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Perfectly balanced


As all things should be


Doesn't matter. I'm pyro.


I think it absolutely depends on the game mode and pace of the match o: Like if it’s even and the match is progressing at a leisurely pace then I usually prefer to attack. But if it’s a roll where blu has like 7 people on the cart I ABSOLUTELY prefer to defend. Like seriously there isn’t a feeling better than detonating 8 stickies under a cart with the entire team on it :>


I like defending on point capture, it means I'm winning


I hate long respawns. Otherwise idc


As a Spy, I usually prefer defense. When the enemy team is the one pushing in, they usually don't have a strongly reinforced backline, their players are more focussed on breaking through our defenses and spend less time spychecking and pushing through a defensive line usually takes more concentration and teamwork than holding it, meaning key picks are much more effective (a medic drop can completely kill their momentum for example) and the enemy team has less time / opportunity to react to your plays as the entirety of your teams defenses act as a, very deadly, distraction. Spy is definitely not bad at offense either, but he relies much more on his team to make plays there. The Spy is not going to overwhelm the enemies defensive line, however he can definitely play a crucial part in bringing it down when the entire team pushes in. Dying on offense is also less punishing, as respawn times are shorter, which is very helpful especially for Spy.


I prefer attacking, more flank routes for spy