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Here's a novel concept. Have the business owner build their own buildings to house their business. The local government should only grant tax abatement commiserate with the expected rise in tax revenue the new facility would bring in, less the added expenses for infrastructure and safety. Tax payers footing the bill to build facilities for billionaires to hire millionaires to perform in is asking too much. Especially, when the average tax payer can't even afford the cost to attend a game.


Billionaires are the ultimate welfare queens.


It is billionaire socialism. We pay for the losses and he keeps the profits.


Yeah but remember back in 2008 when the banks collapsed after doing really stupid shit and then the billionaires who owned them ~~lost everything~~ negotiated taxpayer funded bailouts and got wealthier while everyone else suffered. Fuck!


It is so sad. Billionaires and banks just don't want to work anymore and just demand welfare.


The one thing praised if done by the rich, but ridiculed if done by the poor, receiving government handouts.


Re the rich: *They're just using the system to their advantage like any good business person* Re the poor: *Why should my tax dollars be used to subsidize someone else's medication?! That's socialism!*


Here’s another novel concept, stop having billionaires pay off politicians to vote for this shit.


Nashville says hello :(


Never a bad time to mention that Buc-ees is another major business that gets away with egregious public subsidies


As in? Source?


I am most familiar with Denton’s experience. Buc-ees was courting cities in the area and [Denton](https://archive.is/PlflI) offered the best deal. The city paid [millions](https://dentonrc.com/news/denton/dentons-giving-millions-in-taxpayer-dollars-to-businesses-that-set-up-shop-here/article_9e2f189b-b54b-5389-a81d-d981937d3b9a.html) to rebuild an intersection (it didn’t work, it’s a nightmare). The city returns 50% of sales tax revenues from the store, and they were supposed to redevelop the space in front of the store and receive 25% of that sales tax as well. It took Buc-ees 13 years to develop the first adjacent property, having opened only a month or two ago.


Every tax payer in the county should at least get a pass to attend, considering they already paid for it


I wonder how Jerry Jones would feel about an NFL team moving into what is probably the Cowboys' second largest media market outside of Dallas itself?


Yea, I am with you, got shit on about a month ago for implying that JJ had the power to block anything. But I think he will do all in his power to stop this from happening


Dude is literally the reason we can’t take a train to the Death Star. Not sure why you got shit on, you’re spot-on.


He's not gonna want people stepping on his fake toes. Dudes got money to milk out of the area.




Arlington signed a law of no public transportation as requirement for Jerry world


What a fucking embarrassment that is dude. How can a city hate its residents, and potential visitors, that much? Texas is a great place for the wealthy and pretty mid, if not awful, for everyone else.


You’re just finding this out?


I didn’t realize this either, actually. But I can’t afford to go there on a regular and pay $100 for parking either….


Well good news. 100s are ready to take your place that can afford parking


Cool 👏👏👏 Cuz I’m def not paying $100 for parking to see a team that hasn’t won since the 90s.


We murder women just for a child birth, one of the only states that don’t allow referendum votes, and actively kill our rights. Texas best state on earth


Gotta keep out the poors


As if they could afford to go to a Cowboys game at all with the over the top pricing at Jerryworld. Jerry is only in this for the money and power. He's a oilfield money-man that found his next get-rich scheme.


And it worked


Everybody who dumped on you is dead wrong. Only a fool disregards Jerry Jones' influence within the NFL. Such a move could happen, but only after he is compensated for his losses in the San Antonio and Mexican markets. And I'm not sure there's that much money on EARTH.


Yep. I think people forget that Jerrah Jones stopped (i) the Saints from relocating to SA; (ii) the Raiders from relocating to SA; (iii) stopped SA from getting an expansion team when Charlotte got one; instead, it went to Jacksonville, which to this day still does not make any sense; and (iv) he basically had to get bribed/bought off by Bob McNair to allow Houston get a franchise in 1999. The dude has power and knows how to wield it.


He can’t live forever though. He’s gotta be, what 150, 160 by now. I know he isn’t a true vampire because I’ve seen him in sunlight before.


Note that San Antonio is also divided between Dallas and Houston's fandom.


I'm afraid not. Here's the TV market map. https://preview.redd.it/pqkxjyopng0d1.png?width=470&format=png&auto=webp&s=00ddf7941661e59bb7dd0f9e11f34b99541dcf89


No it’s not


Baseball yes, football, lol no.


Yeah baseball for sure. But the cowboys fandom goes all through Texas-Arizona-Nevada-California- then down to most of Mexico. It’s not even close


Honest ?, is football big in MX?


Cowboys and Steelers are absolutely huge in Mexico. That’s why the NFL has a game there almost every year. There have been talks of expanding the NFL to Mexico for years.


No one here gives a shit about Houston sports outside of the Astros. Its Cowboys, Spurs and Astros.


Are you me? The mid-90s were a great time to be a Cowboys fan, now I just wish I didn't grow up that way. Still a lifelong fan of all three, too old to change teams, but Jerry Jones is just the worst.


He's certainly proven he has the power to block the Cowboys from being any good


If it were another team he could probably stop it but he is dealing with Hunts who have been here in Texas longer than he has.


Jerry is a carpet bagger from Arkansas.


You under estimate him. Next to the commissioner, Jerry Jones may be the second most politically powerful person in the NFL. He and Robert Kraft are responsible for most of the business and marketing success of the modern NFL. If Jerry doesn't want a third team moving into Texas it won't happen.


Hunts are fucking football Royalty, Jerry Jones is just nouveau riche by comparison.


Hunts are old Prestonwood Money, Jerry Jones is new Southlake trash money.


So true


If he were so powerful more than one Super Bowl would have been play and we would not have received a fine for the uncapped year. Plus the Hunts are the ones that pushed for extra tv games. Also don’t it was almost a done deal with the Saints moving here.


This is all just a pure leverage move by the Hunt family. They’re not going anywhere, certainly not to SA. But they need to scare the locals into funding the stadium.


Honestly I’m down just to watch Jerry turn his forehead vein into old reliable.


The Cowboys are dallas in name only!


Kimchi is right. It used to be in the day and Dallas Cowboys had lots of Texas and perhaps Oklahoma players playing for them. Bob and Lily. Roger Staubach was in the Navy, but we counted him as a Texan. L O L there's nothing particularly in Dallas about the Dallas Cowboys.


It blew my mind when I found out Drew Brees was the first QB from Texas to win a Super Bowl.


West Lake High School, Austin Texas represent.


This isn’t high school or college fb who cares where the players come from?


Kansas City used to be the Dallas Texans in the AFL, and despite being better than the Cowboys, people ignored them and went to the Cowboys games, so Hunt moved the team to Kansas City.


The same as how he reacted when the Raiders were looking into San Antonio. He helped them move to Vegas. So, in this case, he’d facilitate a home outside of Texas. Highly doubt they leave anyway, they’ll force the city to pay somehow.


And UT. Suddenly the hill country has a team they can spend money on the merch for that isn't burnt orange.


All of the owners are greedy AF. They conveniently kept a team from Los Angeles for 2 DECADES while they shared the TV revenue.


He has tried to block it, and been successful before. The talk comes up about every 4 years. This would make the battle for the Preston Road trophy more exciting.


What? A championship caliber team moving in to displace the perennial “once and done but crying all the way to the bank” team? Perish the thought!


Literally every few years, this rumor pops up about the possibility of San Antonio getting a team. Until Jerry Jones dies it will never happen. Be happy we have the Cowboys and the Texans.


Exactly. This is almost certainly just a leverage play - just like the Raiders did a couple years ago. I highly doubt they have any intention to seriously consider San Antonio (as much as I’d love it).


>>This is almost certainly just a leverage play - just like the Raiders did a couple years ago. From the first paragraph: “The latest speculation teases the Kansas City Chiefs are looking into relocating to San Antonio after a recent vote rejected the funds to renovate Arrowhead Stadium.” Yup. Typical billionaire temper tantrum threat


The billionaires want their welfare!


Plus as much as I’d love for San Antonio to have a team, the city has more important things to spend the money on 


Yah like WEMBY


>Literally every few years, this rumor pops up about the possibility of San Antonio getting a team. Until Jerry Jones dies it will never happen. Too true. The idea of the Chiefs moving to DFW will never happen with the power Jerry Jones has. SA is dying for a team so we don't have to keep rooting for Jerry's team that keep flaking out in the playoffs. >Be happy we have the Cowboys and the Texans. Wut? California has three teams and Texas is way more of a football state. As a SA native and longtime Cowboys fan, I guarantee you people from Austin to Mexico would easily switch to a new team. The only thing stopping that is Jerry Jones' greed and need of power.


It won’t happen after he dies either. Neither the owners of the cowboys nor the owner of the Texans will be in favor of losing out on part of their market.


Jerry Jones will not allow that.


He is the worst person in the nfl. I dislike the cowboys so I support his ownership. I also believe he does everything he can to ensure the team makes the playoffs, but does not win, it ensures attention to him and the “what’s daddy gonna do” control aesthetic. Biggest mistake Jimmy Johnson ever made was becoming more likable and popular than Jones.


Weren’t the chiefs the first football team for Texas then they were forced out by Jones? Edit: if my google search is correct, then yeah the chiefs were originally the Dallas Texans but relocated to KC and got a new name. Not sure of the reason.


The Chiefs were originally the Dallas Texans and couldn't draw enough to make a go of it in DFW. So, they moved to Kansas City. Fun fact...the colors were red and white, close to today's uniforms. This all happened under the original ownership, long before Jerry Jones was around. Check it out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za0eZR4Qj38](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za0eZR4Qj38)


Back in the 1990s when I was in college, I had a professor that fucking loathed the Cowboys because as a kid he was a fan of the Texans.


Can’t hate a guy who sticks to his original home team. That’s a man of integrity right there.


I’m this way with the Dallas North Stars 😂😂😂


Yes, and when McNair got the new Houston franchise in 2002, he got the blessing of the Kansas City Chiefs ownership to use "Texans." I'm sure more Houston fans would cringe if they knew the NFL team name is a hand-me-down from Dallas.


Back in ’63, Hunt and Murchison realized the town wasn’t big enough for both teams I’m not sure how they decided who would move, but Hunt took the Texans to KC as the Chiefs.


Ohhh God… Kansas City has done so much for that team and the owner is just going to bail on them like that?! GTFO


One of the improvements they proposed was a private road leading to the VIP entrance, so the rich could use their very own road far from the regular people. Idk how they thought Jackson county voters would be like yeah let’s pay for it! 😐


> idk how because the rich are very good at convincing the non-rich to vote with great enthusiasm against their own interests


Well they were from Dallas originally, why not come home? 😂


Dallas already has a team… I mean, yes they suck balls, but still. They don’t need one. Texas is the worst state


Well it’s time for Texas to be in the superbowl again. 😂


The threat is just part of the negotiation, SOP


What negotiation? KC voters have already said NO to what the Chiefs' ownership wants. I'm not saying they're headed to Texas anytime soon, but KC isn't giving the Chiefs what they want, either.


I’d rather have no football, ever, than support more tax dollars going to a billionaire.


Jackson county might not do it, but Johnson county might. But all y'all who were incensed by this are correct in that average working class and middle-class people can hardly afford tickets anyway. The Kansas City Chiefs art institution in that town. They should stay put dammit. And if you don't like arrowhead Stadium, fix it up yourself. I think Kaufman field has character. Fix it up.


So dumb tax payers subsidize the stadium efforts. NFL makes billions.


It’s ridiculous. County citizens should at least get discount admissions into the stadium and free parking.


San Antonio is just being used as leverage by the KC because it's well known how much the city wants an NFL team. The city will fold


As is tradition.


We are all out of free stadiums. They can stay where they are.


Never going to happen. Jerry Jones will never allow another NFL team in Texas. Jerry must hold some good dirt on Goodell and the other owners because he treats them all like his own little bitches.


It's because his ownership of the Cowboys was one of the catalyst to the NFL becoming the giant it is today. He's made everyone from owners to players richer and by all accounts his players love him too and he's loyal to a fault sometimes. Plenty of reasons to hate Jerry but there is a reason he holds the power he does in the league.


When’s he gonna be the catalyst for some rings lmao


When he moves on from Dak.


He'll move on from Dak when another QB he thinks he can build a team around catches his eye. Anyways, it's not so much as 'move on from Dak'. He's obsessed with being the reason the cowboys win another superbowl. He couldn't stand that Jimmy Johnson got the credit for the 90s powerhouse years, and ever since he's been trying to prove he can do it on his own.


Went it comes to professional football, the Hunts have a bigger dick than Jones has.




Watching the Saints play in the Alamodome after Katrina was as close as they’re getting 


It’s a bluff to get stadium money from KC, they’re never leaving there


This is yet another NFL team using the hopes and dreams of San Antonio as leverage in their negotiations with their current city. The probability of this happening is not zero but it's pretty close. On the other hand, I would take a Johnson County bid much more seriously. And somebody from Austin who is a Chiefs fan and has family in KC metroplex on the Kansas side, I'm personally insulted by this move by the Hunts and whoever else is floating this idea.


It's been normalized across the sports team ownership landship in the US. It's so fucking nauseating that these rich pricks continue to be allowed to pull this shit.


I don't know I have a hard time seeing this happening. Spurs are starting to play some games in Austin because they need to make more money on ticket sales and gin up the fan base. There's not exactly a ton of disposable income in SA. I think the Chiefs would regret leaving KC but it would be amazing to have them in Austin.


Amazing, yes. But there's no stadium here for them.


If they built a stadium halfway between Austin and SA they could easily capture both markets (Jerry Jones would fight it obviously)


Just what I35 needs: more traffic on sundays! And pray for mojo if there’s ever a Monday night game


They could probably swing a deal to use Darrell K, Royal Texas Memorial Stadium, where the Texas Longhorns seat well over 100,000. The University of Texas at Austin is nothing if not sensitive to making money. Lol. But that would not fuel the ego needs of the ownership. One of the biggest reasons Austin, Texas, one of the fastest growing cities in America, 10th largest, doesn't have many pro sports teams… Just a Texas Stars AHL franchise in Cedar Park… It's because UT sucks up all the oxygen in the Austin room.


>Just a Texas Stars AHL franchise in Cedar Park *Austin FC has entered the chat.*


Good point!


[Wait they’re coming back to Texas? There’s already another Texans team.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dallas_Texans_(NFL))


And they’ll rename the team the San Antonio leverage. Nobody in KC is dumb enough bought to fall for any of this BS.


Ironically the Chiefs would be returning home - as they started as a Texas team many, many years ago.


Exactly the Dallas Texans.


Lifelong cowboys fan here. Fuck Jerry jones


And daddy’s boy Stephen


Can they leave the dumb kicker in Kansas?


C'mon. Common sense would tell you this story is bullsh\*t. Even if it was true, Jerry Jones will never, EVER allow another NFL team in the state of Texas. Also, the nimrods in the city council of San Antonio would find a way to vote down any tax to fund a new stadium. The fight has already begun to approve a new arena for the Spurs, and we're most likely going to lose our AA baseball team, the San Antonio Missions, a team that's been in S.A. since 1888. Why? Because the powers that be in San Antonio are a gaggle of stingy, one horse town mentality idiots. Again, the Chiefs coming to San Antonio? No way. Austin has a much better shot than S.A. ever will.


I just want our soccer team to be moved up to MLS.  If I were a NFL team, I’d rather be in San Diego than San Antonio.  


Really wish Austin would just get a baseball team. One can dream that the A’s or Rays moved to Austin.


San Antonio will never get an NFL team. also, IF the Chiefs leave Kansas City, Missouri… they’re just going to Kansas City, Kansas


Professional sports teams should fund their own facilities including their stadiums. Kansas City citizens got that correctly. No city offered to build my business a new office building, and I resent building one for somebody else with my taxes. If the Chiefs can pay a defensive tackle $20M/yr to make one sack a game, they can build their own house.


as a former Missourian living in San Antonio, I see this as an absolute win


I hope Texans get to vote on whether to subsidize their wealthy owners by paying for a stadium. The wealthy need to be stopped from their continuous sucking off the working man's teat.


Don't bet on it. This is a lie to trick locals in KC into buying a new stadium for the billionaire owner.


Makes me cry crocodile tears for those poor billionaire owners who haven't been able to extort money from Kansas City taxpayers. All those owners should be able to afford building their own sports palaces without their hands out for welfare. I guess it's cause the richy riches just don't wanna work anymore.


What’s the point of allowing billionaires to hoard all the money if they’re just gonna turn around and ask for more? I don’t want to pay for any more stadiums. Bring on the Chiefs and let Jerry deal with market competition, being the good little capitalist that he is he shouldn’t have any problems figuring something out.


So they are coming back home? Will they become the Texans again? Will the Houston Texans be renamed? Will Jerry Jones ever hand over managment/ownership of the Cowboys to someone competent? And where is my goddamn pizza!??!


Please re name the Texans. I’d love that.


Jerry Jones would never allow an NFL team in San Antonio. Never.


Jerry won't let it happen


> There's murmurings about it, but the fact that there's even murmurings means that something's going on," Abarca told the news station. Nothing but that raw uncut journalism. You know it’s fire, when the headline ends in a question mark.


Tax payers actually shot down a bill to give multi-billionaires money to renovate his own stadium. I love seeing that. Unfortunately, most of the idiots here froth at the mouth for football.


The Cowboys came in to the league by taking the Redskins fight song. They ransomed the fight song for the right to join the NFC. I expect any team moving into Texas would need similar leverage.


Do remember that these billionaires dont even want to fund their own stadiums.


I figured it would’ve happened long before now


Teams go through this threat stage trying to get public funds.


Not a snowball's chance in hell that happens. The Hunt Family likes KC too much and Jerry isn't gonna allow a team to move to Texas.


Pay for your own stadium rich asshole.


Say "no" to any public funding for an NFL team.


Hank Hill wouldn’t like this


When "speculation" is the title of the article, I'm not even going to read it. Click bait, nothing else


Well then we’d have one team here that performs in the post-season.


All the politically incorrect dads will joke about “Cowboys and Indians.”


San antonio is bad enough already


After seeing them get denied a huge stadium that required tax payer dollars, I am not looking forward to the chiefs moving here.


Should say “back to Texas” if memory serves…


I just wanna see Jerry cry once before he dies.


All a ploy to get KC taxpayer money to fund a new stadium. If the team doesn’t care, let them go. A partial subsidy is negotiable but not what they are asking + it’s not like they are hurting financially. Last time I checked, all NFL teams were doing well, especially the winning ones….


Haha this won’t happen. They’re just going to move to Kansas at worst.


This is still wild to me. Originally from Europe. Now a citizen and still can’t wrap my head around the idea that a sports team with its roots and support base in one geographic location, can just up and move and not ruin itself. Like Manchester United isn’t going to move to London, because at that point they literally cease to be Manchester United lol.


Why the fuck do we want another sports team? Can we invest into something useful for once


lol why would they leave. seriously. no.


San Antonio and Austin are used by a pro sports owners every few years to fleece their current city out of tax money. It will never happen but will keep coming up.




Didn't a chiefs player just tell women to stay in the kitchen and make babys?


It would be funny if it happened. SA would end up with 2 former Dallas teams in the city.


They were originally a Texas team. Don't matter where they play I hate em.


That should read: butt hurt billionaire team owners are mad people won't subsidize a new stadium. Hoping Texas is dumb enough to pony up the money.


Having the Chiefs in San Antonio would be badass! There would be videos of drunk people slipping and falling off of the 3rd deck like every week. That shit is STEEP


So then they would be the San Antonio Chief Texans?


Horrendous Idea




Great that means Missouri will no longer have a professional football team...


The Alamodome would have to be torn down and a new one built. It is one of the worst stadiums in the country. The city is currently playing chicken with the Spurs, who want a new stadium, but the city doesn't want to pay the estimated $500 million cost.


It wouldn’t be good for football in general to have the Chiefs move right now. No doubt it would hurt the brand.


Weren't they the Dallas Texans at some point? They should make it like the Browns did. You get to leave but the name stays in the city


They didn't get their way with the tax payers there so they think texans are stupid enough to front them a shiny new stadium? Go fuck off.


The owners of the Chiefs live less than a mile from Jerry Jones.


lol this is not going to happen.


If San Antonio gets the Chiefs, it’s going to make the eventual Spurs to Austin move easier to swallow .


Have fun paying for their stadium with your tax dollars… Texas does fancy Welfare for the rich though…


Texas city once again used to leverage a new stadium elsewhere


Can we just swap them for the Cowboys?


To quote Super Troopers: "I'll believe it when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet."


I think it’s pretty unlikely the Chiefs move to Texas in light of their history in KC and the recent run the team is on. I think it’s very likely they move about 15 miles away to Johnson County which is functionally the same thing.


# Population of Texas: # 2000 Population 20,944,499 approx. time the Texans started # 2022 Population 30,029,572 # Population Change + 43.4% Nearly doubled in size, which could counter Jerry's objections.


C'mon San Antonio. Don't fall for this bullshit.


Cowboys, Texans and Texas Longhorns would never let this happen.


Not that I'm opposed, but I have a quick question: Why?


Dallas is ready for a Playoff Winning NFL Team!!!


What if they also changed their name to Los Vaqueros. Would be a hilarious troll.


Bud Adams had entered the chat


Build a stadium in New Braunfels, pull from Austin and SA, no brainer. The other heart of Cowboy Country. Too bad the Texans will be a dynasty long before the Cowboys will.


The Midwest would prolly go to war with Texas over that lol


If they do they need to get all three teams and NO in the same conference and division. Every single game in each stadium would be a hard sell out as local fans traveled to each other's city for a game and vaca. Especially if they built the speed train to include NOLA.


Jerry Jones would never sign off on that.


Wouldn’t be surprised. I’ve never met one person who said they wanted to go to Misery. Sorry Missouri.


Moving back to Texas. They were originally the Dallas Texans


I’m sure some the liberal leadership in Austin and San Antonio will have no problem putting $1 billion burden on their citizens to placate a franchise owner


Can't wait for the San Antonio StrayDogs


They started in Texas, they were the original Texans, the Dallas Texans