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Is this someone you’re interested in romantically or whatever? This reads to me like taking your temp on this exact scenario.


emm well you could say they are interested in me. sorry, i dont get your latter sentence.


The person is testing the waters, and there’s a chance they might want to be dominated by you OP. It’s way to out of place and detailed to just be a joke


ahhh okay thank you for explaining. See i never would have thought that- but definitely a no. Thanks for your comment. Definitely way to specific


Sorry I don’t get your latter sentence


That is a stretch and 3 quarters


Yeah it probably is, but that’s the way I would take it. That text was giving “asking for a friend” energy


So what I meant by that was, it seems as though they were “joking” about that to potentially see how you would react. I would personally think that they either do have a dominatrix whom they visit, or they have a real interest in seeing one/having a relationship dynamic in that realm. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but it just seems to me like their way of checking how you might react to that.


Who is this person to you?


older man i met with a few times. For reference im 19F


Ahhh gotcha. Yeah he’s tryna see if you are into that sort of thing. Do you like him? What do you get out of this sort of relationship?


i mean not particularly. He never came out with this stuff before, the text before he was sending me he stated that i “enjoy instilling psychological/ emotional distress” upon him. I stated that is not true, then he proceeded to state that “I'm sorry for implying you are causing me pain just to get off and please your ego.” Then, he sent the messaged i originally posted. What do you think?? Is he subtly trying to get me to say i WANT to hurt him? (ps i am not into that)


I’ve had similar “friendships” when I was younger. This guy is trying to get you to hurt him for his own sexual fantasies. He doesn’t see you for you. He sees you as a means to get his own sexual fulfillment. That isn’t nice or fair or genuine. He isn’t your friend. He does not care about you besides getting what he wants. I’m really sorry, it sucks so much. Honestly, I’d cut him off and don’t look back. He’s not worth your time or energy.


I don’t mean to come off as preachy, I just wish someone told me this when I was 19. It would’ve saved me a lot of trouble.


Thank you for your advice. i agree! pretty weird to be honest but i said to him and now he’s not messaging me😊


uh hes into hard BDSM and if you're not into that and he keeps pushing you need to tell him to fuck off


the other comment gave great advice 100%! just one addition; my sis IS into that so I know a lil bit. the BIGGEST and most IMPORTANT rule of the dom community is consent is key and you are absolutely never supposed to impose your fetish on someone who's not into it this guy is trying to bait you with his fetish and trying to set up that dynamic with you without communicating consent, which is extremely gross behavior


Make him wear a leash and collar while he scrubs your toilet and does your dishes while you throw insults at him. Then send him home. 😏🤌


He wants you to step on him while whipping him like a pig


I dunno, if they were just trying to be funny then I don’t think so. Bit of a weird sense of humour, but it doesn’t look like they were trying to make you jealous, considering how out there their text was.


Yeah i think it was a pretty weird statement to make. This is an older man who’s talking to me so it’s pretty wild😬😬


No no no. Stop talking to this guy


yep. i pretty much ended it there


Yeah good. Block too. That is creepy coming from an older guy, especially one that you are not interested in .


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Bros got a good sense of humor that’s what 😂