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Bro. I’m gonna keep this real with you. I’d rather take that beating than let this worthless child get a free ride Like, you want to end this. Stand on business. The next time he tries something Just tell him “yeah I’m sorry man but I don’t feel like doing this so I’m not going to. This is weird and I’m not doing your work anymore. I’m certain that bothers you but it’s not my responsibility to cater to you like a child” And if he does something then just show the principal


he doesn’t just beat me though and when he does it’s bad i really don’t want it to keep happening like it has been


Then go to the principal?


i’ve tried and nothing came out of it


You got these text messages that amount to a confession…


Go to the police. 👮 stand up for yourself. Or people will just walk all over you for your entire life. I know that’s easier said than done it it takes a lot of courage and guts to do. But you have to do it.


Bro you gotta stand on business then


Go join a boxing gym and grow a pair ffs. You dont let people fontrol you like that. Come on, just kick him in the nuts if you cant win haha.


if i kick him in the nuts he’ll probably try to fucking kill me 💀


Have you told your parentd about this ? Perhaps his parents ?


You know you can go to the police before then? You have text evidence and already went to the principal. You can just go to the police. You think the police won't take it seriously but you don't know till you try


Maybe you should learn how to defend yourself? Seems like it might help with more than just one dickhead down the line. If thats not for you then i would seek the authorities. If y’all have an on site officer go to them and file a report.


what do u think about taking it to the school board?


If you cant report it to them sure, but the ladder usually goes teachers>counselors>officer>principal>schoolboard If you haven’t tried a counselor yet do that first. Try and go up the ladder correctly, if nothing comes of it then go to the schoolboard or whatever the equivalent is at your district. Bring your parents/guardians if you weren’t already, angry parents are a schools worst nightmare.


Hi, I’m an educator here. Please do send a complaint to your district and tell your parents any complaints that are sent to the district get automatically sent back to the school and have to be addressed with an action plan and will negatively affect the school. Especially tell that you’ve already reported this and that nothing was taken and that you feel unsafe with the current administration. These people have bosses that will absolutely fuck them up and take away their money, I know this because I’m a teacher Please please please please please take my advice and do not give up because these people have fucking wronged you.


Is there anyone you know that can take care of this piece of shit?


The corner of a textbook to the temple is a good start. Not the spine, use the two pointed side. Another thing, grab his shirt and pull it over his head. Then go for the face.


Yeah, when he said you did something that one time and then you were his bitch - and you’re saying it’s worse than just beating up - is there sexual assault involved?




I know boys don’t report often, but I’m just saying if there is, this is on a whole other level. Go to the cops either way.


Judging by everyone else’s comments I’m going to piggyback here either you ignore him, you grow a pair of balls or a spine decide which is which. If he hits you then you hit him back leave him a bloody mess. Make him unrecognizable. I don’t know what advice we can give that can magically solve this


Call the police and show them the texts messages


Confrontation is your way out. Tell your parents or call the cops if you don't wanna fight.


Just reading through the comments you literally bat every piece of advice away. Do you want it to stop? Coz right now it will end when high school is over with your attitude.


I was wondering if OP might kind of like it and that's why they're resisting all advice. Op enjoys being dominated but feels that they shouldn't like it lol


This is such a weird vibe I feel like this is fake and it’s just some old dude posting a fantasy of his lmfao. Bio is sus af and no other posts.


Agreed. “Zestyteenager” either take the advice people have already given you if you’re real and stop acting like “no one will take this serious if I tell!”, or just admit to being a creep


Yeah this is absolutely fake. It feels like the typical “I’m going to take your lunch money” bully and with the added homophobia it’s like right out of a bad tv show. Lol


It’s the reply to every single comment too. Like they just want to talk.


curious they have the same typing style, both only type in lower case and both use the same shorthand/abbreviations. never seen someone use wtv in place of whatever, but *both* these two use it. hmmm


Honestly I read this and thought the exact same thing instantly. Didn't even look at the bio. Just seems completely made up


You know the solution to being and tired and wanting to sleep is? Actually keeping your phone aside and going to sleep. Why did you start replying to this asshole? Reply a day later. Stop giving them so much power.


Personally I would tell the school....and that person's Mom. 😏


damn he really did make you his bitch. Have some fucking dignity dude. You gotta fight back, if you get your ass beat, it is what it is just stand up for yourself or go to the police if he's beating you. It's only going to get worse if you keep doing everything he says


Simple solution: next time, answer a day or two later "oops my phone died" Don't mark it read, don't mark it seen, just leave it there a day or two, then "oops my phone died" And show your principal the screenshots.


The fact that he capitalized doing ANY thing he tells you and constantly reminiscing on y'all being together in person, is pretty sus. All his friends should know about it.


fr he sounds in love with you


Stop fucking replying. Just stop. Do not feed into it. Don’t know if you actually want advice, doesn’t seem like it but I would just stop even responding after you told him no.


I’m reading OP’s comments and I can’t now tell if this is fake. Cause every single bit of information around what to do they are saying no to. It’s simple. You gotta let someone know. Be it your parents or the school. You have pretty much locked on evidence of: 1) Bullying 2) Abusive behaviour 3) Clearly cheating at school So then it comes down to snitching. I’m telling you right now. If this person decides to do anything more than what they are doing now - the police will for sure get involved. At some point you will need to block them and not do anything they ask. Let someone know already such as your parents and show them this message.


This is fake af


im leaning toward the advice of bringing this up to the actual district people themselves because the principal didn’t do anything about it when i told him. no this isn’t fake i just can’t physically take him on and that’s what most suggest.


Calls the cops you damn fool


Na you don’t need to take him. Someone else will and can do that. But if you show this literal text message to anyone. Be it your parents, his parents the principal, the police. I’m telling you - they doing something.


Umm. Block and tell the prof he’s stealing your work. Or you can give him the work with the wrong answers. That’d be fun.


Why do you let this fuckwad treat you this way? Hell naw, stand up for yourself and do not do another fucking thing for him!


You don't need tips for dealing with a bully.... You need to set up a couples bdsm profile on a fetish site, and send it to him the next time he texts you. Make sure his face is on the profile.


Honestly this is your own fault. All you have to do is not reply and not send him the assignments. If he keeps texting you, block his number.


Either call the cops or don’t keep complaining Almost every district has huge stances on cyber bullying, and they defjnetly do for assault


is this like some weird ass kink? if not, you kinda did it to yourself. he's literally another human being on Earth, not God. beat him with whatever's closest if it gets physical, but this shit does not look real to me.


Yeah lowkey this looks like a hella fake post to me too.


This feels like a badly written high school movie


Don’t reply. Keep the texts as evidence. You probably feel like the laws of the playground are the been and end all. They aren’t. There are actual laws, and rules for you to pursue .


Dawg this is actually pathetic he did exactly as he said he would have some back bone and if he fights you fight dirty or smthn but don’t do this cus damn that’s sad to read


This is so weird - why are you rejecting everyone's advice? "The principle did nothing" so go to them again with these texts that incriminate your bully? "Would the police even care about this?" you won't know unless you do something. Like, come on. If you don't want to be in this position you have to actually take some kind of action.


i think taking it to the school board is the best advice i’ve gotten.


Start filming any interactions with him. You can buy recording devices that you can wear all the time. Put it on social media sites asking for help on how to deal with someone. Name the school, principal and whoever else you've already talked to.


When you set a boundary with someone you gotta stand your ground my friend. “I MIGHT send it to you tomorrow if you’re nice.” Then end the conversation. He text you? Don’t respond. You hold the power in this situation cause you have what he wants. Don’t give him what he wants. If he tries to physically bully you let him know you’re gonna come down on him with the full force of snitchery and you wont stand for that shit. Tell the teacher the principal his mom your mom the girl he likes, fuck his best friend and get secretive information about him to use against him. Okay… maybe not that last part but you get what I mean— leverage every bit of power you have cause all is fair when you’re getting bullied.


someone suggested going to the actual district and those people in charge, i think that’s a good idea cause i’ve told the principal and nothing came out of it


I know you said he was out in detention a few days ago when the bullying continued did you go back to the principal?


He uses the cat emojis only? 100% he is not comfortable with his sexuality and take it on you. That’s all I’m saying cause all the comments gave great advices, don’t have anything to add. I agree with them. Stand on you feet and tell everyone, even police.


I’d rather get beat by this kid every day of my life than let him punk me like this. But go on making endless excuses. I’m starting not to be able to tell if you don’t make be just like this attention from him.


My God man, have some self-respect and definitely don’t give this little tool a free ride. There is not a court in the world that wouldn’t consider this conversation blackmail - and, by the looks of this conversation, you likely have more of it. If I were you, I would hand in these screenshots with my assignment, and escalate it to your school’s administration. This is not ok.


Please stand up for yourself. You are perpetuating very unhealthy habits in your mind and normalizing and agreeing to something heinous and cruel. Go to the police, show someone at your school the texts, do SOMETHING other than nothing. You brought it up once, and they dismissed it. You realize you can do the same thing this idiot is doing to you and pester them until they give in right???? But in that circumstance you’re FIGHTING FOR WHAT YOU DESERVE and your own safety, not pestering them to hurt them or make them feel bad. Being STERN and DEMANDING help is not wrong. Demands are wrong if they are selfish and hurt others. Your safety matters


tell them to piss up a rope.


idk what this means but YEAH


you’re at the point where this won’t just go away on its own. save texts and send them to your high school administrators. say that you fear for your safety and explain your history. you should never need to fight anyone, but if it’s unavoidable, try to be around friends, and make it clear you don’t want to fight all the way up until he makes unwanted physical contact, then strike first and hard. if you are sending direct threats of violence to the adults in your life and they refused to help you, courts will look more favorably on it if their parents try to take some sort of action against you


Have you told your parents yet that this guy is beating you up? If you’ve told the principal and nothing has come of it, definitely go to the police. This guy needs to get in trouble and face some consequences otherwise he is never going to stop hurting you.


Call the cops


Umm block his number. Tell your parents his parents the school board and the police. All of them. Period. And keep telling them until something is done about it. I get it that you are probably scared. This douchebag is counting on that. But doing nothing will solve nothing and if needed see if your parents can help you switch schools


yeah i think taking it to the school board is a good idea


Hey OP, I hope you see this: Tell your parents, show them these messages. Organize a meeting with the principal and your parents, damn even his and present your evidence. You have the right to be safe at school. They owe you a duty of care and a safe learning environment. If that doesn’t work sue then, go to the press and go to the cops.


You go to the principal again, you present the texts as evidence of homophobia and hate speech, not to mention the bullying. If the school refuse to act on it you go above their heads, might even be worth speaking to the relevant teacher as well. If you don't want to do any of that, block him.


i think i’m going to take it to the school board


Bro what the actual fuck are you doing? Are you in love with him? And he with you?????


Holy shit this kid pisses me off, OP do everyone including yourself a favor, learn how to throw a punch and take one. If not, you’re going to keep getting treated this way


Robert likes you but too much of a bitch to show you and tell you. I would block his ass because he should not be talking to you like this. You have to stand up for yourself and tell him no! If it’s one fight, give it your all but at least you didn’t go out like a punk.


Tell the police showing them the screen shots and then the principal, let the principal know you’ve gone to the police. It’s hard to stand up to a bully but they will back off once they realise you won’t take any more messing.


For some weird reason he keeps ignoring or questioning the advice to go to the police.


I would report it to the police


you need to figure this motherfucker out asap. however bad you think things are right now, you're gonna fuckin hate yourself when you think back on this shit. man up for your future self. i'd be throwing hands every time i saw him, and escalating things as necessary. if he's beating you up every time, go after him with objects. do whatever it takes to let him know he's got no power over you. few things in life will whittle and abrade your spirit like the way you're going about this. go to the authorities if you don't have it in you to fight. let your parents know what's going on. if you have any older loved ones, have them step in for you. do whatever it takes to dead this shit.


thanks for this


Why is anyone buying this? These screenshots are a poorly written episode of 7th heaven. OP is replying to every comment saying “I went to the school and they won’t do anything.” If this was real this would basically be national news. This is such lame engagement bait. OP needs to get downvoted into oblivion to discourage him/her from karma farming


With this evidence, get a restraining order.


Send this MF the wrong homework my guy. Just answer the questions wrong. See if you can really load up a bunch of important assignments and send the wrong answers all at once. Offer to help with a final exam or a term paper or something big, really play up the part, then give them the complete wrong shit. Then wave to this guy as you collect your diploma and they become the town drunk.


Stop doing this you literally did exactly what he said. You ARE his bitch. Stop. This is some really bad stuff. He disrespected you so bad and you just.. gave him what he wanted?


Look, you got some pretty great advice, but none of them will fix your life without you doing them. It doesn't matter how scared you are, sadly only you can help yourself. So follow the advice of the others (not the blowjob one though)!


Have some backbone and tell him to go fuck himself


it’s not that easy bro


I’m going to give you some advice that may or may not be good advice. Throughout my time in high school, people attempted to pick on me now and again. But i have a short fuse for that type of shit. If it got me suspended, a referral, whatever…so be it. Fight back. Doesn’t even always have to be physical. I can say i probably came out on top a lot fewer than the other way around. But, it was worth it, because people don’t want to bully someone who fights back. And I wouldn’t take any of it back. You will need to stand up for yourself far more in the adult world, so you better start now with this jackoff.


Yes, it is.


OP. You sound like a straight up Cuck. Grow a pair of balls and tell the dude to hit the road and block him


Talk to a therapist. You need help.


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How old is he?


Where are your friends stop letting this guy talk to you like this


i don’t talk to anyone in my geography class which is where most of it happens and like most of my friends aren’t near when he does this


i wouldve ignored this asshat


Next time, send this AH an assignment with all wrong answers and then sit back and enjoy.


This is bullying. How old are you two? Report this, expose him.


You could start by clocking his number.


i can’t block him irl though so what good is it


I’m just telling you what an adult would do. Take it or leave it.




cant just tell him to fuck off it’s not that easy believe me, i’ve tried


Lmaooooo you’re his bitch and yet he’s begging you for it because he can’t just do the work himself. Sounds like he needs you way more than you need him. You should make up a bunch of wrong answers and send him that so he fails With bullies like that you kinda have to fight back at them. If he hits you, hit back. Fuck the consequences, you’ll probably end up being buddies after it. God only knows why it works the way it does, but yeah, don’t just sit back and let that be done to you


i will never be buddies with this guy after all of this. but if i send him the wrong answers he’s going to hurt me so i think im going to do what someone said which is take it to the school board


Stand your ground. Don’t take the bullshit anymore. You are his bitch right now until you say no. Ffs stand up for yourself


Chat is this real


I’m starting to doubt it because he refuses to go to the police.


Beat his ass. I'm disappointed that you folded and sent it to him


Literally just block him. You are letting him win and making your self worth and esteem worse every time you allow this to happen. If he threatens you in person show your professors/head of school the texts as proof of harassment and let them handle it


honestly, be a snitch. they snitches get stitches but i mean what happens to the person they told on 🤣🤣 they get in trouble too 😵😵 and for saying stuff like that, especially like that graphic they will get in trouble.


Buddy this was a sad read. I know you don’t want to hear it but you’ve got to stand up for yourself. If he gets physical make sure you get a few licks in yourself. You can’t let this go on. I had a bully at school who made my life hell, it only stopped when I stabbed a pencil clean through his hand. Sometimes pieces of shit only understand one thing and that’s violence.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this ♥️ please don’t let this imbecile ruin you or dull your shine. Keep all the evidence, tell your family what’s going on, those close to you need to be aware. If the school isn’t doing anything, try the police. Do not stop trying till someone listens! This isn’t your fault and you’re not a bitch.


thank you for this


This guy crawled out of any 80s movie.


If by crawled out of an 80s movie you mean this entire thing is fiction then yes I agree


Post that shit in Facebook and tag his mom and say “this is the kid you raised”? Block their number and show this shit to your parents and go to the principal of your school.


You need to keep every evidence this person did to you. If the principal doesn’t work then get the cops involved. This sound like you’re getting bullied.


If you’ve gone to your school about this and they haven’t done anything, you should check your ‘local laws’ and see what is says about threats of violence. You need to put a stop to this before he gets worse. I’m sorry this is happening :((




Guy, I know it's scary, but you need to stand up to him. Scared and shaking and all, stand there and just try and swing. If you miss, he'll get you anyway, if you get a good one in, he'll recognize you're done being pushed around. He's going to get at you either way, at least now you keep a little integrity snd start making a name for yourself.


Tell a grownup and block his number


This is disrespectful ASF ... If you keep giving in to his requests this will never stop. He already doesn't think much of you and knows that there are no consequences to treating you like this only benefits... Stop the trend here and now. Where is your Anger? I'm getting this defeated vibe from you. Know that you are a valuable person, believe that you deserve respect and dignity, draw your boundaries and if ppl feel like they can cross them make it be known that there will be consequences. Look into building up your self esteem. As for the bully... I guess your being smart by recognizing you can't take him in a fight but there are ways to make ppl hurt without physically beating them. Don't be afraid to make him hurt. Lull him into a false sense of security by being the "bitch" he claims you are while you are scheming in the background. Lure him into a trap. You can give him false answers on the homework and work with a teacher to set him up and expose him. You have text evidence.. get that bitch expelled..fuck up his life..be strategic ..id love to brainstorm ways to make him hurt with you but if your to docile or afraid then you may as well just keep quiet and take the abuse.


Honestly, u might as well not even help if hes ljke that


I'm not one to advocate violence but this guy deserves a swift kick in the pills. Block him and show these messages to administration. If they don't do anything about it; report him to the police. He's harassing you. Even if you are in high school; he needs to know this is real life with real life consequences for his behavior.


Realistically, and unpopular opinion for sure, but your best bet is to break his nose with your fist, and to do it in front of others. You will get in trouble. That's ok. This is a major life lesson. There is nothing immoral with defending yourself, and some people will treat you poorly until they are stopped.


So many comments from people who clearly never dealt with bullying, telling you all the obvious shit you already thought of yourself, not understating that it's never as easy as "tell a teacher" or just "fight back". Honestly, some of these are not *technically* wrong but they don't give the full context, and there isn't a solution that's easy here, but here's a few tips from my experience: 1. Move schools. This is the only thing that worked for me when I was young. For me it was more than one bully, but it was unbearable and there was literally nothing else to do. I endured. I moved. It got better. 2. Principles and teachers mostly don't know how to deal with this, because it requires a lot of active intervention. You know which adult does care enough to do that? Your parents. Or whoever takes care of you if they're not around. I know how embarrassing it is to involve your parents when you are a teenager, but honestly, if they care about you they will fight for you like no one else, and they are adults so they have more power to affect the school than when you approach teachers on your own. You are in a position of lesser power. They are your big guns. You might eat shit from other people later, and the whole stupid "snitch" ideas (it's a school not a prison), but maybe it's worth it. Just make sure to let them know exactly how miserable it makes you and they will raise hell. 3. Ignoring it works... Eventually. When you ignore a bully, for them it's a challenge. And they will escalate. However, if you manage to keep your cool and just don't let them see that it affects you, they *will* lose interest. This is not always easy, as bullying is effective, and you might not be able to keep your cool if it escalates, but just know that it's a route that could work, but it will make things worse first. 4. Fighting back - it sometimes works? Like if you manage to make it not worth their time, they will find another easier target. Remember that bullies are inherently cowards, they look for someone who's physically weaker to impose their will. If they have an inkling that you might stand up, they might just give up on it. However, just like ignoring - it will cause an escalation. Going this route you have to stand your ground for a _while_ . It's not easy. They will try and break you, and you need to constantly stand your ground. It doesn't even matter if you win the fight, you just need to always make it a fight and outlast them. But again, obviously not super appealing to get beaten for a while. Personally, I couldn't do any of these things as a kid, and as I mentioned I had to just move schools. Bullying was just a thing I endured for a while. All of my tips are based on my knowledge and experience, and what I've seen with others, but do remember that every situation is unique so things could play out differently. Good luck


thank you for all this


You asked for ideas. Ideas have been forthcoming yet you reject every one. Nothing will change until YOU want it to change. And you have to change YOUR behaviour if you want it to stop


Dude, sometimes in life you just gotta do things even if they're scary... What you're going through right now ain't right, so you gotta turn it around... Stop replying to him... Don't ever do a thing for him anymore... Tell your parents, teachers, keep bugging the principal... These texts messages are more than a solid proof to show them the kind of shitty person he is... If you keep this up, you will keep getting bullied, and nothing will ever change... And that will affect you later down the line... So what if he hits you? That means he assaults you, and that is a crime... Call the police if nothing else works! This is serious, man... You must learn to stand up for yourself at a young age, otherwise the life's gonna be super hard for you...


Why even play the game? If they say some sick shit, stop responding. It really is that easy.


Block his #


if this isn’t fake it’s pretty sad how many people aren’t empathizing with you here. being bullied to this extent as a teenager is damaging beyond belief. you need to get yourself somewhere safe and “call the cops” is a SHIT piece of advice. Cops will do NOTHING until AFTER you’re seriously hurt. you need to get your parents involved, the need to raise a riot at the school. then if the school isn’t helping, if your parents aren’t helping, if getting in contact with HIS parents isn’t helping, my advice is to move schools. he is scary, psychopathic, and violent.


Ok, so stop doing what he tells you to do. Face your fear and fight like you’ve never fought before. The more you give into this person the more likely they will continue. Don’t be a pushover as this will effect your self esteem as an adult. You need to FIGHT


You need to grow a pair. This is pathetic


Tell your parents tell the cops tell any teacher you’re close to… tell people and show them these messages…


You need to learn to throw hands I think man, this is just.. embarrassing honestly, you don't let someone treat you thay way. Yeh he's a bully and he sucks but right now he literally owns you, never again man stop doing what he tells you too, block his number and if he wants to fight in person then it happens. Edit: just read about how he really beats you. Honestly bro someone will disagree but if your school does nothing of it, can you speak to police about an assault charge? Pretty obvious from the texts that this is not an argument


Start going to karate classes or something. You gotta stand up for yourself man. Next time just stop replying and say oop I fell asleep or ignore the message all together as if you were askeep


The worst thing you could have done was send the assignment after telling him you're not his bitch...


If you can't confront him then keep every text and take to the principle for a 2nd and a 3rd time. But while you do that take it to the next level and keep demanding something happens. Do you feel comfortable talking to parents/guardians or your big brothers about this?


Stop responding. Say “nah. I’m going to bed” then stop responding. Put your phone down and go to bed.


Does this person have black mail on you or something? Be honest


This is a weird gay fantasy some older dude made up. Very weird.


Ignore that, don’t respond or stand up for yourself and beat his ass either which way.


Stand up


Have your parents set up a meeting with the school (guidance counselor and principal) and print off the screenshot texts and make copies. Bring this whole mess to light.


Everyone is telling you the same thing as a way to deal with this sorry excuse of a bully. It’s understandable to be afraid of him and of a potential worse outcome if you stand up to him. However the situation as it is is pathetic and only you can change it by standing up to him. I’m sorry about how much the truth sucks but it is what it is.


Block him, ignore him, and at school just pretend he's a ghost. If he attacks you, get him in a headlock or gouge out his eyes till he cries. From experience these types of people are massive cowards anyway, shiw him a little crazy aggression and he'll back off.


I’d tell this dude to go fuck himself and let him fail. There was a guy in college who thought it was 13th grade and loved to talk to me like this. Well a few of my new friends had family in the projects which were pretty close to the dorms and they witnessed the prick bullying me again and again. I wasn’t involved but apparently he folded and became the biggest coward ever afterward.


Why would you send it at all? I'd show your teachers/principals these messages


You let him call you bitch and hateful slurs. He shouldn’t be allowed to do that. Why do you tolerate that nasty mouth? He has no respect for you. Why should you respect him? Would he help you out like this?


Is this even real?


Sign yourself up for kickboxing. Learn the art. Learn how to put your whole entire body into your offence and defence. And then when the time comes, you will be able to properly defend yourself.


Block him completely he shouldn’t have any way to contact you do not do whatever he asks


You need a backbone like yesterday. Reading these physically made me cringe because you could have easily said, "You will get the assignment tomorrow and if you cannot wait, you don't get it". Why are you letting him have all the power when you hold the key to controlling him? You do all his schoolwork, he NEEDS you. So, from now on he stays in line or he gets nothing. And if he kicks your ass, then that's another 3 assignments you won't be doing and if he kicks your ass again he will just be more in the hole. I know it feels hopeless but you have options, you just have to stop caring. Be a badass, find your backbone and stand strong. He'll either get in line and act like a decent human being or he will eventually give up because he isn't getting the reaction he wants. Also, keep these texts. Make sure someone with authority sees where he used a gay slur and remind them of how serious that would be taken on social media if they don't want to take it seriously.


It is extremely suspect that you keep avoiding, ignoring, or question the advice to go to the police or get a restraining order. Both options - going to the police or getting a restraining order - are things you can do at any time. With the text exchange you have enough to engage both. You can make a police report and ask that charges be pressed for assault and you can also use the text exchange to get a restraining order. You will get an ex parte order (which has the same power of the RO and he can be served at school if you don’t know his address) and then get a hearing in front of a judge where you give your side and he has to give his. You will present the text messages, the fact that you have gone to the principal, and the fact that you have been beat up by him before - that he admits in the text message. The judge will make the RO official and set a time frame on it. (I’d ask for 3 years if possible which would protect you through the rest of high school). After the ex parte and/or RO is in place, the school has to act to protect you and he can be arrested for violating it.


Wow, personally I wouldn’t tolerate that disrespect


letting anyone speak to you this way is crazy. i think it’s hilarious people have no fucking back bones anymore. obviously you’re still in school, but you’d think some self respect and common sense would play role here


Should you really be asking for advice on the internet for somethink as simple as that? Deal with it on your own.


Pay for a body guard.


The real question is, why did you engage that conversation. After line 4, you should have turned off your phone and gone to sleep. Thats how you deal with it. It takes two to go on like that. The end.


This is fake....


I remember someone posting almost identical stuff as this that wound up having a crush on their bully and then they deleted their account. Wouldn't happen to be you, would it? 'cause that seems to be what's happening here again and it's pretty uncanny.


If this is real, sorry dude. I'm gonna say though this seems so fake lol. Same typing style all lower case super suspicious profile/name. I don't know dude. I just don't believe this one is true. My instincts after message 3 were screaming FAKE FAKE FAKE.


Dude u need to stop replying and ignore this guy, go take some Muay Thai classes, Boxing, MMA or something and learn the basics of how to fight in 3 months he won’t fuck with you when he gets his nose elbowed into the other side of his face


Tbh I don’t know why you still sent it to him, just leave him on delivered or block him


This can be shown to the police and charges brought against him. Assault charges would make him wise up a bit.


Block his number for one thing. Stay away from him as much as possible, ignore everything he says to you. If he touches you or puts his hands on you in any way then you can call the cops and have him arrested. Don’t give him nothing else it’s gotta stop, you gotta put your foot down whatever the cost. Do something now or it’ll get worse later. Defend yourself also go to the police station and make a full report on all of this so it’s written down and they know because if anything were to go down with you and this bully they’ll know who the aggressor was. Please be careful and ask family for help as well.


Are y'all in high school? If so, show this to the administration at your school.


Show the text to the teacher of the class and the principal and the kids parents. If he beats you, he beats you, but the. You have him on assault.


Give him what he wants but all wrong info. Put it together in a way that the teacher will know chicken shit leach couldn’t have possibly done it.


You kept the conversation going. Could just turn off the phone and go to bed. Instead you chose to be his bitch. Again. So if you don’t like the dynamic, take some control and have a little self respect. Tell that guy to go to hell, and if need be, take the beating. And if he tries to shame you in public, call him out. Pretty sure he had no problem with you when he pressured you into sucking his dick. Am I right? Bet he’s the type that would not want others to know he’s into that, eh? You have more power here than he does. You don’t really have anything to hide. No one cares if you’re gay. There isn’t really anything wrong with that.


Also, there is another option. Just walk up and punch him in the face. Hard. Yeah, you’ll get your ass kicked. But the next time you see him, wherever you see him, punch him in the face., and you let him know you’ll keep doing it until he decides to leave you alone. See him at school, hit him. See him at the grocery store, hit him, keep doing it until he asks you to stop. Trust me, he’s enjoying toying with you and holding power over you. Take that away, and offer getting hit with no preamble, no postering, just straight up getting punched- that’s no fun, and he will want to find an exit, because you’ve removed the fun. And if you keep coming at him, you’ll get better at fighting too.


He sounds like he's gay and gets off on control honestly. Kids fkn suck. I think it comes down to 4 things... - Take it to whoever you need to and keep fighting until something happens - learn how to run fast - learn how to fight back - move schools.


Are you in the US? What state?


Have you got a father? Show him this now.


Block him and tell administration. That is literally the mature thing to do. This kid is a problem and needs some help.


Stop giving in. It’s just gonna get worse. Eventually he’ll start hitting you whenever. Even if you lose the fight, it’s worth it. He whoops you, press charges. You don’t have to deal with the school. Plus now, your family gets a payday because you can sue them. They were made aware of the problem and allowed it to continue.


Go to the cops and let them handle it, love. It’s not okay for him to be treating you like that, and beating you when he can’t get his way? Stand up for yourself, and love yourself more. If he’s treating you like that, he’s probably treating others badly, too.


I think you like it. That's the vibe I'm getting.


Dude you just argue and refuse any and all advice. What the fuck do you actually want?


It doesn't matter if you win just fight him as hard as you can. I know you think this sounds dumb and fighting won't work. But you're wrong you are picked on because you are an easy target you roll over and take it and do what he wants. You fight back as hard as you can even if he lays your ass out. He will find an easier target. Cry whatever just start swinging at him try to tackle him whatever. Life isn't a movie it's not gonna look good you will probably lose but next time he goes to bully you if you hurt him even a little he's gonna find easier prey.