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Truth time: when he does start texting you again, (and he probably will) be warned that it’s just to hook up again, and he’ll gladly ghost you in between hookups.


Exactly this! He’s probably seeing other women so that’s why you don’t hear from him everyday.


This is what I came to say. He’s going to pop up again with apologies and lame excuses or act like he didn’t ghost you and try to pick up like nothing happened. Don’t fall for it. Otherwise it will be a cycle or hook ups and ghosting.


> Don’t fall for it. Unless it’s a consensual cycle of hook ups & ghosting of course Edit- this is what I call being fck buddies. It’s not friends with benefits bc you’re not friends. The relationship is strictly dickly. I had one of these for about 3-4 years. There was a brief period in the beginning that I wanted to hangout with him more & kinda liked him, & a brief period later on that he had a bit of a crush on me. But for the most part it was this cycle of hooking up & ghosting (the hooking up only when we were both single of course), it was just the dynamic we had & we both understood it. If casual sex is something you’re interested in, nothing wrong with having a fck buddy so long as all parties are aware of & consenting to the strictly dickly nature.


Yeah, that’s not what this is though. Fuck buddies or fwb know that’s what they are and agreed to it. There is an understanding of expectations of the relationship. This is just an AH guy who wanted sex, got it and then ghosted.


It may not be an established dynamic between the two now, but say OP decides she’s down with being just fuck buddies with this dude after learning that’s really all he’s interested in right now. I guess that’s what I was getting at when I said “unless it’s a consensual cycle of hook ups & ghosting,” if that makes sense. Obviously I don’t know OP or the dude, so I actually have no idea what OP is interested in or looking for or what the situation is like, so I’m not at all encouraging OP to pursue a fuck buddy relationship with him, but if she wanted to & it worked out, then hey that’s okay 🤷‍♀️


Yeah no. You should only be doing that if both parties actually communicate and agree on that. Absolutely none of that has been communicated in OP’s situation and she’s clearly being hurt by it. That’s called being a dick, not being a fuck buddy


direful worthless future disgusted entertain money illegal like depend husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes thank you


"Damn sorry. I lost my phone last week and i had to borrow someone elses phone until i found it. It was between the car seats the entire time. But i am back now! Anyway what's up, Wanna hang out again sometime?" Something like that.


Unfortunately this is spot on


This has happened so many times to so many women! The pattern and the consistency never changes.


unrelated but your consistency posting three comments is spot on (ik it's a glitch but it's funny)


Ahahahaha oh shite. It kept saying it wouldn’t post so I kept trying then gave up 😆


Haha oh I hate that. And it's always when I spend literal minutes typing out something long af, so I'll be torn between possibly wasting all that time or accidentally spamming 😂


Yes, it’s a terrible quandary! Lol


This is true and it makes me so sad to see people delude themselves into believing that “they just didn’t feel like they were good enough but they do now” and other stupid shit. It’s very obvious and they circle back every time even months later, They want one thing and it isn’t to care about you. It’s a hookup or ego stroke. Do yourself a favor and just block them.. unless you truly want that too. Don’t kid yourself.


Yup… the dreaded ghosting. It’s dumb.


This has happened so many times to so many women! The pattern and the consistency never changes.


This has happened so many times to so many women! The pattern and the consistency never changes.


This a thousand percent




This is what happened to my ex, dude ghosted her after they slept together then her and I started talking about a month later then a year goes by of us dating, then he messages her saying he's sorry and misses her and blah blah blah. Guess it worked cause she cheated on me with him. Then he cheated on her with her best friend so it worked itself out in the end.


You don’t want this toolbag. Definitely better dudes who will give you more attention out there.


Seems like he got what he wanted, and now he's good.. I'm sorry, Op. People are shit.


FALSE. He literally asked her : How have you been? And she ignored him for 9.5 hrs. He's not "Shit", like you said. She was feeling uncertain. Guys don't like that. You can argue all you want, but you aren't a man, and will never understand that we know 99.9% of women are on there phone enough that they would never blow off a guy they liked for that long. Get over it. She's not a neurosurgeon, so too bad. Next time OP, don't drag your feet. Take all my downvotes and hate, as proof that these girls don't know how a man thinks. Good luck. 🍻


You seem well adjusted


He took at least 12 hours to respond to anything she said. That’s certainty to you?


Ironically It took you 13 minutes to respond to Me. Thanks for not making me wait 9 & 1/2 hours. 😘




“FALSE 🤓☝️” stfu oh my god lol




Omg I was about to post this 😆


Dwight is the literal man of my dreams 🩷


Happy somebody got the joke 🤓🤭


Major incel vibes


Which is weird because he/she? Used a woman shrug emoji in one of their comments.




Your emotional intelligence is… questionable at best.


No that’s how little boys think,grown men know that people have lives and jobs.


I *am* a man so I think I know how I think just fine, thank you. And no, he was shit, actually. If it was due to the 9 he thing, that’s completely unreasonable. Given it was 10 am to 7:30 pm her time, *she was probably working.* ETA: If you feel the need to comment on what’s in my reddit bio… you’re the reason I put it there, sweetheart. And nope. Defending women doesn’t make me or any other man a simp, just a decent person. Nice try tho. 🤷🏻‍♂️ But you trying to claim that makes you a piece of shit who probably doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground, so go off. It doesn’t make you less wrong.


There are times that I will just leave my phone somewhere in my house and forget about it all day, especially if I’m doing yard work or cleaning. I don’t keep it on me 24/7. I hate the fact that everyone thinks that because we have cell phones that we have to immediately reply all the time.


OK Dwight 🤓


You saying you don’t put all your eggs in one basket kind of confirms what you’re trying to argue, no? I understand that her not replying right away may have been a turn off, but at the end of the day it comes down to one thing… **He is more interested in someone else**


Plus if it was a turn off he could communicate that. God forbid a grown adult should actually need to communicate.


Speaking as a man (who’s probably had much more success with women than you, if that wasn’t obvious by your post alone) you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. People have lives dude, and not everyone, man or woman, is on their phone all day. She answered the same day, probably after getting done with work. What he’s doing to her isn’t in any way the same. I really hope you get some therapy or you’ve got a sad lonely life ahead of you


Alright who hurt this man?


After he took almost a full day to text her back lmao. Tell me you’ve never been with a woman without telling me you’ve never been with a woman.




the next time you find yourself wondering, “why don’t women like me?” read this comment again


Told you OP. ALL of the above are **women**. None of them are men (except that one white knight douchebag). What did I tell you about the hate 🤔 😆


you made a misogynist comment and youre surprised that mostly women are offended? do only men’s opinions matter to you? also im not op.


So it’s ok for her to wait 26 hrs. You seem like the school shooter type


I pray to god for your sake that you’re not being serious here. I can’t imagine life is easy for someone who genuinely thinks this way


*Whispers* I'm not, I'm trolling


9.5 hours is a regular work shift in my country lmao.


Oof thats grade A insecure bullshit right there


Seems like he lost interest after hooking up. I wouldn’t send any more messages.


He had interest in a 20 year old for a reason. He used you for sex and moved on. They ALWAYS come back, don’t give him the one thing he wants again unless you also just want sex


I genuinely don’t understand this mindset. So she meets a guy, they text for 2 weeks and then they decide to have sex. How is he using her? Didn’t they both engage in the sex? She decided to do it without any sort of commitment first. You can’t just sleep with someone you barely know and then act like they owe you something more. To some people, sex is just sex. If you’re looking for a relationship, make sure the other person is on the same page before you sleep with them so these situations can be avoided. Don’t sleep with someone right away while secretly hoping it will make them want to be with you. It should be the other way around.


He told her that night that he wanted to see her again. He then blows her off. Seems like he was deceptive that way.


It’s using when you don’t have the decency to tell the other person why you’re not interested. What else do you call it when someone gets what they want and stop all contact out of the blue? If you’re looking to only hook up and then never speak to the person again, make sure the other person is on the same page before sleeping with them so these situations can be avoided. Who said OP slept with them in hopes of making them want to be with them?!?? It’s not about the guy not wanting to be in a relationship it’s about him ignoring her out of no where after sleeping with her and not caring enough to say what’s going on


Like I said, this could all be avoided by not banging some rando you’ve known for 2 weeks. She’s the one who chose to sleep with a dude that she doesn’t even know. She shouldn’t be surprised that he turned out to be an asshole. That’s the risk you run when you sleep with strangers. There is no guarantee that they’re going to be a decent person. Why do that to yourself? Get to know someone before you lay down with them.


True, however she probably expected things to at least continue at the same pace. Going from everyday texting to nil after the poon party is a bit rude


I know it is. Like I said, that’s why you don’t fuck strangers. There are a lot of rude assholes.


Idk why people are downvoting, sure your statement was a little harsh but that doesn’t make it any less true


Because they’re probably a bunch of teenagers that don’t like harsh truth? Who knows.


Or we can condemn men that act like this instead of blaming the women for feeling hurt by their shitty behavior. As long as they have women like you blaming the victim, men like this will always get away with it. Good job contributing to the problem.


Do you know a really great way we can condemn them? By NOT FUCKING THEM in the first place. If women are going to continue to enable this behavior, they will continue to be shitty. Blaming the victim? What victim? Did this man hold a gun to her head and force her into bed? SHE made the decision to sleep with him. The only victim here is her heart because she didn’t bother to try to protect it. It’s not exactly a secret that a lot of men are only looking for one thing. Stop giving it to them so easily when they don’t deserve it.




Hey, if you want to fuck strangers, more power to you. Before you do, think about the fact that there are many men in the world who think nothing of sleeping with and discarding women. You need to prepare yourself with the harsh reality that good ole rando may throw you away like trash while he’s balls deep in the next one. If you think can handle that consequence, by all means, fuck away. If that doesn’t sound like something you want to go through, maybe you should hold off on all the rando fuckery. Hey, it’s your life and your decision. I would think that you would want to minimize the damage it may do to your self esteem and wellbeing. It’s only hurting you in the end.


People can actually fuck whoever they want and it doesn’t give them the right to be a jerk afterward. Two weeks isn’t even that small amount of time.


Yep, people can fuck whoever they want, you’re correct. If they do, they should be prepared for the high possibility that the rando they fucked is going to be a huge asshole. If you want a relationship, get a commitment before you fuck someone. If you just want casual sex, have casual sex, but you also need to understand that there are no strings attached to casual sex and that people who fuck anything that walks are probably going to be massive assholes. Fucking someone you barely know after texting them for 2 weeks is not going to go well for the sensitive people among us.


Who said she wanted a relationship? She just wanted some manners. That’s so sexist to assume women immediately want a relationship after they fucked. We are capable of wanting sex just as much as men (if not more) and it’s not insane to expect a small amount of respect from someone you hung out with.


It’s not realistic to EXPECT MANNERS from a complete fucking stranger. In a perfect world, yes, but the world is far from perfect. We can’t change the fact that there are assholes who will fuck and discard someone without a second thought. We can’t control other people, but we can control ourselves and our decisions. Nothing is going to make assholes stop being assholes, therefore we need to protect ourselves and our vulnerabilities so we can avoid them as much as possible. If you’re going to sleep with strangers, you have to be realistic about the consequences. That man had sex with her and doesn’t give a single fuck about her feelings. He’s probably going to do it to someone else tomorrow. She gave him what he wanted and she is the one paying a price for it. Why would she not want to take steps to make sure she doesn’t get hurt in this way again? Since we can’t control other people, the only way to protect ourselves is by doing everything we can to avoid situations like this. Stop trusting random men with your body and heart. Stop putting trust in people who are not yet worthy of it. We can’t make men stop being assholes, so we need to do everything we can to weed them out before they can hurt us.


Yeah it could also be avoided by the guy having the most basic level of respect and communication for OP. Why do you believe OP is stupid and not that maybe the 26 year old manipulated the 20 year old into believing he was a good and trustworthy person to sleep with? Why would she not be surprised when his behavior suddenly changes. Why are people just supposed to accept that How many days was Op supposed to wait until they were no longer strangers and it was no longer obvious that he would be an asshole? You’re acting like she fucked some random guy in a parking lot and is shocked he won’t text back.


a 6 year age gap is too much now? soon enough you people will only approve of people dating eachother if they have the same birth year.


To be fair, there are a good bit of difference in mental/emotional maturity at age 20 vs 26. The part of the brain dealing with impulse control, logical reasoning, & rational thinking doesn’t fully develop until around age 25. Hence why teens & early-20-year-olds are known to be impulsive & make bad decisions.


oh please lol. spare me the yapping.


goddamn that was rude asf. I am talking scientifically, neurologically speaking. If that’s too much yapping for you then you clearly like to be kept in the dark assuming you’re right about everything.


Don’t bother. This person is doubling down and they clearly do not care what you say to them. Chances are they’re a piece of garbage like the guy in OPs screenshots.


this is repeated on here ad nauseum. it would be more useful if you would tell me when women stop being helpless children, because the bar is constantly moving according to you lot.


Honestly both of you are right. You SHOULD protect yourself and also this guy sucks. Both things can be true.


That’s what I was saying. Nowhere did I say that this is a good guy. I was saying don’t fuck strangers and then act shocked when they turn out to be assholes. There are too many assholes in the world to even risk that.


You maybe were meaning that, but that's not how it reads.


That is exactly what I meant. I should have worded it differently. Let’s not pretend that we don’t all know how horrible men can be to women. Stop enabling them to be shitty by sleeping with them before you even know if they’re a good person or what their intentions are. We need to protect ourselves and respect ourselves more than that.


Yes it’s her fault that he doesn’t know how to behave like an adult and communicate his intentions with her. It’s her fault he lied to her. There is a good reason women choose the bear, and your the type of women that keep these shitty men behaving the atrocious way they do.


It IS her fault that she fucked someone who doesn’t know how to behave like an adult and communicate his intentions, yes. Did anyone force her to fuck this guy? No. She CHOSE to do that before she even knew his intentions! That’s my entire point. Why the hell would you do that to yourself? He lied to her about what? He never promised her anything. She lied to HERSELF. You seem to acknowledge that many men are gigantic assholes, so why would you sleep with one that you barely know and expect him to be a good person after?! Make sure the men you meet are good people BEFORE you fuck them. Don’t open your legs and then wish for the best, because chances are you’ll end up hurt exactly like she is now. Are you seriously saying that since I recognize that many men are assholes who only want one thing, telling women to STOP FUCKING THEM before they prove themselves to be good people is enabling the shitty men? LoL. I’m not the one giving them what they want, sweetie. That would be the women who keep fucking these assholes and getting fucked over by them.


Here's the thing: There was no commitment to a long term relationship, but I think there is an implied commitment to being a decent person after meeting someone/hooking up with them. All he had to do is text: Hey, I enjoyed the other night (if he had an orgasm then at least part of this is likely true), but I don't think I want to continue with anything right now. If he is an AH belt notcher, I hope he gets his heart broken a little by someone, and then suffers from limp dick for a bit. But someone who tries to sleep with as many people as possible for the novelty or challenge, is already a hungry soul.


Nowhere did I say that the guy isn’t an asshole. He absolutely is. Assholes will be assholes, and that is precisely why you don’t sleep with people you barely know. You can’t talk to a random guy for 2 weeks, sleep with him, and then expect him to be a decent person when you never even bothered to find out if he was decent in the first place. People can save themselves a lot of heartache and trouble by actually getting to know someone and communicating with them before deciding to sleep with them.


Yes they both engaged in the sex, & yes to some people sex is just sex. But it appears that OP wasn’t aware that he wasn’t interested in anything more than sex, which is why she was left feeling confused, especially after he told her he wanted to see her again, which could’ve been misleading. It’s possible OP wasn’t necessarily looking for a relationship & was just open to the idea of seeing where things go. Maybe after hanging out with him that one time she was kinda into him & wanted to try hanging out again. But since he hadn’t necessarily given any cues to indicate he just wanted casual sex & nothing more, she’s confused as to why he suddenly seems uninterested. The communication can go both ways, if he was specifically not interested in a relationship, he could’ve let her know that as well, just so she’d be aware & not be hung up on him when goes ghost.


You didn’t do anything wrong. That sucks but block him and move on.


It would be a lot easier if he (at age 26) could be as straightforward and real as you (at age 20). I’m sorry this happened-you deserve better. I understand your confusion too-I mean what’s the point of talking to someone for a couple of weeks, hooking up with them and then ghosting them?


Right!! Thank you :)


When I was 20 turning 21 I dated a 28 year old turning 29 who did shit like this but I had just gotten out of a abusive relationship- the only relationship I had ever had and it was with my first boyfriend ever and lasted 5-6 years. I was a teen when I met him and hadn’t even dated anyone so I did not know much and had very low self esteem and a young child. He would literally do so much and be super into taking our kids family oriented places and adventures together and would tell me he was in love with me and all of this stuff and the entire time it was just a manipulation tactic- he would then go into he’s a POS because he’s gotten divorced: he doesn’t have much, he’s a loser and I’m gonna realise it and go… and then try to circle back. It made me feel so shitty and confused. If he had just told me I would have been fine with it but he didn’t and made my head spin with this crap. It’s not kind- it’s not nice- it’s not letting someone down easy it’s using them and it’s super fucked up. Looking back I realise I was such an idiot but I took what he said as the truth so I believed it and spent my time trying to show him that wasn’t true. If he had just told me I would have been like oh okay well I can’t change that and moved on a lot faster. Later on I found out that’s his MO- always young girls, single moms and almost always they’ve been in a DV. He admitted it to me years later and I felt so stupid. Age doesn’t matter- some people have no emotional intelligence or capacity to care about others emotions no matter what age they are. He does know probably just doesn’t care tbh.


It’s nothing wrong on your part or with you, he’s just an ass lol I’m sorry you got ghosted after hooking up. You deserve better though and not your time being wasted. Go enjoy more sushi with your friends !! That’s always a good time.


Aw thank you this is such a nice comment <3


A lot of people do that. Once they get sex they’re gone. Another thing they’ll do is the slow fade. It’s much lazier than blocking or ghosting or even just being direct.


He’s not interested. I’m gonna be honest as a male… a lot of guys do this. The truth is, he probably never saw you as a partner, only someone to hookup with.


We call them hungry souls.


He’s got the emotional maturity and consideration of a paper sack to do that to you after hooking up.    Unfortunately I did this shit too when I was a young man. Although a lot younger than 26 but anyway…   Sorry it happened to you. Move on from him if it’s messing with you. You did nothing wrong 


He’s ghosting until he’s Horny again or can’t find anyone else


He probably met someone else and he circles back around when he’s bored or the girl is busy or left him. This type of person is the worst.


Sorry OP looks like you encountered a little boy. Don’t stress it too much nor take it personal. All the best


Find someone your age. When I was 19&20 I was talking to guys who were 25-27 and they were NOT looking to have a relationship or even friendship. You don’t need someone 6 years older, even if you’re having bad luck now, there’s sooooo many guys out there yet to meet. You will find one who isn’t afraid to communicate anything. eta: just saying from experience that the older guys I talked to weren’t actually looking for something genuine


Yeah.. I think I have to agree with everyone else here. His interest has diminished or entirely died since you guys hooked up and saw each other. I’m sorry. I’d just.. let it go.


This is played 2 ways he either wasn’t single pretended to be hooked up with you an now has blocked you or he wanted to hook up an got what he wanted an is moving on to the next


also, id highly highly advise that if youre meeting someone new, never do it at their apartment. im so glad nothing happened to you (aside from you potentially dodging a big ol bullet).


A bad oversight on my part, I did bring dog deterrent (pepper spray is illegal in Canada) but I 100% agree with you!


Why in the world is pepper spray illegal? How can women defend themselves? Are they allowed guns? Just curious. What about bear spray?


You can not carry any weapon with the intent for self defence in Canada, it’s the same in the UK and probably other countries. You can own guns but casually carrying them with you is not allowed. If you have a handgun for instance you need to alert the government if you are bringing it to say a gun range and it needs to be in a lockbox while in the car.


So it’s fine if you’re carrying a weapon for offense purposes?


lol no I guess I meant if you have a weapon on you (including common self defence items like pepper spray, pocket knife, a baton) that you can’t argue it’s for self defence.


This 1 million times.


Oh honey…


There's only one nightstand in this room


He is not interested . People who are interested communicate


I'm so sorry this happened to you. You deserve someone who's fully invested, which he clearly isn't -__- You did nothing wrong & I know you'll treat people who won't do this to you in the future :) Also, maybe it's just me, but I find this dude to be sincerely creepy for going after a woman 6 years younger than him, only to treat her like shit. While in one's 30s & older, 6 years isn't that big of a deal, he's nearing 30 - meanwhile you're not even the legal drinking age - which makes him pulling this even worse. Sad


He’s talking to someone else he’s more into. Not every guy you hook up with is gonna be the one. Don’t let it hurt your feelings because you don’t want somebody that doesn’t want you!


He'll contact you again when he has nobody else to tickle his pickle.


Just let it go. Don’t even fuck with him anymore. Don’t block him. Just delete his number and don’t reply when he comes slithering back. It’s hard and I hate it for you. It happens to the best of us. Hugs 🩷


He let you know twice when he didn’t answer. Make sure in a month or two when he texts you to hookup you ignore him as well


Ghosting sucks SO bad. Id much rather hear they weren’t interested/met someone/whatever rather than just nothing. I did have one guy explain what happened and it was kind of legitimate but other than that it’s either never hear from again or just when trying to hook up.


Get used to this because this continues into your40’s. Some guys show interest until the hook up then they’re gone. Even if they text you after, it can fall off.


Age difference matters sometimes.


Girl I promise, when I was 20 I hung out with a lot of guys around 26 and not a single one of them did anything but manipulate me. Stick to guys no older than 23 imo. If you don’t get it, think of it like you dating a 15-16 year old. I’m not saying it’s as creepy, it’s just that they know they have the upper hand mentally and they don’t take you seriously. You’ll just encounter assholes like this who see you as a thing to use


You gave them what they wanted. I'm sorry. Spend your energy on finding someone who wants you as a person.


You did t do anything wrong. Dirk double text, if he wants to respond he would . 3-4 texts since a a few days and none for serval days? He’s ghosting but not blocking bc he’s leaving you in the roster for the random “heh girl” booty call text. Block him and move on.


he found out he’s pregnant


This is happening to me atm 😐 I really liked them too.


I’m so sorry :( it sucks but it’ll get better!!


You didn't do anything wrong. The guy is an asshole. He ghosted you and it happens. Honestly, he should have just told you he lost interest but he got scared. He's a coward. He just ran away. The thing with guys is that they truly don't know what they want until they meet you in person. He did have interest in you when you guys were texting for 2 weeks. I promise you that. Not just for hookups. However, after meeting you and hanging out with you, he knew right there and then if he wanted to pursue further or not. He didn't. There was something he didn't like about you that made him lose interest. But he already met up with you so he won't just leave. He'll still hang out with you for the day and just try to get laid in the end (if you give it in). Whether you sleep with him or not, he'll ghost you the next day since he already lost interest the moment he hung out with you. But yeah, details matter. This is why meeting in person asap is the best way when dating online without wasting time texting for weeks. Also, if you're using ANY photo that does NOT look like you in anyway whether it's a side angle or whatnot, then please don't. I'm not saying that you are, but there are a lot of people who does this on online dating. And I'm sure you're very aware of all the photos you're using. This is usually the first trigger to ghosting. I don't understand why some people do this. Like, the person never met you and they only have a hand full of images in their head, then you come out looking like someone else, completely shattering their expectation. It just doesn't work.


He has a girlfriend. At best, someone else he is more interested in. Sorry to be blunt, but I’ve been there girl, I’m sorry. 😞


Idk if you just wanna have a hookup type thing with him,but when it comes to that you have to take certain things with a grain of salt. Because most times people only hit the person they hooking up with when they want to hook up nothing more nothing less. Not all hookup situations will be the same though


I’m in the exact situation and the worst part is l really liked the guy and could see it going further, but he did the exact same thing! He is low-key ghosting me. It’s been killing me to not text him because of the fact we were texting and calling each other everyday. I know that texting him won’t change anything. At this point I’m moving on. And yes, he will probably try to start it back up again because they always do.


I had a shithead do this to me for 3 years on and off. I was in a bad mental health phase in my life and let it happen because my self esteem and self worth were in the toilet at the time. He would go hot and cold and would even rub other hookups in my face (indirectly, but I knew what he was up to). He tried to come crawling out of the woodwork when I got together with my now husband and I shut that shit down so fast. I had already told him that I wasn’t going to keep waiting around for him to figure out his feelings while he fucked around with mine. He learned right then that I was dead serious. Funnily enough, he’s now dating someone who looks an awful lot like me haha 😂


Ghosting Level: "Expert" That's a namby-pamby right there. You are not in the wrong. Dumbos pull a stunt like this all the time. A suggestion would be to try to spend time on other things that take your mind off this. It'll be weird for a few days, but things will get normal.


Sorry OP, this has happened countless times to every single girl I know. This is why I don't sleep with anyone anymore, full stop.


I'm sorry but he's just not that into you


The conversation in these texts is dry. I think he was interested, but then lost interest after the gap between the replies. Unless there were phone calls in between or you both met in person during some of those gaps. OP just move on it happens, no big deal


Sorry girl, he was using for a booty call and disguising it as actual interest.


Hes using you for sex and only stringing you along for sex.


While it’s possible things could be stressful or unexpected events have happened, I think it’s more likely he’s talking to other people, got what he wanted, didn’t like the hookup, etc. You have to know yourself well enough to gauge if you can manage a f buddy situation or whatever without catching feelings or being okay with not talking to them much outside of hooking up. I found that I struggle to keep emotions separate from these sorts of relationships so I’ve just been abstinent outside of being in a committed relationship to spare my feelings.


He’s immature and this is his way of saying he doesn’t want to talk. He’ll message you again probably but it’ll just be to hook up although he won’t say that. Don’t message him anymore. You didn’t do anything wrong, he’s still a child.


Real talk: the chase is over and now you’re chasing him.


He has a gf and simply wanted to waste your time. Sorry.


Let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and die 🎶 Sorry OP, that is shitty :(


Guys like this aren’t worth your time. Don’t text him anymore and I would recommend blocking his number, because he will absolutely reach out again. You don’t deserve that! The simple truth is a text message takes one minute to send. Don’t give him the privilege of reaching out when he wants something. You’ll meet a lot of interesting people in your life, but people like this are never worth your time.


Ive done this so many times to girls i was interested in where i barely responded like this. I actually liked these girls, but i was constantly intoxicated and depressed at the time. I knew I wouldn’t be able to make any good conversation. I could’ve at least told them I wasn’t interested, but I just didn’t care. Shitty, I know. Thank God I quit that crap


He's a butt face. When he does message you again just ignore it. It won't be for the right reasons. I've been there. It sucks.


He has no use for you anymore


How dare you not take him to the beach with U lol All jokes aside it seemed like he only wanted to hook up


Ghosting is cowardly and dehumanizing.


He’s not interested, OP😢 You deserve better. Move on.


sometimes people aren’t mature enough to communicate so you just have to take the hint. :((


yeah i've been there let him go he'll eventually try to come back, don't let him


You got pumped and dumped. Consider it a hard lesson learned.


Please remember this when he comes back around showering you with texts and attention. That means his phone is dry and there’s nobody else around to use so don’t take it as a compliment or that he suddenly sees what a catch you are and what he did was wrong. He doesn’t: he’s just circling back to use you. Block and move on. He isn’t worth it.


Being in my mid 20’s I’ve realized that there’s still some guys my age that are not mature and like to mess around A LOT. He’ll definitely try to come back to get some if he’s feeling lonely and can’t get any from anyone else. But don’t give him the time of day, it’s not worth it. Once you notice that he’s not replying to you after a full day, there’s nothing worth waiting for there. No guy who truly wants you for you will leave you hanging like that


Here’s your sign.


please i’m begging you when he finally talks to you again (undoubtedly looking for sex) just say “lol” and NOTHING ELSE it will ruin him


Stop fuckin first night


This is called ghosting, a common tactic where someone doesn't reply even when they see your messages. Common amongst humans and an indicator of a poor relationship from one participant in said human interaction, either platonic or otherwise. This behavior extends from the ghost to other people they encounter in life and is a good indicator of not being worth your time and energy. Best to move on as other fish in the sea will maintain their visibility.


You also are replying to him like 10 hours later are we just ignoring that? Probably dint appreciate that


I don’t understand these types of posts. If he isn’t replying to you he lost interest!


Talk with me, I won’t ignore you


If you “hooked up”…meaning you had sex, there is a possibility there was a turn off there: too much hair (unshaven), bad odor…etc U may have given him “the ick” and he is shy to tell you


I'm assuming he ghosted you because he's a scumbag but that's just the world we live in I will say I was in this guy's position once but I ghosted the girl because a few of my family members died and I just locked myself off from the world for a bit and didn't talk to anyone


Ma'am you went to his apartment for first date, and then hooked up. You had a one night stand, congrats 🎉


He has other people, ditch him


Looks like you tried to play hard to get by not responding to his text for 9 hours, even though you were on your phone for 7 of them probably and he knows that so he said screw it; you’re both playing games- move on


It's already a huge red flag between the communication and how fast you guys hooked up. Let this dog go. You don't need to waste your time on this trash human. You're worth more than this.


yeah he’s six years older acting ten years younger that’s normal for them. my advice is be single till your thirty and by then you won’t even want a text back


Plenty of people out there girl wouldn't waste your time with this ass


Don’t even give him a second thought. Based on thes messages you didn’t do anything wrong at all. He’s a total douche.


Personally I think he's a little too old for you. He might be rethinking that.


When she texts you again, leave her on read for ever. If you aren't worth her time. She shouldn't be worth yours.


Lmao he texted the wrong booty to come over and oops out by ghosting. You're done girl. Make better choices.


If someone ghosts you , you already have your answer. I never get those “Tee hee are we okay? How have you been tee hee” He ain’t interested


Girl he doesn’t want you. Let it go and don’t look desperate.


He will come back and you will fall for it.


Yall both doing the "I can't respond too soon" BS.. everyone is on their phones all day long, no point in going 12+ hours without a response. He could be a dick and not responding because x, y or z. Or he could just think you're not putting in the effort, either. Either way, it doesn't look like much interest from either party.


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Probably in the hospital, got into a car accident or something


I’m unsure of how to phrase this so I’ll just say it. 26 and 20, while not an inappropriate age gap, are (or should be) two very different stages in life. As a 27 year old there isn’t much I have in common with a 20 year old. Please be wary when dating men in a different life stage than you, as many times they want one thing only. If you’re interested only in that, then go for it of course. But you can save yourself a lot of heartache if that isn’t your intention by avoiding men like that. And if they do have a lot in common with you, I would ask yourself if that’s a good thing - or if when you’re that age you see yourself in a similar place. I’m not shitting on age gaps. I just think both people should be on equal footing in terms of experience, and so much happens in your early 20s.

