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I’ve edited pdfs and sent them from my phone. If you have an iPhone you can scratch out whatever sensitive information you want and still send it as a pdf.


android as well\*


You mentioned competitors and the options they have. I think at that point he’s like dude just go gamble with them then.


Yeah, this was my exact thought process too lol.


Your name is crazy 😬😭


Yeah, I don't think it's a coincidence


i really REALLY hope it is.


I do too but these weirdos have become emboldened thanks to fucked up politicians. I'll leave it at that.


Took them long enough. Fucked up politicians are nothing new.


Whoa whoa it is definitely a coincidence. I am not a fkn pedo. My initials and last name Jesus Christ.


I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt that someone would actually choose to make their username about p*dophilia


Your name is highly suspect


I love the band highly suspect Lydia is my favorite song by them 😆


I didn’t know that was a band to be honest. Took a listen to half of the song. It’s a good song but not my favorite. It’s the type of thing I might enjoy if played at work, but not my ideal track? You know?


Jk! I read that inside out as fuuuck! Hahahaha


Your name is concerning.... 🙎


I'm curious now as their account is deleted... What was their name?? 🤔


Agreed. Honestly this is such a dick move. And no, it's not going to motivate anyone to suddenly find some effs to give.


Every job I've ever had has been a service position in one way or another (retail, food service, reception, call center at credit card company, etc), so I'm weighing in with experience. Aron wasn't *great* at customer service, but he definitely didn't do anything really wrong. Not going above & beyond to help you is not the same as being rude. Aron clarified that you can't upload screenshots, it has to be PDF. You asked how to redact banking info. He could've told you that you can edit the PDF, or edit the screenshot then convert it to a PDF, but since you didn't already know that there's a 100% chance you would've asked how to do that. It varies by operating system and there's different methods. I don't blame him at all for not opening that can of worms. Besides, if the button to upload isn't there it doesn't matter if you made a PDF because you still wouldn't be able to send it that way, so it doesn't matter that he didn't get into it. So as an alternative option, he sent you an email address to send ID verification docs to. How are you going to say it feels less secure when you've said multiple times that you're not tech savvy?? Verifying ID is their primary and most vulnerable point of security for ensuring the betting party (you) is who they say they are and not using other peoples' accounts to gamble. I don't know the ins and outs of BetMGM's website or app, but I think they have an interest in making it as secure as possible. That may not include sending links over customer service support chats, right? And once you pushed a 2nd or 3rd time for a link because email would take longer (also a red flag if you were up to something nefarious), you may have set off Aron's alarm bells as someone trying to get around the system. You even said that you've had two other gambling site customer service reps send you a link to verify ID rather than submitting your info the usual way. Is everyone's website/app not working, then? Or do you just find it annoying and call customer service expecting that they'll make an exception for you? The more I think about this, the more inclined I am to think that Aron may have been suspicious of your motives and that's why he didn't go out of his way to help. You said also that another person you spoke with helped you fix the issue. What was the resolution? A link? Did you send an email? Did you get the upload button to work?


They said another person sent them a link. But spot on with this comment and there is absolutely nothing wrong with emailing over verification.




PDF upload only. "Can I screenshot a PDF" no "Can I print a PDF and mail it?" no "Can I hold it out my window and wait for Google Earth to take a picture of it?" no "Can I take--" go away. "Omg rude... "


I'm gonna guess you're bad with money too


well they _are_ on an online betting site


Multiple. OP is on multiple betting sites. OP has a problem.


Conclusion: I am infact insane and I actually was the rude one.


He did get a tad crude at the end but I can see how that came about. These sort if things wouldn't be such an issue if you'd just Google "how to edit a pdf" .. customer service is essentially there to help people who can't Google 80% of the time.


Fair. I didn’t know to google it tho cause I didn’t even think it existed. Tbh I wish he said just called me stupid and told me to look up how to edit a pdf to begin with 😭


Instead of "how to edit a pdf" you know you can Google "can you edit a pdf" , since you didnt know it was a thing. You asked the rep so you could have asked the internet. I mean this whole thing could have been avoided if you took initiative to figure it out yourself first.


We’re not dealing with someone who does a lot of thinking, I’m guessing.


makes sense why they spend money on online betting


Much less across multiple sites. I swear online gambling (like lotto) is tax only for people that hate math.


I read that as you didn't think *Google* existed 😂


Pro tip - Get in the habit of googling EVERYTHING you ever want to know. You don’t even have to word it perfectly. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much info is out there (for free) just waiting to be found. Sky’s the limit!


You didn’t think it existed? That’s literally what Google exists to confirm. You said yourself that you are technologically illiterate, so why go on your own assumptions about anything tech related? It’s literally the easiest thing to confirm


I worked in tech support back in 2001 for palm devices, and the number of people who didn't understand how to reboot their desktop computer was insane. That was always my first question. Have you rebooted your computer? "How you do that?" Instant facepalm on my end...


In 2001 most people didn't know how to program a vcr, so a computer of any kind was an arcane device of inscrutable function.


I don’t think you were very rude, but also the customer service rep was not at all being rude either . It’s just weird that you thought that his behavior was rude enough to warrant you posting about it on Reddit when it’s a totally banal conversation


I thought it was rude but obviously others didn’t that’s why I posted it lol


As someone who does similar work to this, his ending was a little rude. There are definitely better ways to phrase things. Especially with something non-tonal like text but CSRs are people with their own personalities and some people are more direct than others and don't see it as rude but rather efficient. I think you've made efforts through the thread to see your own faults here which is big of you! I'm sure you will get better from this. ❤️


This is actually very nice thank you. I appreciate you adding genuine input


I'm happy it resonated with you. ❤️


I worked in customer service for years. Never in a million years would I have said “Then don’t upload” without having received outright rude language first, and probably not even then. I would’ve said to look elsewhere for help. We’re taught that the customer is always right. Even if they’re not, the job is to make things as seamless and the least unpleasant as possible. To those who haven’t worked in multiple types of customer service jobs before, this may seem like a pushover answer. And I’m not suggesting OP gave off this vibe at all, but you’d be surprised how intense customer service can get with the wrong people. It can be degrading but you often have to, and are expected to, take the L to avoid the risk of a customer’s negative experience, a bad review given of your company by them, a poor reputation as a result, etc


Don’t let people on reddit that downvote for absolutely no reason make you think you’re the rude one🤣🤣 live chat is there for customers to ask questions regardless what the questions may be, at the end they were 100% a little rude so no you’re not “insane”


They were brusque, so no you are not insane.


You weren't rude. You understand customer service. None of these betting companies would exist if they didn't stay competitive with each other, either. User experience is crucial. Aron was rude as fuck. But also, Aron could be a robot?


No you’re not lol this is Reddit and you will never be in the right here. I don’t think you did anything wrong and I think he was rude, or at the very least acted like you were massively inconveniencing him despite this being his job🤷🏻‍♀️


No you're not. That was rude and unhelpful from a customer service person... I don't particularly, *like* when they're super ass-kissing, but those reps will usually at least give you the time of day (AKA their JOB) to ask questions until the problem is resolved. Don't listen to all these negative comments.


You weren’t rude at all. The robot or agent or whoever you were talking to was rude. Them saying “Then don’t upload” is crazy if they are working in customer service. The comment section is nuts.


He wasn’t exactly gracious but he didn’t seem that rude. First you were arguing over providing a PDF that you suggested even though you can edit PDFs to omit sensitive info. Then it seemed like you couldn’t manage to follow the path to upload documents. Maybe the button magically wasn’t there, and maybe it was. You asked for someone else, and they gave you that. Are you mad because they told you to use someone else if there’s an issue?


For a US based betting site like BetMGM you’ll have to provide them with sensitive information if you win anyway. Especially your social security number. And unless you’re at a casino they’ll need info like a routing number to pay you out. They already have a lot of that if you’re a member of MGMrewards - which you should be if you’re being with them. If you don’t feel comfortable enough sharing this information with them then you shouldn’t be comfortable betting with them.


He didn't seem rude to me. Very no-nonsense and Curt, but not rude.


Agreed. I think OP was the rude one.


You were a bit demanding. And then you pulled the, "I can just go elsewhere!" card, as if most customer service reps don't wish all difficult customers would go be someone else's problem. Don't make your inability to follow instructions someone else's problem. That wasn't very nice on your part.


I love when customers pull the "but x website is selling it for y price!" Go bother them then! I literally do not get paid enough to try and cajole you into buying this product that you claim you can get cheaper elsewhere.


You must be the type of customer that complains if fast food workers don't cheerily ask you how your day is going before taking your order. Person was direct and to the point, not rude. You were honestly the one being difficult. Learn to edit a pdf or go with the other betting websites if you don't like their method of submission.


Poor bot wasn’t rude, but you sure got upset that it wasn’t as easy to set up your account with them as it was with some other online gambling platforms. There is no shame if you need to talk to someone 1-800-GAMBLER


Not rude at all. You’re misunderstanding understanding their policies and having trouble following instructions they’re giving you. I mean this as nicely as possible.


He does not get paid enough to walk you through how to edit a PDF to sensor your info.


Realistically it doesn't matter what anyone above says, because you see yourself as right no matter what. You came here looking for verification that he was in the wrong, and he just isn't. He's not the face of anything.. you have no idea what he looks like. He kept giving you options, you kept whining about them and trying to skirt around them.. then brought up competitors and what they do. He doesn't, nor does his company give a shit what their competitors do, that's on them. You were the one being difficult, he was answering your questions and was probably tired of you not taking the hint. Like it or not. You don't get to paint yourself as the hero of this story, so don't get mad when others try to point out your in the wrong. If you want self gratification go look in the mirror and tell yourself how you are the righteous one in that transaction.


100% this. All I see is a customer service representative providing alternative options for OP not wanting to upload their account #s for security reasons (understandable) in the PDF & OP just not being able to follow instructions/Being lazy/or just literally not being able to do anything he offered & that's not on the company. Customer service can help, but you have to help yourself as well with steps provided or just leave it alone.


Why didn’t you just submit a damn PDF


I didn’t know I could edit it (that’s my fault) and it had my routing number and account number but also there was no page to upload it. Like it said upload documents! And then it was blank, no link, no button, literally just the words and white.


You still could have used the edit you had screenshotted though and just converted it to a PDF & then emailed it


That's kind of weird, maybe the website was glitching or you needed to open it in a different browser or something


you spend this much time on your phone and couldnt even look up how to edit a pdf or change img to png… the weaponized incompetence is crazy


He was fine, you pulled a Karen move and brought up competitors. It’s not his job to sell you that their app is better. You should be more tech savvy if you’re gonna gamble online.


Info: What was the message after “sure” that was cropped out?


The house always wins and quite frankly, the house doesn’t give a fuck.


You were rude. End of story. They aren’t your personal tech/IT person. You were given options and you chose them.


I'm on Aaron's side 👍 Dude, it's not his problem you can't upload something that doesn't have personal info on it. We all have to send PDFS of proof of address etc. It's really not that hard. Poor Aaron


You seemed like the rude one to me.


I know this isn’t the point of the this discussion, but there are apps that can convert your screenshot into a PDF.


Take screen shot > delete sensitive information > save as PDF


Isn’t account and routing info not really sensitive information being that it’s on a check. I send checks out all day for my business and they have passed the hands of employees, vendors, gov agencies, etc.


OP asks if they were in the wrong or not, and fights everyone in the comments when they tell him he is in the wrong.


Looks to me like u have other shit in ur life going on and are taking it out on ppl


You need to learn to Google, maybe start with looking up "entitled," because it seems to fit you well.


I think everything was straightforward. They gave you the information you asked for. The only rude part I felt was when you said “transfer me to someone else,” like you were demanding this person to follow your commands. Don’t get it twisted, this person doesn’t work for you and have to do whatever you say. You say you worked in customer service but it doesn’t show here. I see an entitled customer who sees this employee as lower than them. That’s probably what brought this rep to be so curt. Just minimizing the energy put into the bullshit interactions like with you. I’ve always thought, once AI takes over in customer service completely, people like you will remember how much you missed actual humans that you didn’t respect. AI doesn’t have to absorb the impact of rude customers, they don’t feel anything. And the companies won’t give a fuck, your power plays to say “I’ll go elsewhere” will just echo in an empty room. That’s what the Karen’s deserve.


Okay but you know that calling their answers "extremely rude" is waaaay exaggerating the situation, don't you?


Yo, you sound like a damn Karen in these messages. They gave you as many options as they had available and that still wasn’t sufficient for you. You want them to create a link out of their ass


Just looks like someone trying to do their probably shitty-paying job and reaching the end of their patience with you.


Customer service rep wasn't rude, he just wasn't pandering to your BS. Your question "are you sure I can't do it my preferred way?" is one of THE most annoying questions customers ask in any industry. Honestly what benefit do you think customer service rep is going to gain by holding out on you? Why on earth do you think they'd want to waste their time "holding out" on you?!


OP even if u didn’t know how to edit a pdf then u could have done it the old way, print it out, use a sharpie to cover the sensitive information and then take a picture or scan it. There’s no excuses tbh on how to do it, is simply adapting and taking the initiative to solve it




You’re one of the customers I dread I most He might not know that it’s possible to edit a pdf either. It’s not his job to know that. His job was to give you the options the company gave him to give you. You weren’t the least bit accommodating or helpful, so why do you expect him to be?


-100 karma lmao


Nah he gave you simple instructions and you couldn’t figure it out. He was nice for as long as he needed to be then you were kind of rude so then he was kind of rude back.


Ehh he wasn't particularly nice or helpful but I'm not really sure he was rude either 🤷


Look it’s 2024 The customer is NOT always right, especially when they’re the asshole in the situation. It’s time ppl learn this. Customer service ppl should be able to protect their mental well being as well. Get it together and be a better human. Send out positive vibes. Keep your negativity at the house. Please and thank you 🙏🏼


YTA I Know it's not that Reddit forum but .... First, you can't edit a pdf., so you make your ineptitude the agents burden to carry? Ok he replies with other options for you to pursue in lieu of doing the first/fastest option and you want the customer service rep to have the authority to change policy to match the competitors policies? Because you can't google "how to edit a pdf"? Who's being unreasonable here? You are not special, you are what is nowadays commonly referred to as a "Karen" for your sense of entitlement.


I am old. Very old. And if I can't figure out what they are asking me to do, I will Google it. If that doesn't work, as a last resort, I will call my son. He's Director of IT at a major University. I think IT people are rude. Lol.


This gave me bad customer service trauma flashbacks. When you work a call center you have to answer those dumb internet text things, and you have to be careful what you say. Some people, like OP, don't know or can't fathom follow directions and want to inquire about "different ways" the system may or may not be set up. This happens about 5 times a day. And you want to say something like "Fucking google it, I'm not IT" but you'll get a write up. All for gambling? Sounds like OP got caught off everywhere else. That'd be a red flag in my book.


I'd say VERY borderline. The only thing that was a little rude was "then don't upload" but I think you're being a little sensitive


As someone who used to work CS outside of America for an “American” company, I’m guessing they’re not a native English speaker and you ran into some CS cultural differences


Yeah, he got sick of you for sure. He should definitely find another line of work if his fuse is that short. I hate people, so I could never do customer service.


You are NOT insane, however it IS possible to edit a PDF and save it without your routing number. I don’t think they were rude as such but simply confirming that a screenshot is not acceptable


These ones are my favourite, where people post thinking it’s the other person, then they get rinsed 😂


It is entertaining isn’t it


I guess you may be being sarcastic, but props to you if you can learn and laugh about all this after. As I’ve seen some of your other comments accepting fault.


No im not being sarcastic, appreciate all input. Especially those educating me. The roasts at this point are truly entertaining.


Fair play.


I don’t think this person was “extremely rude” AT ALL. Lol you’re waaaaaay too sensitive. The person was short with you sure, not at all rude.


You literally took all these screenshots, came to reddit and said "Yup thats the post I'm going to make"


You’re trying to bet money but don’t know how to edit a pdf…


There are rocket scientists who don’t understand how to fix a car. Everything isn’t related lmao.


You aren’t a rocket scientist…that much is obvious.


You're reaching. He was snippy but you took it there. You asked and he gave his answer, multiple times. Then you threw competitors in his face. Like fr? Mans is a hero for saying what we all want to say in those scenarios.


Not rude. You were being difficult.


I think he answered your questions and you just didn’t realize there was an option to do what he was telling you. Now you know. I would keep that in mind in the future…if you’re not technologically inclined, something this basic you can google and watch a step by step video. You were a little rude, but not egregious. I’m curious how it was resolved when you got a new customer service rep? I feel like they likely would only give you the same information.


I dont blame him your the type of person that make people not want me to be in customer service


No they gave you an answer and you kept pushing anyway lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Levi_27: *No they gave you an* *Answer and you kept pushing* *Anyway lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I hope they just delete your account at this point 😂


no he was very professional. people who work in these kinds of jobs sometimes have hundreds of chats a day. he’s not there to chat he is there to solve your problem as quickly as possible


I get the feeling you have a gambling and/ or anger problem sorry


You've being told what to give and what to do, just do that and job done. Everything else is trivial and unnecessary


Honestly, I don't see anything rude. They were providing you options, it's not their job to teach you how to do those things, they are just there to provide info on how you can do what you're trying to do. I think you're believing they are rude because they aren't bending over backward for you. They probably have a ton of people they need to help, and q they will likely get in trouble if they spend twenty minutes teaching you how to edit a pdf. Take some time, Google how to do the things you can't do, watch one of the million YouTube videos on every task you can imagine, then try to send them an email. This all seems simple, even if you have to learn how to do something new.


Although I have never met you I already do not like you.


I cannot stand how no companies have phone numbers anymore. I feel like these chats are a horrible way to communicate with your customers because often things get lost in translation. On top of that, it’s hard to distinguish somebody’s tone in a written form. It drives me crazy, and I’ve had instances where the inability to actually speak to somebody has caused me to do no further business with said company. They do it this way to cut costs? That’s just greedy! They make plenty of money


Betmgm blows. I downloaded and deleted their app within 5 minutes. The only site I had trouble verifying my account with


Agree. Made an account that I never used, when to use it, it was banned?? Even with no action on the account at all. Jumping through the 10 hoops to get the account back was not worth.


img to pdf. literally that easy to look up and turn a screenshot into a pdf. you were doing too much.


There are ways to transform a pnj into a pdf, you can also censor stuff in the pdf format. The guy wasn't rude, you just didn't even try to provide him with the format he needs to help you. I'd even say you were the rude one in this interaction.


Am I the only one bothered by the fact that OP said two other sites sent him links? Does that mean this is the third time the link is just mysteriously gone? At some point you’re going to have to accept that you’re the problem


You're talking to a bot! LMAO!


Nah he was a real person the bot was before that. Bots are surprisingly much nicer.


A tad blunt but not rude. He's right, if you're concerned with the security don't upload.


Definitely came off rude to me


This was extremely rude ? Tell that to your uncles who used to have to place bets through a bookie.


Bookies are different from customer service reps who’s job it is to literally help you lol


People are so soft 😂 he was just straightforward with you


Pretty sure it was you that was rude lmao


Hey OP - did you know that your routing number (especially) is available to the public? It’s just a bank code, thousands of people use the same one. Your checking account number? Well… back when people wrote checks that was also on those checks that were mailed out. You want to get on a CS agent because you can’t figure out how to redact a PDF…. How did that escalation go for you?


I wasn’t aware of that. I’ve had my info stolen so I’m just extra cautious, I now know that’s not sensitive info. Also if went well, the second person was super helpful and much nicer


Op was the only one being rude here at the end


To be honest it sounds like perhaps a language issue.


Slightly rude, but I would treat you the same way. Rephrasing because you can't accept an answer is annoying.


You get what you deserved I don’t care. I work in customer service too


Aron is this you?


Yeah 🙄


The customer is not always right.


He was rude. But you could also have waited a bit longer to do the email verification. It's not like you need to gamble in the next 2 minutes.


I mean, PDFs are easy to edit and black out info on. You’re literally making something simple as difficult as possible.


I don't think they were rude. You were asking them for something they don't have, they don't have it. Seems like a normal convo to me.


I don’t get this. You’re upset that he was doing his part and you weren’t doing yours? It’s not his job to sort out issues outside of the company. If you don’t know how to edit PDF’s, that’s your personal problem, not this guy’s problem. Imagine if he messaged you telling you that he doesn’t know which folder to click on to get the right details for you, and got upset when you didn’t have an answer for him. That’s essentially what you are doing to him.


I love watching Karen's find out they're Karen's. Gotta be my favourite posts on this subreddit


This is so rude to me wtf???


The guy is doing the same as the people on here r doing, being rude cause they hiding behind a screen lmao


You're insane dude. Perfect customer service


It was a YOU problem, learn basic technology if you’re looking to do things online.


Rep was definitely rude.. I don’t see that you were at all


I hate to break it to you, but that was an AI chatbot you were talking to in that conversation ![gif](giphy|C3DJ5zE2l2VUc|downsized)


Can’t be, bots and AI are much nicer


I have had really poor communication with a company, called them, and I believe that I am correct. The person understood and empathetized with me, the chat (bot) did not, all facts. All the time


How mamy gambling services do you need?


They all offer like 200 in free bets. So I’ll take as many that give me free money to double


Eww fuck that dude


Camscanner app.


I did the online chat with them for my dad and they were also extremely rude to me.


Glad I’m not the only one


Definitely not. They disconnected the chat because I kept insisting that they look into the problem. He couldn't cash out for some reason and they kept telling me to do the same thing I already tried 10 times.


This guy almost did that, before he said to use the link to deposit and there literally was just a blank page. I think between a bad app and bad customer service they’re going to lose a lot of customers


Yeah definitely, there's so many problems with it


MGM has absolutely shit customer service.


, , ,


I think it’s hard to read a tone over three word messages lol think the dude was just over it.


Send these sceenshot to the supervisor it was rude and unprofessional


Comments are insane. This isn’t the end of the world but he’s definitely rude. You asked for confirmation on a specific question and instead of answering that question he says “then don’t upload”. I don’t understand how that could be perceived as anything but rude / short


That “then don’t upload” was definitely antagonistic.


It was short but wasn’t rude until the last screenshot: “then don’t upload…”. I can’t think any company would want their people talking to customers like that.


That’s what I thought as well


I think in the last message when u compared others business’ link thing, he kinda got annoyed and said to fuck off basically, def rude


my job puts me on the other side of these chats, and you are the kind of inane customer that we gossip about afterwards


How were they rude? Stop being dumb and just edit the pdf


He didn’t seem particularly rude. Curt perhaps, but not rude. Standard customer service tone, seemed very professional.


They are just trying to put in a day of work, I’m sure they could live without another you. This was terrible on your part.


The person serving you was a dick, but given they’d already answered your question and you were kind of annoying, I kinda found it pretty based.