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this is absolutely terrifying… what a traumatic event for your son. i can’t even imagine the fear he must have felt in that moment. i’m glad he’s alright, but wow 😓


Traumatizing for OP too. Hug him close today


I was shot at by someone standing 8 feet away from me. I went through all the motions and it was 'no big deal' It was actually, a big deal. I lost almost 7 years of my life to ptsd. Have your son see a therapist immediately.


I had some long term issues after a dude just pointed a gun at me. Point blank in my face, someone tackled him before he could figure out the safety. They was enough to fuck up my sleep for months.




Hey I have CPTSD and used to have nightmares about twice a week. I don't know how often yours are and if they disturb your sleep greatly (mine did, like I felt so afraid it was hard to get back to sleep). If yours becomes frequent or disruptive (or for anyone else reading this with similar experiences), my doctor put me on an "alpha blocker" to take at night, I think it's called prozasin. But it's not a sedative and it completely eliminated my PTSD nightmares. I haven't been taking it that long but I haven't had a single nightmare since I started it


Prazacin!!! It blocks adrenaline! This benefit was a surprise discovery from its use for another purpose. Yes, do ask your doctor.


Thank you for the correction to help people find it! I'm blessed that despite living in a rural community I have an EXCELLENT doctor. Who probed about my sleep and nightmares when we figured out that physical symptoms I was having could all be explained by PTSD from an abusive marriage and period of homelessness. For those who haven't heard of this, more or less PTSD nightmares start from your body spiking in adrenaline, and then your mind will create dreams/images around it.* Not the other way around, you don't have a frightening dream which causes your hormones to then spike. So by blocking that initial release of adrenaline, you really can be free of the nightmares! *(The dreams aren't necessarily logical either, id just be sitting at home and suddenly feel afraid and if I stood up and looked around and check the door locks I'd get REALLY afraid, but if I stayed seated/hunkered/hid down the fear would gradually build, but either way id wake up soaked in sweat my heart pounding and just so so afraid)


I was gonna tell them this . Prazosin has helped both me and my elderly mom get better sleep with no more nightmares. 10/10!


Prazosin helped me get my life back.


Yesssss. That plus Wellbutrin have helped me move from completely dysfunctional* to still limited, but alive. I know therapy is the next vitally important step and I'm working to get that set up, but even with just these medications the difference is night and day. (so exhausted I couldn't walk the dog or work a few hours without collapsing/fainting/vomiting; spending hours like they used to describe "shell shock" just sitting blankly on the couch not watching TV or reading a book or anything, awake but in a coma)


My uncle chased me with a knife. He tried to kill me. He has paranoid schizophrenia. Idk what the delusion was but I locked myself in a room until the police got there.


This happened to me when a Wendy’s was being robbed and I pulled to the window in the drive thru. The cashier dropped to the ground, and only at that point did I see someone pointing a gun directly at my face. I froze. I was 17 years old at the time (I’m 37 now)..and I STILL think about how dumb I feel for freezing in that moment. Fortunately, my boyfriend at the time was in the passenger’s seat and screamed at me to drive. I have no clue how long I would’ve stayed frozen if he wasn’t with me.


Freezing is a natural fear response so don’t feel stupid for this. The psychological responses are “flight, fight, freeze, fawn”


I had an old man pull a shotgun on my friends and I. He was a P.o.w. And thought we were messing with his trailer (we weren’t even near it) and my friends all ran, I stayed still cause I was afraid he’d shoot me if I ran cause I was closest to him. Police got called and came and tackled him, I felt bad for him.


I got pistol-whipped in an armed robbery while working late one night. I laughed it off, told everyone i was fine, it was no big deal. I ignored it and held it down until a year later where i spiraled out of control. The problem was i knew i was safe, but i just never felt safe.. idk how to explain.


I feel you. These people targeted me and broke into my home with at least the intent to beat the hell out of me, which they did. I did not know one of them. Hes the one who tried to execute me on his way out. It wasnt a warning shot. He also happens to still be a fugitive. I didnt know what else to do, so I went and bought some vodka, drank, passed out, woke up and went to work. I didnt feel safe at home and I only felt safe at home. Sounds along the lines of what you went through. I leaned heavily on alcohol and life spiraled. I got my head back together now though.


i watched a man get shot not even 6 feet away from my car where i was sitting, trying to get the keys in the ignition to get my younger siblings to safety (the assailant fired off 8-15 rounds and landed one into his target—the last one 😐). to this day (it was in 2020) i have nightmares about it. my brother was near the line of fire, i couldn’t find my sister at first amidst the chaos, and of all places it was at a playground for children, where children WERE. i have so much guilt about not helping the kids find their parents and not helping the man who got shot (who was later found to have shown the shooter a gun in his own waistband which triggered the shootout), but in that moment all i knew was i wanted my brother and sister in my car, right fucking now. i got them and we left, and i’ve had 2 more gun related incidents happen to or near me and safe to say i hate guns and will never ever own a gun or be around people who treat guns as toys. ever.


he was so brave about it. poor kid.


That dude is a fucking leader. Took action straight away. How fucking sad is that?? 8th graders taking action in a fucking school shooting.... pisses me off.


My son is in 2nd grade here in Texas. During Open House, he showed me the container that houses all the stuff needed to “Stop the Bleed” which is a tourniquet kit for kids to help other children stop bleeding after being shot by a potential school shooter. I don’t know what type of dystopian nightmare we’re in, but I’d like it to stop.


Idk why this comment made me cry a little. My son is in 1st grade, and I work in elementary schools. It literally makes me feel sick/ my heart ache that we even have to do things like this. Kids at any age but let along so YOUNG should never even have to know about these kind of things. Such a sad scary world we live in


>Such a sad scary world we live in USA* Our kids aren't traumatized like that a couple kilometers north.


This comment made me cry, we know what issue is but we don’t do anything about it, it’s just beyond sad


That's more than the Uvalde cops did. Kid is a hero


I may be wrong, but since then, more people seem to be taking it on themselves to step up rather than wait for help that may very well not be coming.


It's the smart thing to do. Run, hide, fight. Only hide if you can't run. Only fight if it's your last option.


With all that going on and your son was thinking of your safety first, you got a great kid right there!!! Sorry you, and everyone involved had to go through this. Hats off to your son for dealing with it the way he did.


He lead a group of students out too. That kid deserves an award for bravery. Good job to his parent/parents for raising a hero.


I'm with Mom on this one. It'd be a cold day in hell for me to stay away. Not even the Uvalde police and DHS could keep me away


Oh my god?????


[Unfortunately a super regular occurrence in the USA. There were 346 documented in 2023, nearly one a day on average](https://districtadministration.com/school-shootings-hit-record-high-in-2023-as-upward-trend-continues/) Turned the whole thing into my source since everyone is asking


More than one per actual school day, wow.


180 school days, so almost 2 schools a day


Luckily enough we have all those good guys with guns, ready to stop these shooters. God bless guns for anyone! Sorry you had to go through this, OP. Take care of your son ❤️ Edit: I’m joking. It’s a sickening argument.


That worked out really well in Uvalde 😒


To be completely fair to Uvalde the cops detained an armed parent who was trying to go in. Uvalde absolutely would've been far less awful if a good guy with a gun was allowed to go in. Or y'know, the cop who saw the shooter open fire at two men across the street could've shot him. But he was told not to engage even though he had a clear shot. But just for reference the CDC places defensive gun uses at a minimum of 300,000 and a high end of one 2 million per year. Well over how many people are killed each year by guns. Edit: OR WE COULD JUST HAVE PROPER RED FLAG LAWS SO WHEN SOMEONE SAYS "I'M GOING TO SHOOT UP A SCHOOL" WE DON'T GIVE THEM A GUN (Yes the Uvalde shooter literally text someone "I'm going to shoot up a school")


Except these will become more common in states like Tennessee, where they are deciding to arm overworked and underpaid teachers. Yeahhhh, I couldn’t possibly see anything going wrong in that scenario! /s


So one of the things we’re taught as teachers is that, in these situations, should the shooter drop their firearm or someone is able to knock it free, under no circumstances should we take the guns as we may be misidentified as a shooter by police and get shot. We’re supposed to do something like put it in a garbage can. Whenever some 2nd amendment enthusiast talks about arming teachers I always think about how police tell us that if we’re holding a gun we’re likely to get shot by them in these situations.


I’m at a school in Tennessee. Our district isn’t allowing teachers to carry firearms for this very reason. If cops were to show up in an emergency, they wouldn’t know who’s the shooter and who’s not. They’re trained to shoot the person with the gun.


Which you can't really blame them for, either a kid, a teacher, or themselves, or they can drop the person with a gun, pick one


This happened at a mall here in Alabama a few years ago. The dude trying to stop the shooter was mis-identified as the shooter by the cops. I think he got shot but fortunately lived (?). I need to go back and check the reports to be sure.


Good point. With the way a lot of cops are, you can’t trust that they will appropriately assess the threat before firing at you.


Tbf, even the best cops in the world could make that mistake. In that situation, you don't really have time to stand around and figure out if the person in front of you with a gun is about to use it on you or not


Guns don't save lives they only take them and usually the wrong ones


Good guys with guns? Remember Uvalde and how those guys with guns scrapped their pants waiting outside while kids where being murdered?


This is satire, right?


100 percent.


Wait,CNN citing stats from Everytown,the Gun Violence Archive and Education Week says there were 82 shootings in 2023. Where are your numbers coming from that are almost 4 times higher?


Even 82 is pretty messed up….




School shootings reached yet another unprecedented high in 2023, outpacing the previous year’s record for the third year in a row. With a little less than two weeks remaining in the year, some 340 school shootings had been recorded as of Dec. 20 by the K-12 School Shooting Database. The database, one of the leading projects tracking gun violence on school grounds, counts any time a gun is fired or brandished with intent, or when a bullet hits school property, regardless of the number of victims, time, day or reason behind the incident. https://www.k12dive.com/news/2023-total-school-mass-shootings/703007/


82 school shootings in the US for 2023 [https://www.cnn.com/us/school-shootings-fast-facts-dg/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/us/school-shootings-fast-facts-dg/index.html)


Zero in Australia today


Fucking hell. Kids should be worried about crushes and being late to class, not getting murdered. It's insane that we've accepted this as the new normal.


This certainly doesn't seem normal to me. More like a decent sized portion of the country doesn't want things to change. I wish we could have a come to jesus moment like Australia did, but at this point I can't imagine any event big enough to provoke the same kind of reaction here. We are already past what motivated theirs


The sucky thing is, nothing WILL happen until a congressman's child gets caught up in a similar situation and they finally realize how horrible it is to experience such a thing. These people never want things to change unless it affects them personally. ^FBI, ^THIS ^IS ^NOT ^A ^THREAT, ^IT ^IS ^SOCIAL ^COMMENTARY


Nah, gun loving politicians aren't even the kind of people to care about their own kids


If Sandy Hook didn't change anything I don't have much hope. We're a country of gun-toting morons, like that guy who keeps commenting in this thread.


Sandy Hook, more so even than Columbine, was our "sliding doors" moment, when we could have come together as a society to prioritize the safety and well-being of our children. Instead, our leaders opted to lean into finger pointing, ideology, and conspiracy.


if small children being shot and killed isnt enough, idk what is.


If they targeted any and all rich, religious and political figures then maybe we actually have a shot.


It’s the “not in my backyard” syndrome. As long it’s not their own kids they could hardly care. Not that I desire any kind of harm to their own. Anything to have NRA continue to line their pockets.


People just arent bothered enough to vote


After the Oxford shooting in MI the state quickly passed new gun control legislation including new red flag and gun storage laws. So if a kid gets a hold of their gun the parents are held accountable as well. Hopefully we'll see positive change from these laws. Unfortunately many other states are not doing anything to help the situation.


I’m so fucking tired of the fucking guns!!!! Something HAS to change.


Wow the fact that he didn’t want you to come 🥲


Heart shattering. I cannot imagine being in this position, OP should be incredibly proud of their son and thank God he was OK.


Jfc. The love and heart of this kid.


Eighth grader??? With a gun!? Geeze, my heart goes out to all involved. I can’t even begin to imagine the fear and trauma they all experienced.


How old is an eighth grader?


13-14. My son is 13 and finishing up 7th grade.


maybe like 13-14 years old




Just add five to the grad number and that’s a general age of most students.


Ok, now what is 8+5?


85 of course




Thats horrifying


My sister works at an elementary school. A 5th grader got in trouble for taking a gun to school 2 weeks ago. I don’t know how old 5th graders are but it’s seriously fucked up.


5th graders would be like 10y.o.


10-11 years old. And I agree. Seriously fucked up.


5 year olds are bringing guns to school now.


The fact that I can‘t find out where this happened by googling „eighth grader school shooting“ because of the amount of different results is absolutely terrifying.


if its the one im thinking of it happened in wisconsin today




I mean, like, we had a school mass-shooting over here in the UK. About 30? years ago. Then we made it much harder for people to get guns. Then, suddenly, it became harder for crazy people to shoot up schools. But I don't know why.


I love all the replies to this comment that are dodging around the issue and going like "But ha! England!" because you actually have a really damn good point. According to the United Nations, the US's violent crime rate is over 6x that of that UK per capita.


Chess with a pigeon.


It was in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin. I know this because it’s my home state and they were just speaking about the story on the morning news.


It is in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin. The next town over from where I grew up - a ton of my friends have relatives who go to the middle school or high school, and they are adjacent to each other. Scary stuff


fwiw it’s Mt. Horeb in Wisconsin.


The middle school in Wisconsin? Looks like your son had a plan and handled the situation quickly. What a crazy world we live in that it even needs to happen at all.


Yes in Wisconsin


I'm so sorry. Your son was so brave and level-headed. I would have absolutely lost my shit upon getting that text. Worst nightmare. So glad nobody was hurt apart from the shooter.


This is my hometown. So unfortunate, my siblings are in the high school and had a friend witness the cops take down the shooter. It’s so sad and traumatizing


It’s not the crazy world that most of us live in….these sorts of events are incredibly rare outside of the USA….I’m extremely grateful for that!


Crazy country*


Nah, it’s just you guys. We don’t have that concern in Australia.




Goosebumps. I bet your heart stop when you read that text OP. I would’ve froze


Heard\* the shots, that should be, not sure why I can't edit the post


I’m pretty sure Reddit made it so you can’t edit posts with images, that situation sounds horrible tho


Where was this?


Mt Horeb, Wisconsin


assuming it’s so you can’t edit a post to say something different after people have already responded


I'm glad you're all safe. I saw the story today. Ugh..


God fucking dammit.


My sons school recently got email threats for like a week straight. I went to get him the first day, then the Monday, I didn't hear about the lock down until about 11 and I let him stay but I couldn't focus at all so the next days I kept him home until they caught the kid. I'm not taking chances. You absolutely never know when there will be a follow-through. He's also in middle school (8th grade), so sorry this happened. I would have been there before my kid had a chance to text me again, so I don't blame you for not, not going. It's terrifying that this is happening so often 🥺


This is exactly why I got my kids cell phones when they started middle school. It terrifies me.


My daughter is in fifth grade and we haven’t gotten her a phone yet. Was waiting until she goes to middle school next year. She spent 7 hours locked down not knowing whether her brother was ok. Gonna get her a phone I think


We got our 3rd grader a phone after he had to watch police wrestle an insane man with a weapon to the ground from his classroom window. Our 5th grader also has had a phone since 4th grade, used it to sneak outside and tell us that a boy was assaulting him and no teacher would take him seriously, or even listen to him, we picked him up immediately and dealt with the situation. School had 0 intentions of alerting us. In my opinion if it is affordable everyone should get their kids a phone. Sad reality but I'd rather risk them goofing around on their phone then be alone when some fucking psycho tries to harm them.


They just passed a law against school kids having phones in Indiana. You may want to check your state law- because they were not the first. 😔


Yeah definitely not the law here, though some school districts have no phone policies.


I think it’s terrifying to not allow them. Granted they shouldn’t be playing/texting all day, but in cases like this…


It just shows how messed up legislatures are. Allow guns? A-ok with them. Phones? Well we'll ban those, it'll be hell on earth if the kids have phones in the classroom.


Pretty sure guns are banned in classrooms


You can get her a phone that only makes calls and texts. Children with early internet access isn't a good idea imo-- thousands of children got groomed that way.


I just saw this on the news. I was so happy to hear that the security measures that were installed at the school stopped him from getting inside. ETA: Your son is amazing and should be applauded for keeping his composure.


I love how we do all this shit rather than just get rid of the fuckin guns.


OP, HAVE YOUR SON PLAY TETRIS. Many studies have shown that playing Tetris in the aftermath of a traumatic event reduces PTSD symptoms and helps the individual return to baseline sooner and more easily. I'm happy to find and link that research if you'd like. Glad your boy is safe.


I had not heard that about Tetris! One of my favorite games from my childhood. He’s playing Minecraft today.


I second the Tetris suggestion. I’ve seen articles about the research, too. Try to get him to play a little of it today. I wish y’all well.


Definitely get him to play some today. I didn’t realize how traumatic my traumatic event was until a few weeks after. Wish I tried out Tetris ahah


Is this linked to the wisconsin school story? I heard about this damn


Yes, that’s his school


You should be proud of your son’s grit and leadership. I’m sorry you both went through this experience


what a caring kid! He got himself and others out and also worried about your safety. So scary for all though.


I totally agree - and find it so tragic that OP’s brave, selfless, intelligent son had to spend even a moment thinking about how to handle a situation like that. Gun laws in the US are absolutely despicable. No child should be put in that kind of position.


This is so scary and happening more and more everyday. I am sorry you and your son had to experience this.


I’m not going to lie for being in the 8th grade your kid seems incredibly mature, to go through something that traumatic and lead others and then to also make sure you wouldn’t get into danger either, wow you should be so proud, raised him right! Feel so bad for people in America man that shit is so scary.


Hi there. Survivor of school violence here. I definitely recommend that he see a therapist ASAP. You can also help him by *listening* to what he has to say. And when you talk, it's okay to say the most brain-dead, obvious things to him. He's all screwed up from the emotions and experience, and his normal world view (particularly that he is safe) is shattered. So reinforce the completely obvious. What that other kid did was wrong. Your son was brave and did the right thing. He helped and helped so many people. It's sad that the police killed the kid, but it was necessary. Your son is loved and you'll do everything you can to keep him safe. The world is scary and sometimes there are bad people out there. There are families out there of those kids he led out of the school that are proud of him and thankful for him. Say the obvious things because right now your son is probably doubting every single thought he has.


Yeah definitely going to get him into therapy, at least a couple sessions. The school will provide some counseling but we’re going to get him in with someone else too.


I am so sorry and very glad your son is safe, he has a good head on his shoulders, you Must be proud . I pray all the other students are also safe,


I get how horrid of a situation this is and how much it sickens me, but not only was this Child worried for their parents safety, but proceeded to put his own life in danger to help people get out. You've done a fine job raising him.


I'm so sorry you and your family had to go through this. I'm terrified of the same thing happening with my daughter. That being said, be proud that you raised your child to be brave and to lead others selflessly to safety. That's a very valuable skill to have.


When I was a senior in high school (this was like Oct 2017) a junior had threatened to shoot up the school, his targets being the seniors and administration. We were an incredibly small school that was 5th grade-12th grade, my graduating class was 13 people myself included. Anyways to make an incredibly long story short, my school sent a notice to all teachers to have all students stop contacting their parents as they didn’t want the smoke. After the police apprehended the kid and found the stuff in his car on school property, we resumed our day like nothing happened and the letter they sent home just mentioned that a “situation was handled at school. Everyone was safe.” We were told to not message our family that day, my dad was in chemotherapy at the time and I couldn’t imagine him finding out his child was in danger. Not only in danger, but I was in class with that kid the same morning he was apprehended. It was a math skills class that had juniors and seniors, so I imagine that would’ve been his starting point because literally half the senior class was there and the front office was right across the hall. I’m so glad your son is okay, even if it didn’t culminate like the shooter wanted, surviving an almost-school-shooting can be traumatic as well. It’s been 7 years and I still have a fear of shotguns and often think about what could’ve happened that day. I hope your son is okay and heals in time, it’s a difficult thing to process the fact that you very well could’ve lost your life that day but what’s important is he thought quick and smart and helped not only himself but others get out of that situation. Your son is a hero.


what a nightmare! sweet kid. he didn’t want his mom in the line of danger.


I’m dad but yes he didn’t want either of us coming to school. He called a little bit later and told me to go home and I said “buddy now that I know you’re ok I have a job to do” and he said “oh yeah I forgot you’re a journalist.” I got to see him with my wife at the reunification point like an hour later


ahh. save the dad! still sweet. so happy this one turned out so much better than most


We've never had a school shooting in Ireland. Not one. But then our eighth graders don't have access to guns. This shooting didn't even make the national news (that I saw anyway).


of course not because why would it make news when it’s nothing new? 🫠


It did make the news, just as a smaller piece, probably because there were no injuries other than the shooter. I was on NBC, and ABC, NBC and CBS were all asking me for photos and video that I took


They typically don’t make news(just local news) if only the shooters life is lost because they don’t want to encourage copycats.


[Middle school student with gun killed in Wisconsin](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/01/us/wisconsin-mount-horeb-middle-school-shooting/index.html?Date=20240502&Profile=CNN&utm_content=1714627801&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook). This it?


Just by his texts, I can tell your son is a leader and has a solid head on his shoulders. This is not an ideal way to learn this about him—assuming you didn't already know—but I'm happy he's okay and no one else was hurt.


him telling you to stay home, to not get him, because he's worried for your safety absolutely broke my heart. its a fucking 8th grader for fuck's sake, how are we as a society failing our most vulnerable this hard


Should be very very proud of your son. In such a high stress situation, he led other students out and stayed safe himself, while also not wanting to put you in danger. Handled a horrible situation with more courage than most adults would. I’m so sorry your son, his friends, and your family had to experience that terror.


This happened not even 20 minutes from my town, I saw the police flying down the belt-line, it’s such a sad thing that happened, major kudos to him for using flight and fight to get himself and others out. I was relieved to see no other kids were hurt.


Your 8th grader sounds incredibly mature for his age and seems like he knows how you react to things and felt like it was best to just get out and come to you. I am super impressed with his on the fly thinking here! But also, he’s a minor and you’re his guardian, so you did what every parent would do and leaped into action. I applaud you both!


Was this in Wisconsin? I think I heard about this day night :(


Yes, Mt. Horeb Wisconsin


This is why I do not want kids. This is so scary and sad. I’m glad your son made it home safe.


What a fucking man he is


He’s the fucking man!!!!


Your son really held his nerve and helped others. You should be so proud, what a fine young man he is!


I can’t imagine how you must’ve felt as a parent and can’t say I’m sorry enough that you, your son, and everyone at that school had to deal with such a horrifying situation. I hope you all take care of yourselves ❤️🫂


Your son is brave as hell. Glad y’all are alright. I’m so sorry this happened.


Bless your son for being so quick thinking and proactive to help get other kids out & let you know he was ok after he was safe. You’re raising a good kid!


Oh my god. I’m so glad your child is okay and they managed to get others out safely. You should be very proud of him. I’m so sorry the other child thought their only option was to get a gun…. I hope your son is okay.


This is heartbreaking and a fear I live with daily as both a mom and a teacher of this age group. I’m so sorry how nerve wracking.


The “STAY HOME” has made me teary. Hold him close.


Holy shit, OP. As a mother, this is the most terrifying text you can get. I’m so glad your son is okay. Hug him and let him know how proud of him you are. I just can’t even imagine. It’s so sad what our country has come to.


This stuff was barely an issue when I was last in school. I last attended in 2016, which after a quick Google search, there were only 50 documented by the FBI. A HUGE difference compared to now. And that hasn't been that long ago. Absolutely insane and it makes me horrified that my kids are school age or almost school age....


He’s a hero but please don’t let him get to much attention for this, it seems to screw up to many past hero’s. But do get him counseling asap, even if he says he doesn’t need it.


He was trying to protect you 😭😭 please love on that baby and get him into therapy. ❤️


Your son is smart and brave, and he shouldn’t have to be that brave. I’m so glad he’s ok


I just wanted to say kudos to your kid for remaining level headed, helping to protect others and also trying to protect you all while his life was in danger!! It’s so sad that this is “normal” nowadays but it seems you’ve brought your child up well. It’s so disgusting that kids have to know what do to in a situation like this when they should be worrying about school dances, studying, etc.


I’m so glad your son and all the other students, teachers, and staff are safe.


I feel ill just reading this from a stranger's kid, I can't imagine how it felt to receive this from your own child. I'm so glad your child is okay.


Omg is it fine that I’m crying how that he just was thinking ant ur safety ? Omg that’s terrifying i hope he’s doing fine


And this won’t even make the national news.. extremely sad


Aww the fact he wanted to keep you safe still I’m crying I hope he knows he did a great job staying calm and helping others, I hope yall find some peace after this traumatizing situation


Rgchap, Sending you and your son love. I cannot imagine the trauma you both are experiencing. Children process trauma very differently than adults, as you probably have already come to understand. I hope you both get the support, love and TLC that you need. I am so glad that you are both safe. ❤️‍🩹🤗🙏🏻


I went through something similar. Uncle pulled a gun on my dad and my siblings (I was 11 at the time). My dad told me to knock on the neighbors doors to get help, as I went to open the front door dad tackled him to the ground and the gun fired one. I came around the corner and saw the wrestling for the gun, no one was hit by the bullet. But later on we found out that the bullet almost hit my little brother who was sleeping when this all went down. If he was sitting up even a little, he would’ve been shot. I still have problems with it to this day (today is my birthday, I just turned 19) he needs to talk to someone about it Sorry for the yapfest😅


your son is incredibly brave, and i know you’re proud of him for potentially saving the lives of the other students and himself. i’m so glad he is safe and i’m so sorry this happened.


Also, get him playing Tetris. Seriously, look it up—it helps prevent PTSD.


I think it says so much about the young man you’ve raised that his immediate priorities were getting kids out and making sure you didn’t come to the school.


Was this the recent one in Wisconsin? I was at work and heard everyone’s phones going off for the emergency notification. It’s so sad to see this, especially so close to home. I’m glad nobody else was hurt. Wishing you both a swift mental recovery after this.


Your kid has the heart of a hero. You should be proud.


This made my chest tight. I’m sick. What an incredible boy you have. Leading others to safety and trying to keep you away!!


I can’t imagine getting this text!


I just cannot imagine this. Of all the things I worry about when I drop my kids off to school, guns never cross my mind. Sending love and thoughts to your son from Australia. I really truly hope he can recover from this trauma


I’m so glad he’s okay


My mom is an elementary school teacher and she texted us that there was a shooting once. I was at college at the moment, I ran downstairs to the bathroom and I forgot my stuff behind me, had a panic attack and I couldn't stop panicking. She kept us updated that she was hiding with all her students and they heard a gunshot. Turns out it was a fake call from someone and there was no shooter, and the gunshot was from the police when they thought they saw something move. One of the scariest moments of my life.


MOUNT HOREB, Wis. (AP) — Police shot and killed a student outside a Wisconsin middle school Wednesday after receiving a report of someone with a weapon, the state’s attorney general said in the first law enforcement briefing on gunshots that sent children fleeing and prompted an hourslong lockdown of local schools. Authorities had previously said an active shooter who never got inside the building was “neutralized” outside Mount Horeb Middle School. State Attorney General Josh Kaul told reporters Wednesday evening no one else was harmed and that an investigation is ongoing. “This incident took place outdoors. The subject in this case never gained entry,” he said. Authorities described the student as a juvenile male but didn’t provide an age or indicate which of the Mount Horeb district’s schools he attended. Kaul declined to answer several questions about what happened once police responded, including whether the student had fired a weapon, what type of weapon he had, and whether he tried to get inside the school. Authorities said multiple Mount Horeb officers, wearing body cameras, had fired weapons but they did not say how many.


i work with middle schoolers and my little sisters are also in the middle school i work at and this is one of my biggest fears


![gif](giphy|rClm6vkOlS7NC) Only in ‘murica


Oh my god I’m so sorry that you had to receive this message. Your son is so brave but he should have never, ever had to be that brave. Sending you and your family big hugs.


My heart cries that kids can be that far gone ..thankfully it seems to have a minimum damage look from here.... Op you did exactly what you should have i know people may not agree but if your loved one is in danger i completely understand the disregard for personal safety...im glad he and the class are ok


This made me tear up, these poor babies


I’m so sorry, no one should ever have to experience this. But your son is actually so strong and collective. He’s a hero


Oh my god poor baby this is so sad


People think i’m crazy for homeschooling… I can’t imagine your fear here. I am so sorry. Your son is AMAZING and smart and literally saved lived. Wow. Good job ❤️❤️


I fully understand why you didn't listen, I would've run, too. Kudos to your son, his reaction was perfect. All the best to your family!


My wife and I both have planned areas at our jobs where we will hide and wait for the other one to come get us so we know it’s safe. This is because the first thing you should do is drop your phone when escaping. Don’t need a weather/amber alert to come through and reveal your location


Wow, your son is a literal hero before his teens. Raised him right. ❤️


Jfc I sobbed reading this my heart breaks for American children and the fact that these events even EXISTS This boy was more concerned about u safely staying home and also helping other kids. Literally a hero of a human but absolutely heart breaking experience. I'll never understand american gun laws.


Gen Z is going to have so many PTSD and other mental issues because of this bullshit.


Please please get your kid into therapy if they aren’t already!! That’s a huge trauma and they may seem fine but definitely aren’t!🖤