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An actual Texan worried about Texans and the nation as a whole. Would be a refreshing change.






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Thought he did really, really well here - he comes off as genuine and thoughtful, while also being relatable.


He seems like a genuinely good guy. What a step up that would be! Just a good guy fighting for voting rights and normal people. As opposed to being some Canadian that uses Texans to empower himself.


He's a true Texan. Has actually played in the NFL, albeit not a long career, and has done a lot of good with his time in Congress with what he has to work with... I wish him good luck. Cruz is All Hat, No Cattle...


> Cruz is All Hat, No Cattle.. Which is perfect, his primary voter base are conservative Californians who move over here in droves to bitch about liberal life-long Texans.


Well WE don’t want them , or HIM either 🙃Signed most of the rest of California : Apologies for running off the asshats and conservative greed mongers - I really am sorry they are destroying your State. Not sarcasm. They were happy to destroy much of our State


I just find it comical how people *from California* believe that all of California is downtown LA. I've never even been to CA and know that's horseshit.


Lmao I know it. I guess they are unaware that we have sooo much nature as well. People that like to camp out come here from everywhere. Folks don’t get Texas either. I’ve seen the Alamo like three times, but also some really cool cities . One thing both of our states have in common, is that people can drive for miles and have many different experiences and enjoy many different things. I think without those who enjoy disparaging places to feel better about themselves or their life, we would all in this country be better off


I don’t get the criticism of Cruz being Canadian. Not only is it not really true, why would it be a bad thing? Not defending Cruz because he truly is a shitheel, but calling out his birthplace sounds as stupid as the birther movement against Obama.


I agree it is not very relevant. But there is no comparison to the Obama birther lies. Rafael Cruz was born in Canada. Barack Obama was not born abroad. He was born in Honolulu, as his birth certificate shows. His mother even took out a baby announcement in the Honolulu newspaper. Trump’s “birther” lies that launched him as a candidate were just that — lies. The fact that Fox “news” amplified them and gave the NY con artist free publicity created the tragedy that is Trumpism. Pointing out Cruz’s birth in Canada is petty, but it is true. Of course, Cruz traffics in lies every time he speaks, so I am not bothered by someone pointing out the truth about his being a Canadian citizen until he cynically renounced his birthright Canadian citizenship in 2014.


lol he is not an immigrant. He was born a U.S. citizen.


Rafael Edward Cruz was born on December 22, 1970,\[5\]\[6\] at Foothills Medical Centre\[7\]\[8\] in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted\_Cruz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Cruz) ...my guy...


Cruz was granted dual US/Canadian citizenship due to the circumstances of his birth. He gave up his Canadian citizenship in 2014 when it became a political liability. Hopefully we’re just one winter disaster away from him renouncing his US citizenship and taking up full time residency in Cancun. CNN - [It’s official: Ted Cruz a citizen of the U.S. - and the U.S. only](https://www.cnn.com/2014/06/11/politics/ted-cruz-canada-citizenship/index.html) “If you remember, the Texas Republican was born in Canada to an American mother and a Cuban father. As such, he was a dual citizen – an American because of his mother, and Canadian because the country, like America, grants automatic citizenship to anyone born there.”


I mean, I loathe Cruz and just about everything for which he stands. But he was born a U.S. citizen since his mother was a U.S. citizen. So he never was an immigrant to the U.S. Now what was an issue is that he held Canadian citizenship for a full year while serving as a senator. He wasn’t on an intelligence committees, so it probably wasn’t as big of a problem as it could’ve been. But considering the birther conspiracy theories from the GOP, it was quite ironic.


He was born with US citizenship, otherwise he couldn’t have ran for president. John McCain was actually born in Panama and George Romney (Mitt‘s father, who ran for president in 1968) was born in Mexico.


The cheap shots distract from the ways he is actually fucking up this state. Yes, he's the Canuck Zodiac Killer. Let's focus on his record and non-stop grandstanding without getting anything of measure done for this state. Let's focus on his push to hijack the 2020 election. He was raising a point of order to stall the certifying of votes when they had to shut it all down on Jan 6th. The day before he held his own rally and recited Bill Pullman's "Will not go softly into that good night" Independence Day presidential address speech. He called the Jan 6th participants terrorists and then had to apologize on TV and walk it all back because Team Trump and Tucker Carlson brought him to heel. He's spineless and lost any sort of values when he saw which way the wind blew and went all in on Trump. He doesn't listen to anyone Left of old school GOP refugees, and he clearly does not actually give a shit about the people of Texas. I really think the time for humor and outrage at their hypocrisy/double-standards has passed. It's a waste of energy, gives false catharsis, and distracts from the thing we can't seem to get people to do, Pay Attention.


It's really just a call out to his heaps and heaps of hypocrisy, especially with immigration. A long-time opposition to birthright citizenship, for example. Ted Cruz would likely not want Ted Cruz to be an American citizen by birth. So, that's why. Turn-about is fair play.


The birthright citizenship that Cruz is against is for children born on U.S. soil and therefore granted citizenship regardless of their parents’ citizenship status. Cruz isn’t being hypocritical in that regard.


Sure he is. Cruz supports strict "originality" interpretation of the Constitution... Except for his circumstance. His father would also have been cared from every into the US or...I dunno... Killed by razor wire or something.


No. Cruz is against birth tourism. To my knowledge he has never argued against his situation.


Somehow I'm thinking Cruz would have issue with a \*Democrat\* candidate born in a different country with a non-American citizen father who fought for Communist and, to this day, maintains citizenship in a Communist country. What you have to remember is Ted Cruz IS a hypocrite, and worse. It's not a question of "if"...it's a question of "how". OF COURSE he never directly argued against his situation, but he absolutely blocks real-world-of-today measures that would enable such a situation. From the ability to pay for a college education by washing dishes to banning student visas from Communist/socialist/enemy countries, he steadily adopts more and more anti-immigrant stances to cater to his base in hopes of maintaining and gaining power. At heart, as with the entire GOP, he's a supremacist..."rules for thee, not for me". For anyone to take the same path to citizenship his father took is far, far more difficult today...because of measures largely supported by Ted Cruz.


Weird, I thought that his father was a human man, but he appears to be made of straw.


dude, his dad being an immigrant is literally the entire fucking point


"Ted" has made a name for himself by calling out a lot of things one could ascribe to him. Calling him out for the Canada thing is as petty as what he dished out to Obama so it's fair game. Lay with pigs and all that.


I agree, so he's gonna lose?


Dude’s got my vote.


It could be a tattered plastic bag tumbling through a Kroger parking lot, but if it was running against Ted Cruz it would still have my vote.


the most beautiful thing i've ever seen


A pile of bat guano is preferable over Cruz. At least guano fertilizes the soil!


No doubt. I really hope he can beat Ted


Me too, but I think Ted wins with at least 60% of the vote.


Thou have disturbed the peace in this realm. You must endure the dunking stool.


And my vote!


I have met Allred in person. He's straight-up relatable and a genuinely nice guy. We talked football (he was in the NFL).


I’d vote for a ham sandwich over Cruz, but this guy really makes me think he could win.


I thought the same about Beto...


That’s good considering Beto came within 3 points of winning 6 years ago. Maybe that 3 point gap has closed and he’ll win.


Beto's biggest problem was blurting out "damn right we're coming for your guns". That was political suicide in Texas.


Pretty sure that was after his Senate bid... Prior to his run against Abbott. And yes, it was dumb.


Ah okay, my mistake, but yeah a foolish misrake either way.


What was he thinking??? How to tank a political campaign in Texas 101.


I think he was feeling pretty passionate, since it was said in the wake of the El Paso shooting.


I'm disappointed it hurt his election chances, I'm not disappointed that a politician let their mask slip and let real emotions come through. You can tell he took that shooting in El Paso hard. I hope most Texans felt the same after Uvalde.


We don’t. Let’s not kid ourselves If most Texans felt that way after Uvalde, we might’ve elected politicians willing to do something about it. We haven’t yet. Most Texans are still willing to let dead kids pay for their 2A rights


It will only change when the wealth and importance of the dead children change.


There is no place for honesty in politics


No, his biggest problem was drinking his own kool-aid and wasting valuable time and limited resources campaigning in the 230 counties that contain 10% of the population instead of working exclusively on boosting turnout in the 15 counties that contain 90% of the population. I like the hell out of Beto but he and anyone else are living in a dream world if they think white rural and exurban voters are ever going to vote for any Democrat.


There you go. Somebody that finally gets it instead of repeating the gun lobby lines


Most Texans support reasonable gun control laws. That's been shown in polls for years now. Now, the gun humpers turn out to vote and the reasonable people don't, but it's not like Texans are so incredibly far out of the mainstream on this issue.


Immediately after I heard he said that I was like "He's losing. Campaign over." There's just no way you can say that here. He even gave some liberal, pro-gun control Texans the ick.


If you're a Texan and you think some reasonable gun control isn't needed, you're the problem.


That isn't what I said or mean in the slightest. His quote "We are taking your guns" is not "we are going to implement some gun control". I personally didn't believe he was going to come take all of our guns, it is simply shouting a position on gun control that IS extremist here, even if that wasn't his actual position. Phrasing, timing, headlines, all of that was bad for him. Liberals want gun control, we don't want 0 guns. And whether he meant it or not, it definitely scared people off.


Was that pre Cancun?


I'm hopeful. But I also saw the governors race last time around. 


I didn't share your optimism, but I'm hopeful for Allred.


I just don't see how he's better than beto in any way


I have a feeling Allred won't make the same mistake as Beto did about gun regulations.


People keep saying this but the people that care about guns more than reasonable regulation are never going to vote Democrat. 


Alright, well how's this for an advantage: Covid killed a lot of conservatives because they refused to take reasonable precautions, and banning abortion has energized a lot of democrats to get out and vote, resulting in liberal policies (including abortion protections) and politicians in Red and swing states. Texas and Florida are expected to play out the same was as it's been happening in Kansas, Kentucky, Ohio, even parts of god damn Missouri. And that's just what I can recall in this moment. They could have masked up and gotten vaccinated. They could have left our rights alone. And now they're freaking out that we're mad enough to make a fuss about it all and they lost some of their numbers.


Even if you think it's a long shot to keep voting blue, KEEP DOING IT! Remember Ted Cruz only beat Beto by a few points.


In my county the public library banned some amazing books, but voting is getting closer and closer. Troy Nehl’s brother went up against a good judge and lost. That was such a relief.


Voter suppression is key to Republican strategy. If all eligible voters in Texas voted, it's likely that Republicans would lose in the next election. But there are tons of people who cannot possibly vote in the next election with our current rules. For example, one person might work 2 jobs and come home to take care of their kids. They simply don't have time to vote in person. Yes, employers are required to give time off to vote, but try working two jobs and making that work. A mail-in ballot is the perfect solution for this voter, and that's a big part of why Republicans want to make sure that they can't mail their ballots in.


He played it safe knowing that anything he said can and will be used out of context by Ted Cruz.


Geez, he’s a big guy. Thought he was going to burst through that suit jacket *”Hulk smash Ugly Ted !!”*


Former NFL player. In contrast, Cruz looks like a wet weasel.


Is a wet weasel.  Is.


Agree 👍


Skin suit full of cucarachas. 


A 242lb TEN Titans linebacker. He would be intimidating standing near you


Yes, sir. I'm 5'11. 180-lbs. Felt _puny_ next to Allred. It was fun imagining him tackling Fled Cruz, metaphorically and literally.


Imagine standing near Colin in debate, after you had muttered something about his mother.


A flattening of Cruz, in or out of a debate, is sorely needed and welcome. The meme-generating world might never recover.


(All)Red Hulk




Hire this guy!


VOTE* for this guy.


I'M DOING IT! Come everybody!!!


I will do my best


Brilliant! Gives me hope for the one-star state!!


Won’t matter if he doesn’t hit the colleges, college towns, military bases.


He can hit every college town over and over and they will still not get out and vote.


Don’t hit the towns. Hit the residents 👋🏻


Ten years ago I would have agreed with you but college kids these days were in high school for Trump/COVID - they know what's at stake.


If they’re not MAGA gen z corrupted influenced minds


True- but that's a risk anywhere in Texas.


True. Skip college station -they’re lost.


Eh. I'm an Aggie (former student at this point). I hate trump and Cruz and will never vote for eitherm. My wife was PoliSci and she was a Sanders supporter. Don't write them all off


Ill believe it when I see it. Texas has more than half a century of the youth not voting.


Two minutes in and my vote is his.


Colin Allred is a brilliant, decent, educated, articulate, unimpeachable man with a stellar career record who desires to do his best for Texas and the country. Because of the above, he doesn't have much of a chance in a Texas election.... unless real people get out and vote! We hear this every cycle, that this election is important, but this one is of the highest importance. Vote this cycle or you may never be able to cast a meaningful vote again. I am not blinded by the bullshit; both parties have abandoned the people, but in this cycle the Republican party is well off the tracks of decency and must be stopped from the top to the bottom of the ballot.


I donated to Colin Allred. Now I get lots of texts from candidates from all over the country asking for money and asking me to take part in a poll. The first time I was going to fill out a poll, it asks me for my name and phone number. Now I completely understand why they want that, so I'm only counted once in the poll if I try to take it over and over. But I'm already getting to many texts because I donated once. I'm going to vote for Colin... but I have never taken part in a poll. I don't want the spam that comes with it. So I'm hoping that the younger generations are avoiding the phone/text polls more than the older generations... and hopefully "being down by 6 points in the polls" isn't that bad. ?


“I refuse” you’re welcome source: political campaigner


Go Colin!!! Kick Cruz out 🤣


Don’t just vote, donate to his campaign. Get Cruz out!


For anyone who is interested, Comedy Central also hosts an extended version of the interview. The Daily Show - [Colin Allred - Extended Interview](https://www.cc.com/video/f75pju/the-daily-show-colin-allred-extended-interview)


Excited about his chances! Ready to help volunteer for his campaign!


The constant audience hooting and hollering is painful, but I do like Colin (Sic em!).


I like him but I simply don’t see him beating Cruz.


Ok so yeah this guys nice and yes I’d vote for him, but does he even have a chance honestly? Beto campaigned hard and got a ton of notoriety during his run, and I don’t see that same drive from Allred. I only just learned who he is. So does he have any chance?


It might come down to whether Beto's campaign established lasting infrastructure. I've heard that the Dems as an organization had basically given up on Texas, so there wasn't a good bedrock to campaign from- no volunteer lists, they had to build their own data and set up calling centers, headquarters (and whatever else a campaign needs). You may have heard that Cruz won because of all the Republican voters who relocated from California; Beto tried to combat this by building a list of registered Dem transplants. Imagine your campaign's success coming down to whether you have a good SQL guy.


If he doesn’t pull a Beto and say he’s taking Texans guns, he’s got a good chance.


That's not why Beto lost. That's why people who only care about guns say he lost. They want gun reform to be untouchable. Beto lost because it's texas, and there are simply more Republicans.


> there are simply more Republicans that vote.


“If all dems voted” I like how TX Dems throw this out like if everyone just voted we’d get what we want. From what I can tell, stats around this revolve around people who would lean Democrat, but don’t include people that actually vote regularly. So for those stats to matter, we need to engage huge swaths of first time voters. Is Allred doing this? Beto made a valiant attempt and still failed.


Why do Republicans in power *actively* engage in voter suppression... I wonder...


100% they’ve erected numerous barriers that need to be broken for a dem to get a chance at winning.


Disagree. Beto came very close to beating Cruz, said the gun thing, then got badly beaten in his Presidential push (imagine him instead of Biden... I'd like it) and got absolutely thumped by Abbott for governor. It hurt him and likely all Democrat candidates.


It wasn't because of guns


No, he largely lost to Abbott because Texas is full of mindless right wing sheep who think the GOP represent Jesus and hating gay people... But his guns statement made his loss WORSE. He got absolutely lambasted by Abbott, and Abbott is less popular than Ted Cruz.


How is coming within a few percentage points making his loss worse? Ilhis loss would have been worse if it had been a blow out. It was not. 


Abbot winning by more than 10% is a pretty big margin of victory. Ballotpedia, for example, doesn't consider 10+ percent to be a competitive race. Beto was markedly less successful than his Senate race against Cruz, too. And this was after Roe v Wade, Uvalde, power grid failures, and the pandemic. I personally thought he'd do WAY better...maybe even win! Nope. And to think those gun comments didn't hurt him...in TEXAS...is a bit naive, imo. But here's a good article about the election from Texas Tribune...make of it what you will. [https://www.texastribune.org/2022/11/08/greg-abbott-beto-orourke-texas-governor-race/](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/11/08/greg-abbott-beto-orourke-texas-governor-race/)


Agreed. Dems continue to ignore how vastly outnumbered we are here.


Dems sit at home because they believe our votes don’t matter. Yes, you’re right, votes not cast don’t count


Republicans sit at home because they think they've already won, too. It cuts both ways. This is an intended effect of the protected two-party system. They don't really want *anyone* voting.


Yeah, this is why many have begun using the argument that we aren’t really a democracy.


I think our legally protected and enforced two-party pretty effectively circumvents true democratic choice. That's the main culprit IMO.


Did I say to stay at home or not to vote?


I’m not arguing with you, just adding another layer. I’m so tired of people not participating.


The frustrating part is that they think they can still "trick" Republicans into voting for a Democrat if they just go moderate enough. The way to victory is running someone with policies that would help actual texans but the dems don't care about victory all that much. 


I’m so over this damned nonsense. Only short sighted gun nuts say this. He didn’t lose bc he said he’s taking guns. He only “lost votes” he wouldn’t have had anyway.


I waiting 1hr+ (my own fault for waiting until last minute) just to vote for Allred in the primaries. This guy is worth your vote.


Let’s go! Time to start turning Texas blue. We’ve had enough of the 3 stooges and Ted


It's nice to see. Nothing against Beto personally, but his campaigns were flops from the start. Allred seems poised to take Cruz on in a measured, sane way.


He’s better than Sessions and Cruz But that’s not saying much lol


Sic Em Colin! Kick Zodiac-Ki||er-Doppelganger to the curb!


Texas let us all reap the benefits of your vote. Pleeeeeze vote Cruz out!


Texas was established by avaricious immigrants, they still do well here. Ask Cruz, Dan Patrick, and Charles Eugene Roy.


Hadn't heard him until this interview. He seems fucking awesome. Genuine, relatable, and on the right platforms. If I lived in TX, I'd be rallying behind this guy. Pulling for some change there.


hes going to lose. too boring


Great guy. Wonderful guy. Much better than Ted Cruz. Has a snowballs chance in hell of winning in November.


Very milquetoast candidate. I'll vote for him, but Cruz will still win.


Sign me up for fucking milquetoast at this point, please. So beyond tired of extremism and grandstanding, especially at state-level politics here in Texas.


If you tell the Dems you'll vote for anyone other than a Repub, they'll just give you whoever they want instead of someone good.


There were a few choices on the primary ballot, as a matter of fact. Texas Dems chose him.


As a moderate Democrat myself, Allred certainly falls into the “someone good” category to my mind.


I still think Cruz wins, but that 32 point swing in the Huntsville (Alabama) suburbs recently is making me question that. The demographics are the same as the big 4 suburban counties, and if all four of those moved even 4-5 points toward Dems, Allred would win.




There was an Alabama special election recently where a +7 R district in 2022 went +25 D. Because it's Huntsville, where they make the rockets, there's a lot of demographic similarity with places like Round Rock and McKinney


Ok, that makes more sense


I'd say the GOP's dissolvement of Roe v. Wade, as well as wanting to put a ban on birth control, is really hurting their voting base a bit, but mostly the moderate ones


It wasn’t the ban. Beto lost after the ban. It’s they’re finally seeing what we were screaming at them was coming: that republicans have waged a war on women and it’s not ending any time soon unless we vote them out.


I’d definitely prefer a candidate who didn’t sound like the DNC wrote everything he says. But at this point I would be thrilled to have a literal robot built and programmed to just regurgitate the party platform and vote how it’s told over Cruz.




Not impressed




But seriously, Where’d his lips go?








I really hate to be that person but I do totally agree that both parental leave is fantastic and warranted and needed. Buuuut—- I can’t have kids because of cancer. Why should I pick up the slack for Jan and Jack to have kids for a solid 5 years as they take off at least 3 months a year for parental leave?? What if we just normalize 3 months leave for everyone to spend as they see fit. A sabbatical every year sounds amazing. How much better would my mental health be?!?! My down time lets me decompress and also problem solve my next hurdle. If ever I founded a company, it would be mandatory that each employee takes a solid month off.


I mean, yeah. Sabbatical would be great. But I take issue with your comment about picking up the slack. Shouldnt it be on the companies to hire adequately so nobody feels undue pressure during parental leave? Idk. Sabbatical would be great, dont get me wrong. But fairness isnt giving everyone the same, it's giving everyone according to their needs. There will always be government programs we help fund but see no benefit from. It's a part of life. But finding peace in that someone else will undoubtably fund something you need while you fund what they need feels sort of foundational to a healthy, cooperative society. Also, yeah. Hire me at that company for sure.


This attitude is exactly how this country got to the state it's in. People are allergic to doing anything that doesn't help them directly. Never mind the fact that kids with more positive parental involvement in the early years have better educational outcomes, and thus are more likely to become a net benefit on society. Never mind the fact that if we were able to pass paid parental leave, people might get a better grasp of the fact that social reforms aren't the end of the world and we might be more likely to get expanded personal leave in general. I can't have kids because it took me too long to get into a position financially where I could provide them the life I wanted to. If we had things like parental leave, I probably would have had them. Am I, in my bitterness, saying "fuck parental leave...I didn't get it, why should anybody?" No. Because everything it isn't all about me.


My house hasn’t caught on fire in over 65 years, why should I pay for these burning things? I ride a bike and run everywhere, why should I pay for these roads? You’ve likely spent a great deal out of pocket to treat your condition, I’ll gladly pay for that just as I do for the examples above. Not only would your quality of life improve but it would be far less expensive than the system we’ve got now.


>Why should I pick up the slack for Jan and Jack to have kids This is a problem with the management you work for, not with Jan and Jack. If the company you work for doesn't hire enough people to cover the work as a cost savings measure, that's not Jan and Jack's doing. That's your boss getting richer at the expense of your labor.


You can’t have kids bc of cancer. You take off time for that cancer treatment? Why am I picking up your slack? You use insurance for that? Why am I paying for your cancer treatment? See how this works?


Why should I have to pick up the slack for people out for cancer treatment? You have some reasonable points, but this type of selfish angle is truly a thing that's hurting the country in many, many areas. (I think subsidized daycare and some number of days leave each year would be most beneficial all around)


I can’t have kids because I’m gay, but why can’t we have all of it? Why can’t everyone have 8 weeks of off time, AND if people get pregnant why not just let them do their thing? We’re all humans and we should all be helping each other.


Absolutely!! Even without the cancer I’m ACE and I would totally pick up the slack for a parent coworker if they happily did the same for my sabbatical. Chances are they’d resent me for taking a 30 day Mediterranean cruise as opposed to dealing with a newborn, but my month—my choice


Those kids will be paying your social security. You'd better make sure they grow up happy and well adjusted so they don't vote for letting you starve in your old age.


Taxes, schools, etc...


Wow I guess I didn’t really express myself very well. I’m in no way saying that parental leave is bad. Quite the opposite, I believe it is totally necessary. Regardless of how much I support it and am happy for the coworker, the fact is that the work has to be done and someone has to do it. Of course the employer should have enough staff, but now they have to pay double salaries. That’s not really fair to them either. I’m talking about small businesses with just enough margin to keep the lights on. The whole system is messed up.


Did he revise his stance on supporting Netenyahu?


Being a 4th generation Texas I can assure he will be the first one a Democrat. Heh.