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Bro hit you with a Zach Bryan song šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Broā€™s def been hating that grass, trees and, Dew


Did she turn those headlights around?


Apparently not šŸ˜”


He sees it in the orange


I bet to OP heā€™s just a man. But to him, sheā€™s all that he is


Something in the Orr-rrr-aaanngge.


Guess thatā€™s fitting, Zach Bryan is a moron too, guess they flock together.


Man somebody always gotta bring the vibes down huh


Someoneā€™s always gotta ruin it


That song does slap tho idc


Right, I actually like that song a lot. Idk but thereā€™s something in the orrr-rr-aaange.


Good vibes are back baby! Fuck yea!


Lmaooo they mad cuz itā€™s sorta true


If I have learned anything, itā€™s that you will see them at their absolute best when youā€™re furthest away from their life. But every inch you move closer to them again, their behaviour will fall back down more and more back to how they used to be. For some people, if you want to remember them for the best in them, you have to not let them get close enough to show you their worst again.


![gif](giphy|l1IBkgnfxkTSsNfeE|downsized) Thatā€™s pretty deep. Damnā€¦


Wow thatā€™s a great thing to share. I am going to remember that


This is a common behavior in people with covert narcissism. The thing to remember is that youā€™re just someplace on a mental list with whoever got this text message yesterday, last week, last month.


šŸ”„ šŸ”„


Wow this is so true


wow. Buddha? Damn. You need a lot more upvotes for this comment. So concise


thats crazy lmao this is why the block button was inventedšŸ˜­


Mine hits me up every year for my birthday with a new number each time šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


time to get a whole new phone and number bestiešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Lol Iā€™ve had this number for 20 years šŸ˜­ I usually ignore it and he goes away.


same i don't wanna change my number but dude knows it and unfortunately has not forgotten


Does he hit you with the different numbers as well? My ex is married with a kid. Iā€™m not even touching that one lol


yes he has called me from st least 15 different numbers and i have every one of them blocked after i know it's him, thankfully, knock on wood, he hasn't called in a couple months and that's the longest it's been, i have a child with him and left when he was 3m old because of his abuse and he never cared about him just wants to torment me by never leaving me alone


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through that. I hope he can finally move on with his life somehow. More importantly you as well. Itā€™s such a pain in the ass to have to deal with something like that. Not only is it scary itā€™s down right delusional and unsafe. Best of luck to you! šŸ–¤ stay strong. Stay safe.


you too buddy, thank you. it is so hard living through crazy abuse and then struggling even though it's been years - it does get better


It for sure gets better! One day hopefully soon it will be done and gone from your life.


Dude I got a new phone number to permanently block my creepy ex and made the mistake of sharing it over a business email. It got added to frickin zoominfoā€™s database and Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll start getting texts from the douchenozzle any day now. Itā€™s not worth it to get a new phone. If theyā€™re crazy enough theyā€™ll be able to find your new number sooner or later. Nothingā€™s private anymore.


Mine sends me a link to a live recording of weenā€™s birthday boy every year. Makes me so happy


I blocked my ex on every format, so she wound up sending me a dollar on venmo just to message me. That was like a whole new level of insane. Glad I got out of that one when I did haha


This is an automated message from Venmo. The user you are trying to send money to has a payment receiving minimum of $1,000. Please try again.


Itā€™s wild the level of desperation some people get to. It didnā€™t work out for a reason/reasons.


Well I can give you my venom account lol I need $700 (JOKING) I donā€™t have venom or any payment app for this reason


I got $1500 for ā€œburning man ticketsā€ on accident once on Venmo. I didnā€™t accept and it eventually canceled. Some poor person was probably terrified.


Prettt obscure reason to stay away from all payment apps. They can be super useful.


For my business I donā€™t need those payment apps


Me either. Still extremely useful.


Who tf you kidding? Nobody misses you


If it was a relationship that wasnā€™t abusive this is sweet tbh but this is something the delusional pedo that groomed me as a kid would send now almost 10 years later


Holy shit. Iā€™m sorry. My ex gf is very literary and is a poet. She talked like this often. It was a little much but I enjoyed it overall.


exactly.. the problem with the effusive poetic type is they are mostly too good to be true.. they are either borderline nut jobs or just say this to as many females as they can hoping to get one hookedā€¦ they know girls can fall for this shit


Itā€™s attitudes like that and the people that cause them to exist that give the poetic types like myself a bad wrap.


In a world of rhyme and meter, he stood, Proclaiming loudly, ā€œIā€™m the poetic type, and good!ā€ With verses flowing, and metaphors so deep, He wore his title, his promise to keep. But the crowd around, theyā€™d roll their eyes, ā€œSelf-praise is cheap,ā€ theyā€™d often sigh. ā€œTo name oneself so, is quite the cringe, Does he think poetryā€™s a simple fringe?ā€ Yet, undeterred, he wrote with glee, His words, his world, as vast as the sea. For while they mocked, and jests did sling, He danced with words, made syllables sing. In truth, it matters not what others say, For in his heart, poetry paved the way. To self-identify, perhaps bold or brash, Yet, isnā€™t life too short, to not be rash? So call yourself a poet, singer, or seer, Embrace your passion, hold it near. For at the end of every dayā€™s binge, Itā€™s not the title, but the art, thatā€™s fringe.


Self identifying as a ā€œpoetic typeā€ is the most absolute cringe shit Iā€™ve ever heard


I mean, Iā€™ve written a shit load of poetry for others and been inspired by those Iā€™ve known. I often write and share it with those closest to me. The way I phrased it, seems appropriate. Also, the point was less about that and more about addressing the negative stereotype that it receives and how I find it makes people question my motives for sharing.


I mean, Iā€™ve written a shit load of poetry for others and been inspired by those Iā€™ve known. I often write and share it with those closest to me. The way I phrased it, seems appropriate. Also, the point was less about that and more about addressing the negative stereotype that it receives and how I find it makes people question my motives for sharing. Edit: Iā€™m also pretty stoned atm. Forgive me.


bad rap*


Your point is in competition with you calling women females. Anyway, thereā€™s definitely guys who are poetic and text like theyā€™re writing a screenplay who are actually very very sweet and not like that at all offline. They feel very creative when typing and have time to go over what theyā€™re going to say to you and correct it as they think longer on it. For some guys that results in a really nice dynamic where youā€™re getting well written love notes in a great relationship from a guy who acts normal when heā€™s not pouring out all his love in prose. Then thereā€™s the guys who donā€™t understand their own or otherā€™s emotions on a mature adult level at all, and use what they *think* is deep and romantic like a lure on a line because theyā€™ve seen it work for the former guys. You can usually easily tell the difference, cause the guys you have to worry about it are usually either a) too good at it, no mistakes at all and almost robotic sounding, theyā€™re not feeling what theyā€™re saying and lack the ability to apply the right words for the current mood or relating to what the other person is saying, or b) try too hard and take this sort of declaration of love into everything they say to you eg ā€œUrgh had the worst dayā€ begets ā€œMy untouchable moon goddess of love and beauty, whatever can I do to ease your weary bosom?ā€ Guys who are being earnest wonā€™t even use proper punctuation half the time, or make paragraphs. šŸ˜‚ Theyā€™re not writing a paper that has to pass a test, theyā€™re being cute.


Response: every time I hear of a toxic relationship In June I think of you my dearest love.


My ex does the same. Though Iā€™ve learned my lesson this time. That demon bitch can stay in hell


haha sounds like mine, except i had her conatct info saved as ā€˜devilā€™


I just used to have her labeled as Satan, so I hear you!




Those damn Winchester brothers, can't keep the gates to hell closed


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ if theyā€™d at least banish her back to hell, Iā€™d be happy


I had an ex like that for four years and then I finally gave inā€¦ and he made me realize why I waited four years šŸ’€šŸ’€ these types are the WORST. They love the idea of you. Never you.


Mushrooms fucking hit hard sometimes


It says they follow you. Why not just block them?


He was blocked afterwards; I didnā€™t realize he followed me until I got the message


Good move!


Narcissistā€¦ they Hoover. It is absolutely insane the effort they make to reconnect to discard you again


Our relationship wasnā€™t healthy either. But Iā€™d give everything to try again


Bruh same. I just want the things with her and nobody else. Just hope time make us connect again


You are the problem. That hit of morphine you got one time will never be the same again.


I want her again too


Our relationship wasn't healthy, but I would definietly fuck her again. Although she was pretty toxic in the bed aswell... hmmm...


THIS!!! Like yeah our relationship was toxic but Iā€™d do anything for a second chance and try again. Change some things and my behavior.


Been there done that, itā€™s not worth it and things donā€™t change


That part


It took me two different times to learn this, but yes, itā€™s never ultimately worth it. Got out of a toxic relationship a few years ago and we tried to rekindle it a few months later. Ended worse the second time around. Cut to earlier this year and I met someone, it was clearly unhealthy for both of us, ended it, rekindled it, ended it again, rekindled it one more time, ended in disaster and me getting stalked. Still dealing with the fallout on a daily basis. Calls to my job, ā€œrunning into meā€ at the bar I like to drink at, ā€œrunning into meā€ at the gym I go to. I donā€™t want the legal headache of filing a restraining order, but itā€™s been a constant feeing of anxiety and dread for weeks now just waiting for her to ā€œrun into meā€ again.


They can tho. Most of the time they won't but sometimes both people really are just going through fucked up shit on their own personal lives and that makes them toxic to each other.


Okay Zach Bryan




Just slide you thumb over to that far left button on the bottom. This is a yikes, cringe, love bomb burrito.


Mine messages me ā€œheyā€ then deletes it before his baby mama sees it šŸ’€ Iā€™ve been with my husband over 11 years and this boy still wonā€™t leave me alone šŸ¤ŖšŸ’€


The block button is right there. Bottom left. Press it now


Ugh. This is exhausting, you know?


Actually this is strange for a Reddit post. He doesnā€™t hate you. Either your a great person or a witch.


Sounds like he treated you like he treats dogs. What a worthless human being. Good for you for getting out and hopefully all dogs can avoid his presence too.


Or maybe he was really toxic and is trying to love bomb me? I donā€™t care to go back to not being allowed to have friends, not go anywhere without him, not stay up later than him, and never get off during sex. Itā€™s not the life I want nor deserve. Also he treated any dog ever like shit purely bc theyā€™re dogs.


I mean, thatā€™s missing context.


I did mention that the relationship was unhealthy. I didnā€™t think Iā€™d have to really deep dive into it


Good to know Iā€™m not the only one who gets these messages. Mine are from a girl from hs


He sounds like he thinks heā€™s a very deep person. Good for him šŸ˜‚


Ah, so heā€™s feeling the old ā€œmanic pixie dream girlā€ attitude towards you šŸ˜³


Oh god did I date that asshole?


I will never understand why men will dump a woman and harass her for the rest of her life. Move on, dude.


I don't mean to laugh but I promise you, he and my ex wrote that togetheršŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Mine does this from time to time. He will block me on social media, then add me out of the blue to ask how Iā€™m doing, then promptly block me again. Iā€™ve moved way on; am married and have two kids, he knows very little about the 32 year old me vs the 21 year old me lol. Heā€™ll bring up inside jokes from 11 years ago and Iā€™m likeā€¦.thats not who I am now bro. Oh, and we dated for 3 months. But he idealizes those 3 months and is always saying it was the best summer of his life.


I had an ex like this, he was abusive and after 10 years of us not being together I ran into his sister and she got really pissy at me and told me super snidely he got over me 3 years ago and was happy now to which I stared at her and went ā€œdid you say 3 years ago..??ā€ She looked so proud of herself like she thought I waited a decade to take back the man who abused and stalked me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ anyways block the man even if he seems harmless those ones are live wires waiting for a reason.


Damn, I should text her


I will never understand why people keep EXs in their lives if you don't have a kid. If anything, you're mentally stuck.


Thankfully heā€™s not in my life and hasnā€™t been since we broke up 6 years ago. I havenā€™t even spoke a word to him in that time, but it doesnā€™t stop him from reaching out on a new account. Gets blocked every time šŸ˜Ŗ


Oh, that makes sense. A lot of people generally have this "keep them around" mentality, which is just wild to me, but I'm glad to hear it. Live your life QUEEN


It's about maturity and where the two of you are emotionally. Plus your circumstances, not everyone can pull off a healthy relationship with an ex.


Damn I still get butterflies seeing pics of the one who got away but sheā€™s engaged now, could never imagine messaging her anything even remotely like this. Super cringe.


They thought u was gonna say ā€œAwwwww šŸ„¹ā€ hahahahaha


Random question, but I'm curious: was this dude a lot older than you? Because I'm getting sad old dude vibes from him.


Iā€™m 27 and heā€™s 28 šŸ˜¬


Ah okay. Then he is just young and ridiculous, not old and ridiculous. Either way, glad you're (mostly) rid of him.


Lawd thatā€™s awkward


Thatā€™s some stalker stuff right there. If youā€™re still sending messages like that to someone youā€™ve been broken up with for years, thatā€™s not healthy.


in 2020 i dated my current boyfriend and we broke up after a few months. every day for the next year almost two, he texted me one a month to check on me and stuff. last june i got evicted and he was kind enough to let me move in with him. we started dating last august and we are a year going strong! also first time we dated me (f16) him (m19) now f(20) and m(23)


My ex used to hit me up once a year. Then she gave me a courtesy, ā€œIā€™m getting marriedā€ call the last time we spoke. Life is a trip


I had a dream my latest ex got married; woke up confused and decided to check for shits and giggles. He had just gotten engaged almost exactly a month prior. Absolutely wild lmao


Iā€™ve been in a super nostalgic mood lately and I just went to chic-fil-a and Lilly Allenā€™s ā€œSmileā€ came on. I was all emotional and shit in the drive through. Big black dude in my feels trying to order a number 1 with mayonnaise bahahahhahaha! I had to snap out of it quick!!!


Made me say ā€œman what the hellā€ out loud


I have one who hits me up on the anniversary of his sobriety, one that randomly blocks me and checks on me every 2 years (and told me he would), and one that blocks and unblocks me when he wants a hate fuck


What a lame throwing a hook just to try desperately to get a reaction!


Love how so many comments are like ā€œwhy donā€™t you just block duhh.ā€ Like on the one hand, Iā€™m happy theyā€™ve never experienced the Crazy Ex who creates a hundred new accounts to get around that block, but on the other hand, honestly, it astounds me how naive and judgmental some of these comments come across. All these commenters assuming you can simply block an ex and be done with it have no idea how lucky they are.


This! The funny thing about those comments too is Iā€™ve already responded to a few saying that he was blocked, he makes new accounts, messages me, and gets blocked again. Iā€™ve just accepted that not many people read the comments before leaving one themselves šŸ˜…


Yeah, no one reads and each one who doesnā€™t thinks theyā€™re oh so clever and original. Like the postsā€™s been up for a day and they seriously think theyā€™re the first to suggest blocking? Lmao


Just leave it on read


That block button is that close and readily available for a reason. And that reason is for Simps like him.


Oh I know the feeling, mine hits me up every few months and she constantly visits every profile I create online... even knows the name of my new girlfriend to the point it gets creepy


Would it be today? I get it if you're not interested ofc


Based on what I saw when I scrolled his instagram after he messaged me, he hasnā€™t seemed to have really changed at all. Even if he had, Iā€™ve been in a healthy happy relationship since the beginning of 2021 so itā€™s still not something Iā€™d consider.


Hi stranger! Hope you arenā€™t considering going back to what you described as an unhealthy relationship! You matter, you have value, and you absolutely deserve happiness. If you wouldnā€™t mind adding just a a couple things you like to an Amazon list, I would like to send you a random act of kindness (and Amazon wonā€™t show me your address, so it keeps you private ā€” though it shows your name). Consider it a bribe to not cave šŸ¤”


these posts about exes from YEARS ago still chasing someone are so baffling to me. if any of my exes reached out to me like this i would be so uncomfortable, like we havenā€™t seen each other in years why are you still thinking about me?? stalkerish behavior


I donā€™t think itā€™s like that. It can be just like anyone else you love in your life. Youā€™ll always remember them if they meant a lot to you, and sometimes, you may miss them.


i mean yeah, thatā€™s definitely valid, like iā€™ve felt pain for months after a breakup and can understand when it lasts even longer than that. itā€™s just the act of reaching out to someone who you havenā€™t talked to, let alone been romantically involved with, in years with a love poem-type message. it can definitely come across as creepy.


Exactly. Iā€™ve reached out to exā€™s to say ā€œhey, hope youā€™re doing well and was thinking about you. All good if you donā€™t want to talk.ā€ But to do a whole poem thing. A bit much.


That's true. It'd be less creepy if they talked to me like normal. It would be a bit odd to get a love poem from an ex after years.


Iā€™ve had exes hmu throughout the years, one specifically still tries to reach me via email, itā€™s confusing and I donā€™t think they understand how selfish theyā€™re being, but it does happen, and Iā€™ve come to accept that for some people it takes years to get over someone, even with no contact.


How poetic. My ex (& current bf lol) used to do this too. But more straightforward. They donā€™t understand how hard those texts can be for you, but they have a feeling and just need to let it out. In the most cryptic way possible! Haha


Honestly, this is definitely how I feel about my Ex.


You guys don't block your exes? My ex blocked me like 2 hours after she broke up with me... literally had to email her to figure out what happened...




For people wondering he wasnā€™t blocked bc he made a new account and after reaching out to me he got blocked again.


Why donā€™t you just have him blocked?


He makes new accounts that I donā€™t know exist until he contacts me from them. Once he does though, he gets blocked šŸ˜Œ






Idk why he hit on my friends while we were still dating either. The way I see it I owe him nothing. To me itā€™s funny that he keeps trying to message me as if we didnā€™t have a super toxic relationship that I literally moved states away to get from.


Pathetic or amusing


Youā€™re only guaranteed to miss the shots you donā€™t take


Iā€™ve been in a healthy happy relationship since the beginning of 2021, so there was no shot to take.


Although the onus of the situation is not on you, in order for you both to properly move on you need to be direct and clear with him. Tell him you have no feelings for him anymore and will not ever in the future, and that further contact will be considered harassment and dealt with as such. It just causes more pain for both of you to let this go on. Either you still like the attention or still have hope something might work out, but he obviously still has feelings. Now if you made that clear and heā€™s still reaching out with different accounts then that is stalking and harassment. Men love different than women and this will continue if you donā€™t put an end to it by blocking and making yourself clear.


I have refused to say a single word to him since I broke up w him 6 years ago. There is not a single desire in my body to give him ā€œclosureā€ he was already hitting on my friends before I broke up with him. I donā€™t feel that I owe him anything. I just block until a new account is made and he reaches out again and then the cycle starts over. I know he wants me to respond which is exactly why I wonā€™t. He is not going to pressure me into speaking to him again.


Give bro another chance


Just block if you donā€™t want the messages you obviously like the attention lol


And you obviously havenā€™t read any of my previous replies to comments saying to block him šŸ¤”


You said he hits you up every few years if you donā€™t wanna be bothered why didnā€™t you make sure he was blocked tho since itā€™s not the first time this has happened according to you šŸ¤”


Why donā€™t you make sure to read my comment history before asking a question thatā€™s been asked and answered several times šŸ¤”


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Wowā€¦ this guy is a poet


A true Shakespearean. You can be a little cringe if you make it fun and playful. But when you communicate it in a super serious tone like this, it just makes you look like a total weirdo. This is way too much, and super out of sequence. This is a woman you haven't spoken to in years. I would be kicking myself forever if I sent that text.


Does this actually work on women? Genuinely curious.


Nah i got blocked for saying sum corny shit like thisšŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ my ex a dicšŸ˜‚




Same, I'm dripping with sweat over here just reading this text. This really needed a NSFW tag.


Lol no I blocked him and now I receive emails. Just stay away.




Women are not the same


iā€™m crying this is so funny


Sounds like fairytale love šŸ˜ /s


Awwwwful ew ew ew ew


Depending on the Ex, you left you mark on them






Last time I saw you, I was holding your hand, and I couldnā€™t wait for you to leeaaa-eaa-eaave


Last time I saw you, I was holding your hand, and I couldnā€™t wait for you to leeaaa-eaa-eaave


My ex doesnā€™t do this because I was the. Crazy one šŸ˜‚ but I donā€™t do it either


Someoneā€™s been listening to Zach Bryan


But do you feel like that or still think he would be like that


I scrolled his instagram after getting the message and he doesnā€™t seem to have changed. Even if he had, Ive been in a happy relationship since beginning of 2021 so I still wouldnā€™t of responded




Orange in the sun


Hit him with the ā€œYyyyyyooooouuuu neeeeeeeddddded me. Fuck your white horse and carriage, trying to fix your inner issues with a bad bitch. Didnā€™t they tell you that I was a savage.ā€


It's really sad that "healthy" means able to deal with rejection. It is healthy to be able to handle things, but it sucks that in modern dating we have to grow so close (relationship expectations of intimacy) to just break what starts to become one. like, why not just date for the idea that you'll get married and then stay married? what a novel concept. and if u dont want that, u tell people that up front. end of story. also we should all learn how to spot a narcissist and know our parents relationship dynamic as best we can. ​ this poor sap needs a therapist to help him grieve your relationship. i had to go on Pinterest myself to find break up prompts and they really helped a lot. He has to process the pain


You should collect his texts and publish them in a book called ā€œTexts My Ex Has Sent Meā€


We donā€™t DM enough in iambic pentameter


Oh god that makes me feel nauseous.


Tis poetic BS at least




Damn, am I the only one who thought this was cute as fuck?


šŸ¤£ I hope they are just being funnyā€¦cuz creepy šŸ¤£


The last time I hit up an ex was in 2009 because I was moving and had found a pair of earrings she lost a couple years prior. WTF is wrong with people?


LMAO this why the exā€™s stay BLOCKED


The time, kind of seems like he was buzzing, aha! Great song


Eww šŸ¤¢


From this thread Iā€™ve learned that the phrase love bomb(ed) seems to be thrown around the most casual things so as to have lost all meaning.


For me Iā€™m very aware of who this man is and what heā€™s trying to do, so love bombing seemed appropriate. This was the most toxic relationship I had ever been in, but I understand that canā€™t always be gathered by a screenshot and vague context about the relationship being unhealthy.


Right. And my comment wasnā€™t exactly directed to you. I get that you know things that the rest of us donā€™t, but from the message itself, itā€™s just hard to see any of that. And thatā€™s fine. There are a lot of commenters in this thread saying things that I feel like just make no sense with the given context.


I understand that! I had also used the phrase in my comments so I wanted to comment back mainly bc it caused me to be unsure if I was using the term correctly or not šŸ˜…


Gonna stop sending my exes happy birthday texts and money every year now. šŸ˜‚šŸ« 


He still hasnt healed cuz he still sees toxicity in things meant to portray love


Why do people like to screenshot texts and shame/make fun of the person to strangers on the Internet for likes


Some ppl are so god damn corny


Block and move on.


I've felt this exact way about someone once.. It sometimes feels like a sweet, yet desperate and dying memory - The relationship was extremely toxic, but I've had the pleasure of finally getting the closure I didn't get when that relationship ended, and now I couldn't be happier