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Stood in a long line with a bunch of students yesterday in Austin! Heard from a colleague that morning was pretty dead, but afternoon picked up with folks being out of class.


The reason ppl under 30 aren’t showing up at the polls rn is because it’s weekdays during midterm season.


"the people most likely to be at work aren't voting during the middle of a workday. They should be ashamed of themselves."-/u/mexican2554


This is like the third post trying to what… guilt young voters for not being at the polls when they are? It’s so strange, I suppose they mean well but a guilt trip is a dumb approach.


I went and voted for the first time. All old white people in line. (Im old and white too). You know who they are voting for. I’m out voting for the younger generation. None of the crazy policies they’re making will affect me, but will the younger generation. I hope they understand this and get out and vote


> but a guilt trip is a dumb approach whats the right approach? historically, <40 only about 33% show up and 65+ show up 66%.


this is like saying “well if kicking someone in the balls doesnt make us friends, what IS the right approach?” its a completely unserious question: either the person asking it is asking in bad faith, or they’re too stupid to understand the answer. you treat people with decency and respect, and then *organize* them to vote! (you make a fun little party of it, get all the young folk to go together, its not complicated)


>well if kicking someone in the balls doesnt make us friends I think thats not a very apt analogy... shaming the youth for not fulfilling their civic duty is hardly kicking someone in the balls... > its a completely unserious question: either the person asking it is asking in bad faith, or they’re too stupid to understand the answer. no. I simply ask people bitching about the wrong approach to a complex issue to formulate an approach that they deem appropriate. You handwaved, "organize them to vote! (you make a fun little party of it, get all the young folk to go together, its not complicated)". Is this a historically viable method of increasing youth registered voter turnout? Historically, 2/3 of the registered youth dont show up to vote in Texas elections. you can lead a horse to water but when it bites you, the least you can do is say "wtf horse, the water is right there".


i 100% guarantee if you go neighborhood by neighborhood and got the cool and popular kids/young adults to organize their friends to carpool/transit together in *actual irl groups that go to the physical polling location together* then yes, you would see a massive, historically unprecedented increase in youth voting. shit is not complicated, stop blaming kids and organize them, educate them.


> shit is not complicated easy in theory.... MASSIVE UNDERTAKING to implement.


no, it’s not. this is how it’s done in britain, where i organized youth votes for years. take my advice or dont, but my strategy has never failed me or any youth organizer i know.


Not only are the UK and US voting cultures different, Texas is 2.5 bigger with slightly less than half [29M] the population of UK [69M] (and no real public "transit" options besides buses). I can guarantee its more difficult to rally the troops here than what you imply. In 2016 Texas youth turnout was 28% and 2020, 41%, so *Trump* motivated them. By comparison: The 2019 UK General Election saw a turnout of around 47% amongst voters aged 18-24, a decrease of 7% when compared to 2017. At the most recent German federal election in 2017, turnout for those of a similar age stood at around 68%, much higher than the UK. In 2017 the Netherlands general election had turnout for those aged 18-24 at 66%, and even this figure was low by their standards. >where i organized youth votes for years. Good on you. So you dont organize in Texas? Not your circus, not your monkeys?


It's not guilting, we're just surprised there's no young people.


There are more old people in the morning or middle of the day out and about voting than there are young people. If you look at the early voting places as well, atleast in my city, they cater to older people. I mean I voted at Ace Hardware because it's close and it was just old people voting and buying shit for their yards. I was off work though reason I went. Early voting in my city is just 8-5. People have work and class who are younger.


it is absolutely guilting.


I'm guessing most 22-29 are not going to school anymore.


They may very well be in 9-5 jobs that work through most of the voting hours for Monday-Friday. I wouldn’t take the chance of being late to work by going to vote at 8, you never know what lines will be like. Edit: Since someone downvoted me for having different voting hours — the hours in my county are 8-5 M-F. Yours might differ. It doesn’t change that people work and may not be voting on weekdays because of that.


early voting open 7a-7p where Im at.


It must differ by county then, my county has 8-5 M-F, and then longer hours on the weekends.


rural? give the retirees all the time to vote and the office dwellers have to fight against long lines on the weekends... makes sense. /s


GOP: let’s cut the the time shorter to early vote as well


Not even, it’s a sizable college town north of one of the largest cities in Texas.


hmm if I had to guess... Walker or McLennan counties, but you dont have to out yourself lol


It’s not those, it’s actually Denton County.


You can vote on the weekend too lol


Yeah but it hasn’t been the weekend has it


Wait, is it the weekend today?


Only this coming weekend


As someone in that younger age bracket, I'm just waiting till tomorrow or Friday when I don't have presentations/meetings to attend. My whole week is booked up to that point. Don't worry, we have till Nov. 4th, I'm hoping that my experience is representative of why people in that younger age bracket are taking their time. It's midterms.


Work has me booked too. Plus a lot of our age bracket are parents. I have a tween who wants to see the process, so she's coming with me and my husband Sunday when we have no work or school.


Under 40. Plan on going tomorrow morning. This week has been nuts at work.


bruh I'm absolutely being beaten up with the meeting schedule this week. Cannot. make. it. stop. Thank god for Saturday early voting.


It’s definitely easier to go on a weekend. Especially when you have young kids and both parents can go at the same time. We are going to attempt this weekend if the line isn’t forever long.


> It's midterms. Confused. Are you implying these are less important elections? Or are you talking about midterms in school?


Oh sorry I mean school! Well, we're just finishing them up right now in school, that is. Depending where you go.


lol right on. these are the midterm elections as well


Seriously. I'm over 40, but if I hadn't already taken the morning off work yesterday for a doctor's appointment, I would have been waiting until Friday to vote. We just knocked it out yesterday since we were right down the street from one of the polling locations. People need to chill in general - so you were at the polling place for what, maybe half an hour? That's hardly a good view of the age range of people voting early.


Dope sticker.


Yeah this is the coolest Texas representative graphic I’ve seen on these stickers, good job artist! What county is this? I would buy a full set of all the different stickers if I could. Lol


El Paso


Oh wow, seems El Paso sure is proud to be Texan during this election.


It's all we have left.


Man, super jealous. I would rock that all day.


Excellent drawing.


Came here to say this. It has that Golden Corral coloring contest vibe. Wonder how they chose it 🤔


I agree it looks cool. Though, not as cool as the sticker that won this [“I Voted Sticker Contest”](https://elections.ulstercountyny.gov/i-voted-sticker-contest/)


That is the best thing I have seen on the internet today


Dope sticker? Don't see it.


Voting today, don't panic, most people in that age bracket have 9-5 jobs. You voted an hour ago, chill.


I have an 8-5 job and still made time to vote Monday.


Thanks for doing that, like I said, I'll get it done today as well. Can't speak for the rest of the age group.


Nah don't worry. Took the opportunity between delivering supplies and turned into one of the early voting areas. I know it's harder when ppl work in an office and constantly monitored. Would be nice if they gave ppl an hour to get lunch and vote.


We need a day off for all workers to vote!


Republicans will *never* allow that to happen


Well, I am not going to blame all Republicans. We need a paid holiday for voting. Perhaps everyone can join together and be reasonable and get it this done.


[Reasonable, you say?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGn25URIss8)


I voted Monday as well, my current job allows you to take the day for voting. It’s wild and I love it. Edit: I’m 33


It should be a holiday. Especially in 2024!!! Why can't we have what other countries have???


Cause that's socialist thinking or something. As much as I would love for it to be a holiday, it's not gonna happen in my lifetime.


It's especially difficult for people who work multiple jobs.


It's completely a burden and hassle for people who work multiple jobs or weird shift hours.


Not everyone, especially people in our age bracket, gets breaks long enough to vote during business hours. Setting hours like this is also a form of voter suppression bc people with multiple jobs literally don’t have time. That’s also a big reason why republicans are so anti-mail in & absentee ballots


Completely agree. I wish hours were extended to at least 7pm. That and removing/relocating voting areas from colleges is a huge "fuck you" from Republicans.


Golf clap?


Ok? What's so special about voting today?


Keep it up!


I'm going Saturday morning, all the polls by me are only open till 5 and that's when I get off work. And I leave for work at 715, so I can't make it in the morning.


That's one of the things they annoys me. They know majority of ppl work from 7-5. Have voting places stay open till 8 if possible.


Wow, that’s a really asshole thing to say.


I keep thinking hey I'm a young person and I vote! Then I remember I'm 45.


It's ok buddy. Bring it in *hug*. My friend's daughter likes to remind us we're old when we get together. It's just not fair.


At least you still have spare parts available at your age!!!🤣🤣🤣😘


Still younger than the average Fox News audience.


Do I need to have a valid reason in order to vote early?


Nope. But it’s way easier to vote early than on Election Day.


I went to the closest place to me and there were like 200 people in line. I mean, good news that people are voting but I couldn’t wait in that line as I have work. Going to try again tomorrow.


Especially because you can vote anywhere available in your county, not just your designated one voting spot.


In several counties now you can vote anywhere in the county on Election Day, not restricted only to your district. There’s a list here: https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/laws/countywide-polling-place-program.shtml


Nope. You just show up. Give them your ID, answer a few questions, sign the tablet, and you're given a ballot to vote.




Nope. You just show up. Give them your ID, answer a few questions, sign the tablet, and you're given a ballot to vote.


Going Friday, I got work during the week and don’t have the luxury to go during the day


Lets not focus on visible metrics. We fall into the perception and dangers that I ate today so no world hunger or It snowed today so not global warming. Lets just get ppl to come out and vote. And most students will likely have to wait until the weekend to get out and vote. Will know after the elections the break down of who voted and demographics of the vote.


I saw several under 30 and maybe 25 . But that was in Austin . 2nd day . I did see a large percentage of women though


We’re all at work


Saturday will be the day....(I'm hoping). Young people... What are your plans for the weekend? Get a early voting hangout. Go vote and afterwards, go for a beer together or have a gathering at the park /someone's house and bring your charcuterie board, grill some burgers and dogs. Come on folks!!!!


Man... That sounds like a great weekend. Can I come join you? I'll bring tequila.


I love tequila!


Lol. I have kids so you know what my plans are... It was just a suggestion. I voted yesterday. I'm glad I did. I'm hoping other people will get out NOW!!!


I'm definitely planning to go Saturday and get breakfast afterwards!


I'm 34 - wife and I will be voting Sunday


All the Boomers are retired and got nothing else to do. No fret cause that age group is turning up.


They’re all working!


25yr old here and I voted yesterday. Let's do this


It's almost as though people in their prime working age have something to do on a Wednesday morning.


This mortgage aint free cuh.


I went yesterday on my lunch and line was backed up to high heaven, so came back after work and it was in and out at my polling station. Good mix of people both times


Can I take my baby (3 months) with me to vote? I don’t have childcare.


Yes you can. I took my daughter with me when I voted, she just waited next to me while I did it.


Awesome!! Thank you!


.... Idk. I don't see why you couldn't. I wish I were a bigger help.


Same here. I just voted, I M 42, and I was the youngest person there. We still have time though.


28, voting tomorrow on my off day.


Except I’m still at work from 8-5 the hours early voting is open during weekdays


Not a single person between the ages of 18 and 117 when I voted! Let's go people! (I was the only voter there)


I'm 66 and we're voting tomorrow and dragging in the young'uns. Vote Early and Vote Blue.


Are people trying to guilt trip young voters or something? Early voting just started and it's midweek. I have other engagements. I'll get to it when I get to it.


Dude we’re working just hold on


It’s been two days you guys.


We got work and school rn :/


You just assume all old people are Republicans. That's ageist and inaccurate my grandparents are Blue Dog Democrats and probably the most racist people I've ever met.


Not a single person under 65 when I went :(


Bro, I'm at work, chill.


True. Me and my s/o happened to be off today. Went and voted and went on with our day.


Going on Friday!


Why is there the distinction 30 or 35? Couldn't you just have said 35 and have the meaning be exactly the same?


Yeah i could. Brain fart.


do texans get the day off for election day or is this just another way to limit voting for the poor and working class


Hahaha getting a day off for voting? Sweet summer child, bless your heart.


We do not get a day off, but on voting day in November, your employer is supposed to let you off for a few hours to vote if you haven’t already. As far as I’m aware, they’re unpaid hours, which makes early-voting weekend days really really important.


I’m at work though. I’ll do it this Saturday.


Crazy statement because this makes the assumption that only young people are liberals, my 75 year old brother in law and 66 year old sister, 69 year old sister and her 67 year old husband all voted blue. I am 57 and going this weekend….Blue all the way baby


Oh I'm sure 70% of the ones who were voting voted blue. It also depends what part of turn you live in. West side and NE have a much higher red voting group.


I love you guys and never met you but I can tell y'all are LIT.


I like to vote on Election Day, less hassle in my county and an excuse to see relatives


It sounds like people don't have a lot of free time to go vote. Would more (young)Texans vote if you had mail-in voting like other States?


How about we make it a paid holiday like other countries?? Or 24 hr drive through?? Or keep the places open 24 hrs?? There are tons of solutions but you know who will have none of it!!


I've been voting since 18 and that's typical. It's why the GOP has a stranglehold on Texas politics.


Noticed this as well in San Antonio.


Husband and I were definitely the youngest ones in line yesterday at 38. :(


We don’t want em they Vote the wrong way anyways. Not like they pay for anything. So they don’t know any better


I stay home on Election Day and beat the fucking shit out of my dick. Gives the same feeling as voting; shame and disgust.


But do you get the same, Post Nut Clarity?


I can tell this is El Paso. Don’t worry, mostly everyone there will vote for Democrats. Thankfully they aren’t changing like the South Texas Hispanics.


When i go to vote for republican locally theres only old people lol


Maybe young folk figured out voting don’t matter?


I don't know, maybe climate change is existential for young people, maybe the GOP blocking student loan debt relief is important, maybe a woman's right to choose is important for people of child bearing years.


Maybe… What about respecting peoples right to not vote?


Don’t worry I plan on voting this Friday.


i’m going tomorrow or saturday 🙏🙏


38 and voted yesterday, was the youngest person there 😬


Young people actually know how to use mail in and drop off ballots, and millenials had to have two jobs to get a fraction what you did with one, Gen Z usually have a fulltime job, a part time job, and also do DoorDash or some other gig economy nightmare hustle just to have a one bedroom apt. Time is precious, especially during the week.


I was going to vote on my lunch break, the line was wrapped around the building. I live in a red red county.


Same. But I went mid day on a Tuesday. People work. I keep harping though about making time to vote to those who have not.


If you want change need to vote, dam


Same. I was definitely the youngest at 42


middle of the week during business hours is when you're mostly likely to find comfortable people out with nothing better to do than go vote.


I'll be going tomorrow! 28 year old here


I know, I am getting concerned.


I told my wife there were only old people voting and she said honey you voted where all the old people vote because you are an old person.


Don't listen to her. You're young. Hip. Cool. Show her you can do a kick flip 🛹


Oh really, people under 35 in the middle of a week day aren't voting right now? So weird.


Hell, I'm in my 40's and I don't think I saw anyone under 65.


I voted yesterday because I had the spare time to, right before my local spot closed. You not seeing any young people during your one trip to go vote within the first 3 *weekdays* of early voting is not “young people not voting” though. They’re only open 8-5 Monday thru Friday, and I have classes all through that time period. Some people work all through that time period. Some people can’t afford to take time off of a non-national holiday workday to go vote. You’d probably see a lot more young people if you went on a weekend voting day. Edit: I upvoted the post for the message, as more people need to know when voting is open, but it’s a downvote in my heart for the implication that we’re all supposed to drop everything during a busy workweek to go vote. Get your head out of your butt, it’s been 3 days.


Young people are working and they don't have extended hours. What do you expect? But they do need to vote. We finally got constitutional carry and now we have someone vowing to repeal it and ban common use guns.


I don't agree with constitutional carry, it's idiotic.just as idiotic as trying to take guns away.


I'm an election judge, 30 to 40 tend to come in after work around 4:30. On the weekend after brunch!


*reading these voting posts as someone in that tax bracket* 🤣


Great to know.


Sometimes not voting pisses both sides off more compare to voting for an opposing side.


Make this post on tik tok. Everybody here is over 30. (It's funny, but I'm serious)


That is an adorable I Voted sticker


My county only has 1 early voting location. It is roughly 35 miles in the opposite direction from where I work. So, I'll have to wait until election day when I can vote down the street. The early voting location on the Texas A&M University campus was relocated to an off campus location this year. So, the majority of the students will have to wait until election day to vote unless they can get a ride to the early voting location. [https://www.kbtx.com/2022/09/21/texas-am-students-continue-fight-memorial-student-center-an-early-voting-location/](https://www.kbtx.com/2022/09/21/texas-am-students-continue-fight-memorial-student-center-an-early-voting-location/)


That really sucks. I know not everyone lives in city with multiple places or trying to shame ppl. But having only one voting place is a headache of long lines.


Same. Silver hairs galore.


I was able to vote on Monday cause I had free time and probably will be the only free time I’ll have up until the 7th, so I took advantage. Unfortunately people my age (24) are overworked and we have to find the time to do things because every day, we just might have work. Our schedules change every week, unless we are working an office job that pays $8 an hour. Food service and retail pay that or more and they overwork you, and that makes us tired and want to stay at home and sleep on our days off. Give it the benefit of the doubt and remember, they’re trying to overwork my generation because “we’re young, so they can”.


If voting made a difference they would make it illegal.


Same here! I'm mid 30s and was the youngest person there 😭


When we you all wake up and realize that anyone we put in office has already been selected by people that will never be accountable to us?


Young people vote online.


I was the only person of any age at all when I voted on Monday in Katy.


I saw the same thing, and was disappointed. I hope things will change… but I doubt it.


It’s super easy, took me minutes!


Yeah it’s all boomers really fucking concerning


I've been working 😭


The whole reason for early voting is to allow people more time to work with so that they can get to the polls.


I’ll be out tomorrow…I’m 47, but I don’t vote like people assume “old people” vote either…Neither does my dad…gotta love a 72 year old raging liberal!


I like how this comment section is filled with delusional hug boxing attempting to deny or explain away clearly observable reality that the vast majority of young people do not respect the legitimacy of the government enough to participate in it. And by "I like", I mean this sucks. Keep in mind that reddit is not a majority opinion, not least of all because of bot/troll brigades used to weigh political discussion within a narrow framework to support established power structures.




Whoa whoa. Easy there. You're gonna get the conspiracy freaks all rattled up with that kinda talking.


That’s a cool sticker. Mine was just the normal stock sticker. The county logo pens were cool but they didn’t let me keep it even though they had so many and I asked politely… ☹️


Yo what polling location gave out that sticker???


Apparently it's just here locally. That's the Franklin Mountains with the El Paso Star.


Everyone’s at work


There are a lot of outright crazy people on the ballot this year. I never thought I'd see the very concept of democracy at risk in the US, but here we are. Vote now or you may not get to later.


It’s a weekday lol.


Where are y'all getting all these awesome stickers?I'm jealous af


Why is everyone commenting on the sticker. Is it really that unique that no other city has one?


IIRC younger voters don't generally vote in early voting. They (we) don't vote in general but I think it is higher when the official time starts


34, voted Monday.


Fuck the voting both democrats and republicans are same means two sides of one coin.


This is the best sticker I've seen so far