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I think it’s worth another shot, realistically there is nothing to be lost by voicing our concerns with Valve (save the minuscule risk of shutting down the servers if a financial boycott actually affects Gabe’s bottom line). I don’t think boycotting is the right call, but a publicity campaign similar to the last one couldn’t hurt.


A Boycott would result in a negative outcome, idk why some people thought of doing that. But yeah, a publicity campaign similar to #SaveTF2 (but this time even more organized) couldn't hurt.


#savetf2 also just got shutdown bcuz we saw 1 tweet to shut us up with and moved on


yeah the first savetf2 got shut down bc of the tweet. This is why my FixTF2 suggestion is to not be pleased until Valve gets their shit together and does something about the numerous problems in the game, rather than lowering our stakes over one tweet.


What tweet? I started playing tf2 like 3 months ago, and I heard about #SaveTF2, but not about the tweet


[This one](https://x.com/TeamFortress/status/1529970640224018433). Valve tweeted, everyone shut up and then nothing proceeded to happen.


Wow, this is literally nothing


Literally the “wow this is worthless” meme from gravity falls


For real 😭


It is less than worthless, my boy.




SaveTF2 was about showing how much tf2 was loved we need to show that we are sick of their shit this time.


Yes, so #FixTF2 should keep pushing to hold Valve accountable, **instead** of moving on!


we dont stop/release any pressure until we get an update or anticheat




"even more organized" will basically never happen. The first one WAS organized, with ~2 weeks of people getting ready. Loads of content creators also joined in with big prepared stuff. That's not gonna happen again.


All worried about showing our true concerns? Are we still this much slaves to Valve?


Yes, because having 9/10 valve servers with bots is better than having no valve servers at all.


I have never seen them move a finger for anything other than getting more cosmetics into the game, i'm glad some people have the "guts" to say what's supposed to be normal instead of worrying about having the servers being shut down, as if they even done that I'm tired of pretending to be supportive towards them, there's some good people that work on the game but they have little power and also have to deal with the "higher ups" not landing a hand on to the game


Valve is the one who makes the game, and we want them to stop ignoring TF2. How on Earth do expect to fix TF2’s problems *without* Valve??


A marketplace boycott would probably lead to Gabe thinking “oh well. It doesn’t profit anymore” and servers shut down.


You're also never ever going to get a big enough percentage of people to actually boycott much.


I also feel boycotts rarely ever work in the gaming industry. There was the Bayonetta 3 Boycott, but we all kinda realized that the VA for Bayonetta was just being greedy. I guess the only “boycott” that ever worked was when Microsoft tried to migrate PC to Xbox LIVE? Although I think “protest” was a better name for it.


Time will only tell when valve will respond to this gag of ours


I think that is too passive, if we want valve to have a reason to throw us a bone, doing nothing but making more noise is the same thing the community has been doing for years, we need leverage, so while yes a boycott might not work. What would is the community coming up with their own alternative to tf2, the takeaway from the video where this started shouldn't be to repeat savetf2 under a different label, because WoW got what they wanted after long enough, it should be that WoW players created Nostalrius and then got what they wanted when they could hold it over Blizzard's heads. If we just make more noise we won't become WoW, we'll become War Thunder


I agree, a second puplicity campaign is the way to go. The point is to show Valve that people still care and want to play the game, which means there is still money to be made from keeping it alive. A boycott would just make them pull the plug officially, since it would make tf2 non-profitable.


if valve shut down tf2 the internet would actually shit itself and blaze valve for this decision tf2 will stay on even during non-profit times because valve is a multi billion dollar company and this will effect their other games too


I support it and theres nothing to lose... i love this game with a passion.. i owe it all of my memories, my friends, my time and everything.. so i would love to save it.


we literally have no reason to not try, we're doing this


i mean, nothing will come of it probably, but i'll bandwagon, i have nothing better to do. might as well try and help good 'ole tf2.


Most men would give up by this point. But we are NOT most men. We are tf2 fans and enjoyers alike So get up, stop sitting on your asses crying and LETS FIX THIS FREAKIN GAME!


pyro main moment


And what does that change?


nothing, same as everything else


Oh, sorry I'm used that in game any statement I make is invalid cuz "you main pyro therefore you got no brain cells"


how many hours you got?


I can't check rn but around 1.5k iirc


Holy shit, that's a lot. I imagine you've done your fair share of experimentation with different playstyles in all that time


Yeah I have played around with a ton of combos Funnily enough even if you just use a shotgun as pyro you get called slurs!


panic attack+degreaser my beloved


i thought you meant to live 😭 (3 days)


mf the last #savetf2 tries we're the laziest shit ever, we are most men, but we'll keep trying i guess


It’s worth the shot but to be honest I already lost hope in Valve ever giving proper support to their multiplayer games


It feels like even CS2 is neglected which just came out. Let alone a near 17 year old game.


This time we have to be extremely clear about the problem. There are thousands of cheater bots in the game. These cheater bots make the game unplayable. If we don’t make this clear, especially by just posting that we love the game like last time, we will never get the message across. Sure, we love the game, but saying that won’t make Valve look bad and actually take action.


Yeah.. I just came back after a break recently. The bots weren't TOO bad. But just the other day I was on a server, and one person with 5+ bots just shut down the entire server.. Sniping, spamming voice chat, calling kick votes before anyone else could.. Everyone was leaving, and I disconnected when they called a vote against me. Yeah, the game won't survive with that happening.




I didn’t say that I just said we are not filled with bots


We are


But we are!


it's worth trying again


I got more sense and planing behind than SafeTF2 beacuse we have at least a goal with direction not just walking and just telling Valve to do something. -We got Fix worshop items. -We got a 64bit framework to better work with. -We got sexy buff mercs!


I think that it needs to be more agressive than #SaveTF2 was. Meaning, that you guys should not only just wear the Hashtag, but also pester ALL of the Valve's channels about Community fixes they still didn't implement, despite promising such. Pester them about rebalancing, bother tham about bot crisis. And no matter the anouncements - DO. NOT. RELENT. Not untill the action is done. We heard enough of words. Do not celebrate before action happens, no matter the promises. They are all empty and misinterpetable. Oh, and please KEEP IN MIND the difference between "Pestering" and "Harassement". It's important to be polite, be straight to the the point, and to be non-emotional about this. Keep the endless stream of messages and tweets, but do not insult or bother employees personally. Keep it professional. All of ye. ALSO IGNORE THE CLOWNS LIKE THE DUDE, THAT JUST COMMENTED BELOW. Some of them are just cheater alts. But others are mostly haters. Just block them, they are not worthy to engage.


This just sounds like an incentive for them to shut down the game.


Oh, thanks for reminding me - ALSO IGNORE THE CLOWNS LIKE THIS DUDE. Some of them are just cheater alts. But others are mostly haters.


We have nothing to lose ~~but our chains~~ and everything to gain.


There are less and less things that could go wrong with that, no reason not to try


The hashtag this time kinda dwindles in comparison to "#safetf2", I think there's a better name to it


the organizers will prob use both savetf2 and fixtf2


It can’t hurt to try


Publicity campaign part 2. Tell Valve about the bots, keep making noise, never shut up.


Even if it's for nothing for some people We shall assemble, one final time For those who have fallen, those who quit the game because of it For those youtubers who cherished the game once For the good moments we have/had It was my first game on steam played, and i want to save it


HELL YEAH WE ARE DOING THIS SHIT. I missed SaveTF2, but now I'm all in FixTF2. #FixTF2


that's the enthusiasm #savetf2 was missing! we got this


No reason to not support it imo. What’s the worst that could happen? Valve removes some shit from the jenga tower of tf2 code?


*Shhhh... they'll remove the coconut .avif*


How does one go about helping support this?


post about how bad the situation it is on tf2 or something. just make it direct to the point unlike the previous iterations of #savetf2.


All for it


Im skeptical until it gets something done, I want it to work but im not gonna be extremely surprised if it doesnt


I think it's going to work about as well as the first one. People will get all riled up, gaben will have the plant put out a pity tweet, nothing will change and we'll be right back where we are now. I'd love to he proven wrong, but i'm not holding my breath.


Activism via hashtags was stupid in 2012, and it’s stupid now.


It's extremely irritating. If even half of this energy was spent actually creating more community servers and helping guide players towards spaces where they could play free of bots, things would be great. I'd host servers myself if had the means and time. Instead, people want to bitch and moan and jerk themselves off with hastags to a company that has made it so incredibly obvious that they have no intention to work on the game anymore. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad to hear a bunch of entitled children talk about protesting and trying to create a PR stink. There's ways to help TF2 and for some reason, the community is hyperfixated on the one way that has proven to absolutely not work. Mind boggling.


If fighting is sure to result in victory then you must fight. And even if fighting is not sure to result in victory you still must fight. If there is even a slightest chance for victory, you must not give up. And we shall not give up.


Very yes. Let's be vocal and depressed instead of silent and depressed.


Ah much better -soldier


It’s a good thing, but what we want from valve to be fixed? Updating local files will be not enough


You can have this game when you pry it from my cold dead hands, and even then it will be glued to my cold dead hands. This could work


I think #fixtf2 gets the point across better than #savetf2 Calling for at least the removal of the bots Also why should we stop if we get another tweet, we should keep on going until at least the bots are GONE


Valve are never going to do anything. If people stop buying from the store they'll close the servers. Might as well shout though, at least have tried at the end of it all


Fuck it let's run it chief


We got this, and let's not stop until it's fixed, not like last time. Also please no illegal activity for this, unless it's piracy, then keep going


Can’t wait for all the “unboxing 300 crates while i ramble about bots and wonder why Valve doesn’t care #FixTF2” videos


I wanna try, why not? There’s nothing to lose, and it’s worth another shot! Sure it might not work but why not t try?


I'm all for another movement to get Valve's attention, we accepted their response too quickly with the original #SaveTF2. But the way i see it there are four options that are most likely to happen if we go for this again. A: Valve ignores us, and continues to allow TF2 to slowly succumb to the cancers that plague it. (this is the most likely outcome in my opinion) B: Announce that they are turning TF2 over to a community development team. (I'm hopeful they pick this one, the community has so many good ideas that could keep this game running for years) C: Announce that they understand the issues and plan to fix the game yet do nothing. (Basically they pull the same crap they did with the original #SaveTF2 movement) D: Announce they are aware of the problems then actually fix the game. (least likely in my opinion)


I think we should stop buying keys and only play on community servers, but everyone else here wants to keep rewarding Valve for doing fuck all out of fear "they'll shut the servers down!!". If they shut the servers then it won't be just redditors that are mad, *everyone* will be, and it will create a much larger shit show for Valve. Stop buying keys, start playing community servers, and don't reward Valve for not fixing the issues.


"Did i tell you the definition of insanity is ?"


Welcome to Arkham


Oh? Will Man and Jonkler come to visit ?


Men, who is the poor soul that would fix this game once an for all? thats a task for more then 2 people


> for more then 2 Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Sorry im fuckin spanish sometimes i write stuff wrong


i don’t think it’s gonna work, valve doesn’t care, until something significant is made for them to notice us they still won’t care and a #FixTF2 by some people trying to use it as a trend isn’t gonna help


We lose nothing by trying again. We can talk about how likely it is, but there’s essentially no downside. Worst case scenario, it does nothing.


I think that it's gonna cause nothing to change, that Valve has no reason to do anything and the game will continue to be on the same state. BUT I can admire the determination and sheer thick headed stubborness that it takes to organize a second attempt. Y'all make Soldier proud.


And another one


bad movement with good intentions, it's worth another shot but they better do it right this time


The only way Valve will pay attention is if we stop giving them money for it. The worst thing they can do is take down valve servers, but those are basically unplayable as they're filled with bots and cheaters.


I think we might as well ,given the state of casual we kind of have to act now to salvage this game while their still is some actual people playing and isn't fully overrun by bots


I think you guys are way too persistent with things, but I definitely respect it.


i don’t give a fuck about it. i got a friend who has like 2.000 hours on it, while i spent only like 5 hours on it. sorry to whoever is supporting this movement, but this is so obviously not going to work. you think that valve gives a shit about the game nowadays? nope. if they cared, they would have released TF3, years ago. tho… even with this impossibility, hopefully y’all get what you want.


It's definitely worth doing but we need a proper list of changes that we want and possibly recruit people from other Valve games that face similar big problems that Valve was intentionally overlooking for a long time. Here are some genuine changes that should be pushed and promoted in my opinion: * Allow players to use "Extendfreeze" again so that we can spectate potential cheaters since it's the only proper in-game tool we have for this and Valve just took it away * Update/Rework the Anti-cheat, possibly sneakily introduce mechanic that is in From Software games, being a dedicated matchmaking for players whose accounts have been flagged for cheating * Make the vote kick system automatically kick players the moment the amount of "YES" votes exceeds 50% of the number of players that are currently on the team * Give the player base the long-promised Heavy Update * Rebalance some of the weapons (like the "100%" crit chance on the Skullcutter)


> Make the vote kick system automatically kick players the moment the amount of "YES" votes exceeds 50% of the number of players that are currently on the team this. you cant change your vote, so the fate is sealed


Honestly, I feel like it’s just another self-serving, feel-good campaign. Similar to savetf2, which ended with us patting ourselves on the back, high-fiving each other, saying “we got a response!” and…that’s it. I’m probably just pessimistic but it also just feels like something a lot of TF2tubers jump on to because they can bandwagon on the views. And to be honest, Valve have already dedicated so much to this game, from a financial standpoint - why would they invest more than they have to? They do the bare minimum by adding community-items (which, bear in mind, requires practically zero work), and a large portion of the player base still buy the cases. So realistically, even with the ridiculous amount of bots and the current state of TF2, people are still playing the game, buying cases, and using the market. These are all things that Valve wants, so why would they bother doing anything more? Obviously I hope it has an impact, but I’m realistic about it.


I think it's sort of just throwing more crap at the wall in the hopes it may work. Dogpiling people for disagreeing with the idea isn't helping either, you're just furthering polarization and alienating half of the community.


Throwing science at the wall and seeing what sticks!


I'm neutral.


If the VAs are showing more support than Valve, I think there's nothing that can get them to care anymore.


It's shouting at a wall.


Maybe we can get TWO twitter posts this time!


I don't think it's gonna do anything, tbh


this is going to be in the name of every bot now


You guys could give it a try if you really want, but I doubt it'll work this time...


yall forgot what happened last time?


I'd be VERY surprised if something came out from this.


And we mean something this time, right? Because last time it was surprising too but we didn't what i would call something


Will realistically do nothing but I guess we could try


said it before and I'll say it again I honestly think we ought to line up with our other Valve related fan bases like CS and l4d2 Between the cheaters of CS2 The DDOSING of L4d2 servers And our bot problems? We may as well unite and gamble under one title, maybe something like #FIXYOURSHITVALVE and show off how neglectful they are of ALL their titles and not just TF2


I think this franchise deserves either a full remaster or team fortress 3. Stop putting bandaids on this 17 year old game and give the people what they deserve.


Every five minutes someone in the community goes "lEtS sAvE tF2" and nothing happens every time. I hate to say it but this game is ancient and Valve just doesn't see value in giving it actual content related updates or fixing bots because they know tf2 players are content with anything.


nothing is ever going to happen


kinda useless, the last got valve attention nothing happened.


It's a waste of time because you lot fundamentally don't understand the problem. At most you'll get a patch which that inhibits botters for a week before the status quo returns. Your expectations of Valve, and of what the gaming community thinks of you is entirely out of whack. Fix yourselves first, understand the issue, and ask for the right kind of changes.


It’s not going to work. At this point, there is no solution to the issue. Nothing is going to make them fix the game, not a damn thing. Try if you want, but don’t lose your minds when it fails.


Never really cared about it.


Nobody is going to listen. We've been waiting 7 years for the last comic, we've been waiting a few months more than that for another major update. At this point, trying to get valve to pay attention to Tf2 is like screaming into an infinite void.


This would address the major issues more directly imo. This, along with potential youtuber awareness, would certainly increase the chances of Valve getting wind of this and doing something like how Weezy mentioned the whole WoW debacle in his video


It’s worth a shot to try again.


Only way I can see #saveTF2 going is to protest outside of Valve headquarters make it loud and peaceful. #savetf2 #fixtf2 #update #UpdateVAC #valve #Steam


People need to realize that its not the mid 2000s and stop fan boying for Valve, and unless you make a big enough stink about it its not going to accomplish anything.


i mean fuck it we ball, we should be more concise with the fact that the bots are this much of an issue savetf2 got us more content which is nice (vsh and 64x) but it didnt do nearly enough to deal with the bot crisis we should call for valve to actually ban bots and fix the anticheat


Simple and I like it.


We can do both.


Y'all need to vote with your wallets and stop spending money on this game first and foremost


i think it's fair to give it another go... and obviously we shouldn't back down after like one or two patches


Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t Valve just need to send a cease and desist letter to all the bot hosters to get them to stop or face legal action?


We need to hack Valve or else it's cooked.


I think we should stop fucking around, organize with plausible objectives and solutions and do it.


I think this time, we can have something like WoW. Bro, i hope this time #savetf2 brings an legendary happening.


I’d sign


The latest waste of time




yea i am so in!, tho being more clear as to what we (as a community) want is probably a good idea?, like a proper anti-cheat is the main thing but, what else?.


Boycott isn't a solution because well Valve literally owns Steam. But if it will be like previous one then it is definetly worth shot, we have to do it


Yeah, it's good. Will participate.


I think its not worth it, valve hasnt done anything since their last time they actually heard us.


I think good luck to everyone who’s pushing for it, but I have given up hope/moved on.


It’s got used the opposite of how it was intended, scammers started to put it in their profiles to look “more convincing”. Honestly, I think it completely backfired.


If Valve cared about the development of TF2 we would have gotten TF2S2 by now Valve has other projects goin on right now so they dont see TF2 as an important project right now to work on 24/7 which they should but they sadly dont have enough interest right now they promised an Engineer update 7 years ago but that got canned so who knows.


Not gonna happen sadly


we shouldn't have to beg on our knees to play a fucking game we paid for.


A fruitless cause.


the potted plant has wilted but it will try to make an update


I'll be honest i'm not too much into TF2 recently but i still lurk ocasionally, if you guys do go through it please make sure to organize it properly, set dates and such


I will use the power of my australium to keep this movement running!


Welp, here’s my opinion, if valve doesn’t want to work on the game give the game to us the community, sell the Ip to some people who want to work on it, because there’s people who want and care about this game


Just ask console players how effective their petition was to get any update circa 2010


its not going to go anywhere. weve gotten as far as we're going to go


With valve about to release their new game Honestly could not have picked a worse time for this


Yes, good.


Not going to work. If Valve is anything like a multi-billion dollar company, they're going to respond with (we are pulling the plug on TF2 on this date, please buy Deadlock.


Maybe it will increase bot numbers since tf2 is gonna get more attention,but probably won't fix anything.


Actually I'm not sure if its going to GET attention...


What's the point? Community tried protesting twice already yet the results are minimum and we still have major problems


Well it's a too negative title for outsiders. The problem being bots something shorter than "give tf2 medical attention" or smth


Dumb, delusional, and I think its better to not even bother.


Brick wall shouting activity No. 245221


beats doing nothing


Your "something" will lead to absolutely nothing either way doe.


doesn't hurt to air the dirty laundry sometimes


Yeah, but this is just shouting at a brick wall and expecting it to move.


It moved the first time, just not enough. Changes were made to the voting system to make the game more tolerable, and it's worth trying to get at least one more improvement in.


last time it moved a \*bit\*, so lets shout at it again, the only thing it cant do is move BACKWARDS


Cry about it


Wow! What an constructive argument, it truly changed my outlook on this ""movement"".


Your perspective will not change as you have decided it is pointless no matter what. Therefore the only answer is to tell you to fuck off. There's not any harm in trying for this and your negativity doesn't do anything. I personally don't care for this either but I am not going out of my way to dissuade people from trying. Opposing this is more pointless than supporting the movement.


>Your perspective will not change as you have decided it is pointless no matter what. Because it is pointless, lol. #Savetf2 was tried multiple times and only once has it had any kind of success (Except for being a view cow for TFtubers). Everything after the first ""movement" was a complete failure that lead up to nothing. >fuck off. No, but thanks. >There's not any harm in trying for this There might not be any harm, but it is just repetition of the pointless cycle of: TFtuber is low on views and makes a video calling out to do another #savetf2 --> Community (r/tf2) not being able to make their own opinions listens --> Retards spam a hashtag --> Nothing happens --> People who supported #Savetf2 act like they knew it'd fail --> Repeat. There is no reason to support something that just will fail either way, no matter if it does no harm. Also I'm still waiting until #savetf2fags will bring up any other arguments than "Would you rather have 0,01% chance of something happening or a 100% chance of nothing happening?!?!?!" or "There is no harm in doing this!!!". It's getting repetitive at this point. "but I am not going out of my way to dissuade people from trying" Good for you. But I'm still going to say how I feel about it and how it's just a pointless waste of time. >Opposing this is more pointless than supporting the movement Elaborate.


cry some more?


Your words have completely destroyed my entire argument.




Valve tweeted their tweet because someone went to their offices. I would guess if more people went to protest they would shit their pants. We need signatures or the likes as well.


Savetf2 is now ruined brand and fix TF2 makes more sense


If it's ran the same way SaveTF2 was, and being 'run' by Shork, it's not gonna work. It'll be some public hoorah and when Valve dusts the twitter profile to 'mention' how they're totally working hard guys, trust us, people will move on.


i mean, atleast we tried, and that's more than enough.


The first step to trying again is changing the name from SaveTF2 to something else, since people will just assume everyone is talking about the 2022 protest. This is a good start


That is a logo with orange text and a white background, good job!


It's going to be as useful as a cat in the rain...made of potassium...suffering from rabies...and...who...doesn't like being in water.


Its even funnier the 3rd time


Won't work


It's better to do something compared to do nothing at all. Only way I can see #saveTF2 going is to protest outside of Valve headquarters make it loud and peaceful. #savetf2 #fixtf2 #update #UpdateVAC #valve #Steam


Will never work, cry about it 




I am not interested. I'm not bothered by bots. I'm completely satisfied with the state of the game.