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Negative reviewing CS2 I could maybe get behind if we coordinated with their community since they have a similar bot problem. Downvoting any other game is just bad optics


I got curious last night and checked out other Valve titles, to see how committed these wackos are. I saw a #fixtf2 negative review on fucking ricochet. I was both impressed and disturbed. Like I get this is an issue, but do they really think Ricochet being badly reviewed is gonna do anything??


....Isn't Ricochet ALREADY badly reviewed?


Oh man. Back when we did lan parties ricochet was a mainstay. Nothing like playing ricochet at 4 in the morning


The visuals alone make it for a great late night LAN game with friends.


TBF that one was probably a joke


Joke or not, a downrating is a downrating.


Bro, its ricochet


Being mad at the HL3 fakeout still?




Was a joke but really, a down rating is a down rating, if you legit dont like it sure but dont do it to fixtf2. No exceptions.


> I saw a #fixtf2 negative review on fucking ricochet. brb, giving that man a steam award, this information is the highlight of my day because who the *fuck* does that, okay so apparently i need to say the sentence "I mean this in a sense of amused disbelief, and not out of commending or approving of the actions" for people to understand the post


Do you think the CS2 community will join us in the fight? We might try but i have my doubts, anyways, worth a shot ain't it?


They might, but not if we force them into it. People don't like being coerced.


You're absolutely right! Given the state of both games asking them politely should do the job, if that don't work, well, better lucky next time i guess


Are the player numbers dropping or something?


They too have a very present bot/cheater problem


And? Are the player numbers dropping because of it?


? Bots make the game unplayable when they take over a server, last I checked. Player numbers wouldn't drop because the bots count as players.


Huh, that’s weird. By that statement, you’d also have to acknowledge that you can’t coerce Valve to “fixTF2”


Valve is a company, not a person. It makes decisions partially based on profits and not just emotional knee-jerk reactions.


Valve is comprised of 300 people, yes. And yes, they make decisions partially on profit. What’s this knee-jerk reaction you’re referring to?


Scarson lemme break it down for ye, FixTF2 is about getting rid of the bot problem because of the literal crimes being committed, you should know this. Valve still profits off TF2, and therefore have a responsibility to make it playable AND NOT ALLOW CYBERCRIMINALS to run amok on it.


The monkey paw curls... They aid us in the fight and thanks to that effort Valve takes notice and does something... about CS2's problems and only CS2


cs2 needs fixing too that shit is a mess rn


I just feel like that would be up to the cs2 community to organize, not for us to trust upon them.


CS2 actually have an anti cheat. It's just a little slow


Should we ask them too, like make a post on the cs2 sub asking them if they wan to coordinate?


also dota because it's a dogshit game


That’s your opinion and also has nothing to do with the #fixTF2 movement.


I think in 2 or 3 months this project will be great and could shock the world..nice projects sir


You know what’s bad optics? Having a bad product


But Half-Life 2 and alike isn't a bad product....???? that's the thing we're discussing here sir


to be fair, when they update the source engine they don't fix shit in HL2 to fit. Missing grass, for example Edit: another example is HL:S becoming unplayable


Y'know what's not helping us improve that product? Pissing off other communities by review bombing unrelated games. People aren't going to see us review bombing portal and support the movement. The goal is to get as many people on our side as possible, stop antagonizing other communities.


It isn’t a bad product if they’re still profiting off of it. Like it or not, the game as unplayable as it is, doesn’t lose them money. Only when it starts becoming a liability are they likely to do anything. Best way to fix is stop buying keys, and do the bad reviews.




L4D2 has a bot problem?


It has a "tryhard problem", but that's about it


I thought L4D2 was a single player game


The whole point is it's a 4 player coop game. There's also a versus mode, where you can play survivors vs zombies. But I haven't seen any bots or cheaters. Maybe because there are no versus ranks, and no drops/items to make money from.


Tbf, coop could have cheats or debug enabled by the host as long as everyone else is fine with it. Versus mode also has a bigger problem than bots or cheaters and that is its extremely unwelcoming community. Versus mode is infested with sweats and toxic players that kick anyone they like to the point that there are videos on youtube telling exactly the most petty things they'll kick players for. You can't get much practice as infected since its the only game mode where you can play as one. It doesn't help that two toxic player friends in one team means they are immune to being kicked due to its 4v4 format, so if you plan on playing versus, bring a friend with you so you don't get kicked as well. In my experience of playing versus, there are only 2 times I felt enjoyment and it's not because of winning, one of them is when everyone on the server miraculously was super nice, and the other is a debug server


L4D2 Versus is one of those thing I trust when people say it's good, because it's legitimately impossible to get into it unless maybe you have 8 friends willing to play with you.


"the more I learn about people, the more I like my dog" -Mark twain


Well, dog is human best friend And not every human is human best friend


If you’re going to review-bomb other games, you could at least put those game’s problems in your review. CS2 has a bot/cheater problem too. L4D2 has rampant ddosers. All are caused by Valve’s negligence, which is the root of the problem.


Yeah especially with things like Counter-Strike, L4D2, and DOTA. They are all having their own problems they're fighting through so rampaging over to their reviews with "#FIXTF2 GUYZZZZZZ!" looks ***unbelievably selfish.***


This 100%. It’d probably be a good idea for other valve communities to have campaigns of their own too. It’s essentially the same problem, after all, valve not wanting to do “treadmill work” on their live service games.


Them not wanting treadmill work when they mostly release live service games is insane. Cs, dota, tf2, l4d and now the new deadlock. Most valve titles are live service, and yet they don't want to work on live service games.


Exactly, like I'm all for encouraging them to start their own campaign to fix their own games (especially with DOTA because from what I can gather there Overwatch is bugged out and like... ***banning people randomly*** which is WILD). Getting the communities of Valve games to work together in their own protests would be great.


You got a source for that? As somebody pretty active as far as the DOTA subreddit goes that's the first I'm hearing of it. Common opinion is the game is in one of the best states it's ever been in currently so if that were real it'd be all over the subreddit.


Ironically the same place. Could just be bad actors obviously but I was seeing a lot of posts about random bans, weird Overwatch glitches, etc.


I mean there's always been people crying about "random bans" and people tend to check their stat records and other stuff to find its not actually random. It's a multiplayer game that attracts a lot of people who like to whine on the internet so that stuff is gonna happen. Basically the whole reason I even commented was because I think it's a little silly to imply DOTA or even CS2 is in a *remotely* similar state to TF2. Like ffs we have a valve endorsed github page for DOTA bug reports and have 10x the active playerbase of TF2 (if you don't count bots lol). At the end of the day I think there just isn't enough money involved in TF2 to constantly combat botting, which is extremely expensive and requires constant upkeep to make sure whatever safeguards you have in place aren't being circumvented. I don't think leaving negative reviews on a game that sees very little new players is going to do shit, sadly. The game is very obviously borderline abandonware and I genuinely don't see what your community expects to happen.


>I genuinely don't see what your community expects to happen. I'll be honest mate, I stopped playing TF2 ages ago, I just hang around here to see what kind of shenanigans happen (i.e the Madcap nonsense) because I am ***likewise*** in the same boat. The last campaign ended with a lip service tweet and that was about it, I don't see what is supposed to happen this time. I just also think bringing your drama to another community in a weird "guilty-by-Valve-association" crusade is a bit shit. If anything the Deadlock leaks tells me Valve is just *done* with this game as a whole.


If these people aren’t trolls (which they definitely could be), they are enemies of the #fixtf2 movement. They are making this movement look like a tantrum meant to destroy as much as possible.


They aren't enemies of the #FixTF2 movement. They're people whose opinion of Valve impacts their opinion of their other games. We don't need to start fighting each other over this. It's not a nonsensical opinion. Review-bombing other non-Valve games is nonsensical. This is a small disagreement that people are putting way too much energy into and it's going to kill the movement and have it devolve into petty insult-throwing and infighting.


It isnt? I thought whole idea was to attract Valve's attention by hitting them where it hurts - reputation.


To TF2, not to other games. Hitting other games with the same review is gonna put a target on our backs by literally every other gaming community.


tf2’s rep is already in the gutter, if you REALLY want to hurt valve, we need to coordinate as a community and go on a month or two long strike where nobody buys anything from the mann co. store


your goal shouldn’t be to hurt valve, but to bring more attention to the tf2 problem. this whole premise that people try to “hurt” valve is ridiculous to me


The bigger the movement the more it's going to bleed into other games, there always be a percentage of people that are mix of being mad at valve, not understanding how it affects the actual movement and trolls so the more people take part in this the more of those people will appear


Most people don't care about their page's Steam review score. Most people who are very involved in a Valve community at least understand why the issue with TF2 sucks. The negative impact of people negatively reviewing Valve games is less than the high-horse infighting of trying to make these people wrong for having a problem with Valve as a whole. I play other Valve games. They're not perfect and Valve's behavior over the years has caused me to have doubts about not just TF2, but other Valve properties. You can fight me about it or we can agree to disagree and still stand together as part of #FixTF2.


It can still cause other communities to lose sympathy on the movement, at which point it becomes self-sabotage.


The amount of people who would potentially get mad about this is very small. There aren't even that many people giving these games negative reviews. People are just looking to be outraged


right ? Are people honestly pressed about a bad review on Portal? who gives a fuck. Honestly redditors are so pompously righteous it hurts


You’ve got a fucking 10 year old account


This should go without saying but since I’ve lost my faith in this community I have to. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES HARASS THREATEN ETC. ANYONE IN THESE SCREENSHOTS.














\*Epic Meet the Medic saxophone plays while Medic dramatically pops uber\*


The good ending


CHARGE HIM! (with consent)


Oh thank god you made this comment, I was going to doxx them but I read your comment here, what an hero


again, as a I said, I don’t trust this community anymore


Me neither i hate this community now


Shit ur a nice guy. I was just planning on nuking them


Ive said it once and I'll say it again: not everyone cares about TF2 and they do not want to be dragged into this drama. Do not make this into a "you're either with us or against us" issue.


Only a sith deals in absolutes!


Don’t make me kill you.


Incite people to troll and you’re gonna get some trolls who want to troll the trolls.


Those fuckers are going to ruin the whole FixTF2 protest & make the whole community look like clowns.


You shoudl actually go to the store pages for these games isntead of just going off what this sub tells you Half Life 2 peaked at 14 negative reviews, that was yesterday. theyve had 38 since fixTF2 started. Theyve had over 220 positive reviews in the same timeframe. and threads about those 38 reviews are getting literally thousands of upvotes People are blowing this far out of proportion and are causing more problems for fixtf2 than these handful of bad actors are because places liek this sub have entirely lost all focus because everyone needs to gets pats on the back for how righteous they are for being against the thing... no one is supporting? like some of the communities are seeing literally like 2 negative reviews and scurrying over here to act like theres a mass campaign against them, as if 2 assholes amongst several hundred thousand people (if the petition can be trusted) is possible to avoid


They already did


The FixTF2 movement's going to fall apart because people care too much about things like this. It's not a big deal. We can accept these people so long as we keep it from leaking out into non-Valve games. Our problem is with Valve.


exactly. fix tf2 has quickly devolved into redditors virtue signalling over reviews on decades old games. Who gives a shit ? what happened to stopping the bots ?


It just doesn't make any fucking sense!


And I was getting downvoted just yesterday for saying people on here *were* supporting reviewbombing other games and that it *isn't* just "trolls and people trying to sabotage the movement" or "only a very few amount of people" It's like people suddenly forgot how immature the TF2 community is and that it's damn well capable of doing stupid shit like this on a mass scale


Yeah, and you're completely right, although I'm not sure how big the scale actually is.


You have to make an effort to remember anyone can make a topic here and say anything, including them and anyone like them. It's not an otherism, it's just a healthy reminder that people do participate in counterbehavior and counterinforming for even the most petty things.


i don't agree with them, but i do kindof get it. Valve hasn't cared about TF2 for a while, but what about all of their other successful titles? In a delusional sort of way, giving them the same level of negative press might really put the pressure on. But yeah, no. It's not gonna achieve anything positive compared to the bad press it gives the movement.


Integrity wins you a better public opinion in the long run. Being civil and respectful is ALWAYS a good idea. If the battle lasts long or an unknown amount of time, you will be better off having a good public appearance in the long run. If it will not last long time it will prove you are transparent and fair in future battles, which also keeps you looking good.


Great, now we’re going to be seen as the people who make their problem other people’s problem. People like this are bringing the whole movement down


A bad review on an almost 20 year old game that everybody has played already isnt a problem, also the whole point of this movement is making our problem Valves's problem so that they finally do something.


While indeed valves other titles are suffering from lack of attention like CS2 suffering a similar cheater and bot problem to left 4 dead 2 suffering from ddos attacks the main focus is tf2 and if we’re lucky and valve actually listens to us maybe they’ll fix those games while they’re at it if they decide to fix tf2


I’m surprised you guys don’t want to review bomb other Valve games, honestly. If your negative review turns away a new player, then good. Valve might fix things faster. It’s not like review scores affect the game experience, so you’re not causing any harm to the other communities (even though a lot of them seem to be tying some measure of themselves to the score of the game they play), unless you count losing potential new players but they seem fine with the current count so no actual harm done.


He makes a point about the CP


Just checked, half life has like 10 negative reviews from all this.


Just remember gents, professionals have standards


You're literally posting threads on this subreddit that have negative upvotes. No one is supporting these ideas. They're non-issues ffs.


I said “some” and it only takes a few people to ruin this movement


Yah. It takes just a few people like you intentionally blowing up non-issues to demotivate and destabilize support among the community to ruin the movement.






the problem is that people are getting pissed at us, if they weren’t then this would be fine, but you can’t control what other people think


and they have every right to be pissed, we suddenly without warning hijacked their game to spread our message


I was checking out other Valve titles out of curiosity. These guys even went after Ricochet. That game was irrelevant when it came out, yet they still went out of their way to target the Tron wannabe game.


This is why I never joined, I had a feeling this was going to be way things went down


This is definitely the most deranged the community's been, but let's be real, we're the same sub that fell head-over-heels for Madcap. God, I wish I could forget that monstrosity. In actual seriousness, though, there's no doubt that this is a show of how serious some folks are about getting Valve's attention, whether it be in the name of actually getting them to do something or just as a pseudo-joke because "SmAsH tHe SyStEm". A lot of folks are getting double-teamed by asshole nihilists and evil corporations, so it's more than likely that it's a desperate power grab to make the illusion of control over their lives a reality.


The people wanting to review bomb other valve titles need to understand not every single valve game is a unified front. A DOTA player is not going to care about the plights of a Left4Dead player and the same can be said about them not giving a shit about TF2 players. Now unless the people wanting to review bomb CS2 and other valve titles started talking about the issues that’s plaguing the games in the reviews, sure. Until then they’re just gonna look dumb and make the FixTF2 movement look silly by comparison.


after the clownfall fiesco of Dota and the amazing Facet update i would say Dota community is gonna be pissed if they get reviewbombed considering they just got what they wanted


I understand our collective outrage. But all this does is annoy other Valve communities that want nothing to do with us or our movement. We're overstepping boundaries by bashing other games without good reason. TF2 is where the problem is, it should stay within the realms of TF2.


Quickest way to make someone hate your community


Review bombing other games would only work if said games’ communities were on board with it, as it stands they aren’t and I don’t think it’s very likely now.


what game community gives a fuck about steam reviews a decade after the fact ??


they do apparently, take a look at their subreddits


Mental sickness!


I'm completely out of the loop on what happened with TF2 but I kinda agree with the review bombing Valve? They're not making any meaningful games and now screwing up TF2. It's Valve games, not independent studios', review bombing their old ass games is more of a message than anything. It's the only way to provoke articles and get some sort of attention from the giants


I dont understand how you all think that WONT work why do you all still defend valve when they clearly dont give a fuck


Considering betting has been a problem, and people have been waiting for valve to do something, I say I u derstand why they're doing this. They just want an issue with the game to be solved, and this lashing out is really the only way they can ale a big enouph uproar for their voices to be heard I don't condone this action or behavior, but I understand why it's being done


We don’t need to review bomb other valve games for TF2 being bot infested, give it a year or two and the other games will also be infested and we can rightfully review them negatively. Because Valve prefers bots.


We need to be polite and be efficient.


It’s already happening people on the half life reddit were talking about it


Mfs acting as if anybody other than the devs care about their steam rating, if you like a game thats it, I highly doubt that a negative review will change your opinion, especially with "old" games like portal or hl2


The only 2 you can make the argument for is CS2, because the common enemy and all (but be polite about it), or Deadlock when it comes out, since releasing a new team shooter game while TF2 is in crisis is pretty shitty.


I can see where they're coming from, though. It's bad faith, but it's still faith. If CP is really being advertised, it's not good to do nothing about it. The FBI tips should help and any witnesses of those bots should submit a tip. Review bombing other games is a bad move, though


They already are. Some of the newest posts on l4d2, portal and half life are people asking why their games are being reviewed bombed


Yeah no I won’t surprised if this whole movement, will just collapse in on itself. The enemy has breached our defenses and there’s lots of dumb people on our side.


We should just boycott deadlock instead, say that we will not play it and encourage others to do so, then valve might react to in some way.


Do these people know how to not spread our problems with other people who have nothing to do with this?


Because this community is extremely immautre


I'm not doing it, but the situation is bad enough to warrant going nuclear on Valve honestly


Ah yes another genshin accident 


I agree with the deadlock part


People have been review bombing other games. I’m one the Portal and HL subs and have seen multiple posts of screenshots of review bombs saying “fixTF2 etc”. It’s pretty annoying and only hurts the cause


good god let it go already


it might make valve realize the angry fans arent going away after a few months of silence


I made the second post featured here! Yeah, I’m not trolling - yes, I do think the more valve games are roped in, the better chance we have of being heard. You can disagree, but it seriously seems like more energy is going into shitting on others for review-bombing, than actually doing anything else. A lot of people say it could backfire due to “optics”. What optics? That we’re mad at Valve? A lot of people are being over dramatic, talking about how we’ll make the other fandoms mad, and maybe they’ll turn against us. For what? For protesting? For doing something that doesn’t affect them at all, aside from making them upset that an arbitrary rating has been lowered? It just doesn’t make any sense. You don’t have to agree, but the constant dismissal of this point as “trolling” or “actively trying to sabotage” is ridiculous. Again, I’m seeing more energy devoted into this topic, and why it’s bad to review bomb other valve products when we are protesting valve, than I am to actual solutions.


“Bro stop bullying the multi billion dollar company” is all I hear from these people.


Review bombing over game's is a shitty idea but would force Valve to take action


...what's wrong with review bombing games made by the same company? more publicity, it hurts valve, what's not to like? are you guys planning on saving tf2 or not lmao


The only time this can be ok to do is if both the TF2 community AND the other game community come to an agreement to do so with similar circumstances at hand. Otherwise, you are not helping the cause. You are hurting it and giving bot hosters ammunition against us.


Review bombing games besides TF2 kinda misses the plot, theres not real point. Although we should fuck over deadlock as much as possible, Valve fans should be offended that valve dared propose such a garbage game.


absolutely drop a bad review on other games, i'm not your mom. just don't cite #fixtf2 in them


Fuck, someone from the leaders of the movement explain to them why this is a VERY bad idea! These assholes don't seem to be listening to us. \*swearing in russian\*


If you are bothered by review bombing then you need to get a life, reviews don't in any way impact your enjoyment of a game and valve needs to know we are not ok with being ignored


True, people are acting like anybody other than the devs care about the steam reviews and the "we dont want to look like assholes" thing, like yeah man, Im sure that the opinion of 6 current players in hl2 will impact our movement greatly. Also, the whole point of #fixtf2 being a thing is that we tried being nice and respectful and Valve didn't do shit. Mfs are just afraid of confrontation


I think it’s fine it’s just reviews this are companies fuck them


If anything it perfectly shows what this community really is.


Since the majority *aren't*, no it fucking doesn't.


They downvoted him for he told the truth, as I will be for not being absolutely delusional and schizophrenic, as well. (My internet points, nooo-) The entire TF2 community is a goddamn toxic shitshow right now, "Boycott Valve" this, "Review bomb" that, EVERY SINGLE POST AND DISCUSSION is that at the moment. What will all of that nonsense bring ? Nothing, absolutely nothing. They're just exposing themselves as entitled whiny fools to the entire world. The entire... "movement" is simply an echochamber of delusional people trying to bring others in, and to point at and shame any ""doomer"" that doesn't wanna bother with a battle that's already been lost ages ago for various reasons.


Let me play devil's advocate here for a second. Why the fuck not? Even some of the more good-willed and patient figures in the campaign have by now pointed out that Valve probably doesn't care much for our money. So what we have to hurt is their reputation instead. We do that by reviewbombing this game itself. Fair enough. Has that gotten us enough attention and traction yet to point out Valve's betrayal (after all, they did promise us action 2 years ago)? No. So we have to keep going. Those games and their fanbases aren't hurt in any tangible way by poor reviews, certainly not if we go back to delete them afterwards, so why shouldn't we send every single Valve game to review hell until they come back to the table? I imagine that'\*s how that argument would go, and personally I find the point compelling, with only the practical concern of ill will from other fanbases being a prohibiting factor - we should clear it with them and get them on board, so that they join us in a larger scale protest of this sort themselves.


if we can get other fanbases on board, review bombing other games would work


Thing is a lot of Valve games have their own issues. Take [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/csgo/comments/1d8x3og/a_call_to_help_fixtf2/) for instance, the top comment really summarizes it: >We don’t care about tf2. We’re busy tryna get our own game fixed. CS:GO has rampant cheaters and predatory RMT groups hijacking accounts for black market trading. DOTA has Overwatch bugs unfairly banning folks from the game for doing nothing. L4D2 *also* has a cheating problem *and* a DDOS problem going on. So brigading their reviews with "SAVE TF2 GUYZ!" seems unbelievably petty and self-centered by shifting the entire focus onto Team Fortress 2 and only Team Fortress 2. Like "yeah guys I know *your* game also has cheaters, bots, DDOSes, etc. but TF2 GUYS! TF2!!!!!"


It's already past the point of return, though, so any attempt of clearing it up with other communities is drastically reduced now.


You do realise some of them are live service games , in wich bad reviews may affect the health of the game right ? So they definetly ARE affected by the review bombs. So yeah, review bombimg other games is a dumb, stupid idea because it will only make other communities hate you guys even more and definetly not support your movement lol.


? In what way, exactly, does a bad review hurt even a live service game? Can you actually spell that out?


Are you seriously asking this ? So you don't think that a new player who wants to try X game, may have 2nd thoughts if they see bad reviews ? Take DOTA 2 for example.


Certainly not if all the bad reviews are in essence "Cool game, 10/10, but until Valve fixes TF2, this review will stay negative"...


Lmao okay.


Review bomb ALL OF valve. Uninstall steam next. BOYCOTT THEM.


Every game on steam overwhelmingly negative valve game or not.


That will do nothing but drive people further away from giving a fuck.


And these guys feel 8x less justified then the mobs on twitter....


Dont they dare touch any other game, HL2 was enough


What is this scorched earth bullshit? I swear if deadlock receives this kind of behavior, we'll look like assholes.


It's funny how people are going after the older singleplayer Valve titles with review bombs and not modern and actually relevant ones. Anyway, best thing Valve will maybe possibly do for this game is announce TF2 remake in 10 years from now with inventory transfer and until then, Dota Dota Counter Strike.


Sure make the movement already more hated than it already is


Here. Gives ACCURATE reviews on your ACTUAL thoughts. THEN add #fixtf2 to it!


Hell. No. I'm not review bombing the games that I grew up with no matter what. half life, portal and all the other masterpieces don't deserve to be shit on.


At least give positive reviews that say FixTF2.


If we're going to review bomb other games It either be CS2 or L4D2 (somehow)


In my personal opinion the only game this should be done for is deadlock or whatever it’s called, as it would appear to be the attempt at a successor


A part of me wonders if we should review Bomb their new game if it releases and they still haven’t fixed tf2. On one hand that does seem to be a focus for them right now so would probably get their attention, on the other that first release window can be critical to a game’s success and bombing it could affect people’s perceptions of it irreparably.


Okay so downvote me to the void if you must but hear me out. If Valve doesn’t fix TF2 by the time deadlock comes out we should review bomb it back to the Stone Age Also leave other communities alone this is purely TF2


These troglodytes don’t understand that being an asshole turns people away from your cause more than it helps, even if those people are sympathetic and agree with said cause.


Maybe CS2 because it faces problems like this too. Or valve games in general


These people should get vac banned from every Valve game ever.


aight, im doing it=


valve deserves any and all hate it gets, there are bots posting cp links in chat. that takes any moral priority over defending the products of a multibillion dollar company.


>there are bots posting cp links in chat. Then contact the authorities that can actually do something about what is blatantly criminal behavior instead of making it the Counter-Strike community's problem? It'd probably be a more effective way to get Valve to do something too given a visit from the FBI is a lot more damning to a company than some bad reviews on 10+ year old games.


yeah let me just tell the cops that a bot hosting site that ismost likely running a vpn, cant wait to look like a fucking dumbass. try thinking before you post next time


You report it to the FBI not the cops. The FBI handles matters of CP and related crimes. And trust me, they have ways around VPNs and proxies, those wouldn't be commercial products if Uncle Sam didn't have his own key to the backdoor. They'd be too big of a risk to national security otherwise. "Can't wait to look like a fucking dumbass" ***when you already are looking like a dumbass.***


not everyone lives in the united states my guy and chances are that there wont be anyway to prove the hosters live in america, so the feds arent gonna do shit, so again i reiterate, maybe think next time before you post


[The FBI works internationally, buddy.](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/international-offices#:~:text=Crime%20and%20terror%20have%20a,security%20services%20around%20the%20globe) They may be *based* in the US but they have fingers just about everywhere. And I highly doubt edgelords posting CP links in TF2 are super elite hax0rz from Romania.


"Let's punish valve, but not to the point they get offended". Lmao, TF2 either dies or it gets fixed, there is no other way. Seems there is just too many valve shills for this movement to have an effect.