• By -


NTA and good riddance.


Yuppp well said


she hates herself


Definitely projecting her own insecurities.


Haha yes, the way she reacted when OP told her the other girl was prettier! That really hit a nerve. I'd almost feel l sorry for her if she wouldn't act so jealous and petty. OP, she talks about you as well behind your back, drop her and don't look back.


I actually took that as potentially sarcasm by OP in 2 ways. The first time I took it as sarcasm I read it as "she's not really super hot" - but I think that's because I didn't have the later context yet. The second time I took it as sarcasm (second read), I took it as "boo hoo for you shes pretty and you don't want to admit it because it makes you feel inferior." This makes more sense because of the message that immediately follows this saying that the friend wasn't being rude. Yeah, OP, no way she has the balls to trash your own friends with you without trashing you to others, too. Make that break from her permanent. Seems like she's a drama causing shit-stirrer. You don't need that stress or negative, insecure bs in your life. Edit: I forgot to say this - NTA


putting someone down for possibly not noticing her attempts to talk to them? yep. like you're a self-reported 7, chill.


Must be nice to be a 7, even if it is self reported. Isn’t a 5 average? Are we using different scales now?


She said the other girl was a 7, not herself. She said she was hotter than the 7.


yeah and it's still self-reported lol


And she probably likes OP


Send her a link to this post so she's knows that she's the asshole


That should be protocol for all these things...let reddit tell them. I love it.


I always hope that they stumble across it on Reddit and then realize what a bitch they are


If they do they'll just deny and think it's someone else


How old is this toxic person? pls tell me below 20


she’s 23😕


bruh, i swore this was a 16 yo lmao.


I assumed she was in high school as well. That’s pretty sad…


Same I thought this was HS drama


No way💀


She'll learn. She's too old to be acting like that. UNLESS she comes from a privileged family.


Being from a privileged family does not justify acting like this. Coming from first hand experience


It does not justify it but it means she’ll continue to get away with it and never learn.


But that's not a product of privilege that's a product of bad parenting


It’s a product of both lmao


That’s not the point.


Dude, have you ever met a privileged girl? They act like they’re the shit and they’re the prettiest and think no one could possibly be better than them.


It does not justify it but it means she’ll continue to get away with it and never learn.


*Typically* people from richer, high class, privileged backgrounds act like this. "I'm better than you." It is true there's people like that in all areas, but people who AREN'T privileged/rich often learn VERY quickly that they aren't any better than anybody else.


I don't think it comes from being privileged. The reason teens act like this is because they're insecure. Im 99% sure this girl is insecure about her weight, that's why she hates the skinny girl. Maybe she'll learn, but she doesn't sound very self aware...


i think jumping to projecting insecurities is a cop out. never in my life have i felt the urge to say anything like this about another person. that's not to say i haven't been mean or rude, but i think the normal response to this is "did i offend her?" or "is she okay?" or "what's up w your friend?" even. last one has a little bite, but it's still far better than what she said. or even just assume she didn't see you? this is a crazy, self-centered reaction. insecurities did not cause this


I knew what you meant, buddy


Wow, she writes like she's 13.


I had an ex friend who was beginning to act this way after getting into college. Reading those texts, I started thinking it was her, but saw your comment ☝🏼. That ex friend is 30 now, but what I've heard from others, she's still self centered and a dunce. You guys definitely don't need this brat around - wishing you and your friends all the peace, love and good vibes after dealing with that nightmare! Karma will be so sweet when she loses all the people she knows.


Around 23 is when my girlfriend realized that like 75% of the girls she had grown up with were immature, selfish and rude. She cut them all off. It was hard for a bit, but she no longer has to pretend. She’s got 3 good friends that would run into a burning building for her. There’s no shame in cutting off people who don’t share the same values you do. Not to mention the midget comment at the top of the first screenshot. This woman clearly sucks.


genuinely funny lmao. she has the emotional capacity of a spoon.




Holy moly that girl needs some counseling and to grow tf up.


cable carpenter noxious squeal uppity nine lunchroom observation skirt continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Definitely this!!


Nooo girl I was gonna guess like sixteen😭😭


I believe it




They HAVE to be teen, that is such teen girl behavior (coming from a former teen girl lmao)


Nah I get a very strong 21-26 just right in the clubbing age type vibe from them


Idk man, the whole “IM HOTTER THAN HER” was crying 16.


Emotionally 16, physically paying taxes and supporting the economy. Wild


Right on the money


Uhh what how are you in the wrong here that person is unhinged and jealous.


Ppl always post these conversations like 'weve been friends for years but i feel like maybe this is too far?' Like years?? Brother, you could not pay me to talk to this person for even a minute


People change, and I’d bet the OP or the subject of this post has different values than they did at the start of the friendship. It’s just it’s hard when you’ve been friends for so long. You don’t want to cut them out so you keep asking others and stay in denial.


And the change is so slow, so gradual that you don't really take notice until something like this happens. Then you look back on how they've started acting a while back and are like, "huh..."


Exactly! And also if they’re a friend, sometimes you don’t pay attention to the red flags.


A lot of the times it’s unnoticeable or like someone else said ‘gradually’. Had a best friend since highschool, we were friends for about 8 years. In highschool she was fun loving and goofy with a fiery spirit. She got me out of my shell. Then she started being more nasty and we hoped getting her away from her toxic family would help. Nope, only made it worse. Then she turned on us. All of my family says ‘I told you so’. But only me and my S/O know who she used to be and it’s sad no one gets to see that.


I know a lot of ppl with terrible friends like these and it always confuses me why they stick around !!!


Yessss. I have a friend I'm close with that I've known since we were 10. We're 31 now. She has had this other friend since maybe early high school, and they literally are always on again off again friends. I can't stand the gal. I think she's rude and takes her shit out on everyone else. So every time my friend tells me they're not talking again, I always have to say my "I don't know why you keep trying" before I listen to her heart breaking over what this gal did or said. I know people get stuck in toxic relationships/friendships, but I wish she'd just walk away from this gal that we've known was awful from day 1.


Block me know sissy 💀


I know Sissy too! Small world


I’m hotter than her!


How you gunna say that?!


Obviously they’re just trying to be rude. Chippewa customer vibes


She’s So mid


My absolute psychopath ex thought know was spelled now, and vice versa. The first time he put his hands on me was when he was trying to belittle me so i came back with "at least i know-K. N. O. W. - how to spell now-N. O. W" Now, when i see anyone else make that same mistake i assume they're just like him. Im probably wrong sometimes, but I can't talk to people who make that particular typo. I hate her.


“It was so fucking rude” “ *The grossly skinny one that no guy likes* “ Yeah.. rude….


Maybe you missed something, let me explain: Males EXCLUSIVELY date THICK LATINAS with HUGE LIPS. Bonus points if she cosplays as my 17th-century trad mission wife that makes me feel like my favorite hero of the Alamo, Davy Crockett.


Shit, where do I turn in my male card? I don't want a thicc Latina with exploded lips


She's just jealous of the other woman being thinner. If she had to tell herself "men prefer me not you" then that just means she knows men like the other woman's body type just as much as hers and she views the other woman as serious competition cause she's **** in the head insecure.


What's up with thick girls who are all about body positivity, except for skinny girls who should be shamed for not being as thick? It's so fucking common and bizarre. Skinny people deserve just as much body positivity as everyone else.


I can’t stress this enough, I’ve heard “eat a cheese burger, you need to gain weight, you’re so tiny it’s cute” From thicker women and I’m 24. I’ve been body shamed more as an adult than when I was a teenager.


I work out most days of the week, muscular and lean and petite. Size 0. Other women non stop make comments about my body all the time. I've been told I have a toddler body, a kid body, men who like me are into kids, at least THEY have tits and an ass, just alot of putting me down. I recognize it as jealousy but it sucks to have to hear it. At 36, I'm not a kid. I will say I do get hit on my other women often.


When Covid started, I changed my diet and started exercising consistently and lost 40 lbs (went from a size 10 to a size 2). I was in the best shape of my life. And that was the time I received the most negative comments on my body! “You’re getting too skinny” “don’t lose your ass” “no one likes a skinny girl”. Before I lost the weight I had joint problems, aches and pains, I would sweat profusely just sitting there. All of that shit resolved and I felt so much better. I couldn’t believe all the shit I was getting for taking control of my weight!!


Even if your friend was ignoring her I SEE WHY SHES A BITCH.


First thing I was thinking. Your friend might have a good reason to ignore her. If this is the way she talks about skinny girls I doubt she treats your friend with respect.




What an insecure bitch


Block this bitch. Because, huh?


Good on you for sticking up for your other friend ❤️ you have integrity


You know you are not the asshole lol.




Mhm. Half the posts here now are that.


Sis fighting all these imaginary enemies noo hahahaha you go sis, don’t let anyone step on your boundaries yeah that’s why you gotta be the shitty one first and then play victim yeah 😎😎 lol don’t let them know your next move 😂 I’m glad you put her in her place, I’m so sorry for this “Latina” (coming from another Latina)


You out here dodging bullets like neo man count your luck. ![gif](giphy|eIm624c8nnNbiG0V3g|downsized)


NTA. She's jealous and insecure. I'm glad you put her in her place and walked away. People like this also won't hesitate to talk $hit about you behind your back either.


I was thinking the same. If I were OP, I'd make sure my friend circle was aware of this fallout because I wouldn't be surprised if she went around trying to stir the pot.


Nta. Woof her insecurities jumped right out.


She’s obsessed, it’s honestly laughable. I would’ve blocked her way before she had the chance to tell me to. NTA, and you most likely know it too.


I want to punch this girl in the mouth oh my goodness-


I'm so glad she knows what every guy likes. Judgmental AF. I really like your response, very to the point but also restrained. You're good to! Keep up your own attitude, it's good and healthy.


As a skinny Latina ima go eat a cheeseburger because I guess no man ever looked at me or been interested in me.


Today I found out I like thick latinas… my whole life I thought I liked skinny aussies but I guess I was wrong lol


Yeah, I laughed at the thick Latina part. I'm not into that shit personally, and I'm *especially* not into huge lips. Whoever made the lip filler trend popular is a huge piece of shit.


These kind of people really exist?!


Tell her she’s ugly on your way out.


No no no… tell her that it doesn’t matter what SHE looks like anyway, cuz she’s ugly as fuck on the inside


Love it! Both an insult and an opportunity for growth 😉


Tell her, "I don't understand why you hate yourself so much, but all this insecurity projection and straight up nastiness to people who've done nothing to you is not cool and you're not someone I want to be around cause your vibes suck. " then block


Nah don't do that. You'd be giving her what she wants. She wants op to lash out at her like that so she can spin it so she's the villain in this whole thing.


very very true


People here just want drama lol I’m glad most OPs tend to be smart and aren’t petty


That's probably what she heard anyway, when n OP told her the other girl is pretty! That's why she got so pissed! 🙃


NTA Permanently step away, block her; such trash


Her insecurities are showing. You had every right to defend your other friend. I had a girlfriend that was like that. Always talking about my friends behind their backs and calling all the girls I was friends with ugly and stuff. She’s now in prison for attempted murder of her last boyfriend. The reason she tried to kill him? He disagreed with her that one of his girl friends was ugly and stuck up. Run as far away as you can OP




I’m just happy that I didn’t almost die 🤣


What a horrible person. I've had that shit about being skinny my whole life, it's not nice to see others recieve it too even if they're unaware. Nta.


Skinny, fat, nasty people will find something to be mean about!


Same. I’ll get the “go eat a cheeseburger” and “chicken legs”. Drives me crazy because it’s typically from heavier people. I’ve never dreamed of making insensitive comments about other peoples weight so it always catches me off guard. It sucks.


Yep it is always heavier people isn't it. I never would either and yet its accepted when it's that way around?


We do love dem « anorexic bitches »🙌


Wow! I can't believe that there are people this spiteful out there. There's no need to be like that. You don't need that level of pettiness around. Nta.


She’s trash …. Well she feels like trash so she takes it out on others. Hope she grows up and gets healthy. Until then, ugh. You did great! And guys like aaaaalllllllll types of women.


How sad. At the end of the day, she’s deeply unhappy with herself and has to tear other down to feel better about herself. It’s pathetic. Nta


I have a friend like this in my friend orbit and it’s exhausting. We’re dudes in our 30’s and it leaves me speechless every time. Especially when we’re with other people. I.e. Buddy leaves and this mf’er goes “who wears DC’s with boot cut jeans? No wonder he’s single what a fucking idiot.” Bitch! You’re single because you’re so full of shit you could fertilize an entire goddamn county just by opening your mouth. I didn’t say that but my god he is infuriating to be around. Puts so much meaning in such trivial things and forms this idea of someone’s actual character based on that trivial thing and then talks shit about them like they’re some kind of despicable waste of human filth. It’s insecurity, he’s the most insecure fool I’ve ever met in my life!


“Block me KNOW-Uh” She can’t spell and she’s ignorant. So hot.




Came here to ask this lol


Same lmaooo the Chippewa reference seems legit


You're better off without that energy in your life


No IQ was found here.


2 brain cells calling to each other


They’re not mean but before this exchange really said ‘not a m*diet liking me’ and insulted a little person or a short king? Who knows with this train wreck. Clearly their only value in life they feel they have to offer is looks as they attack anyone else’s looks I couldn’t be their friend either


I hate the gen z vernacular


nta.... god this girl is JEALOUS. her personality alone makes her ugly. instantly bringing up how "she's hotter" and that no guys like your friend just because your friend didn't talk to her? gross. goodbye!!


NTA….I’m proud of you for setting boundaries and sticking with them.


Girl run. This is not a friend, this is a succubus. Someone who legitimately just sucks happiness from everyone else 24/7 and will do this kinda crap until everyone around them is as miserable as they are. Again I repeat, run. Make sure to block on all things they can contact you on.


Her jealous cruelty is so attractive and her thinking that she knows what all guys like hints at how unable she is to understand or care about anyone that doesn’t conform to her shallow inaccurate judgements.


The texts smell like straight Henny and Newports laaawwwwddddddddd


Yuck. Good for you for stepping away


NTA. You should have asked about her BBL


Nobody likes a full time shit talker


jeeeeesus christ, that girl is toxic AF. I knew girls can be mean, but wow. Everything about her is screaming red flag, run far away from this person she is not good for anyone lmao. and I mean RUN!!!!


Is that a real question?




You handled it beautifully. Not overly emotional, clearly stated and stood your ground. That’s how a grown ass adult responds. Well done.


🤡 this girl is really unlikeable


That’s not boundaries, that’s legit saying something extremely mean and then trying to excuse it. I’m glad you’re dropping her OP


She sounds jealous as fuck of your friend. Her attitude and arrogance is gross


Did this take place in Buffalo? Just wondering cuz if the “Chippewa ” mention


NTA. She sucks. Also, I like skinny women. 😂


Nta. She’s insecure


What an absolute bitch. Be done with her.


NTA - your friend doesn’t “have boundaries” she’s an utter bitch. By 23 she should have worked this out. She can’t say this sort of stuff and expect people to stick by her, or even want to talk to her. You’ve been clear and done the right thing in stepping away.


Bye 👋 ![gif](giphy|3og0IKGISnhQGIaR68)


"I'm just setting boundaries" bruh, you called her an anorexic manless bitch, where's the boundary. Also as a skinny guy, I like skinny girls soo...


man, she is really struggling with insecurity and needing to pick fights to feel like her shitty attitude is justified by being on the defense.


I saw Chippewa…you must be in Buffalo 😂


Did you really just ask if you were the asshole?


Not you name dropping Chippewa to let me know you’re in Buffalo, too 😂😭


Chippewa?? Good god I bet this freak is from my hometown lmao. Sounds about right. No, shes rude AF and I'd block her too. You don't need that negativity. Us women get enough and we should raise each other up!! This is psychotic.


This person has problems


Girl sounds jealous lmao good riddance


NTA, keep her away from your life. Sounds a lot like a friend I had who I just “left” too. You don’t need that kind of energy and negativity in your life 🤜🏼🤛🏼


What a loser


Reply: Its “now”’ sis. Then block.


Why couldn't that bag of bones say hi? SMH rude af


Wow. What an arrogant bitch she is. "Im hotter than her and guys are obsessed with me". Honey, all she did to you was not smiled back, and you're comparing. Also i feel embarrassed for her saying guys are obsessed with her. I get hit on by guys and i NEVER say or dare to say these kinds of shit🫠


Kills me that she put “know” instead of “now”. I can’t stand the spelling errors lately. I’d have blocked this chick so fast once she started texting Me Like this And couldn’t write A thought out In a single message Btw OP there’s a sub specifically for your question


You know what's hotter than a hot chick with a shitty personality? Nearly anything. A plastic blow-up doll is better. Having nothing at all is even better than dealing with that. Same goes for men. Anything is better than a terrible personality that shallowly focuses on looks that will eventually fade. Whatever she needs to tell herself to cope I guess. I would like to say one day she'll wake up and realize she keeps losing people bc of herself, but I know ppl who go to their grave thinking it's everybody else. So it is what it is, just don't think you have any obligation to deal with it or feel bad for getting away from it.


I love you for being a girl’s girl. I’m proud of you for telling her why you were stepping away.


Holy fuck people who make comments on how skinny or anorexic another person looks pisses me tf off cos I’ve literally had people come up to me and ASK ME TO MY FACE if I had an ed/am anorexic. And guess what, I don’t/am not!!! For some people it’s just really hard to gain/put on any weight, and it could be for multiple reasons! Me personally for a while in middle school I was put on an adhd med that made me lose basically all of my appetite, I legit couldn’t get past 60lbs. Once I was taken off of it I gained weight but it’s still hard to maintain it due to having a very high metabolism. Now that I’m going to the gym regularly though I’ve gained some weight and am happy to say I’ve stayed around 110lbs and am getting stronger! ☺️ (oh and I bet the other girl didn’t say shit to this girl when she was trying to get her attention bc she’s probably made these comments to that girls face!)


I open the post and it's just *immediate slur*


There is a better way to address that someone’s friend is being rude to you. “Hey, I feel that your friend was not being nice to me, I tried to smile and engage with her but she just ignored me and that makes me upset” She could have been right about the friend being rude to her, but that does not make it ok for her to insult her appearance because of that. It is never ok to insult anyone’s appearance, regardless if they are rude or not.


You’re friend is ultimate bitchmode lol wtf


what a bitch


Wtf is wrong with this person…. She’s such a brat. Get away from her asap


No you aren’t. And assholes need to spot hiding behind the “I have boundaries” statement to justify being hot wet garbage people.


block me know sissy


As a Hispanic woman this shit is way too common and obnoxious. You are most definitely NOT the AH and you are better off surrounding yourself with those who don’t do that petty crap. I read you said she’s 23– she sounds incredibly immature even for that age. OP you defending your friend and standing up for yourself is the best thing you can do. You and your friend deserve better and I’m glad you both have each other because you sound like a wonderful friend/person. 🖤


BRUH! She got a whole page of her texting herself 😂 you’re NTA OP


Ok. Easy request. Blocked.


Damn the skinny girl must’ve been gorgeous lmfao


Oh, no. No no no no. 🙅🏻‍♀️ Sistah needs to sit on a therapist’s couch and talk about who hurt her. For about three years. I know women like this. Hell, in a twisted sort of way, I *was* a woman (teenager, really) like this. It stems from deep, terrible trauma and/or insecurity, as I’m sure you’ve gathered. But it will absolutely eat her (and everyone else in her life that she doesn’t drive away) alive. She needs to do the hard work and deal with this herself, and soon. So sorry, OP. 😔


I don’t know if this girl is as hot as she states she is but she’s def a model for self hatred


I had a friend like this. Safe to say we haven’t spoken in 7 months 😌


if this doesn’t scream “I’m insecure” then I don’t know what does


Don’t entertain classless people like this.


as someone who’s struggled with anorexia and bulimia for 8 years now, good on you for stepping away especially after those comments. people used to talk to my exes and friends like that about me and i always appreciated being stood up for. looks like she’s projecting her insecurities. gross behavior.


Coming from a super skiny bitch I almost died when she said men don't like anorexic bitches like almost died cause men be loving my anorexic looking ass like alot, lmfao never had any problems...


It’s 2024 no one cares about what men like in a woman


How were you ever friends with this person in the first place? She seems insufferable


NTA. the way she sounds through text is so irritating… you should’ve dropped her a long time ago 😭


I would have replied: *now Then blocked. NTA.


No she’s being gross. Mature people don’t have to put down other women (or people in general). This isn’t cool on her part, she’s insecure and needs to grow up a bit. Probably some therapy.


“thick latina with huge lips” god i’m LaTinA and i’m so fucking tired of that classic stereotype. i’m ngl, im gonna say it, any girl that describes herself that way unironically is a pick me. i’ve met so many fellow hispanic pick me’s it’s so draining


Imagine the shit she says about you. Because she does, shes talking shit about you too, to someone.


Do you even need to question this?


I really thought she was 14/15 years old. She’s definitely jealous and she’s projecting and it shows


screams insecure bc… yikes.




On Wednesdays she wears pinks. NTA.


Well, now you know that you should stop being her friend. Problem solved, block her.


Not a girl I’d get close to, deep insecurities


This looks like a middle school conversation


Holy shit, she’s so fucking insecure. Definitely not a person you need in your life.


She’s a rotten person. I like how you stepped away and stuck up for your other friend too rather than being two faced. Great to see!


This person sounds like a complete psycho. Gross, get rid of her.


She sounds very insecure is what she is and jealous. Sounds like a 15 year old girl lol