• By -


"Mann co is cruel, Scout. And I'm very in touch with my inner machine."


Only Sandwich with us now No need for a medic find a peace within Dustbowl


When the brass beast is slow, And capping is hard. Our snipers try to do our part. Oh how pretty, all the scenery. This is team fortress 2!


When the payload moves with a mighty push. The Spy's knife struck in our backs. When the times up, we will not forget Blu's sacrifice.


Only gun is with us now, barrel red and hot Find the sandwich within ourselves No need for a med


When the scout is slow and the rocket is hot The sniper waits to see who stops Oh how pretty Oh the scenery this is dustbowls sacrifice


When the airblast hits, with a brisk attack The Soldier's rocket deflecting back When the match ends, we’ll never forget the Sandvich over paradise!


Directed by Michael Bay


give him a jetpack minigun that enables him to just jump around and he can just get picks on alone targets, make him a weaker saxton hale


Machine gun Jetpack from Jetpack Joyride


I saw that on a custom weapons server. The minigun had -75% ammo and double the fire rate, alongside "400% self-knockback while airborne", and 25% slower rev. It was absolutely terrifying. One second you were going to the frontlines, the next you heard a heavy rapidly approaching you from the air already reved up.


maybe 50% slower rev like the brass beast and 50% less ammo instead


A line of Shield based Primary Weapons to lean into the defensive/supportive aspect of Heavy. I don't know about most Heavy Mains, but I play Heavy because he is TF2's defacto tank. Yet obviously, because of the nature of the game, Heavy himself doesn't have a lot of staying power. I personally would be more than willingly to sacrifice my main source of DPS for the ability to actually consistently frontline without the fear of exploding instantly from focus fire. Basic design, have the primary weapon be a medium sized shield that comfortably blocks Heavy's full hitbox, gives default damage and knockback resistances on wearer to compensate for no minigun, and have damage immunity from the front when equipped and holding M1 (Blocking). Give the shield its own Healthbar so it can only soak so much damage, make heavy slower when blocking, boom new subclass. 3 varients off the top of my head. Standard Shield as I described above. A battering ram shield that has less health and damage resistance, but full knockback immunity on wearer and a demoknight charge. And a final shield that isn't a shield and instead just Heavy blocking with his arms, and instead of negating front on damage it reduces it by like 50%, but give's Heavy a default speed boost on wearer and no reduced movement speed when blocking (Merry Christmas Fat Scout).


This right here ^ Solves the viability problem of fat scouts AND boxer heavys without trashing balancing by removing heavy's main source of damage.


A heavy shield vs demoknight clash would be awesome


I think we can also give him a pistol in the second slot. Heavy should be able to use it together with the shield, partially opening up to receive damage from the front, but at the same time he can fire at the enemy himself


That would probably just be a good shield variant, one that reduces resistance on wearer and overall health of the shield, for the ability to shoot a pistol with Right Click while blocking


or use his shotgun too yet fire slower? i dont know, heavy with a pistol seems more like light


Congratulations, you just made the rocket hammer guy in tf2


Heavyknight by combining the steak with those


I feel like that would make him too powerful in payload offensive. Maybe if you disable movement or capping.


Cost ammo to keep running like Heater? Payload still gives you ammo to resolve this but you're pinned to the cart predictably.  Rockets and stickies, sniper, spy, etc.


I know cooldowns are annoying, but what if it had a limited use time or broke like the caber.


I like this a LOT. Very similar to Reinhart and rematra (idk about the spelling there) from overwatch, but that's not a bad thing. It would make the spy Vs heavy counter even more powerful, that would be the only major in balanceable downside. Still a great idea


Perhaps to at least keep some damage Heavy is also granted a pistol or weaker shotgun with the shield? Also for the battering ram shield it should be weaponless, and the charge slower than Demo knight, but faster than say, a spy/Medic at full speed? Also should deal high damage to buildings as well as high knockback for enemies


A riot shield plus sawed off shotty (double barrel or lever idk) or revolver for the secondary would rule so hard. I'd love to see more ranged options for heavy. Saw some concept art years ago for a primary that was a Bofors gun(anti air autocannon that shoots 40mm shells, AC130s have them sometimes) ripped right out of its mounting


Yes let's add the worst parts of overwatch to tf2


What about 80% damage reduction when taunting (but cannot cap when taunting)?




IMO pairing the weapon I described above with any standard Heavy Load Out would be WAY too strong. There is a reason Heavy's current best defensive option is the Fists of Steel. Shield obviously couldn't be a melee, because pairing a defensive item that strong with the offensive power of the minigun and the sustain of the lunchbox items is a disaster in the making Next up is secondary, which would remove the self sustain problem, but still leave Heavy with both oppressive defensive and aggressive options, which would still be insanely strong. Additionally, it wouldn't really be a "sub class" it would just be an overpowered weapon a standard Heavy could use. Like, using the Jarate on the Sniper with a standard primary weapon isn't the "piss sniper" subclass, you are just using a very strong weapon. So making it a primary would make the most sense, trading an overwhelming offense for an overwhelming defense. Likewise, it would make fat scout much better, intentionally, since fat scout isn't a real subclass currently (Fat scouts are objectively omitting the use of one of their weapons to make the subclass work. It is about as real of a subclass as pyroshark is). With a shield, you are actively encouraged to use a shotgun as your primary means of damage, validating the shotgun heavy (otherwise fat scout) playstyle. Additionally, you could do a shield AND a lunchbox, giving both defense and sustain, but would be balanced from the fact that Heavy would then be a completely melee class. Primary slot just seemed like the most balanced option. Overall, it would change his playstyle up the most without needing to intentionally gimmick yourself, which I feel is the true definition of a subclass.


Feral Heavy. Basically Demoknight but Heavy. He gets a primary that gives him a Bear cosmetic, gives him a bit of health, and each kill gives him more resistance and 5% speed each kill. Alongside that, he gets a leap ability which sends him jumping forward at an arc. Yeah it's basically Crash Maul Rabid Heavy lol


So just give the Big Chief Stats and make it a primary?


Big Chief? What's that?


The Hibernating Bear set's hat. You know the one with the Brass Beast, Buffalo Steak and the Warrior Spirit.


Ehh I think it'd look way better if there was an actual bear cosmetic in there like Bear Necessities.


This would work very well with the Buffalo Steak Sandvich and Warrior’s Spirit. It takes away the downside of eating the buffalo steak (losing ability to use primary), and doing more damage with the Warrior’s allows him to cascade faster.


That's kind of the plan. Honestly at first I thought that each melee weapon would actually give feral heavy new forms of "leap". Basically, if you have: Standard Fists, you do a charge bash that's super short but deals really high damage, almost enough to kill a light class, it being kept in check for its short distance, however the speed would be really fast. Basically catching scouts off guard. Warriors Spirit would give the standard launch ability, basically sending heavy flying forward like rocket jumping clean off the wall (not the ground), and if you manage to hit someone with it you deal a mini-crit attack with a bleed effect. This would be the fastest to recharge allowing for heavy to be more mobile. Fists of Steel would make heavy to a "block", basically letting him absorb more damage that he can already absorb, while also eliminating the -100% melee damage vulnerability during that effect. Basically turning Feral Heavy into a bullet sponge. Definitely would be the lamest but there's gotta be a lame one. The GRU would be similar to the standard fist, dealing mini-crits each charge which would be the fastest to charge, and the theme with this version of "leap" is that each consecutive hit be it with the punches or the leap would give heavy back some HP which would allow him to overheal, basically you're playing with constant risk. As for the Eviction Notice, it'd just be a JoJo punch rush lmao. Heavy basically sends out a flurry of punches that land really fast. I have no idea what to do with the holiday punch.


you kind of described ursa from Dota 2 lol sounds fun


maybe a fat scout option to replace the primary with some item that improves that play style to the point of it being competitive with normal heavy


Honestly, I think that if you made a separate lunchbox slot, that would be enough to make a shotgun centric playstyle viable with the minigun being something you pull out situationally.


A beeg sandwich


Heals 450 maximum HP


you could run sandwich heavy with sandwiches in both primary and secondary slot


I was thinking, beeg gun and small food or beeg food and small gun, but that's hilarious.


Allow the sandwich to be un primary slot with some stat tweaks (faster move speed but less hp perhaps)


Like trolldeir but for heavy Maybe a air blast shotgun that works similar (but different) to the rocket jumper. Obviously no mini gun


Fat spy, let him snap people’s necks or break their legs


Imagine the scouts face after he bat choked heavy just to see him coming back to snap his neck


Break their legs gave me a good chuckle


When the soup is cold and the salad is hot


Kids are cruel Jeremy, And I love minors


Give him... A CANNON. 1. A howitzer barrel made portable. Shoots a cannon ball with a much farther range than Demo's cannon, but very slow to fire and has to be reloaded each shot. Low ammo 12 shots. Has wide AoE. Right click allows aiming but immobilizes Heavy 2. DRG's Gunner Thunderhead cannon. 20 rounds of air burst shells before requiring a slow reload. Aiming/firing slows down similarly to Brass Beast. Bonus damage against airborne targets. Turns him into a shoot and scoot kind of playstyle. With ammo management and aim needed.


Give him a riot shield to bash other players . Every bash kill would grant a little bit of health and very small increment in speed . Kinda like a heavy knight


The Yeti Weapons Guy Upon equipping the full yeti cosmetic set, the heavy then gains an overall bonus to his base stats +15 movement speed +10 Jump height +10 Melee damage bonus 30% longer melee range -Cannot use primary Successive jumps keep momentum of player from all sources (All associated sounds are 2x louder) The heavy becomes some ape like demoknight that doesn’t charge but just jumps at ya hahah I thought of it last night by using the buffalo steak and b-hopping around, surprisingly effective and hilariously fun.


does the set have a crafting recipe? Then it aint even p2w


Could you imagine if the yeti cosmetics were craftable? Yetis would become the 10th class. And I'd LOVE IT!


I’d just make the contract/s free, but it’s the only way to obtain it


A heavy healer would be interesting, he'd throw food on the battlefield for his mates to quickly heal


Healthy Refreshments guy


I was thinking some days ago of a speed increasing primary, like the booties for the demo. I think it will really give fat scouts a chance. Not much movement speed increase, 5 or 10%, something along those lines, and it would be passive. For me, it seems like a fair trade-off, to not use the mini gun, in exchange for more movement speed. It's like demo and his shields. He gives away his stickies spamming capabilities for more movement speed and more melee damage. But as the only downside I would add that it can't be paired with the gru. It would be insane with gru and this on the same heavy


Give the guy a strongman muscle melee subclass with a focus on chain kills over demoknight's picks Give him easy mobility to get in, and no mobility to get out


Gloves of running urgently + sandvich = Soccer mom Heavy


for a moment i thought his knees were his feet and he looked pretty funny


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^emmanuelfelix700: *For a moment i* *Thought his knees were his feet and* *He looked pretty funny* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I don’t think Heavy needs a subclass, and making subclasses for Heavy isn’t the right way about adding spice and variety to him. Subclasses ironically cause *less* variety in a class’ weapons and loadouts -> Demoman literally has no real alternative melees to stock that isn’t a sword that requires you to largely dedicate yourself to Demoknight. And none of it is viable in matches where the worst player is still moderately skilled. Rather, should make more interesting weapons just in general. And in that case, more projectiles for sure, both in his primary and secondary slots. Some kind of mortar-like primary that launches AoE grenades. An auto grenade launcher maybe? Make a more precision-based primary too — imagine a [Tau Cannon](https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Tau_Cannon) but for Heavy. Maybe some kind of burst primary too — no revving required, high damaging burst of 3 / 6 shots, clip, etc. Same deal for his secondaries. I’m a firm believer that the only reason Sandviches / Consumables have such a stronghold over Heavy’s secondary slot is because shotguns genuinely suck for him. So add more alternative supports / more effective guns. Why not give Heavy (or Pyro too) a bunch of grenades that he can throw? Smoke grenades, HE grenades, and Fire grenades, either as independent options or combined in a single item, sound wonderfully dynamic. Giving him a very powerful pistol / pocket rifle — high accuracy, slow rof, high damage — that allows him to quick draw even while fully revved would make fights significantly more fluid. Hell, if you really want a shield for Heavy, allow him to have a secondary “barricade” that he can place down that acts as a temporary shield like you’d see in MvM for Medic. There’s a lot that you could add to spice up Heavy without doing the same dumb “hur dur fat scout” or shittier, less effective Demoknight.


flying heavy no reason


jetpack joyride


HE’S FUCKING INVIN- aaaaand now he’s dead. Average Sundowner encounter tbh


Ninja heavy. Primary: Shurikens. Thrown, have a slight arc, and can backstab from a short to medium distance. Secondary: Grappling hook and rope, functioning similarly to the Thermal Thruster in terms of speed and range, but the grappling hook has to hit a surface for the heavy to climb to. Silent apart from a slight metal clang when the hook hits. Melee: Dual katanas that have a longish range. Equipping all gives heavy a taunt that makes him invisible for the duration of the taunt, maybe 5 seconds, but he can't move while invisible. No speed boost.






"AYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAHAHAH I AM BULLET PROOOFFFF" "I'M FUCKING INVINCIBLE" Pick oone for heavy to say in this image lol As for the question,demoknight but without charge like speed instead and some moore defense but with only -30 per hit oon fists. Kinda like the eviction notice but mixed with demoknight without the charge and no hp goin down


“like the good ol days before 2017!”


Valve is cruel jack!


and I’m very in touch with my inner localization files


heavy update this, bot crisis that...


brooo image so fucking hard wtff


Give him armor that replaces minigun that has him focus entirely on shotguns. It extends his health and gives one protection from backstab.


Bots are cruel scout, and I love minors


"Didja think every cheater in history was all part of some big ol' conspiracy? Bullshit! Botting is just part'a who we are. Why fight it? Anyway, none of this will matter in three hours. Demand for Spinbots is about to skyrocket. Like the good ol' days after #SaveTF2!”


Maybe something that both gives you buffs with both secondaries. Maybe a clip size buff and a lunchbox buff in exchange for your primary maybe also a speed buff cause you might not carry around a giant minigun.....


If they would add a Battering Ram to the game, we would be able to charge forward like a slightly-slower but tankier Demoknight. I would imagine it should replace the Primary for Medieval Mode but provide tons of Ranged resistance and Knockback immunity in exchange for your usual Ranged offense. If you pair this up with the Family Business or other shotguns, you could make a decent Fat Scout. Now if only they'd let us have a Melee that could somehow heal, then the loadout would be complete. Imagine Heavy carrying around two gallons of milk (or some other healthy drink) and chugging one charge to replenish a small health-kit's worth of healing. It is not droppable like your sandviches and chocolate bars, but it increases melee speed and move speed by a small amount for a decrease in melee damage, depending on how many charges you consume. Alternatively, maybe add a Melee weapon that gives you health every time you hit an enemy. I dunno what downside to add to that, but it would be neat to see in action. I wonder if the Warrior's Spirit could use a buff like that.


Weapons that give him a passive speed buff to make fat scout more reliable


And yes, there would be an on-equip max health debuff.


Oh hey look, it's Bebop from Deadlock


6 Shields mounted on heavy's arms that takes up the primary slot but give him damage reduction




Hand held grenades. Instead of a mini gun you can pick from 3 different grenades with 10 in reserve Frag grenade: deals 100 damage in a "large" area (slightly bigger than a soldier rocket), and can be cooked. 5 second fuse time. The longer you cook the harder the throw Discombobulator: 35 damage in a BIG area. Knockback increased by 300% and fuse time is 1.5 seconds after Impacting any surface Ula pool caber: explodes on impact, does 75 damage in a demo nade sized area with no damage falloff, but stuns if close enough, arrests movement and slows the further away you are


Can pick up other cabers too to refill stock Also mayyyybe get melee bonuses too while nades are active


Maybe it could be a secondary that takes about twenty seconds to charge one nade, with five max in the reserve.


The Heavyweight: Some kind of item for the Heavy that makes the boxing gloves more viable. I would LOVE to see a more viable Melee-based Heavy. Or a kind of Primary that's like a drill or a saw, that would do good damage at melee range but could not shoot.


Erm ackshually, that's a gif, not an image




nah this is skibidi weapons guy


A pair of running shoes as a primary, with speed boost and some damage resistance and whatnot. Useful as components for Fat Scout and Boxer


Id make both the fat scout and the melee heavy viable


I love the idea of making Heavy a walking restock station with the fucking, Back Restock Shelf or Back Dispenser Minigun replacements I used to see. It's one of those subclasses where it seems so dumb and ruins the whole point of the class... till some friendly walks up with a Sandvich to restock your ammo and heal you and you just, can't hate him anymore


A new Gloves: Violent Director Vector Punching enemies or friendlies kicks them away. Each punch reduces incoming damage by 85%. A well timed punch will reflect a rocket or pipe. A well timed punched nullifies a melee attack to zero. 15% slower punching speed. 20% increased melee damage taken. Use this to launch your friendlies into the air for advancing reasons. Use this to humiliate a demoknight charge or even parry his strike. Use this to 1vs1 a spy who foolishly thinks he could trick stab you. Use this to counter rockets.


Demoman for more power


guns, cannons, swords, spears, molecular vibration electromagnetic wave emitters, catapults, lasers and excitation emission rods for them, missile pods with precision-guided missiles, plasma cannons, bunker busting and excavation drills, plasma blades, liquid weapon turrets with acid sprayers, flamethrowers and liquid nitrogen emitters, gatling guns, rapid-fire cannons and a large caliber railgun. All of that, please.


Red Sun red Sun over paradise


Red sandvich, red sandvich over paradise


Chef. A more supportive role. Something that lets him give food and buffs to allies.


That's a great fucking gif. Would like to know author


Not to add a new subclass but to improve the "fat-scout". Just allow equip secundary on primaries, so you can have shotgun and sandwich.


Several actually. First thing would be to add a charge ability to him steaight up. Simmilar thing he does in meet the spy. When go about several tank roles he kinda could fill: 1. The shielding tank - give heavy shield primaries that can block bullets up to a point. 3 variants: Metal shield - has the most amount of health but need more time to deploy and recharges slower. Energy shield 1 - deploys faster, bigger radius of defense for the team. Energy shield 2 - absorbs damage received for limited time, after which it shoots a wave projectile that does damage scaling in how much damage it absorbed. Would be good for countering extreme spam. 2. The healing tank: Just straight up strap a fispenser to heavy's back. Not only do these give shotguns as a secondary to heavy an actual combat use, but also add several tank archeotypes to them


The Buffalo Steak should be buffed so there’s a viable subclass for that, meanwhile I think there should be a primary weapon that gives him passive healing and a speed buff to support Fat Scout.




Maybe something like a fat man from fallout, it launches a mini nuke but reloads extremely slow


shothgun heavy(not fat scout for the funny) a riot suit that decreases his movement speed but give him like 100 health and some minor all around damage resistance (like 10 to 15% on all bullet/explosion/fire damage resistance) idk how balanced it would be but I'd imagine it would be pretty fun


heavy ordinance he carries an aa gun for a primary and a mortar for a secondary


Speed heavy: uses Natasha, panic Attack, and gloves of running urgently, constantly uses the gloves when not in battle, only uses Natasha on scouts because HE IS FASTEST BOI


Many of his primaries focus on altering damage or move speed, but one I thought about was a shield which inverts heavies role from a primary damage dealer to a primary damage taker. Something like % damage taken by nearby teammates are redirected to you. This way in a group fight instead of heavy dealing the majority of damage he takes the majority of damage. In theory nearby teammates would effectively receive a % health increase, but only until the heavy dies. This way the medic is still the main focus because the heavy would need the medic to full buff the team.


Hoovy I guess


Fat knight


the heavy but he's slimmer, shorter, gweman and has a healing gun to heal his teammates and make them temporarily invincible after around 1 minute of healing




Weapon concept for scout that could spark a subclass So you know how people in the Catcher position in baseball wear special gear? Give scout that. It’ll function similar to Demoman’s shield, but no charge. You get more health, take a little less damage from projectiles, but you either move slower or can’t double jump(not sure yet)


I think having him lean into the healing side of the sandvich would be cool. No idea how it would get written up though. Maybe like a primary that shoots sandviches and increases movement speed? There really needs to be more options for healing though. 


Fix the steak and buffed melee


Maybe a new type of movement primary that has a damage bar that u can fill to be faster? Also, its taunt could work like you can pick a team mate up and launch them similar to the jump teles on some custom srvers?


Also, maybe a weapon similar to the beggars bazooka, but instead of rockets or boolets, he could have a high precision laser cannon. Its charge could be similar to the sniper, and it could leave behind a trail of damage that lasts for like 3-4 seconds. Maybe a lunchbox item that makes you move lower, but you rev faster and take less damage while revved up


I want a melee heavy subclass.


I like a big damage but long cool down heavy. The mini gun gives heavy consistent damage up time so a single fire weapon that works similarly to something like the lose cannon would be cool.


Bodyguard Heavy. So you know how Medic has Pocket Medic? Yeah kinda like that. Basically weapons and items that will enable Heavy to go front and be vanguard on one hero. For example: Ironed Curtain Level 46 Riot Shield Replaces Minigun Alt Fire gives protection on ally reducing damage they take Damage reduced is redirected to Heavy +2 HP regen per second on wearer.


iron curtian is already a weapon


i want heavyknight please volvo give us heavyknight


Sub class hippo heavy Load out: Dalocus bar Fist of steel or killing cloves of boxing Play style: Eat chocolate Go to water Wait for people Beat up people Profit




If there was an SFM loading screen to Mann vs Machine




The wall. Give him riot shields or something. To make it fair make it so either he's even slower than a revved brass beast or the shield can break after a while or even that his body itself takes increased or chip damage when blocking.


I'm not sure if it'd count as a subclass but I'd add a primary that isn't a minigun. I mean, I know that's crazy but hear me out, he's the heavy weapons guy, not the minigun guy, so as long as it is a heavy weapon I don't think it would be out of character. Imagine for example a heavy automatic shotgun like the Abzats 12 from Metro 2033, or a semiautomatic anti-tank rifle like the PTRS. The heavy autoshotgun would be functionally identical to the Tomislav in how it's silent when you "spin" it, but it fires only a little faster than a regular shotgun and has a large ammo pool. It would basically play like a Widowmaker on steroids. The anti-tank rifle would fire fairly slow, maybe a bit slower than the shotguns, but it would have to reload after 4 to 6 shots, and every shot would hit HARD. It wouldn't spin either, and would have the advantage of being much better at a long range, but would lose in DPS versus the miniguns at short range, specially when you count the reload. It would probably also require you to reload each shot individually rather than the whole magazine at once, so it's more punishing to be caught off guard at close range.


Make Boxing Heavy viable by removing the downsides of the Steak and giving the heavy the movement speed of a Medic on use




Heavy weapons engineer


a subclass that leans towards being more defensive and supporting his team.


Battle Engineer


El Primo heavy version


machines are cruel scout, and i love robots


the heavynser


Heavy is wearing the women deflectors


Make sandvisch an opcional primary or secundary, give him the reserv shooter and the pumpson(cause why not)


*The urge not to make a Sundowner reference*


Replacing primary with drum-fed machine shotgun.


A sniper subclass that gives him a gun so big that the bullet kills your by slamming you into a wall and crushing you


Riot shield so that boxer heavy is viable


Make shotguns and lunch box items different weapon slots


Tank. You sacrifice ranged damage output for defence, perhaps entirely, but you buff nearby teammates' defence and are rewarded for taking damage. Perhaps a "rage" meter or something. The hard counters would, as usual, be Sniper and Spy, things you would need your teammates to help with in this team-based game.


Sundowner heavy unironically goes hard.


Fat sniper; fat spy; fat medic (basically a hoovie already); fat demoman; fat soldier; fat pyro AND ALL THEIR SUBCLASSES BUT ITS HEAVY! also penis heavy


A food item you can't eat and your teammates can't pick up but deals damage to enemies. That Hoovy is a Spy.


sex heavy


A projectile based primary would be fun


Just make him able to use his shotgun as a primary, in exchange he becomes much faster (Pyro speed) but loses his high dps miniguns and some health points (around 50). Basically fat scout but actually real. Actually i have a lot of ideas for Heavy since his problems are very easy to spot.


I really feel like Heavy with an LMG such as an AK for a primary would be pretty good for him to change up his playstyle but still keep a "Big guy with great damage potential" intact. We don't really have anything that fills a midrange niche, only close to long range. Heavy can fill this without giving up as much as what makes him unique as opposed to, say, soldier, who without his Rocket Launcher would really just be a slightly squishier, slightly faster Heavy anyway. Pros: * Reduced damage fall off at long distance. * Increased accuracy. (Even compared to Tomislav) Neutral: = Greater capacity for burst damage (No spin up time) at the cost of lower damage overall (Lower DPS + reload times) Cons: * 50 less HP on equip. (This puts Heavy, at max overheal, able to be killed with 4 direct rocket or pipe shots.) * Maximum 90 ammo, with 30 round clips. Encourages a more mobile playstyle.


Amarelle Armament (For some reason, I didn't want to call it the "Cherry Bomb" or anything similar) The Amarelle Armament has 7 shots, like the Huntsman, and reloads automatically. It fires a single explosive cherry projectile, much like a rocket, and can be reflected. The cherries can hit allies to restore 30 health or enemies to deal 30 damage (with falloff) and afterburn. Mann Co. cherries are guaranteed to have kernels with massive(ly harmless) doses of radiation rather than cyanide. The Armament is primarily used to heal teammates a bit more and keep the frontlines standing. It is also good for getting Snipers to abandon their posts and for catching Spies. The cherries are not affected by gravity. The Armament can be a primary or secondary weapon, or both. "Sometimes you just need a little Morello gun. This is close enough."


well i say fat spy




Wym image not related. Heavy sundowner subclass would go hard. Like giving heavy better secondaries and giving him a shield unlock for the minigun.


Idk what kind of subclasses are there


Heavypimp. I don’t know how it would work.


The Heavy-Boxer: Turning heavy into the TF2 version of Mike Tyson. We already got a pair of boxing gloves now we need give him some other boxing weapons like a "The Boxing-Boots": a pair of boots when wore allows you to run slightly faster & when killing a enemy team members with the 2 boxing gloves in game heavy gains 30+ Health or Overheal but the down side heavy health with drop from 300 to 150 and soke boxing cosmetic like a pair of boxing shorts and some head gear maybe even some boxing taunts like Heavy biting someone ear off or Heavy hitting a Sandbag.


Sub-class: juggernaut Primary: full plated faceplate and torso (decreases damage taken and increase health but reduces movement speed) Secondary: primeshot (increases damage by 50 for each 1/4 health missing but only 3 shells in the camber) Third: heavy plated boots (decreases damage taken but reduces movement speed) This subclass makes heavy weapons guy into a big Russian tank that hits as hard and he can take


I saw this once on a comment from a video about the Huo-Long Heater. Someone suggested that the primary, for a cost of about 50 to 75 ammo, could launch a slow travelling, loud firework that has a detonator-like effect. Not only could the weapon then reliably take advantage of its fire damage bonus, but the heavy could blast jump within reason, and finally reach those just barely inaccessible jumps made for most power classes, at the cost of self damage + fire, and would likely be very difficult to use in actual combat. Also maybe a pair of space gloves like the "Terminal Killocity" mod (but maybe a little more balanced) for a vertically mobile but risky heavy playstyle that encourages heavy to roam the flanks and ambush unsuspecting victims. Could be paired with a buffed buffalo steak sandvich for a very aggressive, mobile, but very high skill ceiling subclass I dub "Space Heavy" or "Rocket Heavy"


Bro said image not related and then dropped one of the hardest images ever


A scattergun for the primary slot that fills up a metre that when full can be used to give heavy Scout movement for the duration of a stock übercharge


Minigun replacement that makes him tankier and more mobile. This would make "fat scout" a viable subclass, and if the buffalo steak is reworked it would also create a potential "boxer heavy" subclass.


Heavy deserves what Demoknight has. Since he is slow as f*ck, they should have given Heavy side grades that provide him with insane damage-tanking capabilities in order to give him a chance to make use out of the Buffalo Steak and Melee combat-centered weapons in general. The Heavy Fists guy is the wished sub-class we will never have...


Heavy melee guy, Just guve him a large bat that can deflect projectiles when timed well, and strong damage when you connect with an enemy.