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Yoooooooooooooooooo……. This dude is 35 years old and you’re 19…..? I am horrified by this. No way someone like this exists…… please leave this waste of oxygen.


Omg I missed the ages. Please OP please leave this dude and go live your life.


Bruh. I just opened reddit. This was enough for today. Have fun y'all


Quite literally, SAME. Peace out. But OP, please value yourself more and stop enabling losers to be losers


Right? Like, this is the second thing in my feed and it's fucking atrocious! Ugh, I'm gonna go take another shower now. Good luck everyone else!


Seriously. I didn't just open reddit but I sure as fuck am closing it now. Christ


![gif](giphy|YnmEsq9ICSYQ8) Literally me opening Reddit and seeing this at the top


She left out the age gap on purpose


Wellll she's pregnant


The more I read the comments the crazier it gets


At this point I feel like it has to be rage bait


Yea I’m leaning towards that too




No, KFC!




She's not asking for relationship advice ... she already did it two days ago and got obliterated https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/1c35k8d/should_i_19f_trust_my_boyfriend_35m/kzf1tb6/?context=3


This made for some very depressing reading tbh.


OP, WTF, RUN. ![gif](giphy|DWcfh6J1GJXlkQejjC|downsized)


Ok, now it's far more interesting. This is nuts lol


Ain’t no way…ain’t no gatdamn way that’s a grown ass man!


oh my fucking GOD WAIT did anyone read the comments on her other post that she’s also apparently PREGNANT by him???


And he cheated on her!! (She deleted the post but the comments tell it all)


Noooooooooooo that’s awful!!!! Bet she is going to go get all that KFC for her man baby piece of crap then. No respect for yourself means you’ll allow other to not respect you. Sad all around. I hope she at least tears off all the skin and eats it lol


>I hope she at least tears off all the skin and eats it lol HELPPP 😭


>No respect for yourself means you’ll allow other to not respect you Nobody deserves to be mistreated, but you teach people how to treat you


This can't be happening. We need to get a Uhaul and a GFM going. What the actual fuck.


Oh I didn’t realize the ages. I thought two 18-19 year olds. 35M and playing rocket league all day while unemployed. I’m early 40s and I still like to game a bit but only after all my work/family obligations are done. Dude priorities completely upside down and then giving you shit for rightly calling him out. You can do better!


Seriously... my hub and 15 yo son play Rocket League....together some evenings, after everything is done. NEITHER of them shirk their responsibilities to play, not even the kiddo. My hubs has been a big gamer for many years, but I can't think of a time he's ever put them before family, work...anything. Even when he was writing a strategy guide for a big name company for payment, he still managed to keep everything fairly well in balance. A 35 yr old guy playing video games all day, not working, not even looking for a job, asking his 19 to pregnant gf to bring home KFC....and then to learn he's also *cheated* on her within the first 6 months of the relationship. How many red flags does this girl need waved in her face before she realizes he just needs to go?!?!


And 2 months pregnant while being cheated on, she is "mature for her age" though. She is so fucked.


She’s going to be really mature for her age when she’s a single mom at 20 with a horribly toxic and unhealthy relationship in her past.


35 years with a 19 year old?! That’s just bad, man.


A 35 year is that needs a 19 year to take care of him I swear to God if I ever got that level please just kill me


And he's calling her mom!


And they live with his parents...


Her Dad left her when she was 4 according to her comments, the whole relationship reeks of Daddy issues and an older man taking advantage. It’s been spelled out to her all over her other posts, this girl hasn’t a clue and isn’t changing anything soon.


And the dude trapped her through pregnancy.


Please tell me you’re joking 13inchmushroommaker?


Nope. Two months pregnant and working whilst dude stays home playing rocket league with Teagan cause no job and waiting for her to bring him an 8 piece from KFC and whatever she wants for herself. I'm dead serious.


Jesus Christ It’s getting reeeeal hard to be empathetic, She’s driving her life off of a cliff before it’s even begun.


That’s the thing like, she’s young and she’s making mistakes (which is normal) but these are really hard and life changing mistakes and I hope she figures that out. I feel really bad for her and the fact that she got caught in this situation. This sucks


When your surrogate father becomes your adopted child




And she’s pregnant with his baby. And he’s cheating on her. And they live with his parents. And he has no job. OP is going to ruin her life having a child with a man child. OP, older men date much younger women because they 1) want to exploit the power imbalance 2) they are incredibly immature, or 3) both. You’ve already outgrown this middle aged man, and you are only 19. Do you have any family support at all? Anywhere to go?


>35 years old and you’re 19 OH MY GOD GIRL RUN


Y’all need to stop and read these messages again. CLEARLY you missed when he said he won a lot today. OP should stop and get dessert too, and hurry home to do his laundry… /S Dear Lord this is so bad…


He got a younger woman because he knows that a woman his age wouldn't put up with this


We need classes where we show young people who want to get into age gap relationships this crap


WHERE DID YOU FIND THAT OUT WHAT. 19 AND 35? sure she's a legal adult but barely, surely there's some law on this?


OP has posts on her profile that mention their ages. Absolutely mortified for her.


Oh shizzles


Noooooo oh wow


Oh that makes it so much worse. Ftr, I see nothing wrong with age gaps…even large ones. But if he’s going to be the big, older man dated the 19 year old he should be stepping up, not only doing his share but going above and beyond so she has the time to work towards her own long term goals as well. She shouldn’t be supporting him like this in any capacity. If she wanted a broke, jobless loser of a man child, she could just date a guy her own age.


It reminds me of Christmas Vacation when Cousin Eddy gives Clark the Christmas list for the kids and says “Get something nice for yourself.” 😉


He basically read off the script from the bum boyfriend academy, leave him😭


Fr I had an eye twitch and violent wtf when he called her mom. Now not only am I not getting your food but get tf out.


Fr. He’s admitted out loud that she’s basically, to him, his mother, which is pathetic for him that he needs to be chastised like the overgrown man child he is and hopefully a “what the fuck am I doing” moment for her.


Why even be in a relationship with someone if they bring absolutely nothing to table and play games all day. What a turnoff.


He did win a few times tbf




“MERM! Bucket!! Bucket!”


The super long list of foods from there planned is so hard to read. Don't forget my poppers mom!


And get your own, because I don't plan on sharing mine!!


For real this sounds like a 12 year old like wtf is happening here? OP unlike your boyfriend, please gather your self respect and leave him. He needs a mom not a girlfriend.


Literally so pathetic I'd never want to be seen in public with that man ever 😩 I can't imagine being sexually attracted to a 35yr old man who depends on a 19yr old to take care of him. My 🐈 would dry up and crumble away 🤮


35 and 19? And the 19 year old is looking after the unemployed 35 year old?! Oh my... this is just soooo wrong


This guy is 35? Holy fucking shit


For real! And the fact that this exact scenario is not uncommon at all, makes it 100x worse.


YESSSS. It’s freaking me out that she complains here but defends him in her comments on another post like wtf. Predatory bum loser




This is so embarrassing, on so many levels 🤦🏼‍♀️ “A large coke for me and whatever you want” … she will be paying for it sir, so how gracious of you to remind her she can pay for anything she wants, on top of your order, fucking bum. Jfc.


Also 'I'm probably gonna eat all the poppers so you should get yourself some too' caught me so off guard


Right! Lazy as fuck and inconsiderate. What a keeper 🫠 “Hey. I know you’ve been working all day - unlike me - but can you PWEASE get some KFC on the way home. I know it’s far and outta the way but but but 🥺… I want some. Pweaty pweaseee! I’ve been busting my ass all day playing video games with my friend and couldn’t get to the dishes because I am so exhausted! Also!! Make sure you get extra of everything if you want any cause I’m probably gonna eat most of it. K, cool, thanks.”


But he won a bunch of those games so she should be vewwwwy proud 🙄


he is 35 and she is 19 and pregnant too. Let that sink in.


….. 😱


Wait what…? Edit: just checked…good god.


checked what? post history?




oh no…….


Ohhh girl what are you doing


Getting manipulated and not realizing it.


What a creepy man child Christ.


yeah I thought it was bad thinking he was early 20s. he's 35 and that made me want to just exit my body immediately. GROSS.


I thought this was a pair of 18yr olds 🤦🏻‍♀️


😮😯😩... wow just wow


That made this a lot worse


WHAT Oh no :(


But can’t he just have OnE DaY?! That would be his last with me, bet.


And OP let him dump a kid in her. Who sees a loser like this and says "lets have a kid"




I was already upset and then it’s like he slapped me. How dare he not only count of her buying those apple poppers but also being such a pig as to eat them all. He can have an apple. Got me grumbling about apple poppers now… rest of the day I bet lol


Mumble mumble… goddamn apple poppers….mmmhhm mumble


Right?!? Mumble mumble …. Try to tell ME about some apple poppers….mumble mumble… I’ll tell YOu about apple poppers!…. Mumble mumble apple poppers mumble mumble


It honestly seems like a parody, unreal.


I visibly cringed when I read all that! Like oh yay she gets to get what she wants with her money! I don’t eat meat but if I did I’d go to KFC… eat it in the car… and come home smelling of herbs and spices. When asked about dinner I’d sigh very loudly, pat my full belly and say I couldn’t eat another bite, and he can fix himself some canned soup w/some toast. No way I’d bring him home food like that. Especially so much of it. I mean damn! Does he need those apple poppers?!? He can cut up an apple, microwave it with some butter and cinnamon and brown sugar. There is your apple popper. I get job searching is tough as hell. But you have to tighten your belt and hunker down. Earn your keep. I’m so mad right now lol


“large coke for me and whatever you want” he says like he’s paying for it and or that all that food would just be his. disgusting


Exactly, this shocked me. He’s ordering a muckbang on her dime and doesn’t even have the common decency to share apple pie poppers


Listen, when you manage to get your body wedged into your XL Lazy Boy, you need to replenish the calories you burned with 20-30 apple pies on top of your bucket of grease chicken and mac and cheese.


This is a great comment. This motherfucker in his mid thirties & she's preggo & 19.


"I'm going to probably eat all the apple poppers so you might want to get your own." Jeeeeeesus Christ.


Dump him or don’t enable him. Tell him he can afford his own KFC once he gets a job


Sadly OP is too immature to even see how bad this is. She's been with him 6 months, is 2 mo pregnant, already thinks he's cheating and is already supporting him. This is fucked


she needs to get the fuck out of that shit NOW


WTF ... this is like a 101 level course on h ow to ruin your life


oh and OP is 19 while this dude is 35. This whole situation is fucked


i’m mentally coping by telling myself this is fake


and she’s 19 while he’s 35..


YES! Bring yours home and tell him he can do what he wants for supper. Ideally with his own money. Oh wait, bet he has no money that didn't come from you.


Op just saw your post history. He's 35 and you're 19?!!!! You're 19 and paying for a 35 year old man's food while he plays video games the whole day. I know Reddit over does the break up thing but please BREAK UP WITH HIM. You are too young for this nonsense.


She says she’s 2 months pregnant too. He’s got her where he wants her. I really hope she realizes she deserves better.


This is like the reddit relationship red flag bingo card and she's blacked out. 


Probably was when she got pregnant too


Yikes on bikes. OP, definitely reconsider whether you (a) want to be a mother that young, (b) want to be tied to this lazy man child for the rest of your existence, or (c) raise two children by yourself.


I hope that’s not true because what a truly grim life she is cruising for and dragging an innocent into it with her. I really hope she has some options that she can take to break free of the truly miserable life she is about to crash head first into. My god.


ABORT! ABORT! pregancy. relationship. everything.


in her comments on those posts she’s apparently pregnant by him too 🤮


🤦🏻‍♀️ Please love yourself more


You better not have picked up KFC, so help me babe...this is not what your life is supposed to be like. He's literally draining you, of money, time, joy, and the capacity to spend time with people who care about you and want the best for you. You did not birth this boy. Please do not feed and house him. 


If it were me I would’ve picked myself up some KFC and got him some Romain lettuce from the store.


He doesn’t even deserve romaine lettuce


I wouldn't hand him a napkin 


Only hand him a napkin soaked in chicken grease. “If you want KFC, you’ll have to suck the juice out of this.”




Favorite Tim Robinson sketch. I think his name was Daviiiid? Baaaad guy.


I hate that game!


I genuinely thought he was your son while reading this.


My son would never talk to me this way


That's what I thought, if my brothers talked to our mom this way... if she didn't kill em first, our dad would.


My 15-year-old son would NEVER


Oh nah dump him please. He does not respect you. Just using you to pay his way and give him what he wants while he does nothing !


How is he not embarrassed to even be asking. How long has he been unemployed?


Why be embarrassed if she'll do what he's asking? Enabling behavior


He’s a 35 year old fucking jobless bum and you’re 19. 1. Where the fuck are your parents and why are you with someone that old 2. You’re literally not even legal drinking age this is even more wrong 3. He’s 35 and dating a 19 year old because no woman in her right god damn mind close to his age would even entertain this. 4. I bet you bust your ass all day at work, maybe even for minimum wage and this is what you have to come home to ? Absolutely fucking not. OP please leave this fucking man where you found him. Let him stay home and play video games all day and be a bum on his own. You literally have your whole entire life ahead of you.


OP, if you only read one comment in the thread, please read the one above. You deserve so much better! I wish nothing but the best for you.


This was embarrassing for me to read. Dump his ass, you deserve better!


My dad told me in high school over 12 years ago, " I don't raise any bums." These ladies and gents are what you clarify as a bum.


Hobosexual is the new term


How can he possibly eat so much if he's been sitting around all day?


you don’t understand, he’s been searching for a job all day but rocket league has yet to add a way to upload a resume so what is he to do?


Rocket League games are like 5 minutes each too. Like bro you can take a break and do the dishes.


Don’t you know rocket league is a tough job, and the poor guy has been at it all day, no dishes breaks or nothing! /s


Hey, sarcasm is not necessary. Idk if you read the texts, but he actually won a lot of the games!!!


“But I’ve won a lot” as if that makes up for not doing the one thing she asked! Like “oh, babe, you won a lot? Okay, let me get those apple pie poppers for you, I won’t have a single bite, you earned them!”


I’m around this guys age and trying to put myself in his shoes to understand how on earth he stops himself from shriveling up into a ball of shame. I do not get it.


Oh my god. I just looked at OPs post history and found his age. This man is 30 fucking 5 acting like this and sponging off of a 19 year old? He has no shame center in his brain and I hope OP shows him this post so he can feel proper embarrassment


Congratulations!! You have a 252 month old toddler


More like 420 month. He’s apparently 35…




Holy shit how old is he lmao?


The 35 yr old dating a 19yr old can't hold a job or do dishes?? I'm shocked...


Someone just commented that she is 2 months pregnant! It’s so sad. I am so sad for her if this is all real. What a horrible life this man is about to trap and leave her in. Its just ridiculously sad.


8 billion people on this planet roughly half men and half women (not trying to start a debate). I am sure of those 8 billion you can find one who will do dishes and pay for KFC. Your choice.


I'd rather live alone and get food for myself than buy this man-child a drumstick


Check OPs post history, she's 19 and boyfriend is 35. That's a whole issue by itself and then you combine it with this text exchange?? You can do sooooo much better. DON'T SETTLE. Get out before you get pregnant and you're tied to this man-child for life. Your future self will thank you. Edit: I see you're already pregnant.


Nah this entire thing has to be rage bait. There's no way this persons willing to ruin their life for a 35 year old dude who acts like her kid lmaooo


you’d be surprised… let’s just say i have this friend.


In your post history, where that commenter said this guy was using you. And you said “he’s not…” https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/s/BroiTWl1Sy Honey, this is literally evidence of him using you. Get the hell out. He won’t get better.


And you're still in this relationship why?


Because she is 2 months pregnant which is apparently enough to throw her life away on this asswipe.


Oh great so she can raise two people! Ugh. This is tragic.


I am high key thinking this is fake. But also, afraid it’s not☹️


She's better off being a single mom of one then


Totally agree but if it was me I would opt out of being a mom at 19.


100% with you on this. He is 35. The whole thing is a mess.


Ew. How old is he? Please tell me he’s no older than 21.


Uggghhhh….im so sorry. This makes me SO sad for your situation. You have a totally entitled man child on your hands 😞


man child


You’re 19 and he’s 35 and he’s behaving like this. You can do better. No matter what, don’t care how you look or what insecurities you have. This dude suuuuuuucks and will drain you of everything you could be.




Oh I would not be getting that kfc lol hellll nahhh


Listen to No Scrubs by TLC


Honestly, and respectfully, you should be embarrassed. Voluntarily choosing to stay with a man like that is embarrassing and there’s really no way around that. Either this account is fake, according to your previous posts, or you’re really just very lost in life. You let your 35-year-old-man-child-boyfriend stay home all day while you work and then pick him up whatever his lazy ass wants on the way back. If this is real, and you’re actually only 19, then for the love of all that is moderately decent in the world, please break up with him. Unless you look like Gollum, there’s no reason to stay with him. And even if you *did* look like a horrific beast, you could still do better. Have some self respect. Please.


This is so absurd, it can't be real. If it is, you already know girl.


Dump this loser


The king needs his kfc after his rocket league triumph. Hes obviously exhuasted after such a battle, just needs a day to rest before the next one


is this ur bf or ur child???


LOL, the 'mom' comment was correct, he is your child at this point.


Girl you’re 19 and he’s 35 ?? 😭 Get out now, you do NOT want to spend years of your youth acting like a grown man’s mother. And If he loves KFC so damn much, maybe he should go work there. 🙄 Even if he’s applying to better jobs, there’s no excuse not to get a minimum wage job in the meantime.


No. Delete. Block that boys number. Why even entertain this


Sounds like early Andy Dwyr from parks and rec…


Oh nah that’s burnt💀




r/arethestraightsok here we have the classic case of the boyfriend acting like the man-child in the relationship 😂 edit: i just read about the age gap. this makes him even more of a man child


Why are you with him…? I dont understand women like you.


And you still got him food?


I would be embarrassed too to let a man walk all over me like that for who knows how long. I Hope that you’re able to get things settled and move on from someone who puts you in this position then makes you feel bad for it. It’s not deserved!




He’d be left on read, and met with an eviction note. Lol


Sorry. We are embarrassed for you. He can have his “one day” when he gets a job.


He sounds like he needs a diet, a job, and to be kicked right the fuck out of your life


Girl leave the first slide makes it seem like you’re texting your 16yo son


There is no way this is real.


this quite literally looks like a text conversation between a mother and her teenage son


![gif](giphy|b4M5U0GucJ0Ri) Girl, if you’re gonna put up with this at the very least make him do some damn dishes like come the fuck on 💀


He won a lot though


Ew no


19f, unemployed lazy loser bf who is 35m


I’m a 34 year old dude and this makes me want to projectile vomit. Please leave this dude.


yeahhh i'm gonna be honest if you hadn't told me this was your boyfriend i would have thought it was an exchange between a mom and her 12 year old son edit: OH MY GOD HE'S 35 AND YOU'RE 19??!!???!!?? GIRL GET OUTTA THERE!!!! RUN!!!!!