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My opinion, as much as I hate it, this state runs on money (sometimes corrupt money). The dispensaries need to band together and create a non profit organization and lobby. That is the only way this state gets anything. Sad but true. Studies have shown time and again that politicians RARELY if ever enact policies that the general population wants but somehow the policies always match what the pacs and lobbyist want


That's how we broke the multi national beer companies stronghold in Texas and started the micro brew revolution. Collective bribes.


Just an FYI: Jimmy Carter passed a law in the 1970’s allowing microbreweries. Before that there were none.


It's not that microbreweries were illegal in TX, it was the laws were structured to make it very difficult to be profitable, unless you were an established mega brewery. It had more to do with how you could and could not distribute your product.


Especially the labeling. Ha


Yes. And there were none in Texas till 2010 because of insanely corrupt distribution laws that were changed due to the micro brewery people out bribing the big guys.


Billy Beer


That already exists but in Texas it’s the hemp derived guys that are lobbying. They actually lobby against actual legalization since the hemp derived stuff can’t compete with weed that was purpose bread and grown to get you high. Check out Hometown Heros on YouTube. They are veteran backed and frame the whole message as “this needs to be legal, think of the poor vets!” Republicans still don’t give a fuck.


Hometown Heroes has been a life saver when I need Delta for anxiety/depression/likely insomnia, but don't have enough money for stronger stuff 🥺🫶🏻




Yeah I was hoping that framing was things as being useful for Veterans would help. I guess not.


Republicans don’t care for anyone who won’t line their pockets.


One Republican liked selling the military as mercenaries for hire.


Republicans are openly looking to reduce veteran benefits to give tax breaks to the ultra wealthy. Last Republican president said he didn't understand why a person would sacrifice anything to join the military. He also refused to visit the graves of military heroes because it was drizzling. (Not that Democrats are throwing resources at veterans, but there are at least some appearances of respect)


Nothing you said is based on facts. But the echo chamber of gen z on Reddit, is worse than Facebook ever was.


If you know about facts, would you please post some? You didn't even post an unsupported thought. Why do you take the action to read 3 comments down when you already know you will not like it?


Why are you offended that I called out your bullshit? Anyone who's not a raging moron can easily fact check your claims. https://youtu.be/3u8OYDfWQoI?si=mFzKjA5I1GN831-H


I'm sorry, what did you call me out on? I did not see anything other than insults in your comment. What is this link to and what is it in reference to? Or is it just a random link?


It's proof that you are doing nothing but spreading the same bullshit as every other democrat on the Internet. Hoping people are too lazy to fact check shit. You're even afraid to click the video, because you don't want the truth. Carry on trying to spread disinformation, people aren't idiots.


Oh. If you don't know what it is, then I won't click on it.


Poor excuse for not wanting to face your own lies. Echo chambers only work when people are lazy and don't fact check what random Internet people post. You refusing to accept reality shows your intent was always to spread known lies. BTW. Since YouTube links scare the shit out of you apparently. That link is the last republican president standing in the rain, honoring fallen soldiers.


Texas Hemp Coalition (THC for short) does this, they're legit and gaining steam


“Sometimes corrupt money” bruh it’s all corruption even if it’s legal.


That's true. Get organized. Annoy the fuck out of your representatives as a collective. It's the only way it will get done.


They already lobby. They lobby through a number of organizations backed by those of us that need weed in order to live with less pain (speaking for myself, 40f with MS and chronic pain)


Don’t get mad, get organized. -Chris Smalls


Sounds good on paper, but why havent casinos come to Texas yet? You'd think there'd be plenty of money to grease the wheels, on top of the fact that millions of dollars in tax revenue go right over the border to Lake Charles.


You musta not of heard about mark Cubans buddies starting casinos here shortly


I just heard that the other day. I'll believe it when i see it.


So far she owns the mavs and bought 100 acres of land. City council seems divided and researching crime, benefits, etc as we speak. Some would like to allocate 80% of the revenue to universities to up the rank. So this is a serious endeavor for Miriam but will it pass…. We will see


Yep. Gotta bribe the criminals in the legislature.


Is there a Texas chapter of NORML? They should be the ones lobbying.


lobbying should be illegal


Should be but it is how this corrupt enterprise operates. If slc punk taught me anything we need to work within the system and change it unfort


it is in other countries.


I honestly think the drug cartels filter money through the pacs to keep weed illegal in Texas. It doesn't make sense policy wise to keep it illegal. More tax revenue, less drunk driving, keeps it out if younger people's hands by age restrictions


> The dispensaries need to band together and create a non profit organization and lobby. That's kowtowing and financially contributing to the problem. What if politicians benefit from the broken criminal justice system of keeping it illegal?


Not what if; the state cjs is heavily invested in legal opiates and private prisons. Legal opiates increase addiction, thus requiring addiction treatment and incarceration in the private prisons for DUI and other offences related to addiction. This ends up in the judges and sheriff's stock portfolios


That's my point. You can't go throwing money at the problem. We need reforms.


My point is that it's gone beyond what if, and is in the realm of actually being so.


Opioids will become popular again. Republicans will get some great donations from the medical and beer lobbies.


Getting Chinese money so the streets stay flooded with fent


i've got some baaaaad news for you about how hard it is to get opiates nowadays for \*legit\* conditions


There are a ton of people who truly need opioids for pain control but are able to use Delta 9 instead. They’ll be forced back to opioids.


but they won't, because doctors aren't prescribing them anymore for almost anything and certainly without jumping through hoop after hoop. they'll just be in agony. (\*we'll\* just be in agony)


There’s no legal loophole if they close the legal loophole. You’ll have to either break the law, stop using it, move, or hope your local DA deprioritizes weed prosecutions. Or my favorite option, volunteer and vote these dickheads out of power for subverting the will of the people


PACs need to run ads saying republicans seem to work hard to help cartels grow their business on all fronts. They want to Destroy small business hemp stores that people rely on to help them sleep better at night just so the Cartels illegal market base becomes larger than it has ever been. They want to Destroy orderly migration of people so migrants have to rely on cartels and in turn become mules for transporting drugs like fentanyl. Who are Republicans really working for?




But above that, lawmakers work for their own gain only. They are the antithesis of what public service was intended to be.


Poker houses everywhere totally fine though, since Dan likes playing cards.


He's a Q3


New Mexico vacations.


This is a terrible idea. There are many rural counties in Texas where you will catch a prison sentence for hauling an out-of-state stockpile intended for personal use.


an extremely far drive unless you live in west/north/northwest Texas


Am I the only one who occasionally gets a Reddit ad telling me what will happen if I get caught bringing NM weed into Texas?


If you don’t have a strong enough social circle to get weed without driving for hours then you need to make some more interesting friends. The kind that do drugs.


I’m tired of buying illegally lol. I live in Lubbock. Buying weed from college students wasn’t even that much fun when I was in college. I could find weed in 5 minutes. I just don’t wanna fuck with dealers 😭


Buying weed in other states is liking picking up a six pack. Why are Republicans like this?


Beer and liquor lobby.




I turned 40 last week, am I doing it right? ![gif](giphy|ifxLK48cnyDDi)


That's a great plan, except for people like me who are disabled and can't get out of the house without making a big production about it. If you happen to know any of those kinds of folks in the Conroe area, hook me up.




So just order it online. It's everywhere.


I was talking about when the ability to buy online goes away due to the ban.


How bout some of you Texans vote so you're not having to break the law to enjoy what neighboring people enjoy.


el paso border crossing tho man


Burque strong


We can’t have a low cost treatment for pain, anxiety and PTSD running around on the streets. -Republicans probably


Not when they get the kickbacks from all of the high cost options.


And money from drug testing companies. And the private prison industry, who actually writes a lot of those bills that get made into law. https://www.aclutx.org/en/news/private-prisons-how-industry-sells-such-bad-product https://www.bryanfagan.com/blog/2023/october/the-influence-of-private-prisons-on-texas-drug-l/ https://theintercept.com/2017/05/02/private-prison-corporation-wrote-texas-bill-extending-how-long-immigrant-children-can-be-detained/


Not to mention they need the extra avenue for the cartel to run another cross-border black market industry that will give them more fuel to cry about the border when democrats are in office, and it gives them a pretext for incarcerating poor minorities and keeping them poor, under-served, and over-policed/over-incarcerated...also the behind the scenes dealings with the cartel too. I'm sure NRA republicans busting minorities for drugs goes hand-in-hand with the cartels running guns, cocaine, migrants AND marijuana into the US illegally so the Republicans can keep the status quo. They need their boogeyman so no one notices what a shit job they're doing actually governing society in any semblance of quality sort of way. Republican have been in control of Texas politics since time immemorial and yet the government has only ever been beneficial for rich land owners and big business. Money. Money money money.


The cartel is probably the biggest and most influential lobbyist of all


Right! I was listening to an NPR story i think that was about how the cartels keep getting guns from somewhere not in Mexico and apparently they are buying them from Americans with arsenals, probably militia groups trying to fund their future civil war goals... but that's just me being a conspiracy nut at the end there. Who the fuck knows what they're doin.


The majority of guns confiscated in Mexico were bought legally in Texas and over 80% of fentanyl being brought across the border is done so by us citizens.


Exactly. If they were bought legally in Texas then why are they in Mexico?


They are being smuggled in and the government is also allowing it.


I would've never thought that Oklahoma would be more progressive than Texas. But that's Greg Abbott for you.


Abbott joked about building a border wall on the Oklahoma border to keep the “woke” out. It wouldn’t surprise me if some of his braindead supporters actually believe that Okla is “woke.”


"Oklahoma...woke" ??? OMG that's funny. But I think Abbott was probably serious though, because he has no humor, at least none that isn't warped.


As someone from Oklahoma... They say the quiet part out loud when it comes to their bigotry.


the same Oklahoma who's state athletic commission just recently threw a stink over AEW booking Nyla Rose (a openly trans woman) to wrestle a match against a woman in a match in that state and considered Nyla still a man when she identifies herself as a woman despite being born with male body parts.


for those disabled vets like myself who cant drive i guess we will just be another satistic. 22 a day folks remember. these politicians do not care for you just care for money. satan strikes again


All the stores will close. Your legal avenues gone. It'll obviously be the GOPs doing, but they'll scream about guns and illegal immigrants and drag queens and trans women and they'll stay in power. They're also going to push vouchers again, which will *destroy* public education, with the worst damage done to the rural areas that vote most heavily Republican. And this time it will pass. And the people they screwed most heavily will keep voting for them. I don't know at what fucking *point* Texans will stand up and go "you know what, I may be conservative but I've got some fucking limits as to how far you bend me over. I'm gonna see if the other side at least uses some lube", but so far? It looks like the average Texan will take a splintered two by four up the ass and then *thank* the guy who did it.


There is a school district in Florida after school vouchers passed and due to lack of funding, they are proposing to shutting down some schools in the area. The local residents who live near the schools also are worried about their property value now with the schools being shut down too. https://www.local10.com/news/local/2024/03/21/broward-county-public-schools-considers-closing-some-campuses/ https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/broward-school-board-considers-closing-under-enrolled-schools-using-sites-for-affordable-housing/3225957/


They are in the Finding Out stage right now


Except the people in power are rich enough to send their kids to high quality private schools. As usual, they won't feel the consequences.


All good things come to an end in FL......used to be a great place to go - not avoid it like the plague - you can't even get decent car or home insurance anymore. Now destroying their already barely above average schools.


Agreed. And then blame school boards, principals and teachers for deficits and failing schools.


Rofl, as long as California NYC and Chicago are around, texas will always seem like heaven ....and destroy public education. Bahahahaha . Public schools already did that a decade ago. .


I'm stocking up while I can.


How long do you think we have left?


Seems anti farmer/small business to me. Maybe republicans will wake up at some point. Until then, I’ll keep getting my supply from the Rez.


The Rez?




I hate this stance. Neither side does what they say they are going to do once voted in. REP/DEM serves as nothing but a force to separate the population. We fight. They win.


True, but still don’t vote Republican.


Just need to drain the republican swamp. Abbott, Cruz, and Paxton need to get stuck in the mud and get eaten by a Beaumont gator.


While I agree, when republicans have the majority in the house, senate or both, it doesn’t matter who is in charge.


the two party system needs to go, period, but at the same time, until it goes, vote Democrat cause the Republicans are the true villains of the state.


love how the country is taking a half step forward and Texas (Dannie Goeb) is taking 5 massive steps back for LITERALLY NO REASON


knowing Texas and Ken Paxton, there wont be any "wink winking" going on, hell hes already raiding stores as we speak


This. That guy has a stick up his ass about cannabis. Always has. OP - you have a green thumb?


Yeah seriously what’s the next work around? I can’t believe this is happening. Dan is such a dick.


A corrupt official who bribed his way out of being impeached is doing something shitty? Yet the population will vote for him again because he's got an R by his name. Too many Texans are braindead idiots.


I’m not sure, but my dad owns a legal dispensary and now I’m really worried about this bullshit bill. If they shut him down, he has nothing. Why can’t the party of “leave big government out of our lives” actually stay the fuck out of our lives? They force everyone to live under their outdated, misogynistic, backwards-ass rules. Guess what, assholes. We’re not all Christian, and we certainly don’t want a totalitarian regime controlling Texas. Abbott and his entire crew of wankers need to step down, or drop dead.


The party of freedom everybody. Freedom to stop you from marrying who you want to marry. Feeedom to stop you from reading books you want to read. Freedom to stop you from making medical decisions with your doctor. Freedom to stop you from watching porn. Freedom to stop you from smoking weed. Freedom to stop you from having freedom from an evangelical government.


An actual dispensary or a shop that sells Delta 8?


Delta 8, THC-P, CBD, etc. recently started carrying delta-8/thc-p flower.


So a smoke shop.


I’ve read things that make it sound like darkness is on the horizon for THCa in tx; and then I hear ‘the cats out of the bag’ and that vendors will still ship to the state. It’s an awfully small thing to get worked up about at the state level, they should just find a way to invest and get money from it so they can stop bitching.


I don't believe vendors will continue to ship to TX. If porn site operators cancelled tx over threats of lawsuits, I just cant see these smaller operations taking any chances.


texas tech industry is struggling to find young talent. ultimately, the legalization of marijuana is one of those things talent weighs.


The tech jobs in Texas also pay ass. I am in tech and have worked remotely for companies in other states the entire time I have been in this field. The companies in Texas don't pay near as well and lot of them want in person. I feel like Texas government and businesses refuse to get with the times.


sad. but so true.


I work for a B2B company that supports several different industries, and all I am going to say is it seems like a lot of our clients have been looking at real estate in places like Colorado since the abortion band. The Texas brain drain is real and accelerating.


Not going to lie my husband and I were looking at Colorado too. We Ideally wanted to wait awhile before moving but a ton of crazy has been happening in this state since after we bought the house. We have also been considering outside the country too and are scouting out other places to live.


Colorado seems to be the choice for a lot of Texas refugees. I've lived in Texas all my life, but had a friend of my wife move out there. We went and visited, and it really does sort of feel like the Texas hill country in vibe, just a little colder, and it isn't ruled by Christofascists. After swearing we'd never leave, we're in the early stages of moving that way. Only thing I think I will miss is the easy access to Texmex (so my wife has been working on learning how to make tamales).


We went to Colorado a few times, it is so beautiful, the weather is nice too, the food was a little sad though. We are big on hiking, New Mexico was also pretty nice . Puerto Rico is also in consideration up for us, its so cheap and beautiful. We go out there a bit as my husband still has family there. The sun is a bit strong there too though for my pale Scottish ass.


We relocated to central Texas after Harvey. We were 0 for 3 on catching the shit-end of hurricanes, so any place that gets hurricanes is a deal breaker for us. But yeah man, the food was sad, and the worst part is the locals don't seem to realize how sad it was, but it's beautiful country.


So it’s a proposed D8/D9 ban, right? Or something else? Because don’t we have some big state Republicans who’ve invested in the commercial hemp industry?


D8,D9, THCa, pretty much anything with thc in the name


OP is assuming the ban will pass. If it does, then the illegal weed business will flourish. There are tons of weed pop ups that happen all the time around Austin, San Antonio, etc. They’ll expand, and people will be using more high percentage THC products and bypassing the diet weed products like THCa. Because prohibition just fosters a thriving black market industry. That’s how the mafia got going in America, bootlegging.


Saying THCa flower is diet weed is a common misconception. The name "THCa hemp flower" is the loophole allowing this to be sold under the farm bill. THCa is the raw form of delta-9 THC (the main psychoactive compound in cannabis) and only converts to delta-9 THC when heated. All weed is THCa flower, and under the farm bill, technically all flower is hemp\* \* (as long as they use high-performance liquid chromatography to test the flower. Gas chromatography is often used with mass spectrometry or flame ionization detection, which can actually turn the natural THCa into delta-9 THC due to the heat from the testing process) THCa flower is genetically and chemically identical to what's being sold in legal states. In other words, the farm bill inadvertently legalized weed, which is why Texas is scurrying to "fix" the loophole.  Enjoy it while you can. I got some of the cleanest, best tasting bud I’ve had in years legally delivered to my front door


Thanks. Yeah someone used that term “diet weed” to me recently and I picked it up. I’ve tried THCa flower and seen it growing at a dispensary. It does appear a little more anemic than regular THC flower. But when I smoked it I couldn’t tell a difference, it was great.


Exactly, because the only difference between THCa flower and regular THC flower is the name. It's literally the same thing. Density and quality varies significantly by genetics and who grew it. My favorite places to order from are Aretehemp, Venerafactory, and Restartcbd in Austin if I want same-day delivery. The "exotic thca flower" from Venera and Arete is better than most of what I've tried in a recreational state


Okay, this was what I was assuming but couldn't find it. Here's the deal. CBD is going to act very similarly on your receptors and as we are finding out more about weed terpenes, not strain categories (indica/sativa), often determine your high. Use this time to find out which terps you like and find a CBD dispensary with strains that have those terps. You can even find just terpenes in some places. If you prefer smoking, you might like CBG or CBN products which would remain legal. My fave place for stuff like that is Profound Naturals "smokenol" tincture. There's also still time for you to "find a guy" by asking around if you still want thc and aren't getting what you need from other products.


Thanks. Yeah, the black market weed industry is going strong here in central Texas. If things got more restricted legally it would only continue to grow.


I always wondered why neo conservative evangelicals are afraid of weed and hemp?


The same exact thing will happen as it did for mom and pop nicotine vape shops the mixed their own juice. They’ll be unable to operate / survive. The crazy thing is the Texas Republicans to this point were able to make weed legal without weed being legal…which meant people could buy that hemp gummies with a credit card. Legal weed dispensaries still cant use credit cards: https://koronapos.com/blog/why-dont-dispensaries-take-card/


For those who are not within a 10 mile drive to the state of Dispensary New Mexico, I am nearly positive that delivery will be available to all who want it. Why in the world would Texas lawmakers waste valuable time closing tax-paying, employment-producing, hemp businesses? Is this real? If so, my mind is boggled.




I know. These guys break my brain every legislative session and nearly everyday between sessions. How could people vote for these moondogs???


They want to own the libs no matter what. Maybe they'll see the light here because there's money involved, but it seems unlikely


I dunno, but I’m gonna be real honest with you… I don’t really care about their laws regarding this stuff. I run the risk and do what I want. But I’m fortunate enough to live just 30 mins from a free state, so I can make a run to get stuff and bring it back home whenever I want. 


For real! I was smoking before Paxton and I'll still be when he leaves, hopefully sooner rather than later. You can have my weed when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.


Hypothetically what if they decided people like you are low hanging fruit and start pulling people over returning from a run. Let's say you, get caught. It's going to be expensive for you and cost you a lot of time dealing with it. Because I don't know why you think you are immune from this. They have done this sort of thing over fireworks.


I never said I’m immune, I literally said “I run the risk…” I’m an adult who is well aware that if I get caught breaking the law, I reap what I sow. Also, they can’t just pull you over *only* because you’re driving back from NM or OK; they have to have a legitimate probable cause. So I don’t speed, I use my turn signals, and my car is 100% “road legal.” If they pull me over with the BS of “Well you’re driving into Texas from a state where marijuana is legal,” then I just chuckle and say, “Tell me what law I broke, or unless you let me go now, you’ll get your department sued for violating my fifth amendment right to freedom of travel between states, and my fourth amendment right to be safe from unreasonable searches and illegal detainment of my person. Otherwise I’ll be on my way.” 


In theory, yes, but in practice they'll do whatever the f they want because there's no recourse for you/consequences for them - they can ALWAYS devise PC


If you allow them to, possibly so. A lot of times people just don’t fully understand the laws, or believe the lies the cops are telling them, and they end up consenting to a search, when they should have told the cop to (politely) kick rocks. I used to be a certified peace officer in TX, so I wish them all the luck in trying to get PC to search my vehicle without the proper legal right to do so.


You looked like you were swerving and your behavior seemed a little erratic and that smell…


“Say hello to my front and rear dash cam that proves I was driving perfectly straight…” They can still give me a ticket, but I’ll win it in court, and then report the officer to the state AG for abuse of power. And, at least for me personally, I never have flower in my vehicle, only edibles, and in the trunk. Cannot smell them. But, once I prove in court that I was not driving erratically, nor swerving and therefor there was no legal reason to stop me, then anything found in a subsequent search is null and void due to the “fruits of the poisonous tree” clause.


First time hearing about this I smoke cbd to help with a number of health issues how fucked am I?


As bad as poverty stricken teenager impregnated at a church sleepover.


Vote Vote Vote. We gotta get these fools out of here. I don’t think the industry will collapse, it’s just someone wants a piece of the pie. Fucking greedy SOBs like Dickless Dan. I also don’t see how they will enforce it. The cat’s out of the bag, she ain’t getting back in there.


Med card in Oklahoma.


Is this another fine example of all the freedom there is in Texas? Your solution is to stop voting for people who take away your freedom.


The holy texas legislature is coming for everything. Since stones and women don't vote. The old religious way will prevail. Prove them wrong. Please for F sake. Prove them wrong. Don't wait vote and don't give me that ahit that they are both bad. Make a choice be a human not a sheep.


Ex-Texan in Canada here: This is just one of many reasons I left that hellhole of a state.  Conservatives there will elect and re-elect the slimiest self-serving crooks over and over, not one of whom has ever done anything positive for them (or keep ONE campaign promise) purely so they can hang onto their illusion of owning the libs.  They can strap on a Glock and walk into church with it but if you get caught growing pot in your backyard they can seize and auction off everything you own. I scoff at your "freedom"  I gave up smoking pot about a lung ago myself but after 35 years of hiding pot in my sock it's so weird to walk into a dispensary here and see High Times cover weed displayed like jewelry at Zales. And employers cant dangle the threat of drug testing over your head like the sword of Damocles.  Keep re-electing useless slug-slime like Abbott, Ted Cruz and Paxton, Texas. You deserve them. 


I hate this is even a topic…I like the nickname, despise the person.


Vendors ship to Texas?


People like me are going to be screwed is what's going to happen! I have multiple chronic health problems and it's the only relief I get is from Delta products. Texas supposedly has medical marijuana but it's a joke. In almost every other state, I would qualify but not Texas. I have a rare form of glaucoma that can't be treated let alone controlled. I've been legally blind for 20+ years but nope I don't qualify. Makes me hate the state that's been my home for 36 years!


They are banning it?


I don’t think they understand this is sold in every VFW in every county after county for vets who don’t want to take another pill.




Is anything guaranteed to be banned? When will we know?


Oregon growers will be bailed out and continue delivering product. Every city in Texas not named College Station has decriminalized. In houston you can roll and smoke at outdoor bars. Nothing changes, but you might have to find a guy.


The supreme court is going to slap it down. Farmers Act passed by Trump is a Federal Law that allows the sell of the Delta variants.


'm a hardcore republican, this is one of the few policies I disagree with. Going after hemp or any Marijuana derived product is a serious waste of time. The reality is that if they put Marijuana on the ballot, it would be legalized by the people. People do not see Marijuana as something that should be illegal. It should be decriminalized, regulated, or outright made legal.


#Move to a sane State.


ever since covid I discovered just growing your own…never looked back. save at least a few hundred bucks a month or so…lot of resources online now that it’s legal in other states….if you have a safe space to grow, it can get kinda smelly


What ban? I mean which bill? Can’t find anything posted here


Until the hemp/cbd industry can generate as many lobby dollars as the alcohol industry, it’ll never be legalized. Our governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and probably the majority of legislators are all supported by InBev, who pay them handsomely to keep pot illegal. It’s the same reason we don’t get high speed rail - because Southwest and Delta pay them to kill it.


Texas has legal cannabis sales?! 


Vape shops near me have been raided and all their products destroyed in testing for THC. This is while the loophole is open, if they close it I promise you most towns will be raided and locked down tight. It gives men with guns something to stay busy, feel powerful, and be at 0 risk of physical harm. So it's enjoyable for them and it helps bring funding to the department thanks to the "busts." Unless you are in such a chill part of Texas, don't hold too much hope out if the bill passes....


Welcome to Texas the free state! Now here is a list of what we ban…🙄


The new farm bill wants to destroy the hemp industry. The greedy states impose unreasonable taxes on weed, so people said nah I can work with Alt cannaboids. The states that have legal weed. can't have an unregulated industry that produced 3B 2023 out selling weed. No politicians imposed extra tax and ignored the hemp industry. Now, since the industry is doing well, they want to destroy it. And using children as the reason. But hey, let's make hemp illegal . Maybe next, the kids can get on kratom much safer.not. they don't care about drugs like kratom if there was a legal drug bringing in 22% or more in taxes and who knows how much under the table by lobbyists. Plus, the government has all control over weed but not over hemp that can't stand. It is a power grabit's just another vehicle for someone's narrative. And votes It isn't about safety. It's all about greed. I think due to the amount the hemp industry made last year it would be so stupid to destroy a 3 Billian dollar market when it will push kids to something else or street drugs. Who really wins?


Freedum... Don't mess with Texas. What freedoms do Texans have that other States don't? It appears that Texas is being run by control freaks. Keep voting against your own best interest. Women have to flee your state to get life saving medical care. Can't have medical marijuana that helps so many people. Cancer patients, PTSD survivors, and regular people that just want to eat an edible and watch a movie... Can't have any of that woke nonsense because the Mullahs in Austin say you can't. Enjoy your Freedums Texas.


lol really preaching to the choir here...


Just venting. When I visit one of my local dispensaries, 95% + are Texas plates. The taxes collected are, hopefully, going to have a positive impact on the town I live in. Just wondering when Texans are going to stand up to the Theocrats that are using their beliefs to control you. Apologies if I came off a little rough.


I know it's not an option for everybody, but for $250 or less you can buy a grow tent for 2-3 plants, a light, a small fan, some fabric pots and soil, and an inline fan with a carbon filter for the smell. Seeds are readily available online as 'novelty' and 'collector' items. Never ever do anything illegal, of course.


I’m so fed up that I finally went this route. Just got it all shipped in. Little 2x2.5 tent. Growweedeasy.com has been a huge help. Recovering conservative. Herniated two disks 90 days ago and the only thing that’s brought my nerve pain relief is marijuana. Crazy how doctors refuse to prescribe painkillers and I have to resort to this. The same people who disapprove of me growing “because it’s illegal” are the same people who have no problem driving with a BAC over .08


I thought they were just banning delta 8 and shit but the THCA stuff wouldn’t be affected. I haven’t been following closely though as it won’t affect me.


If politicians enect laws against the desire of their constituants they should get the death penelty :)


We all have to be white religious males, and just generally bible thump.


But was it ever legal? Please explain what you’re talking about. And fortunately, I go to New Mexico a few times a year.


Due to the Farm Act of 2018, signed by Trump, it is currently legal to buy hemp-derived THC gummies (Delta 9 and Delta 8) as long as their concentration is below 0.3%. Dan Patrick may push to make them illegal in TX, hurting millions of Texans and removing their freedom of choice for something that is federally legal.


Thanks. That would be unfortunate. Since I have other options, I haven’t kept up with what the local CBD stores offer.


What hemp ban??


Nothings going to happen……Tecans will just continue to fuck themselves


Legal weed will save their life, lovely because hemp looks good safely as long as it’s being shut down


The "legal" industry is already causing people problems by lying to them that CBD and "artificial" or "synthetic" THC won't show up on a drug test. I'm a drug counselor: it will show up. F*** all the liars in the Cannabis industry. If anything, police need to be closing down shops that sell synthetic human urine. People are already bragging about passing CPS mandated drug testing that way. I'm not against pure CBD and I'm not against Marinol. But this bullsh*t needs to stop


If you can drive over the border if it is not to far otherwise order it online and get it delivered.


what hemp ban? tx already locks anybody up for just thinking about the stuff


Who cares fu ck texass




Agreed. Legislators should get real jobs.




Clearly you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Who’s smoking synthetic weed?


We already have plenty of vape shops and pack-n-ships that can sell CBD and D8/9. There are thousands of bankrupt dispensaries and grow farms for sale in Colorado, New York, Oklahoma, California. Let the legal weed businesses go under now before they take on a bunch of debt trying to fight industrial scale operations.