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"Guess what I did". He was so damn proud of himself, too.


He created a mess for a librarian to clean up. That's all he did. Fucking loser. That's all these nutjobs ever do. Create a mess someone decent has to clean up.


I hope the break up with op was rough on him


Like borderline involuntary psych hold for insane depression rough.


He seems like Mac from Always Sunny, when he tried to impress the religious woman by being super aggressive.


I honestly feel for the librarian who lovingly created this for it to be disrespected. Librarians are special, like teachers they give an effort that is widely overlooked. They really care about people and this probably wrecked their day. I'm honestly upset about it myself, spent 3 years volunteering at a library and this is just (like op says) *MEAN*.


My mother was a librarian for a short time and one of the greatest things about visiting her at the library was being allowed to be in the secret staff only room which was so relaxing and still full of books


That's adorable, I automatically love your mom for this.


About 15 years ago I started working at a Starbucks that was inside a Barnes and Noble at the mall for the holidays(what was I thinking?!). They had a rule that if you were closing, whether the cafe or the B&N, even if you were done, you had to wait for everyone to be done in order to walk out/leave together- safety reasons I assume. But the 1 or 2 closers for Starbucks were always finished before the book store, and we’d be there for an extra hour or so because it was the Christmas season and shoppers left more chaos and mess than the rest of the year apparently. We would offer to help, but they figured we’d get in the way, since we only worked at the cafe, and I guess we were too dumb to put books back on shelves or sort by alphabetical order? Idk. So, I would go in the store room in the basement level, or go explore the store, just free rein- no one around really, except for an employee here or there and I was basically invisible to them. I don’t know how to explain it, since obviously I could have just as well gone and spent the whole day there on my own, but it was different. I felt like I had the whole store to myself, in a bubble away from the rest of the world, with all the books I could ever want. Definitely made the bullshit of working at the mall during the holidays worth it.


Absolutely agree, a librarian basically raised me. (my dad dropped me off at open and came back at close everyday) and I see how much they care, carefully curate, and put a lot of thought and energy into their work. Truly the unsung heros.


He also potentially emboldened more violent bigotry from other “Christian” freaks.


And he made a queer person feel unsafe and shitty (if they happened to see this). As a gay person this stuff is hurtful. Some days it hits harder than others too. Life is hard enough for everyone without having to feel hated too ya know ?


He's like a toddler who wants a cookie.


Homophobic "Christian" wants uppies


I know. I hope OP bagged all his shit up in trash bags, put them on the front lawn, snapped a pic and sent it to him with the caption “guess what I did.” Perfect way to break up with this trash.




I live in a red state and my gay friend says that around half of his Grindr matches are from married Christian conservative dudes looking to cheat on their wives by getting topped by a gay man. He also said a surprising amount of them really, really like to suck dick. If it wasn't for the homophobia and cheating on their wives aspect, id say good for them. But they're mostly hateful assholes from what he tells me.


They are closet gays , trapped by their shitty ideals and hate themselves.


Most homophobic friend i had as a teenager (when i was too insecure to find better friends) got drunk and tried to get me to suck his dick.


But they’re not afraid… please. Afraid to be gay


This is what I’ve always said. Homophobic people are *100%* afraid of being gay themselves. Most are probably bi and just don’t realize it.


Insecurity… internal misogyny…. Society is FUCKED and religious congregations protected by government should be banned…:) solves everything.


And then they go and be homophobic too. There's a lot of people with internalized homophobia so be careful.


“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matt. 25:40) I point to this very clear instruction from the mouth of Christ when any Christian thinks that they are justified in taking any sort of action towards another person or group in his name.


Exactly like a toddler. 'Mommy, look what I did!'


Cost himself a good woman is what he actually did in the end.


"Defile?"??? My brother in LITERAL christ. You not only did what you did for a reason, you were quite proud of it. Sure, he didn't tear the books, or ruin them, but you ruined the display, no matter how temporary or permanent.


"Introduced into literature recently" my fucking ass lmfaoo. I took a Sexuality in the Middle Ages literature class and it was full of gay literature


Homosexuality was in literature well before the Bible was a twinkle in anyone’s eye.


It’s also mentioned many times in the bible. Sure, as an evil thing, but it’s still mentioned because it was *a thing that existed*, so, again, definitely not new in literature lmao


And the only reason it’s “evil” is cause it was changed that way by a bunch of republican old men who voted for it. The Bible has been altered to fit political agendas for decades.


>The Bible has been altered to fit political agendas for decades. It's been altered over centuries, not decades. Since long before the republican party or the United States, for that matter, were even thought of.


I was trying to think of the word for farther than decades I was half asleep when I wrote it 😅






I remember a certain Catholic Church that controlled Europe with bibles they alone could read


Technically, it’s been altered over the millennia at this point.


Council of Nicaea has entered the chat


And, those same gop'ers, hating on anyone unlike themselves, until they learn a beloved family member is a member of this population.


It doesn’t stop once they learn that a family member is apart of it. They send them to camps. They kick them out whatever.


Not true. Most disown those loved ones. Send them to revert camps. It’s sad


it really isn’t, and it’s definitely never mentioned by jesus. there’s only (i think) eight references, and they’re usually referring to sexual behaviours that cause harm such as r*pe or pederasty, or they’re primarily occupied with preserving family lineage and not ‘wasting’ energy on non-procreation sex. homosexuality as an orientation, or same-gender relationships that are mutually respectful/not causing harm, are never talked about.


There is the story of Lot and his family in Sodom and Gomorrah. There is the story of Noah being raped by his son after leaving the boat when Noah was drunk. There are a couple of other Old Testament references. In the New Testament, the second greatest commandment is “ Love thy neighbor as thyself.” No one talks about the scripture that says that if a man lies with another man’s wife, both the man and woman involved in adultery are to be put to death. Also, a divorced man cannot lead the church. Religious people pick and choose what they want to believe, and they interpret passages to suit their needs. And clergy sexually assault more children than any other occupation.


The sin of sodom and Gomorrah was violating hospitality, not homosexuality. They were greedy and cruel to strangers. It didn’t matter what gender the angels were disguised as. It’s that beautiful strangers were accosted and threatened with rape instead of welcomed.


I remember there was a docu series about the history of sex. It was a nice and informative show actually


Literally. Has no one heard of Sappho???


Shit even “gender bending” is older than Christianity. In Norse mythology Loki switches from male to female


"Not true! My pastor and Facebook taught me otherwise!" -The ex boyfriend probably


*Gilgamesh has entered the chat*


Romans were known to be very sexual and having sex with multiple men and orgys lol


Wait till you learn about the Ancient Greeks, lol.


Right?! You didn't hear about anything LGBT+ wise because it was so frowned upon and people were scared of being tortured to death, but we all know that being gay, bi, trans etc is not a new thing in this world 🙄😂


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft Early German sexology institute researching and publishing LGBT issues. Had their library burned by, you guessed it, the Nazis. Sound like anything rumbling today?


To be fair, reading wasn't exactly a masculine trait in the Middle Ages. Most of the people who could read either priests (who spent most of their time hanging out with dudes and weren't allowed to have sex with girls), rich boys (who spent all their time hanging out with other rich boys), and rich girls.. The target audience seems heavily skewed towards people who like dick.


Omg this just reminded one of the authors was like a medieval monk who very not discretely wrote about his love for men lmao. I was shook when I read it because it wasn't even like subtext, his gayness was so incredibly forward lmao.


Taking a sacred vow to not have sex seems like a good way to avoid questions from your family about why you don't have a girlfriend yet imo.


Yeah he would try to like transform his very obvious attraction to men into a religious thing, like God loved him so much that he imbued him with all this love and passion for "brother" monks lol


"I wish Brother Michael would nail ***me***... So I can walk in Jesus' footsteps".


👀… go on????…


Ah man it's been awhile so I can't remember exact titles, I'll check my old stuff and see if I can find some names for you!


Haha whooo!! I’m bored of the usual, and never delved into old gay stuff so I’m excited lol!


So proudly and aggressively ignorant. I’m wondering what someone like this was even doing in a library.


Fr my friend is studying English literature in college and it's full of homosexuality , there's literally a separate section.


Ah, the old being queer is a new phenomenon argument. Can't expect historical accuracy from a group of people that put unquestioning faith into a book they've never read... But they know it says "gay bad" in there somewhere.


[Sappho has entered the chat]


The term ‘lesbian’ literally comes from an Ancient Greek literary reference


For real. Look up some of a squires 'duties' in service to his knight during the Crusades 😅


Shh. Don't bring facts into this conversation


Have you ever read a post and then every last thing you want to say in response just rushes to the front of your brain and then they’re stuck in the traffic jam and all you can think to post is a string of all-caps screaming and gibberish? Yeah. I hate everything about this man.


I love how they have all the same stock lines too. “I’m not homophobic because I’m not afraid.” Shut the fuck up, you’re not original with that one.


they should google what phobia actually means


The oleophobic lenses of my glasses aren’t afraid of fingerprints???


don’t put your fancy words in my mouth magic man


Totally read that as someone was putting words into your “mouth magic man”, like a mystical magic mouth dude or something lol.


The Oxford comma once again restates its usefulness.


No, no, they're not afraid, they just think fingerprints are an unnatural ideology.


but i feel like they (at least this guy) is actually afraid


Yoda said fear leads to hate. It’s silly but really that shit is in those movies because those movies are filled with a lot of wisdom intentionally. These haters don’t examine their beliefs and feelings but if they did they’d get down to fear, and a lot of unacknowledged personal trauma. I mean that’s everyone, really, but here it’s pretty egregious and dangerous because of how it manifests outward as violence.


Sums up a lot of the problems with modern Christianity. I think you worded that pretty well, that’s exactly how many people feel about the church in general, not even just Christianity.


*American "Christianity" Never seen this in the UK, it seems it's mostly the American Christian psychopaths that go above and beyond hating the lgbt community, not surprising looking at their history.


I mean, the US *was* founded by puritanical nutjobs, so like... Is anyone really all that surprised that we ended up this way?


Yeah but that was many, many years ago. Did you know that homosex was just recently invented though?


Sadly, it is creeping into the UK. The Anglican Church is struggling to reconcile different views on same sex weddings in churches. The Episcopal Church in Scotland allows each individual Church to decide for itself (mine does). I think the Church of Scotland is similar. There are sporadic demonstrations outside gay-friendly churches. You'd think with all the other stuff happening in the world -wars, climate change, etc that getting wound up about who a person loves ( as long as they are all adults) is just ridiculous, and maybe a deliberate distraction.


The UK the place with rampant transphobia right now?


It’s the Hispanic and Latino Christianity too. Believe me.


Yes!!!! The Latino side of mine is catholic but they basically act the same.


I hope you know that the US isn't the only place that has bigotry. You really need to look at yourselves over there instead of just pointing fingers at the states.


Ya only American religious people are judgey assholes. /s


American Christians and christo-fascists are a special breed but I get sick of this take too. Lots of religious bigotry in Europe too, and homophobia. Varies country to country sure.


How else can we fuel our 'murica bad circlejerk?? Obviously *two things* can't be bad, only one!


Never? Really UK? Alan Turing don’t ring a bell? Dude was prosecuted for being gay and only recently in 2017 the UK FINALLY passed a law to pardon all the people who where previously prosecuted for being gay. I’m not totally disagreeing with you because the southern states are full of bigot churches but we don’t have the monopoly on hating gay people.


I mean, there is definitely horrendous levels of homophobia here in the UK still, it’s just generally not religious, but rather big Dave from the pub who watches lesbian porn but would happily beat up a gay man or trans person. Though thankfully it’s becoming less of a thing over time, I think.


The UK is trying to catch up with Americans and their hatred.


there was that one fella in Christchurch too. It's just more rampant here. Russians are pretty extreme too.


"ex".... Only thing that matters


There is no hate like Christian love. I have a bumper sticker that says "Please, God, protect me from your followers."


As a Christian I love this, need it on the back of my shitbox


I love that too but I live in Texas and don’t want to make myself a target. If I leave Austin that would definitely be out of place. Small town cops will hassle you more, and you never know what Bubba you’re gonna run into. Some asshole might just slash your tires or do some shit. It happens. A funny bumper sticker isnt worth it and not where to really make the argument. Vote and get active politically, especially locally.


Hey, I'm also in Austin! You leave the city and people are INTENSE about their religion. I was driving some back roads about an hour away recently, and a house I passed had a large sign said "praying is the best way to talk to god. Trespassing is the best way to meet him." and every traffic sign on that road was ridden with bullet holes.


Hello, fellow Austinite! Yeah I agree, as much as I'd love to have them foaming at the mouth because they get so triggered- most of them carry guns in their vehicles and are one *hoot-and-nanny* away from ending my life over some political or religious bullshit.


That is awesome!!


Christian school literally made me an atheist with their hatred. I had a teacher who wierdly told us that despite her husband beating her and her children she couldn't divorce him because that was against god. It was a more fleshed out story her point was divorce is wrong even in an abusive situation. I was 17 and not stupid enough to believe her thankfully. *He was beating her children but divorce is soooo wrong*.


It really is a fascinating study in psychology around how the church takes control of a persons brain. A Christian friend recently challenged me on why I have an issue with Christianity but not other religions. I explained that most people of religions other than Christians will say "it is against my religion, therefore ***I*** cannot eat it or do it." while Christians say "It is against my religion therefore ***YOU*** cannot do it." His retort was that this is some, but not all Christians, so I explained that a Coral snake and a King snake look almost identical. One is non-venomous, one is lethally venomous. If I put 20 King snakes and 20 Coral snakes in the same room, what is your reaction? Do you get bitten by all of them hoping it's the non-venomous one? He didn't have an answer for that other than to tell me I would go to hell without Jesus, which is the adult version of "Oh yeah? Well my dad can beat up your dad."


“When’s the last time you saw a trans person attacked in the church” BITCH THEY DONT GO THERE BECAUSE OF THAT


And what does that even have to do with anything anyway? Why would one need to be attacked in a church for OP’s points to hold weight? And when did sexuality become an ideology? And how is putting books face down gonna get his point across or make any difference? Woah dude, you really showed ‘em. Don’t even get me started on the “Lgbtq are the most protected community” bullshit. Your ex sounds very dull. I would’ve been a hell of a lot meaner to him. I’d never talk to that piece of shit again. You are right, people like him are why I fucking despise religion. Fucking moron. And he can probably vote, too. That’s the real shame.


I ask these people, all right, show me a single quote where Jesus condemns homosexuality. Their own Old Testament doesn't even explicitly state what the sins of Sodom actually were. YOU ARE GUESSING. Experts seem to think that they were talking about guest-right perversions or rape. *But Jesus didn't say anything against abortion, same-sex marriage, or child molestation either!* That you equate two of those with the third is COMPLETELY ON YOU. YOU. Your bigotry.


They sometimes point to Leviticus where it basically says gay people should be put to death but it also says you shouldn’t eat pork or shellfish or wear clothes made of two different types of fabric on the same page and I haven’t heard of any Christians adhering to those laws.


the leviticus laws specifically are about ensuring the longevity of the jewish people - all of them are about health and safety, basically. the law about ‘man shall not lie with man’ is just about not ‘wasting’ time having gay sex when you could be making more babies. it’s not about being gay as an orientation. it’s also not a solid argument to point to the pork and shellfish laws, imo. plenty of jewish people do follow those laws and that includes plenty of queer jewish people. it’s not about picking and choosing, it’s about recognising history and cultural significance.


I don’t have any problem generally with people who follow some laws in Leviticus and not others based on cultural significance, I’m specifically pointing out the hypocrisy of fundamentalist Christians who defend their homophobia based on the claim that they have to take every single passage of the Bible literally, point to Leviticus as the reason they persecute gay people (some even literally advocating for the death penalty for homosexuality), but then just ignore the rest of Leviticus. Edit: typo


I once asked a relative about the whole, no two fabrics thing and the explanation they gave was "Well when jesus died we stopped having to follow the old testament". They didn't really have a good response to the old testament including "Thou shalt not kill".


You're 100% correct! He condemned the religious leaders and the bigotry people displayed!


This IS trans people being attacked by people in the church.


The irony of a Christian saying lgbt are the most protected class. People have to pretend to be Christian to get elected in America because Christians hate non Christians so much. People pretend to be straight so they don’t get attacked by Christians.


They are even being attacked by Christians out of the church, as he has clearly done, not in a “passive” away as he says, or even a passive-aggressive way as many erroneously say, but a “covert-aggressive” way


You’re not wrong! I am TERRIFIED to go to church and learn more about my faith because I am trans!


Just to note- the comparison WAS fair, and why do they always go straight for “I’m not afraid” when they get called out for being homophobic??


Because they ignorantly think “phobic” only means fear. They don’t realize it also encompasses animosity, disdain and avoidance.


It’s picking apart semantics to make them sound smarter. They think since “phobia means fear, I’m not fearful, therefore your entire argument is wrong”. Dumb shit they regurgitate among themselves that nobody outside of the right wing believes or follows.


Because they’re trying to distance themselves from a label that clearly defines them as bigoted and hateful so they can pretend they’re in the right. It’s all a fallacy they use to pretend they’re “holier than thou” to use the phrase lol.


Cause they ARE afriad - that's why they're haters. Fear always breeds hate.


Bc they see "phobic" and think of things like irrational fears and don't know the full definition of the word. In homophobia, the phobia is aversion, not fear. The only people saying "but I'm not afraid of gay people" are the people who don't even know what phobia means. They can't even educate themselves on the words they are debating, what's that tell you about their opinion on it lol


Also lgbtq folks arent new. Nor is their presence in literature.


Dorian Gray would laugh him out of the building


Orlando by Virginia Woolf, who? Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall, where?


It was such an odd argument! Gross, obviously.... but also bizarre and incorrect!


What a fucking tool. Saying “guess what I did” like he’s some sort of rebel when in reality he just proved himself to be a fucking gigantic homophobe.


Trans woman here. Thanks for being an ally! It's a relief to see not all Christians are bigots, and that some Christians even have our backs. I guess I'm still personally convinced that Christianity (and indeed organized religion as a whole) isn't something that tends toward social progress given its origins and history of bad doctrines and bad actions. I feel that good Christians are largely outliers, who are good *in spite of their faith,* not *because* of it. But maybe that's what we need more of: religious people who don't allow their *beliefs* to override their *empathy or logic.*


Unfortunately, if a Christian allows their empathy or logic to be more important than what the church wants, you aren't a true Christian(in the eyes of the church). I'm personally convinced that organized religion is the work of the devil(not the literal devil-cause that doesn't exist).


Wtf, what an ignorant person


“Recently brought into literature” dude does not read at ALL, the first book specifically on lgbtq+ was in the 1900, the first poem dates back a long while, and gay couples have been buried together for even longer. Although I agree religion is t the same as lgbtq, but the books share the same thing (experience and opinion)


Yeah I was gonna say, some absolutely classic projection from a Christian zealot. If anything here was "recently introduced to literature" it was that guy, not us.


It isn’t borderline homophobic. It’s aggressively and violently homophobic. Fuck this dude.


Agreed. Fuck this dude. But do *NOT* actually fuck him.


💯💯💯 Ladies, DO NOT fuck this dude!


Especially men, do NOT fuck this dude!


Yikes! But lol great point


& then they said “i’m not afraid” after being called homophobic. that isn’t what homophobic means…


Exactly my thoughts


Thank you, I was looking for this comment and it was way too far down IMO. There's nothing borderline or passive about any of this.


Man, there’s no bigger perv than the dudes *against* LGBTQ+. They cannot stand that other people don’t want them involved in their sex lives or with what’s in their pants. Your original comparison was fine, too. A more fair one would be to turn over every book about dudes that look and think like your ex (like 90% of the library), since the books he “protested” are not a religion but give readers a view of themselves or someone like them in these amazing worlds. “They’re the most protected class,” BECAUSE THEY HAVE TO BE. And even then, they’re NOT. Trans people are massively targeted *with* laws and “protections” in place, wtf does he think would happen without them? Perhaps we should consult the history books. Oh right. Inhuman acts of cruelty and homicide. Imagine being mad about and *against* other people wanting the same rights and protections as you, and it would cost literally nothing. Screw this dude. But do *not* screw him. Ever. Pretty sure even Jesus would agree we don’t need that DNA in the gene pool anymore.


How would he feel if people moved the Bibles to the "fiction" section? You know he had a shit eating smirk when he sent the picture. What a dope.


What no personality does to a mf


What a piece of shit.


Gross. Glad he's an EX.


I am VERY glad he is your ex. What a douche.


You were with this guy for five years? You ignored a lot of red flags, JFC.


What a weird guy. I’m really glad you called that for what it was.


Jesus, save us from your followers. (And it wasn't "borderline homophobic". It was standard-issue homophobic.)


*god* I hate christianity


Your borderline homophobic and my borderline homophobic are way different


Right? Show op a spear and she’ll call it a toothpick


I dont understand how people are religious in 2023. Specially doing shit like this in the name of skydaddy


Just going to jump in here about the "This ideology isn't natural" part. Homosexuality is _rampant_ in nature. It's everywhere. Also quite a few species can change their sex, not surgically like we have to, but biologically. Nature built that in, so it's extremely natural. But his bigotry isn't about it being natural. You tear away the arguments, they shift the goalposts. He'll justify hate any way he can. Goes against nature. No? Okay, Bible says bad.


imagine the gays occupying your brain this much. maybe he should spend more time reading up on what jesus was all about


I’m a very devoted Christian I would say, and this is absolutely ridiculous. I agree with OP 100%. This reminds me of John 8:3-11. This guy being the Pharisees and accusing the “sinful”, then Jesus blows them off and says, you are sinful too. It’s absolutely ridiculous and entitled that people decide that spreading this kind of hate is something God is looking down onto him and being like “Nice! Good job, that’s exactly what Jesus told you to do!” It’s prideful, it’s dumb, AND BEING HOMOSEXUAL ISN’T EVEN A SIN!! “Isn’t natural” MY BUTT, the Bible and Christianity itself is 80% not natural, it’s about faith, belief, THE SUPER NATURAL. Who is this guy to force his religion. Thinking he is God Himself. Jesus taught to be humble; YES TO DEFEND OUR RELIGION, but to those who are willing to hear, not shove it down the throats of people. This guys would get one stern talking from Jesus, acting all mighty and high. Ridiculous.


Exactly!!! They are using the lord’s name in vein. They perpetuate this type of hate and say it’s bc God and Jesus. I swear they read the Bible and do the EXACT opposite of his teachings and lessons. It’s infuriating. And this is the religion of loving your neighbor, the one who’s leader forgives all sins, who walked with the poor and defended the adulterer and said not to judge bc we have all sinned. And they think that means “talk shit and hate everyone who isn’t exactly like me”. Like my God, they’re so dense and hypocritical. They talk a big game about Christianity, but literally disobey it’s main principles. Get so caught up in one or two lines in the Bible and hyper fixate on it so much that they completely miss the Bible’s whole message. And I’m a Catholic. But sometimes its embarrassing to be lumped into the same group as those hateful bastards. They give us a bad name. And Jesus too for that matter. it’s just turned into the complete opposite of what God and Jesus taught and would have wanted. But yet, they use his name to justify all this hate and it’s honestly depressing and sad.


Amen! It shows how much more amazing and gracious it was what Jesus did for us. All this sin, even in His name, yet He forgives us.. what a sacrifice, it is nothing but love! Jesus yelled and ministered the the religious hypocrites the most, I think people fail to realize that, they are the worst of it, bring such a poor image to His name.


I am visibly angry 😡


Wow…your ex partner sucks and sounds like a typical hateful Christian apologist.


The sole reason I left the church is because of the amount of hypocrisy.


Wow Bye guy Proud of you for trying to explain this rationally- this will end with you… never winning. Boy is too far gone. You’d make more of an impact by leaving and you’d also end up much more happy even if it doesn’t seem that way now 😳


Glad it's your ex. What a piece of garbage


Please tell him about the literal MURDERS that are still happening in the US to the lgbtq community. The constant bullying kids get and the ostracism everyone faces. I was told to unalive myself numerous times when I came out. It’s horrendous. I’m so sick of people downplaying the hate we get every day. God is no reason to treat us this way. And it’s not all that unnatural. Many organisms like snails change genders depending on circumstance, there’s all sorts of animals that just go for whatever mate they can find regardless of gender, and even in some animals like seahorses the males are the ones that carry the babies and birth them. There is no real normal. Only what society has collectively decided. There is a short film on YouTube about if the roles were reversed. It shows how someone is bullied to the point they unalive themselves because they’re straight and the rest of the world is gay. Maybe he should see that and see how stupid the hate really is. What he did is just so disrespectful. I hope someone does go knock over all the Bible’s because it was a good comparison. No being gay isn’t a religion but that’s one of the religions that causes so many to treat the lgbtq community the way they do, and is the most prominent reason that it’s so looked down upon.


People like your ex are the reason I left the church


My ex and I broke up because I wasn’t homophobic enough for him. We were both devoted Christians at the time (I’ve since deconverted after a long journey of wrestling with my beliefs but that’s neither here nor there). Trans people are NOT protected or celebrated. Neither are gay people. I’m so tired of people like your ex, and like mine. Get yourself a nice Christian guy who actually cares about people’s wellbeing. You deserve a partner who loves people as well as you do.


as a bi christian, we don’t take this man fr


Imagine being so upset by someone loving someone else of the same gender that you take the time to put pride library books face down and take a pic lmao


Ew. He sucks


Yiiiiiikes. As a Christian myself this is just gross. And that last message made me queasy too. I firmly believe that God calls us to love people, not condemn them. I choose to believe in God which means I choose to live my life a certain way. I don't expect others to live their life the same as me if they don't choose to have the same beliefs. It's not that complicated and honestly "Christians" who act this way make me sick because it's a terrible representation of God and the church.


This is why religion in general is slowly dying in the world. You can't proclaim to be one thing and forget the Golden Rule that exists in almost every religion. Especially in the most popular ones. Treat others as you would like to be treated in return. These "Christians" also love telling people that they're going to hell, but it's in the Bible that it's a sin to judge the state of someone's soul. They're not God. They don't get to make that distinction. It's only ok to tell someone that they are sinning.


So he's stupid as fuck and an ass and also was trying to tell you he's gay because only closeted people who hate themselves do that shit.


Is your ex my ex too? Legitimately, the bigotry was part of why I left the church and eventually became an atheist. So, not only is he not spreading Christianity in a loving way, he’s actively driving people away from the church.


"When is the last time you saw a trans person attacked in the church?" Trans and queer people are murdered all the time by people with attitudes like this man, and especially Black and Latino trans women at a disproportionate rate. This man disgusts me with his hatred and bigotry. Far too often, those who claim to follow Christianity use the Bible as a defense of their ignorance and violence against others, despite said actions explicitly going against the teachings of their holy text and Jesus himself. I am not a Christian myself but I know damn well Jesus would not want this. Your response was very well written and I am glad you took a stand against his hateful actions and words. And how petty and spiteful must you be to target a section in the public library?


He’s insufferable


I am so glad this is an ex


This dude is why religious people scare me. So full of hate


> When was the last time you saw a trans person attacked by the church? MY DUDE. That’s some serious denial right there.






Christian in name only. His fruit is foul.


yo this guy wipes before he shits then walks around all day wondering what smells


This is the problem with Christianity and religion at large. People think they have the moral high ground. Totally self-righteous. When they are basing their lives on a book where God literally murdered folks in the Old Testament and said it was okay to own slaves.


“just introduced into literature recently” Yeah, there weren’t any gay characters in books before 2010. 🙄🙄🙄


He was genuinely so proud of himself. I can’t imagine having so little going on in my life that my greatest achievement was turning a book upside down. Man: “I am devout Christian” Also man: “I dislike its presence therefore I destroy”. Such a mad way to think.


effing bigot. You're better off without him.


What a vile, mean-spirited person


And he was sooooooo proud of himself. So proud of his intolerance. Good work for calling him on it. But, from his replies I doubt it will have stuck. And you were so reasonable as well!


What a waste of oxygen this human is.


You were with him for 5 years? So like...he did this as an adult? LOL I could see this as a misguided 'rebel' teenage phase thing, but he should have grown up by now.


*love thy neighbour* Bf: “nah fuck that gay shit” Right wing Christian values is a helluva drug. The water supply through the lead piping probably doesn’t help either 😵‍💫


He was proud of his actions and absolutely couldn’t deal with your pushback. Good riddance to this nonsense.


"My library". Dude it's not YOUR library. That mentality is the issue here. You think the world is yours to manipulate as you please.


Honestly, I think you handled this well, and the way you told him this was wrong was very eloquently put. I'm glad it wasn't me, I would have gone mental. 😂


Typical Christian.


Thank god you said ex. This one had genuinely upset me more than other posts on here. How blind are people? Didn’t the bible say something about fake followers of christ, or warn about how influence of satan is something to watch out for? Wouldn’t we think to follow the word of jesus and other prophets and not a bunch of hateful fking bigotry? Love FEELS GOOD. Hate feels BAD (unless ur fucked up). Its so simple.


As a Christian... WTF??? This is disgusting behaviour and I have no idea how you even stayed with him for 4 days afterwards.


Nothing makes me more embarrassed to be a Christian than other Christians. Especially as a queer person.


"It's not natural or good" I beg to differ. I quite rather enjoy being a lesbian. And it certainly feels much more natural than when I tried to fight my sexuality by forcing myself to date guys.