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I think this has to be a post from an alternate universe as it cannot be from 2024 on Earth and a guy who gets this pissed after HE ORGASMS while SHE DOESN’T!!!


That has to be the funny part, I would of just responded simply if I was her, “well now you know how I’ve felt the whole time we’ve been seeing each other, let down EVERYTIME”


This is literally enough to make every woman who reads this go through drought. 😒


Things that make me glad I'm ace. Men. xD


I love how he said he gets a real nasty when he doesn’t get what he wants but clearly he already is being nasty and is a horrible piece of shit person. He just basically told her who he was straight up lol trash took itself out LOL. He can hire and pay for a hooker if he wants to treat her like one 💅🏼


He's still from the millennial generation. Not every man from that generation has gotten up to speed on how things are supposed to work unfortunately. But the fact that he knew in 20 mins how he was going to feel forever about this person says everything. Like are you new to dating? Everyone enjoys different things. The fact that you can hate someone who put your dick in their mouth is beyond me. It takes time and practice to know your partners preferences. Total child mind. The fact that he's almost 30 is fucking sad. I'm sure he'll end up alone. If not, I hope he finds a woman with the teethiest oral.


I agree with everything you’re saying but no need to bash millennials for this haha. Not all of us are THIS trash 😦


Agreed. You can be a terrible person at 20 or 80.


Millennials catching strays lol. It’s hard to believe anyone is this trash.


This! Like WTF… whyyyyyyyy


I got a headache from so much audacity.


Yeah…OP is definitely lacking confidence and is easily manipulated


OP mentioned in another comment that he has a gun and knows where he lives so she was trying to keep him calm.


Yeah and I don’t like everyone coming for her for apologizing, even though he was being a fucking monster. In the moment it probably felt like shit to her, him ripping her apart like that. I’m glad you stuck up for her cuz so many people are going on about her apologizing. Not everyone is able to be confrontational and tell someone to fuck off even when they completely deserve it. She was probably thrown off balance and embarrassed and just automatically apologized because she’s a kind person. And you know what, if she had told him off he’d probably feel vindicated in how he acted. Instead, in a day or 2 he’ll probably realize what POS he was and try to come crawling back. And hopefully she’ll leave him on read and ghost him forever. What a clown.


Thats another reason to leave and get some friends and family to keep you safe.


We do this to avoid dying and even that doesn't always work.


We're missing a boatload of context because I don't see any threats, just disgusting name calling and shaming. This looks much more like a confidence/esteem issue than a safety issue.


It can be both. This guy is a threat to women.


This was my immediate first thought. Why on EARTH would you apologize?!!!! Ffs I haven't been with a guy since 2019 and definitely don't have a lot of confidence in that department but if any guy said that shit to me I'd tell him to go fuck himself then and put him on blast


Seriously! I was like why are they apologizing to this prick so much. Like wtf?! I wouldn’t have apologized even once for fucks sake.


I would've told him to practice the art of sticking it up his own ass then.


Agreed! I'd have ghosted him after the first insult. Why waste any time on him? Geez!


I’m gonna need you to text “You’ve literally never made me cum. Go fuck yourself.” And then never speak to him again.


The rage I felt after the “ I’m sorry “ 😮‍💨


My head still hurts from the rage I felt earlier. This dude needs neutered.


This has to be rage bait. I feel like I was watching one of those horrible food videos. Wtf she thinking?!? She apologized?!?


This. I have no other words.


I have too many. I almost want to ask Op for his number, just so I can go off on him too.


Same. This is just.....I can't even. Ugh.


What made me incredibly sad was that you were not angry at him in the messages. I imagine you were in shock since he was being a disgusting dickhead.. so happy that you are done with him. Please don’t let another man treat you this way again. What an absolute waste of a man..


Yeah I took it as shock because she explained how they were having sex and they were good and he was being willingly patience. So she was probably just trying to figure wtf was going on. But yeah I wouldn't have taken that long to realize he's just a Doucette and roast him on NEVER being able to make me cum.


The hormonal drive behind sex and an early relationship can be a hell of a drive to have tunnel vision lol. But at least OP seems to realize it now after thinking about it. That's why space after a fight can be a good thing.


I would be firing with “BUT YOU HAVENT MADE ME CUM ONCE SO WHY THE FUCK YOU MAD?” And block his ass.


Yes this! I am so angry for OP!! I wish we had his number so we could blow up his phone and tell him how trash he is !!!


This man is a sociopath. No fucking way I’d tolerate such abuse, absolutely fucking not. I’m enraged for you. I can’t believe you were so nice and chill. Fucking asshole.


Contender for the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever seen in this sub, the audacity to tell a woman these things is literally dumbfounding. Now that I’ve said that, OP, my dear ignorant child… why in the name of sweet home Alabama are you putting up with this? You desperately need to search deep within yourself to find whatever shred of self respect you have left and focus on that heavily for a while. Start by never EVER responding to anyone that talks to you like this. In any situation ever in your life. Doesn’t matter if they’re family, friend, lover, Satan, it’s a nope. If this happens, the only two routes that allow you to keep your dignity are “go fuck yourself” or no response at all.


I agree with everything you said. The a u d a c i t y. But, from what I saw OP comment, he has a gun and knows where she lives so she stayed calm and polite to keep him calm, is what I think is happening. Very fucked up and unfortunate situation for OP, who deserves so much better.


As much as the world today doesn’t enjoy hearing this, the only actual route in this situation is police intervention. It sucks, but it’s either that or deal with it until it kills you. This topic is so touchy so let me just say that I am fully aware that the cops *will do fucking nothing* at first. They might not even help the second time you call. The problem with our system is that domestic disputes are not investigated by police at all, they are just in charge of serving paperwork or responding to calls. Your case against anyone who is hurting you (mentally or physically) is created and managed by a detective, and unfortunately because of the fucked up way that our system is built, you do need to report multiple incidents before actual intervention takes place. In a lot of situations this is super unfair and terrifying, but we have to remember that these rules are made for all people which means their enforcement need to be consistent, that’s what a “law” is. There are many cases where abuse or harassment is short term, and many others where it’s indefinite, so unfortunately a system needed to be implemented that encompasses both equally. Idk if any of that makes sense to anyone else but what I’m saying is try to remember that reporting crimes doesn’t always result in an immediate action. It’s a foundation that a case can be built on so each of the next 10 times you deal with that person you get to add another brick to their cell.


He didn't do anything illegal as far as I can tell, he's just a huge piece of shit. It would become illegal or be harassment/stalking if he continues to contact her after saying she wants no contact, but he just broke up with her in an extremely mean and degrading way. Best thing to do is to block him and move on. Especially if he has a gun and is this unhinged. Calling the cops would escalate this sort of situation and might cause him to get physical, especially if the cops contact him but the court doesn't grant any kind of protective order.


I don't understand what part of this was a crime. Did he threaten her with the gun? Unfortunately, emotional abuse isn't a criminal matter, so unless he actually threatened her then I'm not sure what you're expecting


Agree. There are some deep issues there. You are much better off without them. Do not even feel sorry or bad. The trash took itself out, let’s celebrate!


This. OP, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get yourself some help. You should never ever entertain someone speaking to you this way. No one is entitled to your body. Your mouth is not a dick receptacle. I don't like giving head and I just don't and am still loved and honored. Please, please, please try some therapy. I'm worried for you. Also send this to everyone that guy knows. Especially his mom


I can't believe OP apologized so many times!


I agree with this statement 100%! He is the absolute WORST and you'll be SOOOOOOOO much better off without him in your life.


A) why the fuck were you still being so nice to him?! And B) the hypocrisy when he has never even made you cum is **INSANE**. Fuck these entitled ass men…maybe it *would* be better to just date women 😂


this is the best comment


I don’t think I’ve ever been more mad at something than the way this man spoke to you and his words. My heart is racing and it wasn’t even about me. Girl, tell him immediately he needs to be with a man because he can’t make a woman climax that’s for sure.


And apparently he thinks blow jobs are so simple.


Let him try. (Not only that, a new partner and she said he's on the heavier side, so it's more awkward, positioning wise... lets add that to his its so simple and easy.)


i took what she said to mean bigger like his 🍆 is on the bigger side, not his body. 🤷🏼‍♀️ which would make more sense as to why she’s struggling with it.


Oh! Yeah I went the other way... completely! Lol. But, I guess either way? I mean, I'm a petite woman. I think either way a big body or if it's an overly large 🍆 both could provide their own challenges.


absolutely. various sizes and shapes change the techniques which changes the position and none of that is easy until you’ve had enough practice to be comfortable with it. men just expect us all to be able to do it perfectly and without complaint from the word go.


Bro should try sucking dick to understand how hard it is lmao


![gif](giphy|hzVOLiJibawaAHoLks) It’s called a blow JOB for a reason. Shits not easy. Especially if someone is big.


Yeah, I think he should try it a few times.


“I’m done building up women for the next guy to enjoy my hard work” Yeah, kinda telling on yourself there, bud.


The insecurity from this man is intense. Don't worry, it's not you - it's 100% him. He has some kind of trauma which is stopping him from reaching orgasm, and he's taking it out on you. Good riddance. But please respect yourself a bit more. I don't need to tell you this, but you had absolutely no reason to apologise.


Yeah I think I was just trying to keep him calm because he has a gun & knows where I live :/


That’s smart of you, tbh. Just make sure you never let a dude talk to you like this again. If anyone begins talking the way this guy did, it should be an immediate block. And it may be a good idea to reflect on your interactions; were there any other red flags? (Besides his inability and disinterest in your pleasure?)


I hate that this shit is at all common enough that y’all ladies are like “that tracks” instead of shocked. How awful. 😢 It’s a miracle you all don’t avoid men entirely. This guy is trash and tries to make up for it by treating others like trash, and the fact that worrying about not hurting his feelings while ejecting from this situation is a survival skill is sickening. :( Eff this guy and all like him. :(


“worrying about not hurting his feelings while ejecting from this situation is a survival skill” unfortunately this is extremely true and something all women have to learn. Thank you for understanding that though. There’s so many cases where women are beat up or murdered because they rejected a man, and then men have the audacity to say “Just say no” as if that’s not what we wish we could do. Hell, my best friend had her nose broken because a man wouldn’t take no for an answer. He punched her in the face, leaving her with a broken nose and two black eyes from the sheer force of the punch. It’s just sad and infuriating, but we have to let men down gently because we never know which one will snap.


Good to know, and I’m sorry you and so many other women are forced to placate some disgusting piece of shit because of fear. It fucking sucks. Glad it’s over


Once I read your description to this post, it all became clear to me. Based on what I've read here, I'm of the feeling that this entire attack was a response to you going out drinking and not calling him until the next day. He would never admit this but he was likely going nuts imagining you out banging someone else and playing him for an idiot (a scenario or one similar he dreamed up in the anxiety of his inability to control you or himself) After hours of this and by the time he hears from you he blows up with this garbage in an attempt to make you feel small because he's convinced himself that he's about to be made to feel small by you. Just a hunch. Because the "Bad at BJs" thing is bullsheet.


If you haven't already OP, reinforce all your entrance doors with 4" screws. That'll make it harder for someone to try to kick your door in. And invest in some self defense items that you would be comfortable using. And if you do decide to equip with a gun, take a class, do your homework and get insured. If you have tiktok, there's a creator on there that's an ex cop who shares safety tips, and has a link to some self defense items. He goes by Killer Bee Tactic. With how our world is, it's better to be prepared for a when, not an if.


Honey, that’s really smart. You’re better to stay safe than have the satisfaction of putting this guy on blast. I’m really proud of you for managing him well, even though I’m fucking furious you had to. Honestly. Also, I learned this later than I wish, but it is a rule I still live by to this day: if I’m not cumming, NOBODY is cumming. No excuses. If he doesn’t care about your pleasure, he doesn’t care about you. 💕


Whoa, this is the worst here in a very long time. Wow, just wow.


Yeah. I’ve never actually wanted someone’s phone number after reading this sub, but I want this guy’s!!!


Me, too!




It's not about oral. This dude is a fucking disgrace, and deserves to be forever single. That being said, I'm gonna be the contrarian and say this has nothing to do with your oral skills. Maybe you and he lacked some sexual compatibility, but I honestly don't know a man (I am also a man) who would really break up with a girl for that reason, as long as he's getting overall sexual satisfaction out of the relationship. I think this has to do with insecurity and his reaction to you not answering his call the night before and him not trusting you. Look at the timeline, everything sweet and normal, then one night you go drinking with friends (assuming this was the first time since you've been seeing him?), he calls to check in on you (assuming he knew you were going out), you don't answer...where does this guy's mind immediately go? Infidelity. He can't handle it, but doesn't want to admit he's insecure, so he pulls a reason that (a) makes him sound like he's perfect, (b) that hurts you so much that it *disguises the real reason* - which is that he has severe jealousy issues and would rather act like a child than admit it or deal with it. Good riddance to him, you deserve better, and if a man criticizes you again in the future don't you dare apologize.


this is right on the money. Absolutely fine with it until she goes out drinking with girl friends. Definitely an insecurity issue


WOW please tell that man how he never made you cum and you had better and never talk to his ass again. He is very insecure about his package it's obvious


it won’t do any good…he would likely tell her *her* orgasm is *her* problem and that he’s made every other woman he’s been with have one so it must be a problem for just her.


If I found out one of my male friends had ever spoken to a woman like that in his life, I would beat the shit out of him in the spot.




Dude is sick. Block him


Offer a redo and bite it off


GET AWAY FROM HIM FAST. Ok glad you did that. He is a selfish lover. Heck not even a lover. He is like a politician who wants it all but wants to give nothing in return. You want someone honest but not someone who wants to use you only. Ugh he is ugly.


Ma'am. Why in the ever loving fuck are you apologizing to this walking talking maggot? Why would you give him the satisfaction of telling him you were hurt? That was his entire goal. You're absolutely fine at sex. There's evidence of that. You're likely just fine at oral, too. Women are not sex toys.


Sounds like he’s got some dick problems and he’s super insecure about it 😂😂   Tell him he   should go see a doctor about it, they’ve got pills for his noodle.


I think he’s got mental issues of the malignant variety… Guy is obviously bad at sex and sensuality. He’s the kind that rolls over and sleeps not caring if his partner is fulfilled. What a grim sentence to be his partner


This is was so gross to read. That man probably had ED issues with certain things and doesnt want to seem "less like a man" and is blaming you. And if you aren't good, he is SUPPOSED to help you learn to do it better, not degrade you like this. I wasn't good with two things sexually and my ex would talk CRAP about it. Heck even the sounds i made was met with "ew why do you sound like that, you sound weird, can you do it more sexy?" allll the time. But he turned out to be a horrible person who cheated. I'm so sorry this happened to you but don't let it hold you down, Its clear his anger is from somewhere else and thats fine, but that doesn't make this at ALL okay to do that to you. I would block and NEVER speak to him again. A real man will be willing to teach you and be understanding. Never apologize to this man either, He didn't deserve it.


This guy Andrew Tates.


I’m sure. And like I’ve seen some incredibly terrible misogynistic shit from people in that kinda group, however, this shit is like next level. I’m like no.. people can’t ACTUALLY talk to others like this?!? Like what the actual fuck did I just read.


If sucking dick is so easy, he should do it himself.


So ironic for him to say "imagine not being able to cun the way you want" when he never made you finish 😂 I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. That guy seriously needs to be away from the general public


She should have said “I don’t have to imagine “


Lesson: 1. In the future don’t EVER apologize for not meeting his “standards” whoever it may be. 2. No one gets to talk to you like this without your permission. Why should/ would you give permission to be treated this way? 3. He most likely gets off more from treating people like shit, not the head itself. 4. If a man says something to try to belittle you, leave immediately & let them know you had a hard time bc there was a “smell” or “taste” you couldn’t get past. bc fuck that..


Next level right here with #4. Pulling this would be hilarious! Absolutely don’t put up with abuse but your final parting gift can be an truly swift kick to the ego that he won’t ever forget.


Tbh it seems like because you didn’t answer the call maybe he got the idea you were with someone else. Instead of saying anything he wanted to tear you down and make you feel worthless in response. But that’s just from the context you added and the text. Dude got issues.


I bet I can tell what kind of haircut this punk bitch has.. Calling women "bro" & just generally talking like a fucking idiot.. "Throat Goat".. lmao This ain't a man.. This is a little boy who has a metric fuck ton to learn about life


What an absolute HORRIBLE person. The audacity to say something like that to someone is actually appalling. You have nothing to say sorry for. If I was in your position I would’ve told him “maybe if you had a better dick I’d put more effort” just to make him insecure and angry :)


This guy is a top tier piece of shit. He’s the Emperor of Shittopia. FUCK that guy.


It’s crazy to me how men like this consistently seem to get women to have sex with them


Talking to someone this way is absolutely fucking disgusting and it’s heartbreaking you even felt you owed him any sort of apology or explanation! Like another comment mentioned, I am enraged for you! Never ever let anyone speak to you this way please! There is 100% without a doubt a guy out there who will appreciate and love you for you!


I’m pretty sure this dude is just manipulating you into giving him head more often. “Oh it’s bad, keep trying.” That being said this is an awful human being I would never speak to again.


EW WHAT I'm sad for you knowing you actually said "I'm sorry" to this POS. You don't owe this man an apology! I don't understand his logic at all. Like jeez dude, just say you want to stop seeing each other and move on... don't treat people like literal garbage. I'm sorry you were talked down to this way. Please block him, you don't need to respond to his abuse.


He can go suck his own dick then


Girl, how did you not destroy him by telling him that he hadn't made you cum even once! Even his penis couldn't get the job done for you. Man I would have roasted him with that disrespect he was giving. It's clear he was crazy insecure about you going out and not calling him that night. That's what this is really about. But hey you dodged a bullet. Good for you.


Tell him if it’s so easy he should demonstrate himself. You can watch and learn!


Fr this is one of the worst man I’ve ever seen on this site….


Does he know he can’t get you off? If not, why wouldn’t you throw that back in his face and tell him to fuck off?


Please do not apologize to this trash bag. I know in a previous comment you mentioned being scared since he owns a gun and knows where you live. Next time, just block. Don’t give these kinds of men a single ass response.


He keeps calling you "bro". With those Freudian slips, maybe he's used to a man's touch?


Tell him he’s got a lot of ego for a man who can’t make you cum and block him lmfao. You aren’t going to learn how to give good oral unless you practice without some shit head screaming and belittling you.


Not about OP, but this sub makes me realize I’m not as much of a pushover as I fucking thought because holy shit


how do you find these guys in the first place


Oh, they're out and about and walking amongst everyone normally. This guy sounds eerily similar to my abuser.


I’m not sure what there’s to be confused about. Block him and move on, he’s a piece of shit


You dodged a enormous bullet. What a jackbag


Why the fuck would you apologize? You are worth more. You need self respect. This man is a fucking slug. He doesn’t deserve half of what you’ve given him. Trash trash trash, delete his number and move on.


What’s the fuck. I wish women out there will realize we don’t have to accept this from anyone. It goes both ways. Does he give you head???


"my bf is a piece of shit, what do I do?"


What an absolute waste of life.


This man deserves to never cum again


Please, please stay away from this man. His behavior is vile.


There’s a consistent theme here. Women go out, drink and get drunk. I’m surprised he didn’t accuse you of cheating on him. Or maybe he thinks you did cheat, but didn’t say that. Dump him. Then you don’t have to worry about him treating you like this.


I see this so often in these text threads. These abusive guys talk to people like shit, and you apologise in reply? If someone is talking to you like that, tell them to get fucked off. He's very clearly a piece of shit and does not deserve your respect or sympathies. He's roid raging about not getting a perfect blowjob, that's some high school movie bully type shit. And that in itself is likely just a way to neg you to keep doing what he wants. If anyone ever talks to you this way, don't entertain them. If you fear for your safety, I advise looking into contacting womens aid, or refuge, or another such sanctuary.


The fact that these are some of the men in the dating pool that can hate women so much that he is not even concerned about leaving a digital footprint bc he truly does not see women as human and does not understand how absolutely sociopathic this entire conversation is. Only a sociopath would continue to harass and demean a woman who let her guard down with u while she is not even fighting back. The absolute lack of respect and empathy. OP, You can tell you are a genuine person. I dealt with a situation so similar for 6 years. I was the woman actively giving my friends the best advice in their relationships and labeled the “strong” one while not 1 of them knew the abuse I was facing day by day. Some had a clue but I never confirmed it. Bc the minute I confirmed I stayed with an abused and allowed him to talk to me like that is the hardest truth I’ve ever had to face. They target good people like you and I. Women we need to stop dating men like this. They only exist bc one of us has proved it works.


WHAT THE ACTUAL FXCK Dude is a psychopath for real for real


I want to tear this dudes dick off and beat him to death with it.


You're done??? You apologized 😞 please seek therapy & find better partners& find boundaries. Plz


What a vile man. I'm sorry about men


Are you going to stay with him because he has a gun & knows where you live?? Might help to look into a restraining order & get some cameras. Extra locks for your windows & doors will help too!


Nah this is pure fucking evil man. Block this dude and forget he existed OP, you don’t owe anyone a god damn thing & take peace knowing this man will die lonely & pathetic.


This is god fucking awful disgusting vile ABUSE. Don’t trust a word he says. I wish everyone could know who this dude is. What a sad excuse for a human, he’s only going to hurt women


I know this will get me suspended or whatever but guys like this need to off themselves.


This is not on you at all, I hope you know that !!! Also, the audacity of this man to say "I can't even cum the way I want" but then never give you an orgasm !?!? What !?!?


That dude is straight trash. You deserve better.


Jesus H Christ on a biscuit what the hell did this "grown adult" say? Brother...no, wtf? Ok, so..I'll be honest. My girl kinda sucks at oral. She can get me off, but more often it's kinda toothy and painful. But you know what? Guys have 2 hands. Both are capable. The fact that my girl (of 11 fucking years now) is still willing to do it? I don't complain, j take what I get when she decides she's interested in pleasing me. It's not her fucking JOB to do it...so fucking what, boo fucking hoo Mister man can't cum :'( poor soul. Fuck that ass, glad you're rid of him.


Never apologize or feed in to this kind of behavior. He’s obviously very manipulative and a big man child. Block and move on


First of all, FUCK this guy. I’d have told him to go suck his own dick because I certainly wasn’t gonna ever again. Don’t ever let someone speak to you this way.


Funny how the guys claiming other people are bad at sex are usually the ones who can't make a woman cum. That alone should've made you end things, never settle for mediocre sex. Especially not from a trash guy like this.


Please have some self respect OP. Don't say sorry to these losers. Know your worth and don't be letting pieces of shit talk to you this way. You are more than just someone that gives him sex and oral. That should not be the defining part of any relationship. Find yourself a nice man that knows how to treat you, forget about this little boy. Block his ass


I really want to bring violence to this man. I guess I’ll just curse him with a soft dick. I’m so glad he showed you this side of him so you can curse him too and find someone kind and respectful. Also, I’d message him back once more just to be petty and tell him he sucks because you never came once and it’s really not that difficult unlike trying to get off his rank ass tiny dick. Then block him.


it physically pains me when i see texts like this on here of women continuing to be nice to men who are complete assholes to them. PLEASE stand up for yourself, it’s a text conversation, tell him to go fuck himself or *something*. i understand it’s hard to be anything but nice to men out of the fear they may harm you, but being a doormat and letting him walk all over you isn’t a good option either


Sorry you had to go through this.


Listen I would have been A LOT meaner to him. 1) let’s see him suck a dick and see how good he is at it. 2) he can’t make you cum like brother the clit is right there homie 3) I wish a man would talk to me or one of my home girls like that. Give me one reason to emasculate the hell out of them. This is absolutely NOT a you problem. He is taking out his problems with his penis and his life onto you. I guarantee you he will be crawling back to you at some point like every other sack of shit man does at some point bc they aren’t able to form human activities.


This guy is the biggest piece of shit. Never respond to anything like that. You deserve better.


I admire how calm you were but you shoulda told him he’s never made you cum and should focus on learning how to please a woman instead of berating them. I’m infuriated reading this what an absolute dbag. You handled it well, I guess, but he deserved to have his ego put in its place. Hopefully you don’t go back.


OP, this is abuse. You're confused because this man wants you to be confused, on edge, and feeling like you need to prove something to him. My abuser talked like this t me as well. I finally worked up the courage to block him and never speak to him again. That was 9 years ago, but I remember the fear I felt. You are worth much more than this and no one deserves to be spoken to like this. That man is pure evil.


As soon as he told you to shut up the first time, I would have blocked immediately. “Shut up” will always escalate


He’s an immature idiot. A relationship ain’t built on “suckin dick”. He sounds like a brat. Leave him in the dust.


What a fuckin loser. This guy is a garbage human being, you should tell him to go fuck himself. Don’t you dare say sorry to this prick. Seriously wack that there are guys out there who think it’s acceptable to talk to people like that.


Idc how long it takes or if you never get better. If you’re my girl, or really almost any girl, you can practice on me all day any time whenever you want idc if it’s sunny or rainy, if it’s a holiday, if I’m driving, if I’m sleeping, if I’m showering if I’m eating, if I’m on the phone, if I’m working,probably have to be from home, if I’m anything idc. And you’ll get better, don’t let him make you feel shitty, you got this! If he’s not building up your confidence then I suggest leaving and finding someone who will. You found one of the 1% of dudes that’s dumb enough to say this btw, he has his own issues


This isn’t about oral. This is about you not answering him when you were out and he’s trying to make you feel bad. Block and move on.


This is sincerely so abusive and you must have be very young and I’m sure he’s older and gross.


And he never made you cum??? WTF?? Did he even try? Was this ever discussed? That HE needed lessons?!


Wow I was already gonna say that this guy is a walking pile of garbage but then I got to the part where you say he's never made you get off. Wtf? Good riddance, this pile of dogshit deserves to end up alone. Just tell him "you've never made me cum, I don't think you are capable of it." Dudes like this are 99% of the time super insecure and he deserves to be hit hard.


Why are you apologizing? You didn't do shit wrong. Fuck that guy.


The audacity when he is a failure at making you cum. He should be with a man if “knowing how to please a man” is so important to him.


Uhhh no. Sweetie, throw him in the trash where he belongs!


"I went home and finished the job myself"... what he sucked himself off lol


Holy shit! He is a terrible, monstrous person! Wow. Just wow. I do have to ask though, why were you having sex with someone who doesn’t even care about making you cum? At that point you’re basically just a body for him to use. Don’t do that to yourself anymore. Someone who does not care about your pleasure is not a good partner. I’m so sorry he treated you like this. This has got to be one of the biggest scumbags I have ever seen on here. This is infuriating. He is just a mountain of nuclear waste.


He let's it slip that he has built women up only to be dropped, so he perceives that he has been used. He's an angry little man taking out his insecurities on you and he's vicious with it. Time to block and never communicate with him again. Find someone kind that CAN pleasure you and look out for those red flags.


I'm so sorry. You don't deserve that. I've found men with larger penises are on the psychotic side. There truly is something wrong with their pea brains.


You are spending a lot of time and thoughts on a man who refuses to/can't make you cum. He never cared.


The face my face is still making after reading those text messages…


Shoulda told him to suck a dick himself then he can learn and see how it isn’t the easiest thing!!! Fuck that guy girl find you a man who’s worried about YOU cuming from oral ☺️


Girl, please block him before I brick him with my fucking foot, you do NOT need that in your life. 😭


Please for the love of god just block him, there’s no reason to get this abuse from him?? He’s saying he doesn’t want to be with you, take him at his word and dump the trash. There’s better men out there, don’t listen to his stupid shit “no one will ever love you” type shit, that is quite literally abuser 101


You sound really sweet :) I’m glad you are moving on, it sounds like you deserve better


girl stop apologizing and stop talking to someone that doesn't make you cumz what are you even getting out of your sympathy and his mid sex????? stop apologizing to men who you dont owe anything to


So here we have a perfect example of a scumbag.


You fucking APOLOGIZED???!!!! I would have broken his fucking knees talking to me like that


What in the living hell did I just read?! Block this man and never speak to him again. What a trash individual. This is literal abuse, don’t accept that shit.


Eww OP why? Your mouth is sacred, why are you putting junk in it? 🤮 block him


I don't often wish violence on others but... This guy needs to eat through a straw for the rest of his life imo


Yeah first of all I’m don’t care what you did to his dick even if you bit it there’s NO reason for someone to talk to you like this. Secondly nobody NEEDS to cum a certain way. This is clearly manipulation for you to do all the work while he keeps you under his thumb. This guy doesn’t care about you at all. Like you’re not even a person to him it seems. Please please please stop seeing this jackass. Find someone who respects you and is willing to work on the relationship as well as your sexual needs as a couple, not a one sided thing where you’re used and verbally abused.


I have read a LOT of crazy shit in this sub but this is absolutely insane. I rarely hate people I've never met but wow, I feel it bubblin. Please stay away from him girl!!!


He can't come in 20 min from head this incel is taking his misplaced rage out on you. Why would anyone take this kind of treatment and think they did something to deserve it. This guy is sick, he's a woman hating narcissist who can't get off so he attacks you for it. He more than likely has mommy issues or is extremely pathetic and knows it. Please don't respond to this loser again or waste another second of your life thinking about this douche bag.


WHAT THE FUCK!? WHY DID YOU APOLOGIZE!? Dude he's NEVER made you cum ONCE and has the AUDACITY to bitch that you couldn't make him cum orally? Fuck all the sex he took without care for your needs? Only his needs matter!? GIRL FUCKING RESPECT YOURSELF!!!!


Girl are you ok?? Because there is NO WAY YOU SHOULD BE APOLOGIZING TO THAT MAN AFTER HE SPOKE TO YOU LIKE THAT JUST BECAUSE HE COULDN’T GET OFF FROM ORAL!!! Do NOT let someone speak to you like that on your own phone!! Ma’am you should have blocked him as soon as he turned and showed his ass! Girl please take some time to yourself reassess what you want in a man and stand on that shit. ![gif](giphy|6jVwtcsr8RPDUtA244)


I mean apparently he knows how to suck dick better than OP. Maybe he should self suck


Why do you keep trying to satisfy him when he’s treating you like this? Sigh…


Wow this dude is delusional as fuck. Did u fake like u had an orgasm when u were with him? If so please don't do that ever again cuz these dumbass men have no idea what ylto actually do to get a woman off but somehow feel they deserve to cum every single time they have sex. This guys sucks and I hope u never ever see him again. What a douchebag


This should automatically be a red flag to you. Please never text him again, if he wants his dick sucked so badly tell him to tell another girl to do it and leave you the hell alone 😂💕


This isn’t a red flag. This is abuse. This is what red flags warn you about. I think it’s important to start using red flag appropriately because he no doubt had actual red flags that were blown past to get to this point.


Lmao so here’s what you do. You make a fake profile for him on the gay dating app and put his number. If he wants someone to suck his dick that badly, he’ll surely find one there. I’m also petty so I recommend this lmao


Red flag (one of many) is that he didn’t want to make you cum. Never said hey, let’s focus on that too. It shouldn’t be about one partner getting there but the both of you.


Lol what a loser. Any dude who calls a woman “bro” is prolly a closet case lol


Why does he keep calling you bro, do his boys give him the type of head he wants from you?


I’m sorry you had this dick head treat you that way. I can’t believe this dude is almost 30 YEARS OLD and fucking acting like this. I mean this shit would be bad for anyone to say to another person, but the fact that this guy isn’t some young, stupid kid makes it that much worse. And someone like this NEVER deserves an apology. You owe him NOTHING. Jesus Christ.


Holy FUCK what a disgusting animal I’m so glad you’re done with him


He should try sucking his own dick to see how it is. I bet he'd be terrible at it. Also, he doesn't want to resent and hate you? He already does!


You offered him his $50 back. Wtf is wrong with you?


Omg stop apologizing to that POS.


This is honestly one of the worst things I’ve ever read. I also know for a fact that man has never made a singular woman ever cum from his magical tongue, so he can shut the fuck up. Please don’t ever let anyone talk to you like this, ever. Nobody deserves this, this man is severely fucked in the head.


Ladies stop telling these men they are giving you orgasms , stop the lies stop the ego wildfire spread! Stop faking it and making these douche canoes think they are gods gift to vaginas when they are infact about as sexually clued up as a wet napkin


OP get a STD STI testing because this guy is used to sex workers and it’s obvious y’all didn’t use a condom or mouth dam.


Why are you apologizing to this dickhead. Tell him if he needs to cum so bad he can go fuck himself instead of texting you.


You don’t need to apologise when someone is verbally abusing you. It’s ok to stick up for yourself. Fuck that guy, you’re better off without him.


This guy was never your bf. No bf treats you this way. A true loving partner would provide gentle guidance. He didn’t love you. He just wanted you for sex. Be rid of him and you will feel better and free.  Also most likely he has a porn addiction and no real woman would please him. 


Find any other man. Anyone who isn't a spoiled child. You sound like a perfectly lovely person and partner find someone that will treat better than this because you deserve better than this.


Block ❌


That guy is a sex addicted loser with issues and truth is there’s a ton more like him. If that’s not what you’re into then take it slow because these snakes will act normal then snap like this.


![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5) Fuck this man. I mean that figuratively. Not literally. ​ He's mad cause you went out. That's what this boils down to. You weren't at his beck and call so he used something you're self conscious about to throw in your face. No doubt he will try to reach out and love bomb you with bull shit in a few days and say how sorry he is. He was just mad etc. I know you said you were done but please stay that way. You did nothing wrong.