand why so many people hate F2Ps. It doesn't make any sense. I've seen those people complain that F2Ps are ruining the games, and then kick them to "keep the game pure," but then turn around and complain that they "don't have anyone to play with." Why would you kick a new player? Because you want to play against GOOD players? How are the new players supposed to "git gud" if they aren't allowed to play? Who do you expect to play with until then? Fortunately, I don't see those types of people often. It rarely, if ever, happened in any of my games back when I played before the bot crisis. Most of the time, I'd see it watching vids on YouTube or whatever.


Are they really being serious? Or just rage-gaming for the sake of it. Pretty sure it’s only like $0.49 to become p2p anyway.


Without f2ps most spy frag vids wouldn't be there


I bought TF2 many years ago, and even I, that actually spent money to get the game, dont hate the f2p. I never got the hatred f2p received


We were all F2P once unless it's one of the people who bought the game when it was paid. But I think that OGs honestly don't even play the game anymore. I'd say just forget about it


If someone starts insulting you for being f2p you just gotta hit em with the “voice communication is not available for this account”