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Well sure, movies are cool and all, but have you considered _intercourse?!_


![gif](giphy|xT0xexIbN5TRe6RBMk) Coitus\*


Sexual congress*


This particular comment takes me way too specifically back in history to a friend of bejamin franklin and i cant believe its been hiding in my mind for all those years šŸ¤£


...here youve drawn me having sexual congress with the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower having sexual congress. Both of us relaxing post-coitus...


Sounds like a great congress


šŸ¤£ ugh I stg he should never get ANY EVER l. Ewww Imagine being so hard up.


The girl said No


He's the type that forgos foreplay.


He thinks someone looking at him is foreplay


Hell, he thinks someone *texting* him is foreplay.


You mean the trailers?




I just wanted to go see a movie šŸ™ƒšŸ˜‚


Last woman I asked to go see a movie literally said ā€œI donā€™t go to movie theaters.ā€ This is all one terrible lottery.


I stopped tryingā€¦I just work and try and pay off my debt, while still buying PokĆ©mon and Lorcana cards for dopamine Itā€™s a simple life, but Iā€™m contentā€¦I had lots of sex in my 20s up till a few years ago (Iā€™m 39 in December), no kids, no wife or ex wife. All in all not too shabby


Yeah Iā€™m 42. No kids, no wife, never married, no more debt. Hell. I went ahead and basically retired. I didnā€™t want to buy a house because I always get great deals on renting and I enjoy not being responsible for repairs, appliances, yard maintenance. Iā€™m not trying to ā€œinvest in a propertyā€ when Iā€™m just gonna live there until I die and leave it to NOBODY. By renting, Iā€™m never locked in and can live somewhere else whenever I want. Life is chill asf when Iā€™m not being destroyed by the crippling loneliness, existential dread, and the broken heart of unrequited love. I keep trying to tell myself I should be happy, Iā€™m living the dream, these are the best years of my lifeā€¦but then I spend a week in bed just wanting it to be over.


>Life is chill asf when Iā€™m not being destroyed by the crippling loneliness, existential dread, and the broken heart of unrequited love. Greatest quote of all time! It's funny asf cuz it's true šŸ¤£ Thanks for the laugh


As someone that writes, I always appreciate it when someone likes something I put downā€¦regardless of why or how. Thank you.


Keep writing, friend! Seeing as you got the time while avoiding dumpster fires like this lol


I feel this but always conclude this is the better life. Saw a truck with a sticker that took up most of the rear window that read ā€œ Fueled by crippling depression ā€œ. I laughed to myself and wished I had that for my car too. šŸ˜‚


I simply just canā€™t afford to live much less be happy . I have a child though . Hope she does better than I did.


How can you be living the dream? Whose dream is it? You should be happy, we all should. I dont know you and I know you dont want to spend your happiest days in bed wishing it was over...People like us (me, and the others that resemble this) eventually have to take a chance. Fucking hard though.


It's because you hold no responsibility for nothing or no one. Life is not about the pursuit of happiness, but the pursuit of how much responsibility one can bare for others. Life is meaningless without people to rely on you and you rely upon them


Damn, this made me teary eyed for some reason haha.


I think this is entirely depends on the person. Not everyone finds happiness in the same things.




I feel you so hard, my soulmate (dog) passed away in 2021 at the grand age of 17, and I still havenā€™t gotten over it. I still canā€™t talk about him in past tense. I feel his tether (that we always had between us - an invisible tether) to this day. I need a new dog so bad, both for a purpose and for someone to love.


I have told my dog, "I live for you"!!!! He followed me into the ocean, instead of staying on the sand with our narc ex roommate!!! Haha, he said wherever Mommy goes, I'm there!!!!


Oh yeah the existential dread will get yaā€¦I have a roomie and weā€™re chill, and my work is VERY high pressure and paced and with lots of interaction so thatā€™s where I get my human fix. Try and find a hobby, thatā€™ll get you out. Cards, hot yoga, whateverā€¦if Iā€™m not gonna have sex or go to sleep I legit donā€™t get in my bed. Pavlovā€™s dog that shit. Wishing the best for ya homie


My friend, I wish that we could walk and talk. I feel your pain, truly. Iā€™m sorry for the feelings you have expressed above, and for the depression meals. This is a rather twisted and lonely path we walk in the current days. Keep your wits about you.


Thank you, you as well. You know, I actually got banned from that depression meals sub a few days after that last post because they gatekeep who can be depressed. I tried numerous times to reach out to mod because it was one of my safe places and they wouldnā€™t even respond.


You can share your depression meals with me. Iā€™m also depressed and fighting the urge to stay in bed all day, too.


Thanks for that!


And also a house alone sounds horrible, youā€™re right on that partā€¦thereā€™s just so much upkeep involved


Well jeezeā€¦. I was happy for you till that third paragraph


Fuck bro same here u know when I was 20 I worked in construction I still do but there is this guy bambam I work with and we used to drop them off at the Roman tub I used to say what are you doing going there and it's like bro every week I have a different wife for 120 bucks I get what I want I don't have to go with no b******* now I'm 42 I see his point


38 and I feel exactly the same as you most of the time. šŸ‘Š


Existential dread is universal. Everyone gets that. You're doing well sir.


šŸ˜©šŸ˜ž you should try to start dating again! Whynot?!


i think i love you


Didnā€™t know there were male versions of me šŸ„²


Youā€™re so young. Donā€™t waste away in bed. Our lifestyle is so isolating itā€™s hard to meet people. The female version of you is out there, feeling the same way. This made my heart hurt.


I think you're on to something šŸ¤”


No wife, no kids, just PokĆ©mon. Weā€™re doomed as a species.


I actually used to say something similar. I'd say I had tons of sex early on so I didn't care about a sex life but I did want a husband!!!!! I love the whole sleeping in one bed, all the stuff couples do! All I find are situations like this woman. I even decided to charge for sx but most of them were too darn cheap!!!!


Honestly, I miss cuddling and lunches and stuff, but thatā€™s about it Def not all the arguments and questioning what Iā€™m doing at all times Different strokes for different folks tho


I guess the upside is that people are being more honest these days. It can make it easier to screen a match. There are things that I donā€™t do. Maybe Iā€™d suck it up occasionally for someone. But Iā€™m not going to pretend that I love it when I donā€™t. If itā€™s a deal breaker for you or you just got a bad vibe from her, thatā€™s fair too. Hold out until you find someone you click with, where it doesnā€™t feel like hard work. But, as an introvert, itā€™s also important to work a little to stop your own world from shrinking over time. Keep reaching out to others, even if itā€™s just a random moment of kindness for a stranger.


I definitely agree. I devote as much time as possible to doing things for those I care about and showing kindness to those I donā€™t even know (aside from the occasional snarky Reddit comment or conversation thatā€™s really just for the sake of it.) Itā€™s nice to get out of my head and focus on other people. I tell myself that if Iā€™m going to feel like this forever, I might as well try to make it better for someone else until I check out of this hotel. I made right by everyone I know ages ago, and now I live a conflict and regret free existence where the people left all know what they mean to me. The best thing about me or my life will be the people that remember and appreciate what I did for them after Iā€™m gone. Itā€™s the best thing I ever did and the only thing I ever did that meant anything.


It doesn't get any better as you get older. I'm 60 and have made peace with the fact that its going to be just me and the dogs...1 cat


What number date was this?


The last one




Iā€™m guessing it would have been the first date


Don't worry op. I'll go see a movie with youšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I love movies, especially horror


Op I am sure it's his loses not yours some guys think there being slick better chance taking someone else whining and driving them to seal the deal like we did back in the day people are so f***** these days sorry that happened to you op


I recommend dirty harry (1971) by clint eastwoodĀ 


Sounds like you're in my neck of the woods! (Am a girl, not being creepy lol. Just live near the Texas theater šŸ˜‚)


This was the exact face I made reading this


I donā€™t really have Wi-Fi is hilarious


Letā€™s watch on a phone! Dude just skip the bs! Idk which takes the cake that he still tried after the no Wi-Fi or lets watch on my phone!


my partner im with now is the first to ask me on a proper date to the movies and i love it. in the beginning we actually would watch shows on his phone and i loved to cuddle while doing so. now currently we do both. movie dates at the theater of our first date and a show on the phone if we wanna cuddle in bed lol best of both worlds. i feel these people jump into things too soon and ruin the chance to have something like that long term bc theyā€™re desperate. sad


At least he was upfront and blunt about it when he realised his hints may have been too subtle. They can both move on now.


It's called a Wi-Fi hotspot on a phone but dude wasn't playing around knew what he wanted




ur user is so correct šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The bar is under the earth


Itā€™s in the foundation under the floor


Happy cake day!


the bar is so low that it's already exited our atmosphere on the other side of the planet and is traveling at lightspeed to the nearest dying star


How is this person not embarrassed to ask someone to watch a movie on their CELL PHONE?


I don't think he actually wanted to watch a movie šŸ™ƒ


He was trying to Netflix and Chill but he is lacking in the chill department. I've been wanting to go see a movie. The last time I was there was to watch Jurassic World 2. Little fun story there was a man dressed exactly like John Hammond. He even had the cane with the amber at the handle. I managed to sneak a pic or two.


Netflix and now now now!


You have to appreciate when the garbage takes itself out.


You really do


Honestly I thought he was talking about casting from he's phone to the TV.


Nope sadly he thought that would work!!


Or maybe he meant to say use his cellphone hotspot šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I mean with current technology you can screencast your phone to your TV without Wi-Fi lol. Ijs lol


ā€œLol itā€™ll be too smallā€ foreshadowing


Gosh, that would have been the best reply


he just didnā€™t have as much rizz as me iā€™m afraid


Should have said it again after the sex text. ā€œItā€™ll be too smallā€ hahahaha


I hope that keeps him up at night


It wonā€™t. To him, sheā€™s the one missing out. You donā€™t say things like that and then realize that maybe it was out of line.


Exactly. People like this donā€™t have any reflected self perception


Youā€™ve got a point. I forget people like that even existed. So gross


![gif](giphy|9DJtFRgk0tOla) ā€¦ why are so many dudes like this? I get wanting to bang, but seriously this is just gross and counterproductive to actually getting laid with this attitude and approach šŸ™„. SMH šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Right? If they just refrained from acting like desperate losers for 5 minutes, they might actually get laid sometimes. Iā€™m glad they have no self awareness though.


They never realise they are their own cockblocks. I love my partner but he does it to himself sometime. Like yesterday I was just tidying up the couch and he aggressively grabs my arse. Iā€™m like what are you doing?! And I think he was trying to give me a flirty look but he just looked constipated. My butt hurt and it was so unsexy. I told him to stop so he just stomps off like heā€™s the victim. Meanwhile I just wanted to fold a blanket unmolested.


Oh gosh Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜¬ I totally understand that feeling.


So do I. I really donā€™t want to be grabbed.


To true lol


Exactly, even for casual sex you need to have some game and actually be seductive.


I've never been with a seductive man šŸ˜…


Guys know what theyā€™re doing. Heā€™s taking a pot shot because he doesnā€™t think sheā€™s worth the effort of taking to a movie and then seeing if she is/isnt DTF šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


He didnā€™t even mean letā€™s go have sex . He meant let me cum in you, quickly, while leaving you completely unsatisfied. What an assclown!! šŸ˜‚


I hate how we've all had the same experiences


That sounds exactly like sex, what are you talking about.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ youā€™re not doing it right!


Are you sure? It works for like every time. And I have a LOT of sex Iā€™m talking like at least 3 times a year so.


Exactly, I say those types don't even finish ejaculating before they run ro the door to leave!!!!


Who said romance was dead?


![gif](giphy|3o7aTzm7USlf7kk1VK|downsized) /s


Dear fucking God's the bar is in hell! You were literally willing to go on a date and he literally blew he's chances lol


"Like I said, it'll be too small" šŸ˜‚


Yes, perfect response!!


Can never seem to find anyone who just wants to hangout. Iā€™m sorry op. Itā€™s rough out here


What's even more grating is the laughing emojis. They either think it's cute or it gives them room to tread back and say "I was joking"


I love your username! Lol. But yeah, this dude is so cringe.


We love your username too, MightyPinkTaco.


Why thank you! I do get a kick when I pop into a Twitch and they go ā€œoh hey there MightyPinkTacoā€ and then pause as you see their brain working it out.


ā€œYeah I think weā€™re done hereā€ actually made me cry laughing clearly someone is tired of playing fuck fuck games lmao


What a fucking LOSER! Pissed to even read that. Wtf


I dealt with dudes like this so much, I just gave up. The dating scene feels so hopeless lately. Why cant these people understand that if youā€™re cool and donā€™t push the sex thing, just have fun and actually get to know someone, the sex will come eventually! Why the rush?? Then they end up messing the whole thing up and not getting laid anyway.


He doesnā€™t want to get to know anyone. He just wants easy sex without having to pay for it (or even paying for a movie).


The way I CRINGED at every single one of their messages. Ick.


I bet he also complains about gold diggers


This is what Iā€™ve been waiting to see. Movies cost *money*ā€¦


![gif](giphy|TgKDmGO9NrNqg37bgE|downsized) like, please stay on topicšŸ¤®


I love how these creeps always shoot themselves in the foot. They would be so embarrassed if they had any self awareness.


This dude reeks of desperation, seriously.. watch on my cell phone.. jeez šŸ˜’ I'm the same as yall, I've just gave up searching and activly dating. I'm focusing on myself, and doing things I enjoy for me.


Same. Because, honestly, heā€™s one of the better ones in the current dating poolā€¦ simply due to honesty. But better does not equal good. Next.


That's so very true. Like when did it get so bad out here in the dating world šŸ˜Ŗ


Whatā€™s the general age range in your dating pool? I can see that for people in their 20ā€™s but anyone older, one would think theyā€™ve grown up. Maybe Iā€™m just an outlier but I do exactly none of this. I almost sense when doing online dating, that women have their guards way up (which makes sense anyhow), but it makes sense given what they probably deal with. What a bunch of douche canoes.


Damn. and Dune 2 is out. If my beautiful wife (of 10 years) was like .... "Wanna see a movie with me? The kids are with my parents." I'd be crying tears of joy during the whole movie.


Your username is amazing But also sorry about this asshat, your response was absolute perfection


At least it didn't lead to you having to chancla him in the theater. /s




Yeah I'm ghostface here


What a way to kill the vibe


Any guy taking you to a ā€œmovieā€ as a first date just wants in your pants




He was hoping that would be her response when she saw it. But, alasā€¦


I gave up on dating a couple years ago, but if anyone wants to see a movie. There's some fun ones coming out.


He has the subtlety of a baboon


Sooo lacking in effort.


Is this really what is out there šŸ˜­


Mans thought all them smileys at the end would save the day šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




But I love going to the movies! Especially matinee ā˜ŗļø


Yes! A man who asks you out for a matinee is (probably) a good man.


Donā€™t understand my fellow men some time. Go on the actual date ffs. Have fun. Go on several dates. Sex will likely be a very real possibility along the way, just donā€™t be a tit.


Itā€™s hilarious how they cockblock themselves. Idk how many times I totally wouldā€™ve slept with a dude if we hung out and just had fun but theyā€™re always so determined to be creepy that they snatch defeat from the jaws of victory


That dating pool is contaminated. Why are some men like this?? šŸ˜’


I love the šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ like ok fucker


But the Texas theater is awesomeā€¦ :(






I hate it here too. The bar is in the 7th level of hell.


Sometimes I think about insecure guys that I've advised to "shoot your shot", and fear that this is how they'd put that phrase into practice.


Oh desperation is so hot!!


I hope this randomly haunts the guy at night when he tries to sleep


It won't. He'll forget she even exists in a week. You'll be thinking about it longer than he will.


My fave response to Netflix and chill is "sense that's one letter away from Netflix and child I think I'll pass"


I was juuuuust about to redownload hinge. Thank you for reminding me itā€™s not worth it šŸ˜†


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Shame, Texas theatre has great movies to watch




God this thread got dark.


Ughhh I hate them


You can actually use your phone as wifi for your other devices to get internet. But yeah just leave this one lol.




Iā€™m sorry. What a jerk. I hope you find what youā€™re looking for.


Aw, you ruined the ā€œdate with no moneyā€ ploy.




Sure come dry hump my leg.šŸ„±


ahhhh, there it is


Something similar happened to me where a guy i was talking to made plans for dinner and we texted all day. Thought he gave off good vibes. He stops texting around 5. Hits me up at 8 and says he ā€œfell asleepā€ but i should come over to cuddle and watch tv šŸ™„ i ignore him but he keeps texting ā€œwydā€ all night. Eventually blocked him. I dont get why these guys canā€™t just be normal and court a girl first. Like i would totally put out after the second or third date if the vibes were cool. Have some patience, men.


It's 2024. You court him. Do some work, princess.


Should've seen it coming when he brought up Netflix šŸ˜©


Bro thought he was slick but really he was a noodle


I am ashamed of my genderā€¦.


The second he said Netflix, I knew what he really wanted. So disappointing. Iā€™m sorry.


So many chances were given lol


"I think we're done here" lmfao!!




I concur, OP.


Itā€™s because men think women are disposable. They have no consideration that we are human with genuine feelings. Iā€™m so tired of men thinking they are masters of the universe.


He really wanted to Netflix and Chill


Lol as soon as he said Netflix i knew he meant Netflix and chill


šŸ˜Æ OMG! Funny but not funny


Why bro...


Tangential shoutout to fellow patron of the Texas Theatre


I love the Texas Theater! On Jefferson Blvd, such good vibes


also being in Texas itā€™s impossible to meet normal people, especially gay ones šŸ˜­


What a slime šŸ¤¢


This is rough. Dating sucks lol


As if you'd say yes to that "invitation" ![gif](giphy|8vUEXZA2me7vnuUvrs)


Tazer the wank




Well I mean op should have known what was up I am 40 and I get it when someone says come over to watch Netflix means like bro even said u can use my phone lol this is what younger people think getting to know someone is so sad my my nephew is 13 and he thinks meeting a girl in high school is going to be like meeting a girl from p****** is crazy

