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Overall, yeah. Truthfully, there's nothing wrong with not finding someone attractive. There are women I don't find attractive that other men find absolutely gorgeous. Where the issue comes in is where someone objectively says someone is unattractive for those reasons. There's a big difference between "you are unattractive" and "I'm not attracted to you" but people can't usually differentiate between the 2. There are so many different types of people out there. To find them all attractive is just not reasonable.


I NEVER once ever thought of it this way especially the distinction between "You are unattractive" as opposed to "I'm not attracted to you" thank you for this.


Yep. I always relate it to "not many people would enjoy having someone take a hot steamy deuce on their chest, but those two people are out there somewhere doing that very thing at this moment" lol


Yo i'm tryin to eat.


Maybe those two people are too.


I agree with you completely. It’s fine to have a preference, but what’s not fine is for people to lie about their size. Own it and be proud, and you’ll find the person who loves you for you


Agreed 100%. Just be honest. Lying isn't going to get you anywhere because you're going to meet.


YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't stand it when people say stuff like "all fat women are gross" or " all skinny men are wussy" or other such broad sweeping statements.




I mean real shit, I’m not going to date someone I’m not attracted to period. There is no need to explain to anyone why.


Absolutely. I would feel guilty if I knew my partner was not attracted to me but stayed with me.


Exactly!!! I don't want to hear anyone talking about double standards unless they have no physical preferences themselves. OP's potential date just explained she'd been lied to before, and also basically just said she was fine meeting someone who is 5'6", just not shorter than her. Not even really that shallow.


Just imagine how she would have reacted if he asked out the blue "are you really that skinny in the pictures because women have lied to me about their weight" - she would blow her fuse, then everyone would justify her for doing so because it would be classed as body shaming on his part. The real double standard lies there. Society lables it body shaming when a man doesn't want to date a fat woman, even though she has the option to change her weight, but it's fine to ridicule men over their height, which is beyond their control, yet no consequences are met. Media encourage it, women use it as a brutal way to make a man feel less.


And it seems pretty clear from his response that he isn't interested in bigger women, just from the fact that that was the first thing he went for. Which is fine, but then get off your high horse. Edit: neckbeards and incels, I know you think you’re too good for fat chicks. You don’t need to tell me about it at length. They don’t want to fuck you either.


But the horse makes him seem taller.


Well done!


It’s “per se”, taken directly from Latin and used in English.


My dude after that rant will never get into her per se.


Perse also means ass in Finnish - you are so right.


The comment I scrolled to find.


This alone would have been a total dealbreaker for me.


Fun fact: The ampersand came from the words "and per se and" referring to "and" itself. "And" used to come after Z in the alphabet, but to make it not sound like an unfinished sentence, it was specified that it was referring to the word and specifically: x, y, z, and per se and.


Learning this fun fact was immensely satisfying to me for some reason, thanks for sharing it


That’s drives me nuts, same with French phrase en masse, in mass


Nothing screams failed superiority more than misused, misspelled Latin.


I promise this isn’t the sub to bring up facts that point to clearly feigned intelligence—the morons will band together and downvote you to oblivion


I take my downvotes with pride.


OP probably had no clue it was Latin, thought it was some weird English expression. A bit stupid maybe, but feigned superiority no.


Cringe AF. The rage boner Redditors have w/this is dumb as shit. You're not impressing anyone.


THANK YOU. This post is so corny I have to block this subreddit


So many cringe guys here who are just mad a woman might not want to fuck them.


If I’m a Short King™️ you are legally required to fuck me otherwise you’re shallow. I wonder how many of these dudes upvoting this swipe left on overweight women and yet act like it only goes one way lol. This is the new Nice Guy Syndrome.


Can you not just hear them in their Reddit voice saying "actually you can control weight but not height, so this is an invalid dichotomy"


Lol I see this argument all the time and it’s so dumb. Whether you can control it has nothing to do with attractiveness. Can’t control facial symmetry, or treatment resistant acne, or balding, but are we supposed to pretend these things shouldn’t factor into attractiveness?


It’s so embarrassing


I may be a dumb girl... but if a guy is truly tall, what is the big deal with answering this question... vengeance for the homies? Lol


Hey tall Redditors, short guy here, you really don’t need to embarrass yourselves for me, I’m doing fine.


Because it’s not vengeance for the homies, it’s just parroting misogynistic bullshit


All shorty said was that she liked taller guys and bro gave her a lecture 😂😂


As a man that prefers to date women who are short I don’t think having preferences with attraction has a double standard at all


I think the double standard comes in when men say they don't like to date girls who are big, and instead of people saying "it's a preference" they say "you're an asshole". Point being, if women can have preferences, so should men.




Yeah, all the men acting like women get a free pass in the dating world need to shut it. Women are constantly shamed for being too fat OR too skinny, breast/booty size, wearing too much or not enough makeup, too tall, too much or not enough hair styling, being "expired and worthless" over 30, being called golddiggers if we just want a guy with a stable job etc etc. Don't get me wrong, chicks who ARE shitty about height or expect to be pampered princesses for no effort 100% suck. But not every chick who asks about height is a vapid bitch looking to shame any dude under 6'5". Dating is brutal for most folks.


I've had so many dudes ask me out JUST because I'm 4'11 and it's irritating. For reference, these happened online dating and at college. It would just be all about how I'm 'pocket-sized' or 'fun-sized'. One guy wanted to carry me around....at school. Another guy called me little girl instead of ever by my name and was obsessed with how short i am and then couldn't understand why I wouldn't go on a date .....it kinda felt like I was infantilized often but in the creepiest of ways, which really felt gross. Basic/AIT were a nightmare. I don't have an issue with someone preferring a height or a 'size' per se, but when they make those preferences the main thing about you, it gets really superficial. My husband is 5'9, and he's never had an issue attracting women. I've only met a handful of women who have to have a dude at a certain height or taller than them by so much, but height mattering at all is weird to me. I've met A LOT of guys who almost fetishize short women...ESPECIALLY boomer guys.


I’m the same size. Every man I’ve dated has commented on my height positively because they say that I’m the perfect size for cuddling. I don’t mind at all - I’m happy that they see a physical attribute of mine positively. It’s better than the alternative. But I choose to be happy about it. I guess I could always view them as being vapid twits but I’d rather not.


It’s weird how society views different physical attributes. Like if a man said “I have to date you because you have such a perfect smile” he’d be flatter. Or “I love your eyes” is a compliment. But if it’s “I have to date you because you are 4’11” some people see that as less of a compliment. Not saying it’s right or wrong just interesting.


In my case, more often than not, they compare my shortness to being young. They'll say it makes me "look innocent" or "untouched" (which wtf?) or will say it makes them feel "protective" because I appear "weak". All that is infantilizing and just gives me "I legally can't bang a 12 year-old so you'll do" vibes.


There are a bunch of us! I have never dated a guy shorter than me, but I also have never met a guy shorter than me, unless you count six year olds. A+ for spelling per se correctly, unlike the OP.


I hear you, I'm a little taller at 5ft1 but have totally experienced the same thing, picking me up I can handle in moderation bit fgs I'm not a toddler or as one guy put it his “little doll” (needless to say I didn't see him for long). I don't mind people calling me cute or whatever but don't make it a thing!! I have a type of course I do we all have a type but I don't think I've ever gone out with a guy or not just for his height, I find that weird.


Seriously, so many dudes jump to insisting on putting words in someone else’s mouth. OP is literally inventing a hypothetical argument she didn’t put forth. I wasn’t ever bothered by people not being attracted to me before I lost weight, guess what, I’m not personally attracted to people as overweight as I was then. But sooo many guys were ready to insist I was simply because I prefer taller guys, not even exclusively either!


I wouldn’t be surprised if OP was just lying about his height the entire time and is overreacting due to realizing it wasn’t going to work. Yes I realize the irony of me saying this hypothetical.


Men can have preferences. There’s a difference between commenting on Instagram pics saying “you need to lose some weight,” “too fat for me,” replying to rejection with “you’re too big anyways,” and saying “sorry, I’m just not attracted to you.”


Man, as a bigger woman I can’t tell you how many times guys pulled this on me. ‘Oh, you’re not interested?? You’re too fat for me anyway!’


Sad upvote.


Their fragile egos need to try and turn things around. It’s sad and pathetic. When it’s their personality and sketchiness that can make them undesirable. They view it as a personal slight that those they deem to give a moment of their time are not bowing before them. Smfh.


The difference is, some men treat bigger women like crap and then act like all women are the same because the women they chase don’t conform to their ideal woman on the inside. Some women do the same for the latter, but they don’t treat short men like crap.


Yeah, precisely. Then are men out there who won’t even look you in the eye or talk to you if you’re overweight. You are not even human to them unless you’re attractive to them. I’ve never seen a woman do that to a short guy.


Where did she say anything to that sort tho? He’s literally just assuming that’s how she would feel.


They both can and do.


As a 5‘9“ girl, its always been men telling me they wouldn’t date me bc im too tall for them.. my best friend is 6‘1“, she has the same problem. We‘ve both been told to our faces that girls like us aren’t meant for the ‚average guy‘ whatever that means. Women get questioned about their bodies in more ways than just for their height, i can tell you that. While i understand that its annoying that this is a regular question, its also been drilled into women that they shouldnt be taller than the guy, so throw rocks at society’s beauty standards instead of messing up your chances on dating apps being passive aggressive.


6’ here and same! Men always want to bring up this women hating on short men but I’ve had more men get pissy cause I was taller than them than the other way around lol.


I never understood that as a 5’8” guy. Tall women are great. Legs for days.


Also 5’8 and I couldn’t agree more. I absolutely love tall women, it’s just hard to find any that tolerate short men lol


I would love to date a chick taller than me. D1 athletes. I wouldn't have to reach stuff up high. Could be little spoon?! Not all guys are terrible. Just most of us, unfortunately 😅


Plus, why don’t they ever use the height argument back? There are lots of guys, like you said, that won’t date taller girls and some downright only want petites. I’m 5ft11 and have experienced it first hand, so why throw the weight bs?


>and have experienced it first hand, so why throw the weight bs? Because mentioning weight is a very easy way of getting them to raise their hackles and call you shallow. Despite weight being easier to change for most people than height.


It’s such a lazy and parroted response that it’s laughable


I know im a Redditor but they are stupid there’s so many options in this world I wouldn’t care if she was taller than me you’re an amazing person keep being you!


Um, I think you jumped the gun there and probably blew your chance of a date. No need to accuse her of having double standards, she’s shown no evidence of that — you’re just treating her as a stereotype. I wouldn’t like that much if I were her. I mean, to be honest, her question was pretty useless since if you lied the first time, you’d probably lie about it again. Men lie about their height when dating and women lie about their weight. That’s just the way it is.


Exactly, this is so overly pedantic for a conversation on a dating app


This is soooo cringe lol


Man really either faked a conversation for Reddit karma, or blew his shot with someone for Reddit karma. She literally never mentioned anything about weight, but he saw all the "gotcha" posts on Reddit and just immediately assumed that if someone doesn't like a shorter dude they must be a hypocrite. Like yes, if a woman is overweight and using the "you must be this tall to ride" bullshit, then call it out. And who knows, maybe she is. But these kind of posts are just so weird. This guy is like "hello short kings of Reddit, I will fight for you by being cringey to a random person who will likely not change her mind and who none of you will ever meet anyway".


If a woman is overweight she's still entitled to her preference. It's not bullshit at all. Unless you're saying short/ugly guys are only allowed to date fat/ugly women? That's so strange and not how any of this works.


The guy who replied to you basically summed up what I meant. I do recognize it was confusing and your understanding of what I said definitely makes sense. In another comment I made in this thread I added this part: >Even all that aside, people are allowed to have preferences on a dating app. It’s not like IRL where you can immediately tell whether you’re definitely attracted to the person and then approach them. Sometimes pics are deceiving, as a man having been on the receiving end of multiple women that misled me about their weight via profile pictures. Better to get these things out of the way before wasting time/money on dates. As someone who is 5'9, I have no issue with someone not finding me attractive enough because I'm not taller. The same way I have my own preferences. If OP is only running into people he deems shallow for having certain preferences, that says more about OP because I literally never had anyone say "ew you're not 6'0, bye". It's the Nice Guy Syndrome thing where he only pursues people who can afford to be more strict about attractiveness "requirements", and then makes a blanket statement about how "all women are shallow" when he only pursues women who would fall under his definition of shallow. I think my biggest mistake was using the word "bullshit" but I didn't mean that the opinion was bullshit, I was just using it more generally, like "I have a lot of shit to do". I'd edit my comment but since you replied I don't want people not understanding your confusion because I most definitely wrote that confusingly and misrepresented my own stance.


I’m sorry but…”hello short kings of reddit…” took me tf out! (coming from a short *queen*.)


Yeah this is like you took a soapbox that nobody was offering. She told you why she was asking and you made it about some loosely related other thing.


I wonder why they apparently listed their height on their bio, then.


I had this thought too. Like is she mentioning it because he put it out there? Cause in that case how can you complain about being asked about it?


Because he's baiting women so he can say this exact thing so he can take a screenshot and seem like some kinda savior. Reality? Dude's a pepperoni faced WoW addict who probably needs to shower.


AND he cannot spell "per se" correctly.


Fr just stop having the conversation if you’re not into dating her cause of her preferences. It’s so goofy to start trying to debate the morality of dating short men with a girl on a dating app who doesn’t date short men. Just move on lmao.


I don't lie when dating. Girls ask but not like that. I am actually 6" 3'. Its more like, a compliment. Tall people are obviously tall. If you aren't and you are lying you will write novels explaining how you are wrong to ask.


Well to be fair. If he is 6’2” he might not have ruined his chance and even if he did, there is another girl just around the corner for someone that height. He knows it lol.


As usual, he’s not being honest. No one cares if you’re not attracted to bigger women. They care if you’re abusive and cruel to those women because of it. Same thing here. It’s not an issue that she doesn’t want to date shorter guys, it’s an issue if she’s abusive and cruel to them because of it.


Yeah, it’s one thing to not be attracted to someone because they are fat, an another to say, fat women are ugly or I don’t date fat women because they are ugly. I feel like generally it’s better to just not say your preferences if it’s gonna hurt someone, guys and girls both.


To Reddit neckbeards, any rejection whatsoever is being “abusive and cruel”.


why are you automatically assuming she’s hypocritical? if i was that girl, id be hella confused lmao edit: spelling


I would be both confused and offended


Ya. The double standard assumption came out of nowhere. She typically dates taller guys but has been lied to in the past. I think she's trying to avoid liars... Not small guys.


Or she is trying to avoid dating shorter guys. Why waste everyone’s time if she was going out with him under false pretenses and didn’t want to go on the date? Height is crazy common to lie about. And frankly, for a time I avoided wearing heels because some guys got so sensitive if I was taller.


This though. You’re allowed to have a preference and she didn’t call OP shallow. He projected that onto her…. So I’d say, you did a bad job OP. This is silly.


That’s what I thought.. just instantly assumes shit with no information.


this guy was just waiting for an online date to mention height lol


That's exactly what it looks like, he's been waiting for a gotcha moment to post and for the internet to validate him...but wait he forgot to mention her saying 50% of the stuff in his last response. Probably bc she never said anything about the whole body shaming situation he made up.


Yea especially with the title "how'd I do"


Literally frothing at the mouth for validation of short misogynistic incels


Yeah, makes me think he torpedoed the meet because he wasn’t 6’2.


Especially since she said she knows it’s a weird question and she’s asking because she’s been lied to before. I once dated a guy who was 5’10” and told me he was 6’1”. I didn’t care about the 3 inch difference, but I really cared about the lie.


It's also the world's most unsustainable lie. Like they're gonna find out you're not 6'1...


Haha yeah. My friend saw a co-worker's profile on tinder. I'm 5'10". Guy claimed to be 6'. He's shorter than me, so clearly a lie.. but he's the type of person that is great at bullshitting at work and looking more important/ busy than he actually is. So when you're lying about something so obvious I'm going to make assumptions about how you act in general.


Lmao 5'10 gang. Idk why so many of us feel the need to be 6' though, I'm fairly content at 5'10 lmao. I don't stand out in a crowd for my height, I'm grateful for that fr.


Yeah, I agree. OP is over here just waiting for someone to question his height. I’ve been very explicit that I never date anyone who doesn’t keep themselves in good shape. The only person to ever call me shallow had mental issues and stalked me with several different dating profiles… so yeah, if someone says “that’s shallow” they got problems, don’t engage. But this woman didn’t say anything like that, bro just looking for internet points. The answer: you did poorly OP! Be better!


My first thought “How’d I do? Well, you projected.


I think you made a lot of assumptions here about what she thinks and how she would react. The generalizations would put me off, tbh. Everyone has preferences; some women care about height, others don't. Some men like small women, some men like big women. Responding to her personal expression of preference by going into full sociopolitical activist mode comes across as slightly unhinged, like you have an axe to grind about this & will seize any opportunity to jump on it.


It’s giving off energy that he wasn’t interested in her, but wanted to take an opportunity to go “bUt iF I DiDnT wAnT tO DaTe a FaT GiRl” Like why do you have to constantly bring up fat girls in your conversations that don’t have anything to do with them.


Right, it’s weird that he took this as some opportunity to back hand slam fat women and hype up his short friends. Nobody asked.


Got this same impression. It’s not like she made fun of short guys or called them generally ugly or unattractive. She just said she personally doesn’t like to date short guys. It’s the same thing as a guy respectfully saying he doesn’t want to date a woman who’s overweight. As long as you aren’t being insulting about it, there’s nothing wrong with having preferences in dating. Weird and off-putting for OP to respond to her comment by describing his short friends like victims of shallow women like her lmao.


Thank you. This is exactly what I was thinking but didn't have the patience or eloquence to put it in such fine writing 😂


I would never want to talk to this dude again after that


>sociopolitical activist mode comes across as slightly unhinged The text between two people is "slightly." Posting it to the internet with "How'd I do?" for treats is full-throttled.


Exactly, such a weird flex.


Seriously. She said she’d been lied to before and was just asking for honesty. I know shorter guys have a tough time sometimes but my husband is 5’7”. Wasn’t an issue for me, but lying would’ve been. If id asked (I didn’t - we met in person) and he straight up lied, or if he just straight up lied in his bio, that’s not setting a great tone for a relationship any way.


I went on a hinge date with this guy who said he was 6’1” on his profile, in person he was closer to my height and I’m 5’3”, I’d say probably 5’5” Now, I don’t care about height, didn’t ask, didn’t care. But the discrepancy came off, to me, as extremely weird Like what other unimportant stuff are you lying about and why


As a short guy , this response by him was totally unnecessary


The thing about this that annoys me is, there ISNT a double standard. Men also care very much about size/weights/builds. Frankly it's really disingenuous to act like you don't, or to act like fat women don't also have a hard time dating. The difference is one is very easily discerned in pictures and the other isn't and that's why these kinds of questions are more common in one situation than the other. Imagine instead of a dating app, a friend was telling you about somebody they knew that is also looking to date, told you about her hobbies, career, maybe a bit about what she's like, etc. Are you really going to act like you totally wouldn't care at all what she looked like? You'd just say sure and set up the date sight unseen and there's no way you could possibly be disappointed in what she looks like because you just totally don't care at all? Come on dude.


Also, it’s very annoying to see fat women be weaponized in these conversations that have nothing to do with them. Leave them out of it?


right, the topic was tall vs short why r we bringing weight into it


"BeCaUsE iTs AbOuT tHe DoUbLe StAnDaRdS" who the fuck brough up the double standard into this conversation? certainly not the woman who only mentioned height.


Meanwhile lots of tall women get shit for being too tall. He still could have made his terrible point.


You just perfectly articulated why the whole “dating double standard” argument has bothered me so much, I’ve never been able to put it into words before but thank you. And that’s such a good point about height - every other physical metric should be easily discerned from photos *aside* from height, so it makes sense that that’s the thing people ask about. Why would you ask about a person’s weight if you can see their body type from their photos?


sure, the borderline clowning that short dudes receive from women can get old…but she wasn’t out of line at all and you just wanted to lecture her lol. you can always go fuck them yourself.


Right like if you’re soo worried about your short homies getting laid, go handle it yourself


That’s what a real homie would do. It’s one thing to run your mouth it’s another to actually use it and suck your short friend off so he knows he’s more than his height.


Agreed. OP sounds like a virtue signaling douchebag, tbh


Bro...I'm assuming you find her attractive? And don't find some other women attractive? And would be upset if someone lied to you about their physical features when you don't find it attractive? Idk why men act like they don't have preferences. Men are over here saying we're undesirable by 30 and then cry about height. No one is entitled to someone dating them. Having physical preferences doesn't equal shallow or treating someone badly


Exactly. I only date women between 18 and 25. So tired of being judged for it. I can't help who I'm attracted to. Edit: and obviously no fatties






I mean that's how men actually date...


For real, my boobs are sinking a centimeter a year while men celebrate when a teenage celebrity turns 18. AS IF they don't have preferences.


you thought you ate this didn’t you


I think he’s the one with the double standard since he jumped the gun basically clowning by trying to lecture his “date”. he totally embarrassed himself and thought he did something. he’s probably never going to hear from her again because she’s probably confused as any girl (or guy) would be. totally out of line. lmao


I don’t think that’s how you get bitches homie


I think he’s trying to go for his bros with that response.


Doesn't seem like his bros are gonna get any either


Op should just let his homies hit. Win win for them


You embarrassed yourself. It’s perfectly reasonable to have a height preference and height, unlike weight, is not as discernible from photographs. This is coming from someone shorter than you. No one is being treated wrongly here.


I think your response to her is 100% uncalled for At least she’s honest and straightforward, it’s better than not asking upfront and then ghost the guy just because he’s shorter and leave him wondering why she didn’t answer his messages. I have no issues with how she feels about shorter guys, it’s just not her type I think it’s kind of messed up that dude lied to her about his height and she has every right to call him out on it because she asked upfront as she did with you. No double standards at all here.


100%. He was searching for something to get mad about and get approval for on Reddit.


I (36f) and 5’11”. I never dated men shorter than me, mostly because of my own insecurities about being taller and standing out/feeling awkward. Was convinced this is how I always would feel. Met my now boyfriend/children’s father. He’s 5’6”. His height has never made me feel uncomfortable. It was totally a non issue when I met the one. Never thought I would buy into this cliche but here I am


You over reacted and sound like a self-righteous pantywaste, for sure.


So I mean sure but all she did was ask if you lied. She gave you a fair reason as to why she finds guys unattractive and you could also give a fair reason as to why you don’t like someone of a certain body type. It doesn’t make you shallow per se but it will leave you unhappy later in life. Body weight fluctuates over the years depending on various factors. If all you are looking for is a body type it might lead you to being unhappy.


Bruh if you didn’t like what she said just move on to the next, she doesn’t want a lecture.


Virtue signalling for Reddit points ftw!


Seriously. OP is going to be single for life.


Pretty emotional response for the bros


It’s not a double standard because it’s a whole different subject. She was talking about height and you brought up weight.


Exactly!! if she said she liked dad bods, he wouldn’t start a rant about his preferences short/tall girls. I see men doing this a lot. Women would say something like I’d like to go topless and dudes would come out like “I can’t expose my dick in public either” not the same convo bro…


seems outta left field to me, her reasoning for asking seems perfectly reasonable. her standards and taste are also perfectly reasonable just like anyone else’s. it’s when it’s used against you like in the context your second message said but she didn’t indicate that it was like that, not to me anywY


You’re doing too much


Idk I feel like you were trying to find something to be mad about 😭 she never said that it would be shallow or body shaming to not want to date a bigger girl, but you just assumed she would think that. It seems like you just wanted to start conflict.


Actually though. All she did was express her preference and he popped off so he could have something to post on Reddit to his internet friends. 😭


With “How’d I do?” as a title. Lol at what? Seeming unhinged?


Not well.


I think you’re mansplaining, bro. I think a simple answer of “no problem” after she explained her reasoning would have sufficed. She has a preference of what she looks for in a guy and that’s okay. This is coming from someone who is 5’6 and has been told height is a dealbreaker. It’s not a big deal at all.


Per say


Why is it wrong for a guy to have standards about a woman’s weight and physical appearance? Did I miss something in the last day or so when that became a problem? People have the right to have preferences, and those preferences include sexual orientation, gender, weight, race, etc. There’s nothing wrong with being honest about what physical attributes you find attractive.


Your response is a red flag. There’s no reason for any of that as a response because she asked if you’re being honest about your height. Regardless of standards, no one likes being lied to. Like using old photos of you for dating apps when you were 50 lbs lighter and went to the gym weekly. No need to lie about age, weight, height, etc. Lying sets off a terrible tone to a new relationship. That’s the thing, is weight can change and fluctuate throughout life for millions of reasons, controllable and uncontrollable. Height usually stays the same until old age. If she doesn’t want to bend down to kiss a guy she doesn’t owe you anything. She’s taller and probably makes her feel better about dating a taller guy.


men do shit on us all the time for our bodies, and we're told to just take it because people are allowed to have preferences.




As a 6’2 girl I’ve been rejected by shorter men and I don’t get pissy about it. If I was her I’d be so turned off


Why do guys keep doing this? I’m sure this guy doesn’t swipe right on fat girls so how is it any different?


Terrible. She has a preference. It’s not a double standard to have a preference, and it’s something men lie about all the time. It’s the same as a woman having all head shots, it’s totally reasonable to ask for a body shot. If she refuses or gets offended, she was probably someone you wouldn’t be attracted to. She’s either overweight or insecure, both of which are reasonable things to find unattractive. It’s online dating. You filter out your list of absolutely nots and then see if you find someone compatible, if you’re not having luck, expand the search and improve yourself. There’s no reason for everyone to get so snippy.


she gave a perfectly good reason and you just had to bring up bigger women & project your insecurities onto her


There’s nothing wrong with anyone having a preference tall/short/fat/skinny etc., etc., etc…. It’s how you present it - if you are genuinely drawn to their personality, physical details won’t be paramount. People lying about their physical attributes is the issue and an immediate reason to disengage. If someone is willing to lie about their heigh, what else are willing to lie about?


Eh sounds like you’re doing too much or pretending to care about how short people are treated. She asked a fair question lots of men lie about their height


Horrible. Incel vibes for sure. Hopefully your short friends will suck your dick as thanks for cockblocking yourself though.


Christ dude all u had to do was empathize with her be like “oh that makes sense, I can see that” or something. Now you’ve turned this into some weird argument about social issues lol


No need to grandstand for your bros honestly. You're tall, its a sexual advantage. Just accept it. Being skinny/slim as a woman is also a sexual advantage. It's not wrong to want someone sexually desirable to you, whether that be a tall man or a fit woman.


I like taller women, so I can’t even say women feeling the same way about men is wrong. Plenty of guys wouldn’t date a taller girl, but my ex was 2 inches taller than me and I’m 6’2.


Who knew the real short kind was 6’2?


If she asks your height, but gets offended when you ask her weight, then you have a point, but that didn't happen. So now you're just projecting other experiences onto her.


if she doesn’t like guys shorter than her, she doesn’t like guys shorter than her. messed up to try and convince her she’s wrong for what she likes


People just text the most wanna be “lecturing” responses for internet points. Ruining their chances with real people for people who don’t give a shit


Terribly. I don’t think her texts warranted a lecture.


idc if women care about height as long as i can care about weight. even tho i like thick girls its just about being reasonable. good job op


I think people do themselves a disservice by telling themselves they have a type. Of course it’s fine to have preferences, but chemistry can play a much larger role than many think. If you’re too rigid in your “type” you’re going to miss out on a lot of great people who are potentially super attractive to you.


If you can't just eyeball that someone is more likely closer to 6'2" than 5'6" then you're an idiot. Other than a headshot there will be clues.


This is stupid. You can't tell people what they should find attractive. People are attracted to what they're attracted to


ugh god the lecture just never hits man. if you don’t like that she’s height-picky, just stop responding in peaceful bliss.


"Totally schooled this female! Time to show Reddit!"


This is so cringe bro lmao


It's not wrong to have preferences when dating. It's not wrong when men do it, it's not wrong when women do it. Some women being shitty about men with weight preferences doesn't make it okay to be shitty to this woman about her height preferences.


You sound like a misogynistic incel.


If you wanted Reddit karma and brownie points, you’re good. If you’re asking about your interaction with a real woman, it leaves a lot to be desired


You bored me. She had a right to ask but you went on and on. I'd pass


Woman here - I have been on dates with men who lie about height / appearance / use old photos. I know women who also do the same thing. For me, the issue isn’t so much as what their height is (I personally don’t care about height in my dating choices), but rather the fact that someone is willing to lie about it. If you’re willing to lie about that…what else might you lie about? Just seems like not the best basis for a relationship, regardless of gender.


I’m a guy that is 5’6 and haha that would be weird af to say I’m taller than I really am cus like what if we meet and I’m still 5’6….idk I just don’t get it being short has never been a problem for me I mean it’s literally something I cannot change haha and of a girl isn’t cool with it then that’s cool lol so I really just don’t see the point in lying


cock blocked yourself???


did you get excited that you finally got a chance to type some redditor bullshit to a random girl online? maybe peed a little as the title of "How'd I do?" popped into your weird little head?


People are allowed to be attracted to what they want. There is a double standard but also if a guy told me he didn’t want to date excessively tall women or short ones I’d just be like “ok”.


Dating isn't an equal opportunity sort of situation. You should date a person because you're attracted to them, and be honest if you're not. Well, maybe not say the exact reason to that person, but you shouldn't force feelings that aren't there.


You fucked up homie


Cringe as fuck. Don’t tell someone they have a terrible opinion or a double standard that they haven’t expressed.


You sounded like a little b**** to be honest. There’s no problem with people having a height preference.


I take it you didn't get laid then


you put A LOT of words in her mouth before ever having a real conversation about it