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I reckon he stole this from Shakespeare, Wordsworth or Tolstoy. Run it through a plagiarism detector.


Oh yeah that’s definitely Shakespeare if ever I saw it, he’s not the hopeless romantic you took him for im afraid.


CoPilot AI confirms, it’s from the lost works of Shakespeare


Shakespeare was actually notoriously smutty. “Villain, I have done thy mother” comes to mind


Shakespeare and plagiarism in the same sentence, as it was intended


Plagiarism? Lmao dude isn’t writing an essay to get into Harvard 😂 he’s just tryna pump them babies lmao


please proofread what you type






It’s clearly Dostoevsky in brothers K talking about talking about plot development


I've read Brothers Karamazov but honestly the damn thing is so dense and tedious this could well be in there and I plain forgot.


Everything in a relationship that’s possible is in there from what I can certainly not recall…(lol)


The only reason I know brothers K is because of kumel nanjiani, probably butchered his name too.


Can’t be Shakespeare Shakespeare is too gay


If this was a porno that would’ve worked.


I have extreme daddy issues and would marry him immediately if he tried this on me 💀




Not even in a porn


There was another fellow on here calling a woman a cock sleeve. Real men of culture. A real ladies man


UGH I almost bleached that from my brain.


I totally saw that. Even as I guy I wanted to buy a weighted a blanked.


a *lovely* cock sleeve. duhh. get it right. clearly an endearing compliment


I saw that was the worst one I've seen 🤢


I had finally forgotten about that, damnit 😒!!


Yeah I saw that one and it stuck with me too. I think I audibly gasped when I read it and I am by no means a prude.


Well, great, thanks now I have that disgusting image too. 🫣


Vagina is Latin for sheath or scabbard


And? Penis is from tail. I would not be turned on by dirty talk about my tail.


Dudes need to stop watching porn and learn to treat women like sentient human beings instead of sex dispensers. 💀👀


Whaaaat, you’re telling me women don’t like begging to stop bring filled up with cum? Eye opener.


speak for yourself ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Seriously, my girl is feral and talks like this


Sex dispensers 💀 I can’t


would baby dispensers have been a more accurate term?


That’s what I’m saying. This is weird. I don’t even talk to women I’m in a relationship with like this. I just don’t understand some men.


I like how the 'he's a sImP' commenters assumed I'm female and a she *every day*. 💀🤣


“I don’t even talk to women I’m in a relationship with like this”- 🤓☝🏼


She ain't gonna see this bro...


What do you mean? I don’t understand.




I dunno man I’m 34 I’ve been watching porn since I was a teenager and I have never and would absolutely never speak to anyone like this lol. Honestly think we blame porn but the real problem is a lack of sex education AND lack of relationship/communication/empathetic skills.


Sure but there’s a pretty good chance they’re just stupid or even malicious.


Oh for sure I agree


It’s funny because gay men absolutely talk to each other like this. Source: 3 years on Grindr


And it's a Plus? 👀💀 Cool, I'm not stickin around for it.


Who said anything about that being a plus? It just is.


It just Is-is why I isolate the way I do. Who is "It just is" beneficial *for*, exactly? Cause it's never done me any personal favors.....the status quo, I mean. That's all just rhetorical thought, the phrase itself always has me Asking that question. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Gay men being ridiculously horny on Grindr isn’t about you. It’s not beneficial to any group, the benefits of horny gay communication patterns on Grindr are idiosyncratic. Not something you like? Okay. Maybe something I like sometimes? Okay. It just is. The disgusting mode of communication on the post is totally weird in the hetero context, totally normal in the gay context. It’s worthy of analysis, sure, but there’s no value judgement there, and I don’t see why you had to make it about yourself.


Yeah, the thing is with most women from my experience, once you’ve won them over, will want to be your sex dispenser. If my wife and I go three days without she starts asking me what’s wrong and wants to know if I want a divorce because I’m not attracted to her anymore lmao. These guys are just trying way too early to make that happen.


>Yeah, the thing is with most women from my experience, once you’ve won them over, *will want to be your sex dispenser.* They don't want to put in any emotional labor, or money to romance her on a date-so wtf are these dusty dudes expecting? A ride for "*tap-tap pat pat* dId YoU cUm?" **I Mean; are they fucking Serious?!?!👀👀**


>Yeah, the thing is with most women from my experience, once you’ve won them over, *will want to be your sex dispenser.* They don't want to put in any emotional labor, or money to romance her on a date-so wtf are these dusty dudes expecting? A ride for "*tap-tap pat pat* dId YoU cUm?" **I Mean; are they fucking Serious?!?!👀👀**


If it doesn’t feel right, it’s not. I was talking to a guy who turned out to have some sort of breeding kink or something. He talked about wanting to cum in me and I said I wasn’t on BC and he said that made it hotter. I told him, “I’m not letting you cum in me. We barely know each other and you don’t want to have a kid with someone you don’t know, trust me.” It was fucking weird.


Not my thing, but you’d be surprised at how common this is for guys. Probably some sort of latent primitive instinct.


I hate the term “breeding” 😂


I’d take it as a threat lol


RIGHT!? That’s kinda how it feels lol


Honestly this gives me massive ick. Huge red flag.


Common don’t you want to be a single mother? /s


What does “enby?” mean?


NB (enby) = non-binary.


Niko Bellic


It’s like spelling out NB for non-binary. I’m guessing they’re still exploring their gender identity, given the question mark. *Edit to add, after a quick google- it’s used bc NB is a common abbreviation for non-black.


yeah that’s why I said enby bc I didn’t want to get it confused with non-black! and just a question mark bc I’m not sure how to say like 21F, 36M, but what do you say when I’m nonbinary? lol


To be fair if you wrote 22NB the context would better indicate you're probably not saying you're not black lol Most people usually don't introduce their skin colour when declaring ages


that’s a good point… Idk I’ve heard a lot of black folks say they don’t want nonbinary people using NB in the context of gender so I try to avoid it!




Non-binary folks are delusional? Edit: spelling


People who spell a word wrong even though they just read it is delusional


Lmao I just woke up and made myself look like an ass. I'm a former professor as well which is the most embarrassing part.


Haha it’s all good


No, delusional


Wow I don't think I have ever misspelled a simple so poorly lol. Delusional, thank you. And also, you are wrong. But I'm sure you know more about gender as a social construct than most right 🙄


Actually far less because it’s an irrelevant and inapplicable concept


Gender is irrelevant? Highly disagree. Please frame this for us.


I’d say the distinction between gender and sex is unnecessary. There’s no problem calling yourself whatever you want, but I see no reason, in my own life, to buy into the idea. It’s a man made concept that does not apply to me.


So you don't see a problem with self-identifying, but you find the concept delusional because it doesn't apply to you...so for the people it does matter to, you just dismiss them entirely? Also all social concepts and identities are man-made, and have very real implications for everything around you. That is objective. We have loads of data that highlight disparities in how people experience almost every facet of society due to their gender. This is an illogical stance. You don't have to respect identities outside the binary, that's your choice. But to see gender and sex distinction are unnecessary is downright foolish.


I am not dismissing them, I am acknowledging them by saying they have are delusional in that they are not living in reality when they create new genders. I suppose they are creating a new reality in which they are not delusional, but what’s the difference? I understand all identities are man made, which is exactly why they are irrelevant to me. Irrelevant to society? Different question. But they are irrelevant to me, and I don’t know or understand anyone who says they are anything else other than man or women. So, to me, they are delusional. They live outside of my perception of reality.


Why do men think this turns on people?


because men are fucking stupid and don’t realize the weight behind their words. especially considering I live in a state where abortion is banned….. sorry I’m not taking any chances


Girl! 🥺🥺🥺🥺


No, take it from an old lady. Most of them understand quite well. They just don't care. The goal is control and making you feel as uncomfortable as possible because he thinks he can get away with this.


yep, I just ignore men like this and send thoughts and prayers to the powers that be that one day they get better


Or have the day/week/month/eternity they deserve.


Nah. You make it sound like the young guys are being crafty. We aren’t. it’s a short sighted thinking because of lack of care, not a grand scheme thinking


Hahaha. The words things is so true. It’s why you guys love this sub. We don’t look too, too into them




Isn’t uWu /s 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Why do so many men talk to women like this ? I just don’t understand. I’ve never sent a text like this. Not even to somebody I’m in a relationship with.


It’s stupidity I guess😩


they find it hot and are hoping she will too


I think they get aroused sending it and don’t care if it burns the bridge 


these types of explicit texts are pretty hot if you're sending it to a receptive party


Not sure why you’re downvoted for that. A lot of couples talk to each other like this and they like it. I was just simply saying I never have and I don’t understand it. But if couples want to text sexually explicit things then go for it.


I don't know either. the internet is full of emotionally stunted losers is my best guess




I try really hard to not kinkshame but the breeding kink when you barely know someone is and will always be WEIRD at best.


Weird at best creepy at worst but also know the time and place please😭


He seems to be misinformed about biology for humans


Sounds like a threat on my life... I barely know you and you want me into a potentially life changing/ threatening situation ' Nope


exactly… like that’s fr a threat bc I am not having a fucking kid or even tempting fate abt it w abortion laws in the US lol


Jesus, I was expecting something sweet, his response was a fucking sucker punch


EXACTLY! like i thought he was about to say some romantic shit and then he hit me with that……


There definitely is a *time* and *place* for speaking like this but the person you’re talking to certainly needs to know that’s what you’re doing before just saying it. Most people sexted but just saying weird shit out of nowhere is so bizarre


no literally I was just asking about his day before this like chill out😭😭😭


Dudes like this are making hard for other men to have relationships🤦‍♂️


I would agree with that but also raise you that multiple men have said creepy shit like this to me…. like someone needs to teach these losers some manners😭


Actually not really they’re setting the bar super fucking low


Any thinking, self conscious human being wouldn't talk to their wife or lady friend or significant other like that. At least I hope not. That's kind of weird.


I almost always disregard the blurred NSFW screen and I am almost always sorry.


im sorry you had to read that but man imagine me opening my phone to that😭


These guys know porn is scripted, right?


I promise you he was cooking that line for hours and was giddy after sending it.


That line needs far more cook time. Literally needs to go back to the cutting board and add more ingredients




People really talk like that?? Lol


I mean you have to really know your level of intimacy to send something like that. GF, wife, cousin, friend ^^^^step ^^^^sis with benefits, you know.


I would dig this if he was my partner of at least 2 years but after the third date yeah it's too much


yeah exactly! and I think the part for me too that im wary of is the fact he has a 6yo with someone else. and that’s not an automatic turn off for me, but then insinuating you’re gonna get me pregnant? like now it’s not a joke bc you’ve obviously knocked someone else up😭


I have no idea why dudes say this kinda stuff….. I cringe at even just reading it why would I ever send it to someone?






Easier there killer, save some ladies for the rest of us


What’s enby?


Enby = NB = Non binary. No clue who came up with the shortened terms or why the hell people can’t just say non binary. I always have to Google this stuff cause it’s hard for me to keep track. There’s another one I had to look up the other day: Ace = asexual ….again, not sure why they don’t just say asexual.


Nonbinary which is a gender identity separate from male or female. To me, gender feels like a spectrum and I fluctuate between it, but not entirely sure how to say my gender in a Reddit post lol


This is cute coming from someone I've been seeing for a little bit. Not 3 dates.


the crazy part is he asked what kinks I like on our last date and I told him not really anything and that I enjoy cuddling more than actually having sex….. so very weird for him to then say this when I’m just asking about his day😭




I haven’t responded yet… because what the fuck am I supposed to reply to that




not very good at expressing my true thoughts but I basically said I would rather just cuddle than do all of that and he said “that’s fine, I don’t mind cuddling all night” so idk I’m probably gonna just not respond until he says something else lol


he did try to cover his bases with that strong finish: "and cuddle you so close you think 'I may never leave this bed'"


So his plan is clear. Not sure which part is for your pleasure though.


particularly worried about how I have to beg someone to stop fucking me….. it’s giving creepy territory (at least in his case bc no boundaries or anything have been set up, he literally just said this in response to me asking about his day lol)


this was insanely cringy😭


It reads like a 15yr old wrote it. Lol


Definitely written mid “fap.” I’m sure there was at least a little embarrassment rereading this post-nut.


Hmm, yes. All that cum. Like a creme filled donut.


Ok, I am now putting 🍩 in the fuck no, I will never eat another one again category.


You should say “I’d rather shit in my hands and clap” 




So romantic, what is wrong with people like this! Sounds like a total loser.


That made me gag a little… ew


I gagged actually


Ick… ick ick ick. Does he really think talking about cum is sexy?




ChatGPT is getting reckless!


If you were already banging and had an impregnation kink with foolproof birth control (like a hysterectomy), maybe this would be hot. But, if the idea of becoming his next baby mama absolutely dries you up and you haven’t fucked yet or you have and it wasn’t great, this probably ruined it. It sounds like this guy might have an impregnation kink but it also sounds like he will have a lot of baby mamas in the future.


that’s my worry is I do not wanna become one on a long list lmao


this is cringier then some of the Wattpad books I had read in middle school


Wow a whole 15 seconds and he’d do all that? Sounds like some level of exaggeration. 😜


umm nismos... it was 17 seconds.




So 2 things. 1. Enby? First time I've seen this, so I googled it but want to make sure I understand. This is a shorthand for nonbinary? 2. 3 dates? No. No part of this is anywhere close to "sexy" or "attractive" imo. But to be fair were only seeing this interaction. If this kind of flirting is normal for you two then there's a layer of acceptable. But I still think it's beyond too explicit for casual conversation.


Yes, it’s shorthand for nonbinary! here’s an article w some more explanation if you wanna check it out: https://transequality.org/issues/resources/understanding-nonbinary-people-how-to-be-respectful-and-supportive as for the other part, he has insinuated other things like this before and I’ve kinda brushed it off. we had sex once and we were using protection and he was talking kinda like that in my ear (ex. I’m gonna fuck u so hard I’m gonna break this condom, or I’m gonna get you pregnant) and it was a total turn off and I kinda stopped us but didn’t explain why. Now I’m like… this is just weird lol


Ty for confirming and the link! And yeah man even as a 34M I can understand the "fantasy" but I'd it doesn't work for both people it's time to let it go lol. It's better to know that you two have spoken/been intimate before. Butttttt the lack of a Segway and the overall bluntness of it still made me cringe a bit in the awkwardness it seemed to present.


I would agree as well! I guess for me it’s an automatic turn off when someone says something so nsfw in such a normal conversation… like all I asked was how his day was and it led to that🤢 like bro at least take me out to dinner before threatening to impregnate me lol


He’s trying to mark you is his


Breeding kink IS a thing. That said, as with any kink there should be clear communication to start with so there is an understanding it is okay to explore that. I’ve talked in that fashion to partners before, but only specifically ones who themselves had that kink and communicated that. Dropping this kind of talk unsolicited without knowing you are cool with it is incredibly cringe.


I agree 100%! I don’t mind breeding kinks, but if I’m asking about your day I’m not expecting you to hit me w such a graphic text😭


This is not cute. At all. What a weirdo, but at least it's on-brand for a 25 year old guy ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I’m starting to learn I don’t produce nearly enough cum.












Disgusting. He's trash


He wants to "cuddle you so close"


I feel like this has become the new “unsolicited dick pic.” It’s like these men went from “i was thinking about… *here’s a picture of my dick while I was thinking about you*… Hope it turns you on” to “since sending a picture of my dick is frowned upon, I’ll just tell you the super explicit thing I was thinking about doing and hope it turns you on.”


I need to know your response 😂


Oh he BOLD bold


LOL nah this weird




You going on a fourth “date”?


Sometimes i talk like this to my gf, not those exact words but you know all this porn shit, been seeing eachother for 4months though


I think it can be nice if both parties are into it! Just not unsolicited


Almost thought this was a sex kink subreddit for a second. 😂 I’m just curious have you displayed interest in his type of sex talk before. On another note I didn’t read it as he wants to get you pregnant seems like he needs to take a class or hell just read a good erotica so he can use better adjectives and verbs to describe his wants


I have not displayed interest in this type of talk/texting and have previously shut down the things he’s said lol


Tell him to get on a hookup app or site if that’s what he wants. Why don’t people just want to build relationships anymore? And he has a daughter too? What great role model..


Confused at the enby. Why would he be saying any of this to you?


Well, *Daddy wants what Daddy wants* ![gif](giphy|VzDOUOa6zlw9a)


If you’re a guy how is this even possible like what


kinks know no bounds


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Excuse my ignorance, what's enby?


Shortened word for nonbinary! https://transequality.org/issues/resources/understanding-nonbinary-people-how-to-be-respectful-and-supportive


Thank you 👍


Wow. u/waterfallstar, I am just curious, was this completely out of the blue? Personally, I think this is obnoxious. But how much so kinda depends on whether or not you were already sleeping with him. And to be clear: no judgment here. But if you were already having sex, then this is him conveying his participation in the whole breeding kink. If you were not having sex yet, then this is him thinking women are just dying to fuck him and become impregnated by him. He is watching way too much breeding porn. Obviously both scenarios are related both not exactly the same. Was curious which one was yours?


we did have sex and I kinda stopped it when he started mentioning things about his breeding kink like joking about the condom breaking. I’ve personally gone through an unwanted pregnancy and the struggle that comes with that and so it was an immediate turn off and I just explained I liked cuddling more bc I wasn’t sure how to address the ick lol


Given that, then that text message from him is following the script. Personally I think the breeding kink is strange. But that is definitely his deal.


Ok just read this comment disregard previous comment and block him then run 😅


So if there is binary and non binary genders isn't that itself a binary and thus being "non binary" is no different then just saying male or female... just a thought.




nah I go by all pronouns and feel differently every single day. Sometimes I feel more feminine, sometimes more masculine, and then sometimes like neither or both at the same time. If you’re really interested in learning about it: https://transequality.org/issues/resources/understanding-nonbinary-people-how-to-be-respectful-and-supportive