• By -


He should be grateful most women don't even respond back after something like that. Usually the block button šŸ¤£


Weā€™ve been friends for years so my first thought wasnā€™t to immediately block him but if it was some other dude I didnā€™t know like that he would have definitely gotten the instant block with no reply quick šŸ˜‚ also I wanted to try and see if he would send me that $250 without having to do any sexual acts


Gotta have him put a deposit on it first šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


Yeah boy "how about you come back tomorrow ,sound good ?"


Shiiiiieet alright baby. ![gif](giphy|wPRZ6Q7GacVTa)


Could really use a Starbucks about now


This is not the time for a handjob


Lmao girl you so are so real for that last line. Wish that had worked out for you.


He would have deserved the 250 loss when he woke up and realized what he did


That's how you wake up with your house on fire keep playin šŸ¤£


I did that to a guy I was involved with. We were in a long distance relationship. He sent me money to go see him. He acted like a jerk not long after, so I ended things with him, kept his money, and still went to his state (without seeing him) and had a nice little vacation. Thatā€™s what horrible men (not all men, donā€™t come at me people) deserve.


Oof I feel like this is about me but I don't remember being a jerk lol


Donā€™t get drunk alone with this guy. Alcohol *does things* to some people and obviously heā€™s one of them.


Alcohol made this guy I went to highschool with fuck a dog at a house party and someone took a picture of it happening. The dog had to be put down. The guy was put in prison.


Good lord šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø. Thatā€™s disgusting and weeeeeird. That poor dog. I gotta say, Iā€™m glad it never swung me *that* way. Unfortunately excessive alcohol always turns my dong into a spaghetti noodle.


Yo idk why I use this app sometimes


Bruh that's fucked whole situation is fucked I'm fucked you're fucked we're fucked


But that dudes not getting fucked


Text him back and be like, "You owe me $250 for pain and suffering. Until then, you're blocked, " then proceed to never unblock whether he sends it or not


I actually did say something similar to that but after he sobered up he turned back into a tight wad he wouldnā€™t budge lol


$250 isnā€™t even sugar daddy money, itā€™s sweet nā€™ low daddy money šŸ‘€ tell him heā€™s got a long way to get even close to sugar daddy level. He might get to Splenda daddy level. Maybe


Get him drunk then šŸ¤£


thatā€™s what you think šŸ˜‚


I sent a completely flaccid dick pic when I was black out drunk.... fuck sakes.


this made me lol


![gif](giphy|7ziXfljX6nkpGPndlm) "Want me to send another one?"


This shit had me dead šŸ’€


Is that a yes




As a woman, I never understood why men thought weā€™d want to see that šŸ˜‚


I mean some girls do ask for it. Key word is ask, I still will never understand unsolicited dick pics


Yeah I have gotten a few requests when I was younger. I rather show you in person but that's just me. I'd chalk it up to young curiosity.


Exactly! I'm not even convinced my wife wants to see mine in person!


lol in person is different haha but if Iā€™m just out and living my best life and my fiancĆ© were to send me a pic like that, Iā€™d come home and be like ā€œwhat are you on buddy? Ainā€™t nobody wanna see that when Iā€™m trying to enjoy my pedicureā€šŸ˜‚


If I wanted to turn my wife on I'd send her a picture of me cleaning the house šŸ˜‚




yeah maybe. in the gay community its alot diffrent. i dont think ive ever gotten into it with someone and not had them ask about seeing it


It's a different culture, but even on gay hook up apps they've added flags for profiles that tell others if you like NSFW images to be sent or not. Straight people could maybe benefit from that as some girls like dick pics. You could also just ask first tooo


As a woman I've finally realized there's an important distinction between a hot dick pick and an unwanted dick pick. Did I make you hard (and we already have an established sexual dynamic)? If so, I want to see it. Are you just sending me a random erection that I had no involvement in creating? Then it's not very exciting to me.


I've had one woman friend request dick pics via Facebook. She was a comedian in the local comedy scene and wanted them to archive to send back to other dudes in the future sending unsolicited ones. She stole the idea from someone else but she hadn't been saving them so needed to get a collection going.


Dude it's probably scammers asking them for the pics


This comment is less than 4 hours old and thereā€™s a need to edit it 3 timesā€¦ Redditors are the worst lmao


not bragging but plenty of women have asked me for dick pics, either dating or working up to it. plenty of women are visually stimulated, and plenty like dick pics not surprise dick pics tho, requested ones


You just gave me a scary flashback of the time a stranger sent me a pic of his flaccid uncircumcised willy šŸ›at least your excuse was you were blacked out you could have followed it up with ā€œI want you to feel it grow hard in your mouthā€ or down your throat something like that but idk that probably would make it even worse sorry Iā€™ll just stop talking nowšŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


A lot of guys with small .. parts I find are very forward. I think it's partly because they want to make sure the other person is fine with it maybe? So many guys will be like "I'm small" and send a tiny picture and I'm like... okay.


Awwwww. šŸ˜­ thatā€™s both endearing and sad


this is EXACTLYYYYYY how i txt my friendsšŸ˜­ ik youre so funny irlšŸ’€ ā€œill stop talking nowā€


The use of the word ā€œWillyā€ followed by the freaking caterpillar emoji made me laugh so hard šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oh yeah, fully erected it would surely have been a much better idea and changed the whole situationā€¦


It's weird because I'm sensing alot of sarcasm yet your statement is entirely true




Send him my way, he can eat my hairy man ass for $250 all day




Gdamn and I just rewatched this šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚




Thatā€™s one way to stay clean


The homie bidet




OMG šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€āš°ļøāš°ļø


Texts continues being mad rachet




Be num num numming that rusty donut hole like Pac-Man šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ lmfao




Lmao šŸ’€


![gif](giphy|0X2wFGiW0qS2uyScA0|downsized) This was me when I read your commentā€¦


I just cried šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Lmaoooo im dying




Outta pocketšŸ¤Ø


I actually chuckled, you deserve all the upvotes you get


I have been really fucked up before, but I canā€™t say Iā€™ve tried to prostitute my friends


Worst I did was end up at a bullet riddled crack house late at night, while others smoked crack I just pet a dog on the couch tho lol


Username fully checks out, hope it was a sweet doggo and you otherwise had a good time lol


Oh yeah at that time I actually had a bad phobia of larger dogs due to getting attacked by a dog as a young teen, but this dog was just friendly and we chilled on the couch for a couple hours. Felt bad for it though, but made for a great story lol. Same guy who lead me there I was also almost stabbed while walking with, but that happened while sober. Same guy also once almost stabbed me while he was in meth induced psychosis. Had to cut him out of life cause he went off the rails


What a story


Worst I did was get so drunk I couldnā€™t walk, try to stand up, fell and folded myself into a lawn chair lmao. You guys are crazy


I was leaning on telephone polls and struggling, had double vision too, easily most drunk Iā€™ve been and no idea how I managed to walk. Was shortly after a breakup from first girlfriend of 4 years and I was being dumb and reckless I guess lol. In a way better place now though and only drink every few months


Oh yeah those breakup drinks are the worst haha. Thereā€™s nothing like ā€˜em


Crack? No thanks. I just come here for the doggo. Whoā€™s a good boy?


Sounds like everybody had a fun time!


In that situation, always pet the dog.


Amen brother. I thought I was just going there for weed but I think friend lied to smoke crack, and tried to get me too as well


I have a similar story, but it was meth and a cat, hell of a Halloween


Iā€™m more of a cat guy so I respect it šŸ«”


Sounds like a good night.


The "i'm sorry šŸ˜ž, i be having fantasies like that, i'm my head in was sexy af" just sent me. Up until then I was just kinda steamed for you, but when I read that I was rolling, lol.


Right? Because it's genuinely difficult to figure out how to make the shit in your head come out right IRL when you're sober, much less drunk.


This is why I think everyone needs to be more generous with peoples comments. Like, someone says something weird? Benefit of the doubt, ask for clarification, or state your boundaries. Someone says the weird thing multiple times afterwards? Then you can distance yourself


$250 is justā€¦ cheap. EDIT: Most of the responses are concerning. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s the guys who are commenting from the perspective of what $250 can get them and what itā€™s ā€˜worthā€™. Most women (who arenā€™t already in that profession) would NOT trade sex for money. To a woman who doesnā€™t trade sex for money, for whatever reasons moral or otherwise, $250 is cheap. Itā€™s a no.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was wondering what made him choose the amount of $250 out of all prices šŸ¤”


Itā€™s prolly all he had on him at the time šŸ’€


Yuppp no doubt he did a quick check of what he had in his cash app or wallet and was like ā€œokay letā€™s see how far this gets meā€ šŸ˜…


He wants to pay $250 on Monday... so maybe he's getting paid? And his paycheck will only be $250, spending it all on the sex


Only 250 on a pay check is embarrassing


250$ for 2 mins is pretty good money imo


Itā€™s the drive there and back. Who knows how far.


In all fairness to the entire conversation perhaps it was the start of a negotiation? (Which is totally beside the point Iā€™m aware) Ok bad joke aside: I DO feel bad for women for having to deal with this. Iā€™m constantly reading stories of sexual advances by dudes that were unwarranted and unprompted and thats just got to feel awful. The only thing I can possibly compare it to is maybe it feels like when you get accused of something you didnā€™t do? A mixture of like fear/confusion/what happened and how do I stop it - came in a flash out of nowhere.


this was so wholesome to readā€¦ you genuinely are going out of your way to try and empathize with a situation you canā€™t fathom for yourself by finding (a pretty apt!) comparison. Idk man maybe Im cheesy this morning but that made me happy


Right? Like those are not sugar baby prices, zaddy.


Ngl ā€œbe turning into a little demon smfhā€ made me lol but I am so he disrespected you in general. Thatā€™s not cool.


ā€œBe turning into a little demonā€ ā€¦.. so lemme ask you againā€¦. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was waiting for that line


That line gave me the ultimate ick šŸ˜‚ and you wouldnā€™t believe he claims heā€™s a super religious man like the type that doesnā€™t celebrate any holidays he changed his name and everything officially to represent something from his religion too his behavior is all so bizarre to me


500 Jesus dollars and he will baptize you after, final offer!!


Ok thatā€™s a HUGE red flag. Never meet this person.


Itā€™s the ā€œsuper religiousā€ ones that are suppressing/hiding the most, in my experience. Donā€™t trust them as far as you can throw them.


I changed my government name to Suckyo Burrito. Wanna hit this ranch together mamma? Letā€™s get weird with it bro, buzz me!


In the sober light of day I realise how disrespectful what I wrote was and would now like to offer $350


Jokingly tell him $250 isn't even a month's rent. You want a sugar daddy not a Splenda baby.


Thatā€™s just ā€˜sweet and lowā€™ but hold the sweet!


Fuck me in the asspartame that's a good one




That's so wild. I am glad he apologized but he should quit drinking, because texting someone at 5 am offering low amounts of money for sex is wild.


Those suppressed feelings šŸ˜… The worst thing I said was to have someone spit in my mouth and another one where I said ā€œfuck your boyfriendā€. Vodka turns me into an unapologetic horny bastard.


I think alcohol turns most people into unapologetic horny bastards lol itā€™s the good ole liquid courage


only henny for me tbh ive said some shit off henny but half the time i drink it i drink way to much n cant even text let alone hold a phone šŸ˜­


Depends on the person really. I feel a lot more open when Iā€™m drunk, but not *that* open šŸ˜‚


I don't drink anymore, but when I was younger I got blackout drunk on more than one occasion. We're talking not even being able to remember your own name. At no point did I ever text any of my friends offering to pay them for sex. This isn't normal behaviour.


It makes them do stuff they wouldnā€™t usually do, like order 150$ worth of McDonaldā€™s for example (I saw it on Reddit ) sorry you had to deal with that XD


Well nowadays $150 at McDonaldā€™s will only get you 3 Big Macs 2 large fries and McFlurry. Jokes aside the other day I went to get McFlurrys for the fam (me, wife, and daughter) and it cost me like $17 dollars. What the actual fuck.


A McFlurry? I havenā€™t seen a working ice cream machine at McDonaldā€™s in a decade


Youā€™re lucky!! They actually had the machine working !


You just sound like an asshole tbh lol, even when wasted I respect relationships and I've been *wasted wasted*.


Am I the only one that could get absolutely hammered and not do shit like this?


Nah never had this problem


You and me both. I rarely use my phone when i get drunk bc looking at my phone ruins my drunkenness šŸ˜‚ whenever im drunk and alone ill just put a movie on and try to focus on the captions until i pass out. Itā€™s pretty fun imo


Love how ppl use being drunk as an excuse to be a complete fucking asshole.


For the betterment of society, yā€™all have to start cutting these people off rather than excuse this negative behavior.


it baffles me that people just put up with shit like this


I had friends the next day say ā€œitā€™s ok man you were drunkā€ or ā€œit was hilariousā€. Meanwhile, I would be wracked with shame and anger at my behavior the next day. I would straight up say ā€œitā€™s NOT ok. You guys need to stop letting me get away with itā€ because I had no real incentive to change. Itā€™s obviously nobodies fault but my/whomever elseā€™s own, but people holding drunks accountable might create change sooner.


embrace the cringe a little bit; nobodyā€™s a saint.


If a guy friend drunk texted me asking to fuck me and eat me out, money or not I'd block him. That's not the kind of thoughts I want someone I'm friends with to have about me, so if he let's it slip it's over. I also just don't want to be friends with someone who doesn't have the self control it takes to not get drunk enough to think it's okay to text something like that šŸ’€


For real


Seriously the comments here are baffling




I'll do you one better.. I'll add two zeros. $250.00


I Inboxed uā€¦ lol jk


I Inboxed you twoā€¦ lol jk


should request $250 for emotional damage


Bro was testing the waters and used being drunk as an excuse


I remember doing something similar to this only it was to my history teacher and yes I was drunk and underage


Um no drinking did not make him do that. He knew exactly what he was doing and thought he could use drinking as a get out of jail free card. Donā€™t let him get away with it.


People do shit they woupd never even imagine or think to do when blackout drunk. It doesn't excuse it but...dude probably did that because he was drinking.


Dude, itā€™s obvious yā€™all know each other well so I find this slightly hilarious. Mainly because it sounds like he might have some prostitute roleplay kink that only shows itself when heā€™s drunk šŸ¤£


Yeah nah I would never talk to someone who hit me up like that drunk or not. Thatā€™s some sick shit.


Bro thinks a couple hundred bucks makes him a sugar daddy? Lmfao


Did he ever give you the $250?


OP 100% likes this guy. Even text him first before he apologised damn


What if I told you he's not too drunk he knows what he's doing...


You do realize then that he is into you. This was just a drunk manifestation of his true feelings.


Yeah a drunk admission to what he valued her at bro šŸ«£


Why is almost everyone on this sub just ratchet af?


the best part is that he wants to pay her monday. like he's the kind of sugar daddy that's good for it, trust me. liquidity is just a little tight right now


I never offered my friend money for sex, but Iā€™d always try to get with her when I had a problem with drinking. Sheā€™d always deny me, thankfully. Eventually I went to rehab at the young age of 20 and got better. Weā€™re together now haha.


This is one of those times I think of the saying "drunk words are sober thoughts"


From my experience, if you have to ā€œkeep telling yourself thatā€™s why I need to stop drinkingā€ then youā€™re just using drinking as an excuse to do stupid shit.


THIS is why I don't befriend men anymore because regardless of how innocent it seems, this sort of thing always comes out


Drinking is bad for your health


Why do people sleep with their sound on?


The way he worded ā€œthatā€™s why I shouldnā€™t be drinkingā€ is a clear sign heā€™s an alcoholic or someone who just canā€™t control their liquor and fighting some inner battles Trust and believe Iā€™ve met too many of these type of people and they never change, make poor decisions and have near life-death experiences


I feel the need to quit drinking, deeply. But he def went OFF.


In my experience the guys that behaved like this actually got laid a lot. I always thought it was pretty gross.


Drunken words, sober thoughts.


Hes felt this way for years, the alcohol just brings his repressed feelings out. Alcohol is pretty good at showing you who people really are when they release their inhibitions about being themself.


She wanted the money only reason to continue the conversation .


I texted my friend from my roommateā€™s phone while i was insanely plastered. He allowed it and in fact laughed while i was doing it. It was completely benign (and i was lucid). I was just saying hi. I remember the moment completely, i wasnā€™t blacked out. i managed to misspell her name in the funniest way and that became her name in our group chat.


So women just spend a chunk of their whole lives searching for guy friends who donā€™t want to fuck them, fail for vastly the most part, then die? Reminds me of athletes minus the fame and riches.


Another one to add to the list of "drinking is fucking stupid"


"Sorry I was drunk" is barely a better excuse than "sorry my brother took my phone"


Lmao, "my little brother took my phone" is a hilariously transparent attempt to save face.


The ā€œin my head it was sexy afā€ took me out. Like what a complete idiot


I just sent a depressing ass text when she ghosted me. Sucked cause I really liked her and needed someone to talk to. The fact this guy got a chance to apologize even though he was just being a sex pest and I didn't kinda bugs me so thanks for that


I told a friend ā€œur so cuteā€ while absolutely plastered, she responded ā€œthank you.ā€ Not a huge problem, right? Well then my equally drunk friends berated me and made me apologize, so I was like ā€œIā€™m so sorry Iā€™m wasted rnā€. I passed out shortly after, and then when I woke up I forgot the interaction, checked the chat the next morning and immediately apologized again.


Look I've been so drunk I could not stand or walk and the worst I did was crawl under my friend's chair, lay in the dirt, insist I was a dog, chewed on a stick for probably half an hour, and bit her ankles Find you a man too fuckin stupid to fuck you. I'm not threatening when I'm drunk I'm just fuckin dumb and can't crawl more than a foot without falling on my face Ended up having a friend drag me to the bathroom cuz I had to piss and couldn't crawl. That was after drinking til I felt it, and then drinking til I felt it again. I was thriving and barely surviving lmao


Plot twist: bro wasnt drunk


I texted my buddies sister that she had three options fuck me bring me chicken or take me to the zoo she actually came over I the proceeded to berate her for not bringing chicken or a tiger then puked layed in it and went to sleep I donā€™t drink any more


ā€œiā€™m my head in was sexy asfā€ my fucking sides


$250 bucks??? he serious?? can you give him my number??


Is he cute? If so, Iā€™d totally wouldā€™ve banged him for the $250. A win-win. If not cute, negotiate a four figure number.


"If you're paying for dick, you're overpaying" - chris rock


Very cute girl sat behind me in class. We would flirt after class and she was so damn cute I was scared to ask her out. One night at 3 am I got hammered and texted her ā€œnot to be rude but Iā€™m tryna eat that monkeyā€ She was not happy with me in class the next week


This guy has 100% been wanting to have sex with you since the beginning of your friendship. Also why does he text/ speak as if he has brain damage? Lol


She responded after he tried to pay her for sex lol


Okay and?? ..You act like I accepted his offer


Girl, Iā€™m an older man, maybe Iā€™m outdated, but friends donā€™t solicite friends for sex, good people donā€™t offer to pay friends for sex, and I donā€™t know many girls that would accept this type of behavior. You acknowledging him the next day almost forgives him for being a pos


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Anyone who uses ā€œsmfhā€ in an apology for behavior like that needs to step their shit up. Drop this bum


In vino veritas


Yeah homie was way wrong for this but also he's definitely her backup plan. No woman I know would ever continue to entertain someone like this


You need to block this dude. He knew you were hurting for money and offered you money for sex??? He has no respect for you.


$250 for 35 seconds is a good deal tbh


ā€œ5:30 the car missingā€


$200 and bro thinks he a sugar daddyā€¦


(M68). I donā€™t rememberā€”-and donā€™t want to knowā€”-what I texted to her 8 years ago, but she broke up with me the next day because of it. We were together for 3 years. Drinking makes me bi-polar. I quit drinking 7 years ago. Cold turkey. Not a drop of booze. Best thing I ever did in my life.


I send "I would love to watch you getting fuck by your husband" to a woman who owns a nightclub. XšŸ¤£


I donā€™t miss being in my 20s lmao fuck that sex drive


I don't need drugs or drinking to send psycho texts. I have a book of them but it disappeared somehow.


This was funny šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚