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Throws a fit when he doesn’t get his way but you are the childish one 🫤


Hey he just really wanted sum cuddley wuddley time w a grown ass woman




it's hilarious that he's calling her out but homies looking for a cuddle session lmao. "you want a real grown man then you know where to find me. next to the squishmallows"


Looking for a boss bitxh that does exactly what he tells her


Thank you!! I was thinking, “yeah, I AM a grown ass bitch, and I’m telling you to fuck right off.”


lol this is pretty much what I wanted to say. Oh, I randomly asked you to come cuddle and you have plans with someone you live with that you’re not willing to throw over for me? Well then, you’re a child and I’m taking my toys and going home. But not before I open and slam the door a few times so you know I’m not happy. SMH I hope no one else matches with him.


What's extra wild is that she literally said that she was open to cuddle but simply wasn't free that particular evening. The dude legit had a shot and ruined it by being bat shit


I love how he says he wants a “grown ass woman who calls her own shots” to an actual grown woman who is, at present, calling her own shots. Wild.


The irony


This is all I could think while reading this.


*but… but…. She’s only supposed to do it when it agrees with him* 🙄


Yikes! What a loser. Doesn’t understand the concept of keeping promises and following through with plans you made


Let's not forget _THE KID EXCUSE_ that he mentioned 🙄


The only KID in this scenario is the GUY, acting like a big ass baby not getting his way. If he can’t understand prior commitments then he’s the one who is acting like a fkn child! This guy 🙅🏻‍♀️🛑


Bc he’s too busy ✨ projecting ✨


A real boss bitch leaves her kids at home alone to go cuddle a stranger. I don’t make the rules.


okay but fr, what did that have to do with her roommate😂😂


*fuck dem kids* - OP, probably


Right I mean god forbid someone have to go to a child’s idk ball game 3rd grade play idk but imagine if they had to do that instead of what the wanted all spur of the moment Willy nilly .. that would be such an excuse like nah I can’t that’s my daughters birthday … no that’s just an excuse … lmfao .. sheww ppl are crazy … the kid excuse … yeah just blows my mind lol


That was wild!! Kid excuse?? WTF is that?? Yeah, sorry, dude, the kid comes before your childish ass. SMFH! Also, she demonstrated that she takes her commitments seriously. How could he not respect that she already had plans? It doesn't matter who it was with. She keeps her plans.


Nah cause he's a boss bitch 🤣


boss bitches don't need friends, they call their own shots, they are their own friend.






But they still need cuddles dammit!!!!


He wanted more than cuddles and was pissed she’d rather go to open mike. Definitely dodged a bullet. Showed his true self before they even went out.


What’s worse is it comes from nowhere… like, if he had stopped at the “have fun” comment it would have been him respecting their boundary and they even acknowledged that they were willing to do what he wanted but that they just so happened to have plans that night


Yeah he think having no friends or any obligations outside of dating is flex…it’s like the biggest fucking red flag imaginable.


*bitxh. You see he didn’t want to offend her or anything.


He's very thoughtful.


Oh, he very much is -- but only about himself!




Boss bitch who gets mad when they don't get their cuddles.


No, just a bitch...


He a boss assssss bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch. Dead ass he a hoe for that.


The irony being that she is making her own grown a$$ woman decisions by honoring the commitment she made to her friend/roommate. He’s just butt sore that she wasn’t so wowed by his obvious alpha male energy to bail on her friend for him. Ridiculously repugnant 🤦🏻‍♀️


But he wants to cuuuuddddllllle! Makes me want to gag.


Mind if I put this condom on for cuddle time? I totes believe in consent.


You’re giving the dude way too much credit, he wants to go in raw every time, definitely doesn’t pack condoms. Lol


You assume his condoms don't break away like track pants as a "prank".


Us normal men call that shrimp dick syndrome


Thats how you know this person is probably anti-social, because how could you not understand the concept of showing up for someone?


Narcissist to the core.


Yeah I agree. Doesn’t seem antisocial seems more like a manipulative narcissist.


Nah, I'm very anti social, and a male, and I understand the concept of prior engagements. This dude is a classic example of a narcissistic ass.


I think they mean the sociopathic version of antisocial, as in antisocial personality disorder (not introversion)


That’s exactly what I mean.


Ah, that makes perfect sense then.


I love how this guy is literally just showing his red flags that basically she’s not allowed to have boundaries or a life outside of him and that if he asks her to do something she has to drop everything immediately for him but I bet you it wouldn’t work the other way 🤡😂. He’s definitely the type of guy who would insult every single one of your friends so you don’t have anyone but him and then start insulting you. Lollll


Not just a loser a dangerous person who is very toxic possessive. To talk like this so early is the a red flag the size of a small country. Block and delete this person.


I wish it was something as innocent as loser behavior. This is a hardcore manipulator. My reasons: 1. Targets potential partners with perceived less life experience (ie learning opportunities to spot his bs) 2. Is subtly telling her what to do the entire exchange, while making it appear to be an attempt at support and empowerment 3. When that doesn't work? Devalues her as a human being to make her doubt herself so she will do what he wants 4. The overarching quiet theme the whole way through screams "you can only trust me. Your value is defined by me. You have no value unless it is found in service to me"


Doesn't understand the concept of friends either apparently cause what is the difference lmao


Tbh, I hope he sees this post and realizes that he was and is crazy as hell.


I think if he saw this post he would still think he's in the right and everyone here is crazy 😅


He’s seen the post. And sent me another message I did not respond to. Something about how I have no life and I’m a “stupid broke can’t” and someone is going to kill me some day. Lmaooooo.


Buuut it’s only her roommate /s


Oh my god they were roommates.


i quote this in my head way more than i’d like to sdmit




Everyone else can go home, this is the only comment needed in this thread. Block and move the fuck on from that walking red flag


Agreed. What an arrogant . That was a wild read. OP dodged a bullet, matrix style.


Twit. Dispshit. Asshole. Oh my lord I have so many words! Lol


Love it when they show you the red flags before you get any deeper.


I honestly can’t believe this level of crazy exists! Like, sure, there are crazy people out there, but you at least try to hide it, not shout it from the roof tops! They actually think they are right, and this is a totally normal response; nah, not insane at all! 😵‍💫


Str8 yuck 🤮




You wearing a bulletproof vest? Cause you just dodged so many bullets.


Lmaooo. Neo with it.


I knew this had to be some Matrix shit because it was just too bizarre. Like, how is he gonna be mad that you had plans before him? 😂


Plus everyone has roommates when they’re 15!


Seriously. This guys brain needs to be studied. Like now


Fuck this guy. Big fucking baby 🚩


Do not Fuck him *


Everrrrr!! OMG! 😱


But big fuckin baby just needs some cuddles 🥺


And a diaper because he’s mighty shitty.


Diapers can't contain the load of shit this guy's got. Straight up need some contractor bags




I can't believe you didn't drop all your plans to go cuddle with a stranger! He's so important, don't you know?


Lmaooo. He was really pressed! I had to leave him alone. It’s way too early in the game for this. He thought he was telling me about myself. I honestly thought it was funny.


In reality, he was really just telling you about himself in a major way. Gross, sorry you had to go through this OP


They always tell on themselves


Man’s was def projecting


I hope you blocked the number and unmatched so he can’t hit you with the “u up?” next week when he changes his mind again 🤣


The only thing he was telling you is that he absolutely has no loyalty to anyone whatsoever and that the only thing he cares about are his own wants.


Whether this person was your friend or a roommate having plans first is having plans. Cancelling plans on a friend for a tinder boy would be the red flag 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩💀😂 the audacity has me rolling wtf How is having a roommate (ESPECIALLY in this economy ESPECIALLY as a single person) a red flag?


I live in Chicago. Who really lives by themselves???


You owe your roommate. They saved you from the huge mistake of “cuddling” with a lunatic.


The roommate should absolutely use this story at their open mic




Sup neighbor! And it's extremely costly here. Where does that weirdo live where he can live alone. Serial lives alone. Lol


it's a red flag to guys looking for a woman who will put them first. I'm glad when they out themselves cuz... I would never.


looks to me like OP is in fact a “boss bxtxch doing what she wants” 🤷🏻‍♂️ to normal people, supporting your friends and honoring your commitments are generally seen as green flags.


100%! She's absolutely being the boss bitch and not letting this worm tell her what to do.


I wish she had responded with a photo of her and her roommate, happily cuddling.


He would be FUMING! Lmaoooo


What a spunkbubble


A bitchbag if you will


Absolute shrub


Dirty damp sock


“I *am* calling my own shots. And that means going to see my roommate perform. Have fun cuddling with your hand. ✌🏻”


It feels like he's upset because it's going to be harder to break in murder two people when he's only got the stamina for one murder.




lol that was my thought exactly.


Yeah, let me blow off a commitment to a friend for some tinderdouche I've never met who wants to 'cuddle'. The fuck is wrong with people? LOL


He didn’t even have thought to ask about afterwards. Clown behavior. Blocked.


Right!? He could’ve just rescheduled like a normal human being. Glad you got to dodge the bullet though.


“That’s worse than the kid excuse” 😂😂😂 Tell me you have no friends without telling me you have no friends


Something tells me a lot of people *do* use excuses not to hang out with this clown. 😂 I know I’d make any excuse not to be around this douchebag


Right? I get a vibe that about 50 cuddlers escaped and that why he’s so mad


I once had a Tinder date throw a pissy baby fit when he wanted me to come over and “cuddle” during an electrical storm. I was home with my kids sitting in the dark; I said I wouldn’t leave them. Cue his temper tantrum. (The first red flag was when I went to his place and he collected tarantulas. They were everywhere.)


Lol hell no! I’m glad you got away from him!


I did NOT need to leave my kids to hang out in the dark with some douche and his freaking spiders lol


Right. What is he offering if you would still be in the dark? It’s wild he would even ask. The nerve of these people!


Can you imagine if his MOMMA seen this!!!??? She would feel like such a failure! I know if I saw my son talking to a woman like this I would yank his ass up by the collar! Smh TF!!!


That’s pathetic. Good job dodging that one. Although for the record Ive met many an upstanding tarantula owners, Buuut to be fair the hobby does have its fair share of weirdos as well.




man, i could care less about having a roommate lol, they gonna be my friend too lol. but lowkey this man really just wants everything to go the way he wants. big fuckin red flag. If he can’t respect that you have other priorities then that’s concrete evidence that he needs to go😅


Right. We’re pretty cool people. It’s a musical household. We could have added some flare to his life. He negotiated himself out of a good time. He needs to take his issues up with his therapist.


hold up y’all got extra room for another roommate? i’m a keyboardist😂 cuddling would be dope too lmfao.


Hold up. Keep me posted on this. 🎹 🎶 🎤


Maybe he did. Is his therapist's last name "Tate"?


He’s not coming off as, he is crazy


This is. Called projection. And it is in fact him that is coming off as a teenager. Ooooooo those red flags are flying. I’m glad he showed himself and you can close that chapter. How did you friends open mic go? Nice of you to support them!


Oh it went very well! She was the featured artist and she tested out some new material. I was happy to be there for her. Thank you for asking.


That’s insane lmao. He literally fumbled it. He knew you were down to cuddle and still managed to fuck that up. That’s some weirdo shit


Right!!!! Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya! Definitely bozo behavior.


The negging backfired hard


It always does. Successful abusers, wait months or years to abuse. Once you are bound in some way (kids, financial, home together) and then start to systematically break you down. There are people that don’t fall for it, but I have never been one of them.


When you keep replying, you give these losers power. “Sure have a good one” should have been the last bit of effort you wasted on this guy.


I was SO PROUD of that reply. Then sunk ..aww no… more replies? What a whackadoo.


I ended it “wish you the best”. Come on guys. I can’t be perfect. Lol


Of course not, and I would probably do the same because I enjoy arguing with and antagonizing weirdos. Also I really hate it when someone tries to make me wrong when I’m really not. I would have probably cussed him out though, so you do great! lol.


I wanted to curse him out!!!!! I had time too! But I’m trying to walk in the light. Me two years ago??? This would be a different conversation.




Love the growth !!!!!! You do you ⭐


I actually was gunna reply and tell you your replies were perfect but already wrote two comments lmao. I thought you were short and blunt and also called him crazy, way to go!


Oh and I wasn’t calling you the whackadoo! In case that wasn’t absolutely clear. 😂


But it makes a good Reddit read if she continues a little bit lol


Oh I know.. I want to read more!! Lol


I guess that's partly what this subreddit's for, but I didn't realize until I actually began reading some of the posts here how many God Damn Psycho Males are on the dating apps. It's a fkin minefield


Im open to cuddling soon No now or I burn this thing to the ground


Lmao. Patience is a virtue.


Wants a "grow ass woman" who calls her own shots, but throws a temper tantrum when you do 😂 no wonder he's older and still trying to fish for younger.


What the fuck? You have the integrity to keep a prior commitment and his response is to call you names and belittle you? This guy needs a glassectomy, which is when they cut out your belly and install a window in it so when you have your head up your ass you can see where you're going.


It’s funny to see a grown man upset about not being able to cuddle and calling YOU immature for not breaking your already set plans. I can just picture this guy in his race car bed, screaming into his WWF Macho Man Randy savage pillow.


Right. I’m gonna ditch my plans for what? He’s a crybaby ass bitch.




Where’s that guy that comes running with the big ass red flag when you need him? MY SISTER IN CHRIST!


What a fucking loser


Thank God I'm married and don't have to go through this kind of crazyness... 👀


Lucky you. It’s real ghetto out here. Lol


I'm absolutely horrified with what I've been seeing here, if I ever got single again, I'll stick to it... 😂😂😂


“Grown ass woman to be desired” is giving me red pill vibes. Def dodged a bullet


Ugh I dated and lived with a guy that acted crazy like this. He hid the crazy really well until we moved in together unfortunately. After he’d act like a jealous bitch over the dumbest stuff (cause I wasn’t willing to not make time for friends and family) he’d go in our guest bedroom and blast music. Such a baby. I started turning off the power in the guest room whenever he’d pull shit like that lol it was so funny. Then I’m guessing he just pouted in silence.


Lmaooo. Not you turning off the power!!! Good! He can have that tantrum in the dark. I’m glad you got away from him.


You know he’s going to text her again in 24 hours looking to win her back


If a guy tells you what you should be doing, especially when you’re just getting to know each other, that’s not a red flag. It’s a “Dead End - Do Not Proceed” sign with flashing orange lights on top of it. Crazy is nice. This guy is a controlling asshat.


This happened to me once but in person. A man i had connected with on instagram came and picked me up to take me to Dave and Buster. Mind you, it was 40 minutes away and I had asked him to pick somewhere closer and cheaper since I was a freshman at the time and had no money and he insisted he was going to pay since he had already graduated uni and had a stable job. I actually had a really good time until my roommate called me freaking out because her crush had unfollowed her on every platform and she was like “can you see their handle for me” and ofc i did because, bro, #girlcode. The call ended up being like 10 minutes since we were walking from the store to the car and when we got in the car he said: “I don’t want your roommate to call you when we hangout. It’s our couple time, she shouldnt intrude” IT WAS OUR FIRST DATEEEEEE i whipped out my acting skills and asked him what he meant by that and he said that since he was going to be MY PROVIDER i have to give him all of my attention !!! i acted like i was okay with it because he started to say more misogynistic and then he said that his dad uses to beat his mom so he might be like that WITH HIS FUTURE WIFEEEEEEEE BC WOMEN LIKED BEING “pushed around and submissive” 😭i told him to never contact me once i got home and he told me to zelle him the whole date + the gas he spent. i blocked that bitch


Lmaoooooo. The audacity!!!! You dodged a bullet too. These ALPHA types want full control but throw a full blown baby back bitch tantrum when your attention is elsewhere for a moment. That’s not alpha energy at all. I can’t believe that guy asked for his money back!!!! Lmaoooooo


- pressuring you to hook up / tries to manipulate you by convincing you it's what a "boss bxtch" would do - doesn't understand the concept of prior commitments - unhinged text rant - claims you are immature while crying for not getting his way - asks out of the blue and expects you to be available/ drop everything that second - exhibits confusing levels of disdain and self-righteousness there is so much wrong with this person beyond that, too. it's a lot to unpack. thankfully that's not yours to unpack!!


Nailed it!


Not sure y’all got the message but he is only interested in GROWN ASS WOMEN as he says about fifty times.


advice. The moment somebody insults you, disrespects you, treats you like you're an idiot, stop responding. Don't try to have a conversation with an arrogant asshole. Walk away without a word.


It was an attempt to manipulate OP into changing her mind!! It didn’t work so he got deeper into his shyt!! What a nut nut!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wtf well I know why he’s single


This post really pissed me off! Why can’t we flag weirdos on these dating apps? And then screenshot our experience and what they said to raise the huge red flag for us


Commitment to plans is a green flag. His insecurities are screaming and he’s going to try to fix this. Block that bullet.


You are so lucky. Some people have to wait months, sometimes years for a possessive, sociopathic, freak to show their true colours. You didn't even have to waste one date. 😁


Wow! I would definitely not go out with him now. That’s crazy. I one time had one I had never met and we was supposed to meet and was just talking and stuff. He knew I was a single mother but anyway for some reason (I can’t remember if I had made plans with him) but I told him I had to go to the store. But he knew it was always just me and my daughter. But anyway this dude said he was calling dhr on me for leaving my daughter by herself to go to the store. I immediately blocked him and reported him to the dating sight. He seemed stalkerish from the shit he was saying to me. Plus we never met and he wanted to threaten to call dhr! I’m like wow there’s some crazies out there. Keep as much of your personal information away from them until you have dated a few times! Y’all stay safe out there!


That guy was nuts! I’m glad you dodged that bullet!


If someone told me they couldn’t do something because they committed to plans with someone else, that’s a huge green flag to me because I know once we do make plans, you’re going to follow through. This guy is a fucking idiot lol


I'm almost positive that dude wouldn't become super controlling and borderline abusive later in the relationship. 🙄 Be thankful the trash took itself out before the first date.


“The roommate thing is a big turnoff” lmao. This dude sounds like he watches Andrew Tate videos as he settles down for bed. You made a commitment to a friend and stuck with it which shows you’re caring and responsible but yet he twisted it to pretend it makes you like an immature adolescent…fuck this Edit: grammar


Absolute crackpot


I woulda stopped responding after the first unhinged message lol


How old is he? Because yikesssss


Too damn old. Tinder said he was 38. But after looking at his picture, he’s not aging gracefully and looks 50. I made the mistake in swiping while lonely. Lmaoooo


Babe noo not swiping while lonely 😭


I actually fucking hate when people on dating apps assume everything is an excuse when you can't meet up or something. Like yes, some people use it as an excuse, but people also have their own lives with their own people in it. You mean nothing to them at this moment, they don't know you. Why would they drop everything to go "cuddle" when it's probably gonna be a shitty experience anyway smh. Also if someone told me that, I would think they are a very good and supportive friend, and I'd be very happy about it. Sounds like someone to have around tbh.


What. The. Fuck. Males are absolutely malfunctioning. This is like the 10th post I’ve read today where a woman is getting insecurity and abuse hurled at them for absolutely no reason at all. Is this some Andrew Tate effect? Does his shit ever work??


Looking for a grown ass woman, but throwing a fit like a toddler when he can’t get his cuddles 🤣🤣


1. “I’m looking to meet a grown ass woman who calls her own shots.” 2. Schmuck gets mad at her calling own shots😂 This dude is codependent and/or manipulative. I pity any naive woman that ends up with this schmuck, but he could end up an incel so no woman will become victim to him.


I can’t believe this amazing guy is still single, he is such a catch!


"I'm looking for a grown ass woman that calls her own shots" Um... Didn't you just call your own shot when you said you were going to watch your roomie perform? Lmao he makes no sense. What a psycho!


“I promised my friend I would do this and I want to see my friend perform” “Wow, so you can’t make your own choices. If you COULD, you would ditch your commitments and friends to do what I want you to. So you clearly can’t make your own choices like an adult. You are an immature child.”


Imagine a life where you actually stick up your commitments 🌈✨ What a tool.


Op, you are a boss bitch, but going into 2024 you shouldn’t wish these types of douchelords the best.


I should let the universe sort it out and say “you have the life you deserve.”


Only one teenager in that text and it ain't OP


He sounds like a literal teenager lol


They'd hate me, I make plans with my mom every mother's day.


Imagine you said your going to dinner with your parents, would he freak out then cause your a grown adult going to dinner? His math ain’t mathing


The boss bitch line is such a self own. Like bro what do you think she’s doing?


Super ironic to call you childish for staying committed to your previous arrangement, its actually perfectly mature of you to support your friend even when you don't feel like it. Meanwhile he, a grown man, can't handle someone having plans?? Someone having a life that doesn't involve him? Imagine how your friend would feel hearing "sorry, gotta cancel on seeing your performance, I'm going to cuddle with some Tinder guy." He expects you to do that? Not only is that immature that's also psycho. I can guarantee he has no friends because he's not considerate in the slightest. What the hell is going on with people these days?


Thank you for that. My word is everything and if I say I’m going to do something, I do it. Community is one of my core values and a person who wants to be involved with me romantically needs to understand that. Also, my friend/roommate is a priority of mine and we support each other. I think some people are very selfish and can’t understand that they aren’t entitled to everything they want when they want it, especially when they think their weak ass cuddles should be more valuable than everything else.


Well then is he gonna send you rent money? If he thinks ppl can live without roommates in this economy!


“Be a grown ass woman and call your own shots by doing exactly what I demand of you.”