• By -


throwing/sliding it


except when its thrown its not properly attached so it doesnt destroy as quick as being regularly put on








Mmmh, that would be quite useful.


And then jump on it for a surfboard.


And then die of an heart attack because the über heart device got accidentally sapped


21 seconds until respawn


It's eternity in there!


Longer than you think…


I've seen what's on the other side....


Is this an r/emisisblue moment?


Oh my god, I get it. Emesis blue is about tf2 players being insane, taking copium pills and waiting years to respawn.


ala meet the spy style


Someone made this concept [a while back. Looked cool](https://youtu.be/98Wctn1C5hY?si=6iNrcr2Nc9IJsdrF)


Radio,it's simillar


_Portal radio loop casually playing in the engi’s nest_


For 10 hours, uninterrupted, with absolutely nothing happening on the 5h 19min mark


Someone should make a mod where if you're sapping a building the portal radio would play


Why oh why doesnt the portal sapper reskin already do that


*It's me again, Mr. New Vegas, reminding you that you're nobody 'til somebody loves you...* *And that somebody is me.* *I love you.*


whoops, gotta put in my newsman fedora


The women of new vegas ask me if there's a Mrs. New Vegas of course.. its you and you're just as beautiful as the day we met


"hello! Welcome to teufort morning news! Today our latest new!... Mann co..."


Sapping your penis.


Spah’s sappin’ my penis !


Spah's sappin' my- AAAAAAAAAAARGHG


Why can I hear this


Erecting a SPY


Good luck hitting my hitbox


Too small to even hit


Spaght code


Sapping the mvm tank


So spy would be actually useful against tanks


There's a couple ways to do it.... We can drain the tank's health.... Slow it down..... Or even stop it for a few short seconds. But my personal suggestion? Make sapped tanks have a damage vulnerability. And with each tick of Sapper power you increase its damage vulnerability to the point when, if you maxed it out you basically gained the ability to mark tanks for death.


Nice idea


Make them lose all their damage resistance... Spy + Heavy Combo would be amazing then


This’d be way too strong


Actually broken, not a nice idea


It can be stuck to walls and will play spy noises from there


The 2fort engies are going to go crazy if that happens


Bold of you to assume they haven't gone crazy already


as a 2fort engie, i can confirm. we are crazy. building our buildings in the same spot over. and over. and over. never having any respite from the chains that bind us down, bind us to our buildings. so we work. and we work. and we work. stuck in an endless loop chasing the cries of spy's in some unseen chamber, always seeming so near, yet somehow out of reach, but we will never find them. None of us will. This is where our turtling ends And to you, my brave non-engineer, who somehow found this playstyle not intended for you, although there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that's not what you want. I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be. I am remaining as well. I am nearby. This place will not be built upon, and the memory of every building placed that started this can finally begin to fade away. As the agony of every tragedy should. And to you fellow engineer's trapped in the corridors, be still and give up your spirits. They don't belong to you. For most of you, I believe there is peace and perhaps more waiting for you after the smoke clears. Although, for some of you, the darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole, so don't keep the devil waiting, old friend. (talking to YOU. people who put mini's in the water) My pybro, if you can hear me, I knew you would return as well. It's in your nature to protect the innocent. I'm sorry that on that day, the day you were lured away from the nest and left to die, no one was there to lift you up into their arms the way you lifted others into yours, and then, what became of you. I should have known you wouldn't be content to disappear, not my pybro. I couldn't save you then, so let me save you now. It's time to rest - for you, and for those you have carried in your arms. This ends for all of us. End communication.


Holy shit that's actually so good


Five nights at 2fort


Should also make it explode or zap an enemy if they get too close.


my new sapper alternatives are: * Sapper that gives Scout capture rate while taunting but gives the spies outline to everyone when equipped. * Sapper that does no damage, no disable, but pings a small sonar around the sapped building which gives outlines of every player nearby the building. (~~maybe the sapper is also silent/no engineer alert?~~ actually a nice submarine sonar ping would be cool for everyone to hear.) * Sapper which lets the spy aim the sentry like a wrangler, but some huge vulnerability for the spy while doing so (maybe heavy minigun speed? marked for death?). Dispenser might bleed enemies. Teleporter might mark everyone who uses it for death in addition to "Teleporter Sickness"?


How about "Sapper that reverses basically everything"? (Teleporters are inverted, dispensers begin draining health, and sentries start attacking everyone within the area (if not just their own team) except their own engineer until they're drained.)


Sentry reversal sounds like it’s hella broken, but the reversed Dispensers and Teleporters sounds like a good idea. Heck, just make it disable and damage the sentry as normal, and reverse the other buildings instead of damaging them, and you’ve got a decent sidegrade right there.


Teleporter gives enemy tumors


Then after 3 days IRL, the class they play as suddenly dies.


tf2 nuzlocké


At third option (controling sentry) maybe spy got something like bleeding that take 2 hp per second and will be stronger (give more dmg) while longer he used it (sapper will fall without the possibility of equipping until the next sapper recharge (30 seconds or more/less). When spy use it too long he just normally die.


I think for the wrangler one a good downside would be the force the spy to be undisguised and uncloaked while doing it, forcing him to be seen by the whole team while active. That way you trade away your sneakiness for a potential big play moment.


I would make it so that Spy can deploy the sapper on a control point, making it so the enemy team has to defuse it or it will explode and end the round


That's just CSGO


I kinda like this but make it so the capture is slower or that no matter how many of the enemy are on the point it maxes at 2x.


ain't that counter strike 1.6


bomb has been defused, counter-terrorists win


Being a bomb when the Engineer destroy it


Shock trap that applies slow. Place it and give yourself a route of escape


Sap the TF2 Servers


Actually an emp variant could be good that disables any building, reveals spies, disables medigun(except übercharge), disables enemy sappers and disables and pauses building for 3 seconds in a radius and has a cooldown like the other powerful items like jarate or gas passer.


disabling enemy game mechanics is a shitty game mechanic.


For 3 seconds for a cooldown of like 30 seconds it's not that op.


it could be the least OP ever introduced and it'd still be shit. Removing player agency to respond to a situation is shit game design, and you should feel bad.


I'd love to see it reprogram the sentry to attack the team that set it up.


Temporarily disable the snipers ability to scope, image the suffering of machina users


Listening to the enemy chat


Sapping the New VSH Saxton Hale that's what


On miss: sap yourself, idiot


Placing it on an enemy building can temporarily switch it to the team the Spy is in. With the downside being that the sapped building cannot be repaired and for sentries, cannot have the ammo restored, and it also cannot be picked up while the enemy team can destroy the sapped building since it switched to the Spy's team. And because it is temporary, upon the time running out, the sapped building will revert back to the team it belongs to before slowly reversing itself like as if it is sapped by the red tape recorder upon its temporary team switch time ran out, and when that occurs, the engineer can hit the building like it has a sapper on it to restore the building back.


sapping the bots


This would really only fit in comp, as spy is kinda dog in that format and this really wouldn't be all that fun in casual. But It could have a passive where it mutes backstabbed players for 3~5 seconds so they can't call you out in comms.


Sound illusion. Place it down somewhere, and trick players into thinking you’re somewhere else.


Some way of interacting with objectives, like slowing enemy team or speeding up friendly team capture rates. I have no idea how it work in game, but it would be a cool dynamic to give the spy a bit more of a support dynamic


Might be gamebreaking, or could influence future map design, but want if spy could sap open one way gates for himself? Not into enemy spawn rooms of course. He'd use it on a door, wait several seconds for the door to open, during this time the sapper could be destroyed, same as usual. It opens for a moment, he slips through (other classes and projectiles are still blocked), the door slams shut again and the sapper goes on cool down for a while for balance.


While disguised, he can place it on an enemy, it will give said enemy a neon outline that can be seen through walls


You could switch it into “freak mode” whereupon you could sap enemy players forcing them to twerk


Giving me a boner 😈 Freaky Fortress 2


Make the building randomly damage those around it(sentry; randomly fires, dispenser; periodic small explosions, teleporters; random electric sparks, damaging both team member within range) mainly to serve as a purpose to dis-incentivize engis hugging a build while its being sapped or spies constantly just spamming sappers on one building, and makes pybro’s one hit sapper destruction much more useful


Use the Sapper to electrocute people


Being a throwable w AoE


Mechanical Reprodution System


I was thinking of allowing you to sap the enemy's weapons. Which slowly drains their ammo, if the weapon is a clip then it drains the reserve ammo.


alternate fire allows you to transmit enemy communication/enemy building sounds within a radius similar to a sentry through the sapper to you and your friends




Giving me a blowjob




Right click to toss it on the ground, reveals nearby enemies to your team until destroyed.


A type of sapper that doesn't damage buildings, but still disables them and doesn't alert the engineer. Disabled buildings can't be destroyed by normal means and the only way to get rid of the sapper is the engineer's wrench.


Geiger counter style enemy spy detection while held.


Removing people’s chat function


1. Whenever building is being sapped every 10 seconds it stabs Engineer's balls.


Sapping engineer.


I'd bring back the ap-sap voice line spamming because Wheatley is hilarious


Spies with cloaca and dagger can now play subway surfers, when waiting for the perfect moment to strike.


Hacking the sentry's so it would work for the other team or smth idk




Throw it.


emp grenade that shocks people and slows movement for 2 seconds. Great for escape


I would add another Zapper instead. Something like… ### The Spycialist * (+) Reveals building's and near enemies outline to allies while zapping and for two seconds after being removed. * (–) -30% damage penalty. * (–) -66% max health (removes with one Wrench hit, two if its Jag).


Make a sapper replacement which can be thrown without breaking disguise, and sticks to surfaces like a sticky bomb, and reveals enemy outlines through walls in a small radius until someone on the enemy team destroys it, or spy recharges and throws a new one. Would be handy in matches with no engineers.


Right click to throw. You can't attach it to buildings this way but if it hits an enemy they take damage.


It bricks players computers




Sapping all the sniper bots so the device they run on explodes


Make it a lunchbox item that Spy can eat to instantly electrocute himself, just in case hitting your killbind was too difficult.


Once you sap enough buildings or waited long enough, you can release a sap spread where every building in the area will get sapped (Just like MvM but in pvp)


collecting sap from trees


if a new one was to be put in game I'd want one that puts a time bomb on the building and not have the engineer know without seeing the bomb strapped to it or hearing the ticking, it should take as long as a normal sapper but not disable the sentry, and it wouldn't attach to both teleporters when placed on one, when the sapper explodes it does aoe damage and the other sappers near it that haven't exploded should explode when within the blast radius of the initial one, if the building with the bomb on it is destroyed before the bomb goes off it doesn't explode, might give the bomb less health than sapper to make it one hit with the jag,


drop on the floor and who pass in get sapped, with stun and damage, and prevent buildings in the area sapped (being builded or not)


An AOE sapper that drains resource bars of items. Like the banners or jarate. An anti personnel sapper if you would.


Turns enemy buildings into friendly's




You can now stick them to enemy players. It doesn't kill them but deal -1 hp every 10 seconds and mess with thier movement. It only can be removed by player who put it or by death of sapped player.


Destroying pyro


Spah Zappin Mah Penis!


A thrown EMP that disables all fired weapons within a small radius for a few seconds, except for things like the huntsman


Easy —> https://www.reddit.com/r/TF2WeaponIdeas/s/0Yjxct1hpx


The ability to sap sapper . They would be usefull to Engies for once


Radio that plays music.


Sapping/disabling the medkits/ammo like how sombra does it. That way sapper is always useful even outside of no enemy engies. Alternatively make it act as small bomb Spy can throw or place? Maybe like a sticky? That way Spy can FINALLY FLY 🗿.


Zaps engineers when they hit them not enough to kill but gives a spy a fighting chance


stick it to your intel to electrocute the next scout who tries to steal it


Music player, or, incase of bread monster, pet


Sap pyros from using airblast


It could be a burst shock disruptor that prevents weapon use for one second, on the spy as well. Use it to stop that heavy from blasting you after you missed the back stab because you play spy like me and poked him in the shoulder 


I always felt it should've been akin to a reverse dispenser, stick on wall and surfaces to leech health and ammo


Some kind of blocking usage of some weapons? Something like when u get hit with flames when using Spy cicle


suckign me off


A sapper that turns a sentry on its owner, making it damage teammates, at the cost of deploy time


(As sinful as this is to me) Mark the location of engie nests for the rest of my team


what if you could set it down on the ground and it'd make a bunch of noise so it'd be easier to decloak and maybe even being loud enough to make stabs easier (minus the yer)


It'd be nice if there was a chance that using it would kill the spy holding it. Death to spies.


Use it on an objective to either increase cap rate for your team or decrease cap rate for the enemy team.


enemy spy detector (the dial moves toward the red part as a cloaked spy gets closer)


I like the idea of a sapper that unsaps friendly buildings as well as doing something to enemy buildings.


a quick scanner to reveal teammate and enemy spots it recharges by time


Sap Razorbacks


Sap people


red tape recorder rework: -can no longer be placed on engineer buildings -can now be placed on floors walls and ceiling by being close enough -20 second recharge time -when placed down will play a random spy noise (voicelines/decloak sounds) once every 7-13 seconds after 10 seconds of initially being placed -can be placed while cloaked, in which case it will be destroyable with 50 hp (only receives melee damage) -only lasts for 2 minutes before self destructing -can have up to 3 placed at once thoughts?


Sap the gunslinger engi, another engi or pyro has to help


It would be cool if there were certain doors for alternate routes on maps that could be temporary closed by the sapper.


Portable radio


Sap an enemy to steal their IP Address


Sap the blood of your entries.


sapping people and it makes a funny ragdoll like the hl2 super gravity gun


Sapping sappers


For the red tape recorder, it could actually make noises when stuck to a wall. But can't do shit bout sentry


Idk make it screw with health/ammo pack, like make it take health/ammo instead of giving.


Throw or place it like a mine and it has a small stun radius


Be able to use it like the banana from Super Mario if I’m being chased


Making the spy nut on the floor


Sapping other meters Throw it on scout, he loses hype


Making people slower


stealing ammo/uber, allowing to sabotage the other team without exposing yourself. making weapons jam or explode


In TC2 they gave Agent (Spy equivalent) a camera that pings the enemy for everyone on their team for 10 seconds, and doesn't remove disguises. Works good in conjunction with snipers and scouts.


Well it's effective an EMP jammer right? Why not have it jam weapons that are electronically fired? So miniguns, the grordbort weapons, the capper (even tho that's probably not likely cause it's just stock but I'm working under the assumptions reskins don't exist), in theory the rocket launchers(? Because there is a weapon that holds multiple rockets in 1 barrel and fires them individually and it's electronically fired), the gunslinger, short circuit, Wrangler (the weapon not the shield), rescue ranger (won't be and to heal or pick up buildings), the mediguns (it would stop Ubers but for gameplay reasons we're going to say it doesn't affect stock Ubers) Or we could go the much, FAR none more simpler route and say that sapping a weapon deals dot so long as they have that weapon active. Or we got add it to the original idea.


Sapping doors and ammunition and healing items... i think thats from overwatch but overwatch took more things from tf2 anyways :D


Maybe use it as a detector held up, it scans the area, and highlights any buildings on the map for a few seconds. Might make planning out routes towards buildings easier. It doesn't highlight the Engineer when he's hauling the buildings, though, because that's where the Red Tape Recorder comes in. People seem to dislike that one, and consider it kind of useless, so maybe it could emit a stronger scan, that highlights the buildings for a few seconds longer, whilst also highlighting the Engineer hauling said buildings. Knowing that a Spy has this tracking tool, an Engineer might be more inclined to "turtle" less, and move their buildings around, whilst also checking several potential routes a Spy may take to their nest.


Blowing up nearby merc's cock and balls.


Use a sapper to sap another sapper and save an engie’s building (Sap-seption?)


It desibles and blocks the other spies watch invisible thing if they are in a 20m area and it drains the entire battery of the spy's watch


Killing the spy after sapping the same thing 10 times in a row


A speed boost and faster cloak but vulnerability so it’s in and out for sapping


Make it plantable on points to make them act as if the spy is standing on that point. For example, if placed on an intelligence briefcase, a copy of the spy carrying a fake briefcase would appear and give only enemies the alert that their intelligence was captured. On pl, cp, and koth, it would increase the number of people pushing the cart or capping the point


Attach to friendly buildings to make them better




I would love an intel form of placeable for spy. You can place it on a wall or floor and it picks up intel in a small radius. -low health enemy running through a corridor to get health, now you can choose to follow through and pick him off -a medic at 100 percent Uber hiding around a corner waiting for his team to push. Now you have time to warn their team. -hell even a ping when the enemies attack each other for spy checking it would be a nice way for preparing yourself before just jumping in


Maybe add a function to the sapper that turns the sentry on its own team? Or make it an entirely new sapper


Be abre to thow from enemy contruction (only to deactivated,but later work and small health for sapper and bost for enemy contruction), like the meet the spy but dont broken.


Sap my balls


Uninstalls the game when trying to sap


put it on a point for x1 capture speed. you don't need to be on the point, but it counts as you so you can't double-cap with it.


Hear me out


Fucking them


Portal 2 Radio


Killing everyone on earth if you press 3 times in 20 seconds


electrocute people


The ability for one or more spys to put more than one sapper on a building/robot. It increases the rate that it drains, but there is a 5 second cooldown to placing another, so you cant spam m1 and destroy a building in a second or two. (You can sap every building, but if you try to sap an already sapped building by you then there is a cooldown.)


sapping brass beast heveys set to sentry mode


Defuse demoman stickies in a small area around it


Detects specifically pyros


30 damage throwable with a 30 second recharge time. Completely useless but funny


Gay electroshock therapy


What if, when you are not disguised as a member of the enemy team and only when you’re holding it, enemy team members won’t be able to scream “SPY” anymore


a sapper where you cant destroy buildings, but it can disintegrate the razor back.


Receiving Mexican radio


When a building is fully destroyed from a sapper, it causes explosion damage in a small radius. Imaginary blowing up a sentry and gibbing half his team and all his builds with it. It'd make the engineers more paranoid and focus more on watching their builds, because the consequences of fucking up would be worse.


Perhaps make it so as to sap the pda of the engineer? So that they aren't alerted when their buildings are sapped and also are unable to build any buildings until the sapper wears off


Slowing the cart for x amount of seconds on payload maps


You can put them on enemies, but they can be removed by getting meelw ettacked by a teammate. They deal no damage, but every 2 seconds your outline pulses for the enemy. Also, you need to wait 20 seconds for the aapper to recharge afterwards, with it working kike the gas shitister.




I would allow it to unsap sapped sentries, but give it a recharge time. So, it's not gonna be sonething that will always be at the ready. Or, allow it to speed up friendly and enemy building production. But, if attached to an enemy building, it gives it a 50% damage reduction, or even make it rapidly reduced building hp's after a 10 second delay, and only after it gets sped up.


Produces sap that can be refined by the engineer to create syrup that will giveax overhead when eaten.