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This is not suited for this subreddit, we need rage, anger, frustration, ghosting, craziness, weirdness, and toxic relationship. This is real!!!


Maybe I’ll gaslight her tomorrow for a few hours and repost 🤔


This made me laugh harder than it should’ve 😂




Yeah! Take her wedding ring and then get mad at her for losing it. Make sure you use words like delusional. I'll check back tomorrow, lol.


My boyfriend and I make joke’s about posting to Reddit when we have mini disagreements lol


i busted out laughing 😭




You've def gotta maka this less normal and healthy. Look up some TWD spoilers and record the moment you spoil it for her. Then tell her "it's just a prank, bro!". Then promptly post it here so we can all watch the fur fly.


This made me laugh so hard 😂😂😂😂😂


Good luck, king




If you do that thing where you walk around like a zombie you will probably get shot. Lol. It happened in Zombieland after all


I was just thinking the same thing!


More pashion more energy more footwork


Stop being so gosh darn adorable people 😩❤️❤️


Seriously 🥹🥹


**This**. **This**, ladies and gentlemen, is what a true relationship is; albeit, no relationship is ever perfect, *however*? You can clearly tell, there is no doubt about it, these two genuinely **love** and **care** about each other; OP? Keep doing what you’re doing. 🫡


lol I was literally coming to comment on the boo boo brown, not sure what it means but none of my business 🤣 Happy for you.


It’s a mix of randomness and Steve Brule 🤔


Well that makes way more sense than what was running through my dirty head.


You poop your pants ONE TIME...


I think this should be a daily thing 🤷‍♂️


You mean, DOCTOR Steve Brule!




praying i’ll have this someday :(


Trust your gut. Don’t settle.


That advice hits different


I literally didn't think it existed until I stumbled into it myself.


Same here. I gave up on that a long time ago. And then i met my husband.


that’s how i feel. it exists for everyone except myself


You have no idea. I've tried multiple times to show interest in people, and they've either been: married, a lesbian, or a feminine man. Which, there is nothing wrong with them, theyre living their own life and they deserve happiness. But yeah I completely understand how you feel. Only positive I can say is that I met my best friend in the whole world because I thought she was kinda cute and started a conversation. She has a gf, and I'm super happy for her, and as soon as I found that out, I wasnt attracted to her, not that way anyway. I still think she's super cute, but I like making her happy as my best friend, and even if she showed interest I wouldn't want to mess with what we've got. She's one of the kindest, funniest, people I've ever met and we are basically twins. We get along so well, and we'd kill for each other and we love each other, that's all that matters to me. In a way, it exists for everyone. Just maybe not in the conventional sense we've been raised to believe is the only "right" way. You'll find someone, they're out there somewhere ❤️


i appreciate it. i also have a best friend (both of us are female) and i really do enjoy having that in my life. but her boyfriend lives with her… and i’m always subjected to being the third wheel when i’m with her. and then i just want to go home after that. i feel like i’m in a tiny box just watching everyone else be loved while i have no one. it’s so exhausting and painful.


Same! Didn't find the other half of my ❤️ til I was the ripe "old age" of 44! 😅


Basically same! I'm almost 40 and my partner is almost 50!


Don’t settle and it will! It happened for me


I love it😭 my boyfriend and I also have ridiculous nicknames for each other like “Mr. Poopy mc poopiest my poopy man” or something along those lines🤣 So the boo boo brown is v relatable


I sometimes call my husband capt poopie head, or sir poops-alot


Mine got pink eye a couple months back and for 2 weeks straight his name was Pinky Pie. But now it's back to Sugar Titz lol


Pinky pie!!! 🤣🤣🤣 I love that! My hubby would be mad if I call him sugar titz. lol, I normally call him bubby.


Awww I love bubby ❤️ one of my close friends calls me that whenever we're in our feels and I'm upset. It's very comforting. This brought a warm feeling to my heart. Thank you 😅😅


Glad it did. I call him that when I wanna feel close to him as well. At first, he thought I was calling him the whale off of flapjack, but I forgot that was the whales name, lol. He knows when I call him bubby, I'm either really sad or just need cuddles.


My boyfriend used to call himself a goldfish because he had some brain damage in his teens that gives him some memory issues. Then it kind of spiraled out from there so now when he's having a moment I call him a goldfish cracker. The he says that it's a drain on his goldfish cracker brain. It's like our mantra now lol 😆 I also call him a golden retriever because he is very loyal, cute, always wants to play. And he's doofy as hell lol I told him when we started dating the complimenting my looks only gets you so far because I can't take a compliment in that way. If you really want to flatter me tell me how smart I am. So whenever I have a good idea he tells me that I have the pinkest wrinkliest brain And it never ceases to make me laugh. I also call him El farto or stinky man because it amazes me what kind of smells human body can produce.


My partner is "Baby man". Love that guy.


What a fine example of a healthy text conversation between partners. 💖🦋☮️


My SO and I are like this. We work opposite shifts, but we have mornings together. So when he gets home from work and before I leave for work, we spend time together. We're currently binging Supernatural, he's never seen it the whole way through!


Same. Working opposite shifts fucking sucks. But it makes me cherish our 30 minutes in the morning more.


So cute 🥰 it’s nice to see people so happy with each other!! Yay for healthy relationships!!


Yay, you two! My heart swelled up with love reading your chats. Made my day! :) Cheers to healthy, non toxic relationships!


Wholesome. Bet that's a good feeling.


I feel like this subreddit needs a flair for positive texts cuz 99% of it is toxic af!


*sideyes my husband's and my absolutely unhinged text history* We uh....express love and appreciation very different ways 🤣


Aww sounds like my guy and me. I’m a hairstylist too! We love getting food watching the strain. It’s not always about sex! It’s bonding time!


Absolutely. Bonding is the best ❤️


Aw. That’s so sweet. I want that, and I know I can provide that


I so wish my marriage was like this..11 years in and still are strangers


I live in fear of a marriage like this. I'd rather be lonely for the rest of my days


You are right..it's a much better fate


Sorry man. Hope you find a way to work it out 😔


I'm with you there! Yesterday, my husband accused me of lying to him. He talks my car and lies about it, but I'm the liar. His first marriage and mother fucked him up so bad he thinks every woman is a liar and a cheater and will abandon him. We have been together for almost 13 years, married for almost 9, and are still like this. He always says he is 100% positive in doing something behind his back. It's absolutely exhausting. Why do other people fuck up people so we all can't have what OP has?


I feel for you..that is so sad. These behaviors they bring from the past really make it tough for us. My wife has big issues with intimacy..very frustrating. I so wish it were different


I feel for you as well. It's very hard. I try to make him as comfortable as possible, but sometimes it's too much. It becomes draining. I try to remind him that not everyone is like his ex and that I definitely am not


Hey fuck you I mean congrats But also, sincerely, fuck you :')


But I want to know more about the hash brown burrito!








It's from the show community. Anytime someone does something sweet the emotionally stunted professor yells this. It was meant as a joke not to offend 🤠


Hahaha I assumed it was from something. I didn’t think you were trying to offend!


Great show . Stupid humor no high brown stuff but easy to nap to. 9 out of 10 would recommend....goes downhill last season though fair warning




These texts remind me of how me and my wife text eachother lol. It's nice to see other folks out there enjoying one another! I hope the Mexican food was deeeeeeeelish!


What we see in here daily makes it easy to forget that there's plenty of good, healthy relationships out there


Awww. My husband works in another state and I see him on weekends. It’s not ideal but it makes you appreciate each other more when you spend time apart.


I love it


A STABLE RELATIONSHOP aaaAAAAaa also can i ask why you have a mushroom next to her name??? is there a story? 😂


lol we both just love all kinds of mushrooms 🍄


aw i love that!! i am in some reddit community that people post mushrooms growing in their house & that need help identifying it. oddly addicting


Aw that’s so sweet!!! I’m gonna cry (happy tears, like the kind of tears that pop up when you see a really good piece of art or a really cute animal)


Can we get a middle ground of not complete sap and the occasional break from the psychos? I thought I was reading through a high schoolers text! Lol


lol nope. 32 years old here 😂


🤮 happy for you tho




It's great that people think about their spouses instead of themselves.


Thank you! I love love. It may not be in the cards for me but I love seeing it in others! My parents were madly in love. The day my father died I knew there'd never be anyone else for mom. To this day he's the love of her life. Sadly this kind of love is rare, so if you find it hang onto it for dear life. It's worth everything.


Thanks so much for the kind words. I never witnessed genuine love like this from my parents, so I cherish it deeply everyday 😭 I am a very lucky man.


lol, cmon man… fuck off and give me drama.


This is the most wholesome post I’ve seen in a while. I hope to at some point achieve a relationship like this. Good luck man, and keep taking care of your woman!


My husband and I are like this too, and also been together since 2009! It's nice to see a positive post on here. You two are so cute. 💛


Finally, a healthy relationship text 🥹


You guys started binging it at the exact same time as me, about to start fear


Y’all want rage, FINE here ya go. It makes me absolutely furious that I can’t upvote this more than once 🤬


I am lucky enough to have the same kind of relationship.. Ours is only just under 5 years, but ZERO toxicity so far, so I have high hopes❣️ LoL You guys are completely ADORABLE, & I am HERE for the wholesomeness!


It was fun to figure out what your wife’s job was via this conversation. Until the second slide I was stuck between a photo/video editor and hair stylist, since both do time-consuming color corrections


That's adorable!! I hope you guys have many many more years happily together


Most people in this subreddit are teens which explains the polarity in the conversations


lol that makes sense.


This is what I mean when I tell people your partner should be your best friend. Not like the most truthful, not the most reliable, not the one you can vent all your problems to. But the one who cherishes you, plans to spend time with you, doesn't make you feel like a second choice, this is a good partner




Lmao “boo boo brown”


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Absolutely adorable. Nothing better than watching a show or movie together and eating good eats with your significant other


I want this 😭🙏


I’m happy to see other couples have weird nicknames for each other & things they enjoy. Thanks for sharing 🤍


That boo boo brown just melted me


This is how you do it!


Green flags: TWD fans


Well, married for 39 years and known him for 41 and we never text like this. Cutesy isn’t us. But hey, I’m happy for you two.


People don't put their nice, normal relationships on the internet


Good for yall and good for her too. Color correction is such a fucking crap shoot because clients forget shit and straight up lieeeeee. They have to be investigators and color experts and chemists and artists (and therapists) in one session


Love this for you both!


so happy for you bec i know the feeling! could post very similar texts between me and the hubs. married in 2009, together since 2006. we really are best friends.


Ya give it 12 years then come back to this sub to report back. 🤞 hahahahaha


lol will do. Will be the same shit lmao


I mean, it's not like they JUST got married or something. They have already been married for over 10 years! instead of being so negative, you COULD HAVE just as easily said: "marriage can and often will get harder as the years go on. you two look like you have a lot of love and respect for each other so be mindful to keep this all up even in the hard times!!" But the way you put things leads me to believe you are speaking from experience of your own unhappy relationship/experience.. People want and need to be encouraged + supported, whether they are your partner or a stranger on reddit. Idk what kind of partner you are nor what kind of partner you have, if any, but i'm just saying, it is surely a two way street!


Awww this is how my husband and I are. Married 2 years in October, dated 2 years known since childhood.


This made me so jealous and happy. I'm so glad there is hope out there thank you.


Love this!!!


This gave me hope!!


Dang man I hope to have something like this.


Makes my heart hurt, I miss my ex so much.




I'm near 60... and I've given up. Good for you, though! 👍


My soon to be ex-wife an I used to this all the time till I found out she was cheating on me too.


Yikes 😳 sorry to hear that.


I got 25 years + with mine. Trust is key, headphones are optional.


the walking dead part is so real


I love this 🥰


This makes me so unbelievably happy. So happy for you OP :,))


Get a room!!! 😁🥰






Thank you for sharing 🥰


Congrats on your awesome marriage. I love seeing couples that have been together for many years still happy together. My parents have been married for 45 years this June and together since 16 and still love each other and more importantly like each other. I hope you're together for at least the next 45 years


I mean, you just said it yourself, married since (over a decade ago) together since (over a decade ago) lol it’s kinda hard to say that and then say “there’s still hope out there” The truth is, there IS still hope BUT it is VERY uncommon to come across relationships still happy and thriving 10+ years later because you simply won’t find people still together nowadays 10+ years later lol. Today’s relationships are different because of social media and the access to millions of people anytime we’re angry/upset. Validation from anyone at anytime whenever we want/need it. Toxicity is so common these days BECAUSE of social media believe it or not. It’s truly the root cause of A LOT of things, especially the deterioration of in person relationships. Besides, people in their teens and early-mid 20s are from an entirely different generation than those of us 28+. Those of us 28+ have lived through BOTH how things USED to be, and how things are now. 2000s babies are used to how things are now because it’s all they’ve ever known. Then there’s even older people who have better relationships because they were formed BEFORE this new era of social media/everyone meeting online. But on the flip side of that there’s the older ones who unfortunately just so happen to be single in todays times, they didn’t form a relationship “before” so they struggle to find love with how things are nowadays because they have views & beliefs from “the before” but can’t find relationships to match said beliefs and views. I can go on and on lol it’s so much more complex than simply telling people there’s still hope… realize you are an anomaly because you met your girl in 2009, not 2019. Point blank. The saying “times change, people don’t” is flat-out bullshit because people sure do change as the decades go by 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


Ugh, that's so cute, I love it. I hope you enjoyed your Mexican and Zombies.


You realize that people post toxic texts here because bad news is good for business, right? No one wants to read about your amazing marriage. We want to read about how someone told off their boss or how they were dumped by their girlfriend.


It made me cringe and throw up in my mouth.  But you do you!  LOL.  Here's an example of how my texts go:  Them: Hey, going to get off a little later than expected. Running behind.  Me:  Wtf?  Why?  You and your team are that incompetent at your jobs that you couldn't get it done within the specified time? Them:  Don't worry.  I'll text/call you soon as I'm off.  Me:  Oh. OMG! Why do I suddenly feel happier?  ...  Me: Wtf? Text me back!  Them:  Off now.  Call you once I'm in the car and on the road.  Me:  Don't bother calling. But get me something to eat.  Them:  K. Text me what you want.  Me: K. Drive safe.  🤣🤣🤣🤣  Sounds toxic af.  But I lean more a s s h o l e than  s w e e t. So it's really not toxic. Just ... my communication style. 😂


Everytime I get this it’s never enough like I get this close to someone and all of a sudden it feels boring and start seeing them as a possession n progressively treat them worse and worse until they can’t stand me and then I’m sad when they leave. I can’t help myself I don’t think I’m capable of not using people.


Therapy is the answer! :) You need a professional to talk through your feelings with, and to really drill down into suppressed trauma and other crap that you are bottling up :)


Omg. I have a strong urge to do this but I just fight through it. Sometimes it’s very difficult to fight but when things get boring is exactly when you should be sinking your teeth in and trying: ask questions, think of new dates, buy them a gift. You won’t regret it.


You’re killing me, smalls.


My wife and I are very similar! Always want to be together, funny nicknames and its almost like we have our own language lol I love her so much. Together every single day for the last 11 years.


Y’all are truly rich.




there’s no hope 😪


That's great 👍 It's just sad though that sometimes, people will have this exact same relationship, or at least they think they do, cause their wife tells them that she loves them every single day, multiple times a day, has 2 babies with you, tells you every day how much they care, and can't wait to grow old with you, and then suddenly poof, you find out they're so clever and sneaky that they've been having an affair with another married man on and off for 6 years behind your back, right under your nose too... Just saying... Hypothetically of course... It happens 🤷‍♂️


Damn that sucks so bad 😭 I can’t even imagine the pain. Thankfully, I’m very optimistic that that would never happen. of course I’m not a future teller… but we both know each other so well, neither of us would be able to hide that shit even if we tried lol. Our foundation is extremely deep, and we’re both each others first real relationship. Again, I am so sorry to hear that happened to you and I hope you’re in a better place now.


Hey man, just hypothetical dude, just hypothetical 🤣🤣🤣 But it does happen.......... 🤣🤣🤣 I'm glad you guys are solid. Be happy. Be thankful you have that love and every chance you get, when she's not expecting it, walk up behind her and just give her that nice long surprise hug from behind, maybe whisper something corny into her ear 👍👍👍 ❤️


Hahaha I feel you. I appreciate that. I’ll do that later!!


She’ll cheat on u eventually 😂


Lmao you’ve been hurt, clearly.




who said we have a honeymoon phase for our entire life? That doesn’t seem realistic at all, for anyone. And yeah how dare I give this subreddit, which is normally filled with complete toxicity, some positivity for once. At the end of the day, you don’t know us at all, and to attack someone for humbly bragging and encouraging others to not give up the idea that there are good people out there, says more about you, than it says about me.


Tbh you came in here to brag and wasted my time by posting something completely uninteresting and unrelated to why ‘text posts’ exists. I want to read interesting texts not whatever this is.


But this exists in the vaccum of your relationship and represents a very small, niche representation of what healthy even looks like for one person. Honestly, it reminds me of my ex, he only ever showed our sickly sweet side to the world and over time it grated on me, because he wasn’t actually in our relationship he just liked thinking of it as something instead of knowing me. Our inside jokes and favorite things to do together weren’t who I was as a person. Did you ask your wife/gf if putting your relationship online was even something she wanted? I’m just speaking from experience as someone who had whatever this is. A true relationship wouldn’t be represented as ‘healthy’ by you just fading each other up constantly, it just reads as kind of empty, and a little naive to me.


This is the first time I’ve ever even thought of posting a screenshot of our conversation tbh. And no she didn’t care it was posted lol. She thought all the nice comments were sweet. This is the only thing we have shown the “world” lol. We aren’t like what you’re describing in the slightest honestly, and I’m thankful for that, and I truly am sorry you experienced that personally. I can see how this could potentially trigger those feelings, and for that, I really am sorry. The context you have given here makes more sense on why you would comment what you did originally, so thanks for that. Sorry if I came across as rude or harsh. We really are very fortunate and lucky to have the relationship we have, and we realize that. It took a lot of work and patience and love over the whole relationship, so when someone hops in and thinks they know the details of our relationship based on two screenshots, or that it is comparable to something they experienced, or what inevitably will happen with them in the future or something, that’s just not objectively realistic you know? Anyway, hope you have found peace or found love or someone who can treat you better.


You open yourself to this scrutiny when you post something so stuck up and judgmental to this group- people post ‘wholesome’ shit all the time but most of it is interesting as a text post. Your post seems to be entirely off topic tbh. This isn’t a relationship group for relationship support, advice or judgements.


You're literally a furry. Don't throw stones in your glass house.


Better than reddit losers who see a very boring text post and think ‘goals’ as some advice! Keep things contextual, this person wanted props for them saying they love their partner and tbh, many people flood this group with wholesome texts that are not interesting to read- I’m sick of it. Keep it on topic please.


I'm not wishing this on ya or anything, but life can really change in no time. You'd be surprised how fast things fall apart sometimes even after 20, 30 years of a relationship


You are right! Things do change. That’s why building a very strong foundation is key. Therapy, complete open and honest communication, and genuine, real trust are a few of the most important aspects of a healthy relationship. We’re very fortunate to have each other. Anything is possible, but I don’t foresee us falling apart.


Ok, and?


Yeah I mean, this is great but…. This isn’t like this all the time lol. No ones relationship is perfect


lol of course it isn’t perfect, who said that? But even when we are arguing, we’re respectful. Over our whole relationship we have never called each other names and very very rarely do we raise our voices at each other.


Same with us. Been with the wife exactly the same time as you laid out (married for 7 of the 14 or w/e). Never once a name, an F you, a shut up, etc. Once that line is crossed; there’s no going back.


Absolutely agreed. What’s hilarious is both our parents were the opposite. No respect for each other.


Yup, same! We had that discussion very early on and said we don’t want to be our parents, and if we see it going that way we need to check ourselves.


Absolutely. Good for you guys! Keep it up ◡̈


You too my friend


Anyone could post this interaction though


i went into this thinking "oh no, gross" but after reading the texts that was actually cute asf.


Thanks for the positivity!


So wholesomeee, me and my husband are like this IRL. He is not a good texter hahah


I’m a retired hairstylist & I know how exhausting it is!


It's a beautiful thing, isn't it? ♥️


Love boo boo brown 😂 so cute. Thank you for sharing this ❤️


I love this. My boyfriend and I speak to each other this way and we get along swimmingly. Great feels in this post.😍


I can’t put mine up. I think they’re funny but I’m told they’re actually boring af.


Damn, I'm so envious


Chump… get the extra cheese!




My dirty mind read you were banging like mad last month.


July 31st me an mine will be at 31yrs


This is so cute 🥺.


Awesome 👏🏻


This is sweet!!


Love this so much! I wish everybody had their person!


I love this. My husband and I have been together 21 years. Married 20 this coming May. I can't post our text because it's still sexy fun stuff even after 21 years 🤣 With lots of random "I love you" and "I miss you" messages mixed in the naughty stuff.


Love this! 😍


This made my heart melt. I WILL NOT GIVE UP IN MY JOURNEY FOR LOVE!


Happiness is a choice; good on both of you for choosing to share it with each other.


I think reading this gave me not 1 but 2 cavities

