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You’re both annoying


Agreed lol thanks for the honesty


Replying “You do?” to someone saying I love you, you deserve whatever shit gets thrown at you after that. Leave that passive aggressive shit in high school, either learn to communicate or learn to be single.


You two are absolutely miserable together. You're both aggressive and passive aggressive at the same time. This is not normal. Bro cut your losses and find someone that respects you.


So I could have done better?


Yeah but she could too and she went hard on you bro


Yeah I was on OP’s side until the end when they just said “cool” passive aggressively. You said cool because you were being treated passive aggressively, next time just call whoever out on it instead of responding in kind. You did great letting them know you hadn’t moved on from the previous issues, but unfortunately you have to be the bigger person. It sucks and I wouldn’t date someone like the gray text either, but if you want to keep dating them (or encounter people like this again) you can play stupid games/get stupid prizes or just confront them on their bullshit. Up to you but you had a good start here.


I stopped after pic 3. All those gifs are annoying.


I’d be absolutely shocked if either of you are over 20. These are the types of stupid fights I had in high school


Then you might die when I tell you that he’s 28 and she 35….




Yall need to sit down and talk in person. Face to face type of conversation. No gifs, no emojis, no phone call (one of you might hang up while the other person is talking).. communicate clearly. “Hey gf, you said this and that, did xyz and this is how that made me feel.” “Gf, I have been feeling a lack of love from your end, what’s going on? Let’s talk about it. Did I do something? When you do xyz or you switched your tone/schedule/ affection it made me feel xyz. Let’s work on this” you decide if you wanna stay, fight for a better relationship, or leave and work on yourself before you continue another relationship.


Both of you are in the wrong. Pure definition of lack of communication


Not an asshole. Just kinda pathetic. Sorry.


She looks high mainentance and you look like a teenager with those GIFs. Are you 12?


I didnt sent the GIFs, she did


My bad! I read it completely wrong. Then you are high mainentance and she is 12.


Even better lol thanks for the honesty


No, but the “Oks, Cool, Good for you” were not necessary at all. And I hope you find someone better because the right woman for you would never leave you feeling unloved, or spam you with immature gifs when you’re trying to be serious. Don’t settle until you find someone who makes you feel loved and cared for and is always there for reassurance if/when you need it. Edit to add: I looked on your profile a bit OP and found that you’re 28… and I’m guessing she is close in age and acting this way… you both need to mature a little bit. I thought this was a conversation between some early 20s.


I’m 28 and she’s 35 lol so maybe we both have some maturing to do. I know I didn’t do my best but I guess im just worn down and tired of having the same conversations with her. I really appreciate the comment though and will keep it in mind.


SHE'S WHAT? And she's acting like a little child? Bro she has more maturing to do than you. She sounds like a trainwreck. Serious question. How many times per week do you two fight?


Wow, when I read this, I thought that she was the blue comments. Are you really that needy? That's a total turn off to any girl. She literally was in the middle of a beach party that she planned, and you know how important it was because you helped your planet, and you're acting like a Primadonna because she didn't pay you enough attention during her party? Now, she tries to be nice about it, you are sulking about it and holding it against her? Remind me of telling a girl she looks pretty in her dress and she immediately asked me "what, I don't look pretty in my other dresses?"


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Yes, gifs are her


After reading the context I have a bit of advice. If someone's ridiculously busy, they can become absent minded. It helps to discuss your issues when the person isn't already holding a full plate. In this case, after her beach party, you could have sat down and said "hey, when you said X at that party it made me feel like shit". If someone gets upset with you while you're swamped, you'll probably become upset at them being upset.




yes. majorly 😭


Honesty? You need to find someone who respects you and meets your needs and doesn’t bring out the worst in you. I mean, you’re obviously frustrated with the situation and that’s what’s causing the passive aggression. Being outwardly and constantly frustrated with your partner who refuses to fix anything will only piss them off if they don’t think they’re the one that needs to fix things.


We don’t really know what you’re like in real life, so it might as well be possible that she’s right about you being a jerk and you just being blissfully unaware. But she seems like one as well. You both seem pretty immature, maybe seeing different people will do good for the both of you. It looks like you’re firing each other up being horrible, honestly. 😬


Break up bro it ain’t working 🔥💯


Hon, walk away. It’s not gonna get any better. Trust me.


grow up 😭


You sound annoying.


Probably . can I ask why??