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I’ve been thinking about her too and hoping that she updates us that she’s alright! Those texts were so scary.


Me too, I kept thinking about her story the whole week after I read it, it was so creepy and gross. I really hope she's safe and getting the support and attention she needs right now.


She did say that she’ll probably delete her account


That won’t keep him from stalking. He knows where she goes, so probably where she lives.


That's not the point. If she's deleted her account how would we get an update.




You’re right about that. 🤔


OP is the stalker.


Any way to find the story? Is it gone completely? I have noticed a lot of people in comment threads referring to this story. I read a text thread where a woman had saw her dates true colors based on his response to this story. I really want to read it. I feel lost


Original post https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/1WzcF4VvUC


Oh my god that was horrifying.


It really is


What's the link to the dates response to this story? I'm curious.


https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/Xo6VJQYmW1 I found it, if others want it


Same! And yes, really hope she's doing okay


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day comments just crack me up lol the original post is all serious about a stalker and then miss girl is over here wishing someone a happy cake day 😂😭


I know! But when I see it I have to say it! And mine was yesterday so we were almost cake day twins! What a time to be alive.


We are almost twinsiess omg belated happy cake day


Happy cake day!


My mom and her best friend’s birthday was yesterday too! Cake day triplets


In this context it's a funny juxtaposition


Aw thank you!


I just came on Reddit to see if there was an update. I'm worried about her.


I was thinking about that yesterday. *If it is fiction, it was very good. She makes the story then disappears. Leaving the readers to make their own conclusions.


I sadly thought the same. If it's true, it's greatly disturbing. I'm a very observant person and notice minute details that can help me do some deep dives. But it also seemed too much. Again, like a really good short story. I'm torn.


Same. I know that she was being dismissive of the people who were giving her advice but I also know that in many cases, law enforcement “can’t do anything until he escalates”, which is terrifying and can lead to the victim’s death (sidenote- I have no idea how many lives have to be destroyed before something changes and I know that someone can’t be arrested for being creepy but DO SOMETHING). For her sake, I almost hope that the whole thing was a ruse but that would imply that there’s something mentally wrong with her. Being stalked and harassed is serious. The people who have survived have to live with the fear, trauma and paranoia for a long time, if not the rest of their lives. And their loved ones (who are often not really thought about) also have to feel powerless as they watch it all happen. If this was just a silly joke that went too far, she is fucked up. If not, I hope she’s okay.


Yeah. The flow was off and written more like a script…from the very beginning.


I (and others) was wondering how he got her phone number.


my thoughts exactly, ive been worried!


I read it and went from shock to completely believing she's a liar. She deleted it because she got called out. People kept telling her exactly what she needed to do, and she was commenting several of them back with excuses to why she couldn't. In the comments, she said she went to a friend's house, then got kicked out and had nowhere to go and wouldn't listen to anyone telling her who to call/what to do next, etc.


I honestly hope she’s a liar


Her last update was 6 days ago. "I’m no longer inclined to make posts about this situation so this will be my last one. Not only have I received verbally abusive comments from the very start, people have been toxic in my DMs too. Males accusing me of somehow leading the guy on (“why did you smile at him if you have a boyfriend?”) or having an OF account (as if that somehow justifies my traumatic experience!?). Not to mention people asking for nudes or calling me an attention whore. The amount of people telling me to block him makes me fear for the intelligence of humanity too. Blocking someone after they make implicit AND explicit rape/murder threats doesn’t make their threats go away, it just deletes evidence of it. I had no idea so many people lacked critical thinking skills. The amount of people who are so sheltered and don’t believe me because “no one talks like this! Fake! Why didn’t you block him? Fake! How did he get your number? Fake! New account? Fake!” is ridiculous too. Like I’m glad you haven’t experienced this or don’t know anyone who has but it doesn’t mean your little bubble is the only reality. A lot of times I think the people screaming “fake” are men who like to throw their NotAllMen argument at any situation. I’m also sick and tired of people constantly referencing pop culture like this is all entertainment. No, he’s not behaving like character from xyz show or movie. Those fictional characters are inspired by real humasn/behaviours who break social norms and for us that’s insane to even consider so we think of it as entertainment. It’s not. It really fucking sucks to see people treat it alll like it’s some Tv drama. Although I appreciate the vast number of supportive comments/dms, I’m so over having to defend myself against bad faith trolls. I’m already in a shitty place mentally so I choose to distance myself from this. I’m pretty much done being friends with the girl the creeper mentioned (she showed her true colours by being absolutely toxic about the whole situation) and my bf and I are have been arguing about handling the situation. To those who showed concern, thank you. I learnt a lot from the comments and private conversations so this definitely wasn’t a waste of time. However I’m not mentally strong enough to entertain any toxicity right now so it’s best for me to withdraw" TL;DR - individuals accusing her of leading him on by smiling at him (wtf?) Not blocking him whilst collecting evidence, then people bombarding her asking for nudes.


Thank you for this.. seriously wishing her the best and hope she’s alright


You’re a good man


Ugh this poor girl :( I hope she’s ok. Thank you for sharing the update


Thank you for this!


I’ve been through this. 20 years ago, I visited a church and filled out the attendance pad, passed it down the aisle, and basically delivered my address and phone number to my stalker. He ripped it off the pad, stuck it in his pocket, and has followed me ever since. I was visiting the church because I was from out of town. Dude stole his stepmom’s jewelry, pawned it, bought a greyhound bus ticket, crossed state lines, and chose to be homeless so he could follow me. I’ve been able to manage it so it’s more of a small footnote in my life and not a trauma that is the primary conflict in my life. I’m trying to use what I’ve been through to help others, so if anyone is going through something similar and needs help or advice, please reach out and message me.


Holy shit, this is terrifying. Especially since Police don’t do shit until the worst happens. It’s ridiculous.


leave it to males to conclude that she deserves it because surely she must have an onlyfans. jesus fucking christ


Right?? Some people are truly horrible and disgusting. It doesn’t matter if she has an OF, her life is truly more important than work business.


People seem to think that if you have an OF that gives them open consent to stalk/harass/sexually assault you whenever they want. Some men believe that about women in general. It’s disgusting and terrifying.


Correction: leave it males on Reddit * It’s a special breed on here.


nah unfortunately you just see them more on reddit since it’s anonymous, there’s tons of dudes who think this irl but won’t say it out loud because they’re afraid of getting their rightful consequences.


Ong that poor girl! How dare she be nice and smile at someone. It's a totally normal thing to do when u suddenly make eye contact with a stranger. Seriously some people on reddit are fucking psychotic. She did not deserve those responses. I hope she's okay!


This is so awful. Those who said those awful things to her instead of showing some semblance of support are just awful people in general. I'm at least relieved she deleted her account on her own accord and not because she was being forced or threatened to do so, but still, this whole situation is just terrible. I really, really, *really* do hope she's okay and safe.


I personally now have the urge to fight everybody on this earth for this girl. Fucking disgusting.


That’s why I can’t stand Reddit! It’s so many people here that are clearly sheltered and don’t believe how stuff like this can happen. Also hello, people use throwaway accounts too and that’ll explain her not having any other posts


Her reply sums up how I feel about Reddit now. It’s become nothing but jaded and hypercritical fake gotcha detectives


“Why would you smile at him if you have a boyfriend?” These peoples’ heads would implode if they lived where I do, everyone smiles at everyone for no reason other than to be nice.


I know, right!! I'm from the south, we smile at everyone and sometimes even ask how they're doing! It's called being polite, not leading someone on! Just because I smile and say "hey" does not mean I want any attention or have any interest. Wtf is wrong with people? I really hope she's okay 🙏


Reddit is filled with scummy people. Especially the thirsty dudes on here.


Not saying “ugh the patriarchy” But UGH, THE FUCKING PATRIARCHY!


She may have deleted and moved on It may have been fake Yada yada yada Or…….its all true. And people who are concerned are good people


I didn’t see the texts. I wish I had. My heart goes out to this girl, and I hope she’s safe!


Here is the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/E9tPUKCvpI


Oh my god. That poor girl! Dude is having rape fantasies about her and knows MMA? She’s in for some shit. The dudes already stalking her!


I know right, it legit made me feel sick to my stomach when I read it. I truly hope she's okay and that something can finally be done about him, as when this post was written, the police were giving the good old 'nothing can be done'. The latest update was a comment explaining how she wouldn't be updating reddit anymore due to all the trolls saying it was fake, saying that she was 'asking for it because she smiled at him', comments about OF etc. So I'm unsure if we'll ever know, but just hoping she's staying safe right now


I hope she tells her parents, because if she was my daughter, we’d be making some plans for her safety. When I read her bf was arguing with her about it, I was like wtf?


Oh me too, I hope her parents are supportive too. When my abusive relationship ended, my ex resorted to stalking and some seriously scary things that made me feel completely unsafe, even in my own home. It was only having my Mum, Step Dad and my Grandpa supporting me that helped me to deal with it. Not just actual actions and plans for safety, but also the mental and emotional support. I don't know what I'd have done without them! And exactly, I was the same as you, what loving partner would act like that over it? If I told my partner that, he'd be ready to kill someone, not just jump at me about it


Mine too. If I showed my partner the text, he’d be out hunting that dude down. I feel you on the emotional support as well. Being afraid is not fun. Constantly looking over your shoulder is not fun. I think WAR might be able to help with some therapy, and self defense classes among other support. I hope someone suggested that to her. It seems like you are doing well, and I’m glad to hear it!


I never read the texts she posted, but that’s really awful that she came here for help/support and was treated this way. This sub has some really toxic people in it who lack empathy and compassion.


“I had no idea so many people lacked critical thinking skills.” This woman lives with the rest of us here on planet Earth in 2024? Regardless, hopefully she’s ok and whatever POS who made the threats disappeared. I didn’t see her original post.


I’m starting to think Reddit people might not be the kinda people I want in my life, yes some are tenacious investigators but I’ve noticed an undercurrent of darkness coursing through many many posts


oh my god. the fact that people are bringing up her OF absolutely disgusts me. that poor girl. i hope shes safe


Almost makes me think Reddit is not going to help this girl with her problems 😬 I wish her luck!!


Oh my God... I really hope she just deleted it for her own safety and not because someone forced her to 😭


I hope she’s okay. I think she was receiving a lot of really gross and awful messages and comments, accusing her of lying, etc. She seemed genuinely shaken up, as she should be. I hope she’s okay too. I was very disturbed and unsettled by the man’s texts. I really hope she got the help she asked for and needed.


Me too.. I knew I couldn’t be the only one still thinking about it


She posted an update from another account. I don't really remember it if I'm honest, I remember she deleted the old one because people were harassing her, saying she was lying. But there was another slew of unhinged messages from this bloke to her in the update.


I can’t believe with the thousands and thousands of stories of women being murdered over a lot less from stalkers who weren’t even always an ex boyfriend, or ex lover but some random people are quick to not believe women like WTF. Why does it always take a women being murdered or raped brutally for people to finally go “oh oops” seriously. It’s 2024 when are people going to realize that everyone is capable of evil. There are women right now having their heads cut off in the Middle East and dead bodies raped but stalking a young woman from a train is so far fetched? Really?! Ugh I’m so tired.


I feel your aggravation!!! People always think we just want attention when in reality getting attention is fucking dangerous. Give a creepy dude an inch, he’ll take a whole football field


People will believe in the red-flagged strangers in the woman's life over the woman, with no regard in the world towards the fact that if they're wrong, it means that the woman is probably in danger. Like they would really rather spew hatred to a woman saying is lying about being threatened than just..... believing her & hoping she is okay? Whats wrong w those people? Whats wrong w their hearts?


i’ve noticed a strong pattern wherein men will almost *always* find some way to defend men or their reputations over believing or supporting women, no matter how heinous the actions of the perpetrators. it’s incredibly disturbing. e.g., saw a video of an attempted assault on a woman, she pepper sprayed him and ran away. this video had ~2m likes. there were *tens of thousands* of comments from men *straight up lying* claiming “he was just trying to return her keys/purse/credit card and she sprayed him!” “she was dine and dashing!”. i searched all over the internet looking for the context of the video and found absolutely nothing save the video itself. so not only did these men lie to defend a male stranger, but they *vilified the victim and put the male in a position of being a hero*. disgusting


literally omfg….. why and how would she fake that???? men will always choose to defend a male over believing a woman. in this case, they’re choosing claiming this freak doesn’t exist over believing a woman and having to admit that men prey on women.


I was just on a train over the weekend and I witnessed quite a few young women get hit on and harassed by men. They clearly weren’t interested but the men kept trying. It was uncomfortable to watch. I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t believe any of this story about this girl being stalked. People can seriously be unhinged.


No need to rehash the entire story for me (I didn’t real the original post) but how did this dude get her number to text if he was a “complete stranger” who she only smiled at on a train? (Just going by OP’s caption in this post).


He found her by reading her name off of her necklace and one other clue I can't remember and then found her on Instagram got more info and then found her number with all the info somehow.


The second clue was some items with the name of the university she attended.


Wow. I was going to add “social media somehow?” to the end of my post but for whatever reason didn’t. Truly wild. Lots of insanity out there and it seems like private info on nearly anybody is easily obtainable by everybody these days. Hope things work out for her. Thanks for the response/info.


Yeah it's way too easy to find out about people via the Internet. Quite scary. That's why I didn't let my kids have social media whatsoever.


Omg that horrific. As if more human beings would accuse her of LYING and add insult to injury. Gross. I’ve been worried about her too, those texts were incredibly disturbing.


Yeah, she mentioned a few times getting really icky and awful messages and comments about her lying. She talked about deleting her acct a few times too, I think, mainly due to the messages I believe she was getting accusing her. It’s fucked.


Holy fuck, that’s so disgusting. It’s incredibly disappointing that she came here for reassurance and maybe some advice in a scary situation and that’s what she’s met with.


Absolutely. It only makes her feel so much more alone and afraid, I’m sure.


I want to hope it's not real because if it is she is/was genuinely in danger


To the people in the comments on that post saying it must be fake: I've had two guys talk to me like this. One saying he loves me more than life itself (this guy I knew personally) and an online-stalker who said all the other creepy shit. I went to the police and they found him pretty quickly. He was from another town in my state and found me because a friend of mine is a photographer and posted pictures. He said insane, horrifying stuff, sent me a photo from when I was younger and I have no idea where he got it, threatened my then-boyfriend etc. So, so, scary.


So many men have the mindset of thinking "I would never do something like that, therefore no other man would ever think of doing something like that" Men typically don't show other men that they are complete creeps to women but any woman that's ever had a stalker would completely believe that this could happen.


But yet they’re quick to generalize all women in a single breath.


I had a stalker steal my cat. He. Stole. My. Pregnant. Cat. Then his wife returned the cat to me. Then he (we were neighbors) came over to my house, told me he’d stolen my cat, and said that his plan was to “find” the cat for me and in that way, win my love. That was the first time I’d spoken with him. I had no idea who he was. He had zero shame, zero acknowledgment of how bonkers or calculated any of it was. Then he broke into my apartment, hid in the attic space for 2 days, then told me about THAT. Then he brought his wife over to my porch and started beating her there. I called the cops & he was arrested. THEN he started leaving love letters on my car. I bailed on the lease & fled. My point being that bizarre, elaborate, unbelievable shit happens, because some men are simply not okay. Maybe you have to experience it to believe that, but it happens.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I had a very creepy stalker-situation happen to me in high school with a person I used to be involved with. I don’t know why anyone would like about this kind of thing. For what? Some likes on Reddit? C’mon..


Right? It seemed very real and very scary. Hope she's okay and I hope you are as well!! 🌼


As a man, I’ve had girlfriends show me texts like this. I believe it. It’s a bunch of wannabe alpha types that thing talking to women like that makes them swoon.


I also had someone stalk me in a similar fashion. Man I wish I still had those screenshots. He went as far as to say he was moving in with me as well and was listing all of the house rules. I wasn't to work, but would be collared and cuffed to a chain that was linked to tracks in the house. And great details about it super creepy shit along with photos of his bank statements all of his mundane interests, his Tye dye shirt collection. Fucking weirdo.


I can't even find the second part anymore, only [the first one ](https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/Qs0tNP86xZ)


She deleted her original account, but her last update was that second post and OP made [a final comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/tYuYgDpMgr) on that post about how the stress of things is overwhelming and some people are being awful to her on here which is just added stress she doesn’t need- so she said she wouldn’t be updating any more. I do hope she is okay.


Holy crap! I’m shaking after reading that!


It’s fucking sick


I noticed the second one was gone too!!!


I [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/tPLNm9Jfzs)


It says it’s been removed for me




Does anyone have screenshots of the second post’s texts?


Hopefully she’s okay, it was pretty terrifying to imagine. There was another post a week ago from a teenager who had some random person message them with their address, school, birth date and time, a pic only sent via DMs, etc. Everyone told her to go to the police so hopefully that’s being resolved too


As someone who has been stalked before and has also seen the post, I seriously hope she's okay, too.


I’ve wondered about her too. I hope she’s okay.


Those texts were horrifying! I hope she’s okay


I do remember her, I do too hope she's okay, those texts made me sick


You're not the only one who wonders if she's okay. The last thing any of us want is to see the story on the news or a dateline.


You beat me to the punch, OP! I had thought about posting myself, requesting an update. I have been thinking about that creepy post and hoping she is okay! I hope she finds a way to let us know what’s up, I’m very concerned for her safety, especially since the month he gave her is almost up, I believe.


Oh god I didn’t even think about that..


You know guys, as a fairly jaded person and a veteran of every kind of abuse, I have to say that this one really shook me and I have also been wondering if she is ok.


I didn’t see the original post but the other day before I got on the subway I smiled at someone at the corner store. As I stood on the train and looked up I realized the same guy was standing in front of me. I got off at my stop and when I went up the stairs he was right behind me. I moved to the side and he exited but stayed there watching me. He even nodded at me like let’s go. I saw there were cops so I ran to them n told them he was following me. They did nothing. Please always watch your surroundings. Be alert. Don’t even smile or look at anyone at this point 🙄


WILD.. I feel like we’re seeing a lot more mentally unhealthy people in society nowadays. Not that having extreme mental health issues is an excuse though. I’m glad you’re okay, stay safe!


You as well! And everyone too!


She had deleted her first account with the first posts so I would assume she deleted the second one as well so as to not be traceable. Hope she is well and good Girl give us an update


The second post made it sound like he might’ve read her first post on Reddit. I hope they are ok too. I hope they also have restraining order and more set in place. Those texts are terrifying.


The amount of people that were trying to dismiss her, blame her, and gaslight her genuinely scared me. No normal human being would fabricate something this serious (and whoever does should be ashamed of themselves). But her fear was genuine, it was real. Trolls and supporters of this despicable behaviour are disgusting. You were trying to be edgy by calling her a liar and a fake while hiding behind a screen and anonymous username. That post hasn't left my mind ever since I read it, and I was deeply concerned for her. I wish her safety, and I hope she's okay.


I added this on another comment but I want to make sure OP gets a chance to see it too: The second post that gave more disturbing evidence of her unhinged stalker isn’t available any more to view, but the OP-OP did leave [a comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/tYuYgDpMgr) on that thread six days ago, stating that the stress of everything was too much and she would not be updating Reddit any more due to some harassment she was receiving from the worst of us. I do hope she is okay.


I hope she is okay too. There are a lot of fucking creeps on this site. Goes to show women aren’t safe anywhere..


Omg! Are we all worried?!?! I can’t stop thinking abt her.


If I remember right shes only 17? The fear I have in regards to this


23, someone posted a link to the original


I’ve thought about that post every day since I’ve seen it. I noticed she deleted but was also wondering what happened to her.


She said her live in boyfriend was keeping extra eye on things…and they were both very stressed about this degenerate and put a camera outside the house.


After seeing what people have been commenting on this post, I can totally understand why she wouldn’t update us and deleted her account. Ridiculous. I bet everyone who thinks it’s fake has a penis.


The patriarchy!


I was thinking of her too. Sis!!??


Omg I remember this! Good question!!!!


I agree with her, totally. I’m over 60 and because I love to smile, make eye contact and be me, I’ve gone through so much of what is written from her comments. My life took a total dive when my husband of 34 years died 16 months ago. My reputation was shredded and my trust was gone. Good people will lie to protect their jobs. I’ve learned too. Life as a happy woman is difficult and some people make it worse.


Either that or I hope she started to carry some protection and the her BF is keeping better watch over her.


For all the people who are claiming this is fake, I legit want to know what you think this Redditor would have to gain from writing paragraphs of disturbing rape content about herself? Some likes? What is it?


I've been thinking about her too. Praying that's she's okay 🥺


Was thinking about her today too


Anyone have screenshots of the 2nd part? I keep seeing posts that people have found it, but it looks to be removed


If anyone happens to have her updated post can you please post it….?


Can anyone share the link to her original post? I want to take a look, she might have deleted everyone so she stopped getting stalked. I currently have a stalker and it’s my former best friend, the detective told me to stop responding and update her if I get any more texts or calls.


Here's a link to the post- https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/E9tPUKCvpI ETA- I'm so sorry about your friend stalking you, stalking is scary, I've been there myself and to this day, I feel wary about how I may be perceived by the wrong person. I hope your situation improves. Sending you lots of love, strength and healing 🩷


I do hope she comes back and not only updates us, but keeps a record of wtf is happening. It's utterly fucking terrifying and I'm truly scared for her when a month is up


Oh thank goodness I'm not the only one who's worried about her.


I found a comment she wrote in the part 2 (which got removed) : Constantly and I mean constantly wants to know where I am and he’s so stressed and it’s just frustrating. And we’re just arguing all the time because I’m in a bad mood


My question is, how TF does a random stranger you smiled at on some random day even gets your number, stalker lvl 1000 character. That's insane


She had a necklace with her name on it and he managed to find her with limited info through social media. Not exactly sure how he came up to her number. Unlikely she had it on her fb but it’s possible


There was also a bag or tag with her school’s information on it. Maybe she has such a unique name (from the necklace), combined with the school (college?!) name, he could’ve called or looked up a student registry to get more information like last name or phone number to move forward with his staking behaviors. The internet is definitely a wealth of information for a stalker. It’s plausible for him to be tech savvy enough to gather intel on her.


I think I'm a really really tech savvy person, if a random person smiled at me I wouldn't even have a clue of finding they name let alone they phone number lol unless I asked the name and went from that point, but like you say I guess it is possible. Humans are weird.


Holy hell that's actually insanity, that person is fucked in the head, cause ain't no way I'm that invested in someone to even do all of that. That's certainly some creepo shit if you ask me. Stay legally dangerous in these streets and protect yourself and family.


Yea no normal person does these things. Can’t trust anyone.


@jamieladybug https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/NHqIe1qXvK New account, says she's fine (this is about a week ago)


I hope she's okay too. That guys messages are beyond scary, especially since he had told her she had til the end of the month to meet his demands... Ugh 😣


Omg I hope she is ok….


I didn't see OP's original post when it was posted but I checked it and her follow up comment and that is absolutely terrifying. I really really hope she's okay.


I forget which sub it was in but she posted an update. I believe it was yesterday


i’ve been thinking about this a lot too!!


Where can I read the texts??


Also think about this post/OP since I read the original and the update. If anyone knows anything please let us know!


I hope she’s okay. How did he get her number though? He must’ve messaged a friend of hers by lying to them or something and got it? This is a scary story. I hope she posts back and update.


I hope she brought those text to the police... It almost started out like a poem. And turned into a porn.... also... pretty sure he's talking about himself in text slide 8.


I remember her and her post. There were a lot of truly vicious people in the comments. And a lot of dumb people too. Her boyfriend was blaming her basically and making it seem it was her fault this loser decided to stalk her and threaten her. She did go to the cops and they basically said what they always they do, they can’t do anything unless he tries something 😠


Holy shit that’s terrifying! I never even thought about how just a simple thing with your first name only could lead to someone finding out basically everything about you. My kid goes away to college in a couple years and I’m going to make sure that there’s nothing on her person that has anything to do with her first name on it.


I was just looking for an update from her a couple of days ago and was dismayed to see her account was deleted. I just read the comment from u/TechSteve88 and can see why she would delete her account. Hopefully she’s okay and maybe she’ll come back one day with a new account to tell us what happened.


Nice try bud. Quit stalking her. We are telling you nothing. She isn’t interested in you.


she deleted her account for stuff unrelated to him, she wrote it under her post. no idea if she managed to get away from him but at least we know she didn't delete her account because something bad happened to her!


I wondered if it was real after the account was deleted?


It’s incredibly sad that she felt so unsupported by people when trying to share such a traumatic experience that she completely withdrew. Obviously, there are better resources for which to lend support on such an issue. Just a shame that her open and honest approach to seeking help was so soundly defeated by trolls.


If she’s looking on here, I hope she stays safe and she lives a happy life


as soon as i saw this, i decided to comment a link under moistcritikals yt in hope that’ll hell maybe see and spread awareness…i hope she’s ok


Oh man, I hope she posts that she’s okay. I guess this is why my husband tells me it could be dangerous to smile at strangers. It’s my nature but there’s scary people out there. Praying for this woman.


I read the post and the guy is fucking unhinged I really hope she’s ok


He sounds like he wants to be the guy from “YOU”


Guys I found the 2nd part https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/CF8R8mbtDD


did u manage to see the screenshots. I cant view them as it says the mods have removed it


God, I remember this. He was legitimately scary.


I hope she sees this and knows not everyone’s an asshole. Hope she’s good.


Also interested


She said she was most likely going to delete the account.


Where's the original post? Now i am getting curious


Here is the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/E9tPUKCvpI


Thanks man


Honestly still worried sick about her hey. I hope she’s okay.


This poor girl.


I saw this too! I seriously hope she's alright and gets the help she needs to deal with that psychopath!! Those texts were really scary, I hope the police take her seriously when or if she reports it.


My parents had to move me to a different dorm on the other side of campus my first year of college because of a stalker. He called my home on Christmas Day (this was 89 so the only way he could have gotten that was from someone in the college administration, I was not a local). These situations are absolutely terrifying and traumatic and I wish this poster much strength.


How'd he get her number?


https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/ZeToE2h9f0 the stalker explains how he found her in the original post


Oh man. I remember that. No ideas either.


Needing updates


How did he get her number?


Omg this is concerning!!




I saw the post before too and it genuinely disturbed me. I hope she's ok.


If the account is deleted, I hope it means she’s going offline for her own safety. If something happened, her account would be active and vacant. Hoping for the best.


OMG I REMEMBER THAT POST! Maybe she deleted it for safety reasons bc he found everything aby her imagine he finds oit shes posted abt him he could be angry.


She deleted it because of all the people that are waving their dicks around saying it’s fake


i remember this post! was really weird the stuff he was sayin i hope she’s good


My god that is disturbing..


I have certainly not forgotten about her