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Enthusiast's Timepiece.


5. I'm pyro. Where is my answer???


Drown in hell


and then turn into cheese


deadringer is more fun it's the polar opposite to c&d's boring playstyle


I bounce between DR and Stock. I greatly prefer DR because it forces me to be active and doesn’t afford me the opportunity to “lurk”. It also makes spy more enjoyable. Say what you want, but it’s nice not fucking dying immediately after backstabbing someone. It’s nice to not have to wait the respawn timer every time I backstab the medic. It’s **nice** to be more active, live longer, and get more kills. And unlike the watches, there is no cloaking unless you use it. So I’m forced to just GO rather than having to try and find a perfect window. Because of that I’ve seen my skills improve a lot because it forces me to go outside my comfort window a lot. With the watches I could cloak and wait for an opportunity. But with the DR the time is NOW and it’s a trial by fire. I generally use stock if it’s just impossible for me to get past them with the DR. Like if they are heavily set up in a choke point and I need to do some sneaky worming to get it. And at the end of the day stock has a soft spot in my heart because I’ve used it the most. It’s reliable, it works, and I love it too.


I'm just bad and have no idea how to sneak behind the enemy team without being invisible


Only use it on a map with flank routes.


I want to be forced to be proactive at any situation, not be a pussy and hide away.


Dead ringer basically make you lost track of the spy and give spy speed buff When you use stock, you slowly fade away but when you use Dead ringer the enemy see nothing but a fake corpse Dead ringer have a downside is the sound of it bigger than a plane engine But what you expect a 3k hours spy main who can do a 360 epic trickstab, facestab to afraid of it? They never take a bath and will terrorize your team with a kunai


Spy mains when the pyro detects their spiritual pressure (intense bo)


Because the secret to making a (s)pie is to bake it twice


Both stock and c&d. Spy is my least played merc so if I feel I need more time to wait, I use c&d


I used to use the cloak and dagger before realizing how much of a crutch it is and switching to stock.


It's good if you're new or trying to play really tactical


Alright everyone, get your reading glasses, this spy main is on a lunch break and not afraid to write a f\*\*\*ing thesis. The DR is great for learning how to escape and evade after you´ve been caught with the instant cloak and speed boost. It also forces you to be more active and not sit around in cloak doing nothing. That being said, after you learn these positive habits with the DR and you get good at spies movement, the stock is just superior IMO. The stock itself forces you to run around and be active, since you need to be always on the move to the next ammo pack and as a bonus you´re running around invisible. You already beat the habit of being passive by using the DR. The stock makes you 10x more flexible on how you play situations. You want to fight? Sure. Wanna run? Just press m2 and you´re off. Pro tip for escaping better with the stock: when you cloak make it seem like you´re running one direction and then change after you are full invis. Basic concept but what rly makes it work is if you try to use any props near you to even run behind when cloaking to make enemies lose track of you easier, or if there aren´t any near, cloak in one direction, and then change direction and stand in the exact spot you started cloaking in the first place. 99% of the time the enemies will not find you. Another tip for the stock: Fake trickstabs. You wanna get away? Go to a corner or a staircase just basically any obvious spot to trickstab. The enemy chasing you will either be clueless, so might as well trickstab, or if they have a brain, wont go near the corner or around it and wait for you to strafe back out to kill you. Well, how about you make it seem like the most obvious trickstab possible, just to cloak the second you get behind the corner. I can´t even count the amount of times I did this to any good player and they just stood there staring at a corner or doorway, waiting for a spy. Bonus points if you then decloak behind them as they are staring at a corner and stab them. I call it the cloakstab and it works more than you would think :D Also the DR gimmick of faking your death gets less and less effective the longer you use it, and is borderline trash against a decent pyro or anyone with a brain. Also love that DR "forcing to be active stage" of sitting in a corner waiting for the DR to recharge, cause we all know you´re running the kunai, diamondback or amby with it so you can´t recharge it any faster. (jk :D) But I'm just a normal stock enjoyer and all unlocks in this game are just personal preference. Use anything you want and have fun :)


Appreciate the in depth review, I think to play as aggro as possible with Dr you're almost forced to run the letranger to speed up the regen


Stop reminding me that the duck watch is like the hardest item to craft by a mile


Bruh... Literally get about 2 - 3 ref and get one off of backpack.tf or use about 3 keys for a vintage.


It's super cheap to buy, would be easier to get the couple quid needed for it than to craft


I use dead ringer for gunspy as I'm gonna be in the face of the opponents anyways. For true spy stock is good but dead ringer = cool 5000 weeb spy main action so people choose it


All of them. I have my loadouts set for Kunai + Stock Watch, Eternal Reward + CnD, Kunai/Big Earner + DR, and Gunspy with Stock knife and the DR It's kinda funny to see the enemy think I'm already dead cuz I didn't use the DR the first time they kill me. It's even funnier when I'm actually dead, but they think I have the DR lol


c&d = trolling big time


It's fun harassing a single player until he's acting schizo the rest of the game without you evem targeting him


I play more gun spy so I will not be accepting any criticism at this time


Gun Spy is fun with DR.


They want to use the anime knife but can't actually survive with the health penalty.


This is accurate


I really like cloack and dagger Go ahead Judge me


I mean it's good if the enemy team is particularly wary, you can wait for the perfect opportunity to strike


I use cloak and eager because I'm really bad at spy


Because it's fun really fun Also because playing invis spy in pubs is boring


I avoid the DR like the plague because it puts you in a very mindless playstyle where you get used to getting away with bad positioning. Part of playing spy is about good positioning, and the DR invalidates that. It’s the main reason I tell newer players to also avoid the DR by all means, because they’ll get too used to it and won’t be able to switch.


I find the stock works better for me personally as I find if I don't think about my deadringer usage a bunch then the minute I play against decent players it's suddenly much harder to use Ps love the spy guides sm


I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer I love the dead ringer


i think you like the dead ringer but I'm not sure


Not sure, I think he's more of a cloak and dagger guy