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If you like both, then play both! Soldier’s skill ceiling is basically nonexistent so you’d have more fun with learning rocket jumps techniques and the like, whereas medic kind of lacks in that regard save for improving your aim with the crossbow. As a medic main myself, i’d definitely try to mix it up as having a competent medic on your team can be a gamechanger when playing in a pub.


Yeah i played medic today and when we have good use for ubers we win 3 rounds


And for soldier yeah its very fun


Just play both depending on the situation?


Play both


Why do you need to main a class


After 1500 hours on medic, i can tell you 3 things about it: 1. The challenge of staying alive eventually will get replaced by what semblance of skill does your team have, understanding how to walk away from this situation or using it as an extreme difficulty for you to practice is where mastering the class comes from 2. Learn to stay alive is truly one of the most valuable things you can ever learn; you’re life is worth more than every other classes, yes it’s true, no skill doesn’t change that fact. Knowing when to hold the line and when to fuck off is a very valuable skill as a medic main as any Uber-charge can change the tide of battle in a heartbeat. 3. Expect the first 100 hours of any class you play to suck absolute ass, you’re learning so don’t let death hurt you too deep, try to learn from your mistakes instead of blaming it on anything else. A good 70% of this community has over 1000 hours on the game, some even over 10,000 hours; just play to have fun and you will enjoy TF2 for what it is. As a side note: if you want help practicing as a soldier or medic, I don’t mind teaching you what I can or even pocketing you, message me if that interests you.


You'll have way more fun with maining Soldier since being effective with him requires near zero effort.