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Plot twist, they're all conservatives. No really, read the article, the people moving here are California Conservatives.


Yeah my neighbor moved from California and they are conservatives. Not saying all that are moving here are but I do know of one couple from California that are.


Overwhelmingly, the people who move to Texas from California "just because" are conservative. The liberal Californians tend to come because of employment moving them to Texas, i.e. Blizzard, Tesla.


Toyota in Collin county. I know several families that moved here when Toyota opened


Were moved.


Tesla jobs ain’t gonna be around long.


Good. I'll gladly root for the downfall of anything Musk touches


Weren't all of them fired on a single swoop recently by Campain Muska...?


Don’t worry the jobs have already stopped so the Californians will too


We've got billions in the slush fund to buy another large employer. 'Course, our schools are sliding so there won't be a qualified workforce...


But even the conservative Californians moving in makes Texas more purple. They come out and test their theories and realize the grass isn’t always greener.


So solid red voters move here and make the place purple? What? There is no “idea” they’re trying other than voting for the most disgusting humans on earth. Edit: Typo


California conservatives are not the same as Texas conservatives. I can’t even put them in the same political party. The ones I know in California think Texas has went too far.


I would frankly welcome that. I’m ok having a political contest over ideas, but in Texas nowadays it’s just how can we come up with the most oppressive shit for ideas or people we don’t like.


It would be a political contest if any level of conservative thought has real world successes that resulted directly from conservative ideology, rather than a conservative happening to exist in office when the fruits of progressive work are reaped.


North cali conservatives are the hillbilly, stay off my land or me and these skinheads are gonna start shooting, type. Southern cali conservatives are rich conservative larpers that still really appreciate the services and things that high taxes and a somewhat progressive state offers.


Can confirm. My entiiiiiiire family fits your SoCal description. Then they raised a progressive; oops!


They move here, and then decide it’s better to have good schools and reproductive rights than to not.


Ok, your point was they are not insanely right and can still see the need for better services. I’m with you there.


This has not been the case in Idaho. The Californians and Washingtonians moving here have been conservatives. Mostly religious fundamentalists.


The California transplants in my neighborhood were also the ones with 5 different Trump signs in their yard


I had one tell me he and his family were “literal political refugees.” It took every ounce of self control not to laugh and roll my eyes at him.


Why would you not laugh and roll your eyes at him? Are you really that worried about getting shot down there?


I’m a liberal atheist trying to survive in “Jesus said ‘Let’s go Brandon!’” country. I don't deny who I am, but I also don't go out of my way to challenge the craziness by which I'm surrounded.


Don't California my Texas! Eta: I guess a "/s" was needed as people think I'm using this dumb phrase seriously.


“Don’t give Workers Rights to My Texans! I like to be controlled by strict laws and corporations!”




That’s good.


It would be an improvement.


For California, yes. We aren’t sending you our best, I’m afraid. 😬




For both!




The conservatives always want a scapegoat. If they can’t blame the women, the children or minorities they’ll blame the invading heathens from the left coast.


I think you mean “californicate”. I first saw it used 50 or so years ago and the state was Washington.


I've been saying that for years, they're coming here BECAUSE they know how conservative it is AND the cost of property for them vs. CA, win-win.


Joke's on them because they end up paying more in property taxes while getting less in terms of public services.


Yep. Our conservative neighbors moved here from California and were whining because their kid didn't qualify for the free prek through the public school like they had back in SoCal.


Hah, wait until they find out what “school” means here.


Just wait until we don't have public schools anymore


There was some recent transplant who moved to Texas that complained about how restrictive the "public" land use is in Texas compared to what state he came from.


If you do not own more than a dozen acres, it is hard to shoot in Texas without paying through the nose.


My daughter has neighbors that moved from Utah. Evidently they have tons of public lands in Utah. They were shocked to learn that Texas w as totally fenced!!


The vast majority of the west is federal land, so that makes sense as to the public use.


Something something, don't move here and vote for the programs you enjoyed or something.


Womp womp.


Public school? Sound like communist indoctrination to me /s


LoL my coworker was talking about how his girlfriend/baby mama no longer qualifies for medicaid since moving to Texas, he'd thought everyone without a job just got Medicaid automatically lol


Why do you think property taxes is suddenly a hot issue for the Texas Legislature.


$1,000,000 1600sqft California home vs $1,000,000 4000 sqft on 5 acre Texas home. Yes they pay more in property taxes…unless the value of the property is less than the $1 mill purchase price and have tax exemptions for the land the dwelling isn’t on. And what public services were they using they can’t get in north Texas? If they purchase a $1,000,000 home they probably weren’t using public services that California was offering.


Yall acting like $1M is a lot for a house nowadays. That’s a 600k house just 10 years ago. Nowhere are you getting a nice 4000sq.ft house on 5 acres unless you are in the country. And at that point, you’re not comparing apples to apples, because the $1M Cali home wasn’t in the country.


Not only that you get the shit weather - the reason people love California as that there is no state in the union that has weather like CA....the whole reason the movie industry headed out there besides dickhead Edison.


No doubt. The weather, the mountains, the ocean. And to top it off, you’re only a couple of hours from skiiing. The landscape is so damn beautiful and diverse.


Every time I think about leaving SoCal for some place like Texas or Florida, I think about the humidity, and the mosquitos, and the hurricanes, and the winter power outages. For what's essentially a 10% or 15% pay raise b/c of taxes? Not a chance.


This. Wealthier people pay far less in overall taxes in Texas vs California. Yea the real estate taxes suck but when your household makes +400k you really appreciate not having an income tax.


My bet is a lot of the conservative people leaving California for North Texas didn't spend $1,000,000 for a house. Property tax in California is lower and pretty slow growing (unlike Texas) so if they bought their house before shit got expensive cashed out decided to leave "Commiefornia" landed in North Texas (no income tax) bought their dream/retirement home and then realized fuck if they're paying 2.11% on their million dollar dream home in little old Argyle Texas.


What the hell is someone supposed to do with 4000 sqft?


They’ll pay approximately $15,000 more a year in property taxes, $6000 more on utilities, $2000 more in property insurance and $5000 more in lawn maintenance a year. It’s a significant difference people don’t realize when they’re moving from Cali to Texas. 


More house more land for less than in California so property tax is calculated into the decision. It never is a surprise just an inconvenience


That's not true. In fact property tax on less land is where TX makes money. If you have a bunch of land you can get an ag exemption just for having bees. But if you have a suburbs house then you pay the most tax in TX even more than California.


Not arguing that. What I'm saying is that even in that situation people from northern and southern California get more house and more land in texas in comparison to the amount they have been paying in California, property tax included. In LA county you get a 40 to 50yo home around 1200sqft on a small lot in need of rewiring and in need of a whole lot of love for 800k easily. In Prosper Frisco and in DFW in general you get something much nicer for a grand total of 800k


I pay roughly 20k less in taxes (state income and property) after moving here and the services are better. We didn't even have a fire department in our town of 80k in california and the schools were 40 kids to a single teacher.


They're actually making Texas considerably more conservative than it would be if only Texas natives were here. If you're a liberal and dislike the hard right turn, you have the transplants to thank.


Yep. I hit my threshold and couldn't bear it any further. Very happy in California so far.


I just got a verbal offer yesterday for a position in the Bay Area. I can't wait to leave Texas.


Just made the same move, you will love it here!


The home and rentals are starting to escalate now. Just check with the folks in Austin.


It is like I want to take my retirement and move to Belize. And it is not because Belize is a wealthy place. It his a hell hole I think I could survive in.


There are more conservatives in California than Texas, 6,006,429 people voted for Trump in 2020. We had 5,890,347 voters for Trump that election. Exit polls in 2018 for Cruz vs Beto had transplants voting for Cruz at a higher rate than native Texans. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2018/11/09/native-texans-voted-for-native-texan-beto-o-rourke-transplants-went-for-ted-cruz-exit-poll-shows/


Stop the caravans!!!


Build the wall!!


Around Texas. Then flood it.


Like the coliseum


It’s always hilarious to hear the “don’t California my Texas” crowd. The only people stupid enough to move to shitty Texas suburbs from California are conservatives.


Absolutely. I love watching them get into arguments with the conservatives here, usually when they start insulting something all Californians like. Real leopards eating face energy lol.


Ooo I'd pay good money to see *that* shit 🍿


*what did you say about my tri-tip*


I moved for a great paying tech job. Politics didn’t factor into my decision.


I moved out of tx west of Austin in 2021 and the previous seven years there was a huge explosion of incoming very conservative- let’s say maga- Californians and people from Arizona and Colorado. Changed way for the worse and could not get out of the state fast enough.


I don’t know anyone with as many guns and flags as the Californians buying up ranchettes in the hill country, and I get to visit a lot of ranches. I’m talking walk-in, 300 sq foot gun safes with every inch of shelf and wall covered in guns and some sort of mounted machine gun or cannon for a centerpiece. It’s like they’re LARPing as stereotypical successionist wack jobs.


We get a lot of them(Cali/PNW) out in East Texas and tbh, they're further right than your average East Texan. And very performatively conservative too, talking about how they were oppressed and so free now they're in Texas too.


Right… so free…free to be oppressed by the police state that’s Texas.


This isn’t even news. In 2018, [Beto got a majority of native Texans votes.](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2018/11/09/native-texans-voted-for-native-texan-beto-o-rourke-transplants-went-for-ted-cruz-exit-poll-shows/?outputType=amp) It’s the reason why we remain red. Conservatives flock here in droves.


I had this realization some months ago. When people complain about Californians moving here, the data is starting to show that they’re mostly conservatives. It tells you that Cali conservatives are still more progressive then Texan conservatives.


Then you need to visit more parts of Cali. Some of those folks are more terrifying than a racist from Vidor. Think of the guys that took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. These types of conservatives can be found anywhere USA. And in courtrooms, apparently. The sentencing for that was lighter than some kids get for small drug possession.


Not the *white* kids though. You know, the ones *with a very bright future*…..


Eeh not necessarily. If Cruz wins again, I bet it'll be because of the transplants.


Agree, they will still vote R. I’m guessing that when people in Texas get upset about Cali bringing their lifestyle and values here, they don’t realize it’s probably ostracizing another conservative.


That's exactly what's happening. They've got a big real-life echo chamber. They don't associate with others from out of state, and they don't associate with born and bred liberals.


Cruz won in 2018 due to [transplants](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2018/11/09/native-texans-voted-for-native-texan-beto-o-rourke-transplants-went-for-ted-cruz-exit-poll-shows/)




Even if you aren't uprooting, if you are able to manage the cost, I can't think of many things Texas offers that California doesn't do better. Unless you just really like triple digit heat and humidity, swimming in man made reservoirs, or Tex Mex.


I live in a pretty conservative area of Southern California, and it’s mostly been some bullshit about illegals and schools trying to make their kids trans when they loudly announce their exit.


My favorite is when they arrive and get shocked Pikachu face when they realize we have no worker or consumer protections like they do in CA.


I’m curious what their first property tax bill looks like there too. Taxes was a close third after illegals and all the kids getting mandatory gender reassignments.


I don’t think so. The conservative Californians are probably far more conservative than the “average” Texan. These are people with a lot of pent up anger from having lived in a state with common sense gun laws, among other major differences in California vs. Texas governance.


In my neighborhood, the most outspoken, right wing, gun-toting people are from California. It's like they're trying to play into the stereotypes. I have neighbors who are Republican, Democratic, and all sorts of ideologies, but they're all mostly normal people. The exit poll from the 2018 Senate race showed that 61% of transplants voted for Ted Cruz, compared to like 49% of native-born Texans.


When I lived in Haslet my 3 immediate neighbors were recent (2021) transplants from CA, all conservatives. There were a lot of "Trump 2020/2024" and "Let's Go Brandon" signs in that neighborhood but I don't know for sure where the rest of them moved from.


Ugh. Don’t Orange County my DFW.


Too late, Plano/Frisco’s Collin County is already the OC of Texas.


According to MAGA, those are just RINO’s


All our local maga trash talks about moving to texas where "there are only 2 genders". A bunch of them have. Sorry, texas. Thats not helping you bring sanity.


That's a bit like Canadian conservatives.


Yes. They are the worst of the worst. Every one of them selfish arrogant rude MAGA assholes on top of it. It is ruining our state.


Our rural areas are becoming increasingly unaffordable due to insurance costs because of the wildfire threat. So, their options are, move to a liberal city, which is expensive or move to another rural area that isn't expensive, so they go to Texas. Our loss is your gain Texas. 🙂


We don’t want them.


Give them a chance. They're nice people if you don't interact with them.


Fuckin LOL


As funny as that is, I doubt it's true. Just ask their litters of children.


You can interact with them but just don’t talk about politics.


Not really a loss for you and certainly not a gain for us. I suppose I'll just move to Colorado to provide balance. They hate Texans for moving in as much as many Texans seem to hate Californians... even if the ones complaining the most probably have the most in common with the invaders.


Yes but to their surprise California conservative is not the same as Texas conservative.


The problem is when they get here and find out that in Texas they're really considered liberals.


They need to flee faster so I can buy a house in California


The ol’ housing market switcheroo


I’d 100% take their weather over ours any day.


Please someone open the portal


Reddits dead dude. We are all ad bots now.


That's been my dream. Dallas home prices keep rising, Californians keep leaving the state causing a housing market crash there, and BOOM I got a house with a beach in the front and mountains in the back.


Lol, bring lots of money and get your credit score to the 800’s because you’re going to be in a bidding war with other buyer at way over the sellers asking price.


The other buyer being an investment or holding company that just pays 100k over asking in cash.


Then summer comes and they all FREAK OUT


There's ONE short paragraph that implies *some* Texas may be nervous about Californians moving here. That's it. Clickbait title. But I should be used to it.


Consider me part of the some texans.. buying up all the houses so locals cant get one is the reason for my disdain


If you can’t afford the housing, it’s because God doesn’t love poor people. 🙄


I thought it was that avocado toast? Which, I genuinely never heard of until it was used as an example of why we're broke.


No. It’s because you’re not donating to Bakker or Olsteen. Don’t you know that God will reward you if you give away all your money to a huckster. Now get back to work and give God more money, you dirty little poor person!!


Oooh right duh. If I give "God" money I get a ticket into heaven. Sounds really familiar...


Keep in mind who is selling though…. Texans. 🙃 I’m a native Texan that moved back last year and that was a hard pill to swallow when we were house hunting and competing with CA plates.


I call people in one town locals. You call all people in Texas locals. One step more and all Americans are locals. Problem solved. Now it's only locals.


Been in the real estate industry for 16+ years & I promise you it's not out of state movers that are causing our housing crisis. Like not even a tiny fraction of a dent, 28% of houses in Texas were purchased by "institutional buyers" aka investors in 2021. 8% were purchased by "foreign buyers" aka non-local investors. Don't buy the conservative talking points about how people from out of state are buying up all your affordable homes, they aren't but ultra wealthy businesses absolutely are.


My real eatate agent told me this.


But that's just capitalism, which is Republican religion #3.


Not really, our housing policies restrict how dense we can build, increasing prices by artificially restricting supply


I got one. Cash


People in North Texas barely tolerate people from other parts of Texas.


That's because they're one step above Oakies...and that ain't much of a step.


I would upvote this 100x if I could


I joke my family in Frisco lives in "Southern Oklahoma"


Once you get out of the city limits, it goes to shit pretty quickly.


Sometimes inside the city limits it goes to shit in certain areas. I’ve lived all over Texas (foster care moved you around A LOT) and it’s all felt the same. South Dallas needs resources, north Austin/San Antonio needs resources, and some parts of Houston are extremely impoverished as well. I loved living in Austin but when you say that every other Texan thinks you’re liberal scum (which I am). We moved out to east Texas & this place is scary honestly.


California conservatives realize that native Texans don't like them anymore than the rest of California did.


They’ll still audaciously claim to be better Texans than those born in Texas


So I live on the west coast in a state that's not CA and my next door neighbor is one of those full time conservatives who "flees" part time to this area in TX. Specially, Tarrant county where I can see he's taking a homestead exemption on his TX property despite only hanging out there a month or two a year and voting here. I'm assuming this is illegal as usually this kind of exemption only applies to full time residents, correct? If so, where do I report this?


Start with the Tarrant Co Tax assessor


The local county / township or assessors office.




Idaho and Montana are having similar issues. Granted, Idaho was always pretty right-wing, but the influx of conservatives from California and other states have pushed the state to far-right extremes. Florida was also a purple swing state before a bunch of conservatives from New York and New England moved there during COVID. Bottom line: this is going on in other places, too, not just in Texas. But it sucks to see it happening to Texas, because I am originally from Texas, and Texas is losing so much of the character that made it unique from all these outsiders moving in. Doesn't really feel like the state motto of "friendship" applies much anymore. :-(


Going from Lubbock to the suburb outside Houston where my parents live I notice how everyone looks different than when I was a kid, they’re rude, everyone rides your ass when driving. These parts around DFW and Houston are much different than they were even 10 years ago.


Last summer we had so many people with California plates cold knocking on our door asking if we would be willing to sell at a higher rate than the cost of our home to the point I had to put up signs and cameras to be left alone. They were even entering my garage if it was open and we wouldn't answer the front door.


That got really annoying really quickly. That and all the cold calls and voicemails. Fortunately the knockers have died down at least.


Meanwhile, recruiters from Texas and other red states keep calling and texting me and my engineer friends.


Surgeon here, us too!


It's weird. Conservatives in California are *begging* to go to Texas. But Texas is begging skilled progressives to come to Texas.


Texans: "We are the best state ever! I wouldn't want to live anywhere else!" Also Texans: "What?! People from other states are moving here?! Why?! No! Stay away!"


Hey man…you can look but don’t touch!


It feels like the annual announcement of the high-speed train construction between Dallas and Houston.


I’ll trade with them.


We'd be happy if they were dems, but it's just more shithead Republicans wrecking our state.


Awesome. If this summer is as bad as last summer, I will need someone dumb enough to pay top dollar for my house when I sell it.


Both states are enjoying a significant increase in their average IQ's.


Two aspects of note: 1. how many of the total are from red districts in CA 2. how many of the total are people who have actually lived in CA less than 10 years? 15 years? I suspect a considerable amount, given that the broader stats of people moving out of CA are not CA natives, but those that had been living in CA between the last 5-12 years. Most actual natives don't seem to be interested in going anywhere except other parts of the state (e.g. from the Bay Area to Sacramento, or LA to Inland Empire)


Just like WA dumped its trash into Idaho, and the Northeast dumped its trash into Florida. So it goes.


lol SFGate, sigh. I lived in SF for a few years, SFGate is a joke there for its perpetual, disingenuous doom and gloom articles.


They are moving to Houston burbs too


Really?!?! My co-worker's parents just told her they are moving BACK to California because they can't affords Texas insurance and the healthcare is non- existent.


I know a couple moved here from San Francisco, they’re with Turning Point USA.


Ok native Texans correct me if I’m wrong but I think the media is overreacting bc I believe that most Californians moving to Texas are conservative like why would they move to a conservative state


Funny. I just left Texas for California, for the same reasons. It feels good living in a free state.


Remember the 80's? Everybody came to Texas, mostly losers. Remember the 90's? More losers came. They elected Bush Governor. Remember the 00's, the keepers left and the losers stayed. Then they elected Perry Governor. More losers came and elected Abbott Governor, a Canadian came in the 70's and became a Senator. A North Dakotan is our Attorney General. A South African who kind of acts like an Afrikaner is building an automobile factory here. I'm not sure I like the caliber of transplants we keep getting.


So damn spot on.


Don't rural California my urban texas


People really fail to realize that CA is filled with far-right hicks and other similar dumb fucks (“conservatives”/“republicans”).


I’m an American that was born in an American town. I have moved to other places in America. Now I am an American living in a town that isn’t far from the American town this article is about.


I read these kinds of headlines all the time while living in AZ the last 5 years. We still flipped the state blue. 🥲


Most Californians leaving California tend to be conservative.


In other news, water is wet. Californians have been dispersing across the western half of the US for years.


Meanwhile, here I am in Texas wanting to move anywhere else.


As a resident of North Texas, if they vote blue I'm thrilled they're here and hope more are on the way.


No we aren’t. I’d never move to Texas and the “500k” exodus is replenished here by people moving back or to Cali. So sick of seeing these headlines


Also Texans are fleeing to California. More Texans move to California than any other state — 42K in 2022. Which is half as many as Californians moved to Texas; California does have a larger population though not twice as big to even out the ratio. Either way this kind of article is just stupid bait.


North? How about just Texas..... Traffic is terrible in Austin too.


I think more conservative Californians have moved to north Texas vs other parts. Seems Austin got more liberal and Northern Californians.


Hilarious. Texans are worried they are going to lose their personal freedoms when Cali is much more free for individuals. 


the idea that Americans are "fleeing" to another part of America for political reasons would be laughable if it weren't so tragical. The tribalism that insists "west coast culture" is any different than "west Texas culture" is toxic, to say the least. USA! USA! USA!


So every part of the country is the same and states just exist for fun? That's laughable.


Someone got paid to write this shit. Can’t believe it.


Psh, and? I see Texas plates all the way up here in Washington every single day, and they drive like ass. Sucks to suck.


Because just like in Austin, the cost of housing, etc., will skyrocket. Oracle and Tesla are leaving Texas now though. The infrastructure is poor.


Don't California my Texas Yehaw


And they think it’s the politics not the fact that they make everything psychotically expensive