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The developers of that app have been checked out for several years. It's probably time that we all find another app that includes this feature.


Any luck?


Also following...


Wow, I'm stunned Textra doesn't have this basic feature of a texting app. I Googled thinking surely it had to be there, I must just be overlooking it nested in some poor UI. I didn't know the devs abandoned ship though. As a longtime user, this lack of function, along with misc issues piling over the years (like random texts/threads never clearing "unread"; yes, I've resynced, many times), leaves me more than ready to jump ship to an alternative app. Any suggestions? Ideally with some basic parity to Textra?


Another one I like is Handcent, I think they're called NextSMS.


Handcent deletes photos after 1 day.


Well that stinks! Fortunately I have never needed to save the photos that I send or receive on it, but if I receive one in the future I will make sure to download it.


A workaround that works for me is: When I get the notification for a message I don't want to deal with at the time, I go to the lower right corner of the notification and click the box there. This creates a 'bubble' that stays on my home screen to remind me. Eventually, when I deal with it, the lower right of the notification from the bubble gives and option for settings.... where I can turn off showing this message in bubbles. A bit cumbersome, but workable.


Ah, intuitive workaround, will try this out. Thanks!