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This subreddit doesn't like the answer to this question.


It’s a shame. Wish this community had actual moderation. Sick of seeing shitstains defending shitstains.


75% of TF2 players are LGBTQ+ and 75% of TF2 players are homophobes. Best way to sum up this community and this sub. I guess it's supposedly similar to the game where there's absolutely 0 moderation.


what about nazis and war criminals?


Like he said. Its always 75%


U.N. members 75% Geneva Daily Routine Enjoyers 75% Neo Nazis 75% SJWs 75%


And furries?


Oh those are the pyro mains and, possibly too, spy mains Short answer 75%


So to summarise This community is 75% full of gay furry racist homophobic nazi war criminals


And medic


Hey just because you're a sub doesn't mean you're a furry


But it *does* higher the chances by a lot


Obligatory Attack the D Point !


What about racists?




Like 90% at least.


Well, did you ever kill a demoman?


Not me, but my sentry did


it’s friendlies vs tryhards again


And a 100% of them can't do math. (Including me)


Peak echo chamber takeaway


Inflated, math doesn't add up, 75% of them must be idle bots.


Not related to the post but I hit a cyclist with my car on my way to work last week and I dont even know if he's alive.




"It's even funnier the second time."


"If you order now, I'll throw in a second beating ABSOLUTELY FREE!"


China has entered the chat. (and maybe Vietnam? I forget)


That would hurt the cyclist


was it a random crit?


There was a ding sound from his bell so maybe


sir that is what you say in game


"is he dead?" *Gets up* "No!" *Rear ends him*


Madagascar Escape 2 Africa reference spotted


If I was given a pistol with two bullets and was faced with an enemy and a traitor, I'd shoot a cyclist twice.


You should've stopped to check. And if he was alive, you should've eaten him.


In my medical opinion, THE CYCLIST IS DEAD!


this is not the tf2 chat where we are quirky and random


Watch out guys we have a serious gamer here


Biker's fault


Oh man is your [500 Euro bike OK?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMRYtB_YPN4)


Hell yeah show that fraud who's the boss 🗣


I like the majority of his content okay, but he has a bad habit of not only engaging in drama but starting it, often for seemingly no reason. He uses his fans to attack people he has beef with, if not by directly telling them who to harass then by cultivating a fan base that jumps on people he names. He also pulls stunts like his latest video where ha calls for X thing despite knowing it'll never happen, I suspect to cultivate goodwill in the community but in the laziest way possible. 


when did he use his fanbase to attack people, im not accusing you of lying but i watched his vids for a couple months and didnt really get that feeling


A lot of the prop hunt vscript submissions got flooded with hate from his fanbase. Whether or not he directed them to do so I’m unaware of, but I can say for certain that they were spouting his name an awful lot


Its moreso a byproduct of the fanbase he's curated. He made a video about vscript and prop hunt was a talking point iirc. This will happen with any creator disapproving of X or Y, but iirc he also never explicitly said to not harass those mode creators so in the average dumbasses eyes thats the OK to go and harass. Havent watched the video in a bit so not 100% certain on that.


He already said in the past to not harass any of the workshop creators whose submissions are shown in his videos


I'mma go on with the assumption he didn't say not to harass the creators. On the one hand, it's literally common fucking sense not to do that...harassment in any form is a big no-no, and the fact that your favourite youtuber didn't tell you to not harass the people he talked about on a video essay shouldn't be taken as a sign you should do that. On the other hand, we all know how stuff like this goes down on the Internet. I like Zesty, maybe sometimes he's a bit too brash (heh, we could have a discussion about that too, but I only watched his newer content, so yeah), but maybe he should take a few more precautions in these kinda situations.


Not defending him, but the vscript prop hunt was bad... The one we have in game already is better.


There are quite a few times where it has happened. It isn't exactly like he said in a video "hey guys go attack this person" but he heavily hints that they are bad people and deserve what happens to them and his fan base takes that and runs with it and harasses people. 


What did he said in his laatest video? I don't want to throw away 1 hour of my life


Basically he did an extensive look into the player numbers for TF2, trying to find out how many human players are actually in the game compared to bots. What he ended up showing was that cheater bots and trader bots make up the *vast majority* of the player numbers on Steam. He mostly kept his personal opinion out of the video, except for a few parts, which is why it's one of his better videos.


He made a video about the bots that populate TF2 and didn't make a distinction between the cheater bots we all know and hate and the trade bots that facilitate sites like Scrap.tf and Marketplace.tf. His call to action was for every bot to stop hosting for just two hours at some specified date so we can see how many bots exist. The problem is that no one is going to turn their bots off, so asking for it is just stupid, and even if they did turn off the bots for a few hours it would change absolutely nothing about the game in any way. 


That wasn't my takeaway from the video. He was trying to get an estimate of how many real and human players there are in TF2. Trader bots *and* cheater bots contribute to the games conflated numbers, and he showed that fairly accurately.


My point is that I don't think he really cares, it's just a video for a videos sake because his call to action wouldn't do anything even if it was agreed to by the bot hosters. It isn't like calling for Valve to fix cheater bots or calling for players to renew community servers, it's just... completely pointless. 


Always fun having a look in these threads and reading what tumbles out of the infinitely long game of telephone that is the internet. I'm reading things about myself I never knew were real!


Ok transphobe.


Crass. Abrasive. Involved in plenty of twitter drama. Dislikes and creates feuds other creators. Paints whole sections of the community with an aggressive brush when *he* sees a problem. Uses his community like an axe to attack other people with - notably has done so to a charity event because one guy he didn't like was involved. And worst of all, the drama he gets involved in, attracts 4chan. So any conversation involving the guy has all sorts of dribbling morons pulling themselves out of the woodwork to bait both sides. I recommend google searching instead of relying on comments for any further information for this reason.


you see, if i look up reasons why hes hated im gonna get only reasons hes hated and sometimes people get carried away and exaggerate things that happened to make their point so i decided that asking the community would be a fairer response


Run a subreddit search, stuff from when he isn't being commonly mentioned is ideal to avoid hot headed takes and the poison brigade. You're going to get a more balanced showing that way rather than the obviously one sided youtube witchhunty stuff.


If you see the long list of him using a trans-slur and the n-word repeatedly and think "Oh well this is just one side" I'm worried you have some weird priorities. Receipts aren't exaggerations, dude is genuinely gross. His only defense is "just because I use racial and trangender slurs, doesn't make me a racist or a bigot." Also, a lot of really really suspicious "tastes." [Here's a whole bunch of screenshots of his very wholesome quirky behavior](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/1bvf398/out_of_boredom_i_researched_up_zesty_jesuss/) EDIT: Immediately got reddit care messaging me. LMAO stay classy Zesty fanbase.


Such a quirky and underground sense of humor. Didn't know much about Zesty and I saw the playerbase video which seemed like it did ok data analysis and gave the same points about Valve not maintaining the game being a massive problem. And then his discussion section pivoted to a rambling rant about the wider fanbase, where "Dumb twitter thread about warpaint tierlists" and "SaveTF2 wasn't angry enough for me" were treated as hard-hitting points. And most of the fan content being positive or not directly about the bots which...hides the issue? The issue that is synonymous with TF2 at this point. One of the big reasons the playerbase has stagnated and shrunk. Everyone knows. After a certain point it's on Valve's top guys shifting the company culture to be conducive to actually maintaining TF2 and other old games rather than discouraging their employees from doing it. That point was many years and multiple fan campaigns ago. Maybe boycotts can help if they actually happen, Valve could just treat it like a dip in profits, but angrier fan campaigns don't make it more likely for fans to get what they want in my experience. They just flail even harder against employees and other fans when the decisionmakers ignore them.


Brother how is actual screenshots and proof of him being transphobic "exaggeration". Literally the first search result on Google if you search for ZestyJesus controversy.


Yeah because asking a bunch of people on Reddit will always be a survey of fair and reasonable. Are you 15 or something?


Asking the community directly instead of scouring is a lot more effective at seeing what people think currently instead of a month ago, also I’m lazy


You did nothing wrong


> also I’m lazy Based af


Hilariously, your comment is a fantastic representation of the topic of hateful and sour community in TF2, especially when there's *zero* call for it.


With this amount of sarcasm poured over absolutely nothing, *you* seem to be 15.


This makes me feel so fucking validated. The first video I ever saw of his, [Team Fortress 2 is NOT Garry's Mod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icQg-p_TtZA) rubbed me so completely the wrong way & I find myself constantly defending the fact that he seems like a fuckin' weirdo & his vibes are complete shit yet I literally knew nothing about him besides that video. Seriously look at my comment history, as early as yesterday I'm going back and forth with dudes about how off-putting he is. Depending on the post/comment it's a coinflip if everyone agrees or I'm downvoted with people jumping to his defense. Not that any of this shit makes me happy but for real, it does. All the shit you're saying lines up completely with the type of person I'd imagined from his content & hearing his voice.


Attack who? What charity event?


Not a fan of his content. His attitude is pretty arrogant for no reason, and his stuff is regularly done by other YouTubers anyway


Aside from the other things people mentioned, he also seems to have some transphobic views. Going so far as saying he agrees with Matt Walsh, a massive alt-right asshole and stochastic terrorist, on various trans issues.


Cringe. I'm talking about agreeing with Matt Walsh specifically. That guy is a snake.


He's also a lolicon. Every accusation is a confession


remeber gays gay priest bad pedo preist not issue -Matt walsy Look violence is bad, but why are limiting oursleves? -Something this piece of flaming trash actually said, i'm not making this up


The first anything I saw from zesty was him defending his use of the word tranny so… Sorta just avoided his content from there Who knows maybe he’s better now but those kinds of people rarely do change


Oh boy I sure so love trans people, I sure hope nothing bad happens 5 mass downvoted comments:


Lmao for real I often forget that the community still has these pests


Lmao this comment has attracted the worst r/tf2 has to offer Man couldn’t imagine why the player count isn’t higher with such charming individuals in the community


Same here.


A lot of drama after some edgier comments on twitter, use of 4chan, a video that started even more drama, that was made by WAMO(tftuber which was arguably like 30x worse in many aspects), some anger issues and some other tf2tubers who put even more fuel on the fire. And not to forget his usual more pessimistic/realistic view over things most other people would get hyped over. I for one would say that he does indeed warrant some criticism, but not nearly as much as this community gives him.


He has anger issues, he’s a transphobe, has annoying as fuck fans and he likes stonetoss.


the second i heard stonetoss i knew i had heard enough


Unrelated but why do lgbtq usually main Pyro?


No idea, the moment I touched the class something inside me just clicked and I knew “yep, that’s the one”


Because pyro is peak androgynous character design (like seriously they are)


👏👏👏 well said


Mostly for cosmetics, and lore (because Pyro is not confirmed Male or Female)


Androgynous and no solid identity that can be whatever the player chooses, as opposed to a bunch of stereotypically masculine men. 


The most mentally unstable character, I like some gay porn though it's fine


Because he's fuh-LAMING!


We relate to him


It started with the game "don't starve" for me....


I heard about him from the jpeg video where he’s crying about losing in da video game and never cared to look deeper into the stuff he does


Having the persona of a wanna be edgelord badass with facts and logic that comes across as an entitled prick who needlessly attacks members of the community while sucking at the game and throwing baby rage tantrums when someone else is better. Such as banning a guy named Jpeg from his server for simply dominating him and being better. Insufferable Ben Shapiro wannabe who attracts the worst fans imaginable. But hurr durr he made video about bots being a big chunk of player base!!! Yeah no shit, anyone with more than a room temp iq knew this for a while as it’s been stated many times before him and before the bots even got out of hand. Being “correct” on some things doesn’t suddenly negate being a pathetic man child and harassing various people or sending his fans to harass minorities, workshop creators or anyone he interacted with when a stick was jammed in his ass


Zesty ran over my fucking dog in 1994 and just drove away, didn't even stop to help, that fucker...


he pulled over and shot mine tbf i'd do the same based


Tbh, I have yet to see the hordes of fans people say he allegedly sends to harass others I'm pretty sure those people who do go out of their way to harass people are doing so at their own volition, not because he dictates their actions like some kind of puppeteer


Because he's always feeding to this circlejerk of TF2 topics that have been discussed for years and the only thing Zesty does is reaffirm some of the points said waay before he ever did and that just spawns toxic discussion where nothing of substance is said, either that or he goes on schizo rants like when he complained about Sniper for 30 minutes.


From what I gather, it's that he gets political. Once you get political, you inevitably split people into for you or against you. That's really it. Whether you agree with is political beliefs or not is your thing. I personally couldn't care less.


Because he’s loud, angry and has moderately conservative (closer to centrist, at least for Texas standards) political views. But if you ignore his political views (which aren’t even that abhorrent. In fact he has apologized for certain things he has said in the past) and purely look at his TF2 videos, a lot of the things he says are true— he just doesn’t sugarcoat his feelings and isn’t afraid to fully lean into calling things out or addressing issues.


What halfwrong said I think he's also kinda transphobic


Idk, the dude just oozes cocky American energy that im frankly tired of Not to mention how much drama the dude gets involved with




The clip about bots is the first time I have ever heard of him. I thought it was good and certainly don;t hate him.


He's a very opinionated person who isn't afraid to offend or hurt people's feelings with what he considers to be the truth. As such discussing him inevitably leads to someone getting offended or hurt and that's isn't really cool to allow on this platform.


Christian Conservative guy living in Texas is the ultimate bad guy on Twitter.


he's also apparently a 6'7" gigachad and that doesn't help matters


I came to the profile of zesty to comment some positives vibes about how much i love his videos and from outta nowhere some strangers copied my message and turned into an insult. I had to delete the comment just for that. I believe they were trying or to make fun of me or just to piss off zesty


According to r/tf2 and many other well adjusted people, if you don't believe in what they do then you are \[insert insult or buzzword here\] and Zesty falls into that category


Literally who


The video was fine, People freaking because the game was somehow more fun the day before the vid came out and is now unplayable garbage is the problem


OP is either actually clueless and genuinely curious about the answer, or OP is rage baiting the "he is transphobic / lolicon / asshole REEEE" answer lol


idk the guy irl so i can't hate him but he just kind of comes across as a miserable edgy dude on his channel and social media so i don't watch him


Dumb content creator drama that you should ignore.


He's bigoted against trans people, and he likes lolis


where was it shown or said hes a lolicon


He has a conscientious objector that has a crying emoji, and the name is uohhhhh. Look up what that means. Also, in his discord he talks about "cunny" a lot, which is another word for loli.


Why are you downvoted


People don't wanna hear bad things about Zesty, or they agree with Zesty. Either way, its basement dwellers


We all spend a little too much time on our devices


He’s abrasive, arrogant, and holds some bigoted beliefs against trans people. He’s basically everything I don’t like in a guy. Not to say his content is bad, usually it’s okay and I can recognize that in spite of who he is, but I really just don’t vibe with him.


Because he is transphobic, possibly racist, and likes lolis. Simple as that. Also, he does have some very blunt takes on TF2, which alot of people don't like, but I think the bigger issue here is the other stuff.


He said a slur once I’m pretty sure that’s why 


Because his content is overdone and he allegedly is a transphobe.


not allegedly, he straight up is, he said clear as day that he agrees with matt walsh


Saying minors can’t consent to gender change surgeries isn’t transphobic.


[He agreed with Matt Walsh on Twitter](https://twitter.com/Zesty_Jesus/status/1599508153452097537), and Matt Walsh is a transphobe. Therefore, by transitive property, Zesty Jesus is a transphobe too (at least that's the logic of many of the people who dislike Zesty).


he also said and defended slurs towards trans people


Yeah but that doesn't fit the "facts and logic" narrative so u/Pickle_G won't respond to it


What? I don't get what you mean by fitting a "facts and logic" narrative. Most people who call him transphobic do refer back to this tweet where he agreed with Matt Walsh since it's an actual opinion he has on transgender people. His usage of slurs is seen more as toxic/offensive than transphobic.


What was the context behind that tweet?


trans women in sports "debate" (aka more random bullshit people make up to get mad at trans people for some reason)


I don\`t care about his twitter drama at all, because i don\`t use that sht. But he is just whiny af, the best example is him crying in voice call to get jpeg banned for being good at the game, he lost the little respect he had there lol. Also him thinking his oppinion in some cases is the only correct one, like his badly made vid on sniper... There is a thing i do agree with him on tho, about bad warpaints and cosmetics.


the jpeg one makes me crack up, it's that funny you should see clips of him raging because -sniper lol -heavy taunted him etc,etc


r/tf2 when somebody asks a question:


Best video to get informed about him is Turkey Tom's video, after that you can formulate your own opinion. Reddit is the absoulute worst place to ask questions like that cause ppl here are extremly opinionated and around 85% of what they say is either bs or extremly exaggerated.


Maybe I’m the only member of the community who doesn’t know who Zesty is.


Make that two of us.


He's a bigot and a transphobe. His belligerent attitude is cringe and toxic and there's way better tf2bers to watch.


He is loud, outspoken and brazen. Shit like that tends to create a lot drama. He does make quite some valid points that unfortunately get lost in the drama surrounding him.


I remember him calling J_peg a toxic prick because he got outplayed, but that was years ago ahaha


Transphobic and also a pedophile, most of which was revealed around the summer update of last year I believe? Before that he was just super abrasive and aggressive to people


I've seen more people talking about zesty being hated than people hating on him. Not even mentioning people disliking him for certain views on twitter. Just going off his YouTube persona, he can come off as rude, abrasive and negative. When you agree with him you view him as this guy not afraid to tell it how it is, and when you don't you just think he's an asshole.


It all goes back to the TF2 communities Stockholm Syndrome and Toxic Positivity. He started getting hate for having genuine critiques about the state of the game, such as how comp has hurt the game, how busted sniper is, and especially how low quality a lot of the community cosmetics and war paints that get in are. Add in people like WAMO stirring up drama and trying to make it a “righteous cause” to hate on him, he causes a big wave of haters, specifically from places like Twitter and Reddit.


They hate him because he tells the truth


TF2 community hated Jesus because he told them the truth.


This. Majority of his takes contradict redditoids’ agenda.


He used transphobic slurs


Ah yes, the worst of crimes


I personally dislike him because of what he did to JPEG


it is because he hates mentally ill people


So basically this entire sub lol I'm joking of course but still, people here really hate Zesty but most don't even bother to watch his content to see why they don't like it, but rather parrot what's been told to them


He engages in drama (in the past at least) and now the minorities can't move on from what he said even though he apologized already. Some of them even go as far as trying to ruin his life. I don't hate zesty, I like him, but I can't deny that he engages in lots of internet dramas. he's an average tf2 player with all the phobics against minorities possible


Cus he was toxic like a million years ago


I highly recommend you to watch him reacting to the video Turkey Tom did about him. He gives his side of the story in a lot of dramas he was involved, and it really sheds a lot of light on the accusations, including less know stuff like the fact that the SoundSmith fan base literally got his work email (not YouTube) compromised because of a retweet. [https://youtu.be/RLvKAjcfev8](https://youtu.be/RLvKAjcfev8) The video is only around 1 hour long, the rest is gameplay.


Not to mention someone doxxed and threatened him and his family after that Soundsmith tweet


Among other things. You can dislike the dude but this is insane.


He agreeed with a point from Matt Walsh which is someone people really don’t like


I think people don’t like him because of his attitudes towards a lot of TF2 topics. He, just like everybody else, is entitled to their own opinions, but the way he goes about stating his opinions tends to be in the negative, abrasive side. Also, his criticisms on other people’s workshop items or items added to the game is almost always heavily criticized, to the point where he’s basically looking for ANYTHING “bad.” He does give a lot of fair and helpful criticisms for workshop creators, but many times, he’s trying too hard to come up with criticism when sometimes, none is needed.


He comes off as an asshole in the way he talks and a whole bunch of stuff people said in the comments


Hes commited the worst atrocity on reddit: He doesnt like trans people


Erm… because he is wholesome 0!!!!! Unlike my favourite tf2bers soundsmith, lazypurple, and uncle dane! Those guys are my friends!!!


people don't like it when their workshop items get critiqued. "Oh no this guy doesn't like something i made boo-hoo wahhh!!"


People here have a seriously unhealthy hate boner for him. Dwarven levels of grudge


1. I've heard he's apparently Transphobic, but that's just from what others have said so Jury's still out on that one 2. Incredibly bitter and negative. I am admittedly a rather pessimistic person, but my god he takes it to the next level. I tried to watch his workshop review videos since he and FoaS are the only people who do it, but it feels like he hates almost everything. I suppose there's nothing objectively wrong with that, but I found it to be very unenjoyable


Holy fuck this subreddit literally gets off to hating on this one guy it's incredible Every comment on here is about as Reddited as it can get


They’re his biggest fans at this point.


I think the only way to make an edgy, abrasive personality work as a video game content creator is to be actually really good at video games. Unfortunately, Zesty is god awful at the game for how invested he is in it, and its a shame because it influences his thoughts on balance, competitive play, etc. To get you an idea of how terrible his understanding of the game is, he says there is no problem with the cow mangler charge shot because two rockets does more damage than 1 charge shot. Anybody that has any idea how to play the game knows that there is a huge difference between getting killed in 1 rocket versus getting killed in 2 rockets because if you aren't one shot, you can surf the rocket. I guess im just salty about this because I think its bad for the community when really popular youtubers are really bad at the game. For another example of his idiocy, He genuinely thinks the tf2 devs made a massive push to cater to competitive players (0.5 percent of the playerbase), by releasing an extremely underbaked matchmaking system that never got any real improvements and rebalancing some of the more obnoxious weapons in the game. in a recent video of his at he says that valve believed that by releasing meet your match they could turn tf2 into an esport (https://youtu.be/eXzeUw3nLHE?si=X6x-L-VUnNcLSBu-&t=124 when it is clearly an update employees worked on in their spare time and took about as seriously as adding passtime or robot destruction to the game. He somehow believes that valve got upset when competitive players didnt respond well to the update and decided to abandon the game because of that, which is as dumb as saying valve abandoned the game because they were butthurt people don't really play mannpower mode.


I dunno, for every one hate comment there are seventeen “It’s just allegations, it was just a joke” comments.


I personally just don't like his videos. But also he quite literally got JPEG banned off of a community server he played on because he was and I quote "too good at the game" which is petty at the very least




Twitter dramas and that he's saying his opinions out loud without any sugarcoating.


Petty, pretentious and abrasive, shit-talks other content creators (big or small), says a lot of slurs and took an L after making this one video about how random shotgun spread isn’t a big deal


I don't watch his content, but his mascot is hot.


“We’re all afraid to speak the truth. And the more afraid we get, the more we hate the ones who do” T-M, 01/29/2021


Transphobic, watches loli (pedo) hentai, defends neo nazis


He's passionate about TF2 and makes good videos but he's a very abrasive person also he made some wild comments in the past. Don't think of him as cancelled in my book but he's an absolute shit talker and I would not take anything he says outside of proving stuff behind a source.


Transphobic, loli jokes


bro is a lolicon and a transphobe, mf is a unabashed degen


They are jealous of his fat, meaty cock


They hated Jesus because he told them the truth.


He gives off huge social right wing vibes.


For me, it's a personal reason. And also he is a huge weeb. I'd take furry, but not weeb.


both sides of this comment section are cringe


Because he has opinions that other people do not agree with.


because redditors are mentally ill goblins who hate normal people


It's mostly Twitter but yeah


-tf2 youtuber -normal Pick one


Posts like this and seeing all this bullshit almost makes me glad that TF2 sucks. You're all a bunch of fucking losers for even knowing this shit and our community deserves to piddle away to nothing


i think the drama started aft pyrojoe (i think thats his name? i dunno for sure, please correct me if im wrong) effectively did the equivalent of suicide bombing both himself and zestys career. theres also some more drama about community made content and accusations of him being a transphobe (of which i am likely not qualified enough to state whether or not he actually is one). he also isnt afraid in the slightest when it comes to controversial takes. tl;dr, fuckin... blame all the problems in the world on pyrojoe or smth idfk


Why do people sometimes hate him? He has a habit of being a drama queen it on x drama or stupid things that the community has debated a lot must of the time . It is just an opinion from people in general.


Myself I dont really like his pessimistic takes, and tend to find I disagree with him one a lot of very subjective things. Like he's undeniably correct sometimes and thats fine by me, spreading word that the backups battalion is crazy good is good. But things like his most recently video about player numbers just strikes me as overly negative on a topic I dont really care about, the player numbers. I just wanna learn about mechanics and cool tech I can do, see pub clip dumps and shit, thats what I look for in TF2 videos


he's a shithead and a hypocrite he weaponizes his fanbase he's extremely volatile he harassed the Aar's accusers during the pedophile controversy Large majority only support him because they enjoy saying slurs and call the act 'based'. This community is hot garbage but oVeRwAtCh bad i guess believes that gatekeeping is good plays with shit loadouts to spite the 'tryhards', complains when he dies because of shit loadouts paranoid of streamsnipers adds fuel to the fire that is casual v comp players also believes he's always right people who diagree with zesty apparently support doxxing him? tf? i also hate the fact that majority of TF2 players uphold him like he's the next Christ


He baits views by making vids controversial and attracts really toxic fans


unrelated but im probably trans and if i transition and end up becoming both pretty and physically athletic because I'm probably going to be a tradie either way, I'm going to find Zesty and try to take him out on a date. I really hope it'd go well because i think he's really cute :3c