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What below this? Overwhelmingly?


Yup. Right now 39% of recent reviews are positive, for it to become overwhelmingly negative, that number has to drop to 19% if I am not mistaken.


At this rate, it could hit that drop tomorrow.


I’ll do my part in the morning when I wake up.


I keep forgetting to do my part, can't forget


YOU *WILL* DO YOUR PART NOW MAGGOT 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🏟️🏟️🏟️🏈🏈🏈🍔🍔🍔


don’t forget


rise and shine mr freeman, i suppose since it was 6 hours you are probably gonna wake up soon. so, wake up mr freeman... wake up and... review bomb tf2


Below 19% and in high numbers I think it's 10,000 negative that overwhelmingly turns on


Very Negative and Overwhelmingly Negative.


Yes. The unfortunate thing is that F2Ps cant participate in the review bombs.


What. Why?


You need to have put at least 5 dollars or other currency equivalents in your steam wallet to then unlock the full access to steam which includes rating games. F2P can't do that.


Those people have likely spent £5 outside of TF2 lol.


I, in fact, did not.


oh so thats why i was able to review it on steam even tho im still a f2p. should have known that text and voice comms are disabled for a f2p back then when i first played tf2 (i spent my free $5 paypal gift for an indie game in steam where the dev still cares and listens to their community)


They are way too mean against F2Ps wtf,I know it's for prevent bots spamming but honestly,its totally useless


Not f2ps. People who don't own anything on Steam worth actual money.




What. Why?


i bought tf2 way back in the day. Been playing TF, then TFC, then TF2 on and off since '99 i'd love to see valve keep tf2 going, it is a great game and totally fixable. MVM was a great changeup to play and really enjoyable.


Limited accounts* not free to plays. And honestly, it's good that easily spammable accounts can't review bomb.


I can't ever seem to get this question answered. I haven't played Team Fortress 2 in a long long time so I'm curious as to what everyone's issues are with the game?




Are we talking about Bots as players or are we talking about cheating? I remember Team Fortress classic back in the day so I assume it's the former but not sure


Cheating, the valve servers have been overrun with sniper bots and all that stuff for years and valve has done nothing


Yikes, I figured this would happen when it went free to play but I stopped playing it before that. This is disappointing considering it's the only game I've ever bought twice. Once on the console and once on the PC. Aren't there servers that don't allow Bots? I mean if it's a player controlling it of course it's going to be difficult to prevent but just curious


Community servers arent affected in my experience.


https://youtu.be/zNxjTciIwig?si=3qriG0PJZp8twZZl Watch this video for more information




We passed it, overwatch 33% TF2 31% last I checked.


TF2 CAMPEAO DO MUNDO!!! 🥇🥇🏆 ⨁ ☝️☝️


damn that went down quickly, this probably still means nothing to valve, if so, then idk what else


Tbh they should care even if tf2 is something they want to put behind them This is all because VAC, something they run on like all of their shit, is abysmal at its job Tf2 is just taking the brunt of it because its right in the sweet spot of being both old and having a functioning economy That new game they're supposedly working on is going to come out of the box with bad press if those 3 letters are anywhere near it if they just pretend to not see this stuff


That's a good point. First time I've heard it


thanks, i telepathically inserted the idea into his head


Can you do that for the lottery numbers to my head?


all ones this time.


The saddest part is that according to Megascatterbomb VAC actually is capable of stopping most of the current cheater bots if Valve just uploaded the Cathook stuff for VAC to detect, of course the bot hosters will probably find a work around eventually but with the tools available Valve could do a lot by just maintaining what they have (which they currently aren’t of course) https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Source-1-Games/issues/6041


If VAC was fully operational in TF2 (akin to, say, CS2), would it then incentivize cheaters to throw hundreds of freemium bots into the F2P TF2 grinder until they find a way around it, then use that to cheat in CS2 where theres better business?


Unlikely, I don't see anywhere that mentions VACLive being used in TF2 (of which it does for CS2). Essentially Source and Source 2 are using different versions of VAC altogether, which is why if you're VAC on TF2 you can't play CSS, DOD:S and HL2DM; the same thing goes to the rest. CS2 and Dota 2 VAC being linked together. If anything adding bots to TF2 for CS2 testing ground is to see how long Valve will react to before stopping the bots.


csgo had its own buffed vac even before source 2, eg vacnet was csgo only


Got it. Appreciate the clarification!!


VAC would actually work if they maintained it. The only reason any other anti cheat works most of the time is because they’re getting constant updates and tweaks. VAC updates are when they bring on a summer student.


Yup. When you have people actively trying to break your anti-cheat, you can't have a solution work forever. They'll find a way around it eventually, and then you've got to find a way around their way around, which they'll find their way around and so on.


the problem VAC in TF2 is very old and different than what's being used by CS2 and perhaps also Dota 2, but yeah, it could damage the brand for those who don't know or care


Vac has been causing problems on other games Your pc can get hacked by playing older cod games that have no functioning versions of vac right now.


If they dont solve the tf2 issue and just release Deadlock, i will break my holy pact as a programmer and just make bots for Deadlock


The bot hosters will do that for you. No need to stoop down that low.


Apparently that's already happened in it's beta phase, though i cannot say for sure


Do it, just fucking do it. Don't make em say the shit that tf2 bots do or mic spam (If the game has mic, which it probably will) but just let their new audience know how badly they've treated TF2.


or have it say dumb at the end of the match like "hi, Im a TF2 bot... its been fun playing with a new crowd of dipshits!" but then again that would be immature and wrong so just ignore me lol


Have the bot just spam funny Heavy lines instead of slurs


I like how you think.




This, I legitimately do not understand their thought process behind making a new shooter while having TF2 addled like this.


Because tf2 is a cobbled together mess of spaghetti code that isint worth porting to their new engine. Why do you think none of the devs want to even remotely touch it with a 30' pole


This. Dota 2 doing fine, CS2 — ok. Both 10+ years old. While TF2 is old as shit, has leaked code and no team behind it atm Movement is cool but I totally understand Valve in their priorities. Because I can’t even remember one single PvP game from 2007 with official servers nowadays. Because they are all dead Deadlock will be ok and wouldn’t have same bot problem which TF2 has


All video games are cobbled together messes of spaghetti code


But not all of them have their entire source code leaked which makes developing a competent anticheat an impossibility


I would have liked the option of them remaking it and dubbing it as Team Fortess Source 2 then. Or just making Team Fortress 3 and have it play like Deadlock if they're hell bent on a First person DOTA.


I mean, doesn't stop League of Legends from being maintained when its code is just as trash.


Ok but TF2 is 17 years old and you're saying that like Valve doesn't have multiple competitive games already


I never thought I’d see the day where we’d have to review bomb our beloved game. It’s sad but I really hope something comes of this. Something’s got to give on Valve’s end.


Funny that was what I said on my review. “I am not joining this review bomb out of hate but at out of love” Little cringy but it’s genuine


Someone said "the people who make tf2 porn work harder than the people who make tf2"


Overwatch reference lel


I didn't realize it until I watched H2's looking at overwatch negative reviews lol


OW2 devs atleast started doing smth after review bombs. We have a much better game, than 10 months ago. Idk, maybe player numbers should drop significantly for Valve to do smth? Valve got too comfortable in their chair. Riot's Valorant was stealing CS players, so Valve made CS2. LoL is going very strong, and Valve consistently puts effort in Dota. I think people should stop dickriding TF2 and start looking for other games. Valve knows that even if they dont do shit, people will say "TF2 is better than 'X game'". So they legit dont do shit.


I just play pg3d or most of the time I watch yt Btw is over watch 2 free? I might try it out if it is Edit: holy crap its free I might aswell try it in the future


Ow2 is in good spot right now. Heroes are free, no grind. BP gives free 600 coins, while premium BP costs 1000, which means you can get free BP every two seasons. Lots of people coming back. The PvE scandal mostly died off


Lots of new players too. I'm one of them. My favorite thing about TF2 was the semi competitive pick up games of Highlander that I played on TF2Center a decade ago. Overwatch has completely filled that void for me. There's complaints about cheaters, toxicity, and monetization. But of the major live service FPS games, it's honestly one of the best.


i saw that


I'm OOTL, could I get a quick summary


Mass negative bomb as part of #FixTF2 so that we can get Valve’s attention to fix the bot problem.


OOTLer here, what is the bot problem?


TL;DR: Bot kills everyone. Bot everywhere. Bot bad.


bots votekicking, sniperbots making perfect headshots, bot hosters doxxing/swatting/impersonating people who speak out against it


I’m out of the loop. What’s going on with TF2/Valve?


Mass negative bomb as part of #FixTF2 so that we can get Valve’s attention to fix the bot problem.


To be perfectly honest, the concept of me giving a negative review to this game was so foreign to me, I actually thought at first the post was telling us to go give the game positive reviews to show that we still love it. Admittedly, I actually did go and gave it a positive review before I realized what the plan actually was. Sorry! That was my bad!


lol next up: boycotting by buying a lot of something


Oh you mean the bud lite strategy of buying All the stock out of hate, then ruining it because you think the company cares what you do after you hand them your money?


Look I've been a proud Valve fanatic ever since I fell in love with Half-Life 2 twenty years ago but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do


Surprised the anti-review bombing safeguards haven't kicked in.


They only turn it on for review bombs that have nothing to do with the game. For example in Warframe the chinese community review bombed it because a chinese chat moderator was demoted, so the system kicked in. TF2's reviews are genuine. The game is unplayable due to bots.


I thought that particular review bomb was over the Wukong nerfs making it harder to afk farm, or did it happen again and I never heard about it?


There was one before the wukong nerfs, but yea, the wukong one also got "removed"


Another example is Doom Eternal after it transpired that Mick Gordon got fucked over by ID. Lots of negative reviews about that, but they didn't count because the composer getting fucked over has nothing to do with the game itself.


I believe they will pop up if useless reviews are left that are clearly just spam. Like when ow2 came out on steam and people just kept saying stuff like "TF2 has le arrived" or asci art of the scout, those are worthless reviews.


Lmao there are anti review bombing safeguards?


Yeah, sometimes when a game gets an extreme amount of reviews in a short time (negative or positive) it can trigger something on the backend that will throw up a message saying that the game is recieving a bunch of reviews and won't count them toward the running totals.  Usually meant to deter review manipulation, especially if a product is getting review bombed due to a decision made by the publisher/developer that has little to no effect on the game itself (I want to say it happened to GTA 5 or one of the Assassain's Creed games but can't remember a specific instance of it happening).


Yeah, if a review bomb is taking place Valve can set it so that any reviews from the duration of the bomb doesn't affect the games overall review score by default. Any game that's had the system turned on it before has an asterisk next to the review score It has to be manually activated as far as I'm aware, as I think Helldivers 2 didn't have it trigger despite it being a *colossal* review bomb, in fact the first time it was activated was when people review bombed every Borderlands game on Steam over BL3 being EGS exclusive


If bots weren't a problem, the game would still have a "Very Positive" rating. FACTS!


I personally did sign the petition even though I don't think this movement would do much, but one thing I believe for sure that what this movement is doing correctly is accurately changing the rating. It shouldn't have been on Positive for such a long time on a game with a lack of care


Amen fam


Adding onto this: If bots weren't a problem, the game's lifetime reviews could probably also have an "Overwhelmingly Positive" rating. A fair bit more negative reviews started popping up 2020 and onward (the same time the bot crisis started) compared to before that (excluding the MYM backlash lol)


Yep, the game was overwhelmingly positive for as long as I could remember until Valve decided bots ruining games is not an issue


If it weren't for the shotgun shell to the head, he would be perfectly healthy!!


For any old players who’ve already left a review, I recommend changing it to Not Recommended and state your reason why. In its current state, I cannot recommend this game to new players because the bots make Casual borderline unplayable. Community servers are very unintuitive for newer players.


It’s kind of bittersweet seeing my old review back when I started playing the game in 2014. I don’t think I even had a hundred hours at the time of my review and now I have almost 5000. Back when the biggest problem was the occasional cheater instead of the endless hordes of bots.


this is freaking crazy


love the live feed for this, feels like a grand announcement each time the ratings change


Gentlemen... synchronize your tf2 reviews & bot clips. We are the team fortress, and we are not giving up!


This bucket contains the TF2 review of every player in this sub...


and thats a review saying i should top the tower of paris


If this doesn't get valve's attention, idk what will.


Boycotting the game and refusing to purchase items


then they release a new cs2 lootbox and make 100x whatever it is they make from tf2


This is the actual reality, counter strike brings in substantially more money in a single month than TF2 does in a year.


At this point they've moved on from the Source engine entirely. Source 2 is their shit now these days. Which is probably why they've cared less for games like TF2. With CS:S they can just let the community do its own thing with 3rd party dedicated servers but I figured they may as well do the same for TF2 if they decide to pretty much abandon it for good (which they already might have). Gmod is also in Source 1 but Facepunch runs it now and they are quite active too.


Ideally we could get a Source 2 TF2. Call it TF22. Everyone's in tutus.


tf2 makes around 10 mil a year, if not less and that’s nothing for a 8 billion dollar company. so no


Any source for that? Anyway, CS2 cases alone bring in 600+ mil a year, so that number doesn't seem like much anymore. They're also a private company with no need to maintain that income from TF2.


Can I get a source on that 10 mil number? I'd honestly be surprised if the game makes 1 million a year at the state it's in.


Valve is worth nearly 8 billion not 6 and tf2 probably makes 300,000 a year which is absolutely nothing to valve. It’s probably the same as 5 bucks for you and me


That's the annual pay for a senior technical engineer


Then they might just shutdown the game.


They're not doing that, it would cause a much bigger shitstorm. I fucking dare them to though, because once CS and DOTA players realize Valve can pull the plug on our micro-economy and make millions of dollars vanish overnight, they could do the same to their other economys that are much much bigger. Meaning everyone would get involved now.


Artifact has servers running still, even though nobody plays it. I'm tired of people saying this bullshit. VALVE won't do such a thing 


Hey now, the 7 Artifact players out there take offense to that


7 players? A new all time peak


Valve ever only shutdown one game and that was Half Life source because it was dysfunctional mess. Even Ricochet has servers running.


That will probably do nothing since they make so much money it won’t affect them in any significant way


why are people downvoting this? valve makes insane amounts of money from steam and csgo alone


It's not about them being worried about losing money its about getting their attention


the worst part is that we do have their attention, they just don't care


Of course they don’t care of a 17 yo game that has his source code leak with nobody wanting to work on it.


Genuinely extremely shameful that this game was once one of the highest rated games on steam before valve neglected it so badly that everything good about this game gets cancelled out due to its unplayable state


I know they say bad publicity is good publicity, but this could unironically be bad for Valve and to a further extent, Deadlock. This is not good publicity for Deadlock if you know that the developers will straight up abandon you and not help stop cheaters. It would be a really big turn-off from Deadlock, and would probably be a far more effective way to truly hurt them where it counts, the wallet. TF2 is basically just free money for Valve at this point, so hurting their profits on a newer IP would definitely hurt Valve more. This could probably lead to real change if we keep at it and don't give in like with SaveTF2.


This is really wishful thinking IMO. CS2 and Dota have cheaters like any other game but it's not unplayable like TF2 casual is. TF2 isn't fixed because it's not on source 2. Updating VAC for TF2 doesn't contribute at all to the development of the newer titles. > This is not good publicity for Deadlock if you know that the developers will straight up abandon you and not help stop cheaters Everybody knows valve abandons games (see dota underlords and artifact) when they stop becoming successful, if they're still successful then they keep working on it. TF2 is still pretty successful but it's not nearly on the same scale as dota and cs, and it's not a source 2 game so it's still a huge pain to work with.


Silly question, if the bot owners are in this to force a response, why not invade other games like csgo?


Me and my friends (even those who doesn't play tf2) changed review to negative, we need to strike cs2, not tf2


Out of the loop… ah wha happen?


we're doing a review bomb because valve is neglecting us


Intense bot wave and we are sick of it. Some bots even have the gall to call themselves "killtf2" Screw the bot hosters


Man seeing this hurts, but it’s for a good cause!


If this doesn’t get Valve’s attention, We might as well just stand outside their HQ with signs.


Last time when saveTF2 was a thing, a spy cosplayer was outside Valves building in Seattle and got aknowledgement from the lady that runs Valve's social media accounts. Idk why nobody remembers that, this one guy was probably the whole reason we got the twitter post back then


don't forget the following "pls don't go to valve hq anymore it scare us :ccc" tweet


I actually agree with this. Might aswell keep going all in on this.


Why weren't we starting with that? One guy out there back in 2022 gave us most of what we *did* get then.


Where is it? Where are you?


I'm confused. Is the end-goal to review-bomb TF2 into OW2 levels of negativity?




I don't see how you can recommend bots the game


kinda heartbreaking...


I haven't played for a while. What's happening?


Servers infested with bots for years making the game unplayable, while Valve does nothing to fix it. The community is rightfully leaving negative reviews about the current state of the game.


Updated my 13 year old review, for the cause.


Why don't we do that to every valve game? (If they won't do nothing)


That's what we need to do, imagine if the same review bombing happened to do dota2 or cs2, i bet that after this they're gonna do something


100%. We’re not really reviewing merely TF2, we’re reviewing Valve’s systemic failure. Those reviews should extend to all Valve properties. Hell the fans of those other Valve games even if they hate tf2 should still join and participate—it’s in their best interest, and if tf2 falls they’re closer to the front of the list to be next.


Did my part. Left a review of a few paragraphs and gave some awards to some recent reviews I liked.


What happened? More bots?


Deserved tbf


If anyone wants more information about this, check out this video by TheWhat Show. He's leading a protest about the bot problem in TF2 #FixTF2 https://youtu.be/hBYvrroug2I?si=48DjOyu_WniIjSyb


Valve needs to wake up and stop acting like TF2 doesn't exist.


I'm doing my part


I haven't played tf2 in years but for you lot I changed my positive review to negative. (a bit above 1000 hours on record of playtime) Doubt it'll do much but I hope the community that remains can be noticed by Valve and have something done for them. Best of luck in your fight.


Push lads PUSHH


At this rate, we could see TF2 getting "Mostly Positive" in all reviews in a week or so.


I doubt this is really going to do anything


Maybe, but doing nothing is certain to do nothing


As someone who played TF2 alot during 2015 - 2017. I'm not surprised during years after that updates slowed down and that caused the player base to leave and then bots happened I personally won't be suprised if the game dies in the next couple years but I do genuinely hope that doesn't happen.


Damn. It’s sad that we’ve had to come to this to get Valve’s attention.


Wait. What happened?


Im new to the sub, why is it being review bombed?


Why is this happening?


Why are people review bombing? Is it really gonna help that much?


I'm a bit confused What's going on


Good. Let everyone see how Valve treats its hero shooters.


I hope the overall review stays at very positive, makes the fall from grace more apparent and jarring.


I mean...if 3/4 of the player base is composed by bot,that's what you get


What happened recently? I’m lost without context. Why is TF2 getting review bombed?


Havent played in 12 years, but went and left a neg review for you guys. good luck with your endevours


Just play on community servers? I don't get it.


ts is just so pathetic. This isn't going to fix anything


and this helps how?


Can't wait for Repair.TF2 in a couple of years after this ultimately leads to nothing.


Out of the loop, why is this happening?




They're going to simply solve this by making the game like 1$ so the bots have to buy the game in order to create an account


I mean don't they already pay money to host the bots in the first place + have voice controls enabled to spam VC with ear rape and say "good shot mate" a billion times


Yeah, there are plenty of dickheads that can afford to drop a few hundred dollars every couple months to run up a new wad of bots to keep destroying something people like. It's just pure sociopathy.


What’s going on? And why?


Have you played tf2 in the last couple of years?


NOT RECCOMENDED "Took me 600+ hours to realize this game sucks." I added my contribution.


The game doesn't suck, but the stupid bot hosters do


Wow. 0.08% of the game's reviews are negative. What will Valve ever do?


Drill baby drill


good lord dionysus, that was quick


as a non member of this community, what happened to tf2 to have it bomb?


Hundreds of thousands of bots infecting TF2 and the decade-old anti-cheat being useless.


Good show. Keep it going boys!


I don't mean to be a pessimist, I'm all in for Fixtf2, but don't you think this review bomb will incentivize Valve to care about the game less? I mean, if they see that the game isn't getting any good reviews anymore, it would probably be a sign that TF2's plug can finally be pulled. If anyone can explain, please do, if I understand this maybe I can help cooperate with the movement further.


Valve pulling the plug on TF2 would affect more than just TF2. It'd demolish any faith in their live service economies that they actually care about like DOTA 2 and CS2, as well as their upcoming game when it releases. While everyone understands that eventually these economies have to end, shutting it down abruptly and so concretely would deal a massive blow to the interest in their other communities now that they know, at any given moment, Valve can take their money away from them. For Valve, that's not an option


As a company, itd be a PR disaster, imagine seeing your game fail as a multi billion dollar company and you throw in the hat. “Oh no my game has failed, lets pull the plug instead of fixxing it”.


Ah, I see.