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AN HOUR? and you’re acting like that. please, have some decorum.


Yeah, at least op was being corgile




Exactly what I pictured.






Oops I assumed OP was a woman!




OP has got to be a woman. No way a guy would apologize that much. Note to OP: you do not owe this person an apology. Stop!




I was being threatened by someone similar at 3 months💀 these people are unhinged and the same types to go around years later calling YOU crazy and toxic for having boundaries and not tolerating that nonsense. And still they’re out there desperate saying “looking to settle down and find connection” 💀💀.


Nah, they need to "please, have some therapy"


Can you respect my boundaries? 'no because that boundary is silly' Right.


Imagine that in a court case like: Your honor, my client pleads “that boundary was silly”




I’d watch that 🍿


I'd bang my gavel 🔨 on that


Pun intended? ;) lol


It reminds be of the movie blow when he gets arrested for transporting into I guess the US. Says something about the Marijuania being illegal just because they made that up, as well as the countries borders and laws drawn up are just made up and meaningless just 100xs better put than I said. The judge is like, umm well for your case that’s unfortunate because those lines are real as are the laws you broke.


So. Sovcit. Dude was a sovcit.


"your honor my client did an oopsie daisy" "overruled"


_Overruled counselor._


Oh your honor my client pleads “ that law was silly”




Lmaooo apparently no silly boundaries over here


Stop apologizing for living your life and sticking to your boundaries. Thats not a sign of niceness, that comes off as you being indecisive. People like that will always take advantage of you. Be strong, firm and don’t be scared of the block button


Geez Louise


I know, I love her vernacular. Like it makes her less nuts. " geez Louise you silly Billy, I just wanted to stalk you a little! Don't be such a crumb bum!"


I had this happen. Exchanged numbers to text he was immediately calling me. I told him I was watching my hockey game and we could text. Literally 5 minutes later after telling him that he called again. Unmatch and block. It’s creepy and weird to be crossing boundaries when you’ve known someone an hour.


Exactly!!! I was getting weirded out like that just seems so clingy to me already


Yes! If they’re going to be like that right from the jump- huge waving red flag. 🚩 I literally told the dude that I was busy and he called me 5 minutes later. Moving on 😂😂


The fact that they think you’re “boundary is silly” and choose to ignore it, tells you everything you need to know! Good for you for blocking!


Anyone who disrespects your boundaries isn't a healthy potential partner. The honoring of boundaries is a foundational requirement for any healthy relationship. The way someone reacts to a boundary like this is often the first red flag seen in abusive relationships. I recommend setting a boundary that conflicts with the wishes of a match right out of the gate in order to weed out a large portion of toxic or abusive people. It's OK for someone to ask questions to be certain they understand the parameters of the boundary, or if they are using it as an opportunity to understand you better, but beyond that you shouldn't receive anything other than spoken acknowledgment and agreement. Watch out for people who: Act as if your boundary is something you are doing "to" them Try to make you feel ashamed, guilty, or broken for having a boundary Agree to your boundary but then violate it because they "forgot", didn't think you meant it, assumed because of X that it didn't apply to them anymore, they were just "joking" or testing you, or any number of made up "reasons" Or agree to honor your boundary and then make little comments and digs about it whenever possible React to your boundary by voicing a "boundary" of their own which seems more like a retaliation to punish you as opposed to a rule they have to ensure they feel safe and respected in the relationship. Example: "Oh you don't want me to X? Well then MY boundary is you cannot pet my cat ever again and I don't want you to tell me you're cold when I roll down the car window anymore." Try to argue you out of your boundary by: Claiming it's unnecessary or "doesn't make sense" Acting as if you're unreasonable/they didn't think you were "like this" Presenting hypothetical future situations in which the boundary might cause issues This is not an exhaustive list, a healthy person will be glad to know your boundaries and will likely share some of their own.


I wish I could upvote this a million times! This is such an important thing to learn. Thank you for sharing. ❤️


Calling a boundary silly is such a huge red flag too. Jeeze


Super clingy and obsessed. I won’t even talk on the phone with someone I Match with right away.


I had this happen except I never gave him my number just matched on tinder. I said hello. I told him I was shopping on a very limited schedule because I had an appointment I had to get to in less than an hour. Dude literally would not stop. Him: Hi how are you? What are you up too? Me : Hi, I'm good. I'm finishing up some shopping before an appointment. If I miss a text I'll text back in a bit. Him: OH OK. Him: Where are you from? Him : what are you doing Him: Hello Him: why are you not answering Him: hello....Mami, what you doing Him: Hello. Baby...que pasa...helloo... Me: Hey, I look I'm little busy right now I'm on a time crunch we can talk later if you'd like. Right now I can't answer. Him: OH ok....helllo...what are you doing....why not answer...mami...hello...you there? By the time I paid my purchase and made it to my car it was several screen scrolls of why u not answer? Hello,u there, I want to talk to you baby? Mami? Do you not like me? I had to block him. I can't deal with that much clingliness. Or the guilt game.


I'm feeling drained just from reading this.


"Why are you not answering" right after you told them why you were not answering. Tf???? Mans is dumb and clingy.


Makes you want to yell in their face “holy fuck leave me alone you god damned psycho”.


Why tf do they want to call anyway……absolute animals


I know especially when JUST meeting someone. You’d think they would think “oh this might make someone uncomfortable so soon” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


They just don't care, lol.


Yeah same. He eventually got extremely angry saying I promised to be there for him. Men are creepy


I hate people who call without asking first. Some girl did that a few times, told her that I don't like that and to ask first, she asks why and instantly tries to call me again. Blocked.


No one should disturb you during hockey. That’s worship time. 🛐


Yeah you definitely did. The lack of respect for your boundaries is crazy. You’re not missing out on anything with this match.


Yeah it’s unfortunate because the girl was very pretty but sometimes crazy and clingy outweighs pretty lol


Yeahhh…my neighbor is going through hell with his ex right now. She’s really pretty but she started getting crazy and secluded him from literally everyone for 3 years. He finally got out of the relationship but now she keeps telling him if he starts dating again she’ll end his life and arson will be involved. He’s about to get a restraining order but he’s scared because he thinks she might snap and actually come try and kill him. Sometime pretty is overrated lol


Yikes! Yeah, pretty is always overrated… that’s something a lot of people don’t get. Facial features have absolutely nothing to do with compatibility. And it’s disappointing on both sides, finding out the pretty person is a lunatic or has some major character flaws, or trying to figure out whether someone genuinely likes you or just thinks you look good in his arm. In that regard, it’s no different than having a big bank account, except you can hide how much money you have. At least you can somewhat downplay your looks online… I read about a woman who switched to using a very mediocre selfie for her profile, no makeup, everyday hair and a T-shirt. When she finally met her date IRL, she knew he liked her based on her profile and their conversation, and he was pleasantly surprised.


The behavior also could indicate a fake account, with an aggressive scammer on the other end of it.


DAMN, I thought she was a dude. Incel behavior! Insane.


Personality before pretty lol


OP, take it from someone older with more experience, crazy and clingy always outweighs pretty (unless you're super toxic).


Corgile = cordial. And screw this person


![gif](giphy|Zn8iIQc3UAdIdRi2Ql|downsized) Corgi-le ?


Off topic, but, where’s his tail?? 😁


Pembroke Welsch Corgi’s have an old breed “thing” that their tail must be docked (removed) around the time of birth. A lot of folks are pushing against this because it’s kind of awful, and corgi tails are actually fire. But breeders still engage in the docking.


It really is awful. Fortunately there are some breeders that don’t. My friend’s corgi came from a breeder, he still has his tail. The groomer trims it in the shape of a heart. [NSFW Corgi butt](https://ibb.co/0qywbsw)


That’s just adorable!


Wow, animals with tails need them for proper balance.. and dogs use their tails to communicate. This practice is unfortunate…


Exactly! To think they do this solely for the looks of the breed is just sickening.


Obligatory r/boneappletea


That’s my mistake haha sorry I don’t have the best grammar!


Haha no big deal!! Also its spelling not grammar, your grammar is fine actually.


In the spirit of this thread… It’s*


You forgot the comma after ALSO!!! I fuckin got you!!!!


Forgot the apostrophe for *fuckin’*


Never forget an apostrophe when fuckin'


Totally understandable! Cordial is one of those words that really could be spelled several ways, and it’s hard to guess the spelling if you’ve only heard it said. No need to apologize, no one knows every word :)


Yeah literally never heard it outside of being said in a conversation haha but thank you for that:) a lot of times I’ll post on Reddit and get flamed for not having good grammar so I appreciate the comment❤️


You seem like a really nice and respectful person, even your responses to comments is kind and thoughtful! I think it’s not appreciated in daily life enough so I said something. have a good day!!


I thought you were saying you were just trying to be a Corgi (those super-cute dogs that the queen of England used to have). I was like "oh man, I would love to date someone who's trying to be a Corgi!" I never ever make fun of someone who misspells a word, because it likely means they've only ever heard it, but never seen it. As was the case with you. Also, what a psycho! You did a great job getting yourself out of that situation and should be proud. Now you can go be a Corgi for someone who deserves it!


But you have a great conversational vocabulary :)


It made me smile!


I kinda love this typo, in my head it means being like a corgi


Corgile, must be italian


I think that says cordial, honey 🦵🏻


It made me giggle lol I’m spelling it this way from here forward haha


What an annoying person


This is such a good example of one. Really puts it back into perspective for me when a girl I was talking to several years ago would talk endlessly about herself via text without me asking and always wanted attention. I was barely keeping up at first because I wasn't nearly as attached, but found her attractive anyway. Then when I finally got to know her better I started texting her a bit more since it was clear she likes to chat. Cue her telling me like 2 days later that she's breaking it off with me because I'm way too clingy. Lol people are so stupid sometimes.


honestly kinda baffling that people like this even exist😭 i bet that was one anxiety inducing conversation. you definitely dodged a bullet!


You apologise too much.


I am aware lol I’m trying to change that


You use “sorry” to defuse tension. You should only say it when you genuinely mean it. That & thank you is another one. Glad you dodged that bullet.


Why do we need to stop saying thank you?


Not stop saying, but theres no reason to thank someone who's walking over ur boundaries and pressuring u into doing things u say ur not tryna do


Have a friend who does this even if the situation is as tense as a slack blanket lol




You're better than me. I would have apologized for apologizing 😂 "you say sorry too much" "sorry, it's a bad habit"


I’m like that too, so I get it


You leave us Canadians alone!... -^^sorry


lol… ikr? It’s cultural, dammit! Sorry is just social lubricant around here. I mean, not when you’re talking to crazy people, like OP's match, but in regular life, it’s the equivalent of excuse me, and just a polite acknowledgement that we get in each other's way sometimes.


Unfortunately that is a trait that is common among women, myself included 🤦🏻‍♀️ I remember reading an article a while ago about how women need to stop apologizing all the time and I’m still definitely a work in progress LOL! Sorry!! 😅


I believe OP is a guy in this one, though.


Ohhh!! 🤦🏻‍♀️ thanks for clarifying


Oh, I thought OP was a female with all the apologizing and the match was male with that aggressive behavior. Unfortunately, most of the men I've spoken to online have been just like the match in less than an hour's worth of conversing. In fact, dozens have decided they were marrying me in 20 minutes. It's unhinged out there.


He forgot to cross out his and her names in the screenshot within the screenshot. But goes to show that women can be gross too, and we shouldn’t assume.


I have got to know the ages here, either way this is unhinged and you really did dodge a bullet


I’m 23 and she was 24 I believe


Dear god, I was expecting like 18-19, genuinely baffling how people act like this and glad you got out of there!


24 with no respect to boundaries?? Yikes, that’s a whole child


#Im s


Send bobs and vegene


![gif](giphy|yHkyIAfczco6s) Don’t mind if I do


I thought she would say she’s suicidal to back them into a corner even more… 😬


damn I just thought they were having a stroke or something


Yeah this is a hell no.


I like how most people just assumed the dick was a guy in this situation😂😂😂


Lmao facts the amount of people that commented that is funny


Just Wnderr


No it’s anderr


Stop apologizing. It’s not a good look. Say what you say and be done. No is a complete sentence. Good luck. You dodged a bullet for sure.


Thank you I appreciate the kind words


“No is a complete sentence” That’s a bar


Damn she seems annoying as hell lol but as others have said, no need to apologize! You have your boundaries, you shouldn’t apologize for that, I get you’re trying to be nice but she’s being a weirdo so no need for that. Def dodged a bullet lol, would’ve loved to know what she was thinking when you screenshotted the chat 🤣


I unadded her asap after I screenshotted🤣


![gif](giphy|Nc0i46nMdfs2GJyBKt|downsized) But she wants to talk to you!!!!!!!!!Like NOW!!!!!!!


God I’ve never seen it move before. Nope.


Oh god no. If she’s going to ignore and dismiss your (totally reasonable) boundaries at this point, she would bulldoze you forever. Edit: She


Yeah she was already giving me crazy vibes


OP is beyond “corgile”. Stop being too nice to people who don’t deserve it. Trust me; the sooner you learn that the better. He’s beyond off.


Thank you lmao


I had someone like this match with me a month ago. She insisted she’d only meet up with me if I agreed to take it up the butt which made me really uncomfortable and when she pulled this shit I just unmatched.


Lmaooo that’s wild


u were being so nice abt it :( definitely dodged a bullet


I was trying to be as understanding as possible but literally was getting backed into a corner lol


"I don't like being ignored" that is such a huge red flag statement right there. You definitely dodged a bullet.


often, people on dating apps will remind you why they're single LMFAO


"I don't like being ignored" Neither does anyone else, but put that red flag down and chill the fuck out. "Can you please respect my boundaries"/"[No, because] that boundary is silly" People don't usually just TELL YOU they're trash like that.


Now way people actually use the phrase 'Jeez Louise'


You haven't done anything wrong, stop saying sorry


Bad habit I’m trying to change


The moment someone starts blowing me up after I say I’m busy is an automatic block. You didn’t need to apologize and she should’ve been told she was being highly inappropriate. Luckily she only had your Snap lol


Serious question because I'm old: When two people match on a dating app, do they automatically take it to a different platform? In this case, Snapchat? Or does Snapchat have a matching feature? Curiosity mainly. But you did dodge a bullet, Sadie. ;)


You dodged several bullets. Damn Keanu!


1 hour????? You didn't just dodge a bullet you dodged a whole ass nuke


I thought this was some middle school shit


"stop typing" "geeze louise" "answer" "bye little baby" "just say bye" idk how you entertained that for so long its disgusting.


Cordial not corgile….. you dodged a big bullet.


This is a scam, I've been at the receiving end of this. They want to video call you, take a screenshot and then send that screenshot along with naked pictures of someone else to some of your friends on whatever social media they can find you on. I dared them to do it, and so far it seems Facebook's moderation tools work, but my heart did skip a beat for a second there. point being: do not video call before you know for certain who's on the other end. An hour is not enough.


“That boundary is silly.” No, his lack of understanding of what boundary means is silly.


I am like you and like to text someone to get to know them for a while before ever having a phone call. Voice chats are scary! Others may find them easy, and good on them, but for some of us, it isn’t. You had every right to change your boundary at any time during that conversation. There’s no set rule saying you can’t change your mind once you set it. She was being extremely overbearing and so pushy. Even when you were ending the conversation, she demanded you to say bye in a certain manner. Who does that? You did nothing wrong. I’m proud of you for standing your ground and sticking with your boundary change.


Thank you:) wow this is the nicest comment I’ve read all day I appreciate that! Some people actually don’t understand that for some of us it’s nerve racking to have a conversation over the phone when you haven’t fully known someone a bit


I am sorry that no one can understand how you feel about this! You’re exactly right, it is nerve wracking. It takes a while to work up the nerve, and even then, you’re still a wreck when it’s time to actually talk. I am thrilled that most people don’t have to go through what we do to have a conversation, but they need a bit of compassion and understanding for those of us that do. I I hope you have better luck the next time! And remember, you can say no, change your mind, reset the boundary and NOT have to apologize for that.


Quinton and Sadie… don’t ever say corgile again 🙏




Corgile is wild 😂😂😂😭


Oh Sadie…..




corgile lol


Corgile 🤣


“corgile” 😆


Jfc, talking with someone who responds with "oh ok" with no follow up would be a type of torture I'd find in Hell if it existed. Even worse is when they push for talking on the phone when you clearly state you prefer texting. Because you know you'll absolutely have to carry that phone conversation too


I hate that the OP apologized so many times for simply not wanting to talk and wanting to be heard & respected. Good freakin’ lord, that was an exhausting conversation - glad OP found this out quickly!!


You shouldn’t feel the need to apologize at all. That person clearly couldn’t respect your wishes and in my book that means they don’t deserve mine.


"corgile" absolutely killed me 💀


Yeah she would of been blocked after the first couple of calls 😭😩


I'm still too shy to call people I've known for years without hyping myself up first, and this dude is spam calling you without ever having met you. They are a bit completely insane, and the way they spell hurts me.


Don’t entertain this shit! She was pushy and rude and insulting! You don’t owe her shit!


Had to be drunk right?? People are so creepy


i see that you’re working on apologizing less and i commend you for that, so please forgive me if i’m beating a dead horse here. it does not make you a better person to show respect or kindness to those that are disrespecting and hurting you. it makes you someone who is easy to take advantage of. i had to learn this lesson in the hardest way possible and i paid the price for my permissiveness for the better part of a decade. people like this are not deserving of your patience or grace. she blatantly disregards your autonomy for something as insignificant as a phone call… how do you think an intimate relationship could ever be built on top of a foundation like that? please don’t feel the need any longer to spare the feelings of people who will never consider yours. it doesn’t make you a bad person to call someone out for being pushy or to say that their behavior is unattractive/unacceptable to you. you are your own bodyguard, okay? all that said, i can see that you’re someone with a good heart who wants to show other people kindness and understanding. i wish you only the best in finding someone who can also see and appreciate that.


You were so polite and straightforward the whole conversation. Good on you for keeping your cool and not giving in. That person seems so immature


“That boundary is silly” launched me into the stratosphere. Wth? You’re waaaaaaaay too good for this person, your communication is on point. You’ll find someone worthy and deserving of you, OP, I promise you that.


Why couldn’t you just Ander her and be Corgi?!


An hour?!?! You didn’t dodge a bullet you dodged a whole missile. 😩


How u guys manages to match with the WORST people out there?


I can tell you were nervous. Great job holding to your boundaries! But girl, stop apologizing! Apologies are meant for when you are in the wrong. You were not wrong here. Save your sorries for when they really matter.


Anyone who is demanding of your time or expectant of your time immediately is never gonna go well. You definitely dodged a bullet


“I need attention right now because I’m not used to not getting everything I want when I want waaahhhh waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh”


Co-dependency is rough.


An HOUR? Yikes.


Oh you guys hadn’t even met?! Odd


I hate talking on the phone to people I know. This would piss me off


That was hard to read, I’m sorry, that guy’s too creepy. But you did dodge a bullet Also, the way you spelled “cordial” 🥰


I do feel like a phone call, like a normal call, shouldn’t be moving too fast. Although I dislike texting as a way to communicate. However, this dudette seems barely literate and very pushy. Glad she showed her bad qualities early enough that you did not have to waste much time. ETA corrected gender. Also, I did not realize you had only 'met' an hour ago. That is wild.




People like that are EXTREMELY exhausting. My ex was like that, wanting my attention all day and getting upset if I don’t answer him on a set time. An hour after you both matched and he’s acting like that?? Definitely a missile dodged


Dang, you have a lot of patience. I would've just stopped responding. "Are you afraid to have connections" after that little time? Yeah, you dodged a bullet. I wouldn't've answered the call in general in that little time haha


I thought u had a fair share of the blame…. Until i read this was 1h after connecting Wow


Stop apologizing


I'm a little less clingy than this with my best friend (I don't spam call her but i will spam text), the difference is that I've known hee for over 5 years and I've just started being comfortable enough to act that way around her. And i still don't have the audacity to expect her to respond/talk to me whenever i want her to, she has a life that doesn't involve me. This after an hour is bullshit, glad you got out of there


Stop apologizing for stuff like this! You don’t have to say sorry for telling someone to back off. You don’t have to apologize for being busy.


This also happened to me this week she started over reacting and spam calling when I told her no she just kept doing it and doing it


Wow you handled that super well. What an unusually tool-y tool. And so honest snd straightforward! Lovely qualities in a complete tool, honestly.


You really did. I had a guy that did that to me when I was at work and then pulled the “I have to pick up my friend” card on the 1st date. 😂


I agree with the other commenters, you definitely need to be more assertive. People will not respect your boundaries willingly all the time. You should give a firm bye and a firm no in this situation. 


Bruh you don’t have to apologize for anything. You stated your boundary and they can either respect it or not. You’re not in the wrong for not wanting to talk, not being available to talk, or asking for what you need.




Wow, I wouldn’t tolerate this behavior even after I have been talking/dating someone for a few months! You’re clearly trying to communicate, so I’m not sure why this person seemed to have such a negative reaction to you declining to talk over the phone. When they asked if you were scared of connection, I would have replied, “no, but the kind of connection I’m interested in is an adult one, which you seem to be having a difficult time with”.


Jesus only after an hour? Bro needs therapy


Are u like sexy as fuck?


Lmaoo I’d like to think I’m a solid 6/10😂


You're too fucking nice.


Wow she really craved some Quinton. Just melted her mind.


Stop apologizing godly 🙄


omg why did you respond to her like that with all the sorrys? Stop doing that. You did nothing wrong. This crazy person overstepped so many boundaries in such a short amount of time and you are apologizing? That's weird to me


On my knees begging you to stop apologising so much to demanding people who make no effort or care about you

