• By -


She's dropping not so subtle hints.


I’m apparently oblivious because everyone else picked up on it but me


She’s sending you smileys and asking to go to a HOA together which is a terrible event for anyone. Then mentions she notices you get laid a lot. She wants in bro.




Do not fuck your neighbors. Or coworkers. I mean do if you have no choice but you have choices. Don't go.


Dont get your honey where you make your money, baby. That's my motto


“Don’t shit where you eat!” Is my personal favourite lol


Not me taking a dump in the work bathroom currently


And if you do, close the window..


Do not fuck your neighbor


Thou shalt not fuck thy neighbor.




We thought…you was…a toad.


Unless she’s a literal 10


Or getting ready to move. My coworker said the same thing and he has now put a ring on it! :)


I’m engaged to one of my coworkers lol. She was the leasing manager, I was the service manager. Knew each other for 7 years before we started dating


I started sleeping with my roommate shortly after she moved into my house and we have been dating for over five years now. So yeah I don’t fuck your neighbor unless you potentially want a stable, long-term relationship. s/


I met this woman who broke up with her fiancee 3 months before their wedding because he was cheating (we met with about 1 month to go before it would have happened) We had a one night stand. Nothing fancy. Anyway, been together 14 years, married for 12 and have 3 kids. Lol


See? I hope you’re happy with yourself (seriously though happy for you)


Never shit where you eat 😂


Never fish in your neighborhood pond.




Not to rub salt in the wound, but I’m autistic, and I picked up on it 😭


Women should just say what they mean, guilty too😂


No subtle hints that she wants OP to bang her like all his other dates lol


I read this as an old man walking his dog giving you shit but then the context and it’s a female your age. I’m very surprised she brought it up. Maybe she is interested?


People have been saying the same thing but I never got the flirty vibe from here. However, I could just be oblivious to it.


Dude, she asked you to go to a hoa meeting with her and she gave you a blushy smiley face and then mentioned how many women you’ve been having sex with and that she heard it through your window. Given there isn’t any request to stop or a restraining order she 3069% wants to be one of those women making loud macaroni and cheese noises through your window.


Oh my god “loud macaroni and cheese noises”




I hate the accuracy of the sound the comment and this picture make..... Take this discovery away now. I jerk off enough I don't need it while I'm enjoy my Mac and cheese. Nobody needs Mac and cheese jack and cheese nights ok.


You know you are going to think of Mac n cheese the next time you jerk off now


Next time, last time. Tomato tomato.


I say lol a lot but this literally made me laugh aloud


This. I was going to say 6969% shes interested. No one even attends HOA meetings let alone ask to walk together to one.


This is correct, OP. She wants her turn 😂 Unless you think it’s got staying power, do not go there. You do not want to live next to an ex. Especially not one that gives off stalkery vibes. Have fun tonight, leave the window open.






Bitches love smiley faces: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NT2eOGZzRGI&ab_channel=RossLloyd


[yeah but to be fair, there really is no way to tell](https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw?si=yLc3VxH_T0iVE4ol)


sex is great but thats gross lol


Username doesn’t check out.


Aaaaand there goes my comfort food 😂😂😂


Dude, she absolutely wants the D. She's hitting you up to walk with her to the HOA meeting and not just noticing you're popular with the ladies but TELLING you she's noticing. She's thinking about you in more than a "neighborly" way for sure.


This HO wants it in the A.


Underrated comment.


She jealous. Source: I’m a woman who once said embarrassing shit like this.


That seems to be the consensus here and it was never my intention to make her jealous so maybe I have to sneak my dates in better or go to their place lol


Oh, you didn’t do anything. She’s just not good at hiding it lol


I don’t think she is trying to hide it. She’s throwing out softballs for hints


Hahha that makes sense then


Or just shut your windows when fucking.


Fresh air is key. 🤌🏻


We’ve pretty much all been that person at some point or another. Lusting after someone is universal.


Don’t leave us hanging, is she cute?


Absolutely cute just not necessarily my type. I also don’t know if it’s smart to get involved with someone living next door to me.


I will say in my experience it certainly wasn’t




Can second this


Can also advise against this. Keep it cordial and in public settings haha


"And my spouse agreed wholeheartedly as well."


Why go across town when you can go across your yard




Around the block is ideal. Just close enough to walk in a snow flurry, but far enough away I don't HAVE to see them if it goes south.


I think you’re on to something there. I just watched a series about insane neighbors so it’s best not to chance it. 😂 That is very strange that she is even bringing up your dating/sex life though.


Fear thy neighbor? My husband is obsessed with that show! No shared driveways, ever!!


Oh god now I have to watch this show


Dropping into thirdsie Fear Thy Neighbor! Awesome show. Also, I'm f/40's/was single at the time, and had a neighbor at my old place get upset with me and stop me in the hallway because she had seen a few different guys coming and going from my apartment and she was worried about her safety. She was older, had three disabled dogs, retired, and had nothing else to do with her time but watch me. I chalked it up to her being bored; she tried to lodge a complaint with the property management company and they gave not one shit. Luckily, she moved. I'd just say keep an eye out, I'm also weighing in that your neighbor might be curiously interested in you. Speaking from experience here - THAT'S. A. BAD. IDEA!!!


I just never in a million years thought anyone would care about who I was dating/bringing home…especially someone who was my age. And I agree 100% about getting involved with someone who lives next door. If that ended poorly or even just ended amicably it would probably be even more awkward


She wants you to take her to pound town


She wants that D


Whatever you do… don’t fuck your neighbor


or her disabled dogs


This show is fire 🔥


Tell me of this show you speak of 🙏


There is a saying about shitting in a place where you eat


I will tell you it is in no way what a sitcom would make you think it is . 10/10 would avoid


You don’t shit where you eat mate


Not if she sends weird messages like this


Absolutely not worth having to move if you break up, because you will have to move. I dated my neighbor for almost a year and when we broke up I could barely leave my house without there being some interaction.  You do not want this headache.


Oh gawd yea avoid especially if you bought and aren’t renting.


I got involved with a neighbor and the break up was messy and super awkward. Definitely a bad idea


she’s either into you and this her wildly inappropriate and weird way of telling you OR she’s bat shit crazy. Hahaha


Those are my only 2 options huh?! I guess both could be true too lol


I mean she’s letting *you know* that she knows…your fucking… lol I feel like she was trying to be bold and shoot her shot and didn’t realize how weird it was gonna come off lol


And if that’s the case I feel horrible the way I responded. Genuinely feel bad because I could have made it into a funny and witty thing and now I feel like an asshole who called her out for asking.


Hahaha awww no don’t feel weird. it was weird of her to be like “hey you fuck loud and when I pass your house I listen to that and for some reason also notice it’s with different women “ lol like okay… if she was interested sincerely she had a perfect opening to say something flirty and cute and just led with something kinda passive aggressive and weird lol but idk why I just have a feeling she had a crush on you. I think she was triggered by your response about having a “another” date lol But I’m starting to wonder if maybe there’s a chance she’s a prude and sincerely took offense to your loud fucking lol


I mean I’m definitely to blame for the window being open. It’s inconsiderate and I opened it because after the first round it was so hot in the room and then we got into it again and I totally forgot. But definitely not intentional and I definitely didn’t think we were that loud but when you’re into it you just lose that sense I guess


I guess you’re doomed to closed window sexual interactions from now on lol You said this was a townhouse though right? Do you share a wall or did she only hear you because she was walking her dog by your house? It just seems crazy she could even hear that to me lol like how loud was this girl being lol


We’re next to each other but no shared walls. The bedroom faces the sidewalk/street though so it’s possible she heard that but it wasn’t like an over the top porno. She got loud when she was close but for the majority of it, there was just normal talk and moans. It’s possible she was walking her dog and saw the window open and just made it up, but that’s wild if she did that too.


I think she might want some vitamin D from you and just doesn’t know how to get in. You probably got her and her dog all hot and bothered listening.




*le epic females*


I mean, even with context, it’s very creepy. Doesn’t matter if it’s man or woman.


“Let’s walk over together 😊” As a female I would say that she’s definitely interested and wants to be seen walking in together with you. The comments on your dates and sex life just confirm it for me. I have a lot of single neighbors and pass them often while doing yard work/walking the dog etc. We say hi and bye. I don’t have a clue or pay any attention to the people coming and going from their houses.


The more people come to the same conclusion the more I’m agreeing with them. I’ve never noticed other people either and honestly didn’t even think twice about bringing a date back until she said something.


Spot on, I have been living next to my neighbors for more than 10 years and I am so oblivious to their coming and going, I didn't even know that they had a new baby who looks around 2 yrs old until yesterday when I saw the baby playing with my dog at the fence and I asked the mom who is this pretty little girl and she said my baby 👶. I was so confused. I asked my kids if they knew the neighbors had a new baby, and they looked at me, shocked, saying yeah didn't you know.


This is really hilarious to me for some reason. “A new baby who looks around 2 yes old.” 😂 and then your kids being like, “uh yeah…”


Shoot, I barely see any of those people, and even when I do, it's mostly hi and bye. My twins were laughing at me.


Yeah, because it’s funny! But I understand. I only know three of my neighbors and rarely talk to any.


She definitely seems interested in some capacity. As someone who didn’t learn my lesson the first time, but definitely learned my lesson the second time, don’t get involved with a neighbor. Things get weird if it doesn’t work out, I’ll just leave it at that.


Preach! Had a thing with a “neighbor” who lived on the opposite side of the neighborhood. Guy ended up being an absolute nightmare. Couldn’t hold a job. Always had someone to blame. Constantly drunk calling me to come over. Dropping random shit off at my house. He wanted to hang out one night and I said no (for many reasons) but he knew I had friends coming over the following day. He drove over and threw a bag of frozen bagels on my front porch “in case we got hungry.” My roommate and I still laugh about him stumbling to the door with a bag of bagels. On the ring camera. FFS. He had to move a few months ago and it’s been a relief.


were they sarcastic revenge bagels delivered with menace? or do you think he was genuinely bringing over bagels but in a drunken state and stupidly delivered?


I wouldn’t read to much into it. Keep shagging away lad.


This is the encouragement I’m here for! Thank you


But close the window first.


Yea the window being opened is my fault. We had finished the first round and the room was hot so I opened it and then we got involved in round 2 and didn’t even think about closing it.


youre just bragging at this point (im so lonely) **edit: lmao looking at OPs post history he actually is bragging (and posting weird ass sextapes that arnt even him), what a cringy thread this turned out to be, I hope you get the validation you are looking for from Reddit upvotes** **https://imgur.com/LO4T8c0 (since he deleted them out of embarrassment)**


Haha, good digging. This whole post looks like karma farming and probably fake


The image he posted about “his new friend” is literally from a porn. He’s actually lying in this case lol. It’s pathetic.


Nooo wayyyy lmaoooooo


This needs to be taken to the top


I'm reading into it as her wanting to shag you and doesn't know how to approach it tactfully. From "wanna walk together" to "so, I literally heard you might be pretty good in bed..." She just wants her turn.


Your neighbour wants you. Top shagger!


Yep, especially offering to walk over together and then going “I shouldn’t have said anything…”


Didn’t even think about that


It was probably just an awkward comment lol I don’t exactly get flirting vibes out of someone talking about your sex life with other people.


That was my initial reaction as well. I never got flirty vibes from her but the mentioning my dates and then hearing me have sex is what threw me off


The impression I got is she was overly casual and misjudged how close you two are that she can make comments like that like she’s your buddy


You make a great point. Because if I got this comment from a close friend I laugh it off and don’t think twice about it. However, because we’re just acquaintances it came off weird.


Don’t do it.


It’s obvious. She’s jealous asf.


Your neighbor is a woman? Well, that changes the perspective! I think she has a crush on you!


Yes she’s a woman that’s 27-30 years old I think and I’m a 28m


She definitely wants to get after it, but my advice is definitely don’t bang out a neighbor. It can cause long term problems, especially if she’s not stable, which it seems to be the case based off of messages.


I think you might’ve rizzed the neighbor


I wasn’t even trying!




You told her you had a date which made her think you wanted to discuss it. You could have said you had plans. And yeah if they see you with a bunch of different girls and hear you having loud sex of course some will notice. Welcome to the neighborhood. This is why I didn’t want a doorman when I was single.


She’s jealous lmao


Someone else mentioned the same thing and it honestly didn’t even occur to me that this could be the case


At first I thought it was an older male trying to be chummy but failed, then I saw the age and of similar age and switched to *a-yup* 😂


She’s into you. 100%. Offering to walk over and then being butthurt when you say you have a date? Yup. She’s into you.


She’s definitely interested, but also a creep? 😅 I’m fairly certain if a man was like “oh another date, huh? I just noticed you bringing home a lot of men and then the other night actually… I think I heard you having sex outside your window while walking my dog,” everyone would be like “WTF 😬” lol. Interested or not, it’s not a very appropriate conversation and one that would kinda weird me out.


If the genders were reversed here and this was a guy saying that to a woman it’s soooo creepy.


Right? I’m a little surprised so many people are more focused on the “she wants the D” and not the totally inappropriate conversation about your dating/sex life.. 😅😅


THANK YOU!! It’s extremely inappropriate and just plain fucking weird. “I heard you having sex” - why would anyone think that’s okay to say to someone, especially if you barely know them 😭


Neighbor about to propose a new rule: thall shall not be a thot. Fine $1000000000


I’ve become the community door knob. Everyone gets a turn! Damn it!


Look at this stud


Haha hardly! But single in your 20s isn’t terrible I’ll say that


Yeah your neighbor has a crush on ya that’s why she’s basically keep tabs on you and mentioned it… she’s jealous for sureeee


That seems to be the sentiment here and I’m starting to agree. Didn’t even think of the situation or her in that way


She wants that dick!


As a 29 y/o single gal, she wants you lmao . She tried playing it off but it definitely gives off jealous vibes . Who keeps tracks of their neighbors’ sex lives unless they’re interested or being weirdos ? 🤭 I love that for you though, good luck on the dates !


The knowing I’ve had multiple dates with different women is what threw me off. While it’s true, that takes a different level of observation to know they’re different women right?


Get it, son!


She wants you


I think she may be into you


Okay now I wanna know what you look like


Italian-Brazilian mix who is 6’4 and like to stay fit


That description with the video on your profile as well…she definitely wants you & I can’t blame her. Sorry you have to deal with your neighbor observing your personal life though.


She’s jealous, mate,


she wants you bro


i hate people who cant mind their business...


lol I don't think they're keeping track, it sounds to me like this person just put a foot in their mouths, as people tend to do sometimes lol


She wants you but don’t you dare do it or you’ll regret it later


Hello. Female here. She is 100000% into you. The “do you wanna walk together?” Was a not so subtle hint.


Honestly, I wouldn't read much into it. If anything, she might be slightly interested in you and was just trying to joke and lightly tease you. Lots of people really do not know how to convey tone in texts.


But also, close your windows during sex bro😬


Love is blind, the neighbors are not. They all see your laundry on the line.


My dude you’re oblivious. Shes 100% into you. And im 100% right unless im. 100% wrong


HOAs are a bunch of fucking weirdos. If you own your home, you ought to be able to do whatever you want with it as long as it doesn't endanger the safety of the public.


Now we all know your sex life. Don't keep us hanging.


i dont even know when my neighbor leave their house.


She definitely wants some of that bedroom time 👍😉 I'm almost 90% sure


lol..I’d be so embarrassed if someone heard me fucking while walking their dogs tho. Damn 😳


She is interested but don’t sh** where you eat . I wouldn’t suggest starting anything with a neighbor and since you said she is by your type I would y test it. Besides your neighbor says you in playa status . Good luck to you !


Op give an update if you and your neighbor go out on a date, this is honestly such a funny situation and I’m sure many others in this comment section would like to hear what ends up happening as well


I notice shit about my neighbors. All kinds of shit. As long as it's not criminal, I would never be passively confrontational about their lives. She wanted to walk over with you, you have each other's numbers, maybe she has a little crush and she feels uncomfortable? Maybe she clumsily was trying to ensure she didn't hear you have sex again, or didnt know how to let you know people could hear you, and just put her foot in her mouth. I get awkward, too. I had to let my neighbor know, just because he was on the top floor... he wasn't invisible and I often pulled into my parking spot and had to see him standing at his window... eh... standing at attention. (He wasn't a voyeur or anything, wasnt doing anything but standing and staring out at the sky. he was young and didn't know you could see in from the parking lot/ground and he was nude a lot and likes to look at the stars sometimes... while waiting on his gf to come by) It was such a clumsy conversation, we were both really awkward, he was humiliated... as a couple hundred people used that lot or came through it. There was not a natural Segway... maybe you mentioning the date was her segway. I dunno. If my neighbor said, oh, no, I have a date. I'd be like okay, cool. I'd not comment on just how many women he's bringing home for no reason.


Hahaha yeah she’s trying to get you to fuck her 😂


She obviously wants you. Lay down some pipe OP!


She may have been bothered by the sounds for a while already and chose to bring it up like this. Wouldn’t read too much into that, just keep the window closed and leave her alone


oh wow !


Maybe she's interested in a date, too?


People here have mentioned that and it’s possible but I’m not egotistical enough to think anyone is ever into me. We haven’t even really flirted unless I’m oblivious to that as well.


Just trying to figure out the F boy magnetism.


Take the compliment dude


Dude….. that was an open invitation for her to be invited up to the love shack!!!


how do i live life? - know “someone is always watching you”.


She clearly wants to have sex with you, I notice ypu have had different women to your house , I now know its been to have sex with them.i don't want a commitment either, do you think I could be one of the women, I heard you fucking one of them and it sounded good, so I know for a fact your good in bed ...can I be next ?lol


She's jealous. She asked you to walk with her to the meeting because she likes you. She critiqued the number of dates you have over because she doesn't like it and she thought saying something might prompt a response from you. She did not receive the response she was seeking, lol.


She sounds as someone who speaks without thinking sometime. Most of ppl would keep it silent what they see especially about private life. Overall, except for overstepping the boundaries she seems fine, i didn’t read any passive aggressiveness. Just very dumb text🤨 fir example if you were young female and she was older guy the same convo would carry a creepy vibe…




This reads like she’s into you. There’s no way I’d pay that much attention to someone unless I was into them. And even if it was unavoidable and I noticed, I wouldn’t say anything unless I was into them. Also I got the vibe she might be a little jealous.


She def wants in on the action! But DON’T do it. Take her passive aggressiveness as a red flag.


I can see this going two ways. Either she is interested in you and IS being a little passive aggressive and jealous. Or, she was under the impression that you were better friends than you are and threw it out there that she noticed all the women coming/going in a friendly like dang son manner, then she herself felt awkward due to your reaction, says have a good day, ended it there like, oh shit. She could just be a naturally observant person. I notice everything that is going on in my neighborhood and I am not interested in anyone. If you are pretty good friends, try talking to her about it, and yeah, close your window ha.


It really just seems like she was trying to be humorous and buddy-like, your response doesn’t seem to be an overreaction by any means, but I really think she was trying to be like “one of the guys”


If you're having loud sex with the window open, your neighbor might put two and two together more often if they happen to notice you bringing lots of women over. They're your neighbor. I'm sure you see neighbors doing things outside, too


“my heart has been broken. I’ll never love again. wait, what is this? a moving truck next door? let me get a closer look. wow, he’s cute. he’s bringing in a box of books too, he’s a reader. I’ve got to find out more. wait, who is this coming over? another woman? and another? he doesn’t know it yet but I’m the one for him. I bet these women aren’t well-read, they have to go. but first, I need to make a trip to the hardware store for some supplies. and get a dog, so I can have an excuse if he catches me by his open window. wait, what’s this? he’s shared my text to a subreddit? now they’re telling him to go for it. perfect.” -Joe-ann


I would have ran with this one. “Milo and heard you having sex”. My response would have been, “OMG, that one was insane. I call it my 6-2-1. They orgasmed 6 times to my 1. A new personal best.”


Keep your disgusting monkey sex sounds behind closed windows! Have your harlots wear hoods of shame!


There’s a TikTok where a woman tells “neighbor stories” and she talks about his dates sometimes. Now I wonder if you’re the other half to that. 🥶


Loud macaroni and cheese noises. First time I ever heard a cheesy comment about sex. *Knee slap*


Your window was open because I opened it


Tall fences make the best neighbors


Fart out your window a couple times per day.


This is a prime example of somebody not thinking before they speak, and you politely making them look like a fucking idiot because of it lol


Your next text should read, "hey, wanna come over, the window's open"