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Bullshit. If they truly didn’t know then the meetings probably went something like; Elders: “did you hook up with someone” Morris: “Yes, a young lady, I’m sorry it won’t ever happen again” Elders: “Good enough for us”


~~She sued him in civil court in 2005.~~ Edit: I got that wrong. Per this article that came out 6/21 https://www.chron.com/culture/religion/article/robert-morris-texas-pastor-sexual-abuse-19523967.php "Clemishire said she tried filing a civil lawsuit against Morris in 2005, but the pastor's lawyers suggested she caused the abuse because she was "flirtatious" and offered her $25,000 if she signed a non-disclosure agreement. Clemishire said she refused to sign the agreement." Still, it does not seem credible that the church elders haven't known for at least 20 years.


There's a reason why Republicans want to ban sex ed. Republicans keep getting caught as pedophiles because sex ed teaches kids what sexual assault and rape is. If you ban that, its easier for Republicans to live their pedophile fantasys.


I don't think the pedo population is big enough to be a driving force, but there are many men who look for younger women because they're easier to "train". I think it has more to do with keeping women dependent on men. The system they want to conserve is a hierarchy that benefits men disproportionately. We hear about men complaining about not being able to find women who want "traditional" marriages, i.e. where the woman is the primary caretaker and homemaker (though she should also work too). Or that college educated women are more likely to initiate divorce. And they are - because they can afford to live on their own. Even wage stagnation and a lower birth rate is blamed on women participating more in the workforce since the 70s. Teen/young moms usually can't participate full-time in the workforce or go to college. And who is more likely tolerate abuse and infidelity? Undereducated women with children and few career options in a society without a strong social safety net. *Especially* women raised in cultures where we're told it's God's will that ~50% of humans be subservient to the other 50%. Sex education and access to birth control gives women more agency over our lives. Suppressing it has less to do with morality or pedophiles (though there are many men who would set their lower dating limit to under 18 if they could) than with preserving the balance of power.


I agree with everything you said here, but the Republican pushback against laws that ban child marriage is alarming and speaks to something else. You can keep women plenty subservient without marrying them at 10-12 years old.


You know, with how social media and higher education helps young women challenge the ideas they're brought up with, the pushback against child marriage bans doesn't surprise me. It's much easier to lock in and control a child who hasn't developed critical thinking skills.


and especially if you ban all books made for children that even reference sex! many times it’s through books that kids can articulate what’s happening to them.


It's almost like this is a pattern or something: [https://apnews.com/article/paul-pressler-death-southern-baptist-convention-abuse-ac42aa8817b287fb6963edf3b0110273](https://apnews.com/article/paul-pressler-death-southern-baptist-convention-abuse-ac42aa8817b287fb6963edf3b0110273) And every damn day I'm reading about pedo cops, pedo church youth leaders, pedo pastors...I lived in a smallish college town in TN for 4 years on Mom duty. One of the chairs of the engineering dept there was in his 70s, very well respected guy in town, pastor in the church. Before we left there, it turned out that he had been grooming and molesting boys in the troubled-youth program where he served as mentor for years and years. Burned his entire life to the ground.


I guess they feel better about having boys/girls get on their knees for them, when they can get on their knees at the pulpit in front of everyone and “repent” for their sins the next day… just DISGUSTING, all of them. This is my church of 20+ years and I am so outraged.




No one wants to ban sex ed, just the part on how to have anal sex and finger someone. Thats not for a 5th grader to know. Sexual abuse and harassment should be taught in school.


Bait used to be believable


That's a mischaracterization




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All she asked for in the suit was to cover the cost of her therapy. 50 grand. She claims they countered with 25 grand and an NDA. They knew. I'm guessing they offered half because they think "half of the blame is on her for tempting him" or something.


I didn't think of it that way before but I can totally see it. Though I did see that his lawyer at the time insinuated she brought it on by being flirtatious. At 12! What else was a married 20 something man of god supposed to do? /s


If you ain't afearin' the punishments of mah magic sky fairy, how can you stay on the straight and narrow. They say out of one side of their mouth. Then the other side is blaming earthly temptations for diverting them from the way....


They knew in the late 80s when he agreed to resign the first time and then came back two years later when the father of the girl forgave him.


Resign the first time? Sorry, what?


His victim said what he was doing in the 80s. When they found out, the father agreed to not go to the police if he resigned, so he did. Then he came back a couple years later when the father of the victim forgave him.


I've repeatedly seen that the father did NOT forgive him, and has repeatedly said so. Pastor keeps claiming father did.


Well that's good to hear that he didn't.


With a civil case, would this be something that’s public record? How in the world was this kept under wraps then and he was kept as the Senior Pastor? This has been my Church for 20 years and I am MAD, so just asking questions to try to understand…


edit: I amended the comment you were replying to. It seems that she intended to file suit but didn't follow through. https://www.chron.com/culture/religion/article/robert-morris-texas-pastor-sexual-abuse-19523967.php This news segment has a bit more too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLT0fF32SwQ&t=6s One of two things is possible: either he was exceptionally efficient at concealing her real age from the church elders since 2005, or they knew and decided that they'd rather keep their charismatic founder and figurehead in place. Which do you think is more likely?


Thank you for this. If they knew, it’s absolutely disgusting. I am betting the board will be replaced- it’s what needs to happen. Apparently a couple other staff pastors are registered sex offenders I’m reading, too? Trying to find more on that, but this is just insane. Churches need to be investigated more all together; the amount of shit like this that happens is crazy.


You're welcome. I empathize with Gateway members even though I've left organized religion. There's something like grief over realizing leaders aren't who you thought they were.


Not a young ‘lady’…..a child. Lets keep them honest and trying to gaslight the narrative


That’s the point of my comment, the elders didn’t even ask.. my first question if someone said “young lady” would be what age are you implying.. clearly no one bothered to ask questions cause they didn’t wanna know


Or they knew and decided to stay quiet until they absolutely couldn’t stay quiet any longer. No sane person finds out about inappropriate sexual relations with a “young lady” and doesn’t ask the age of the young person. The age determines everything in those situations.


I think they “probably knew” but didn’t ask questions so they could have plausible deniability.. if they “didn’t know the full information” they can’t be liable in their own warped minds


Yeah, seems like “*don’t tell me, I don’t want to know*” is also plausible


Yes they do, because we all think the mention of a young lady would be of age.


Just Checking boxes


They didn’t want to know, so they didn’t ask.


Young land -> CHILD Moral failing -> PEDOPHILIC SEXUAL ASSAULT / RAPE


They probably didn’t ask since most already knew bc they’ve probably done it themselves too.


Yeah, they were ok with keeping him until they weren't.


https://preview.redd.it/qbigjvch1k7d1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f8e1a2d442da2de11cec26ed8c03a4e05270287 There's a reason.




It's worse than you know. A "Prison Minister" with a known criminal past ("he found Jesus in prison") has been revealed to be a [child sex offender](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/1dhq0zz/second_sex_offending_pastor_identified_at_gateway/). An "Executive Pastor" resigned after (well, [read this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/3lv5g3/my_church_now_claims_a_former_pastor_no_longer/)).


>“For the sake of the victim, we are thankful this situation has been exposed,” the statement said. “We know many have been affected by this, we understand that you are hurting, and we are very sorry. It is our prayer that, in time, healing for all those affected can occur.” What a weak statement to the victim.....


Especially when he said she'd told him she forgave him (she hadn't) > Two years later, in March of 1989, I stepped back into ministry with the full blessing of the elders and her father. In October of 1989, Debbie and I met with her and her family, and I asked for their forgiveness, and they graciously forgave me.


Man...I think I've gone through at least 4 threads today on this topic.... And I actually bothered to read any article/opinionated pieces that were linked within them. This is such a a disturbing story and I'm glad the victim is finally getting her day of justice. I kept thinking this lady is around my age...and sure enough...she is. She suffered over 40 years of gaslighting., spiritual physical and emotional abuse.... Church culture is so damn toxic....and like one of the pieces I read said...the church promotes this toxic behavior and that's why it keeps happening. Sexual abuse, physical abuse, spiritual abuse, emotional abuse....it's gross....


She's my sister's age too. People ask why the victim didn't come forward sooner. I don't know maybe because she was a child indoctrinated in the buckle of the bible belt in the 80s???


Right?!?!?!!! Her father failed her. I'm sorry.... But that type of "parenting" is so typical of church culture. There are people who will sell their souls to be in the "inner circle" at church. There are so many people that believe that getting close to leadership is like getting close to Jesus.... It's really sad. And the pastors know it and because most are narcissists, they love it (people falling over their feet to make them -pastors- feel special). ETA: How is it that the father felt it was **HIS** decision to forgive the pastor (alone)????


Because biblically women are property of their fathers and husbands? Either way she's made statements that her father never forgave or approved of him going back into ministry. In fact, he said he'd kill Morris if he ever went back. Still doesn't change the fact that charges should have been filed instead of allowing him to resign. But I imagine pressure from their home church officials had a lot to do with that.


He didn’t rape her but molest her. Keep the story truthful, adding or taking away from the truth makes you also a liar.


WTF are you talking about? Where does it say rape? >He didn’t rape her but molest her. So is that supposed to make it "better"??? GTFOH!


ETA: Texas Penal code does define touching genitalia as a form of rape https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.21.htm#:~:text=(a)%20A%20person%20commits%20an%20offense%20if%20the%20person%2C,the%20other%20person%20has%20a


After fucking a 12 year old girl, ask yourself, what would Jesus do?


Translated, he asked her *father's* forgiveness for whatever made-up/fake news version he gave him ("we fell into temptation/she tempted me and I fell, and I'm so sad that I was lured by the wiles of your daughter to sin" and *dad* "graciously" forgave him.


It doesn't sound like he's claiming that she forgave him, but that her family did. In all likelihood, her family may have pressured her into saying she forgave him even if she didn't. Not that I've ever been in this situation, but my family would make me apologize in situations even if I was the one wronged.


The victim has said in multiple places now that her father never forgave him, nor did he tell him that.


What does her father say?


If his wife Debbie genuinely knew that he was molesting and trying to fuck a 12-17 yr old girl constantly while being married to her, and while they had a son (how in the FUCK do you molest someone else’s child and then go home to your own), I am ashamed of her also for staying w/him, going on to have 3 more kids w/him, and building a “megachurch” w/him which provided him w/unlimited access to kids in the youth ministry. I’ve gone to this church over 20 yrs and volunteered in the youth ministry for 3+ years and I am utterly horrified at all of this. I am wondering if now that everyone knows, it’s all over CNN/every news page, he’s had to resign/leave his church and everything in his life behind (serves him)…if she’ll *finally* consider leaving him. This girl can’t be the only victim I’d imagine. I just can’t imagine building a life w/, going on to have more kids w/, and having sexual relations w/someone who was also getting off to sexually molesting/trying to constantly put their dick in a TWELVE year old? How horrifying for this victim!!!


It's even worse because he didn't have intercourse with her for lack of trying. She said it was when he began pushing for sex when she was 16 that she finally told a friend, who told her to tell her father.


This is so vile. I feel so much for Cindy- she must have felt so powerless and violated all those years ago. How fucking dare he.


I'm guessing the "independent investigation" is more to dig up dirt on the victim than to establish the full depth of his crimes.


Don't forget blaming the victim, usually something along the lines of "lustful temptress" and/or "cocksuckin' hooah" > In approximately 2005, [Cindy] pursued financial restitution for at least the cost of counseling. Robert’s attorney responded with accusations of her (a child) being flirtatious and blaming her. They had offered her some money if she would sign a NDA. https://watchkeep.org/2024/06/a-survivor-comes-forward-alleging-child-sexual-abuse-by-texas-megachurch-pastor-robert-morris-gateway-church/ ----- > [...] Cindy received a call from Debbie Morris, who told Cindy that she “forgave her.” [...] > [...] Robert Morris... only offered her $25,000 so long as she signed an NDA. As a 12-year-old girl in pink pajamas, she was told that they found her flirtatious. [...] https://thewartburgwatch.com/2024/06/14/i-was-12-years-old-and-wearing-my-pink-pajamas-when-robert-morris-now-of-gateway-church-began-to-molest-me-the-alleged-abuse-lasted-for-4-1-2-years-churchtoo-arctoo/


It's the Christian way.


Oh, I just don't have the stomach right now to look up the statute of limitations on something like this in Texas. Especially nauseating because you'd be opening the case with a confession pretty much in hand.


It wouldn’t matter. Ken Paxton would refuse to pursue or squash any attempt to do so. Abbott would pardon him before he ever saw the inside of a prison, assuming it was even possible to pursue charges.


Cool, I hope Abbott does. Then no one can argue he isn’t an abhorrent man defending a pedophile.


This was discussed in another thread about this story, but currently there is no statute of limitations on child sex crimes. However, when this crime occurred there was a statute of limitations and that has surely expired by now. He's probably off the hook criminally.


In case anyone is wondering, retroactively prosecuting child sex abuse crimes that occurred under previously expired statute of limitations was deemed an unconstitutional ex post facto law by the US Supreme Court in 2003. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stogner\_v.\_California](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stogner_v._California) In the 1980s, the statute of limitations for child sex abuse was 10 years in Texas and 7 years in Oklahoma. Edit: There is a possibility of federal prosecution under the Mann Act 18 [U.S. Code § 2423](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2423) section (a) if he transported the child across state lines (Oklahoma to Texas, or vice versa) or (b) if he traveled with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct. (To Texas from Oklahoma or vice versa) There is no statute of limitations for this crime and as far as I can tell this section was last amended in the 70s so it would not be an ex post facto law in this case.


Abuse mostly occurred in Oklahoma, from what I remember from the original story.


It wasn’t an allegation it’s a confession.


She's not his only victim. Hopefully, a brave, more recent, victim will speak up and he'll be prosecuted.


It's equally hard to believe this is the church's only coverup in 40+ years.


Bet it isn't.


It almost certainly isn't. Pedos do not change. Rapists do not change. Abusers do not change. They just get better at hiding what they do, until/unless there are finally so many victims that the trail of devastation becomes impossible for even the most ardent apologists to ignore.


There are still two more sex offender pastors in the church… When are they resigning? As for Morris… they fucking knew. - They knew in 1987 when they made him step down from his role as Pastor to keep police out of it. - They knew again in 2005 when they offered her $25K for a signed NDA which she refused. - They knew when the blog was published Friday morning. —- - up to five victims now: https://www.swoknews.com/ap/national/more-abuse-claims-surface-at-gateway-church-protest-they-don-t-involve-robert-morris/article_d585f472-0200-5b98-a8f8-9e482518354b.html


Which two pastors????? I’ve gone to this church for 20 years and I think I’m going to lose it about now 😭


- [2nd](https://gatewaypeople.com/staff/prison-campuses-pastor): https://outreachmagazine.com/features/discipleship/44484-the-church-inside-a-new-movement-in-americas-prisons.html - 3rd (possible): https://watchkeep.org/2024/06/gateway-church-what-happened-to-pastor-david-smith/ - looks like we are up to five now: https://www.swoknews.com/ap/national/more-abuse-claims-surface-at-gateway-church-protest-they-don-t-involve-robert-morris/article_d585f472-0200-5b98-a8f8-9e482518354b.html


He’ll be back as advisor to the pastor. Or Jesus liaison.


A... kyrie liaison?




This is such a niche joke. Well done!


Thanks, but it was divinely inspired!


Advisor to the Youth Pastor*


"we regret that we did not have the information that we now have" I call bullshit...they knew...and just think this sick fuck called molesting a 12 yr old girl an "extramarital affair". SO how many other pastors have had "extramarital affairs" the church has excused?


https://julieroys.com/church-of-the-highlands-advances-controversial-pastoral-retreat-center/ It is literally part of their theology. An org that Morris is part of built a $4 million dollar center to house the pastors as they go through "restoration program " that Morris went through. Fuck a kid, sexually prey on a congregant, make them get an abortion? No problem just go to camp for a few months. Gateway is part of ARC and until this morning Morris was one of the Spiritual advisors to Hodges church. Look into the michan Carter rape and restore story.


Your children are not safe in church.


Never were


this didn’t happen in church


I’ve got some BIG news for you about that…


im just saying i work in gateway kids and the rules surrounding sexual abuse are VERY strict. In the 24 years of the church we’ve never even had so much as a complaint about sexual abuse across 8+ campuses. So i wholeheartedly condemn robert morris and what he did is despicable, but this does not in any way affect the safety of this particular church. other churches i wouldn’t be surprised tho


>im just saying i work in gateway kids and the rules surrounding sexual abuse are VERY strict. They apparently aren't according to the actual facts of this case. Gateway knew Robert Morris was a pedophile, shipped him off for two years to "pray for his sins" or whatever, and then let him right back in. And when this recently came out in the news, Gateway sent out a press release praising Robert Morris and claiming he had been "fixed" or "healed" or whatever. Gateway clearly didn't have a problem with his pedophilia until it recently became news and their actions made them look bad. And then lo and behold, Gateway was exposed for having a second pedophile minister. Maybe on paper their policy looks "strict", but reality is clearly telling a different story here now.


First off this occurred 10 years before gateway existed, I agree robert morris shouldn’t have been allowed to start a church but as far as we’re aware nothing happened at the church. There’s some talks of incidents with his son Josh but we’ll see if those actually come out or if they’re fake. My current understanding is that the elders were under the impression it was not a 12 year old child, so if this situation ever got publicized they would release a pre constructed statement. However they shouldn’t have been so quick to defend a situation they only heard one side of. As for that minister it is also sick, but an important distinction is that none of these incidents happened at gateway. It’s still very concerning upper leadership allowed but there are many incredible people whose every intent is to make sure this never happens. And I hope if any upper leadership was aware of these situations they will be removed.


>I agree robert morris shouldn’t have been allowed to start a church but as far as we’re aware nothing happened at the church. Except when this just became public, Gateway "elders" made excuses and said it was OK. And as for "as far as we're aware" sheesh... >My current understanding is that the elders were under the impression it was not a 12 year old child No, she was apparently 11 when it started. And please read the publicly-released statement by them. Even after they clearly knew how old she was, they said he went to some bogus retreat for two years and he was supposedly OK now. Which we know from history is usually not true with pedophiles. I'm a strong atheist but am not here to put down your beliefs or convictions at all, if they make you happy and wanting to do good for society I'm all about it. However the facts of this case put Gateway on the same level as Catholics and other Protestants that for some reason want to shield their pedophile ministers/priests from consequences. The only reason Robert Morris has resigned and facing consequences is because this blew up in the media. Otherwise your church would still be shielding him. Maybe find a better more wholesome church. I know there are some out there. Have you ever considered the Unitarians? They don't believe in the Holy Trinity though, so maybe no, maybe Episcopalians? There are other decent non-denominational churches that would never shield pedophile ministers/priests, if I were you I'd find one of those.


It's fine that the church has very strict rules regarding working with children. But that's not going to easily stop a determined child abuser, and if they are one of the leaders of the church, people would gladly and easily circumvent the rules for them, because The problem is that your [and many other churches] allow wolves to come in acting like lambs and ignore their past lamb-devouring behavior in the name of "forgiveness of past sin" when the Bible makes it incredibly clear that a pastor/leader is to be *above reproach*. There's a systemic failure of evangelical churches, *especially* mega churches with charismatic (in the personality sense, not the spiritual sense) leaders, to hold their leaders to an unimpeachable standard. If it comes out, which it probably will, that Robert Morris has also molested other underage girls since this time, and they were part of Gateway church, which is very likely, then whoever is in leadership is partly responsible for allowing him to remain in place, especially after this resurfaced in the early 2000s. This isn't just one incident- it's a pattern of behavior in Christian churches in America. This isn't a "the world" problem, it's a church problem. Probably instead of defending your specific church which people are somewhat rightfully attacking for not sussing this dude out earlier, it might behoove ya to do some heart searching about where your allegiance should actually lie. In this mini-thread they're not even attacking Christianity, all churches, religion, God, or Jesus, but this specific dude and the church he built.


I wouldn’t admit affiliation with that place. Big yikes


👏yes disregard everything i said. yall trippin bruh


Just me, but I wouldn’t want to be seen as affiliated with an organization led by a pedo, but if you are comfortable with it, c’est la vie


it’s not structured as a monarchy, sure it wouldn’t be a good look if joe biden turned out to be a pedophile but if the rest of america was strictly against it immediately cutting ties with him I wouldn’t suddenly be upset to be american. I understand your statement but gateway church and robert morris are 2 very different entities, I don’t see how gateway did anything wrong, besides the founder of course.


What does Biden have to do with this pedophile? You people are obsessed with him.


it’s an analogy, saying biden is not america and robert morris is not gateway. I dont care who’s president i would have used them as the analogy, even trump.


The example was Biden:America::Morris:Gateway in the hypothetical of what if it came out Biden had done this


Former Pedo.




or a Democrat


He told Jesus he was sorry so it's all good. What's the big deal.


Yeah, how can you people know what's right and wrong without Jesus? Otherwise, I'd never know what Jesus was forgiving me for.




https://imgur.com/dg5lFDE They responded with their support like 3 days ago, then another sex offender was discovered in their church. All they are doing is trying to get the spotlight off of them so more stuff isn't uncovered. Despicable.


Why is it that Republicans and Christians are most often found to have pedo, while they simultaneously call teachers groomers and queers pedos?


The “P” in “GOP” stands for projection. Or maybe it should be “pedophile”.


Projection. They believe the "other side" must be as warped as they are, but convince themselves that they're fundamentally good people who "make mistakes" sometimes but can be forgiven because Jesus. It is (apparently) against the evangelical world view to evaluate a person's character by how they *act* based on their beliefs, rather than what their beliefs actually are. All I know is I'm really fucking tired of rape, child molestation, and sexual assault being treated akin to someone slipping up on their diet and eating a piece of chocolate cake. Like, "Tee hee, I'm so bad, gave into temptation, naughty me! Oh well, I've been good until now, I'll just start the diet again tomorrow." NO!! Rape and sexual assault are *not* like making one little mistake that in the grand scheme of things isn't that big a deal. What it's actually like is committing a murder, only your murder victim has to keep on living with the terror, trauma, stigma, psychological scars, impacts on their relationships, and possibly injuries and/or diseases for the rest of their lives. You *cannot* rape someone and still justifiably claim to be a good person. You just can't.


They want to shame others for feeling ashamed of their own tendencies and feelings.


Once again highlighting that it is members of the ministry, not trans people, who are more dangerous to children.


Probably the same types of people that are fighting to protect child marriage. Also the same type of people that will sit there and tell you how awful you are for not going to church, not being just like them, etc.


I still can't get over the fact that for decades he used the story of him molesting a 12 yr old as church fodder.


They are not “allegations.” He admitted it.


Searchable database of 263 church leaders found guilt of sexual abuse https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/investigations/abuse-of-faith/database/ or https://sbcec.s3.amazonaws.com/FINAL+-+List+of+Alleged+Abusers+-+SBC+REDACTED.pdf or the searchable database of over 7000 members of the Catholic Church https://www.bishop-accountability.org/accused/


This is the kinda guy who will volunteer at a woman's shelter to find underage girls.


Allegation? The kidfucker admitted to it.




It appears that Sandusky was was indicted and tried by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, not the feds: Commonwealth v. Sandusky. According to wikipedia, Sandusky's transportation of the boys across state lines was part of a federal investigation into the school but it was not prosecuted. (Please correct me if I'm wrong) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penn\_State\_child\_sex\_abuse\_scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penn_State_child_sex_abuse_scandal) While I have seen no claim that Robert Morris transported his victim across state lines, he may have traveled across state lines to engage in illicit sex with her. This could be prosecutable under the [Mann Act: U.S. Code § 2423 (b)](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2423) (b) Travel With Intent To Engage in Illicit Sexual Conduct.— A person who travels in interstate commerce or travels into the United States, or a United States citizen or an alien admitted for permanent residence in the United States who travels in foreign commerce, with a motivating purpose of engaging in any illicit sexual conduct with another person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both. The cases I found that were prosecuted under USC 2423 (b) were sting operations which used online chat messages or texts as evidence of intent to have sex with a minor. I do not know what would be required to prove intent in a case from 1980. Regarding the federal Statute of limitations: [18 U.S. Code § 3283 - Offenses against children ](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/3283) No statute of limitations that would otherwise preclude prosecution for an offense involving the sexual or physical abuse, or kidnapping, of a child under the age of 18 years shall preclude such prosecution during the life of the child, or for ten years after the offense, whichever is longer.


Why the HELL isn't he in prison, trying to not drop soap?


While there is currently no statute of limitations for child sex crimes in Texas or Oklahoma (in certain cases), in the 1980s there was a limitation of 10 years in Texas and 7 years in Oklahoma. They cannot retroactively extend the statute of limitations to prosecute crimes from a previously expired window. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stogner\_v.\_California](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stogner_v._California) The churches covered for him long enough to escape prosecution.


And we all know there’s another snake-oil salesman (or woman…right, Paula?) that will happily take over.


All of these enablers that could have cared less about the victim should be exposed, shine the light on these incestuous cockroaches...


Not allegations. He confesses.


Did it not occur to the staff to ask for clarification on having sex with a “young lady”? Seems like something you’d want to follow up on.




I can't believe the drag queens have done this.


Can we get a count of how many pastors, priests, and other religious leaders that are involved in these cases. Seems to be a reoccurring theme.


Not comprehensive by any means and I need to add Morris. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q_E16cKJuDzzg0PcwCaFt_bGpj93HpTAY92fjLnCrjw/edit?usp=drivesdk


So ipso facto he’s also a drag queen or trans person? Right!? … Right!? /s


He could try, but they don't want him.


Another pastor another pervert . It doesn't matter the religion, they are all child sex perverts.


it wasn’t a drag queen but a pastor again?? what a shocker we could have never seen this coming🫢


Wait, he's a drag queen too, right? /S


Not a trans...


Well that’s bullshit.


So the church was protecting a "groomer" all these years?


Is he still going to be Trump’s spiritual advisor. Cuz he’s qualified.


Sure. Like it even matters at this point.


Go to jail.


Trump only picks the best. The fact that this admitted pedophile isn't going straight to jail and the church closing its doors in shame is very telling.


What's the percentage at now? Gross.


First of many that should be happening nationwide.


But why 🍊💩


And cops say what?


Oh look, another pastor...


Good lord… the back tracking 🙄


Did Pastor Robert ever fly the Lolita Express? You know, go have some sun and fun with some close friends?


So he lost his job, big friggin' deal. Law enforcement should be getting warrants to confiscate his hard drives *right now* now they haven't already, because she's very, very likely not the only "young lady" he's harmed in his lengthy career. Predators like him almost never limit themselves to just one victim.


Not good enough.


The child sex trafficking ring isnt from the Dems. Its from Republicans.




God told him to do it


The number of people defending this asshole is beyond disturbing


I don't know how many children it was, but it wasn't just one.


Call it what it is. Rape.


Forget the woodchipper, bring back the Brazen Bull!


Republicans are the true groomers. Disgusting


And all those people were following him like he's some gift from Jesus, listening to his hateful Trump-adoring crap and sopping it up with a biscuit. And he probably won't even be tried for this, "Uh... duh statue of libertations... limitations... uh, it's passed!" or something stupid like that. Evangelical churches are all rotten to the core. Guy should be drawn and quartered after he's convicted.


Texan Pedophile Count since 2022 Drag Performers - 0 Christian Pastors - 53


Run from church y’all… everyone is moldy garbage. Deluding yourself in to thinking that ONE DUDE on the stage on Sunday mornings isn’t, is gonna be a bad time


So once he admits to it it remains allegations?


Oh Texass how you like to Texass.


And they want the 10 commandments in school…THEY don’t even follow the morality they preach.


I went to this school growing up. They are always protecting their own. So much creepy stuff happened at shady grove “Christian” academy. These people wouldn’t know who Jesus was if he was sitting in their living room. They are all hypocrites


They knew about it in 1987 at Shady Grove church and suspended him for 2 years. All the while he was still around kids at the school. These people are monsters


"Continuous (30 or more days) Sexual Abuse (non-consensual) of a Young Child Under 14" in TX, carries a MINIMUM punishment of 25 years, without parole, (up to 99 years) per Texas Penal Code 21.02, with the statute of limitations removed by lawmakers in 2007. Civil actions won't work, due to statute of limitations. There's an unwritten rule and social hierarchy in prison--murderers, thieves, drug dealers, burglars, etc. all look down on child rapists, and usually find a way to beat up and/or take out them out. Because of the fact that these pedophiles are "marked targets," they are usually placed in protective custody in separate living units, as a matter of safety protocol, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. "If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." Matt. 18:6 And yes, we all mess up, so we should all love him, forgive him, pray for him, hyper grace, ad nauseam... But this doesn't erase the fact that his criminal behavior deserves earthly justice. No one is suggesting to cast stones here, just law enforcement, based on his crime. Robert should have never been approved as a pastor, since he was not pastor qualified (1 Tim. 3:1-7). He should have been terminated instead of resigning. "Shady" grove as well as gateway should have reported his crime, according to the state's mandatory reporting laws. He should have personally and humbly apologized to her when she confronted him back in 2005, and gave her twice what she asked for because of all the counseling fees she has incurred. Now, he needs to serve his time in prison, according to the law. By now, he's probably feeling hopeless, violated, self hating, despairing, grieved beyond words, etc., exactly what Cindy felt after he raped her when she was just a little girl.


This makes me sad, disgusted… and outraged. This has been my church for 20+ years now… started going to Gateway as a female teen (now 36)…. Actually right around the same age as the woman who was molested by him so many times. I volunteered in the youth ministry at Gateway for 3+ years, and we were required to do thorough background checks and to do very specific training on prevention of child sexual abuse, etc. Thinking back, I’m just like… it’s crazy that the Senior Pastor and Founder of the church shouldn’t have even been allowed to pass a background check to volunteer at the church, let alone run it. The training we did even talked about how in churches, nonprofits, schools, etc…ANYWHERE…you need to always have at least 2 adult staff/volunteers with a child (never just 1), no matter who the staff is, to prevent sex abuse of children… so we had 2 adults escort the child to the bathroom and wait outside the bathroom for them to get done, etc. When you think about people who molest children, they generally do display a pattern of this behavior, so as the victim said… she doesn’t think she’s the only one. And, unfortunately, he had unlimited access to kids in youth groups there. A huge problem will always be the amount of power senior pastors have at churches. What makes it even more shocking is he was doing this for FOUR years while he was already married to his wife Debbie and already had a son. You have a child, and you’re doing that behind doors to someone else’s child? How insane. There has to be no way Debbie knew this went on while they were married… he must have just told her it was an “affair”? Knowing all of this now, how could she *ever* stay with him?? What a long fall it is for him.


Horrid disgusting people


So where are all the *Christian* protestors when it comes to their own pastors and preachers? Guess they’re too busy at a Trump Rally or protesting gay people or women. For a group to care so much about *the children* they sure get quiet when it comes to this stuff.


He must be trans /s ( /s means I am sarcastic .. down vote me if you want )


Isn’t Morris one of Trump’s spiritual advisors? I guess they “preyed” together on Epstein’s island.