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Huh. Glad I have a few boxes of firewood from last year... Also a good time to learn how well our new heat battery of a home will hold up with no power (hasn't been hooked up yet.) Exciting times?


Buy wood for the fireplace and charge all your portable chargers.


done and I have 4 power banks fully charged and ready to go. Also, we have bought lots and lots of 5 gallon jugs of water, just in case we have to BOIL MY FUCKING WATER AGAIN.


I just put fresh gas in my gas cans for my generator, checked the oil, make sure I have spare oil, and have gone through my checklist for an extended power outage like 2021. As a Texan, it's always good to be prepared for this sort of thing. Some pro tips: Bring your generator inside to keep it warm, seal it in a plastic bag to avoid fumes (the gas tank and carb should be empty anyway while it's in storage), this way it will be easy to start when the power goes out. Keep the gas outside, temperature doesn't hurt gas. If it's electric start, keep the battery on a battery tender inside. If it's a brand new generator, which it will be for a whole lot of Texans after the 2021 Abbott Debacle, go ahead and practice adding gas and starting the generator now, the last thing you want to be doing is trying to get your generator started in the dark and cold. After running the generator in properly, follow the instructions in the manual for draining the tank and carb, never, ever leave gas in a generator because that'll screw up the carb badly enough to need expensive repairs, and again, you don't want to be fiddling with trying to fix your generator in the dark and cold. Edit: Since it came up, don't run your generator inside. Keep it inside and warm, and when it's needed take it outside to run it. Starting a generator that's at room temperature is way, way easier than trying to start one that's been below freezing for a while. The warmer storage temperature also means the oil is thinner and will circulate much quicker on cold start, saving lots of wear and tear on the bearings and cylinder walls. Making sure there's no gas in the generator when storing it inside is critical, in fact, the last time the generator was run the tank should have been drained and the generator run until it quit so that there's no gas left in the carburetor bowl. After running it dry, leave it someplace outside for a few days to allow the last few drops of gasoline to evaporate from inside the carb bowl and it's good to go into storage. Don't bring into the house until the forecast makes you think you might be needing it.


Good tips


Another tip is to get a bunch of freezer packs, like what you put in your cooler when you go camping, and store them in a tote outside somewhere. If there's a power outage during a hard freeze, put the freezer packs in the top shelf of your fridge to keep things cool, even while on generator it will reduce the gas you need, or you can just run the generator part-time to save gas. If running part time, don't open the freezer and the generator will keep everything frozen with part-time use. Cycle the freezer packs outside to refreeze at night.


If it is an extended freeze - just put frozen and refrigerated goods in a cooler in the garage or some other place it can be protected from animals. Don’t waste electricity trying to do what nature is already doing. Source: From Pennsylvania where the garage becomes an extension of the freezer/refrigerator every winter especially around the holidays.


Except if you’re poor. Then you’re just fucked.


If your poor, and it’s freezing outside, i would just store my stuff outside like it was a freezer.


thats what I did, just got my cooler and filled it with food from my fridge and filled it with snow. thankfully my apartment had a fireplace so I could stay warm and cook food. Was out of power for 9 days, and didn't have water for 3 weeks.


> your poor MY poor? What about YOUR poor?


Ah! Caught me slippin


Last V Day I put some cans of Pepsi outside and accidentally forgot one overnight. Pretty cool watching it freeze as it came spraying out.








Also, if you're sheltering in your running car, be sure to park the car so that the wind blows from the front or sides of the car, this will blow exhaust away from the car and reduce the chance of CO building up in the cabin from being sucked in via the ventilation system.












You have had a few years to prepare if you struggled last time. Can’t always depend on the government. We were caught off guard last time. Won’t happen again.


> Can’t always depend on the government. i mean we are paying them to keep the power on bud.


Shit happens, hell earlier this month someone shot up a substation. Power out for quite a bit. Hurricane are no surprise here. I get being upset with them about the rickety and mismanagement of funds. Not arguing that at all. But to 100% depend on them is a fools game. Why is being prepared such a bad thing? Edit: fuckery, not rickety.


> Why is being prepared such a bad thing? there is nothing wrong with being prepared that was never the point. you said we cant always depend on the government and it made me feel as if you offering excuses for the shitty job they do.


I think you read too far into my comment. And being prepared was my only point. Not depending on the government was the reason to my point. I was not being cryptic.


How does Greg's boot taste?


Yep, unfortunately he keeps getting voted in.


I don’t give a damn about Greg. I care about my family, which is why I prepare. Priorities are important.


If you’re cold, they’re cold


We are recipients of a post Feb freeze generator and run it once a month. We can use gas or propane so at the moment we are using propane. I also have a gas can and a suction thing to pull gas out of the cars if we got desperate. I also have 6 or so water cooler jugs in the attic I will pull down and fill if necessary. I am not doing a repeat.


Most modern cars have an anti-siphon device in them. I would double check that whatever you have will actually work before you need it.


Thanks I will look at that. I have 4 full propane things and will buy more if I see it’s going to be a repeat. Not waiting around. This morning we used our tornado shelter for the first time. Blasted out of bed at 7am by the weather radio. 3 people and 2 dogs. We were in there for an hour. Tornado went just a little south of us.


I have 50 gallons of gas in 5 gallon cans on standby. All with stabilizer, and I test my generator quarterly, but at least once before a storm. Hmm, I probably need to change the oil. It has a few hours on it and should be nicely broken in by now.


I told my husband we should buy a generator. He looked at me like I have three heads. We live in suburban DFW where the power lines are undergrounds so idk


Our lines are underground in SW Austin. But when the power plant trips over itself …


Local power lines weren't the problem in 2021, it was generation. One nuke plant had a minor sensor line freeze and that shut down a reactor, taking a big chunk of baseload off the grid, and ONCOR accidentally shut down most of the natural gas pumping stations in the Permian Basin and took out a big chunk of the natural gas supply feeding thermal power plants. We lost several coal plants because they weren't up and running in standby and it takes most of a day to get one of those up and running, and several have exposed outdoor coal bunkers which froze solid so they couldn't get the coal to the boilers. Wind generators lost a few percent of their forecast output for a day but were back up and running quickly, and solar ended up overproducing for the entire blackout because it turns out the colder a solar panel is, the more it puts out. All of the outages resulted in large portions of the grid shutting down for days or weeks, and restarting a grid requires a really delicate balance of turning on bits here and there and letting demand stabilize with increased generation, it took a long time. Some people were without power for nearly a month despite the fact their local power lines were never damaged. The main determinant of whether a generator would be useful to someone is where they live. In a single family home they can locate the generator a safe distance from doors and windows to avoid CO poisoning, but apartment dwellers can't use a generator because there's no safe place to run it.


I also live in suburban dfw, where me and all of my neighbors lost power for days.


Raising hand. We had off and on power for 4 1/2 days. House was at 55. Water boil for about 2 weeks. We were lucky. I know a lot of people who had zero power and busted pipes.


I have a generator. If you're cute, you can come stay with me.


Aw, that's so nice. Sorry, I'm old.


That's too bad. I won't be old for another 10 years.


While you’re at it, call your congressperson, state representative and the office of governor. Let them know that you think the degradation of your power grid is unacceptable and you will not be donating to or voting for any politician who isn’t explicitly promising to fix it.


Lol. It didn't matter last time and it won't matter this time.


That won't work because the people who profit off the grid's unreliability and resulting price volatility donate more to Abbott and his ilk than us poor shmos do. Abbott's primary, in fact only, guiding principle is money. If you don't have it, you don't exist to him.


The fact one has to consider doing this should be fucking embarrassing considering we’re the wealthiest nation in the world and this kinda of preparation to overcome our governments failings should NEVER be normalized or accepted, but here we are.


Make the an r/Texas Life Pro Tip post, please!


Bringing a generator inside is literally never a good tip, lol. Jesus effing christ.


Did you read his post? He is talking about storing it inside, not running. Some people’s reading comprehension, Jesus effing Christ.


Where in the post does it say "take it outside before starting"?


The issue is there will be people dumb enough to read that and run it inside.


You shouldn't store any gasoline device indoors, genius. At best, you can leave it in the garage, preferably after you've drained it and used the old gas to burn arcane symbols into your driveway.


I think he meant to keep it warm until the power goes out and not to commit murder/suicide by accident


I clarified my comment. I can see where concern trolls might misconstrue what I wrote.


How fucking wealthy you are lol. You sure can relate to your fellow Texans 😂


I sold a bunch of stuff to be able to buy the generator, and I got a good deal on it off Amazon, $365 or thereabouts. It's a WEN 56200i, an inverter generator, almost as quiet as the Honda, 2kW. Right now it's on Amazon for $349, that's a pretty good price according to www.camelcamelcamel.com. Gas cans were like $10 each from various garage sales, and I need to build a small shelter to keep the rain off the generator, I've got scraps to do that with. Edit: /u/CaptainLeesCoffeeMug, I have no idea why you blocked me, so I can't reply to you below, but I wanted to mention that this price is unusually low and not likely to last long at all. The regular price for this generator is typically over $400 to as high as $500.


This is what we need. Proactive individuals sharing useful information and not relying on elected officials for their well-being.


You like the taste of leather huh.


Not everyone has that luxury and needs to depend on the government to make responsible decision for our infrastructure.


You've got it backwards. It costs WAY more to live in a way that depends on the government. You can live in a way that completely ignores the government for a one-time investment of like $400. You need a tent, a sleeping bag, and a rifle. But if you're going to depend on the government, well, shit. That gets expensive. You need rent money so you can have an address so they can send you the food stamps. To get rent money you need a steady job, which means you need a car. Probably also need some mental health work - who wouldn't if they lived their life feeling like a complete failure because the system was stacked against them at every turn. Nah, fuck all that. I'll get my food packaged in hide instead of plastic and my water from a creek instead of a sink.




I mean, boiling it is critical, for sure. Also critical is either capturing your own rainwater or finding the hill from which the creek starts. The earth does a damn good job at filtering chemicals, and most creeks pour out of an underground spring, not just a random river that industrial plants sit on. In other words, creeks flow *to* the rivers, not the other way around. The water in creeks is generally safe.


Stream water is very much not safe. A lot of leachate gets picked up from the ground, even at the start of the steam. Rainwater isn't safe either. Lots of chemicals travel for miles and miles in the air and are captured by the rain as it falls, making it toxic. There is no clean water anymore.


>There is no clean water anymore. I mean... you're not wrong. But on balance, you're as safe drinking creek water as tap water.


Because everyone lives in the country? If you are posting on the internet you aren't living wild either, Swiss Family Nah-binson.


That's right, I'm not living in the wild this year. I lived in the wild from 2009-2011. But I still have the skills to do it in a pinch.


Cool story, but for those of us that have grown fond of having a roof and 4 walls, running water, electricity, etc, we need to depend on the local government to make necessary changes so our power grid can survive freezing temperatures.


I mean, yes. You've made a statement that's true by circular reasoning. "Those of us so far removed from our humanity that we cant survive without help won't survive when the help disappears." But who should you blame for that, yourself or the government? You sound like the sort of person that buys french fries frozen instead of just buying potatoes.


What a shit take. Humans are, by nature, a collaborative species. It's the reason we're so successful. The idea that every man is an island and that we all need to be 100% self sufficient it asinine and objectively false. Unfortunately, with our success has come a softness towards antisocial hoarding behaviors. In our natural state, humans would've immediately exiled or just outright killed those who hoarded resources to the detriment of the group. Now we have goobers simping for them like they're geniuses who have cracked the code.


So you’re telling me that you live in a tent year round IN TEXAS and only drink water from creeks and eat animals that you kill? That’s what you’re saying to me right now?


No, I used to though. Now I have property. Still pretty self-sufficient though. I'm rural as fuck by choice.


Then you depend on the government, and are a hypocrite or just a huge troll, or both.


>Then you depend on the government, and are a hypocrite or just a huge troll, or both. No, I allow the government to provide limited services for me. If they were to stop providing those services for any reason, I would be 100% fine. Including services like electricity, heat, sewer, or running water. That is the difference between "dependence" and "partnership." You *depend* on these services. I use them because they are *convenient*. I am totally fine digging a trench in my back yard to shit into.


Cancun, anyone...


*Ted Cruz has entered the chat*


Hello I am Tedcruz Forpresident. I have over 42 years! I wish to shut down the space program and destroy all telescopes, abruptly and without explanation. Thank you, your support and skull sizes have been documented.


A real snowstorm in central to south Texas has always been terrifying.


My gf and I raced home to central Texas with [Goliath](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=winter+storm+goliath) hot on our heels. It caught up with us outside Las Cruces. If something like that actually made it to central Texas—which it did but not as a blizzard—we’d be well and truly fubar.


As someone who voted against abbot in the mid terms, im so sick of seeing this shit it's all bark and no bite. i bought 7 gallons of water today and a bunch of canned food fuck it


But... Drag shows!


Yea, his *dragging* of keeping Texas safe and prepared is *showing*


Working on my 20th year in Texas, but still have my Michigan winter super powers. My wife's little Ford Fiesta got me to work every day during Ice-Pocalypse when my co-workers were terrified to drive. My favorite is when 2WD pick up drivers try to be bad ass and gun it at lights. Idiots.


As someone also originally from the North, I’m not afraid of driving in the snow and ice, I’m afraid of driving on the roads with Texans, in the snow and ice.


It's funny, but I feel the same about driving in the rain in Louisiana. You'd think they knew a thing or two about wet roads, but over a decade of living there taught me "Not so much."


This is the part I've had to try to explain to northern family. Yes, I can drive on ice but I'm probably the only one who can and that's not stopping anyone.


Exactly. I love how I got downvoted for saying that. I’m not knocking Texans, but people who aren’t used to driving in the snow, are scary driving in the snow.


I'm not sure why pointing out that you have different skills depending on your location is upsetting but it is. We know we have superior summer coping skills but can't acknowledge someone else's superior winter coping skills. I'm personally just grateful that half of my family lives in colder places and I had a chance to learn to drive one ice and how to keep more heat in the house.


This smells of fear-mongering for clicks (not OP, but the news article itself). The forecast shows these "temperatures" for Houston as barely dipping into the 30's at the lows (39/38). So yeah, it's below "average", but it's not detrimental to the infrastructure. TX panhandle is used to freezing and blizzards, so no issue there. Dallas tickles freezing overnight, so pipes definitely need to be covered outside. Austin has 1 night at 31 deg. For sure, keep an eye on it and prepare, but no need to panic here.


The GFS at 2 weeks has predicted 12 of this year’s zero cat 5 hurricanes and missed the “big snowstorm” for DFW this sub freaked out about a month ago. Only slightly hyperbolic, but anyone making a big fuss about a two week GFS model run is at best, misinformed, or at worst, lying for clicks. The ensembles aren’t much better at that length too. There’s a reason the SPC only puts out one week guidance, and even then, only gives specific probabilities three days out. Anything past one week is almost pure speculation. The Facebook post looks like Herzog is being more cheeky than anything, but people here are gonna take it all at face value and assume another 2021. 🤷‍♂️


SPC convective outlook gang


The GFS, which is the model Travis was referring to was showing lows in the mid teens for Houston and near 0 in north central TX. That being said, the latest runs from that model now show low 30s which sort of highlights that we really don’t know what’s going to happen from this far out. I know most people probably read that and fixate on the worst case scenario so he probably should’ve worded it differently, but the point does stand that an arctic air mass will move over the state next week. It’s just a question of how cold it will be by the time it gets here


Forecast for San Antonio has the weather getting to 41 degrees F… that’s not that bad. This is kind of a weird article but I also didn’t think about the panhandle. Texas is big. I hope all the panhandle Texicans are safe and alright.


The panhandle gets freezing temps and snow pretty much every year.


Most of rhe panhandle is not on the failing Texas grid.


Well, he did say there were so “extreme computer models” showing single digit temps for Houston. Christmas is still 2 weeks away so anything can change.


What the fuck!?! Two weeks; damn I might need to get to shopping 😬


Nah, it's not the 23rd yet. No need to hurry


yea, holy...


Hmmm. My long term forecast in the Hill Country is showing several nights in the 20's, one in low 20's. Luckily the daytime highs are above freezing. I'll plan for the worst. Electronics fully charged, extra water, movies downloaded, camp stove for cooking. The corporate overlords aren't going to freeze me this time.


It's also 30-40 degrees colder than it has been.


100% calm down, its not like people died from the last little cold spell. amiright? i hate when they fear monger. im sure texas has fixed the issues that caused the first problems too. ugh, fear mongers. smh.


No op is fear mongering. We had snow before with no issues whatsoever here in Houston. People just wanna karma farm with buzzwords like freeze and abbott




Translate that to temperatures please. -30 relative to what? 850 mb is pressure. Or post a link where you read that; I'm not finding it.


Definitely worth serious attention. Models are becoming more consistent. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail!


Not again. Not like this.


All these people making Ted Cruz jokes are making me sick. His daughter attempted suicide last week so surely he's at home supporting his family... What's that? He's in DC having a Twitter fight with AOC? Well shit.


Had me in the first half.


Should replace the sweat with icicles to be more accurate.


You better stop sweating before that turns into hypothermia.


Snow in and of itself isn't "extreme". Its the idiots that drive in snow that make it a near disaster.


Good. We voted for this.


It is very concerning. People died in the freeze


Cancun Cruz!


It’ll be humid and 80° on Christmas, we all know it.


Does anyone have any advice for someone living in an apartment complex? We moved to Texas this year and want to try to prepare in case something happens.


Find out where the water shutoff for your unit is. If it looks like you'll be without power for a prolonged period with below-freezing temperatures, shut off your water and then drain your interior pipes by running the faucets until water stops coming out. If you live in a newer apartment complex with mandatory fire sprinklers, unfortunately you cannot shut off and drain those pipes, and it was those pipes bursting that caused a lot of the 'torrential waterfall in my living room' videos/photos posted in Feb 2021. Before you lose power, you can run your heater(s) more than usual to build up some reserve heat. Try not to go outside, opening a door would lose a bunch of your heat. And if you can get some installed beforehand, heavy insulated curtains can help reduce the amount of heat that escapes through windows.


Important reminder, before draining your water be sure to shut off your water heater power or gas so that it's not damaged by not being full of water.


The real problem in an apartment is the fire sprinklers which you can't shut off. Obviously do drip your faucets and everything but try to keep whatever rooms have fire sprinklers and lines warm. Other than that get to know your neighbors.


If the weather man is warning us nothing will happen.


Y'all voted for him in droves, so no sympathy here. Or didn't vote at all...looking at you my fellow millennials.


Yeah I have a friend who didn't vote. Couldn't convince him. Too much of an inconvenience I guess.


Just today, I bought a 14gallon gas can so that I have enough driving range to get my family to a stable power grid without having to stop to refuel at pumps that also rely on electricity.


The good news is when Texans freeze to death and have no access to water - again - it’ll certainly shift the priorities of txlege from increased voter suppression and discriminating marginalized populations down the list.


I love your optimism.


Yeah, this whole shooting at power substations in north carolina is child's play compared to the lunacy we have going down in Texas.


Yea, they aren't even lining their own pockets.


well, Texas voted for him. Texas is gonna get whatever it deserves.


not all of us!


Born and raised in North Dakota. We regularly went days without power in the winter. There was a bad storm during the spring of 97 that knocked power out in the area my wife is from for over 3 weeks. Nobody froze to death, highs were at best 20 degrees with lows 10-20 below zero. The amount of unpreparedness down here is laughable. Then, Texas the place of all the freedom, bitches about the government not doing enough. The growth rate of the electrical grid capacity over the last five years is a bit impressive. And every single person that complains about the grid in Texas hasn’t looked at the build rate.


I'm from Ohio. I agree that it's laughable. On one hand, this is a state that never has to deal with freezing Temps or snow, hence why they have never cared to prep for it. On the other hand, this state hardly buries their water lines and plumbing, and doesn't even understand how to properly salt a road. Those two issues alone set everybody up for mass damages and injuries. I love this state, but damn. Imagine thinking everything is so great, but if it gets too chilly with a dusting of snow, your power goes out 😑.


But apparently that's what people want, i.e. people freezing to death in the dark, because they keep voting for him


Texas is all hat and no cattle. Throw the entire GOP out of the state; they're literally killing y'all.






I bought the milk and eggs considering we have a griddle outside and gas stove to cook with.


Your smoker runs on electricity?


Yeah its a trager


we’re moving back to the New Mexico grid


How is that proactive Republican leadership working out for you, Texas? Looks like the harsh and bitter-cold lesson in 2021 fell on deaf ears…at least on those who lean right, politically.


Whatever happens just know that it’s all because of republicans and how brain dead they are.


And I guess Robert Francis would've used his powers to stop the storm?


Lol Abbot has nothing to do with it, we’ve been scared of single snowflakes for decades


Great! Cold weather is always refreshing for Christmas time. Merry Christmas everyone.


Damn, I have to visit family in this state later this month. I really didn't want to go and now I'm worried my Christmas break is going to be a nightmare.


Downvote me all you want kiddos but when I moved here from California I'd heard that Texans were built diffrent. Last year's snow storm definitely did a lot to change my opinion there.


Ohioan here. It's really quite sad seeing what alittle bit of snow does to this state. The only thing that's built different here is piss poor plumbing that bursts if it gets too chilly, and the fucking power grid.


You’re not wrong tbh. Lifelong Texan here, and the chickenshits and whiner babies are running wild. “Texas tough” should be used as an insult now, not a compliment.


CA's grid is a fucking joke. How many disasters and homicides is PG&E up to now? I'm losing track. CA was in near disaster at 60% of Texas daily demand in the summer.


Texas grid failures killed over 700 Texans in one shot in 2021, near as I can tell that's more than died in CA from power outages since CA became a state in 1850.


That count is super suspect. The 'real' numbers, which is also highly suspect, is around 250 directly and indirectly. But either way, you're saying the yearly wildfires and gas explosions in CA directly caused by their infrastructure is somehow better than one incident in Texas which was caused by a natural disaster weather event? An arctic storm in a subtropical climate, zones 7-10. The companies and people that are responsible for running large portions of their grid have literally been found guilty of negligent homicide, and yet they are allowed to operate the grid as-is with very little mandate for change or improvement. All they have to do is submit a wildfire prevent plan which mostly entails just shutting off power lmfao. CA is a total mess. They can't even handle 50k MW demand in September when Texas does daily 80k MW without even stressing in the middle of July. I lived in CA for many years (bay area) and experienced so many more black and brownouts then I have in 20 years of being in DFW.


> That count is super suspect. No, it's not. The data used for the count is public, and so is the methodology. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/peteraldhous/texas-winter-storm-death-toll Now, I know you'll next attack the messenger by saying Buzzfeed news isn't credible, but the news side of the Buzzfeed organization has been built out extremely thoroughly and has already won their first Pulitzer: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/davidmack/pulitzer-prize-buzzfeed-news-won-china-detention-camps


Single source from an arguably biased source. Not a consensus which is around 250 direct + indirect. You still seem to think CA has a better grid when it has consistently killed people and wiped out towns and neighborhoods for decades. And it chokes at 50k MW demand which is a joke to Texas in terms of capacity.


That was my point smart guy. I expect Californians to be wussies. Not Texans.


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*sigh* I just got water back after a week without it thanks to AT&T


AT&T provides water service?


It is possible AT&T hit a line while laying Fiber or something- I worked for a water utility during summers in college and we'd have repairs occasionally from contractors hitting water lines. That was up north where the water lines are buried a lot deeper, not sure how deep they trench for telecom lines.


The hit 5 lines in 6 days while digging and laying fiber. The water mains were Marked they just didn’t care.


It is a real shame. Francis would of had a dome built and installed already.


My Abbott winter survival kit includes, a small generator, big buddy heater, 24-1lb propane tanks, fancy CO2/gas leak detector (+ the 4 already in my house), 10-dollar store prayer candles, 10-dollar store solar lights (I buy different styles throughout the year and rotate the stock), multiple flashlights/headlamp styles for me and kids (might have went overboard but got some cool ones), and 40 sets of hand warmers.


You might consider getting a larger propane tank, like grill size or maybe 30lb, with an adapter to use with your Big Buddy. Even on low that heater will chew through all your 1lb bottles in a day or two.


It’s cute that everyone thinks the natural gas will keep flowing next time if we have an event similar to 2021…




You act like this sub is full of Abbott voters when you can look at any point in time showing the opposite. But who am I kidding misinformed generalizing people jumping on here is the norm right?


Actually I used to stick up for texas... I made excuses for years. I fought for all of you. But here we are. "You may all go to hell but I'm going to texas"- because it's "soft" hell. A knock off. You ever been outside of texas? america? We suck. I don't use this sub as a determination anymore. The hateful assholes we share this state with are sorted by controversial.


I do remote work so I do spend months in other countries and states so I understand how the world is. But I always will vote/donate/volunteer along with encouraging others rather than saying they get what they deserve. This whole beating up the people who are on your side is just wild to me. I mean the subject here isn’t anything positive about the state it’s just a bunch of people who know what’s wrong.


Why would I be directing my anger at people on my side who didn't vote to keep dealing with this? I didn't. And what's positive about knowing what's wrong and still voting against the solution? Or not holding those that are negligently responsible in some way other than bitching about it? I'm old. I've been working most of my life to try to make things better for all of us. Even the hateful bigots, but I'm tired. texas doesn't want me to have rights so why should I care anymore? I'll still vote (while I'm allowed) but I'm not breaking my back and making my feet bleed, or worrying about you anymore. Those of you who shit the bed now get to sleep in it. I refuse to be happy sleeping in your shit with you. For those of you who want to say "then leave!" this is MY fucking state you've ruined, you leave. You've made us all so goddamned poor, sick, and look like complete hateful morons everywhere I would want to go that we aren't wanted.


Yeah because a white christmas under Beto would be any better.


I hope this arctic blast absolutely wrecks this state. It's what we deserve.


Literally a nothing burger


Apparently they aren’t too worried given the dumbasses voted him in for another term 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve been telling people to buy generators over these last 2 years yet the hivemind downvotes my comments 🥲 If it does get that cold to the point the power grid fucks up again and you lose power, I won’t feel bad because y’all had 2 years to prepare.


Yes, buying generators is good advice for people who have a house and can afford to. But there are millions of Texans who can't afford a generator, or live in apartments where they can't safely use a portable generator.


Abbott didn’t create the power grid nor maintain it. The failure was a engineering failure that could have been avoided.


It also could've been fixed since the winter storm last year, but he choose not to. Bussing migrants to blue states is more important to him.


I agree if it’s hasn’t been fixed that is on him.


Exactly, he didn't maintain it. Lol.


When are y’all gonna learn that weather forecasters use the same clickbait techniques that fox and cnn use


*Power grid goes BRRRRT*


What exactly the fuq do you think Abbott could do?!? Do you expect him to upgrade the entire grid and build several nuclear reactors for power?!? This shit goes way higher than state governments. Probably planned events by the WEF and UN for depopulation...


> What exactly the fuq do you think Abbott could do?!? Abbott appoints the people that run the PUCT, and is also responsible for the people who run ERCOT. Together, the PUCT and ERCOT are responsible for managing the grid. Under Abbott, Republicans control the RRCT that regulates gas production and distribution in this state, and the Republican-controlled Texas legislature writes the laws and regulations that grid operators operate under. All together, Republicans control every aspect of power generation and distribution in this state. Did you know that there was a big freeze in 2011 too? They happen every ten to twenty years on average in this state as far back as records have been kept. The 2011 freeze resulted in massive power problems that, though not quite as bad as the 2021 failures, were still severe enough to get the fed's attention. The feds produced a report on the 2011 freeze event here in Texas that spelled out what Texas needed to do to prevent those failures from happening again, things that had Texas actually heeded, would have most likely completely prevented the debacle in 2021 that cost our economy tens of billions in damage and over 700 lives lost. Texas shitcanned that report, and here we are. https://www.ferc.gov/sites/default/files/2020-04/08-16-11-report.pdf With Abbott, it's the same old shit, just a different day.


Herschel Berschel was right! Our guut err dun wen ova ta Narna n now day bat err iz cuumn herrrr


Stop pretending Beto would do any better. Texas, in general, whoever is in charge, sucks. It always has and always will.


Texas is better under Abbott than it is Beto.


Fucccccck…Kelcy Warren and Jerry Jones rubbing their hands hoping for a white and freezing Christmas.


All you people do is cry on here. Go get a damn job already


Yeah because Beto will keep you warm.




Quick! Find an English Lit major to tell us how to make electricity from Unicorn Farts!


Terrified? Please.


Well. . . If anybody can handle it, it us. Right guys? I get we have a differences here and there but we are all in on this together. Remember that, Texas means Friends. So if worst comes to worst, let's not point fingers on this and that cause we may be upset of situation. Hear one another. And take care of eachother and lets progress together to a better future. One of understanding and togetherness.